The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 24, 1911, Image 8

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    A MOCK
Copyright by American lr Amo
nn. UU.
though troiitjfomi m younjt for u
num. lit' feols lit Mint itjre ummlly t':
flrt tinge of ennui ut Ills bui-lu'lor
hood. Till' Urrt fr.-ibnew of jrouit)
has go ; f him, ntid n vllii i t
n Iioidp cn iMniH by wifp nud II
(Iron liMtms i . Uftuiv film.
Vnltr .Nr. i hud ri"l"d this .;:,
or, rnllmr. In . i'iiki. It wu'
botwocn tin ihtWkI of thoiit'lirli"'!
youth imd rnoiiglitfill middle n-. on
day ho wim i.lty larking Willi it loi ir
younj; lut'ii in! women when f-H-one
proposed Unit they uliould lm n
mock wedding.
"I'll ht tht' bride." fluid .luiiiicii i.
Woodruff, n gill who was nlwuyn fi ut
mil foremost In any prati.
"And I'll bo tho groom." twM Walti r
gallantly since he wits statidinK t.
flldo her ut tho moment, mid nil c
wcro turned upon hitn.
Fow young peoplo realize that It 1
dangerous to trllio with n wedding,
but It is.
So Wnlter Nixon nnd Jnnucllno Wood
ruff, stood up. Ono of tho young meu
of the party nuked If they would take
onch other for husbaud and wife
Walter took a seal ring off IiIh finger
and put It on that of Jaquellnc. the
mnn who wan officiating pronounced
them mnn and wife, nnd, nmld many
Jokes and much laughter, they re
ceived congratulations from the others.
No ono coiiHldcrcd it anything more
than an escnpade. nnd when n uew
amusement was proposed tho specta
tors forgot all about the first.
A few dnyu Inter Miss Woodruff, on
opening her mall, read a note from
Walter Nixon, beginning "My dear
wlfo." It contained an invitation to
tho theater and several facetious rc
remarks as to hor duty toward the
writer as her husband. It was all
very funny, nud somehow It nounded
rather pleasant. She was of n mar
riageable ago and slnco sho wbh twenty-two
yean old thought it high tlmo
sho should bo married. Nixon was n
good fellow, nblo to support a wlfo
and generally acceptable. Jaquelluo
did not know how much of Joke nud
how much of enrne9t there was In his
letter, but sho felt nt liberty ttf reply
in kind. So sho began hor letter "My
dchr husband" nnd signed it "Your
loving wife."
Boon after this Nixon was telling
Oummlngs, a lawyer friend, about
"tho Joko," as ho called it. Gummings
looked n trlllo serious, whereupon
Nixon asked him if ho thought nny
thing pf import could como of it
'Tho lady," replied tho lawyer, "If
sho were disposed to claim you an her
husband, might make it very unpleas
nnt for you."
"You don't mean It!" oxclnlmed
"You have addressed hor as 'My denr
wlfo,' which Is pretty good ovldcnco
lit law that you luivo married hor.
Suppose shu says sho considered tho
niarrlngo n contract. What nro you
going to do about it with your letter
in her hands?"
"By Jove! I nover thought of that.
What shall I do?"
"Sho only thing you can do is to get
your letter nnd destroy it"
"l!ll do it nt onco."
. Thnt ovcnlng Nixon called Miss
Woodruff for tho express purp'oso of
returning her letter nnd gotttng pos
session of his own, Sho was In
very .becoming costunio and smiled on
him pleasantly.
"i'iu ginu you've come, uear, bin?
Bald, with u twinkle in her eye. "I'vo
ln(n in nn nironv for fenr you hnd
mot with pome accident." How could
lyou remain so long uwny from mo?"
How pleasant thnt sounded! Though
tho words were In fun, he thought ho
would llko to hear more of their kind,
'rio would keep up tho pleasantry for
nwhlla befovo mentioning tho matter
off tho exchange of letters. So he said
something to her thnt ho considered
proper for a husband to say lo a wife,
forgetting thnt It wiih more appropriate
for n Mover, and It was all so funny
"that tlioy kept It up for soma time,
lloforu departing- ho nnlil:
"My Mend Cuinuilngs nnyn that It
you" roally choose to claltji mel moan
if J really choose to claim you for my
wlfo I might put you to u lot of trou
"What trotiblor .
"Mjell. 1 might insist that our mar
ilugu ivna Hiirioun."
"Well?" -
"And you mlght'V ne stopped.
"Put you to a lot of trouble." Slit.
looked flown '.otr tno noor, apparently
much pained.
