Semi - Weekly Tribune Ira L. &vef EdHer aJ PaMrtkwr. SUliSCKIPTION RATES. Ono'Year by Mail fa advance. . . $1.25 One Year by Carrier 'n advance $L60 Was ft Genius? Br JOHN C. WiWSLOW Copyright by" Arnerfaan Pfens A- uiation, vni EniaMl a? North Platte. Nebraska, Post oflice as Second Class Matter. ft)ESbAY, NOV. 21, 191 1. Mvrlle am! Viciait. Charles Pitt Amoved his family' ' U North Platte the first of tho week. , W. II. Comb was a recont"visitor nt tho old homo place. While unloading coal last S.Monday Charlio Garnbrol had tho misfortuno to to smash his foot by a lumb of coal falling on it, causing him no Inconvenience, tlMr. Denow.'of NortMPlatte,!! moved on the George Stoarns f placof recently vacated by Chna. Pitt. . gT Charlie Koae, of Grnnd Island, ac comnanled by J. C. Askwig, mado a buslnoBS trip to McPhorson county last week. Mrs. FredJTatman Is on tho sick list. 1 1Sflvernl'noMonB !fr0m Ithls vicinity had to stoy ovor in'Nortti Platto last Saturday by reason o'f the Btbrm. The infant child of Mr."andlMr8AD. J. Greeley has boon rjuito J IIIJ butyls bettor at this writing. CeffintHieser PreceediHgi !TWnro& Leister nails for Hershoy bridge 19.15 4 G2f5ES C. P. Iddings, lumber for bridges 257.30 Nebr Culvert & Mfg Co stool culverts four claims 24.25, 69.40, CC.40 and 58.40 Allowed on tho different road funds to wit: Derrybcrry & Forbes road plow for Dist 1, 18.35 Derrybcrry & Forbes road plow for Dlst 49, 18.35 J E JorTerios. repairing crndor for Dist, 1, 1.00 J E JeflferioS repairing; grader for Dist. 30, 3.50 G L Applegarth cash to boljusod In Dist. 39, 75.00 J S Trusty cash to bo used in Dist 43, 100.00 L Perkins road work in Dist 58, 21.00 Nate B ratten cash to bo used in Dist 34. fiO.OO iilUv.O Laneford.llcounty .treasurer, you are hereby authorized to refund to A Fanwtrbm the sum of 8.80 error In assessment and Tchargo tho samu tp school Dkt No. 7. U X". . ( . 1 'A .. uay u nangiuru, eemmy treasurer you are hereby authorized to refund to Buchanan & Patterson the sum of 10.00 for tho roason that tho property of tho Northwestern Firo Insurance Co. was not liable to taxation. Kav 0 Lanirford. county treasurer, you aro hereby authorized to correct tho tax-list fof tho year 1911 .Jaa to tho as aessment of tho porsonnl property- of tho Hemphill Printing Co,, on .account oi tioncHi error as to material on nunu. , 11 Elliott, county clerk, you aro hereby, authorized to correct tax list for 'th$year 1911 us to tho school bldg fund InDlsts. No. 8 and 37 forjtho reason that tho same wore not lovlcd in tho wanner ai provided in thoj statutes, also the lovy in No. 55 on account of levy being 10 trillls In excess of amount authorized by law for general school purposes ami in tho lovy in Dist No,4 aa to tho 1 mill special tax for tho reason that this lovy Is, in excess of the 15 wills aliQwod by law, for .county tax. Tho ceunty attorney is, hereby, in atructed to protect tho interests of tho county in the matter of suits of It A Garman and E N Ogier against county lr Mima aiMiMwou. Whsrtmpon the board adjournod to BURDENS LIFTED. FrMt Nw Platte Bucks Relief ytfrti by Lapte of Time, , Backache is o, heavy burden; ' Nervousness wears one out; ' Rheumatic pains, unlnary ills; Are all'kldney burdens 'Dally elfecU of kidney woakiioss. NS ua t car,) lno symptons, Keller is but temporary it tno coubo remains. - Doan's Kidnoy PillBcuro "kidney" ill; Prove It by your neighbor's cose. Here's North PJatto tostimony, The story of a permanent cure. August Ackorman, 221 S. Walnut St., North Platto, Ncb sayss "I still hold a very high regard for Doan's Kidnoy Pills, I used thorn for backaches aris ing .from disordered kidneys and have received the bent of result. It, is ovor three years sinco I hava had occasion to use Doan'a Kidney Pills but ray health has been splendid, not a nymp torn of kidney trouble having bothered me. I can endorse this excellent rem tidy." For nalo by all dealers. Price fifty cants, Foster-Milburn Co,, Buffalo, Now York, sole ugents for tho Unltod States. ' Remember, the name Doan'e and take no other, Miss Clfco 'Chuppell, pur iw county supt-oloct, enmu up from Brady Paul Woo'j wits :i ynunx AUli-rlc-c art student in t'nrlH. lie wan ccrti-d ' crefl vt'r iiroKlnJug Uy euunntnrti'ur', aflfl ,;i hmSiw it 111" ctiutax lo:. llvcrt fvr'j n n oMicr nrtj.'