The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 21, 1911, Image 2

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IRA L. BARB, Publisher
Tho opening of tho present thcatrl
cat Benson Is accompanied by tho
proclamation of a now principle For
20 years or tnoro tho star lias been
tho Idol of tho public and tho god of
mnnngcrs. Mighty was tho wngo of
this divinity. Tho star system seemed
permanent. Hut last season was ono of
tho most trying that theater managers
havo ever weathered. Scarcely ons
has not curtailed his enterprises, says
tho New York Sun. Theatrical invest
ment Is on n much (ess cxtenstvo
scale than It was 12 months ago. Kx
trcmo conservatism marks tho busi
ness this fall. Managers aro (search
ing for suggestions as to tho best
moans of putting their affairs on n
solid basis. Ono result of this Inves
tigation Is tho assertion that It would
probably bo much bettor for tho tho
ators If there wero fowcr stars or
nono nt all. Tho reasons for this de
cision seem sound, at all events sound
er to reasonable laymon than tho
causes of tho sudden promotion ol
ovory blue-eyed Ingenuo to tho rank
of a star. Managors havo decided
that tho theatrical colcbrlty they
make holds thorn afterward In tyran
nical grasp, Thoy must eventually
ncccdo to all tho conditions theso play
ers may Impose Thus by deliberately
creating a star thoy aro raising up a
force that will oventually ho Inimical
to tuom.
Qrlndcll Matthews, a young Eng
lish engineer, Is believed by his friends
to bo on tho vorgo of giving to tho
"world a wireless telcphono with which
conversations may bo carrlod on
ncrc-RM tho Atlantic. It may not be
come public, as tho Uritloh govern
ment may Book to acqulro tho sole
right to It. preserving the secret, and
retaining it for use In war. All that
Is known conceYnlug tho apparatus Is
that It Is In a box, 'do small that one
may cosily carry It about Instru
ments may ho tuned so that thoy will
transmit only to othors tuned In tho
same key. A man might telephone to
his wife whllo sho Is out shopping.
Tests havo boon made In Which tho
Interposition of brick and Iron walla
was shown to be no barrier, Nothing
neema too wonderful In the way of in
ventionespecially where electricity
Is concerned; bo nobody will be great
ly surprised If Matthews' Invention
fulfills Its promise,
The New York populace la apt to
smile with pltyhig superiority whenNt
nears a Cockney drop his "h's." It
forgets that It Is equally culpable in
regard to another letter of the alpha
bet, "r." How It does shy at "r."
Vhen the letter 1b not dropped en
tirely It becomes ''ol," as In "goll"
for girl, or "wolld" for world. 'What
Is being done In our public schools
to correct this bad habit and others
Iqualty bad? The Cockney language
Is not a thing of beauty or a dollght
to the ear, but positively wo are de
veloping an argot here that Is much
worse; a monstrous, hybrid form ol
speech, devoid at once of grace and
music. Let our school commission
ers look to ttt
When a maa holds up his fellow
man at the point or a gun and relieves
him of his belongings, It la called
highway robbery. When a nation
dees the wfme thing It Is called war.
"What the world needs is an Interna
tlonal pollee force. ,
When a man sues a girl for the
money he spent In courting her. It
behooves the girl to enter a counter
suit for the gas that was burned dur
ing the sessions la the parlor.
As Ohio man tainted after he had
played a plane continuously for twenty-seven
hours. We haven't heard
what happened to the people who
were compelled to listen,
A Chicago man Jumped from the
third story of a burning hotel, but Aha
kind that jump a bill on the llrst floor
In the silent night am the kind the
hotelkeepera don't like.
One of the esteemed missionaries
tells us that China will ono day domi
nate the world. Think, brethren, of
kbelng forced to eat all one's meals la
n Chinese restaurant!
A telephone girl In Portugal gave
warning of a royalist nttack nnd
quelled a revolt, proving horeolt a
first-class Information oporntor.
Tho freshman and sophomore med
ics aro rathor rough In their rushes,
but after thoy graduate thoy wjll mu
tilate with more finesse.
Chasing a monoplane with automo
biles Is a merry Bport at which not
even the fairy tales of our childhood
A Doston clergyman advocates the
teaching of love-making In' the schools.
That's where it begins, usually,
KIND earth not gray
Heaven not grim but fair of bus,
Do I stoop7 I pluck a pony.
Do I stand and stnro7 All's blue.
