TIE SEiiwEEKLY TRIBUNE TURKS MAKING A STUBBORN FIGHT TETTER TDK MEff, WOMEN" AND CHILDREN THAN CASTOR (HL 8At.TS.OR rU3,A3 IT SwtETOO AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM MO DTtCENUY AN fe FAR MOfi riXASANT TO TAKE. IRA L. BARB, PublUher. TERMS, $1.25 IN ADVANCE). NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA BIRDS AND THEIR ENEMIE8. A recent report of tbo United States bureau of entomology constitutes one of tbo strongest arguments Imagina ble upon tbo absoluto economic folly of exterminating America's bird life. Tbls country, says a bureau expert, suffers cacb year through ItiBocta a loss aggregating 11,200,000,000; ro dents cost us $200,000,000; weeds moro than $400,000,000. Theso nro ntaggerlng figures, Indeed. They need not bo mlnutoly nccurato to point a moral as obvious as It In Important Every thinking person knows they nro near enough tlio truth to make tbo warning significant. In nature's flno balanco of living agencloa tho birds found their largest Utility In keeping tho Insect pests of mankind In subjection. Not all b)rda cat In sects, but most do. Others destroy rodents, and many cat tho scads at weeds. It was a lino schomo of econ omy nature had. Man In his cruot blindness has upsot tho balanco. He has mado plumage fasbtonablo for bats and glorified bird dinners. Kvcn pot-hunting has bcon winked at A policy widely recognized as Indefensi ble has bean followed for years. Amorlcn foots tho bill for hor own In difference, Tho first punishment Is vlaltod upon tho farmers, but its ef fects nro felt by every family In tho land. Tbo inpld transmission or nows among Kaffirs and Hottentots Is a mystery which oven Mr. Rider Hag gard Is unnblo to solve. Mr. Haggard was at Pretoria in 1870, nt tho tlmo if tho battle of iBnndhtwana. Twelve hours after tbo disaster an old Hot tentot washerwoman told him that Cetawayo had dofoatcd tho British troops, and gavo details or the fight. So Impressed was Mr. Haggard that he reported the Information to bis of ficial superior. Tbo British official pointed out that It was Impossible for. the news to bo truo, as Isandblwana was 102 miles from Pretoria, and no telegraphic or railway communication exlstod between tho two places. On the following day olllclnl confirmation of tbe disaster waa brought by mount ed messengers, who woro dispatched immediately aftor the bottle and trav eled at top speed all tho way. Yet tbe natives won by twenty hours, and the washerwoman's story was truo In every detail. The assertion that cats are necessary In bakeries is supported by wldo ob servation and by the Judgment of high practical and scientific authorities in all parts of tbo world. Rats are pests, and no better antidote tor them than eats has ever been found. Poison will not do especially in a bakery, where the smelt of tbe poisoned rats coming from the boles into which they bad retreated to die would cor rupt the air and the bread. It is captious criticism tbat would object to bakers keeping cats. Dr. Hastings, the Toronto medical health officer, complains 'that only about 23 per cent or tho 600 cattle killed for consumption weekly In tbat city are inspected, and that an aver age of S5 diseased animals a week are sold tor food. A Canadian govern ment analyst asserts that tor the last third of a century the pepper used In Canada has been adulterated 40 per cent Wo are doing better than Can Ada la some things. How interesting It would bo to stu dents ot mechanics ns well as to stu dents of history to see tho first steam boat In which Pulton took passengers on the Hudson In 1807. By preserving In the National Museum at Washing ton tbe first flying machine purchased from the Wrights for the war depart ment, tbe government 1b providing a treat tor studento In centuries to como. We are informed that an eastomer whose best girl gave him the frigid mitt has gone insane. We have often hoard or people who went cmy with Joy. Wo fall to undorntand wny some people aro so badly stung by the avia tion bug whon all tho dollghtB and dangers of tho gnmo may bo export enced on a roller coastor. Tho poltcotnou of Lynn, Mass., are to bo armed with clubs rando or pnpor. These will logically go with paper san itary drinking cups. Iloaton highbrows aro trying to do tormlno whether "boon" should be pronounced "bin" or "boon." If thoy are patriotic Boatonlana tho bean will win in a walk. A woman of eighty In a Connecticut town captured and held a burglar un til fielp came. Hero la the first knock out blow for tho age limit Advice to tbe aeroplane operator: Be careful. 