. 1ivn iu'.f laiia nunrtrr' in tUitt tu:it- .wlilt i fH rt 6'Jn'i.;nn ouu. inina o"lil.. -ttif'i W'f . ! '!'!'' riilifr r. JftO), rKil'U' m.!qln or uiIrltt'H. 11. Iinil a la-it in his studio, tvlierp in- kI. and got tiv own bi'uaUUAt,, ft'.i u usually nt n le.itnunint. v.lwrv in- i . other nrilsti mill U ni)nu ili u- soclntcd with, Including model. Tln. would usually got together at I In mntiu table, und n merrlor lot wero not to u found in all Paris. Thero wiih a girl who belonged it tills set who Hcemcd out of place. There was u refined purity about her that nono of tho othcia possessi'd. She niado her living us an artist's model, but especially for her bead and slioul dors. Sho had posed for more Moduli nn pictures than would fill one of tin' rooms in tho Louvre. Crook, being tho most prominent artist of the set. considered that any ono of tho girls he cIioho to smllo upon should smile upon him in rcturu. Ho took a fancy to Cecllo Boyer "tho Madonna." ns she was familiarly referred to and waa vory much put out that she did not return his admiration. Tho truth is Cecllo had given her heart to David Forbes, ono of tho least prominent of the young artists otudy lag in Fans, lie, too, waa an Ameri can. Why he tried to make nn artist of himself no ono could conjecture, for lie had no idea of any of thoso matters which pertain to art. no undertook to point a scene ns revealed through a wmuow ana uovotea two-tmrus or his spaco to tho curtain. As to per upcctlvc. ho would paint a houso and a pump, showing tho pump larger than tho houso. When his chums ridiculed his work Cecllo defended him. Indeed, tho only cnuso they could assign for her affection for him was pity. Crook could paint excellent pictures, but Ccclle did not lovo him. Forbes couldn't paint anything of value, and ho waa hers heart und BOUl. Of nil tho young womon who met ut tho B. cafo Ccclle was tho only ono wh6 novcr posed oxcept completely dressed Indeed, since sho was wanted tmeclal' ly for her liend and Shoulders, nudity was unnoi'osHnry. Tho shiRulor feu tiire of her nuioclntloh with tho 'olfterri wuri that site dh not In any1 way As muuo to bo better than they. Unfortunately for Forbes, hu could not afford to spend Ills time trying to lenrn what seemed linposnlblo for him to learn, for ho was poor, But tho less money ho had In hls pocket the more dqtormlncd ho became to make un art 1st or himself, whether cecllo en cout'aged him in Ins purpose uo unf know, though all understood she stuck by him, About tun timo his last franc waa spent und no remittance to como from America IiIh heulth broke down. and that finished all work for him, nt least for tho present. Ills artist friends went to see him and nsked if they could do anything for him, but ho shook his head nml sold that ho was getting on vory well Sometimes they would find Ccclle there, ministering to him. Indeed, she waa providing for him, but at tlmt timo no one dreamed of such a thing During Forbes' Illness Paul Crook attempted to gain somo foothold with Ccclle. oho neither encouraged nor repelled him. Indeed, alio continued to bo Indifferent to him. Uo offered hern largo sum to p,oso to him for n picture requiring n model for tho whole figure For a time ho behoved she would consent. Sho wanted the mouey for David Forbes. Slu? wont to David, told him of tho offer and said that if ho would accept of tho micrlflcu alio would accept Crook's proposition By this oho gnvo him n dose tint took away his malady und called out nn artistic ability that no ono know was In him. Ho spurned tlu prepaid tlon with horror, snylugt "Had 1 Htich n model I could produoo a womior. Tlmt wna tho origin of Forbes' pic turu of HvO. which vran hung in the Paris salon tho next year. None of tho set of which Pnul Crook waa the shining light recognkrd Ceclle as the model for J3vo. Forbes put Just enough change in tho features to prevent her being recognized. Uo shrank from her appearing before tho world as lits model moro than She. Sho was