The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 24, 1911, Image 5

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    Sterling Silver
tor 11c
U. P. Watch Inspector.
DR. 0. tl. CRESSLER.
Gradualc Dentist.
over tho Mcuonaia
Stnto Bank.
Deputy Slioriff Prank Knapp trans
acted business in Brady tho first of tho
Tho interior of tho Dixon jewelry
store is being brightened by a now
coat of paint.
Heating Stoves nt near cost at Her
shey's Fifth and Locust
Mrs. Holmes, of Chappell, who has
been vsiting in town for several days,
left Wednesday.
Miss Graham, a trained nurse of
Omaha, arrived Wednesday to assist in
St. Luke'Bjhospital. I flW-nrrJ
William Garman. of . Sutherland,
visited his 'daughter Mrs. Ed Ogier the
first of the week. '
Home made Sour Kraut at the Tramp
grocery, , ,
James Jensen received word the last
of the week of tho death of his twelve
year old brother at Keystone.
Charles Barr left Wednesday after
noon for Maledia, Minn., to spend sev
eral weeka with friends and relatives.
The Knights of Columbus will hold a
special meeting and reception for their
members in tho I. O. O, F. hall on
Dec. 13th.
Tho Star orchestra furnished music
for tho Crystal theatre Wednesday and
Thursday evenings. This . was their
initial appearance.
50 per cent discount on nil trimmed
hats at Maloney & Lintz.
Mrs. L. L. Gray returned Wednesday
from Columbus, where she was called
the last of the week by the death of
her father Mr. Mahaffoy.
Mrs. William Simons, of Wallace,
who is the guest of Mrs. Ed Ogier, was
taken violently ill with appendicitis
Tuesday and an operation was nocessnry
the following day.
Tho EpfscopaT supper and baazar
which was held in tho Masonic hall
Tuesday evening, was given tho liberal
patronage which it deserved. Tho
ladies are noted for their splendid sup
pers and tho articles on salo met wjth
a ready sale, thus netting tho guild a
neat sum.
We have all the latest copyrighted
novels by tho best authors at from
?1.00 to ?1.40.iNcKER,sSTonEi
Mrs. Morgan Davis, oPcona, Colo.,
who spent tho past we'ek with Mrs.
James Shea, loft Wednesday for points
in Indiana to visit relatives. Mrs.
Davis resided here a number of years
ago and has many friends in tho city
who were pleased to renew her ac
quaintance. TimlMurphv and company in "The
New Code" pleased a fair sized audi
ence at tho Keith on Tuesday evening.
The play is full of bright sayings and
amusing incidents and was well received
by the local people.
Pnr Ront-'Good eicht room framo
dwelling near 2nd ward school.
Buchanan & Patterson.
At a meeting of tho city council on
Tuesday evening, C. O. Weingand was
mithorizedlto build a cross walk across
Dewey fctreot from his new store to tho
Rtnr clothimr store. This will bo done
at his own expense and will indeed bo
rnnvenient for many, especially ladies
who have not been accustomed to using
Saturday Only.
We recently made a lucky purchase on
100 genuine Sterling Silver Thimbles and
we are going to give our customer all the
Tomorrow morning these Thimbles, which
ordinarly cost 30c to 35c each will sell
for only 11c each.
, Since the number is so small, we cannot
sell more than one thimble to any one
Sec Them in Our Show Window.
John Dcnn transacted business up the
branch the first part of tho week.
Roscoo Zimmcrs, of Sidney, is spend
ing n few days in town this week.
50 per cent discount on all trimmed
hats at Maloney & Lintz.
Charles Whistler, of Keystone, spent!
tho fore part of tho week hero on busi
ness. s
Hnrry Stevens, of Maxwell, was a
visitor in town tho fore part of the
Mr. Arnold, of Maxwell, transacted
business in the city tho first of the
Mrs. S. C. Mecomborwont to Omaha
Wednesday to spend a week or more
with friends.
Genuine crushed Oyster Shells. Make
hens lay..
. Hershey's, Fifth and Locust;
Attorney William Shumaty left Wed
nesday, for Omaha and Lincoln to trans
act business.
'ilrT anfMrs". iThi. HoggAf Paxton,
came down Wednesday to' yisit Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Hogg.
Miss Marie Stuart is expected home
shortly from a month's visit in Aurora,
111., with her aunt
Mr. and Mrs. John States, who spent
the fore part of the week in Omaha,
have returned home.