7VMJtt INFORMATION from the scat of tbe Turco Italian war, when uncensored by tho Italians, Indicates tbat tbe Turks nro still far from being beaten. Though they lost tbo city of Tripoli, they have bad the better of sev eral bloody encounters outside that city and In the vicinity or Uengazl. Their army has been drilled by Euro peans and is considered highly efficient. TWO MINDS Wealthy Lumberman of Van couver Had Forgotten Wife. Woman One Had Married Agrees to Walt While He Returns to Scot land to See If Mrs. Scott No. 1 Was Alive, Seattle, Wash. Curious instances of lapses of memory covering long porlods have como to light simultane ously hero in tho storlos of two men whoso minds have been cleared by illness. Qoorgo Scott, a rich lumberman or Vancouvnr, supposed himself a bache lor until 1909, when ho married. Now he suddenly remombors tbat. twenty six yonrs ago, ho left n wife and chil dren in Edinburgh, Scotland. Tho other caso is that of S. Chand ler Rogers, who was beaten so badly In Now York fourteen years ago tbat bo forgot his nnmo. He drifted hero and has boen known as Ucorgo Kelly. An operation has recalled him to him self. in all the years that Scott was pil ing up a fortuno bo scorned heart proof tin! II a muuicnl comody company visited Vancouver two years ago. Ho tbon capitulated to Jano Patterson of Allegheny, Pa., one or Its members. Although their ages were far apart, they lived happily. Scott finally met with an accident whtch fractured bis skull and brought on, In addition, a sorlous Illness, through which his wife nursed him. Memory ot bis youthful domestic llfo came with his rocovory. In tolling hla wife of It ho said his natno al ways was Qcorgo Bcott and that ho never had a physical mishap or Ill ness to explain a loss o! memory. NevertheteBU his mind had been ut terly blank as to tho wife and babies in Scotland. Mrs. Scott did not question his good faith, but said bis story dictated n plain course for her, through tho di vorce court They talked It out thor oughly and It was finally arranged that uho should bring action ror di vorce and Scott return to Scotland and learn what had become ot his family. Should ho find tbo first wlfo he must make proper utnonds to her. If she is dead bo will come back to Vancouver and tho second "Mrs. Scott" will marry him, again. Rogors, or Kelly, was brought to the Providence hospital here on Octo- U. S. UNIVERSITIES IN LEAD Better Than Those of Germany, Avers Kaiser's Representative While Visiting Chicago. Chicago. Amorlcan universities and Amorlcan student llfo aro hotter than those of Germany, declares Or. A. Ollven, commissioned by tbo Ger man governmont to nrrango Itineraries In tbls country for a group ot 300 scientists who will arrive horo In September of 1012. "Wondorfull Wonderful!" said Dr. Ollven. "I have1 vUlted tho universi ties ot Columbia and Pennsylvania and tbo Rockefeller instituto. I never dreamed of such possibilities, Stu dents havo a bottor opportunity horo for a genoral education. In Germany we specialize. "Stoudenta nro moro sobor hero. In Gormany they fight and drink beor, but they aro fast learning to bo son nlblo ltko tbo Americans." Tbo German savants nro to cross tho Atlantic In a specially chartered stoumor. Fivo days are to bo passed at Washington, D. C, during tbo In ternational congrcso for hygleno, be sinning Sontember 22. 1912. Thoy nro 1 then to come to Chicago for two days. A trip back through tho eastern cit ies will concludo tho tour. Girl Is Town Clerk. Sydney. Tho Municipal Council ot Byron, New South Wales, now has tbe youngost town clerk In the world. Her name Is Emily McShcehy, and she Us Just 17, Miss McSheehy's fa ther was tho last town clerk, and she had sated as his assistant for a year, doing so well that tho councilors un animously elected her to the position. CAVAtftr svo Movrtri OArmtr Gotto CLEARED bor 10, suffering from an nttack or acute Insanity, with which ho had been taken In bis homo in Port Berke ley. Tbo doctors round thut u por tion of tho skull was pressing on tho brain, Surgery soon relieved htm and ho bocamo perfectly normal. Ho called for pen and papor and wroto: "I nm In hospital and all O. K.," addressing tho envclopo to Miss Flor ence Doucls, 418 West Thirty-second street, New York. A postscript to the letter naked that Father Doherty or tbo Paullst society bo Bent to him. Picking up a newspaper after ho had finished his note and seeing tbo dato line, "Sonttle, October 1!0. 