shield ed by his lovo and her sacrifice. What n singular boulovoreoiuent Crook was expected to glvo tho world at least ono great work. So ho did But how? By stirring the poison of Jealousy in a man who It was bellev ed had not a single artistic instinct. Crook called out u latent, unexpected ability. Crook himself soldom rose abovo modtorlty und after awhile seemed to recedo from his host work ludced, between tho two men then1 was produced but ono celebrated pic turo, that pnlntcd by David Forbes Forbos' Dingle, chof d'ouvro is n pus? r.lo. If It was really genius, why did it not repeat itself? If It .was slmpl. tho result of n stimulus, how could It produce ri work of geulus where gen lus did not oxlat? Tho problem borders on those natural Iuwb which aro still bidden from us. James and Chas. Senton. of Well- fleet, are spending this week In town. The cases of tho state of . Nebraska against Cecil O'Hara, Curt Weimer and Lconn Scott for tho salo and un lawful keeping of intoxicating liquor without a license was tried in the court yesterday. The'court dismissed the defendant Curt Weimer and bound the defendant Cecil O Hnra over to District court for $300. Tho case of Lconn Scott was taken under advise- rnent to be considered later. Notke Specktl EUctkw, atwkkk north hf of thd w qr section 26, town Electkm shall ht Smklti lk . il'" " , Be"T w"" QiMitiflfl, "Shall Wi Platte Vaiky ection 21, town 14, range 31, tho IrrwatiM JJHtrict fee Ferne( north hf of section 29. town 14, ranee Notice is horeby elvcrt that on tho 31, and the south half of section A Lawyer' Cpolofly, '. Many yeur nuo there wiw lin old Judge on the bench In Berks i-buuiy whoso declnlons. In oiMoiiuoneivo? nn meroUH ri'Vt'rxuhi, d!d :ot nlwayli iilniiil tinlt'MMiil ri"ti.'i:t. Ono dot In ... . -Ir. , n'eiisi in which Will sntuiK oiu- ok tho lawycra lost patience fit Elsjlr;iiH ity to see things h u c.miri;' light nud lu tlio heat of lb iorjontfreiini'Ui'd that the Intellect of the court wc so dark a (limit of lightning could not t"'- btrnto It For thin tho Ji; ltfc showed n dlspoaltion ( lie very e ere with the orfeudor. and It was only nrf cr much pcrHuaslon by frionds or tne latter tlmt lit ylolded and decided to accept n public apology. The follov.itlg day the Inwyer uccordlngly appenrcd before his honor nnd mnuo nmentm uy saying: I recret very much that I said tue Intellect of tho court was so dark Jlfiht- nlng could not peiietrnto it. I' guess it could. It is n very penctrntlug thing." Philadelphia Ledger. Notice. Notice is herebv irivon that tho un dersigned. William Otten, Chief of Police, within and for the city of North Platte, did unon tho 12th day of Nov. 1911 take up and impound the following described animals to-wit: 1 maro mule, iiind feet crooked, about 5 years old. I Day gelding, two years oio. . 1 black horso colt, white star in fore head. 1 four year old brown maro. . 1 3 vear old bav horso. Said animals on said dato havinir been found bv said ch of of noifce. run ning at large in the corporate limits of tno c tv or worm matte. Tho chartres for tho imnoundinca and maintenance of said animals at present date, to wit: Nov. 17th, 1911 is $11.00 and the cost of publishing this notice; said charges will increase at tho rato of $1.00 nor dav for each dav said an imals aro kent If the owner of said stocic docs not nnnenr witmntnreeuavs from the date of tho last publication of this notice, to-wit: within three fdaya from Fndav the 8th of Dec. mil, and claim said stock and pay tho charges thereon said stock will be sold to, pay tho fees charged against them, as pro vided by the ordinance of said city. Iho namo of tho owner of said stock is unknown. Dated this 17th day of Nov., 1911. WILLIAM UTTEN, Unlet Ot rollCO. Notice. John Frazon and Carolina FfUzon. hls'wife; JoBeph L. Frazon and'l'ella Frazen, his wire; Amanuu 1'ewrson and Johan Peterson, her husband: Bernard O. Frazen and Rosina Irnzen, his wife, nnd J. Klcnmonu, dcicn danto. will tako notice that on the .20th day of November. 