The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 21, 1911, Image 7

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That Canada has coma rapidly to
ma ironi in me past ten years Is am
ply shown In the results of tho consus
recently madn nnliiirv
of tho Dominion la now placed nt
,ubi,ou, wnich with ontlylng points
to bo heard from, may bring It up to
7Vi millions as nnmniirml nllt. K 171 .
315 in J001. Though theso figures aro
largo, tney do not present a total ttn
largo as was expected but they do
Bhow n greater IncrcaBo ot perccntago
k In population for tho decade than any
( similar lncrcaso in Jthe United States.
Thg highest pcrcentago over reached
by tho Republic was 24; tho per
centage of lncrcaso in Canada for tho
decado 1b 32. Thus it will bo Been
that tho provinces west of tho lakes,
with the great broad fertile acres
ready for tho sowing and immediate
reaping of grain and tho Valleys of
Qrltish Columbia capablo of producing
fruit with which to supply its neigh
boring provinces east of tho moun
tains, have attracted numbers, which
has exceeded the most optimistic of
tho expectations of ten years ago.
Upon tho prnlrjea of tho ten years
ago there was but a sparo scattering
of people but today, no matter in
which -way you go, tako any direction,
and you find homes and farms and
pood ones too, occupied by tho very
best class of pcoplo in good sized set
tlements with plenty ot room for flvo
or six times as many moro. Tho pop
ulation of Alberta is, sot down at 372,
019, ns compared with 73,022 in 1901;
Saskatchewan 453,508 as compared
with 91,270 in 1901; Manitoba's 454,
691 comparea well with its 256,211 in
1901; and so docs that of British Co-'
lumbla 3C2.768 as against 178,057 in
1901; but in a territory as largo ns
this a population of 1.C43.000 is little
moro than dlsccrniblo in point of num
bers. Tho work through it has been
great. Look at tho towns that havo
een built up; its cities', Winnipeg
nrith 135,000; Vancouver with upwards
ir 100,000; Calgary with 43,000; Ed
monton, lteglna, Saskatoon; Loth--brldgo;
Medlcino Hat, Mooaejaw,
splendid cities norio better any
where; well maintained nnd equipped.
Theso havo como with existenco nnd
been built as thoy havo been built by
reason of tho splendid agricultural
country by which they nro surround
ed. Tho population Is scarcely dis
cernible. A population ten or twelve
( times that shown by tho recent
census could bo easily maintained in
even greater wealth than that which
maintains tho present numborB. Thero
is certainly a wonderful future for
, WcBtern Canada nnd that which goes
to tho development of tho .west will
enrich tho last This is tho growing
time in Canada and what has been
dono in tho paBt ten years is but a
beginning. Tho next decado -will
show a far greater advancement. In
tho meant mo Canada Is blddlnc tvnl
como tho progressive and Industrious
citizen. Tho invitation is a standing
one. At tho forthcoming land exnotd
lion in Chicago, Canada will have ono
of tho best exhibits of farm products
that has over been made nnd If will
bo well worth whllo inspecting it and
petting information from thoso who
may do in cnarge.
If Thoy All Knew.
A woman speaker told a Now York
suffrage mooting tbat "wo women
haven't concentration. Our minds Just
go flirting nround and don't get any
where." Considering which, la it not
superfluous for moro man to muss
about In women's affairs when thv
know themselves so well? St Louis
Important to Mothers
Examlno carefully overy bottlo ot
CASTORIA, a safo and suro remedy for
Infants nnd children, and seo that it
Bears tho
In Uso For Over 30 Years,
- Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
There aro many who reclto their
writings in tho middle of tho forum.
Lewis' Single Binder, s'traiclit Co many
imokers prefer them to 10c cigars.
It takes a bachelor to think that he
understands women. (
Feel poorly most of the
time stomach bad ap
petite poor all run
down ? You should try
at once. It has hqlped
thousands who suffered
and will aid you, too.
rUR photograph shows a part of tho city of Bcngnzl, Tripoli, tho Bcono
Italians nnd the Turks. Tho aultnn'B forces were reported to havo
... iutu Wxj uiuiuiiD uumuurueu
Claimed Animals Can Easily Be
Raised for Market.
Meat Can Be Produced at Less Cost
Per Pound Than Beef, Mutton
" or Pork Somo Sugges
tions on Food.