Don Melton and Harry Beam, who
were visitors in town early in the
week went homo Wednesday.
For Sale $60 hard coal Art Garland
stove for $10, m good order, . $12 par
lor cook stovo for $4.00. Inquire at
303 East 2nd St.
Miss Mollie Peniston left Wednesday
for Denver to visit friends a few days
before going to Rawlins to live.
Miss Florence Jackson, who has been
ill for somo time, will leave soon for
El Paso, Texas to spend the winter.
Mrs. Arthur Howard and sons re
turned Wednesday from Julesburg,
where she was called by her aunt's ill
ness. Claude Mecomber left Wednesday
morning for Omaha, where ho will,
spend a few days before going to Deo
MntnoH fn nttonrt Hphnnl.
Mr. and Mrs. cferre"slfeyeTlb arrived J
a few days ago from Denver and will
visit tho former's sisters Mrs. C M.
Newton and Miss Harriet Beyerlo,
Miss Lucille Halligan e'ntertained d
dozen young friends a few evenings
ago. Pleasant games and music made
the evening an enjoyable ono to all
present. Refreshments were served
Lost AKnight Templar watch charm
and chain. Finder please return to
McDonald State bank and receive re
A new orchestra was formed in the
city last week under tho leadership of
W. E. Starr. It is composed of Messrs.
W. E. Starr, Emil Voescipka, Hershey
Wolch and Misses Mnyme McMichael
and Mae Welsh,
W. L. Witty, manager of the Amer
jean leiepnone and leiegrapn u
north of the city was presented wjth
an expensive merchaum pipe the first
of the week by Messrs. H, II. Mussle
man and Guy Swopo on behalf of the
local base ball fans. This is to show
their appreciation of Mr. Witty's kind
ness In securing tho returns of tho
world'B series for their benefit, free of
Money Making Investment.
Tho owner of a bunch of lots in tho
West end fronting on Fifth and Sixth
atrrnfs luivo authorized us to sell them
at the very low price of $1000, about
one nail tneir real value.
If you are interested see us quick bo
lore BomcDouy eiso snaps tnem up.
Buchanan & Patterson,
Kclflier will servo a "Lunchcbnetlo"
for tho fyoilcrmnkers' ball on next
Wedncsdny evening, The menu ns fol
lows: Chicken Salad, Pickles,
Bread and Butter Sandwiches,
Cake, Coffee.
Will began serving at 10 o'clock.
Price 25 cents per plate.
Seveeth-Day Adveatiit Ckturck.
Regular Sabbath services as usual
on Corner Willow and West 10th. On
Sunday evening Nov. 26, nt 7:30 p. m.
The preaching service will bo n contin
uation of the studies on the Prophecies
of Danial and Revelation.
Subject: Tho Future, Eteipal Homo
of tho Saved. Where, and What is It,
and How Obtaining?
C. W. Miller, Pastor.
An Interesting Sale.
Do you krtow tho placo my darling child
Where you bought tho bakery before?
Go there, again my dearcstono
And b'dy as much, or more.
Got piep and cakes and broad and things
The lndiod huvo on salo,
When brother comes nnd company
b tings, " !'
Our good cheer must not fail.
Oat meal cookieB, fowls in prime
Are good for old and young,
Our Suriday dinner must be flno
Our songs of praiso bo sung.
At Ifowo & Mnlonoy's Sat. Nov. 25th.
'Christmas Goods.
Our Christmas goods uro arriving
daily and are being placed for your in
spection.! Comu in now nnd mako your
Bolcctibna and hnvo them laid awuy if
you wish." Rinckeu's Book Stoke,
Miss Ethel Louden has accepted a
position in tho 10c store.
HenryElias, who has been ill for two
weeks, is repqrted improved today.
Will, Vernon left last night for Den-
vorwhero'he will accept n position.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Redmond will
entertain tho Harmony Club tonight
Mr. ! nnd Mrs. D. Congdon were
visitors 'in Hershey tho first of' the
week. ''w
Harry. Brown, of Sutherland, was
among the out., of town people hero
Tho high school classes were granted
half, holiday today in order to attend
the foot ball game.
Miss Bessie Smith left Wcdnesdny
evening for Wood River to visit rela
tives for n week or more.
Mrs. Ole Swanson is spending tills
week with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Bostwich nt Hershey,
Visitors fronj Wallace today are Mr.
and Mrs. D. Melton,, Abo Melton, De-
Witt Benm and Jctmco Howe.