Robert Drowning.
A nlco llttlo nrrangemont to use
for a birthday enko Is tho cover of
a candy pall. Havo holes bored around
tho board deep enough to hold n
candlo, stain It any desired color and
rost tho cako In tho center with tho
candles around It Of courno many
more holes may bo bored than needed,
an tho candlos used ncod not fill each
place. In this mannor each member
of a, largo family has tho uso of tho
candlo board. It is safe, pretty and
To loosen glass stoppers, pour a llt
tlo oil around tho mouth of tho hot
tlo nnd lot It stand an hour of two;
If tho stopper Is not loosened then, set
the bottle in a dish of warm watch
When hot removo and gently tap tho
stopper on either side and It will
como out easily.
To wash chamois gloves: Theso
gloves aro serviceable, nnd If kept
clonn aro tho most satisfactory of
gloves. Wlion washing them, put on
tho hands and wash as you would
your hands, rubbing on soap and rins
ing nil of it off, thon wipe ,as dry as
possible on a towel and leave for a
few momenta on tho hands to dry.
Pin up In an open window or hang In
tho air to dry. Do not lay them on
n radiator or register to dry.
When you havo the tougb end of a
stcuN, cut it into cubes and pour
over water to cover. Add a small
ploco of carrot nnd onion and a po
tato or two and cook until tondor. if
the meat linn not boon previously
cooked, brown It In a llttlo-hot suet.
Keep a well-corked bottle of chloro
form to uso In removing spots from
dollcato fabrics. Rub briskly and
thoro will bo no ring to mark tho
When a llttlo onion Julco Is desired
In any food, cut off a sllco of un
poeled onion and press against tho
groo7e, working with a rotnry mo-'
tlon. Tho Juice will flow down tho
NI5 topic li porumptorlly for
bidden to rational mortnlu.
namely, tlitlr dltmnpcr. If you havo
not -slept, or If you have slept, or If you
lmvo tho headache, or leprosy, ot thun
derstroke, I beseech you by nil the ansuls
to hold your ponce, and not pollute the
niomliiK. Come Into tho azure nnd enjoy
tho day. Emerson.
Turkish Soup. Cook n fourth of a
cup pf rice In live cups of soup mock
until soft. In ono and a half cups of
tomatoes cook a bay leaf, two slices
of onion, ono teaspoon of pepper corns,
a fourth of a teaspoon of celory salt
for fifteen mlnutos. Comblno mix
tures, rub through a slevo and thick,
en with two tablcspoonfuls of butter
and a tablespoon and a half of flour.
Reef Steak Pie, Cut remnants of
cold broiled steak or roast beof in
small plccea. cover with bolltpg water,
add a halt an onion and cook nn hour
very slowly. Remove tho onion and
thicken with a little (lour stir rod Into
cold water, season with salt, popper.
Add half as much potato aa meat, cut
In cubes and parboil until nearly soft.
Pdt Into n buttered pudding dish and
when cool cover with baking powder
biscuit. Steam until tho crust Is
cooked, then bake In tho oven until
brown, (
Russian Salad. Prepare each'of tho
vegetables separately and marlnato
(season) with French dressing. Take
one cupful each of cold, cooked car
rots, potatoes, peas, leans and an
range In four sections on lettuce
leaves, Cover each section with may
onnaise dressing. Garnish -with hard
cooked egg whites cut in rings and
the yolks put through a rlqer, and
sprigs of parsley.
Mock Macaroon too Cream. Mix to
gether ono tnblcspponful of flour, a
cup of suear and ono-olghth of u tea
spoon of salt; add a beaten egg, then
gradually two cups of scolded milk.
Cook over hot 'water for twenty mln
.utos. stirring constantly at first, thon
add a quart of cream,, a tablcspoonful
nnd a half of vanllhu Cool and
frooro; when hnlf troaon add n cup of
ury Drown broad crumbs.
1ST us somullmes llve-bn It
only for an hour, and tliouirh
we must lay ojl else nsldo to make oth
ers smile. -Charles Wngnor.
For occasions whon ono Is to enter
tain wo like to prepare something that
will be moro appotlxlng. Hero nro n
few dishes that may bo used and will
provo highly satisfactory;
, Frlcasee of Oysters, Put a quart
of oysters Into their own boiling
liquor, remove as Boon as tho edges
curl, Drain the oysters nnd put Into
n hot dish. Into a saucepan put two
tnbonpoonfuls of butter nnd when It
bubbles add a t&blcspoonful of flour;
stir until smooth and add a cup of tho
oyster liquor. Take from tho flro and
add two well-beaten eggs, a pinch of
salt, A little cnyenno pepper nnd a
tenspoonful of lemon juice, with a
grating of nutmeg. Boat well, then re
turn to tho flro and Just get hot, bolt
ing would curdlo tho eggs. Add the
oysters, cover to kcop hot nnd serve
at on co with snltod crackers or small
oquarCB of toaat
Trianon Salad. Cut ono grnpo fruit
and two oranges lu sections and freo
from Ecedn nnd membrane. Skin and
seed a cup of whlto grapes, cut a third
of a cup of pecan moata into small
pieces and mix all tho Ingredients to
gether. Arrango on tcttuco nnd pour
ovor tho following:
8panloh Salad Dressing. Mix four
tnblcspoonfuls of ollvo, oil with ono
each of grape julco and vinegar, one
fourth of a teaspoon of paprika, a
dash of cnyenno and ono tnblcspoonfut
of finely chopped Roquefort cheese.
Lot tho dressing stand fully flvo or
six hours to season.
Cream Parfclt. Doll n cup of sugar
and a half cup of water until It threads
or forms n hard ball In water. Dent
tho whites of threo eggs until stiff
nnd slowly pour ovor them tho hoi
sirup. When cool add a pint of,
whipped cream and pack In Ico nnd
salt for flvo hours. Servo with pro
berved raspberries.
Any other fruit desired may bo
used with tho parfalt, but raspberries
nrb especially delicious.
1112 common Ihliuss of llfo' are
all so doar.
The wuklnjf In tho wnrm half gloom
To And nKuIn tho old famlllnr room,
Tho scent and slants and Bounds that
never tiro,
Tho homely work, tho plans, tho lilt of
baby's laugh.
The crackle of tho open flro:
The waiting, then the footsteps coming
The opening door, the handclasp and thrf
In heaven not, after all, tho now and
The common tilings of life aro all sq
dear. Anon,
Tho savory odors of the old-tlmo
baked beans havo como down to us
through several generations, and to
hen,r of tho nutty beans baked in tho
old brick ovens and served with the
brown loaf and sweot blocks of hoino
fattoncd pork makes us long for the
oxperlenco of just ono taste. Thoso
aromas floatod all Saturday through
tho old-fashioned kltchon and tnndo
tho young folks so hungry that thoy
couldn't wnlt until Sunday morning
for tho luring dish, but must needs dip
into it for supper; but this did not
tnko away tho relish for it when It
appeared tho next morning.
Uakod beans are fully as popular
today ub thoy wero in grandfather's,
timo, yot with our complicated exist
onco wo find thorn harder to digest
then! than did our forefathers, who
lived a slmplor and moro nctlvo llfo.
Tho akin of tho bean Is tho tndl
gcatlblo part which tho dlgcstlvo
julcos cannot dissolve so thnt It tho
eltlnp aro removed, as thoy aro by
tho process of soup-making, they aro
much easier digested.
When benna are combined with oth
or foods, they nro moro easily digest
ed than when used In largo amounts
Loft-over boans may by tho thrifty
housowlfo bo changed into very pal
atablo and nourishing dishes.
Tho length of time for soaking
benna doponds upon tho ago; tho older
and drier they nro tho moro soaking
thoy need. When the beana show tho
skin shriveled and broken they aro
ready to bo put with tho pork to
In Pursuit
Tho superintendent of tho Sunday
school was visiting the class room just
as tho teacher asked: "Who reigned
after Saul?"
"David," answered llttlo Johnnlo,
"Who camo nftor David V again nak
ed tho teacher.
"Solomon," Bald llttlo Ludwlg.
"Who came after Solomon?"
'Tho Queen of.Shoba," promptly
replied Lucy. -
Business Will Tell.
De Stylo How did tho Turks defeat
that Italian regiment recruited In
UunbuBta Why, Just as tho Italians
Wero boldly advancing n shrewd Turk
shouted: "Shlno;" and tho absent
minded Dngos fell to their knees nnd
folt for tholr brushes. Now York
The Same Effect.
Benevolent Lady Llttlo boy, will
you glvo this tompernnco tract to
your fathor?
Urchin Mo dad don't drink now,
loddy. .
llenovoleut Lady Oh, how good
Did ho read tho luBt tract I gnvo
Urchin No. loddy. Ho's training
for a prize tight. Baltlmoro Sun.
The Bennett Co. of Omaha Joins
"Syndicate" Which ttuys and Sells
Entire Overproduction of Seven
teen Makers,'
Tho largest slnglo purchnso of pi
anos over mado or contracted for west
of tho Mississippi, han just bcon
brought about by- Mr W. M. Robin
eon, Goncrnl Manage? of thd Piano
Dop't or Tho Bennett Co. of lGth &
Harney Sts, Omaha, Nob.
Piano manufacturers throughout tho
cast nro fooling tho Inroads mado by
player pianos, automobiles, etc., and
havo concluded that "first loss is best
loss," nnd havo thcroforo sold tholr
cntlro overproduction to a syndicate
of hugo distributors, Tho Uonnott Co.
of Omaha being ono of tho largest of
all concerned.
Mr. Robinson, acting for Tho Ben
nett Co., has purchased ao Bennett's
sharo of tho "Syndicate Buy," 1,000
new pianos, and, with a shrowd busi
ness ability fostered by years of ex
perience Mr. Robinson has purchased
theeo low enough to onablo Tho Ben
nett Co, to resell them nt prices that
wllL cause a furore.
Brand now, full filled, absolutely per
fect pianos of excellent mako will bo
offered at as low as $124, but, awing
to tho exceedingly closo margin, theso
must ho sold for cash. (Tho regular
lines carried by Tho Bennett Co., how
over, will bo sold on very cosy pay
ments Juat as heretofore.)
Bennett's own Btock of "used" In
struments will go for a proverbial
"song" of a price, first-class upright
pianos bolng offered at ?88 and used
organs as low as $12.
Thoso addrosslng a roquent to Tho
Bennett Co., lGth & Harney Sts.,
Omaha, Nob., will receive circulars
naming and pricing all of the pianos,
etc., to bo sold at cost and less for
3 -y.cTJC
Gentle WIUlo Doob that bull torrler
of yours over blto?
Mrs. Subbubo No, ho generally
swallowB everything wholo.
'Three years ago this wintor I had
a .breaking out that covered my wholo
body. It itched so It seemed ns if I
should go crazy. It first camo out in
llttlo pimples on my back and spread
till It covered my wholo body and
limbs down to my knees, nlso my arma
down to my elbows. Whoro I
scratched It made sores, and tho tor
rlblo Itching and burning kept mo
from Bleeping. I tried sevoral reme
dies all to no purposo. Then I con
cluded to try tho Cutlcura Remedies. I
UBod tho Cutlcura Soap nnd Cutlcura
Ointment, also tho Rosolvout, for
about four monthB, nnd thoy com
pletely cured mo of oczema. I havo
had no roturn of tho disease Blnce. I
nover had n good night's rost uftor the
Bkln eruption first broke out till I com
menced using tho Cutlcura Sonp and
Ointment. I had only used them a
few days hoforo I could seo thoy wero
beginning to heal, and tho torrlblo
Itching was gone.
"Thoso that lived In tho houBe at
tho timo know how I suffered, nnd
how thoCutlcura Soap and Ointment
cured mo. I nover tnko n bath with
out using tho Cutlcura Soap, and I
do not hollovo thero aro bettor rem
edies for any akin disease than tho
Cutlcura Soap and Olntmont." (Signed)
Mlsa Sarnh CalklnB, Wnultogan, 111.,
Mnr. 10, 1911. Although Cutlcura
Soap nnd Ointment nro sold by drug
gists and dealers ovorywhero, a sam
ple of each, with 32-pago book, will bo
mailed, freo on application to "Cutl
cura," Dept 5 1C, Boston.
Not for Him.
Farmer Hayseed (In the city) I
want ter find an eatln'-houso.
Accosted Pedestrian Aro you look
lug for any particular placo?
Farmer H. Well, not too durned
p'tlckler. Boston Transcript.
The love of tho boautlful is becom
ing not only tho possession of the rich,
but the dcslro and possession of tho
very poor. nt Hon. John Burns,
Lewis' Single Hinder, extra quality to
bacco, costs more than other 6c cigars.
In order to become a nuisance you
have only to hunt up a grievance.
i - -
Talk Is cheap. Glvo us tho sllom
lady on the silver dollar overy time.
What Is It to Be a
at h.m i-i-n-
Ol , 111 111 IJ 1 1 111
TEXT How often shall my brother sin
ftiralnst mo nnd I forgive hlm7 Matt
XVIII, 21.
What Is It to bo a Christian? It is
to possess tho" spirit of Jesus. Jesus
was greater than tho things ho did.
livery Christian must bo greater than
tho things ho does. I am a Christian
In bo far aa 1 possess tho spirit of
Christ. I do not .possess It complete
ly. If I did, 1 would bo a second
Christ. I ennnot possess tho spirit of
Christ completely. But I am a Chris
tian in so far as I possess this spirit
of Christ.
Whut was tho spirit of Christ? 1
must seek to havo tho mind of Jesus.
In tho first placo, Jesus Christ pos
sessed tho spirit of trust. Ho nover
wob afraid. Thoji tho first thing In
Christian spirit is trust Thoro wero
ni;littf when he wuit out under tho
eastern stars and gazed up nt tho
coruloan bluo and talked to God in
prayer. Yet oven In tho garden of
Gethscmnno ns ho prayed, "Fathor, fl
It bo posslblo lot this cup pass from
my Hps," ho was not afraid. It wan
his heavenly Father's world. A jnnn
Is a Christian Insofar as ho possesses
tho spirit of trust Why should we
bo afraid in this world, when "the
heavens declnro tho glory of God?"
It 1b God'a world. When calamities
como thoy should not dismay. I am
not Buro that even God could develop
us Into tho kind of characters ho
wantB us to be without tho aid ot
Jesus Christ also poneenscd the
spirit of trust In men. Ho felt that
tjooplo aro worth whllo. "Lot him who
has not sinned cast tho first stone."
This potty Jealousy, this crooking the
finger of scorn, this lack of trust and
faith In men, Is almost ao bad as tho
lack of truBt In God.
Christ possessed tho spirit ot infinite-
pity, and I, too, If I am to be a
Christian, must possess tho spirit of
pity. Ho camo to eavo tho loft nnd
hla great heart went out In yearning
pity for nil humanity. Even as he
sat and looked at Jcrusalom, tho city
which wnB to crucify him, he said,
"O, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft
would I havo gathered you as n hen
gathereth her brood, but you would
not," oven then overcome with com
passion. Without pity Christianity Is
defective You may get to heaven. 1
am not bothering so much about
heaven. It Is the now I am concerned
about. God will taKo caro of heaven,
I am a Christian and you aro a
Christian insofar aa wo possess the
spirit of forglvenosB. Every man who
Is worth anything makes somo ene
mies. We havo ample opportunity to
display tho spirit of forgiveness. Look
how injustice camo to Jesus, They
said ho performed his works because
ho was a dovll, and see how ho met
It, With tho great spirit of forgive
ness, and whqn bo had "lost out," as
tho world said, but had succeeded in
a greater mannor, ho offered up the
prayor of forgiveness on tho cross.
Baying, "Father, forgivo thorn; they
know not what they do." His great
heart broko with compassion and for
givonesB, I don't caro how much you
havo boon sinned against, you ennuot
afford to havo any other but tho spirit
If I am a Christian I possess the
Bplrlt of love. Tho very climax of tho
nets that make up human llfo Is 'the
touch ot affection. Only as I lovo men
can I havo tho powor ovor men. If
a man finds that my heart beats atune
with him ho opens his heart to mo.
Ab wo possess tho Bplrlt of love we
are Christians. "Though I speak with
tho tongues of men and of angels,
and havo not lovo, I havo become as
sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal."
In my humblo judgment,- much of the
talk that comes from pulpits nnd plat
forms falls to Inspire tho hearers with
the. determination to llvo noblor be
causo thero is not that current of love.
A Christian Is ono who renders tho
humble service of Christ and possesses
tho spirit of Jesus. Are thero per
fect Christians? No. If there were
there would bo bo many Chrlsts. Thore
are no perfect Christians. Wo aro all
simply partial Christians, and for this
ronson we ought to bo kindly dlsposod
to tho shortcomings of others.
Christ the Light and Life.
It Ib said that tho sweetest Bide of
any fruit Is the side which grows
toward tho sun. Thero la no doubt
that the sun hns o great deal to do
with tho beauty and flavor of tho
fruits which are tho delight of man.