1911, .the plamtiu Hied nor peution in tno District Court of Lincoln county,' Nebraska, against said defendants, and each of them, for the purpose of having tho t tie to tho Northwest J of Sec. 20, tp. 13, Here. 34, quited in her as grantee oi John irnzen: tnat .lonn frozen ac u red tho tltlo to said pronerty roUKti and by operation of said law nn tlio linir of Adonn G Frazcn-. rdo ceased, tho said Adena G. Frazen. hav. me mauo nomesteau entry oi said mnu but died before the title to said real estato was acquired in her nameinhd tlmt t no natent tnereon was made to tho heirs of Adena G. Frazon, deceased and that the suid John Frazen. ,nnder t.ho' laws of tho ptato of Nebrasku, is tho solo and only heir of the said Adohn G. Frazen. You and each of you aro required to answer Raid petition on or boforo Mon day. tho first day of January, 1912. Dnted this 20th dav of November. 1'Jll. Wm&v MULW)QN-&UIIIUS. Attorney for Pin ntitf. Sena Frazon Kelly. It Helps ! Mrs. J. F. Daniels, of Sip, Ky., writes: "I. was so sick for 3 or 4 years, I had to hire my work done, most of the time. 1 had given up hope. When I began to take Cardui, I knew, right away, it was helping rhe. Now, I am better than ever before in my life, and Cardui did it" E 64 Th Womin's Tonic Cardui has helped thous ands of weak, tired, worn out women, back to health. It has a gentle, tonic ac tion on the womanly sys tem. It goes to the cause of the trouble. It helps, it helps quickly, surely, safe ly. It has helped others. Why not you? It wilL Try it Get a bottle today! 2nd day of December, 1911, n special election will behold, at the time and places hereinafter st tied, at which snld election the question shall be submitted to tho electors ot tno proposed I'latte Valley Irrigation District, as follows: "Shall an Iirigation'district he formed to bo named Flafttf Valley Irrigation District," bounded as hereinafter de scribed, excluding thercform certain lands within said boundaries, and here, innftcr specifically described; and in clude In said Platto Valley Irrigation District the lands within said bound aries hereinafter specifinlly mentioned and described as included therein. Tho boundaries of said districts, tho lands within said boundaries to bo excluded frorn snid Irrigation District, and tho lands to bo included in said Irrigation District are ns follows, towit: Birrinninff nt tho no corner of tlio hw dr of sec. 14, town 14, range 33; running thence west to the . nw corner oi me no qr of the qr of said sec. 14: thenco south to the Sw corner of said no qr of the nw qr of said sec. 14; thence west to the nw corner ot the sw qr of he nw qr of" said section 14; thenco ooutn on tno sec. line to mo bw cor, or the saiu sec, j-i, inunco west uj the nw corner of tho pe qr or tno ne qr of sec. 22, town 14, range 33; thence south to tho aw corner of the ne qr of tho no qr of said sec. 22; thenco east to the so cornor or tne no qr oi ine ne qr of said sec. 22; thence south on tho section lino between sections 22 and 23 to the sw corner of section 23' town 14, range 33; thence west on tne section lln hetwecn sections 22 and 27 to the nw corner of sec.27i town 14, range 33: thence BoUth on tho west line or said sec Zl to tno sw corner oi sum Bee. w; thence east on the south lino of sai4 Bee 27 to tho north bank of the Seuth P atto river: thence in an easterly direction along the north bank of the South Platto river to where said north bank intersects the east line of sec. 31, township 14, range 31; thence north on tho east lino of nald sec. 81, td the ne corner of snld sec. iv, tnence east on the south sec. line of sections zs and 27 to tho se corner of said sec. 27; thence north to the ne corner or tho go qr of tho se qr of said sec. 27; thenco east on tne soutn line oi tne n m oi me s hf of see. 26 to the east line of said sec. 26i town 14, range 81; thence north to the ne corner ot tne se qr oi sam sec. 26: thence west otrtne norm line of tho s hf of snld sec4 26 to the nw cor of tho sw qr; thenco west on thv north lino of tho so ar of sec. 27. town 14. range 81, to tho nw corner of the ne qr of the so qr of said sec. 27; thence north on the cast line of the west half of tho ne qr of said sec. 27 to tho ne corner of the nw qr of the ne qr of said sec. 27; thenco west along the north line of Baid sec. 27 to the nw corner of said see. 27:. thenco north on the east lino of sec. 21. town 14. ranee 31. 