The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 01, 1911, Image 2

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    Canada at the
Chicago Land Show
A carload of grain In straw, grasses
and othor of tho products of Western
Canada arrived at Chicago tho othor
day, and is now Installed In tho
Coliseum, where- tho United States
Jand and Irrigation oxposltlon Is under
way, Those who aro Interested In
tho "Back to tho land movement" will
find In tho Canadian exhibit ono of
tho best displays of tho agricultural
products of Western Canada that lias
evor been made. Thero aro repre
sentative men thero, .ho will bo
pleased to glvo tho fullest Information
regarding tho country,
Tho exhibit shows what can be
dono on tho frco grant lands of that
country and most of tho grain was
produced on tho farms of former rent
dents of tho United States who havo
token ndvantago of tho homestead
lands of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Tho vegetable exhibit will nttract
a great deal of attention, and soma
marvelous potatoes, carrots, turnips,
cabbago and cauliflower aro shown.
It Is truo that tho homestead area
Is being rapidly taken up and tho
bulk of that now to bo had Hos north
of tho Saskatchewan river in a por
tion of tho country known ns tho park
country. Hero thero Is a largo quan
tity of open pralrlo Intcrsporscd by
beautiful groves of poplar and willow,
Water is in abundance, hay is plenti
ful and consequently fodder for ani
mals Is right at hand. Thoso who
liavo taken ndvnntago of farming In
theso districts and watched tho efforts
of thoso In tho pralrlo proper feel
thnt they havo tho ndvantngo of their
brother, who in not nblo to securo fuel
and tho othor conveniences of the
park district on his own farm,
Tho crop conditions throughout
Western Canada tho past yoar havo
been gcnorally good, and eomo won
derful crop yields of wheat, oats and
barloy nro recorded, Tho Canadian
Government, under whoso auspices
tho exhibit spoken of Is being mado,
is preparing reports on crops In tho
dlftoront Westorn Canada districts,
and while thoso will not bo ready for
distribution at tho land show com
mencing on tho 18th of Novombor
and closlngon Dec. Oth, application
made to the Canadian Government
agent noarest you will bring them to
you as soon ns they aro published.
Teacher Tommle, what la tho fu
ture of "I glvo?"
Tommlo "You take." Life.
Dr. I'lerco's Pleasant Pellet regulate
and Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels.
Sugar-coated, tiny granules, cany to taka
at candy.
Love never falls, because It nover
stops trying.
Tell tho dealer you want a Lewi' Singlo
Humor straight fl clanr.
Wisdom, illte flowers, requires cul
turn. Ballon.
When You Think
Oi the pain which many women experience with every
month It wake tho gentleness and kindness always associ
ated with womanhood teem to be almost a miracle.
"While in general no women rebels against what she re
rd et a natural necessity there Is no woman who would
not gladly be free from this recurring period of pain,
Dr. Pierce' a Favorite Prescription makes
weak women atroai mad alck women
veil, mad Uvea them tceedam from aala.
It establishes regularity, subdues Intlam
I matlea, heals ulceration aad cares te
male vreakaeas.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter,
frer. All correspondence strictly nrlvato and innrnllv
confidential, Write without fear and without fee to World'e Dispensary Med
ical Awoclatlon, It. V. Pierce, M. D., President, lluffaio, N. Y.
H you want a book that tells all about woman's diseases, and how to cure
them at home, tend 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of tnalliarf
only, vond ho will tend you n frit copy of hit great thousand-pafio illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviserrevised, up-to-date edition, in paper covers.
. (Ia handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps.
End Your Ironing Troubles
by Using
Defiance Starch
The most
the, market today. Works equally
well hot or cold and produces a
finish unequaled by any other
Ready for More Sacrifice.
Frank Mclntyro, after a recent per
formnnco of "Snobs," fell into a
story-tolling mood and recalled tho
vaccination of tho six-year-old son of
ono of his friends. Tho boy was
given 50 cents for undergoing tho or
his father:
"Daddy, isn't thero anything else
you can havo dono to mo 7 I need
tho monoy."
Bend 2o stamp for flro inmptra of mj terr eholo
Nt Gold Jlniboiiwd Cbrlatinaa and New Tour
t'oat 0,V bmlfnl color and lovelltit dMlgna.