Las Vegas. N. M. George W. Unas
of Kansas City, Mo., who has n herd
of about 100 elk In tho Ozark moun
tains, doclnros that in many parts or
tno united States elk meat can tin
produced at less cost per pound than
beef, mutton or pork. Thoso animals
afford a much greater proportion or
dressed meat' than cattlo do.
When It comes to clearing nut nn.
derbrush they nro more useful than
gonts. Thoy brouso as low as the
goats, and also twlco na hltrh. Mn nil.
vises using both varieties of animals.
nowovor, and Bays that ono ollt and
two goats to flvo acres will eliminate
tho brush nnd weeds. What Is moro,
brush thus cleared Btays cloarod.
It Is asserted that for other reasons
no bettor arrangement can bo mado
than to grazo n fow elk with sheep
and oats. Tho olR is tho natural
enemy of dogs and wolves. Mr. Husa
says ho Buffered groat depredations
on his flocks until lio put a row elk
with them. Since then thero has been
no Iosb from that cause. A few oik
in a ten-acro pasture will absolutely
protoct tho flocks therein. Even tho
dogs belonging in tho piaco could not
bo Induced to enter a pasture contain
ing elk.
Tho cost or stocking nn elk pre
servo Is not groat, says Fur News.
Young elk In perfect condition may bo
bought for WOO per head or less. A
few years ago Mr. Wilson of Lewis
burg, 0., paid ?1CG for thrco head. A
Michigan breedor recently offered a
dozen head, all flno spoclmens, but
ago and sex not glvon, for $G00.
Thin Is, of courso, n low price, not
moro than cattlo would bring, nnd
loss than the venison would bo worth
If thoy could bo Bold In that form.
Tho price or such stock is dotormlncd
by tho supply nnd demand, and as
long as the present restrictions on tno
sale of deer and elk aro maintained,
low prices nro likely to provall.
Llvo elk sold at forced sato havo
Strange Charm Possessed by New
Jersey Civil War Veteran Over
Swarm' of Black Insects.
Spring Lake, N. J. John M. Wood,
veteran of tho Civil war, hero of Get
tysburg and pioneer of Spring Lake,
has bo completely won the confldenco
of a swarm of C.000 black hornots
that they mako an advance guard for
nim wncnover ho goes walking and
buzz about his cozy bungalow a veri
table army of defence against unwel
come Intruders.
Wood mado tho acquaintance of his
dangerous friends several days ago.
Perhaps It was his courago that com
manded their respect During a
storm last week a blind on a nearby
cottage became unfastened, Wood
cumuea n ladder to nail It fast A row
well directed blows with a heavy
hammer and tho veteran was con-
bcIoub or a buzzing sound which car
ried with It a world or meaning. A
black stream of aky-cleaVors was
emerging rrom a long crack In tho
boarding ot the houso. Wood dis-
mounted the ladder cautiously, rung
by rung, until ho onco moro stood on
torrn firm a.
About him swarmed the hnmcia
never ceasing their weird humming.
They lit on his shoulders; thoy ca
ressed his cheeks: they sane reassur.
lng melodies about his cars, but not
one of them Btung him. What charm
he may possess for tho strango In
sects ho Is at a loss to understand,
but ho says ho Is tho only person In
America who can lav claim to (I'm
friendship of 5,000 black hornets.
iuo aiy9 tuning many nunurcus or TurKlsn EOldlcrg and InhnbUnntfl,
been known to not tho ownors less
than 25 n head, but conditions would
soon chango If tho lawB concerning
tho rale nnd shipment of venison
wero generally mado tavorablo for
producing It in prcaorvos, Tho de
mand for breeding Btock would grow
and lncrcaso tho cost of, starting, as
well as tho returns from tho busi
ness. The natural food supply Is nn Im
portant consideration in choosing n
rnngo for tho elk. Whllo elk have
dono well In bluegrass pasturo and
on tho pralrlo grasses alono thoy do
far' better on preserves which havo a
varloty of rood grasses, bushes and
trees. Rough lands well wntercd by
stronms nnd hnvlng n considerable
proportion ot forested nren nro best
adapted to their wantB.
On nn nverago, such lands will sup
port about tho samo number of elk
as of cattlo on tho samo area, with
out impolrlng tho range. There ohould
bo thickets for tho nnlmnta nd n
supply of winter folingo or other kinds
will prevent tho too rapid destruction
of shrubbery in thickets.