"Not that. You might"
"Might what?" .
Her volco trembled a little.'
"Oh, 1 can't got it out. Don't feel
hurt. I didn't mean to say anything I
should bn sorry for that is, nothing
you .should bo sorry to hear. I'm nw
fuUynabnmed. Thoro'B nothing to cry
Thero scorned to bo an Irreplatlblo at
traction in tho girl's waist for the
man s arm auu an equnuy irri'mmiim'
' . . ... I . ... . . .... M
' attraction in mo mnn s buoumut iwr
the glrl'fl bond. There woro n few In
' cotieront tourmurlngs, and tho cart
' was harnessed before the horse. In
other words, their wedding hnd pro
t celled tho engagement
i Their friends declared thnt there
' was no need of another mnrrlnge, for
they had intended to bo mnrrled by
the first, but the brldo bridled at such
n nccunattou and Insisted ou a largo
and splendid weddlug.
Children Should Be Taught to Masti
cate Thoroughly and Give the Sa
liva a Chance.
At n recent dental mooting, held in
Indlnnn, a spanker mado this state
mont: "Tho education of tho aver
ago mnn, woman and child has been
sadly neglected. They have been
taught to eat, but havo not beon
taught to uso their teeth. Whon we
bolt our food wo ignore- ono of tho
most lmportnnt ferments, ptyalln, in
our snllva, that has much to do In the
process of digestion. Hut the Ameri
can habit is to spit, and tho Americans
nro tho greatest splttcrs In tho world.
Between monls they spit out tho In
vnluablo balivn; then whon they, chow
'thoy wash down every unc'howoil
mouthful of food with copious
draughts of wator, coffco or In sum
mer, Iced ten. What a foolish, dis
gusting habit it is, and more than fool
lsh, mora than disgusting, It Is killing
In its hurtfulness. A habitual splttoi
at mlddlo ago will havo tho broken
down dlgostivo apparatus of an old
man at seventy-five. Men who bolt
their food, who put their saliva out oi
business, nro drug shop chasers and
slew sulcldc3."
In answer to Inquiries addressed tc
onb hundred and fifty leading physi
cians in this country, 98 per cent oi
these physlclanB said that chewing of
food was an Important factor towards
good health, and thnt the bolting of
food frequently caused cancer, ca
tarrh of tho stomach and gastric ul
cers. If food is not thoroughly chewed
and Is permitted to reach tho stomach
in largo lumps or masses, thero is no
question that It must Injure tho soft
lining of that organ, producing- many
of the cases of ulcer and catarrh thai
nocd careful and consistent medical
It has beon said that fully 75 pel
cent, of tho people of this country bolt
their food. This habit is usually ac
quired during tho early years of child
hood, and carried on during ono'f
whole ltfo. In many of the homes the
early morning hours aro given to pro
paring tho children for school. Von
froquontly they nro permitted to sleep
late, and then in tho hurry and bustlo
to got thorn to school on tlmo, the
breakfast is bolted. Theso samo con
dltlons of hurried meals apply to the
lunch hour nnd at supper tlmo. From
day to day this Is pormltted, until the
hnblt Is firmly established, carried up
to manhood and then down through
old age. Wo have a lesson ovcry daj
of tho bolting of food. Walk into the
quick lunch room of tho cltlos and see
those "hustloro" at work. Look down
tho long row of tables, boo tho rapid
movement of tho eating contest, for
which prizes aro offered to tho follow
that gets through first. Many of these
lunch rooms advertise how quickly
you may t bo filled from their lardor,
and tuko prldo la tho number thnt can
bo filled In a given time. v
It should bo tho duty of nil parcnti
to mnko their children cat slowly,
and chow their food properly. Natura
has placed tho teeth In our mouth for
a very vnluablo purpose. If wo nog
loct to keep them In Bhapo and tc
properly use them, we are Inviting con
ditions that seriously threaten out
health and general welfare
(Copyright, Western Newspaper Union.)
Many Persons Afflicted With Pyon
rnea Areolaris, Which Attacks TIs
sues Around the Teeth.
Tho dlscnso known as pyorrhoa al
veolitis Is probably tho most preva
lent of All dental diseases, for more
teeth nro lost from this condition than
all others combined. Tho .dlsoaso oc
curs In tho mouths of nil clnBBes oi
peoplo more frequently, howovor, In
tho moutliB of thc-so who hnvo boon
rnthor neglectful In regnrd to tho care
of tho teeth. Yet pyorrhea can and
docs occur In tho mouths of tflosowho
give their teotli tho best attention.