A young passenger brakeman and a
well known young lady of this city will
bo married shortly after Thanksgiving.
Roy Banks will spend ThanKsgiving
In Yorke nnd before returning expects
to spend a week with Lincoln friends;
O. H. Brotlemnrkle, formerly of this
city arrived from tho east Tuesday and
is spending a few days in town on bus
ness. William McCarry, who has been
visiting his cousin James Thompson for
Boveral days, loft this , morning for
Lewis A. Waynor, of Cambridge and
Miss Mnrquerite 13. Olson, of Suther
land, were married last evening by
County Judge Grant
Weather forecast Fair tonight and
Saturday; Maximum temperaturo yes
terday 37, one ycnr.ago 62; minimum
temperature this morning 16; ono year
ago 30.
In tho foot ball came at Lincoln, tho
first of tho week between the freshman
of tho stato university and tho varsity
team. Victor Hall tran played an un
usually strontr eamo and was classed
with the best in tho gamo on either
Hie ladies of tho Christian church
will hold nn exchange nt Howe &
Malonevs' Wednesday, Nov. aith, and
will havo on sale everv thine suitable
for a Thanksgiving dinner including
nomo maue mince meat, pumpiun pies,
cakes, rolls, dressed spring chicken,
jellies and fruits.
The hierh school students held a coat
tall narndo last ovenlntr to advertise
tho toot ball eramo today. Banners nnd
streamers of red nnd white were used
and during the jnarch up Dewey street
a seried of class yells were given and
several of tho local merchants were
called on for short talks. About two
hundred students took pnrt.
A 8ouvenir.
Old Gentleman Hnvo you any hnlr
the ton me color ns mine? Barber Do
you rpqulro It for a wig, fllr? Old Gen
tlcman No: I want a small piece to
give to n lady. London Opinion.
An Artlit.
Sue You said you were going to
marry an nrtlst, and now you're en
gaged to n dentist Flo Well, Isn't
ho nu artist? Ho draws from renl
There are no tricks In plain
irtmplo faith. Julius Caesar.
Starts Much Trouble.
If oil people know that neglect of
constipation would result in sovere in
digestion, yellow jaundice or virulent
liver irouuie iney wouiu buuii iuko ur,
Kintr's New Life Pills, and end It. It
the onlv safe way. Best for biliousness
headacne, dyspepsia, chills anddebilitys
, t Vlctorfa and Nnpol---Qiioort'
Victoria oilfo Knro n remark
able description of her visit to the
tonUi of Napoleon t. during the rclsn
of Napoleon 111. "Tup cotnn la not yot
here." she wrote, "hut In u humII nldf
chnpol of Rt Jerome. Into this the
emperor led inc. nmLtliere 1 xtood nt
the nrm of Napoleon ill., his uephrvr.
before the offlil of HnKlamVa bitterest
foe, I. the Krnuddntuiflter of that t;lnr
who hflted lilm nio.t and who uiot
vigorously opposed hint und this very
nephew, who bourn his name, being
my nearest and dearest nlly! Tho or
gan of the church wn playing 'God
Save the Queen at the time, and this
Solemn"1 scene took place by torchlight
and duVlhj; a thunderstorm. Strnno
nnd wonderful Indeed!''
An Offensive Cravat
A tnau once called upon Whistler
with a letter of Introduction, and nu
amusing h-chp followed, arising out of
the fact that the visitor wearing
a red'iieekile. Whistler declared It in
tetfered with the color scheme of W.h
roont and "put him off" a picture he
vviih ptlllitinu; hi quite aMlIfforeut "key."
n mil IV hi "bllcod ll in to take off the
uaviullng ruvut before he would eon-dosr-pttfi
.to exchange another word
Willi Itlni.
I The Lamb.
"I)o6 pour husband piny pokcrV
Jut not for money."
"Tlint bo?"
"No.l He wouldn't do RUch
n tiling.
When ho plays It'n only for fun. nnu
i lie nt
he kecjis fully with little red. white
nnd bluo liieehs." Detroit Free Press. ;
His Pet.
Hnrker-Thliil: I'll try to sell old
Stuffem .some pot dogs. Bnrkcr Use
less Job. All he thinks about Is eating.
nnrker Hasn't any four legged i
frlonds, oh? Marker Only one. nnd
that's the dining room table. Chicago
Suspicious Neighbor Did your moth
er have n rooster for dinner yesterday,
sonnlo? Sonnlo Ycs'm. 8nsptcIous
Neighbor A big ono with black tall
feathers? Sonnlo Dunno, Mother
didn't cook the fenthers. Sydney Bul
letin. vRenrots.