Except in times of snow, elk will
keep In excellent condlUon on or
dinary grass pasture, but a system or
management which regularly rur
nlshoB other rood to tho animals will
bo round better. For wlntor, hny nnd
corn fodder furnish excollont forago,
but alfalfa has proved to bo tho most
saUsfactory dry rood that can be
given to either elk or deer.
A llttlo oats or corn, whole or chop
pod, mny bo fed onch day. Elk nro
fond of corn, nnd feeding corn and
Bnlt affords tho best opportunities for
winning tho confidence or tho animals
and taming them. Salt Bhould bo
furnished liberally to all deer kopt in
inclosures. Running wator, although
not ossontlnl, is of great importance
In maintaining oik in good condition,
Elk nro not norvous liko tho com
mon deer and seldom Jump nn or
dinary fenco. A fenco' flvo foot In
height Is usunlly sufficient to conflnq
elk, nnd Henry Binning of Corn, Wyo.,
thinks a four-foot wovon-wlro fonco
Is ample. When they escapo rrom an
inclosuro In which thoy havo boon red
thoy usually roturn of their own nc
cord. Somo herds mny bo driven liko
ordinary cattlo. A small inclosuro for
a vicious bull elk should havo a strong
fenco seven or eight feet high.
. 1 .
Decision Handed Down by Justice
Ford in New York Supreme Court
Finds No Favor.
Cleveland, Ohio. Tho doclslon of
Justico John Ford, In a supremo
court dlvorco enso In Now York city,
in which ho advanced tho opinion
thnt yxay woman wanting a dlvorco
should bo given it by her husband,
finds no favor with tho Judges of
Cloveland courts.
Instead of accoptlng Justico Ford'a
opinion as advancing tho dlvorco
problem, tho Judicial opinion bore Is
that It amounts to a harmful doc
trine, dnngerous to tho country's
homo llfo nnd approaching an advo
cacy or "freo lovo."
"ir a woman wants n dlvorco bo
badly that- sho will swear falsely
ngalnst her huBband," said Justico
Ford, "It Is his nlaco to win utm
and let her go ahead."
"Tho dlvorco Is a problem of law
not ono to bo lectured on as proper,"
said Justico Estop. "Such an opin
ion as Justice Ford Is quoted with
is a doctrlno cIobo to freo lovo,
"Dlvorco should not bo mndo an
easy matter, Thero aro too muny of
them hero and every other placo In
tho country. In Ohio ono of tho most
common causes for dlvorco la gross
neglect of duty, a blanket chargp that
makes divorce oasv. I think it
should bo changed nnd bollovo that
mo legislature should mako somo
provision to investigate tho troubles
which lure hu3band and wlfo lnt
"Instead of helping peoplo to bop'
of recent florco battles botwoen. tho
slain many Italians somo days beo
Inventor Asserts Mechanism Stores
' Energy Enough From Changes In
TemperatureIs Patented.
Key York. A clock which, it Ib
claimed, will run for a thousand years
upon energy storod up from chnngoa
In tetnpercturo has boon Invented by.
Frlodrlch Dangotor, who has It on ex
hibition at his laboratory, No. 29 Uoff
street, Staten Island. A patent lms
Just been granted for this dovlco.
Which Is ono of DO Inventions to tho
crodlt of Dangotor, who won gold
medals nt tho world's expositions In
Pari- In 1900 and In Belgium In 1905.
Tho secret of tho clock's onorgy la
tho, roduetlon to a minimum of fric
tion In Its running pnrts and tho uso
of motals susceptiblo to hoat and cold,
which, by their contraction and expan
sion, tho inventor asserts, keops tho
wheels turning through a devlco which
rolcascB motal balls In a wheel.
Bangetor claims ho has coupled in
a practical way tho woli-known laws
of contraction and expansion, and
of gravity. In order to show tho prac
ticability of his clock, ho stopped It.
Then, by oponlng tho door of tho lab
oratory, bo as to cauao n change of
tomporature, tho mechanism started,
and ho assorted, that unless Interrupt
ed It would continue for a throusand
Paris Pastry Cook Recovers Damages
From City Because Street Work
Ruins His Confections.