200 rods: thenco cast 80 rkls, thence north 80 roads thenco east 80 rods. thence south 120 rods to tho sw corner of the ne qr of soul sec. 22; thenco cost to the so corner or tno sw qr or tne ne nt- of sec. 22: thence north to the ne . . .... . . , i corner or tlio nw qror tne ne qr oi saia sec. 22: thenco east on the. section lin'e to tho en corner or sec. 15. town 14. range 315 thence south on tho Vest line of sec. 23, town 14, range 81 to the bw comer or the nw ar of said sec. 23: themea cast on the south line of said nw nr tr thn se corner of Bald nw ar of said , . 5. .1.- L If i-ec. zti, tnence norm on mo east uno oi said nw ar of said sec. 23 to tho ne cornor of said nw qr of said sec. 23; thence north to the no corner or the se nr of the sw ar or sec. 14. town 14. . .. il . If ' rango ai; tnence west on tne norm nne of the south nt or tnosw qr or saiu sec. 14. to tho nw cornor ot, the sw qr or tno aw or of sa'd aec. 14: thence north on . - - . , tho sec. line to me no xorner or me se nr of sec. 15. town 14. rarige 3h thenco west on tno norm uuo oi Baiu bc qr oi sec. 15, 120 rods, thenco north 80 rods, thence west 40 rods, thende ndrth 40 rods, thence west 80 rods, thence north 40 rods to the ne corner of the nw qr of the nW qr ot said section lf, town 14. ramro 31t thence west on the north line of the said section to the nw corner of said sec 15. thence west on the north ii' m ' if a -4 1 f A. uno or section it, town 14, range .u, to the nw corner of the no ar or said sec 16; thenco north on tho east lino of tho aw ar of sec. 9. town 14, rango 31, to where said lino intersects the south bank of tho North Platto river; thenco west along the south bank of the North 1'iatto river to whero said name inter sects the west lino of said sec thenco south on tho west line of said section 9 to the no corner of section 17, town 14, range 31; thenco west along tho north lino of said section 17 to the on tho west lino of said section 17 to tho sw corner of said section 17: thenco west on tho north Una of section 19 to the nw corner of saia section 19; thenco north on tho west line of section 18 town 14: ranee 31, 40 rods; thence east 160 rods, thenco north 80 rods, thenco enst 80 rods, thence north 80 rods, thence west 80 rods, thenco south 40 rods to tho bW corner of the ne qr of eaid section 18; thenco west on tho south line oi mo nw qr oi saiu section to, vj thesw corner of sold nw qr of said sec. 18: thence north on the enst lino of section 13, town 14, range 32, to tho no corner of said .section 13; thence west on tho nortl)ineof said section 13 to the nw corner of. said section 13; thence south on the west line of Baid section 13 to the sw corner of said sec tion 13: thence west on the north line of section 23 to the nw corner of tho ne qr of thone qrof suid section 23, town, 14, range 82; thenco soutn on me west tine of the east hf of the no ar of said sec tion 23, to the sw comer ot tno so qr ot the neqr of said section 23; thence west on the south line of the ne qr of said section 23; to the bw corner or the ne qr ftf oall oA.ttnn 0I. tti.n.a nn.fli 100 rods; thence west 160 rods to the west lino of said section 23; thence north 40 rods to thonw corner of said section 23: then west on tho north lino of sections 22, 21, 20 and 19, town 14, rango 32 and on mo norm line or section 24, town 14, ramie 33 t iho nw corner of Bald sec tlon 24. towrrl4, rango 33; thence north 40 rods; thenco ''west 160 rods; thenco north on the cast line of the wst half of section 14, town 14. range $3 to the piaco of beginning at the no corner of tho nw nr of section 14. town 14. rnnrre 33 Said iriTiriitlon district to. include al of the lands Included within tho boundaries aforesaid, except the lands hereinafter described, which aro to be excluded from said district, viz: The 20, town, 14, range 31; all of sec tion 80 and the south half of section 19, all in town 14, ran ire 31; the south half of section 24, town 14, range 32, nnd all of the nw qr of said section 22, town 14, range 32, Bave and except