Regrctf are n waste of tlmo In orery
possible! Instance except one when
they lietpmo vnluublo lessons for tho
V future,
A Father's Vengeance
would havo fallen on nnv ono who at
tacked the son of Petir Bondy, of
South Rbckwood. Mich., but ho was
powerless before attacks of Kidnoy
he wrote, "so at last we eavo him
Electric! Bitters nnd ho Improved
wonuefiuiiy irom lUKing six uumua.
Its tho best Kidney medicine I over
BnWi"- (Backache, tired fcclimr. ner-
voU8riesF, loss . of appetite, warn of
'kidney trouble that may end in dropsy,
dinbdten of Bright'a disease. Beware:
Take Ulectric Bitters and bo safe.
Every bottle guaranteed. 50 cents nt
Stone Drug Co,
( -
Bareain In a Home.
Location 4m south of Maxwell, Forty
acres in cultivation, izu pasture, o
acres of alfalfa, 200 young fruit trees
apples, peaches, checrlcs and plums.
All fenced and cross fenced, trood 5-
room frame house with porch screenod.
r i) I Lot 1 . ! ! .1 1 n! . t . 1. ......
12x16. cement hen houso 12x20 and
cement .tavo 12x24, crib, grnnnry.and
shed 24x32. cistern, we II. w ndmill.
Rural mall daily, telephone, Ideal
dnirv and stock farm.
Fino View of Plntte Valloy, splendid
location. ncarHchoolhouse, wnero church
services' held oach Sabbath. $20,000
h trh scnool now bulldintr at Maxwell.
Advanced years, and boiib entering
col etro causes mo to seek retirement.
... " . . . . i
To close at once, at less tnnn iur
price. Terms, auviso your inenus oi
tnis exceptional opportunity.
IS. M. ARNOLD, Urady, weu.
321 West First Street
Phone 592.
Elizabeth Kaar Langsfen,
Teacher of Voice Culture!
At Rlnckcr'i Mutlc and Art Storo
on Thursday!,
Graduate Northwestern University.
A Ofiico over McDonald State Bank
Hnmennathlo Phvilelin andSurtfeon
Special attention irlven to conllno-
iuunto aim vunuruu uiDuaaua. q
OIllco Phone 163 lies. l'hono;2S.1
nnlfn Mi-Dniittlil RLitn Hunk Aa
Merchant Tailor.
We have recently installed a French
Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies'
apparel of all classess, and wo
tiuarantee satisfactory work. Wo
arc also tailors and know how to
repair clothes.
We carry samples of goods and
make clothes of all kinds to order,
insuring first-class workmanship
McDonald State Bank,
UapitM Stock fully Paid $100,000.00.
OMcsl Bank In Llncsln Ce'wily.-!
.,.-rh - -
Wo ilcspectfully Solicit your Bnnldny
Business. Satisfaction Qunrnntdctl , .
chas. Mcdonald,
Made Fresh Every Day at
Vanilla Taffy 15 cents per pound
Peanut Candy . 20 cents per pound
Vanilla Taffy Wafers 30 cents per pound
Cocoanut Chips 25 cents per pound
Cocoanut Creams 25 cents per pound
Chocalate Cocoanut Creams .... 25 cents per pound
Nut Top Nougat 40 cents per pound
Comcin and'get a sample.
Union Realty and Investment Company.
Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00.
T. C. PATTERSON, Presklont,
First Mortgages on Real Estato; Bought, Sold and Negotiated.
This compnny is prepared to loan money of Investors on hrst mort
gages on real estnto, amply secured nnd drawing eight per cent scml
annunlIlntorcst.Monoy ho Invested will be oxompt from taxation.
A $250 Harley Davidson 4-Horse Power
Motor Cycle, Magneto Ignition ....
A Ticket With
Yellow Front Shoe Store,
( w. h. Mcdonald,
Cashier and Vice-Prest.
When You Can Buy
IVSade Candies
218 West Fourth St.
For the treutment of
CAL patients. Also for
accommodations con
finement cases.
B. BUCHANAN, Soc'y nnd Treaa.
Every Pair of Shoes.
that side of the street.
25 cents nt atono urug uo.
and perfect lit.