The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 24, 1911, Image 1

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    State Historical Sodtty
mutt Bmiwml$
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Smart Clothes for Young Men,
am showing some very
smart and snappy suits
for young in all the
late fall models styled in an
inimitable wayv-and made
from the very best fabric.
I hnve just opened up my
store and my goods are all
new, fresh from the factory.
No old shelf-worn goods in my
store but everything new and
strictly up-to-date.
I want you to make my
store a visit. Come in and
look around whether you want
to buy or not. It is a pleas
ure for us to show goods.
Clothing, Furnishinu Gebds,
Hats and Shoes.
Father Sullivan, of Elm Creek, visited
Rev. McDaid and Johnen Wednesday.
Mrs. J. E. Sebastian and baby left
Wednesday for Chnppell to spend a few
lays. .
Fred Warren has been holding re
vival meetings jn,VVellflect for - n-yreek
f -
,'Mra. Miner HJnman left We inesduy
ibr Mdringo, In., tof spend tho winter
jvith relatives.
, Miss Mary Tighe left Wednesday
.-evening for Lincoln to visit, relatives
for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reed returned
yesterday from an extended stay in
Jule, Kan.
Mrs. Valentino Scharman left Wed
nesday evening for California to spend
.several weeks.
Miss Elizabeth Grpbn in visiting in
Gretna with relatives-, this week having
left a few days ago. .
Special prices in millinery at M&loncy
& Lintz.
Mr. and Mrs. Mudd, of Hershej, who
haye been visiting in town left Wednes
day morning. for home
Mrs. Tucker, of Sidney, who virited
Mrs. Frank-'Winkle-man the lirit of
AVeek, went homo Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. N0I3 Chziatinnaon, who
wero married in Cozad last week, have
returned to tho city und will reside in
tho Fourth ward.
Mrs. Earl Crandall, of Lodgopole, is
visiting her aunt Mrs. A. P. Kelly.
Miss Orra Campbell, who had charge
of the Huffman Millinery this season
left yesterday for her home in Lincoln.
The' stork called at the homd df Mr.
and Mrp. George Atchey Wednesday
afternoon and deposited a "baby bpy.
All concerned are doing nicely.
Mrs. Sniverly, or Joplin, Mo., who
was called here bvtho.illness and death
Hollenbock; returned,- homo Wednes
day. Thu M. B. A. dance nnd social held
in the K. P. hall Wednesday ovening
was enjoyed by a large number of
members and friends. A nice lunch
was served at midnight.
The barn in the rear of the George
Trcxler's yard was partly destroyed by
fire Wednesday. Tho sparks of
a smoldering bon fire wero fanned by
the wind and iginited the roof of tho
bnrn and "adjoining shed?.
At tho homo of Mrs. Charles Weir
on Wednesday afternoon the Indian
Card club was intortained. In the card
games the greatest number were won
by Mrs. Jos. B. Hayes and she received
the silver' fork. The consolation em
blen was awarded to Mrs. E. J. Van,
Derhoof. A delightful lunch added to
the pleasure of tho day assisting the
hostess woreMesdames'J. F. Clabaugh,
Charles Austin and Georgo T. Fields.
Will Hcndy received flv new tfo
Sheriff I. L. MUtonborgar transact!
business in Sutherland yesturday. J
VrnnVt .Tnlmimn r.tlirniwl lrtnfc n
from Grand Island where ho nttondey
thi vpfldini of his r.misin. -T
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen return t!
Wednesday evening from eastern citie!
whero they spent their honeymoon. j
Mrs. P. W. Hoitmnn, of Kearney
.arrived last evening nnd will visit her
sister Mrs. A. E. Twicholl for n wee to
Miss Bessio Graham left this morn-?
ing for Omaha and Lincoln to spend
two weeks with relatives and friends.
Ira L. Bare, who was called to Phil
adelphia last week by tho death of his:
sister is expected homo Sundny even
Miss Arleigh Moore entertained tho
young ladies kensington club ai a
thcatro party last evening. All in the
party report a good time.
Don Clnbaugh will leave tonight for
Lincoln to attend the Nebraska-Michigan
game. Before returning ho will visit
in Omaha, DcsMolnos nnd Chicago.