Art Poet Card Clbb.TJr Jaekaon HL.Topeka, Kant&a
In tho deepest night of troublo and
sorrow, we havo so much to bo thank
ful for that wo need novor coaso our
singing. Colorldgo.
Mr. Wlniilow'd Soothing Byron for Children
If othlntr, soften the RUmx, reduce Inflammi
Hon, ullays pain, cure wind colic, SSa a bottle
Thero nro still plenty of green pas
tures for all tho Lord's sheep.
Then by all means get
a bottle of
Stomas! Bitters
this very 4ay. It
makes weak stomachs
strong; keeps the liver
and bowels active.
QET HOSTETTER'S At All Drunnlsls
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Cura
, fail. Purely vegcta'
Die net surely
out gently on
the liver.
Stop after
dinner distress-euro
improve the complexion, brighten the eyes.
Genuine must bear Signature
coon, cat, dog IlliutratiMl lO-pnaonnialoguoi-cnni
Stamp. llOOKWOOD KHNft
Leiluuton, Kr.
PETTIT'S EYE SALVE Is what you need
Ington.D.C. lloolcifroe. Itlult
cat relereuoc. liat ruwiu.
serviceable starch on
will prove its merits
you a confirmed user,
JSee that you get
time. Big 16 -ounce
package for 10 cents at
all grocers.
Manufactured by
Defiance Starch Co.
iHur aii ill
r I Hnirn
Plan 100-Story Building for Gotham
I e g u
-JC 'Tim C ) IliHiTTY
RF'1' ...V, "i I" V. A-
NEW YORK. At tho recent meet
ing of tho National association of
Building Owners and Mnnagers In
Cleveland, O., tho statement was
mado that skyscrapers over 30 stories
In height aro monuments of useless
ncss. To show tho absurdity of tho
statement Ooorgo T. Mortimer, vice
president of tho United StatoB Realty
nnd Improvement company, of Now
York, stated that thero arc now In his
offlco planB for a 100-story building.
Ho claims that from an engineering
standpoint tho plnns aro practical nnd
there Is no reason why the building
could not bo copntructcd.
A fow years ago, when It was bo
lloVcd tho building codo would bo
nmondod to prevent tho erection of
buildings hlghed than 20 stories, the
EqUltablo Life Inaurnnco company
Mod plans for a CO-story building, but
thnt was little more than a dream of
the lato Paul Morton, then president
of tho company.
When tho Metropolitan tower was
built two years ago It was thought
Aged Churchman
NEWARK, N. J. Ellis Apploby, of
Old Urldge, N. J., CO years old,
deacon In tho Dnptlst church, wealthy
and well known, was recently ar
rested on n chargo of arson. Action
comeB nfter an Inquiry of six years,
In which tho wholo county of Middle
sex has been terrorised by Incendiary
fires. During tho rolgn of terror mur
der followed nrson. Tho specific ac
cusation Is mndo by an Insurance com
pany In tho enso of tho burning of
tho homo of Mrs. Jessie Drown on
August 31. In six years the residents
of Old Brldgo have been strnngoly
murdorod and moro than a dozen flroB
Six years ago Mrs. Jano Wright, an
octogcnnrlan, was found dond In bed
ono "mornlng-in her house, whero sho
lived nlono, across from the llaptlst
church of which Apploby is ono of
tho olders. Every effort wns mado by
tho authorities to find tho murderer,
but tho caso baJIlcd tho cleverest de
tectives. Ono of thoso who threat
ened to bring tho murderer to Justlco
Was Georgo Whlteman Jr., son of the
keeper of tho Rooster Inn, two miles
from Old Brldgo. A fow days later
young Whlteman nnd his fnthor were
murdered In tho Inn, both having been
sbot by somo 'unknown assnllant.
Pretty Girl Thief
yes - m
nuw on
PHILADELPHIA, Pa. What tho po
ltco declare to bo ono of tho bold
est and most carefully planned rob
borlos porpotrnted hero In recent
years wns committed by a beautiful
21-yonr-old girl, who, Impersonating
nn Inspector In tho John Wnnnmakor
store, collected ?G00 In cnBh from five
cashiers. That tho girl did not suc
ceed In getting away with several
thousand dollars was duo to tho young
woman cashier in tho suit and cloak
dopnrtmcnt, who refused to turn over
tho day's proceeds to the "Inspector."
