BRLtli The latest fashionable styles at all prices. The question of what to do with 'your hands is often solved by carry ing an umbrella or parasol. A parasol gives finish to your personal appearance. In the hands of even a plain woman aarasol lends distinction. Just got in a new line of suit case umbrellas, i We curry a splendid selection nt all prices. Come in nnd look them over. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. A New SiMrib. The residents of tills city were greeted at every turn Saturday foam ing by, Uio mysterious legend, "Wntch tiro Kfed Moon Rise." It peered from windows, smiled from fences and build- ngs, hung from door knobs, telephone poles, tncks and wires, attired up from sidewalks, and seemed to be , every where. This was nil done some time" after midnight and wo are informed that a mysterious stranger -wearing a silk hat was seen moving about In'thn shadows with an armful of cards, nt about 2 o'clock in the morning: Just what is meant by tho phrase and all this mystery, no one is ablo to find our, as tho visitors or local practical' jokers whoever they may be, confided in none Several local people have attempted to fathom tho mystery, but havo given Jt up and guessed everything from a road show to a now patent medicine. It bears some of the car marks of a local practical joke, as tho man who was seen, in the night, when asked what ho was doing, ret routed into tho shadows and Intoned exuberantly, "Watch tho Kcd Moon Rise." Either hd didn't know, or ho wouldn't tell. SCH1LLER& CO., Prescription Druggists Vltt Door North of First National Hank " ' Verne Longford visited friends in . Omaha Sunday, 1 Tho Episcopal guild will moot with Mrs. P. J. Gilman Thursday nftornoon. David Ryan has resigned hla position at tho ton cent Btore. ,'- Tcachejs.. examinations wore held at the county superintendents ofllco Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hurst, of Chappcll, aro among tho out of town people hero today. . Mrs. Charles Perkins loft Friday morning for, Hershey 'to visit fYlonda for several days. Miss Esther AritonideV of' the' Hoi' ,shy schools visited relatives In town f.Jaturday and Sunday. '' '' Mr. and Mrs. Harry .LantK havo re- turtw&from a;Jwrt viit with relatives' inOgalalla. ' Mllo Shlpmnn left Sunday ovenlng for Laramie, whoro' ho will accept a position as, brakeman y CliBrles Thompson returned Friday from Omaha whoro ho. ppont ton ,da ' Nvlth his brother IHlmor, 4. -For Rent Good elEht room dwelRfwfftear 2nd ward school. frame i war znu waru hciiuui. t. .. ' . RtlfiMANAN & PATTEIlBOtf. J 'i''W&G0rge HatHeld went to Paxtojn ' 'Situwky morning to visit relatives for " ' tws weeks or longer. ' W J. Tiley transacted business - In Cowwl the last of the weok in tho n terwtH of the Yeomen, ,k,iMIb Beilha Anderson saleslady ': wtha Johnson CmM uloru upent SUndj ...III. l.M ... In 1T-oV,,. Ml Mrs. William Anderson arid son left Friday morning for Hershey to spend AS week with relatives and friends. M. B. Smith, of the Lexington At$X Mrs 0 D ' noAl loe to., arrived lie re yummy to spnd a few days on business. Rev. McDld left Saturday evening for Sidney, where he conducted their ' . services in the Catholic church Sunday. Quincy Felt and son of Keystone - who hnvu bm visitors in town since Frkky wont homo on tho branch train ; this morning. , Mrs, Terrance McGovern, of Sidney, , who. has been tho guest of relatives In ...tint city, for two weeks past left for home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Howe, of Wal laco returned homo yesterday after .visiting their daughter Mrs. C. P. v Martin for several days. Girl Wanted for eeneral housework, ""Annly to Mrs. Mary Allen, 4M West' Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Piumrncr ontor tnlned a'few frlonds Friday ovonlng at Somerset. Dainty refreshments woro served during a pauso in tho game. Miss Julia Nolan, returned homo year . torday afternoon fram Wood Rlvor, whoro she has been visiting t relatives , . and friends for the past two weeks. ' Miss Estello Bristol formerly of this city was married Thursday of last week In Donvor to Mr. Gustav Dome dian proprietor of tho Tortonl Billiard Psrlors in that city. Charles Templo transacted business in McPherson county Friday, ' Mrs. Roland Malmstcin left Saturday for Grand Island to visit friends. Harrv Beam, of Wallace, is nmontr the vlsitora in tha city this weok. Earl Brownfleld, of Hershey, Bpent yesterday horo on business. Mr. and Mrs. Robort Dickey nnd son were visitors in Hershey Sunday. For Solo -100 head of Shoats and Hogs. Inquire of Miner Hinmnn. Fithor Dobson, of Sidney, filled tho pulpit nt St. Patrick's church Sunday, Miss Nina VanDoran roturncd Satur day from a short visit with friends in Gothenburg. Mrs. M. H. Douglas and Master Burdort Wright loft Saturday morning for Grand Island. . Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Roddcn Returned Saturday evening from Lexingtbn, where thoy spent the, day with friefods jVIiss Ethel McCanco. of Gothenburg. arrived Sunday evening to spond Itwo 'weeks with hersIstorMrs. Walter Ross .Wo havo all tho latest copyrighted riovels by the best -authors at from $1.00 to $1.40. Rinckeh'h UrinK Sthhr jjja. Mrs, John Kenney camo up from Maxwell Sunday evening to visit her husband who is ill at St. Luko's hospi tal. Judgo H. M Grltnca and court repor ter Cary returned frpm Loxington Sat urday evening and loft yesterday morning. , 'The ladles of St. Patrick's church wilt hold an exchange at the Howo & Malonoy furniture store on Saturday of his weok. Mrs. J. E. Sebastian camo down Ijrom Chappell Saturday evening to hko nor nome. Air. Sebastian has on horo for time. . . r 1 1 i umt. uoouiov.e, oi waaniftgion, u. u., rived Saturday evening and will be lie guest of her Bister Mrs. Wood White for several weeks. btannarti, Who has been .YisithiB her mother Mrs. Freeman .Watts for three weeks left Sunday evening for Lander, Wyo. Books at 50 Cents. Wo have 1200 of the popular novels at B0 cents each. They include tho works of the best novelists. RiNCKEit s Book Store. Fatlior Johnen spent Sunday in Gothenburg. Tho Hershey high school has been accredited by the state department ns a one year school. Mrs. Ernnk WinHeman and son Rich mond went to Sidnoy Friday nftornoon to visit friends a few duys. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Woods, of Tryon, aro visiting friends in the city this week. C. O. Baird, special representative of tho Studcbnker corporation, who as sisted J. L. Burke In demonstrntinir tho E. M. F. 30 nnd Flanders -"20 cars to nrosncctivo purchasers for several days last week, loft Saturday morning lor nis nomo in umnna. Dwelling for Sale. Tho finely located comer lot nnd brick dwelling at 320 West Fourth St can bo bought at very reasonable pricq, and easy icrms. iiuOIIANAN & FATTKHCN, Wm. i A. Brndy presents "Baby Mine," Margaret Mnyo's play of a thousand laughs, which kept New York in convulsions of laughter for one solid year at Daly's theatre, and which Is now making London laugh as it never laughed before, nt Sir Charles Wynd ham's Criterion theatre, comes to the Keith thentre on Wednesday, Nov. 22, coming direct from the Broadway theatre, Denver. Any play or drama, in which a mother or husband, or real home happenings is strongly depleted, is always of intense interest to theatre patrons, but when tho realisms and situations make gcnulno comedy with a mother, father and babies as central figures, and tho wholo abounds with extremo fun making nnd peels of laughter, there can be but ono result success. This term applies to tho best and biggept comedy play of modern times, "Bnby Mine," nnd which nil managers agree is the most gcnulno threatricnl And of years. The authoress, Miss Margaret Mayo; got her inspiration for hor ideas and lines from a newspaper article, and under the direction of Mana ger William A. Brady, tho play has been whipped into shnpe, so that a genuine laugh fnctory is the result. Clydo Trotter, of Brady, spent tho week end in town on business. One of tho interesting nddresses mndo nt tho State Irrigation Convention, held at Bridgeport on the 14th nnd 16th was made by Senator W. V. Hoaglnnd. The address dealt with the dim ail ty in securing tho passngo of Irrigation Legislation, and urged upon people in terested to get together, decide on what legislation was desired, nnd have the bills prepared to boinlroduced upon the first day possiblo to introduce bills. Another proposition discussed was the fact that of tho state officers, the. com missioner of Public Lands & Buildings, had more to do with irrigation than any other, nnd Senator Hoaglnnd urged tho people in western Nebraska, to lay aside politics and unito ns men who would take a determined stand in favor of tho interests of irrigation and other interests in tho westorn part of tho state. Tho address created a decided sentiment in favor on independent political action in tho convention. Arthur McNomara returned Saturday evening from a short visit in Kearney. Miss Doa Hardin will leave this week for Lincoln to spend several weeks with friends. Miss Ireno McGee 'of Brady was tho guest