the following tracts of land: A strip 40 rods wide north and south nnd 160 rods Oast and west, directly south of the main Irrlcratlnnr canal: and a strip beginning, on the west lino of said section 24 on the north bank of said main irrigating canal, running thence east 120, xods along said canal, thence north 53j rods, thenco west 120 rods, thence south 53J rods to the place of beginning; all of section 26, town 14, nenge 32; the south half of secion 23 and the south hf of the se qr of the nw qr of said section 23 and the south qr of tho bw qrof thonwqr of the said section 23, town 14, range 32, and the se qr of section 22 and tho cast half of the sw qr of section 22, and tho nw qr of jtho sw qror section 2z, and the south hair of trie south half of the ne ar of said section 22, town 14, rnnge 32; the no qr of section 28, the south onc-ha If nnd the south half of the nw Sr of section 28, all in town 14, range 2; the Bouth half of section 20; the south half of the south half of the ne qr of said section 20 and the south half of the nw qr of snid section 20, nil in town 4. rantta 32: tho fractional south hair of Fcction 30; the east half of the ne qr of saicf section 30; the sw qr of the ne of said section 30; the south half of e nw ar or said section au. nil in town 14, range 82; the south half of section 19, town 14, rango 32; the se qr of sec tion 24, except 60 acres on north side thereof: tho south half of the sw ar of section 24, and tho south half of the north half of the sw qr of said section 24, all in town 14, range 33; the north hair or the ne ar ot section 2o. and nw qrof section 26, and the fractional south halt ot section 26 in town 14, range m: the sw ar and the se nrlof the nw ar of section 14, township 14, range 33, and the se qr or se qr or section 2d, town 14, range 33. Tho lands to bo includod in said dis trict aro more particularly described as follows: The north half of tho so or of section 26; the nw qr of section 23; the south half of the sw ar of section 14: the south half and the nw qr and tho west half of the ne qr or section 27; the west hair or thene qr; tho north half of the ne qr of the nw ar and the north three-fourths of the west half of the nw qr, all in sec tion 22; the south hair and tne south half of the nw qr and the nw ar of the nw Qr and the south halt of the ne qr or tne nw qr, anu tne west nair or tne sw qr or tne ne qr in section lu; tne sw ar of section 9: all of section 16: the north half and the se qr; the east half of the sw qr and the north half of the west half of the sw qr in section 21; all of section 17; the nw qr and the ne qr ot section 2U; and the south half of section 29: the north half of sec tlon 1U the south half of the sw qr of the ne qr and the north half or the nw ar of the se ar and the north half of th sw qr and the north half of the south half of the sw ar of section 18, all in town 14, range 31. And the following lands in town 14, range 32 All of section 13; all of the ne ar of see tion 24 anu a so tno to ow ner tract on tho nw qr of said section 24, beginning on the west line of section 24 nt the north bank of the irricratincrcannl there on, thence east 120 rods along said canal, thenco north 53i rods, thence west 120 rods, thence south fifty-three and one- third rods to the place of be ginning; being 40 acres. And also the iollowintt tract on tho nw ar of section 24, a piece of land directly south of the riKht-of-way of tho main canal thereon 160 rods east and west and 40 rods north and south being 40 acres. Also all of snction 25: the enst half of -tho ne nr the south half Of the north half of the nw qr; the north half of the so qr of the nw ar: the north three-iourth ol the sw ar ot the nw qr all In section 28. The nw ar and the north hair or theneq and the north hair ot the south hair ot tho no ar and the sw ar of the sw ar. all in section 22: all of section 27; all of section 21; the north half of the nw qr of eoition 28; the north half'of the no qr, the north half of the south half of the ne qr, tho north half of the nw qr, all in section a); nil of section 29; the north half of section 19; thonw qrof the no qr and the north half of the nw quarter of section 30, All of said last described lands aforesaid being tin town 14, ranee 32. Also the followinc described' land being in township 14, rango S3: The north' half und tno north hlf of tho north half of the sw ar of section 24 nnd north 50 acres .of the se qr; the north half and the fractional Bouth half of section 25; the neqr of tho nw qr, the sw qr of tho nwqr, the south half of tho south hair or the bo qr, ot section. 