Tho dlsensu differs from "decay of the
tooth" In that tho tissues around tho
teeth nro attacked and destroyed rath
er than tho teeth themselves.
Tho most Important thing to bo Im
pressed upon tho mind of tho pnttent
is, the fact that tho best and most
permanent .results can bo obtained
in the treatment of tho dlaeaso when
it la recognized and corrected in ita
earlier stages.
Tho dlaeaso generally begins by
como foreign subBtnnco, hucIi as tar
tar, deposited on tho teeth, causing Ir
ritation of tho guma. Unless this tnr
tar is carotully removed the dlscnso
gradually progresses and tho tissues
around tho roots of tho teeth are do-
dostroyed, TIiub pockets nro formed
about tho teeth Into which filth and
bacteria accumulate.
This condition will gcnarally bo
mantfcBted by tho teeth shifting their
position either spreading npart or ro
tntlng or both; pus flowing from tho
pockets whon prossuro Is rondo over
tho tooth root nnd tho atfectod tooth
gradually becomtng looso and tho
gums soro or tender and bleeding
Tho vital thing for tho patient to
know is whether or not tho tendency
towards pyorrhea is ovidoncod in his
mouth and if so what can bo douo to
hold tho dlaeaso in abeyance or check
lta progress.
No lnedlclno has over beon Buggest
ed which will euro pyorrhea and tho
Boonor this fact is recognized by both
dontist and patient tho bettor for all
concerned, Tho best treatment is tho
thorough removal of nil irritating sub
stances of whatover naturonnd tho
pollsblng of all oxposod tooth sur
faces and tho subsequent proper uso
of tho tooth brush, powdor or pasto
to hoop teeth and guma in a healthy
Copyright by An erlonn Pre Amo
efiukin. 1911,
(junrrels uro like lire. First there
is u spark, then a tiny flame, then it
snapping, then a blazing the, then a
roaring conflagration. And tho worst
kind of quarrels uro those botween
frlonds. r
Two pIoucerB. I)nu!?l Simpson nnd
Henry Underwood, emigrated with
their families to tlio far west and en
tered land owned by tht' government.
Thoy had been m-h-xil tunica and owned
farms side by sldi-. 'J hero was no oc
casion for a dispute to arise between
them so long im they remained In thc
enst, for their boundaries had been sur
veyed and fixed gum-iMtlons ago, nud,
being well fenced, the stock of neither
could -trespass upon tho other's prem
ises. Therefore their affection for
each other grew stronger, and tho fami
lies were further bound together by
an engagement between Eliza Simpson
and Frank Underwood, the oldest
daughter of tho ono "nnd oldest son
of the other.
Tho two friends each entered n
quarter section of laud, tho two farms
being side by Hide. Simpson's land
was moro largely covered with tim
ber than Underwood's, and this fact
becamo a wedge between them. A
railroad coon nftcr their settlement on
tho land was projected to run along
side their property, and It becamo at
onco apparent thnt tho timber would
bo vnluablo for tics. As soon as this
was learned Underwood becamo In
terested In his boundary line covering
as much of a wood as It could be
stretched to cover, living on tho lino
between tho two properties.
Ono morning SlmpBon went out to
ward his friend's property nnd found
Underwood driving stakes on whnt bo
considered to bo his own land. Ho
protested, rind Underwood dcclnrcd
thnt that was tho dividing lino nnd bo
was intending to begin the next morn
ing to fell trees in order to bo ready to
supply tho railroad with tics as soon
as there wna need. Simpson declared
that ovory trco ho cut beyond n cer
tain point would bo robbery, Then
Underwood called Simpson ja pig nnd
tho fight was on.
Tho next morning tho cx-frlcnds met
on tho lino of dispute, each hnvlng an
ax with which to fell Umber, and be
fore tbo day was over instead of fell
ing trees they foiled each other. Nei
ther coming homo to supper, their re
spective families went out to look for
them nnd found their dead bodies, the
skulls of both being clpvcn.
Tho trouble threw n gloomioyor both
families. It was cspecinlly deplornblo
on account of- tho cngagotnafK of the
two young people. Frank Under.wood.
In order thnt there might be no more
trouble, sent to tbo county seat for a
Burvoyor, who fixed tho boundary. It
turned out that neither his father nor
his father's friend was right, tho true
bouudry being a dlngounl lino with the
one about which they contended.
Nor was this all that was. mistaken
In tho matter. The disputants had not
long been burled when the railroad to
whoso contractors thoy hads expected
to sell so many tics was discovered to
bo running tho line several mtlea away
from the property of elthpr nnd
through lta own llmberlnnd, i.