The only clow to tho girl's Identity
thnt tho Btoro detectives havo found
Is tho aignaturo sho used In signing
rocolpts for tho monoy sho collected.
On each of tho flvo receipts turned
ovor to tho cashiers sho signed In a
bold, firm hand tho Initials "M. R. C."
That tho robbory was carefully
Cowboy Shopper Is
KANSAS CITY, Mo. When the fop
of tho Bar-Clrclo-X and tho Bar
Y ranches comes up to tho city to
buy his winter wnrdrobo, about tho
Biimo time his more elToto brother, the
Top of tho towns, goes to St. Louis,
Chicago or New York to lay ,ln hla
winter wnrdrobo, bo thero Is llttlo
chanco of them meeting and compar
ing notes. With his' supercilious air,
tho effete ono might look In scorn
upon his sun-tannod confrere, while
the bronco-bustln dudo of tho south
west undoubtedly would break into n
guffaw If he saw tho other In a Prince
Albert cont and top hnL So perhnps
it Is well that each makes his annual
eastern migration nbout,, tho same
tlmo of tho year. For tho difference
botween them, -at bottom, Is very
smnll, after all,
, When tho ono comoB back with his
now fall suit nnd his fuzzy hnt and
his spats and gloves nnd all tho roBt
of It he probably will think ho has
been aotnothlng of n opondor. Ho
probably would bo surprised to know
that the othor would look upon him
I imp i M ii ii i
tho limit in height had been reached.
That structure of 49 stories, towers
700 feet above tho ground, Hut at the
present time a 55-story building is in
course 6f construction which, when
completetd, will be 750 feet high. So
It will bo seen that tho 100-story
building, like tho 100-foot boat, Is
really not n dream but actually In
sight ns a practlcnl realization.
According to Mr. Mortimer, the erec
tion of a 100,-story building will not
offer any more serious engineering
probloms than aro to bo found in put
ting up one of 45 or 60 stories. Tho
foundations will not havo to be nny
deeper, for tho solid rorAc below tho
surface of Manhattan would support
n 500-story building If It were possi
ble to build one.
Tho building, of course, will be 'of
steel construction, moro than 40,000
tnnB being required, not to mention
22,500,000 common brick, 2,700.000
fnco brick, 00,000 cubic feot of Indiana
limestone, 0,000 cubic feet of granlto
nnd 0,000 ions of ornamental terra
cotta. The outer materials aro In
cqunlly stupendous qunntlttcs. For in
stnnco, 1,1150,000 square feot of parti
tion tile will bo neoded, 2,400,000 foot
of plno boards for floor covering, (3,000
windows, 18,000 square feot of glass
and 840,000 pounds of window
weights. Ninety elevators will bo
housed In It.
Charged With Arson
A fow weeks later a laborer who
was thought to hnve somo knowledgo
of tho crlmo was found murdered In
the road on tho outskirts or Old
Bridge. Tho murder of tho laborer
was followed by tho finding of tho
body, In a deserted part of tho town,
of Thomas Collins, a prominent citi
zen of Old Bridge, who had mado tho
statement that ho would spend every
cont he possessed to bring tho mur
derer to Justice.
In tho menntlmo tho Insurance com
panies, tho county board of freehold
ers and the townspeople had detec
tives working. So baffling was tho se
ries of crimes that two well-known
detective agencies gavo up the work.
It wns a prlvato detective, employed
by an Insurance company, that finally
placed tho blamo nt tho door of tho
Baptist church elder. Tho Apploby
family Is ono of tho best known In
Now Jersey.
Gets $600 by Ruse
planned Is evidenced by the fact that
tho girl preceded tho regular Inspec
tor, who dally collects tho cash, by
but n few minuses. So closo was her
calculation that while she was getting
cash from ono cashier tho regular In
spector was collecting from a cash
register only a fow feet away. Sho
told tho cashier that the regular In
spector had boon discharged and sho
would In futuro mnko dnlly collec
tions. Without a word the cashier turned
over nbout $50 In bills of small de
nominations, which tho collector put
in n small tin box a duplicate of
tho ono carried by tho regular Inspec
tor. Tho samo performance was re
peated at ono of the counters on tho
main floor.