14 all of section 23 except tho se qr of the se qr; tho south half of the no qr of section 20: the noar or the ne ar or sec tion 22; all of section 27; said last de scribed lands being in town 14, ranee 33 in addition tne rouowing descnoed tracts to be included in said district: Commencing at the southwest cornor of section 28, town 14, range 80, west of the 6th P. M. , thenco north on tho section lino 439 feet, thence jn a south easterly direction to a point 210 feet feet north of the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of said section; thence Bouth on the half section lino to said corner, thenco west on section line to place of bemnnintf. excepting that nor tion of said tract of land described heroin, hereinbefore deeded to the North Platte Cemetery and the City or North Platte, Nebraska; this deed being in tended to convey 13& acres, more or less Also the north hair or the northwest quarter of tho northeast quarter of sec tion az, towsmp 14, ranee su. 1-or tho purpose or this election, and said irrigation district, if formed, shall be divided into threo directors districts as follows: Directors district No. 1 shall bo all that part of said nronosed district situ ated cast of tho half section line, run ning north und south through sections 18. 19 and 80. townsh o 14. ranrre 81. Directors district No. 2 shall bo all that part of said proposed district lying west ot said directors district xmo. i and enst of tho east lino of sections 20 and 29, in township 14, range 82. , Directors district No. 3 shall bo all that nart of said proposed irrigation district lying west of directors district No. 2. For tho purpose of snid election tlio territory contained in each of tho directors district shall bo an election precinct, and the polling places in said precincts shall be ns follows: In Directors District No. 1 nt the Platte Valley school houso in said District In Directors District No. 2 at the Nichols school house in said District In Directors District No. 3 at tho O'Fallon school house In said District. ' The ballot used nt said eloctlon shall contain the words: Irrigation district. Yes. Irrigation district No. Thoso votine in favor of tho forma tion of snid district shall mark their ballot with an X opposite tho words Irrigation district YeS."' Thoso voting nirnlnst tho formntion of such irrigation shall mark their ballot with, an X. opposite tho words irrigation district No. ' ' There shall also bo voted for at said election by the electors of said proposed irrigation district, persons to nil the following offices, which said officers must be resident electors of snid pro- osed irrigation district nnd directors istricts. Ono person for treasurer. One person for assessor. ench directors district, who shall reside therein nnd be an elector in said district Each elector shalr write on his ballot and designate tho officers ho desires tho person voted for to fill: uno person lor treasurer. One person for assessor And one person for directors of said irrigation district, from tho directors district in which said elector votes. baid election shall be open nt eight clock in tho moraine nnd continue open until six o'clock in tho evening of said 2nd day of December, 1911. r . It. JKLLIOTT, Seal County .Clerk. A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. Decters Ames & Ames, 4 Physicians and Surgeons, Office over Stone Drug Co Ann i 11VUCO f Residence 273 6 kJ'M wWjr Office phone 241. Res., phono 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platto, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. JOE B. REDFIELD. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Specially: SKIN DISEASES. Day and night calls promptly answered umce r. B. Hospital. .Phono 642. Serial No. '02710. NOTICE VOll POULIGATION DEPARTMENT OF THIS INTEIlIOtl. Uultod States Land Office. At Nprtli Platto. Nebraska, Oct. 0. 1911. NotlCO Is herobr el von that TTnirl, T.. daunt of. North Platto Nob., who on l)cc. Will. lvm. mado liomoKtnart nntrv Nn. 21603, Serial No, 02710 for tlio wst balf and west ii'ir oast unir, sec ion 10. Township 13, N., Itaniro 31 W.. of tUe fltli Principal Meridian, has filed notlco of In tention to . make Onal five year roof, to CHianllsh claim to the land above escribed, before tho rcslstiir and mrnirnr at North Platto. Nebraska, on thn 0th Hav of Dec 1811. Claimant names as nltnijnn ITm-i-v MadlKJi). llonry Doebko. Qoorsra Mauombor and David' Macomber. all nf Nnrth Pint to 'eb. pit'-" .iniiK k. KVMtf. ifpi'ispr. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an Order of Sale issued from the District Court of 'Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure , rendered in said Court wherein George T. Field is plaintiff and John Shatter et nl aro defendants, and to me directed. I will on tho 2nd day of December, 1911, nt one o'clock p. m.F at the cast front door of the court houso in North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at public auc tion to tho highest, bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interests' and coats, tno rpnowing described property, tb-wit: Lot eitrht (8) b ock a x (G) Penlston Addition to the city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated North Flatto. Neb.. Oct. 21st. 1911. I. L. MlLTONBEROER, Sheriff, NOTICE VOll PUnMOATlON. Sorlal No. 080M. Department of tlio Interior. U. S- Land Oillce at North Platte. Neb. . September W. 1911. Notice is hernbv clven that ninrpnen T. Lowls. ot North Platto, Neb., who. on Nov. lo.iwo.maoo nomcsteaa entry No. sots. serial No. 030IU for HMNWM. nnd NKlNWU. Rt4 NEK. NWkNEX. NWfiWW. HKMSWn NH SVii. BWMHKUof Rpc. 10. Town 12.1V llnnn !13W, of tho fltli Principal Meridian, lias Uled notice or Intention to make tlnal live rear proof, to establish claim to tho Und abovo described, before the ltiLHtnr and Un- colvor at North Platto. Nebraska, on tlioliltli day of November, 1011- Claimant names as vdinesHost Ilondorrson J. ltunnor. llersUoy, Nob.; Mltlam Kacka. nick-tmn. Nob. I l'anl Kmttli. ot North 1latt Nob.; Spencer WEdmlston, llorslioy, Neb. o3-0 j, E. Evans. Ilecister. NOTIOE OP SETTLEMENT. Tho Btato of Nebraska. Lincoln County, ss In tlio County Court. In tho Matter ot tho Estato ot David W. Harshfleld, Deceased. To the creditors, heirs leeatees and others Interested In tho estato o( David W. Harsli (leld, deceased. Tako notlco, that Mary O, Ilarali Mold has filed in' tho county court a report of hnr doings as administratrix of aald ostato and It is ordered that the samo stand for hoarlne tho 21st day of November A. D, Mill, before tho court at tho hour ot 0 o'clock, a. in., at which timo any person interested may appear and except to and contest tho samo. And notlco of this nrocecdlnir Is ordered elven in tho North Platte Tribune, a seml-weokly newspaper published for Plx successive Issues prior to said dato of hoarltur. Witness my hand and the seal of tho coun ty court at North Platte. Neb., this Sflth dar of October A. 1). 1911. 031-0 ,John On ant. County Judtre. SHEltlFF-S SALE. By virtue of un onlcr of ude Itiucd from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraaku. upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court w,hf re,'.'i Harrlnjrtnn & Tobln, co-partnenihlp, ( plaintiff and Mr. A. J. Frazlcr, Is defendant, and to mo directed, i WU 0n tho 25th day of No vember. 1911, at ono o'olock. p. m., at the eaut front door of the court houie In North Platto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, eell at-public auction W tho highest hiddor for cash, to sdtlsfy said decree, Interests and costs, the followlnirtlcscrlbed proijrty, to-wit; Lots seven and eluht (7 and 8). block four (4), In Trustee Addition In tho city of North Platto, Lincoln coynty, Nebraska. Dated North Platte. Nebraska. Oct. 11. 1S1L oi7- 1. L. MlLTONjiEUCKit, Sheriff. eatujioay tp visu menus a tow gays