Ono night -when Eliza Simpson was
sleeping at home she wiih uwakened
by tho sound of axon being driven Into
the trunks of trees. The sound seem
ed to her to come from the direction
of tho boundary line. She sat up In
bed and listened. The ax men were
apparently vying with each other.
eiu-ii HinviuK to HiriKo more rnpuuy.
Eliza got up nud went Into her moth
er's room to awaken her. but by the
time she hnd succeeded In. doing so
tho sound had ceased.
The next morning when she bad told
of what sho bad heard all considered
that she had been dreaming.- . Never
theless she dcclnrcd thnt sho hnd
heard the axes distinctly, tho sounds
I'otulug frontj a polntiotween the
Simpsons' una the Undorwopds' dwell
ings. When she told her lovor nbout
It ho declared that If any such sounds
Had existed he would havo heard
thorn more readily thnn hit flnncee.
since tho Underwood houso wnn nearer
the lino on which the timber bordered
than the Simpsons'. Eliza, who was
positive iik to what she had heard.
gave him a shnrp reply, nnd ho left
ner In nnger.
I'llza Simpson henrd again the
"nmds of axes on the boundary line.
-' u tin double murder nf the heads
ir flic two niuilltc fhe conditions had
nt't'ii cniliiaTassiiin, nud the day after
r.l' n'o hnvlmr heard . (he mysterlou
i s men :-r:iu M- sinit)on went t
Vrs I'liilcnv din and told of the oc
iMinviii-c. Mr. Umierwimt! hnd been
under a strain ever since the entas
trophe mill upon Mrs. Slmpson'H visit
lost her self control completely, de
claring that she believed Simpson had
murdered her husband, who uctedslm
ply In self defense.
The families of the men who hnd
killed each other now came to open
warfare The match betweon Eliza
nnd Frank was broken off, and no one
of tho Simpsons spoke to nn Under
wood. Tho members of the younger
genorntlon were becoming men nnd
women, nnd the generation after them
Inherited the quarrel. As tho families
multiplied tlio fond spread. A clergy
man, preaching on the matter to the
third generation, dcclnrcd that ho be
lieved tho two murderers had contin
ued their quarrel ns spirits, and Batau
had made their nxes audlblo In order
to transfer their qnnrrel to mortals.
Notice of Special Election, at which
Election jr-sll be Submitted1 the
Question, "Shall tho Platte Valley
ti.- he Fotfa'cd?"
Notice is hereby given tht, on the
2nd dny of December, 19U? y special
election will bo hold, at tn'eUlme nnd
plnccs hereinafter stited. oUwhich said
election the question Bhall beysuhmitted
to the electors of tho proVjsed Platte
Valley Irrigation District,, 'jxa follows:
"Shall an Iirimition district bo formed
to bo named Platte Valley Irrigation
District," bounded as horcinaf tor de
scribed, excluding thercforrrt certain
lands within said uoundnrilnnd here-
cludo in Bald PJntto Vnjrd Irrigation
lJistrict, tnc innus witnin .ai.u uountt
nrics hereinafter sncciflnllv mentioned
nnd described nh included therein. Tho
boundaries of 8tild districts?' Xbo lands
within safd boundaries to 1jq, excluded
from said Irrigation DistrictrVnnd tho
lands to bo included in said' Irrigation
District n'e ns follows, towit?,'
Ttfr!nnlnrr nf. th fi rnrifftrriT lhfvnw
qr of sec. 14, town 14, ranged; running
tnenre west to trie nw corner oi mo
ne qr of the nw qr of iiaijl, sec. 14;
thenco south to ho sw corner of snid
no qr of tho nw qr of said sec. 14;
thenco west to the nw corner" mi the sw
tir of hi nw qr of said section 14;
thenco south on tho see. JW4 .'to the sw
cor. of tho said sec. 14; thenco west to
the nw corner of tho no qr"bf 'the ne qr
of sec. 22, town 14, range'33; thence
south to tho ow corner of the ne qrof
the ne qr of said sec. 22; thenco east to
the Be corner of tho ne qr tff the ne qr
of said sec. .22; thenco soi(th on the
section lino between sections 22 and 23
sw corner of ecction 28' town 14,
range 33; thence west on'. th section
line between sections 22 and 2? to the
nw corner of sec. 27, town I4.'rtmge 33:
thence south en tho west dipe of said
sec. 27 to tho sw corner of wWsec. 27:
thenco east on the aoutrt ime oi sat"
South Platte river to where'faud north
bank intersects the east line -of sec. 31,
township 14, rango 31; thence north on
the east lino of said sec. 31' Ho: tho ne
corner of said sec. 81; th&riCiV east on
tho south sec. lino of sectionttf?, 28 and
27 to tho se comer of wiq ,'bcc. 27;
thence north to the no corner ,6f tho se
qr of the so qr of said secY27 thence
cost on the south lino of the,n)if of the
s hf of sec. 26 to tho casUin of Bald
sec. 26, town 14, range 31; Mnce north
to tne no corner oi ine senr oi saia
see. 26; thence west on tho'forth line
of tho s hf of snid sec. 26 to the nw cor
of tho sw qr; thenco west on thi north
lino of the se qr of see. 27- town 14,
rannro 31. to tho nw corner: of the no
qr of tho se qr of said sec. 2', thenco
north on tho east lino of tho Vycst half
of the no qr of said sec. 27 to the ne
corner of the nw qr of the rio' qr of said
sec. 27; thenco west along tho north
line of said sec. 27 to tho nw corner
of said sec. 27; thenco north on the
cast line of sec. 21, town 14, range 31,
200 JrodB; thenco cast SO r"ds, thence
north eu roaua tnenco east eu rous,
thenco south 120 rods to the sw corner
of the noqr of said Sep. 22; thenco east
to tho se corner of tho sw qr of tho ne
qr of aec 22; thenqo north to tho no
cornor of tho nw qr.of the neqr of aaid
sec. 22; thenco east on the section lino
to tho se corner of sec. 15, town 14,
range 31; thence south on. tho west line
of sec. 23, town 14, range 31 to tho bw
enrnor of the nw qr or safd sec. 23;
thenco oast on tho south lino of said nw
or to the se corner of said nw or of said
ec. 23; thence north on tho cast line of
said nw qr oi earn sec. jus mono
cornor of said nw qr of said sec. 23;
thence north to the no corner of the ee
qr of the sw qr of sec 14, town 14,
range Hi; tnenco west on mo.- norm line
of tho south hf of the sw qr of said sec,
14, to the nw corner of the tKv qr of the
sw qr of 8a'd sec. 14; thence north on
the sec. lino to tho ne corner of the se
qr of sec. 15, town 14, range 81; thenco
west on the north line, of said, so qr of
sec. 15, J20 rods, thence north 80 rods,
thence west 40 rods, thcrfije north 40
rods, thence west SO rods, tnenco nqrth
40 rods to tho no corner of the nw qr
of the nw qr of said section 15, town
14, range 31; thencO west on, tho north
line of tho suid section to the nw corner
of said sec 16, thenco west on. tho north
line .of section 16, town 14, rango 31, to
the nw corner of the no qr of said sec.
16; thenco nortli on tho easX Jipo of the
sw qr of sec, 9, town 14 range 31, to
where said lino intersects t,he Bouth
bank of tho.North Piatte river; thenco
west along tho south bank of,,tbe North
Platte river to whefe snid bank inter
sects the west line of Baid sec. 0;
thenco south on tho west lino of snid
section 9 to the no corner of-aection 17,
town 14, range 31; tnenco west along
the north lino of said sectlon'17 to the
nw corner of said sec. 17; thence south
tho west line of said Section 17 to
tho sw corner of said section 17: thenco
west on the north line of section 19 to
the nw corner of snid section; 3.9; thenco
north on the west lino ofaection 18,
town 14; rnngo 31, 40 rods; .tnenco east
160 rods, thenco north 80 . rods, thenco
east 80 rods, thence nortir'.60 rods,
thenco west 80 rods, thenc,fcV south 40
rods to the bw cornor of-the ne qr of
Baidsoction 18;thence west onithe south
lino of tho nw qr of said section 18, to
tho sw corner of said nw qr-pf auid sec.
18; thence north on tho east line of
section 13, town 14, range.,82, to the
ne cornor of snid section 18; thenco
west on the north lino of ask) auction 13
to tho nw corner of said section 13;
thence south on tho west, .line of said
Bection 13 to tho bw corner.of. said sec
tion IS thenco west on tho-iti'orth line of
section 23 to, tho nw corneryof. tho ne qr
of thene qrof said section 23; '.town, 14,
rango 32; thence south on thotwcst line
nf 111 ft anat hf nf thn nn nr nr, nntfl qoc.