A new electric sign was placed oyer
tho entrance to "Tho Pat" theatre yes
terday which improves tho exterior and
adds to tho appearance of East Cth St
Miss Grace Carpenter, of Curtis, is
Visiting friends in town While enrouto
homo from Grand Island, whero she
acted as bridesmaid at tho Johnson-
Wolfe wedding.
Mrs. Harry Cramer who is recover
ing from tho second operation por4
formed at the Twincm hospital this
month wns taken to tho homo of her
1 mother Mrs. John Bonner yesterday.
Christian Scienco Society; Sunday
11:00 a. m. Subject "Ancient and
Modern Necromancy, Alias Mesmirism
and Hypotism, denounced." Sunday
school 12:00 m. K. P. hall, Dowoy St
Everett Evans, M. Keith Neville,
Arthur Bullurd, Dick Baker, Cnrl
Shacilor, Attorney James iveole, ana
several others will attend tho Michigan-
Nebraska foot 'ball gamo at Lincoln
utpmqrraW...,- v. , x
The horses on mail routo No. 1, be
came frightened Wednesqay near tho
Andrew Falk farm west of town nnd
started to run away. A portion of tho
harness and wagon was broken nnd
Carrior Henry Clark received d crushed
Th school board of Maxwell, have
issued $20,000 school bonds which they
voted Oct. 27th. Tho new building
will be erected according to the plans
of Architect Bort Reynolds of this
city, A gynnaium room will extend
down one side of tho basement whero
also will be the boiler and fuel room
The first floor will be divided into four
rooms and several corridors. On the
second floor will be ono class room
ono school room, labratory nnd audience
room. Tho building will bo of pressed
brick 90 by 60 ft and furnished with
every modern convenience.
veniful Day for Jack Morrow Flats. Send Us Your Shipments ,pf
A district Sunday school convention
of Lincoln county wns hold with tho
Pleasant View Sunday school on Nov.
19th with representatives -present from
different Sunday schools, taxing tho
capacity of the lnrgo school house to
its utmost, nnd standing room was ut a : pons ireo witli returns on each car of
nrmnlum us iu inuuiiu lor your ic-
Thn convention onened nt 10:00 A. M
Books nt 50 Cents.
We hnvo 1200 of the popular novels
at f0 cents each. They include tho
works of tho best novelists.
Rincker's Book Store.
Why Pay Rent?
When you can buy an almost now
four room cottage in tho west end for
$1200, . Only $200 cash required. Bal
nnce easy payments. This is a big snap,
Buchanan & Patterson.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Bred Chinas Hogs for Sale. Eight Boars for Sale.
Grain and Hay
Wo pay tho top market. Throb co'u
and closed at 10:00 P-. M. commencing
by a song nnd prayer service conducted
by Rev. McAbee, of Brady, ana tno
iscussions of tho various topics s
follows: "Tho Necessity of Being on
Time," led by Dr. Kearns with others
following. Then tho question, 'How
to Incroase tho Attendance," which
was led by Rev. licAbce with others
following In the discussion. Mr. Scott
then spoke on tho missionary work of
tho county.
This is a day to be remomborcU by nil
who attended the convention. All had
brought their dinners which at 12:30
was unread, covering every desk and
seat in tho school house with tho Dost
things you can imagine to eat Every
person within a radius of B miles had
como loaded with good things to spread
before thelt friends at this time. Tho
dinner was served by tho ladles of tho
community and thru their thoughtful-
ness. hot coffeo was provided for nil.
When thov becan to clear up tho re-.
past more than 12 baskets wero loft.
At 1:80 P. M. tho convention con
vened with Mrs. Wm. Pell conducting
tho sonir nnd pruyor service Following
this wns an address by M. E. Crosby,
of North Plntto, "What and How to
Teach," which was very ably discussed
Following this was a talk by tho presi
dent on tho county work.
Then enmo ono of tho most interest
ing ports of the convention which was
thn mil call of tho Sunday schools re
presented and a report from each, nnd
uio ent ro ntternoon wns jiiicu wim
Bhort spicy addresses from tho conven
tion nt largo and at 4:00 P. M. adjourn
ment wns taken until 7:30.