of Mrs, .P. A. Norton Sunday. Miss Ella' Jiielm left Saturday morn ing for Lexington to Visit friends for some time. "Pocky" McFarland, light-weight pugilist, went thru Saturday "to San Francisco, whore he will have a, match with Thommlo Murphy on Thanksgiving day.' State Auditor Silas R. Barton, of Grand Island, has filed as candidate for congress in tho Fifth Nebraska district and his name will appear on the primary ballott in April. Mr. Barton has fre quently visited friends in this city nnd they wish him tho greatest success. Miss Maude Miller, of Chappcll, who spent several weeks, left for homo lastweejt. Bargain la a Heme. Location 4m south of Maxwell. Forty acres in cultivation, 120 pasture, 8 acres of alfalfd, 200 young fruit trees apples, peaches, cherries and plums. All fenced and cross fenced, good 5 room frame house with porch screened. Bnrn 21x27, bank silo adjoining barn. 12x16 cement hen h6uso 12x20 and cement cave 12x24, crib, granary and shed 24x32, cistern, well, windmill. Rural mall dally, telephone. .Ideal dairy and stock farm. t ' Fino view of Piatte Vnlley, splendid location, nearschoolhouse. where church services held each Sabbath. $20,000 high Bchool now building at Maxwell. Advanced years, and sons entering college causes me to seek retirement. To close nt once, nt less than fair price. Terms. Advise your frionds of tins exceptional opportunity. E. M. Arnold. . Brady. Nob. Travel Comfort i The Union Pacific is Ballasted with Sherman Gravel, which makes a practically dustless roadbed. It has fewer curves and lower grades than any other trans-continental line is laid out in long, easy tangents. You are free from jolts, jars and dust. , Union Pacific STANDARD ROAD OF THE WEST ' Protected by Electriq Block Signals. Excellent Dining Car on all Trains. For literature nnd information relative to fares, routes, etc., call on or address - F E. BULLARD, Agent. I F ENDS THIS WEEK! For Rest. One 8 room house, west Gth St., - 1 ..... ' eiucinc ngni, nam anu sower connec tions. One 8 room houso west 0th St, clcc- inc ugnt anu uaui. One four room cottage, electric light anu ciiy waior, Inquire 1173 west 0th of Mrs. L. M. Richards. CRYSTAL -THEATRE Cbrtnu Gcdf . Our Christinas goods aro arriving daily and are bolnjc placed for your in spection, Uomo in now anu make your selection anu nave mem iriu away it you wish. Rinckkr'b Book Stokk. To-Night MOVING PICTURES: 1 A Judge Mmpkms. summer court. Paths weakly. The Rangers son. Song-"All that I ask Is ldve." VAUDEVILLE, The Le Donivas Giant & Ctindy kid. Frog 10 and 15 Cents. THE SPECIAL SALE. We have had good crowds the past week and sold lots of merchandise hut still have a good assortment to pick from. Remember thesis Prices are Only Good Until Saturday Night. 9c GROCERIES. Standard Tomatoes per ban . Hf White Laundry Soap Cr full size bars, 7 bars for ... . j)C Standard Corn f JJ 2 cans. I DC Quaker Oats V jQ large size package. . . . Kraut 3 cans for?!: .oC Kerosene Oil, H A per gallQn..y; llL Powdered Ly'e ' Pf :tsrt ape&imnM . . . iC Calumet Baking Powder 4 Ft 16 oz can I 1, Quaker Corn Flakes 2 packages for Pink Salmon 1 lb cans 2 for. . . . Baked Beans 2lb can. Yeast roam 3 packages f or .... f Soda Crackers J? large box per lb C Swifts Premium Hams A- y per pound 1 02w Silver Leaf Lard H n No. 3 pails . . , . . v i C Silver" "Leaf Lard A No. ;S pails,,.. OUC .15c 1 C 'SHOES. Men's Walk-Over Shoes d9 AO values' $4 to $5 yOMQ Men's Shoes, value. $3.50. Men's Shoes value-$3 Men's Shoes' value $2.50. .. , LadiesSJioes O AO value $3.50 to $4 .40 Ladies' Shoes 1 AO value $2. 50 to $3,. l0 Ladies' Shp'es value $2 to $2.50. , 2.78 2.48 1.98 Boys High Cut Shoes. 1.48 2.29 RUGS. Velvet Rugs ' $ L iQ size 9x12 ft.,.vj)H40 Axminister Rugs ' -'' j. size 9x12 ft . V. Axminister Rugs 4 27x6o' Axminister Rugs K -" Jf) 27x54 inches.. , . 15.48' 193 One-Fifth Off on all Lace Curtains. Men's Underwear. Men's Fleece Lined' hirt 1A and Drawers OsC One Lot Wool Underwear 79c Men's Union Suits 83C LADIES' SUITS. Suits that sold for Si 5 $10.98 Suits that sold for $20 15.98 Suits that sold for $25. 19.98 Lot 4 Suits that sold J Q for $30 and $35.. ZQ4Q LADIES' SKIRTS Ladies' Skirts S34B Lot 2 Ladies' Skirts Lot 3 Ladies' Skirts 1 , Dress Goods. Ono lot Heavy W06I Dress Goods, good patterns, just tho thinp for service, worth up to ?1.G0 per yard One Lot Wool Dress Goods regular 50c quality Une Lot Wool Dress 4 FJl Goods, sold or 25c Ji 2C 4.98 7.48 79c 39c SAX.E ENDS NOVEMBER 26TH. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. iL North Platte. Neb. C)