tion2ii, to tne sw cornor otng so qr 01
the neqr of said section 23? thenco west
on the south line of qr of said
section 23; to tho sw corner or tno no qr
of sold section 23; thencq north 120
rods; thence west 160 rods to ,tho west
lino of said section 23; thenco north 40
rods to thenw cornor of said section 23:
then west on the north lino of sections
22, 21, 20 and 19, town 14, rango 32 and
on the nqrth lino ot section Z4, town 14,
ranee 33 toAtho nw corner of' said sec
tion 21. town 14, range 83; (.henco north
40 rods; thenco west . 1C0 rods;
thence north on the east line
of the wst half of rection 14,
town 14, 'rango 33 to the place of
beginning nt the no corner of tho nw
or of section 14. town 14. ranee 33
Sajd irritation district tv. (nclude all
of tho lands included within the
boundaries nforesald, except tho lands
hereinafter described, which arc to be
I excluded from said district, viz: Thn
sec. 27 to the north bank Ofute Seuth
Platte river; thence in 'sn' antcrly
direction alone tho north bank of the
north hf of tho bw qr section 26, town
14, range 31; all of section 28, town 14,
range 31; tho sw qr of tho sw qr of
section 21. town 14, rango 31, tho
north hf of section 29, town 14, range
31, and the south half of section
20, town, 14, range 31; all of sec
tion 30 and the south half of section
19, all in town 14, rane 31; thp south
half of Bection 24, town- 14, range 32,
nnd all of the nw qr of said section 22,
town 14, range 32, save and except the
following tracts of land:
A strip 40 rods wide north and south
nnd 160 rods east and west, directly
Bouth of the main irrigating canal; and
n strip beginning on the west lino of
said section 24 on tho north bank of said
main irrigating canal, running thenco
east 120 rods along said cnnnl. thence
north 63J rods, thence west 120 rods,
thenco south 53 rods to tho place of
beginning; all of section 20. town 14,
range 32; the south half of scclon 23 and
tho south hf of tho se qr of the nw qr
of said section 23 nnd the south qr of
the sw qrof thonwqr of the said section
23, town 14, range 32, nnd the aeqr of
section 22 and tho east hnlf of the sw
qr of Bection 22, and tho nw qr of the
sw qr of section 22, and the south half
of the south half of tho ne qr of said
section 22, town 14, rango 32; the
ne qr of Bection 28, the south one-half
and tlio south hnlf of the nw
nr of section 28, nil in town 14, range
32; tho south half of section 20; the
south half of the south half of the no qr
of sold section 20 and the south half f
the nw qr of said section 20, all in town
14, range 32; the fractional south half
of rection 30; the east half of tho nn qr
of said section 30; the sw qr of the no
qr of said section 30; tho south half of
the nw qr of said sectien 30, all in town
14, range 32; the south half f section
19, town 14, range 32; the se qr of sec
tion 24, except 50 acres on north side
thereof; the south half of the sw qr of
section 24. and tho south half of the
north half of tho bw qr of said section
24, nil in town 14, range 33; the north
half of the no qr of Bection 26, and nw
qrof section 26, and tho fractional south
half of section 26 in town 14, range 33:
the bw or and tho se nrjof the nw qr of
section 14, township 14, rsfrge 33, and
tne bo qr 01 bo qr 01 section 23, town
14, range 33.
Tho lands to be included in said dis
trict aro mora particularly described as
The north half of the se qr of section
26: the nw qr of section 23; tho south
half of the sw qr of section 14; the south
half and tho nw qr and the west half of
the no qr of section 27; the west half of
thene qr; tho north half of tho ne qr of
the nw qr and tho north three-fourths
of tho west half of the nw qr, nil in sec
tion 22: the south half and the south
half of the nw qr and tho nw qr of the
nw qr and the south half of the no qr
of the nw qr, and tho west half of the
sw qr of tho no qr in section 15; the sw
qr of section 9; all of section 16; the
north half and the sd qr; tho east .half
of the. bw qr and the north half of the
west half of the bw qr in section
21; all of section' 17; the nw qr and
the ne qr of section 20; and the south
half of section 29; tho north haf of sec
tion 19; the south hnlf of. tho sw qr of
the ne qr and the north half ot the
nw qr of the se qr and the north
half of th.BW qr and the north half of
the south half of tho bw qr of section
18. nil in, town 14, rango 31. And the
following lands in town 14, range 32:
(ill of section 13; all of the ne qr of sec
ton 24; and also tho following tract on
the nw qr f said Bection 24, beginning
on tho weBt (ine of section 24 at the
north bank of tho irrigatingcanal there
on, thence eastl20 rods along said canal,
thenco north 53 rods, thence wost 120
rods, thence south fifty-three and one
third rods t? tlio place of be
ginning; being 40 acres. And also the
followine tract on tho nw ar of section
24, a piece of land directly south of tho
right-of-way of tho main canal thereon
160 rods east and west and 40 rods north
and south being 40 acres. Also all of
section 25j the east half of the ne qr;
tne sou tn, nan 01 tne nortn naif 01 the
nw qr; tbo north hnlf of tho so qr of the
nw qr; the north three-fourth of tho sw
qr ot the nw qr nil in Bection 23. The
nw qr nnu tno north unit ot thenear
and the north half of tho south half of
the no qr and tho bw or of tho sw or.