Emboldened by her success, tho girl
made her way to tho suit and cloak
department, but tho cashier thero" bo
camo suspicious and refused to turn
over tho day's cash, which amounted
to moro than $4,000. Tho girl did not
romonstrnto, but saying she would
tako along tho schodulo of tho day's
business went to nnother counter on
tho samo floor and was successful In
making collections.
One Real Spender
f N'T 'Know
WAT A real
00HS LKE ,
as a cheap sport, a piker, a T-wnd,
who didn't know how to turn good
money loose whou ho had U. For
your cowboy dudo 1b tho original
turner-looso of money when It comes
to buying ndornmonts. Ho will spend
$40 for a pair of boots, $10 for n pair
of gloveB, $20 for a hat and $75 for a
saddle without turning a hair.
Through all tho lonesome days and
nights whou he Is "out on tho rango"
ho Is thinking of tho trip ho will tako
to Kansas City tho first tlmo ho gets
a chanco. And whon finally ho does
drift Into town, ho goes right over
to Blank's and buys hla outfit beforo
ho stnrts to tako In tho town, sample
tho brands of wot goods or hunt up
a pokeV gamo.
Dnly Types of Land Not Adapted Aro
Alkali, Heavy Gumbo or Light
Sandy or Gravelly.
(By II. F. PATTERSON, Montana Sta
tion.) During tho past two years wo havo
tecclvdd a largo number of Inquiries
as to tho best typo of land for dry
farming. Thero nro a number of dif
ferent types upon which farmers havo
tad good bucccsb by following dry
farming principles. Tho only typos of
toil. that nro not well adapted to dry
larmlng aro alkali lands, heavy gum
to lands, or light sandy or gravelly
oils, for tho reason that they do not
inve a good physical condition. Tho
lay and alkali soils aro so fine In
cxturo that It Is almost Impossible
or tho plants to mako uso of tho
(nolsturo that theso soils contain. Tho
jandy soils aro so ppen and porous
(hat thoy will not hold any of tho
water and so nro not woll adapted to
ilry land farming. Of theso two typos
lif soli tho heavy clay and tho sandy,
tho formor Is more desirable.
Tho subsoil is Important In determin
ing whether n land Is' woll adapted for
ilry farming methods or not. Tho sub
soil should bo of such a naturo as to
Sibsorb and hold a largo amount of wa
ter. It Is In tho Bubsoll that wo find
Ihe moisture reservoir, and unless this
toll la of such a charactor as to hold
I ho moisture, wo aro going to havo a
j;reat deal of troublo In trying to dry
(arm It.
The best typo of soil for dry land
(arming Is a sandy clay loam, a soil
Clint has tho power of absorbing nnd
holding n largo amount of moisture
'.nd that can be very easily worked,
find upon which tho dust mulch can bo
easily maintained. It Is vory difficult
to maintain a dust mulch upon a
heavy, stlp, clay soil, whereas upon
a sandy loam this mulch enn bo main
tained without a great deal of work.
iho slopo of tho land best adapted
for dry land ngrlculturo varies with
(ho different localities. Farmers, as a
fule, prefer the land that slopes gently
towards tho north or tho northeast.
'This, however, Is not tho most Impor
tant point, but one worthy of full con
sideration when choosing a farm. Tho
north slopo escapes the direct rays of
Iho sun to n decree. Is a trlfio later
fctartlijg in tho Bpring, which is fro
rmontly an advantage, and Is generally
poi apt to suncr irom not winas nnu
.Meat Is Finer In Grain and Better,
and Thero Is No Waste No Rea
son for Discrimination.
Professor Kennedy of tho Iowa
(college, while in England a fow years
!igo, expressed great surprise at dls
:overlng that butchers pay n higher
price for heifer beet than for steer
oot of tho same age and condition of
; Henry Wallace says this was also a
surprise to him tho first tlmo ho went
inbrpad. Ho found that tho butchers
iwero willing to glvo a premium on
helfors over steers nnd wo found that
in ono or two districts of England
Jnitchors would buy only heifers If
;tboy could-get them,
i Tho reasons given by tho butchers
hro thnt the crnin of tho UphIi Ib linor.