Tho ovening session opened with Bong
and nraver servico led by Robert Pat
terson, the Superintendent of tho Pleas
ant View Sunday school, nfter which
J. II. Van Cleavo of North Plntto
,most elegantly discussed the temperance.
question. ' ' .
The closing topic for discussion wns
'The Winninir of the Scholar for
ChriBt," which was ably discussed by
Dr. Kearns.
The dav's sorviceAvas a treat to all
who attended both young and old.
Everything wont off liko clock work
and each ono was consrrntulating the
other on being present
If there is anV other locality in Lin
coln countv thnt can out do tho Jnck
Morrow Flnta in entertaining, In
servico of this kind they have an oppor
tunity to demonstrate it as they cor-
talnly did themselves proud in every
respect. Tho visitors wero taken care
of and nrovided with ovory convionco
as well as being fed sumptuously.
A series of, district conventions nro
being held over tho county, tho first
ono being held nt Brady Island, this
being tho second convention, nnd tho
locality securing one of these district
conventions will certainly receive groat
benefit nnd inspiration in Sunday
school and Christian work.
Tho convention was presided over by
J. H. Edmlsten, Its president with Rov,
McAbeo participating as its secretary
and treasuror. Announcements for tho
next convention will bo given out in a
few days.
count. Fifteen coupons nnd S3.G0 in
cash will sccuro for your homo nn elo
42-Piccc Royal Blue Dinner
Set worth $10.00.
Consien vour hnv to us nnd nlcnao
tho Indies nnd also cot n irood urfco for
your hny.
Uur Motto: Fair treatment and
prompt remittances.
anmpio or tho quality of thcsollishes
can uo seen nt uio 0 ico or 1 10 Bemi
Weekly Tribune.
The F. C Ayres Mer. Co.,
20th andJWazco Streets,
Denver, Colorado.
Cigars for Gifts.
Tho man who smokes always ap
preciates tho gift of a box of cigars ho
prefers such to some nienne or gowgnw
thnt affords him no pleasure. Our
cigars nro nppeciated by all men who
know a good cigar and tho price is
moderate. Give him a box of our
cigars nnd ho will feet sntisfled.
The Only Road
to Wealth is to
Save Money.
year apd spend all of it.
off than the mail who
A man may earn ten thousand dollars a
He is no better
earns only one
thousand. '?
What you Save
is Whdt Counts
buying your .Clothing Gent's Furnishr
ings and Shoesi from Clahaugh you get
ten percent discount. Which is ten per
cent saved.
See Us at Once.
CI abaugh.
Everything for Mem
520 Dewey North Platte, Nebraska.
Dwelling, f or Sale.
The finely located corner lot and brick
dwelling at 320 West Fourth St., can
bo bought nt very reasonable prico, and
easy terms.
- ...... 0 T . ......
Tho Methodist Brotherhood had a
very delightful meeting at tho homo of
J. G. Beolor on Tuesday night. Tho dis
cussion of tho ovening was along tho
lino of nctivo church work. Almost
every one present took some part in
tho program of tho session. After do-
bating tho question for some tirno the
committee on constitution roportcd nnd
with ono or two minor changes tho
constitution was adopted. Tho next
meeting will bo hold at tho church on
Tuseday ovening, December 5th. All
the men nro invited to bo present No
doubt but there will bo a livo program
ready for discusson. Tho Brotherhood
movement Is ono of importance among
tho several churches and Is Indicative
of renowed activity.
Balked At Cold Steel.
"I wouldn't let a doctor cut my foot
off," said II. D. Ely, Bantam, Ohio,
"although n horrible , ulcer had been tho
plnguo ot my mo lor lour years, in
Rtcnd I used Buck en's Am ca ba vo.
and my foot was soon completely cured."
Heals burns, boll, sores, bruises,
eczema, pimples, corns. SureBt pile
cure 25 cents at Stono Drug Co.
A Modern Institution
For tho treatment of medical uml surgical cases. Open to the
medical profession. Special accomodations for confinement cases
Training school for nurses in connection. Address all commu
cations to the superintendent.
Phone 642 Cor. Eighth and Locust
ffi First National Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital and Surplus $145,000.
E. f. SEEDERGER, President,
M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-President,
F. L. pONEY, Cashier.