all in section 22: all of section 27: all of
section 21$ the north hnlf of tho nw qr
of section 28; the north hnlf of the no
qr, fhe north half of tho south half of
tho no qr, tho north half of tho nw qr.
an in section zu; an 01 section z'J: the
north half of section 19: the n war of
the no qr nnd tho north hnlf Of the nw
quarter of section 30. All of Baid last
described lands aforesaid being ;in town
14, range 82.
Also tho following described Innd
being in township 14, rango 33: Tlio
north half and the north hlf of tho
north half of tho sw qr of section 24,
and north 50 acres of the so or: the
north half nnd the fractional south half
of section 25; tho' neqr of the nw qr, the
bw qr of tho nwqr, thoBOuth half of the
south half of tho bo qr, of section 14;
all of section 23 except the se nr of the
so qr; the south half of tho no qr of
section Zb tno neqr or the ne qr 01 sec
tion 22: all of section 27: said Inst de
scribed lands being in town 14, rango 33.
In audition the following described
trnct3 to bo included in said district:
Commencing nt the Bouthwest corner
of section 28, town 14. range 30. west
of the Cth P. M. , thenco north on tho
section lino 439 feet, thenco in a south
easterly direction to a point 210 feet
feet north 01 tho southeast corner of the
south west quarter of said section; thetrco
south on tno half Bection lino to said
corner, thenco west on section lino to
place of beginning, excepting that por
tion of said tract of land described
heroin, hereinbefore deeded to the North
I'latte Cemetery and the City of North
Platte, Nebraska; this deed being in
tended to convey 18J acres, moro or less,
Also the north half of tho northwest
quarter of tho northeast quarter of sec
tion 32, towshlp 14, range 30.
for tno purpose ot this election, and
said irrigation district, if formed, shall
bo divided into three directors districts,
as follows:
Directors district No. 1 shall bo all
that part of said proposed district situ
ated east of tho half section lino, run
ning north and south through sections
18, 19 and 30, township 14, rango 81.
Directors district No. 2 shall be all
that part of said proposed district lying
west of said directors district No. 1 and
cast of tho east lino of Sections 20 and
29, in township 14, rango 32.
Directors district No. 3 shall be all
that part of snid proposed irrigation
district lying west of directors district
No. 2.
For the purpose of Bnid election tho
territory contained in each of tho
.It -l .1 ! i . n t. n 1 1 1. ,. nn tfilnMfftn
uiruciura uintutc miun uj ..
precinct, nnd tho polling places in said
precincts shall bo as follows:
In Directors District No. 1 at the
Platto Valley school houso in said
District. , "
In Directors District No. 2 nt tho
Nichols school house in said District.
In Directors District No. 3 at tho
O'Failon school houstf in said District.
Tho ballot used at said election shall
contain the words:'
Irrigation district Yes.
Irrigation district No.
Those votine in favor of the forma
tion of snid district shall mark thoir
ballot with an X opposite tho worth
"irrigation district xcs.
Those votintr neainot tho formation
of such irrigation shall ninrk their
ballot witii nn X opposite the words
"lrngniion district jno.
There shall also be voted for nt said
election by tlio electors of snid proposed
irrigation district, porsons to fill tho
following offices, which said officers
must be resident electors of snid pro
posed irrigation district nnd directors
Ono person for treasurer.
Ono person for assessor.
And also three directors: ono for
each directors district, who shall reside
therein nnd bo an elector in said
Each elector shall write op his
ballot and dcBignato tho officers ho
desires tho person voted for to fill:
Ono person for treasurer.
One person for assessor
And ono person for directors of said
irrigation district, from tho directors
district, in which Bnid elector votes.
Said election shall bo open nt eight
o'clock in tho morning nnd continue
open until six o'clock in tho evening of
said 2nd day of December, 1911.
P. R. Elliott,
Senl CountYkCIerk.
