The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 21, 1911, Image 1

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' , i
NOVEMBER ,2i. 191 1.
No. -8b
Smart Clothes for Young Men.
Iam showing some very
smnrt and snappy suits
for young in all the
late fall models styled in an
inimitable way and made
from the very best fabrics.
I have just opened up my
store and my goods are. all
now, frestf from the factory.
No old shelf-worn goods in my
store but everything ncv and
strictly up-tq-datc.
I "want you to make my
store a visit. Come in and
look around whether you want
to buy or not It is a pleas
ure for us to show goods.
Clslhlng, Furnishing Goads,
Hals and Shoes.
Mr. and Mrs. Jcsso Rector will leave
today for poinps in Kansas to spend
two weeks.
4j, Harry Bailor lof gunday evening for
JLaramio where he has accepted a posi
tion' brakwnniy,.,.,. ljtf(W (
Mrs. Philip lIapsenv;ho, viB5Ul,Mr8r
Hay Raynor last week returned t( Goth
burg Saturday rnorning.
J. L. Burke" Has y1d a. noujE. M. F.(
30 touring car of the 1912 type"'to J. Av.'
Kunklo who realtlis about IS miles
south of this city.
Attorneys -J, G. Beeler, J. J. Halli--gan
returnedHho last of the week from
Bridtren6rt. where ibey nttonded the
Irrigation' meeting. ' '
0. B." Pralzer left the last of the
week for Cheyenne where he will spend
.a fortnight or longer with his daughter
Mrs. Charles Hbffhino.
Mrs. M..C. Adnnift and daughter t
Denver are Visiting the 'former's slater,
Mrs. Fred Van Pattom having arrived
in the city Saturday morninjr.
Sisters Clani, of Spaudling, Mary
Louis, of Hastings and tho Mother
Superior of Spaulding visited tho
Dominican sisters at St. Patrick's con--vent
the hist of the week .
W. D, Voi'kes, assistant secretary of
tho . M. C. A., returned Saturday
from a short visit in Lexington and
left Sunday evening for Denver.
W. TV Green is transacting business
in Ogalalla this weok. -
A. M. Mason has returned frpm a
short visit in Kearney with friends.
Mrs. Ed Goodman loft Saturday for
Omnha and Lincoln to visit relatives.
Mrs, