The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 21, 1911, Image 3

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Finally Cured by Lydla E. Pink
barn's Vegetable Compound.
.brio. Pa "I sufforedfor five years
from female troablca and at last was
;iaimost liolploss. I
wcuc 10 lurco uoo.
tors ana thoy did
IDO HO firnftrl. r Tnv
sister advised ino to
try JL,ydia E. Pink
ham's Vogotablo
ConiDfiiiml ami
trtion I had taken
oniy two bottles I
coma sco a bl
six bottles and I am
. , .j ww strong ana well
uaiu. x aon-c iaiow now to express
my thanks for tho pood it has dono mo
uu now aii Buuennff women will
Blva Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vogotablo
Compound a trial. It was worth its
weimw. in aouy-urz. J. P. Esouca,
"VJ,f -t a.
Lvdia "R. T'lnlr rintn'a Ifn
t)OUntl. tn.lrln fpnm l .. i
, f , iiuhiu 1UUU UUU
liorbs, contains no narcotlo or harm.
jm uruRs, ana lo-tiay nokis tho record
for tho largest number of actual cures
7, .uvuow J JXllU W ui unit
thousands of voluntary testimonials
aroon flloin. tho Pinkham laboratory
...-i.iii, oixaaa., j.iuiu women who navo
DGCn enroll frnm nl mnof Artown fA..M
lemalo complalnt3, such asinnamma-
wuu, ulceration, tiispiaceraents, fibroid
tumors, irregularities, periodic pains,
backacho, indigestion and nervous
nam a VpcrotriViln nnrrinnttni
,u V?nt special ndvlco write
MrsiPlnlclinm, Lynn, Mass., for it.
o Him aiways loiprui.
sone eves
In Sunday School.
"What can you say of Cain?"
"Ho waB tho first boy scout."
Hr. Wlnslow's Boothtng Syrup for Children
tee til I a (f, softens (lie gums, reduces lnflamratv
Hon, allays ptiln, cures wrlud colio, 2io bottle,
Definition of Velocity.
Tonchor What Is velocity, Johnny?
Johnny Velocity Ib what a chap lets
go of .a wasp with.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels',
bugar-coatcd, tiny granules. Easy to taks
u candy.
Tho tlrao a man begins to fear for
the futuro of hla country is when ho
fears he 1b going to lose a Job In tho
Bend 2c stamp for Ave samples of my very choic
est Gold Itmbostod Christmas and Now Tour
I'oit Cardii boautlful colors and lorellcat detlrns.
Art Post Card Clob, 731 JucUon St., Topeka, ICunsai
After a man has been married about
a year he begins to wonder why hla
friends didn't get busy and havo him
locked up before ho did It.
Wood Poisoning Is often caused by
night cuts or wounds. Death may result.
Hamlina Wizard Oil will draw out the
poison, heal tho wound and prevent se
rious trouble,
Lota of men who sit around on dry
goods boxes and growl .about hard
tlmeB would consider It an Insult if
anyono were to offer them a Job.
In oil Its forms among all ages of horses
rind dogs, cured and others in the samo
etablo prevented from having tho dlscaso
with Epohn's Distemper Cure. Every
bottle guaranteed. Over 750,000 bottles
Bold last year. $.50 and $1.00. Good drug
gists, or send to manufacturers. Agents
wanted. Write for free book. Spohn
Med. Co., Spec. Contagious Diseases,
Goshen, Ind.
Elemental Error.
Judgo Stevens wns angling In tho
Mantlowlsh waters, and Just after din
ner bocamo Involved In an argument
with his boat companion. Tho debato
lasted somo minutes, and during that
tlmo tho Judgo had his baited hook
dangling In the air over bis shoulder.
Tho guldo took r hand.
"Judgo," said ho. pcromptorlly,
"drop your lino In' tho water. Thero
nro no tlylng fish around hero." Chi
cago Ppst.
Arms Mado to Order.
A United States senator, worth mil
lions which he mado rapidly, haB a
coat-of-armB recntly acquired. He
gave a largo dlnnor party one night
His coat of arms, was om blazoned in
gold on tho top of tho dinner cards,
Tho lady who wont In with tho sen
ator, tho wlfo of another senator, ob
served the insignia when sho picked
up her dinner card and exclaimed:
"How pretty!"
"Yes," replied tho senator proudly,
"I think It is rather neat. My wife in
vented It," Saturday Evening Post,
Cured in One Day
As a rule, a few doses of Munyon's Cold
Remedy will break up any cold and pre
vent pneumonia. It relieves tho head,
throat and luncs almost instantly. Prico
J5 cents at any druRulfit's, or sent postpaid.
If you need Medical aUvico write to
Munyon's Doctors. They will carefully
diasnoeo your case and give you advice liy
mail, absolutely free.
Address Professor Munyon, 53d and
Jcffcraon streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
"Baby Bliss, Known tho World Over,
tsued for Support of His Aged
nioomlngton, 111. Illinois' blggosl
man haa been sued by tho stato of Illi
nois. Leonard Bliss, known tho world
over ns "Daby," and who resides In
nioomlngton. has boon mndo defend.
ant In a suit brought by States AHor.
Boy W. n. Bach to forco him nnd his
brother to support tholr aged another
Who Is a WldOW. Tho suit wnn nlmmt
particularly at Leonard's brother who
"Baby" Bliss.
Is well to do. The court ordnreri
Leonard to nay bis mother J10 tier
month whilo tho brother was assessed
twlco that Bum,
"Baby" Bliss Is a national character
and becamo famous through his cnor-
mous nvoirtlunola. wo chlmr fifi.1
pounds. Ho first attracted prominence
by touring Europe on a safety blcyclol
and wna follow a .v ,u in v,rv
and wns followed by crowds In every.
country. Ho also has been n Atnr.
attraction In tho sldo shows of circus
es and has posed In othor ways. His
r: ,, u ""'7 J"'.
LrLb,2S...b,!l TLt...
an unlimited supply of good nature
and ho has never become nncrr over
tho Jokes mado at tho expenso of his
great size.
His father and mother woro both of
., , - .7 , ,
ordinary size and tho phenomenal,
growth of Leonard has been n sur
prlso to all members of hla famllv
Desplto his great weight ho Is agile
and can waltz as gracefully as many
men of normal weight. Ho has al
ways enjoyed good health and eniors
a gooa dinner with tho next
Adorned With Gift of British
o .
vuuiiusiuii, a, kj. x'oriinps mo oniy.
church building In America adorned
...i.i. .1.. T-. , .
.m luo uK.iBu coui oi arms, mo gut
direct of tho English sovereign, la
Old Saint James, Goose Creek, 1G
miles from Charleston. Outsldo of
Virginia, It Is one of the oldest church
edifices In the south.
It tis built in 1703. and la still In
uso for dlvlno services, as It Is In a
flno stato of preservation. Tho pulpit
Is of tho quaint old hour-glass stylo
with heavy sounding board. Abovo It
Is the roynl coat ot arms, of Encland.
In colors as clear us If nalntnd hut
yesterday, tho gift of Queen Anno to.
tho colonists In 1701. Within Its wall8
are also many historic tnblots and
'hatchments." Over tho western on
Gift of Queen Anne.
trnnco Is a flno reproduction of tho
seal or the "Socloty for tho Propoga
tlon of tho Gospel In Foreign Parts': of
London, a pelican feeding her young
During the Revolutionary war n do
tachmeut of British soldiers was about
to apply tho torch to tho bulldlnsr.
mien a view of tho Interior rovcnllng
to them tho mark of tho queen's fa
vor, tho cdlllco waa spared.
Negro's Head Breaks Welaht.
LauraiiKC. Ga. Whllo wnrldnn- nn.
der an elevator shaft at tho Lagrange
Ico and Fuel company nlnnt Roth
Boyle, a negro, waa struck on tho top
or nis neau wun a JZ-pound weight
which had fallen 38 foot Unrm nr.
umlnatlon, a physician discovered that
no Injury bad been dono to tho negro's
head, but that tho weight, which was
made of steel, had been cracked into
ttirco parts.
Now Aim to Make the Panama Canal Pay
WVSHINGTON. Foreshadowing the
practical comnlotlon of thn in.
aula canal by July 1, laia, tho isth-
mion canal commission. In Its nnntmi
report, recommends congrosslonnl
legislation governing canal tolls, or
ganization for tho opcrntlon or tho
canal ami for government or tho cannl
lono, utilization of canal revenue to
pay oporatlng expenses nnd to ropay
tho capital Invested, and othor action.
- - v.tllMwM II
order to ndvtso tho comniorclat world
oi mo uso it may mnko or tho groat
Wntcrwa'. Of tho COBt nf tmnillmr ahlnu
through It and just when It will bo
opened. Tho commission wished to
glvo at loast eighteen months' notice
or uio rates to pormlt tho world'n
marltlmo Interests tlmo to readjust
tholr routes and to build nnw ehii.o
and orgnnlzo new trnnfmnrtrtttnn mm.
It wns alSO deemml dpslrnhln In nut
tho canal to uso as onrlv nn nnn.ihin
not only to securo llnnnclal returns on
tho onqrmous capital lnvcstod, but to
Given Flapjacks
M O moro chicken In tho army, turkey
twlco a Voar ThnnltHclvlnir nnrt
r"Ha ,mP k8 ,n8tontl
.f hnrd .tack " Bum P o Important
enanges in tho nrmy ration for tho
American soldier mado during tho post
year, according to tho ronort of (?nm.
missary Genoral Henry G. Sharpo. Tho
0,'nln'l"on o ch.cken.ias resuUd In
missary Genoral Henry G. Hharpo. Tho
a yearly saving t,o tho government ot
152,000. Tho noor Boldlora now hnvn
to worry along on boof, pork, mutton,
oncon, eggs and llsh.
KUBl 1110 unucu atatea 10.14 centu
n day more to food tho American sol
It cost tho United States 1614 cents
dler In Alaska than it did those sta
tlonod in tho United States. Thin in
doclnrcd duo principally to tho cost of
beof nnd its transportation to tho iso
lated posts in tho territory.
Tho dally avcrnco coat nf thn m.
tlons issued during tho year in tho
United StatcB alono was 22.75 conts',
Alaska. 38.89 conta: Hnwnii mm
cents; Porto Rico, 28.72 cents; aboard
transports, zj.&z conts; American boI-
dlors in tho Phlllnnlnnn 9J kr
,and tho natlvo soldlors In tho Philip-
piiioB, li.iu. Kvcn tho Phlllppluo Is-
iuiiub snows a creator avornen mat
,, .
?J D'Jl roport flh0Wfl
tho average cost nor year nor mnn in
thn TtnHo,, Rfn,-in .,; "
tho PhlllnDlnos. $114.21.
It is Interesting, to note, tho roport
Rangers Exterminate Predatory Beasts
NE of tho duties of Undo Sam'B
forest rangers Is to kill "vnrmlnta"
that destroy cattlo, shoop and othor
domestic animals. In the western
states, whorp boars, mountain lions,
wolves, coyotes, wildcats nnd lynxes
aro plentiful, tho annual damage from
wild beasts runs into mllllnnn. i.nt
year forest rangers klllod 7,971 de
structive onlmnls, Tho roports, Just
out, show that 213 boarB, 88 mountain
llonB. 172 wolves. CD wolf nuns. (I.4H7
coydtes, 870 wildcats and 72 lynxes
roil before tho rnngers' guns.
In addition to tholr efforts aftnr nni.
mala that are harmful to live stock
and to ganio animals and birds, for
est ofllcors hnvo mado hoadwnv
against tho nralrlo doc. which nntR
ono thirty-second na much as a sheep.
Tho biological survoy estimates that
ono grown wolf wlll destroy about
S1.000 worth of stock a yoar, and
that tho average family of wolvos
Wants Pension Office Beauty Restored
L. DAVENPORT has an ovo to tho
artistic, and ns much ns it is posslblo
for that genial Gentleman to tin IIh.
gruntled, is mightily grloved ovor tho
fact that the pension ofneo dooa not
look as nretty as It ought to. and
nothing like as pretty as It might.
Commissioner Davenport says that the
pension office ought to bo one or the
show places in Washington, and thoro
Was a tlmo whon this was trun. Now
It 1b bair-illled up with tho deaks, Hie
cases and literature of tho Indian or.
flee, which really hasn't any buslnoss
thero. in fact, tho great court or tho
pension office, which until tho now
government printing olllco was con
structed was tho largest building In
tho world, all undOr ono roof, looks
moro llko a clutter closet bo rnr na
tho main floor la concerned, thnn llko
a decont, respectablo public building.
The groat interior court Is mirrnnnd.
ed by tho various offices which rise
tior ou uor to mo great glass colling,
mako posslblo tho passage of tho
world s floots without contusion or do
lay. Tho report ahowod that tho oncl.
neers' board has already found that
all tho concroto In tho groat Oatun
iockb win oo laid by Juno 1, 1012, and
flvo months Intor tho lock nn thn
Pnclllc sldo will bo finished, except
mo gates, which will bo ready Juuo 1,
1013. Mcantlmo by April 1, next, tho
giant spillway at Oatun would bo nt
tho fifty-foot elevation and tho ontlro
dam thero would bo completed by tho
following winter.
Tho excavation through tho Oulobrn
cut, tho greatest carth-dlggliig enter
prise tho world haa over soon, will ho
complotod July 1, 1013, If tho slides
nro not In oxcos or tho cstlmotos. In
that case tho oxterlor chnnnol will be
sufficiently ndvancod to pass tho ship
ping that would uso tho canal.
Tho total outlay lor maintaining
tho cannl will be for wngca of tho op
oratlvo forco, onglnoerlng work, sani
tation and civil administration. Tho
commission was Insistent that tho
rovenuo of tho canal should go to pay
not only tho oporatlng oxponsos, but
to repay tho capital Invented. Every
legitimate means fpr raising rovenuo
should bo adopted, eald tho report,
which recommonded that tho govern
ment should" not only HUpply coal nnd
oil for Its own vobsoIb, but should soil
thorn to merchant shipping.
Instead of Chicken
Bays, that out of a total of lll,8B4,8y4
spont during tho yoar for subBlstonco,
only four-flfthB of 1 por cent., or IU0,
000, Is accredited to losses from such
causes aa ordinary wastago In Issue
and transportation, dotorlorntlon from
climatic causes, theft and proporty
worn out.
Tho experimental farm conducted
by tho subsistence dopartmont at
Camp Vicars, P, I ror tho purpose of
determining whether potntooB could
bo succossrully rallied In tho Philip
plnos has provod thp unfoaslblllty ot
such n project Although tho condi
tions woro exceedingly favorablo when
mo plants lirst camo vup, tho roport
admits, blight Invaded tho farm, nnd
whllo the yield averaged twenty-two
uubuoib to nn ncro, only rourtoon of
thoso woro found fit for consumption.
Whllo tho resulta am dotnrwrt tn
havo boon a groat disappointment, tho
commissary gonoral rCols that tho ox
pondlturo of tlmo aud funds was well
repaid. ,
will got at least 3,000 worth. Tho
stock killed by wolves Is principally
ciuuo. uaivea and yearlings nro gen
erally soloctcd by thorn for slaughtor,
but If thoso cannot bo readily had,
cowb and oven full-grown stcora nro
It is said by stockman that wolves
In Wyoming kill from 10 to' 20 per
cent, of tho nnnual lncreaso of tho
herds, in somo sections of Montnna
thoy aro Just ns bad,
"Tho problem of tho extermination
of predatory animals," nald John A.
nhodes, a guard of tho forost sorvlco,
"Is ono that callB for dotormlncd and
porslBtont labor along linos that aro
practical, at tho hands or men who
aro accustomed to the country, thor
oughly understand tho habits or tho
wild animals and nro fnmillnr with tho
moans o tholr extermination,
"Whoro huntorB aro omployod, tho
uso ot poison ns a means of extermi
nation stands lirst. Its advantage
Hob in tho oaso and rapidity with
which It can bo handlod. Whoro tho
labor of n half a dozen men would bo
required in netting and watching a
lino of traps, ono man could easily
cover tho samo country with noisnn
Tho greater tho numbor of baits tho
greater the chances for hilling."
with tho rows of handsomely orna
mented balconies opening upon tho
court, in tho center of tho court la a
boautlful fountain, nnd It uaod to bo
that cxqulsito llttlo models of tho
Monitor aud tho Morrltnac chimed
each other around and around In this
fountnln. Thoro nro a number or
wondorful columns of brick cemented
over and painted to resemble marblo,
and rormorly thero woro all kinds or
paltna and aquatic plants around tho
fountnln, with nlco lounging seats,
nnd, aa Commissioner Davenport says,
It was ono of tho show places or
Washington, nnd it ought to bo again.
World's Pa
JdOpf lamps and
"w Lanterns
Scientifically constructed to give
most itgnt tor the on they burn.
Easy to light, clean and' rcwlck.
In numerous finishes and styles, each the
best of lis kind.
Ask your dealer to shev you Ms lint of Kara Limps sad
Lanterns, or writs for Illustrated feooMett direct
to any itency of the
Standard Oil Company
Member of School Board May Have
Had Deep Thoughts, but Anyway
Ho Was Satisfied.
Tho nthlotlo, young woman who
taught tho district school was on trial
for soundly thrashing seven unruly
"You you think you can control
the situation, do do you?" Inquired
tho president of tho school board, who
"I can," ropltod tho young woman
with considerable decision.
"Well, 1 don't know about this."
grlnnod Sllaa Weathorwax. "If any
boy needs a llckln' I can give it to
him myself. I don't bollevo In mis
cellaneous Uckln's."
The teacbor smiled.
"Nolthor do I." sho said. "If thrash-
Ings aro to be administered I think it
much better for ono person to admin-
Istor them. And after I have cleaned
up tho school I may decide to go out
and clean up tho township."
A moment later when a vote of con.
fldonco In the toacnor was called for,
the "oyo" of Silas Weathorwax was
the loudest of all.
Scared Out.
Tho gulldos had a protty story to tell
as often as thoy woro asked why tha
cliffs gavo back no sound.
A beautiful Echo (bo tho story ran)
formorly dwelt In tho vnlloy, and had
great fun mocking peoplo who, chanc
ing that way, In any manner broko the
sylvan sllonco.
But onco upon a tlmo a porty ot
smart women, prompted by tho guldoa
know not what caprlco, oat down in
tho lnimcdlnto neighborhood to enjoy
a gamo of progrosslvo whist.
"Goo, I glvo It up!" cried tho Echo
thereupon, nnd In consternation fled
tho place, novormoro to roturn. Puck.
Teat of Heal Greatness.
Columbus had mado tho ogg stand
on end.
"But could you unscramblo it?" de
manded tho mortified courtiers.
WhIchmorely accentuates tho great
truth that nobody 1b springing any
now puzzlos nowadays,
A town that nava tho nrnao.nnr nnrf
supports the editor la mighty close to
neaven. Atlanta constitution
Tho young motherand many an old
one, too la often nutzled to know the
cnuye of her chUrt's ill nature. Tho
loudness or ltd crying does not neces
sarily Indicate tho seriousness of Ita
trouble It miiy havo nothing more tho
mattor with It tnnn a headacho or a fool
InK of Koncral dullness. It cannot, of
course, clcscrtbo Its fcellncr), but as a
preliminary measure you aro safo In
trying a mild laxutlvo.
. of tCD y will nnd It
la all tho child needs, for Us restlessness
and peevishness aro perhaps duo to ob
struction of tho bowels, ' und onco that
haa been remedied tho hoadacho, tho
"luffBlshness and tha many other evl
donees of constipation and Indigestion
will quickly disappear,
Don't glvo tho little ono aalta. cathar
tlo pills or nasty wators, for these will
act as purgatives, and they nro too
strong for a child. In tho families of
r -
Tho Only Kooloy Institute In Nobrnokn Omaha. sMb
I T-i e
: a. I i x hc wonacr oi
J ffl J Ing powders Calumet.
61 Wonderful in its ratin
powers its uniformity.
its never failing result, its
Wonderful in its economy.
It costs less than the hitrh-nrice
trust brands, but it is worth as
much. It costs a tnile more than
the cheap and big can kinds-
it w worth more. But proves ks? j
real economy in the baking.
liftklar Powder.
At.aU Grocers.
Sloan's Liniment U rlli.
ble remedy for any kind o
i . .. i , .!,, ... ..
uuims lameness. Will Kill tile
growth of spavin, curb or splint,
absorb enlargements, and is
excellent for sweeny, fistula
and tlirush.
Here's freef.
. ! M,tA sl6n Wnlment on muls for
Wsli UmeneM,' and eured lir. I am
nertr without a botlla ot your liniment I
tura boufbt mora Mi thau any other
rMdy torsos." Baiuy Kiier,
"Sloan's Iielmeot Is tha Uittei ,1
tare removed very Una thoa boll og a
hor lth It. I" lava killed a quarter
crack on a mra tint awfully bad. I
have ftUo healed raw, sort necks on three
home. I lure healed graa heel oo a
intra that could hardly walk."
Anthony O. Hirn, Oakland, pa.,
Route No t. '
is good for all farm stock.
. VMr l,0 had W tholera three days
before we gut your ITalinent, whlcli I wi
advUed to try, I luva uecd It now for
three days and tny how are almoit well.
Out hog died before f rot tha UabseBt.
but I lura not lout any since."
A. J. McCarthy, IdavUle, lad.
Bold by aU
60s &S1.00
Ham's Book on HortM.
Cattle, Hogs and Fotdtry
Dr. Earl S. Sloan
Beaten, Mass.
IpieinMi and tweMinee the'tuif.
PromotM a. Ituurual fronth.
f "v?r JTalla to Keitore gray
JAtlr to ita foutuful Color.
Corel i waTpdlMHii bJrftJUs.
oa.USliat rnsrlt
Mrs. J. m. Harmon, 60S Star Ave., Dur
llngton, Iowa, and Mrs. E, Morse, Council
Uluirs, Iowa, thn only laxative given la
Dr. Caldwell's Byrup I'cpaln. It has
boon found to answer most perfectly all
tho purposes ot a laxative, and Its very
mildness and freedom from griping
rocommond It especially for tho uso of
children, women, and old folks gener
allypeople who need a gentle bowel
stimulant. Thousands of American
families have been enthusiastic about It
for more than a quarter of a century,
Anyono wishing to make a trial of thts
romedy before buying It In the rogular
way of a druggist at fifty centa or one
dollar a large bottle (family else) can
havo a sample bottle sent to the home
free of chargo by simply oddresalng Dr,
W. B. Caldwell, 201 Washington St,
Monttcello, III, Tour namo and address
on a postal card will do,
Always ready for use. Safest and most reliable.
Tho Perfecu'on Smokeless Oil Heater is jutt
like a portable fireplace.
It gives quick, glowing heat wherever, wheaever, you want it.
A necettlty in fall and spring, when it it not cold enough or
the furnace. Invaluable as on auxiliary heater in midwinter.
Drums of blue enamel or plain steel, with nickel tiiroBuagt.
A ilc your dealer la thow you a Perfectioa Smoteleu Oil Heater,
Standard Oil Company
Without a Rival for DRUNKENNESS and
DRUG USING. Address or Call on