Torls. Orango cream perfumed
with crcosoto and tarts saturated with
naphthalono woro tho cause of n suit
which n pastry cook has Just won
ngalnBt thq city of Paris.
Whon tho work was begun of lay
lng wood paving in tho street whore
his Bhop was situated, M. Chnrnbot,
tho cook, resignod himself to tho in
convenlenco until ono customor after
another roturnod to tho shop with
delicacies which they declared uneat
able. Dr. Metchnlkoff, tho savant,
called In person to says "My doar
sir, I usked for orango cream, but you
havo aont mo croosoto cream."
Expert advlco Bhowed that Chara
bot's wares woro all talntod from tho
fumes of tho wood paving outside of
his shop, nnd ho has boon awarded
$350 by way of damages.
nrato. the court should havo somo
means of measuring Just how great
or how small tholr trouble's aro. It
certainly works harm when marriage
lies nrtf lightly regarded in high
"I bollovo JuBtlco Ford was talking
as a man and not ns a Judge," snld
Judgo Harvey R. Koelor. "To spread
a looso doctrlno in connoctlon with
dlvorco caaos strikes at tho heart of
tho home, and it's dangerous."
"Speaking from a personal 'stand
point, I think Justico Ford Is right"
said Judgo Martin A. Foran. "I don't
think any solf-reapectlng family would
go Into tho dlvorco court.
"I wouldn't contest a dlvorco ex
cept If a chargo of cruelty wero
mado, which would compol mo to de
fend my chnracter.
"Feollnt, this way about It, how-o-cr,
Is u matter for Individuals and
not for holding up to pooplo tho Idea
that dlvorco Is easy. I bellevo thero
should bo no dlvorco."
Jersey Sore oii Mosquitoes.
Now York. Vvn effort will bo mndo
to mako Now Jersey mosqultoless.
An appeal has been mado to Govern
or Wilson asking him to .send a mcs
ungo to tho legislature on tho subject
of New Jersoy's popular nflllctlon
Ho will bo naked to rocommond that
a commission bo nppolntod to wage
war on this pest It Is pointed out
that since tho Federnl government
established In tho Ithmus that tho In
sect could bo routed It Ja a reproach
to New Jersey that the post baa been
allowed to' exist
Place the Dinner in a
MOTHER'S OATS Fireless Cooker
It will'b rcftdj t erye whew you get Koata
This advertisement
is good for 10 cou
pons cut it out and
you have a bic start.
Then in every pack
age of AfctAtr's Oats
you yill find a cou
pon. Save the cou
pons and cct the
cooker free In a
Hurry. Onfy ent ad
vtrtttemtnt will bt
acctptcdfnm tath cus
ttmr at 10 coupons.
Buy a package of Mother's Outs today. ,
Send a postal for complete premium book.
Miss Screeched He must be verr
tender-hearted, Why, overy time 1
sing ho cries.
Collior Downe Maybe he doesn't
lljie to see anything murdered.
Awful Tale of Suffering From Kidney
Alfred J. O'Crlon, Scond Bt, Ster
ling, Colo., says: "I wbb In tho Bnl
tlmoro Marino HoBpltnl nlno months.
Tho nrlno was In a torrlblo atato and
Bomo days I passed
half a gallon of
blood. Thoy wanted
to operate on me
and I wont to St.
Joaoph's Hospital nt
Omaha, putting In
threo months there
without nny gain. I
was tirnttv well rils.
couraged when advised to use Doan's
Kidnoy Pills. I did bo and when I had
taken ono bdx. tho naln left me. I
kept on and a perfect cure was the
"Whon Your Back la Lnm. Tin.
mombor tho Name DOAN'S." KOn
box at nil Btores. Fostor-Mllburn Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Natural Ending.
"Our cook's dead."
"Indeed? Did she die a natural
"Yes, the natural death ot a person
who tries to light a Ore with kcro
Bonor'Stray Stories.
Shipwreck Up to Date,
"Captain, Is there much danger?"
"Not a particle A moving-picture
outfit will soon bo along and rescue
us after they have taken a fow films."
It is by no meann sufficient to make
an auditor grin with lauchtor.