In this casual observation,, ub In bo
many facts from naturo, rests n beau
tiful spiritual lesson for us all. What
the sun Is to tho natural world, that,
and much more. Is Christ to tho world
of spiritual things. As the buh Influ
ences tho fruits of the earth, giving
them beauty and 'lusclousness. so
Christ sheds an Influence ovor the
lives of many and glvuB them beauty
of character and purity of heart.
And nB tho oweeteBt Bide of a fruit Is
tho sldo toward tho sun, so the best
Bide of man Is tho sldo toward Christ
An Active Nothing,
The origin of sin Is hid In mys
tery. Ita home is lu tho darkness.
Nobody knows from whenco It comes.
Josub nover mentioned tho subject.
Some affirm that thore Is no such
thing as sin. If bo, sin Is a very ac
tive nothing. Rev. H. E. Purinton,
Episcopalian, Denver.
Cures all humors, catarrh and
rheumatism, relieves that tired
feeling, restores the appetite,
cures paleness, nervousness,
builds up the whole system.
Get It today in usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Saroatnbs.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nino times in ten when the liver Is
right the stomach and bowels are right
gentlybutfirmly com
pel a lazy uvcr to.
no us auty.
Cures Con
stipation, In
and Distress Aftr Entire.
Genuine must bear Signature
Lareett stock. owet price. Ketnlnirtnns til,
Hojllh Prrmlfir 116, Chlruoo Undrrwood fa,
U U Smith 110. Monarch H0, llniumund Koi f U,
Cull Uonrnnteo. Bend rur Catalog A.
B. V. BWANBON CO.. UIO Furnam tSU, Omaba, Neb.
T'l Thimpsan's Eye Watsr
Do Wealth It Is a generous and
helpful world.
Do WItte Indeed?
Do WealthYes. When it was an
nounced that I desired to dlo a com
paratively poor man thoro wns a gen
eral movement to assist mo in the
Summoned aa Witnesses.
Whenever Rev. Solon Jefferson
called on Aunt Candaco It was her
custom to set a plate of gingerbread
boforo him and then ply him with
what sho called " 'llglous 'spoundln'a."
"Wha fo' does do Lawd send epi
demics Into do land''" sho asked him
ono day.
"When folka got so bad dey. must bo
removed, Bomo of 'em, Slst' Candace,
den do Lawd permits do coming ob an
epidemic," said Mr. Jefferson, and
took a largo blto of gingerbread.
"Uh-hl" Bald Aunt Candaco.. "Ef
dat's so, how como do good people
gets removed along wld do bad ones?"
"Do good ones are summoned fo'
witnesses," said Itev. Solon, fortified
In spirit and clarified In mind by tho
gingerbread, although slightly embar
rassed In his utterance "Do Lawd
gibs every man a,falr trial." Youth's
Apologies nro perfectly satisfactory
to those who make them.
it's the Red BJood Corpuscleo Thtt
Proper Food Makes.
An Ohio woman says Grape-Nuts
food gave hor good red blood aud re
stored tho roses of youth to a com-'
ploxlon that had been muddy and
blotchy. Sho says:
"For 10 lyeara I hod stomach troublo
which produced a breaking out on my
faco; Tho doctors gave it a long Latin
namo, but their medicines failed to
cure it. Along with this I had fre
quent headaches, nervousness and us
ually pain in my Btomach after meals.
"I got disgusted with tho drugs,
stopped them and coffeo off short nnd
quit eating everything but fruit and
Qrapo-Nuts, with Postum for my tnblo
"Tho headaches, stomach troublo,
and nervous weakness disappeared al
most llko magic, which showed that
when tho causo was removed and
good food and drink used naturo was
ready to help.
"My blood was purified and my com
plexion bocamo llko a young girl's,
while my Weight waa Increased from
00 to 120 pounds In a few months
good, solid firm flesh, whofe it used
to bo soft and flabby.
"I recommended Grnpo-Nuts and
Postum to ono ot my friends, who was
afflicted as I had been. She followed
xny advico and lu a short timo was re
ctored to completo henlth and In about
8 months hor weight Increased from
100 to US pounds.
"Our doctor, observing the effect ot
Grape-Nuts and Postum in our cases,
declared, tho other day, that bo would
hereafter prescribe these fodd prod
ucts for gastritis." Name glvon by
Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich.
nead the llttlo book, "Tho Road to
Wellvlllo," in pkgs. "Thoro'B a reason."
Kvr rnd the above letter t A new
fiae appear (rout time to time. Titer
ore Kenulae, true, and full ef human
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