1011," ho turned wondcrlngly to Dr. Milton G. Sturgls and his nurso and Bald: "Am I really In Seattlo?" Then he broko down with a lit or sobbing. Ho told bis story when he had composed himself today. Tho hos pital staff think it ono of tho most romarkablo on record. For fourteen years, ho said, he did not know whero bo bnd bcon or what ho had been do ing. Ho was born in Now York in 1880 and llvod with his grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Douols, at 418 West Thirty-second stroot, Now York.', Ills" nnmo was S. Chandler Rogors. On May 1, 1897, with a boy friend and two girls, ho went to tho theater. Having scon his girl to hor homo, ho started to walk to his own. At Six teenth street and Eighth nvenuo throe men stopped him and asked ror a rontch. Ho said ho was no match fac tory, and the men pounced on him. One struck him with a blackjack. Tho next ho knew ho was In tho rlvor, naked and swimming. Ho said ho remombored clutching nt something In tho rlvor and being dragged out, but tbat was tho last ho knew or hlmsoir as Rogors until ho nwoko in tho hospital aftor tho skull prossuro had been lirtcd from his brain. Dog Burled In Coffin. Nowport. R. I.- "Missy," a French bulldog, tbo Inseparable companion of Mrs. James P. Kernochan for 11 years and as familiar on tho fashionablo drives as Mrs. Kernochan herself, Is no moro. and Uh owner Is nnnrlv hnm-t. broken. In a hondsomo white coffin lined with satin, said to havo cost several hundred dollars, "Missy" was lowered to a gravo on tho lawn of the Kernochnir estate. A white stone will mark tbo spot. ONE PERFECT Jew York Man Pays Glowing Tribute io wic moiner ot nis mgiu unu dren Never Cross. Ncy York. Alfred A. Wright, presi dent of J. A. Coates & Co., thread Ira porters, declares bo has a perfect wjfo At his homo, 7 Glenwood nvenuo, Ornugo, N. J., Mr. Coates said tho oth er day: "Yes, It Is absolutely truo that 1 havo a perfect wife. There Is no rea son why tho wholo world Bhould not know of It. ir it' Interests anyone I saw In a paper that Judgo W. O. Thomas of tbo circuit court at Kan sas City, Mo., said from tbo bench: 'Thoro Is no such thing nB n perfoct wlfo.' "Knowing there was such a thing, and that I had one of them ut home, tbo norvo or that Judgo appalled mo, and I wroto him a lcttor for his en lightenment. That's how the matter got out. "I havo had ono wlfo, ns I told him, for 30 years, and I would not change hor In thp leaBt it I could. In nil these years sho nan been tbo Ideal wire, has nover called mo a liar and has been my Inspiration, my helpmeet, my com fort In ttino ot trouble, and 1 wouldn't tako $10,000,000 tor hor or give ten cents tor another. "Ono of my tendcrcst recollections Is of tho day before my mother died. Sho had llvod with us for 12 years. Wo had bolstered her up in bod, and sho, putting her head; op my wife's breast, std: "'Gad bless you, Emma. I hnvo never seen a cross look on your face.' rro tcro TIRES OF HIS LONESOME JOB French Caretaker of Costly, but Unoc cupied, Palace Loses Patience Building Unfinished. Paris. Tho French government erected a building nt a cost of $1,000, 000 nine years ago and after install ing a caretaker took no futtber steps to utllizo It on the ground that it was "not quite finished." In the year 1902 tho governmont de cided to crcato a special audit depart ment and a list of nominations to tho various posts was drawn up. An aged Reservist, whose services to tho coun try entitled him to ,fltting Towards, was appointed caretaker of a now bulKU Ing which wns being erected for tho' department of tbo Ruo Cambon. Tbe conclcrgo was told to take charge at once. Tho building was not quite fin ished, but within a month or two everything would bo In order, and the, members of the ministry would tako up their dutios there. Proudly tho Reservist took up bis quarters In tbo vast but unfinished pal ace. For days ho walked through the Immense building without seeing an