-I Dsclers Ames & Ames, f
Physicians aad Suracons,
i Office over Stone Drug Co.
S Phones lOfllco273 g
Q monea 070 V.
Offico phono 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platto, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Physician and Surgeon.
Day and night calls promptly answered
Ullico P. B. Hospital. Phono 642.
PorIl No- OTio.
. United 8utes L'anU OfllCo.
At North Platto. NbrasU. Oct.6.l011.
Notice la horoby tlvoo that Huirli
hPVSR .,J,orth. 1.Uuo Nob- who on
Iks;. iiUth, lvOS, mado homestead entry No.
21003. Serial No. 02710 for tl.o w"st Silf aid
west hif oast half. Pec Ion 10, Towntblp U.
N IUniro 31 v of tho Btu l'rlnclpai
Meridian, lias filed notlco of In
tention to make final five roar
Sroof. to establish claim to the land above
escribed, boforo the reirlster and receiver
at North Platte. Nobraska. on the Othday
of Dec- lvil.
Claimant names as witnesses! Harry
MadlHon, Henry Doehke. Geonr Macnmbor
and David Slacomber. all nf North I'latte.
oin-n John- K. Kv,nh, Pwiscr.
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon n decree of
foreclosure rendered in said Court
wherein George T. Field is plaintiff
nnd John Shnfter et al nro defendants,
and to mo directed, I will on tho 2nd
day of December, 1911, at ono o'clock
p. nw, at tho east front door of the
court houso in North Platte, Lincoln
County, Ncbrnskn, sell at public auc
tion to tho highest bidder for cash, to
satisfy said decree, interests and costs,
the following described property,
Lot eight (8) block six (C) Peniston
Addition to tho city of North Platte,
qincoln Comity, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte, Neb., Oct. 21st,
I. L. Miltonbekger, Sheriff.
Serial No. OJtOIU.
. Department of tlio Interior,
U. 6. Land OUIco at Nortli I'latte. Neb,
. September 29. IBM.
r Notlco Is hereby el von that Clarence I.
Lowls. ot North I'latte, Nob., who. on Nov.
l.MKM.mado homestead entry No. sate' serial
lllod notlco of Intention to mako Onal live
year proof, to establish claim to tho land
above dps.rlt)cd. before tho Iteslsterand Ito
celvor at North I'latte. Nebraska, on tho'JIth
day of NovcmlMir, 1UU.
Claimant names as witnesses! Hcnderrson
.1. Itunner. jlurHhoy. Nob.; William l-'acka,
DIckenK, Neb.t Paul Smith, ot North Platto,
Nob.jSpencor W Edmlsten, Horshoy. Neb.
Tho Statu of Nobraska, Lincoln County, ss
In tho County Court.
In tho .Matter of tlio Estato of David
V. Harshlleld, Deceased.
. To tho creditors, heirs legatees and others
interested in tho catato ot David W, Harsh
Held, deceased.
Tako notice, that Mary O. Harh
flold has filed in tho county court a
report of her dolmm as administratrix of
said estate and It Is ordered that tho
samo Ntand for hearing tho Ulst day of
November A. 1). lflll, beforo tho court
at tho hour of 0 o'clock, a. m., at which tlmo
any person Interested may appear and except
to and contest tho samo, And notlco of this
proceed iib Is ordered clven In tho North
1 ?He. Tribune, a aeml-weekly newspaper
published for six successlvo Issues prior to
said date ot hearing,
Witness my hand and tho ieal of tho coun
ty court at North Hatto. Nob., this aith day
of October A D. WH.
o3t-0 .John Quant. County Judge.
By virtue of an order of aale Issued from tho
dlitrlct court of Lincoln county, Nebratkn. uion a
decree of foreclosure rendered In said court
wi f rfiV "fJnirton & Tobln. a co-partnership, U
plalntlir and Mrs. A. J. Frailer, Is defendant,
and to mo directed. I will on tho 28th day of No
vemtier. 1911. at ono o'olock. p. m., at the east
front door of tho court house In North Platte.
Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said
, onu cuais, wie loiiowingnescnocu
property, to-wlti Lota soven and eight 17 and 8;,
m .i f? r..(4,'i1!' T1,te Addition In the city of
Dated North I'latte. Nebraska, Oct 11, 19U
- I. L. MiLTONBEiiatit, Sheriff.
1x0. U.W111 ior ntNWM, aim jmkwnwu. Ptt
8WHHEi otPec. 10. Town 12. N. ltanco
X! W. Of tho tlth l'rlrichml Mnrlrilnn. Ion