WoMaws Ills
Msny women Buffer needlciely from tflrlhood to woman,
hood and from motherhood to old agewith backache,
dizziness or headache. She becomes broken-down, sleep
V nerou, IfrfUble and feels tired from mornlnrf to
night. When paint and aches rack the womanly system at
frequent Intervals, ask your neighbor about
.Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
TMa Prescription kca, tororerXO years, been
carlnA delicate, steak, pain-wracked women,
by tha hundreds ot thousand and tftla tee la
the privacy ot their homes without their hav
la& to submit to Indelicate questloalB&s mad
etteaalvely repugnant examinations.
.l0,. 0l25n "ro fnv'teJ t consult In confidence by letter frtt Anu
World'. Dispensary Medical A.jJn.U.V. Vl&tvZf&W
, ,, , , , , - vfv..w uuui. i ii o .-copie s Uommon ssaa
Pedir W.,8r! "V r "vised up-to-date edItlon-IOuO pagM, en.wertTS
S, l0ttl 0'de''c'qstlon. which every woman., ingle o? rrii
ought to know about. Sent frtt to any nddres. on rece pt of 31 on.-ew.
.tamp, to cover cost of wrapping and mailing only, In French cloth binding.
2,00, '3.00, 3.50&M.OO SHOES
Men and Women wear W.LDougla. shoe
because they are tho best shoes produced in
this countrv for nrl.. f.t. . I
lng them. Take no other make.
The assurance that goes with an estab
Ihed reputation is your assurance in buying
w . i, uougias jnoej.
If I could take you into my large fadlories
at Brockton, Majs., and hov you how
carclully W.L.pouglas shoes are made, you
Would then UndVrttanrl uliu ll..., ..
. . M 7 ,ujr uo well -
ranted to hold their shape, fit belter and
CAUTION K0""1"? 1,nve W. Xm PoubIbs
' - 'ne unci prfco ulamned on lint i...,T
Cooker ;
in a Hurry
44 Bu. to the Acre
k ft hoxfj jlolit, tutlhta wlwl Joha Xn
Mmoatoa.AltrartA. Wcntmn Onn0, aul
, AiuortA. wrtirn On0, kuI from
iivaiuwiorui.vricuf ininaiproT
irmretmic noa
WO bnsbcU et utifix
Iron I'M ikcrM at H I-
bu, per aero. .Wiaif
r blva km IM
butic)i of o to Ht
aero wrmthrcshnd frow
Albettu OoldilnlVlg,
The Sltver Cup
at in merit Biotana
Fair awanlvd to It).
AttiArijL (lnvMFtaAianL A19
TlfM. for 1WI0 com aHoTrom
jxaicncTTaiinna Junius IB
nklurn f ;a Tl art
irrca hnmealrnita of 1H6
Her, anil ri!V"ib
cmpllmiior iho r
IMM niipiiflrfli ar. 4a 1
1,1 tlinrlifUrfl.alfllirlitftii.
Mcitooia runveuitmt, cu
nmtn xctlliHt, toll tha
Bat BHll
I Hill'
pnally irnntireri, wueU
InrmlnKaiurrfMi .
. Wrlifl a u best plax for iK
tlfinirrtit, culer' low railway
fcldiCHMlWrnl'MMflt free en
lr. Mtr
l tlon, la Hup't nt Im
-;1 Ottawa, Van.iortoltie 1
tier iBforwa-
ttia t&tuuM.n
' .
dottrniaoalAifouu (M)
awrlt to th anr nt ntti-tnt you
Christmas Post Cards
Tp,onlVly lntroJneo our MIT anil np-ttnlat llaa
of Canli, wo will for the next SO day aond abo
Into r free our urlta luaor.tniont of 5 Maaatlfnl
Ulirlitmai Uartft, If yon aniwer thU ail Itmnodl
Mely anj agnd 8a itamp for poftaca.TliOM loTly
Art roit Card In baautlful coloia and niqnltlt
ROldamboiixl deileni. eomurlM thapraUlMtand
raott attraetlro eolloetlon rr offrMl.WlUiaQ
at w intlpdn our ipfcial adrorltiiinK plan fo
eattinir a uiei'oit ora AiDum.ana aJAiuoBal
aura linn cam ni your own aaiaci
Art i'Qiio.M fim. rPt.iiF.
i if,
II ITE HIV1 V (inn K.CoInman ,WMh-
m m taoa V cat tMtmicet. Jiat rceuha,
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 45-1911.
1 iM