other humun being, but at last tbe dis pirited man began to beguile his tjmo by learning a now variation of hlB favorlto gamo of patience Fortunately for Uho conclorgo ho had taken the precaution to bring with him in tho empty building a kitten and a ennary. For two years ho saw no one and heard nothing' although ho re ceived his monthly salary with mili tary punctuality. In 1905 tbo archi tect rushed In and breathlessly re marked that a little furnituro would bo brought Into tho building and It would, tbon Immediately became a busy blvo. The llttlo kitten bnd outgrown its mischievous nonagp and becamo a gray haired and tired looking cat whon, in 1905, tho concierge, wearied by tho strain of waiting, complained to tho department hoads. He was sooth-! ed by a promlso that everything would soon bo right. ! Finally even tbo patlonco of tbo long-suffering conclcrgo camo to an. end, for ho recontly resigned his po sition. The empty palace In tho Ruo Cambon, which was erected at-a cost of $1,000,000, Is still awaiting one or two slight alterations. Stepping Stone on Grave. WInstod, Conn. A stepping stone which for yours had beon at tho door, ot his ancestral homo, has been placed' at tho head of Edward Dcnslow'B grave. His family woro among the curliest EottlorB horo. WIFE IS FOUND it "Some or tho reasons why our llfo has been happy is that Emma la a good cook and loves hor homo and children. Wo novor troublo each oth er with Individual troubles unless ono Is euro tho other can glvo.holp or ad vice. Tho man who carrlos hU busi ness troubles homo to his family whon the family cannot help him Is a coward." $50,000 FOR NOT SMOKING Man of 25 Keeps Agreement With Mil lionaire Father and Receives Substantial Reward. Lob Angeles. Cal. not smoke before reaching tho ago of iwcuijfuve won uatea, son zi A. H. GatcB, a mllllonalro of South Pasa dena, tho other day received $50,000 as a present from bis parent. Fifteen years ago tbo cider Gates, head of tho Gates Lumbor company, of Arkansas, entered Into a solemn agreement with hla three sons Charles, tho oldest, was seventeen; Don was ton, nnd Fred, now a stu dent of Stanford university, wao only fivo yeara of ago. Tholr father agreed to give each a certain porccntago of his business It thoy refrained from smoking uutil tholr twenty-fifth birth day waa reached. Charles renched tbe required ago scyon years ago, after denying him self tobacco in all forms, and he re ceived hla share on bis twenty-fifth birthday, Two years ago ho smoked for the first time. 15 THE IDEAL FAMILY LAXATIVE, A5 IT GIVES SATISFACTION TO ALL, IS ALWAYS BENEFICIAL IN ITS EFFECTS AND PERFECTLY SAFE AT ALL TIMES. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ia 1fi Clrcfe. on ever ij Package of -(ho Genuine. ALL RELIABLE DRUCC1ST3 SELL THE ORICJHAL AND COtUlNS WHEN CALLED FOR, ALTHOUGH THEY COULD MAKE A LARGER rROFIT BY SELLING INFERIOR PREPARA. HONS, YET THEY PREFER TO SELL THE GENUINE, BECAUSE IT 13 RIGHT TO DO SO AND FCR THE COOD OF THEIR CUSTOMERS. WHEN IN NEED OP MEDICINES. SUCH DRUCC13T3 ARE THE ONES TO DEAL WITH, A3 YOUR LIFE OR HEALTH MAY AT SOMETIME DEFEND UPON THEIR SXILL AND RELIABILITY WHEN BUYIMJ KotoffieFuffNamGofthQ Gomparo PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS, NEAR THE BOTTOM. ANO IN THE CtRCLCNEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKACE.OF THE GENUINE. ONE SIZE ONLY, FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING CRUCCISTS. REGULAR PRICE St PER BOTTLE.) SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA IS THE ONLY PERFECT FAMILY LAXATIVE. 'SECAUSE IT 15 THE ONE REMEDY WHICH ACTS IN A NATURAL, STRENGTHENING WAY ANO CLEANSES THE SYSTEM, WITHOUT UNPLEASANT AFTER-EFFECTS AND WITHOUT IRRITATING, DEBILITATING OR GRIPING, ANO THEREFORE DOES NOT INTERFERE 84 ANY WAY Wtni BUSINESS OR I MEASURE. IT 13 RECOMMENDED BY MILLIONS Of WELL. INFORMED FAMILIES, WHO KNOW OF ITS VALUE FROM PERSONAL USE. TO CET ITS, BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS BUY THE CENUtNC; MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. EVEN IN THE DEEP. Mr. Sunfl8ta I hear that Mr. Black BasB couldn't get on tho pollco force. Mr. Eel No, they drew tho color lino on him. Explanations. Miss FullbBoul (of a poetical turn) Which nre you of opinion ono should Bay, professor: "Summer flies" or "Summer