' Li . ii .i .i
iuu uuuu umuuor, uuu uiurciuro uio
heifer cuts up better than tho steer of
jiho snmo age and furnishes a better
Einpaclty for beef. "Wo remember
vhon a boy at home," says Mr. Wal
iaco, "when a beef was to bo killed in
tho fall of tho year, mother alwayB
insisted on killing a hclfor, giving tho
bxnet reasons stated by Professor
Konnedy as given by the butchers at
Liverpool that tho moat of tho heifer
)Vaa llnor In tho grain and better nnd
there was less waste."
Thero is absolutely no sonso or
reason for tho discrimination mado
ngainst heifer beef in tho United
(States. With cow beef it is somowhnt
different, for tho reason that a cow
that has produced a number of calves
will not dress ns large a per cont. of
beet and tho nnlmal being older will
(lot havo tho samo tenderness nor lino
A half a cent a pound, however,
should bo nmplo to cover this shrink
hgo; whereas a heifer is4 really enti
tled to a premium ovor tho steor .of
from a quarter to half a cenL
There Is a growing demnnd for
bacon good bacon.
Uniformity In tho ewes of a flock
Is always desirable.
It pays and pnys big to keep a ram
In excellent, vigorous condition. '
Exercise will help to mnko thnt
streak of loan nnd streak of fut that Is
A long, largo head, as a rulo, Indi
cates a hard, uneasy feeder and a
great consumer.
All pure breeds of stock originated
from tho common stock of tho country
In whtch they were dovoloped.
A hog needs all his time to mnko
pork nnd should not bo expected to
spend any moments fighting lice.
Nothing Is better to free tho hogs
from wormB than copperns In tho
slop for several days In succession.
It Is possible tho pigs are squealing
because they aro hungry. Find out,
thero Is no profit in starving porkers.
Distillers dried grain Is tho dried
rosldue from cereals obtained in tho
manufacture of alcohol or distilled
Generally speaking, It costs no moro
to raise and feed a puro bred animal
than It does to ralso and feed a scrub
If tho feed boxca aro of wood and
It Beums necessary to feed a mash to
tho horses, glvo it in a galvanized,
Ceuld Hardly Eat. Gradually
Grtw Wtrsa. Hritevad by
Mr. A. M.
Ikerd, Box 31,
W es t B u r
lington, Iowa,
"I had ca
tarrh of the
stomach and
small intcs
tines for a
n u m b e r of
years. I went
to a number
of doctors and
got no relief,
nnd finally
o n tf of my
doctors sent
mo to O h I
c a g o, and I
met the samo
fate. They
said they
could do noth
ing for me;
said I had
Mr. A. M. Ikord.
cancer of tho
stomach and thero was no cure. I al
most thought tho same, for my breath
was ofTcnsive and I could not cat any
thing without great misery, and I grad
ually grew worse.
"Finally I concluded to try Poruna,
and I found relief and a cure for that
dreadful disease, catarrh. I took five
bottles of Pcruna and two of Manalin,
nnd I now feel like a new man. There
Is nothing better than Pcruna, and I
keep a bottle of it in my houso all the
"a?o'c0ff.r,il Thompson's Eye Wator
Jack Harduppo Ah! Brought that
suit, havo you? Woll, I can't pay you
now. I'll wrlto your employer a let
ter. Errand Boy N. G boss. I bought
threo letters with that suit and they
Is C. O. D.
He Proved It.
"My dear, I was ono of tho very
first to leave," Bald i, ma.i who, on re
turning from an ovenlr.g party, waa
greeted reproachfully by his wife.
"Oh, you always say that," sho re
torted. "Well, I can prove it this tlmo, any
how," insisted tho husband. "Look In
tho hall and see tho gold-mounted um
brella I've brought home."
Tho Gist of ,lt.
Two and tWL mnko fourl This is a
Two and tww mako three. This Is
Two nnd two mako ono hundred ant"
fifty. This is high finance. Llpplu
cott's Magazine
No man will have any troublo about
understanding ns much of tho BIblo
as ho Is willing to live.
A "Teaser
For Jaded
with cream or
preserved fruit.
Ready to serve instantly
just open the box and
enjoy an extra good dish
Convenient, crisp,
delicious, wholesome.
"The Memory Lingers"
Sold by Grocers
Made nt the
Pure Food Factories
Dattla Creek l t Mich.
iron Ducuct.