flees?" Absent-Minded Professor (great on entomology) Thp two species, my dear young lady, aro entirely distinct. Now, the common houso fly Then he wondered why she suddenly open ed a conversation with tho young man on her right London Sphere. - "A wife," ficys tho sage brush sago, "has to have n lot more patience to let tho cat In and out than she has for her husband, because If sho didn't the cat would leave." Ariculture. Mother Yes, Johnny, tho queen beo Is boss. Johnny How about tho presidential bee? scrofulous conditions, ulcers, "fever-sores," whito swellings, etc., by taking Dr. Pierce's Discovery. Just the refreshing and vitalizing tonio needed for excessivo tissue waste, in convalescence from fevers or for run-down, umemio, thin-blooded people. Slick to this safe and sane remedy and refuse all "just es good " kinds offered by the dealer who is looking for a larger profit. Noth ing will do you half as much good us Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. JQ9 Lamps and tilsJ' Lanterns The strong, steady light. Rayo lamps and lanterns give most light for the oil they burn. fo not flicker. Will not blow or Jar out. Simple, reliable and durable and sold at a price that will surprise you. Ask your dealer to show you his llnoof Rayo limes snd lanterns, or write toanyatency ot Standard Oil Company I Incorporated) j vm raj lj P iK I TiwrnTnTnOLMiT H III ill II HUM ij) f CALITOflifU hGSYRUPC? MJMA1URE PICTURE PERFECTION olheator In erery cold weather emergency you need Perfection Smokeless Oil Healer. It your bedroom cold when you dress ot undress Do your water pipei freeze in the cellar It it chilly when the wind whistle around the exposed comers of your home ? A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater brings complete com fort. Can be carried anywhere. Always ready for use -glowing heat from the minuto it is lighted. AiV your detter'to ihow you Perfection Smolelett Oil Hesteri Of Wile for detcriplin circuUr to soy agency of Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) Faritif r'$ Son's Great Opportunity Hnjwniuur uw oiq iarrn to occotno l"uru' wi juui i muru prosperity ancl lnneptm Bldcnco. A Rrc&t oppor tunity awam you in Man.lobaafikatcl)rian or Alberto, whero you M?1 MtiiMn IViull stead or buy land at rea quuuuio prices How's theTimt not a year from now, wuenland nllllMi high TtiA DrnflOt Kneiirfwl mm thA ntiumlnnt nmm nf Wheat, OiU ..mid . Hurley, as writ aa cattlo raiting, aro iirlcoroovenimonl returns iibow jj mat me numixir ai notunrs In Wcstoni Canada from no u, H. ww 00 tier cent Rrtrer In 1111(1 limn thn Tin I v mil H TMF, . Manr .fanners linre paid I for trielr land out of tlie P ft. uvnau. ii. una 1 1 Floe Homesteads of 100 nrrea nnd pre-emptions of ) UO nrrea ut 83.00 nn acre. Flno climate, Rood bchools, ezcellrnt railway facilities, lorr fralchtratesi wood, wa fer nnd lumber easily ou- KorpampfaleflastllettWest, 'f and loir settlors' nun, apply to Hupt of ImmlgraUun, Oltana, Cun.,ortoCauadIan Got "l Agent. W. V. BENNETT (loom 4 Btt tide. Omaha, Ktb. Fleus writ to ttieugrat n 'areat ym STOPS CYt ACHES Nebraska Directory TYPEWRllTE LnrRCkt stock, lnwe.it prices. UamlnEtons 111, Hnlth Premiers lift, CtitcuKO tH, Undnrquod tfo, L. U. Binltli 140, Monarch I0, llamniond I1J, fc'oxtU. ('nil llunranlee. Bond for UUaloc A. I). V. SWAKSON CO.. ISM Famam St., Omaha, Nun. I can make you money by selling your butt er.eess and poultry on commission. Wrtttmsror prtoi. Itobert 1'urrU KitaMlahcKl 1170 411B,lllkSt.,0W Faint ? Lvu4HpEHHH EGGS Hare you weak heart, dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing after meals P Or do you experience pain over the heart, shortness of breath oa going up-ttalrs and the many distressing symptoms which indicate poor circulation and bad blood P A heart tonlo, blood and body-builder that ha stood tbo test ,of over 40 years of cures is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery The heart becomes regular as clock-work. The red blood co-pusclca aro increased in number and tho nerves in turn n(o well fed. Tho arteries are filled With good rich blood. That Is why nervous debility. Irritability, fainting spells, disappear and are over come by this alterativo extract of medicinal roots put up by Dr. Pierce without the use of alcohol. Ask your neighbor. Many havo been cured of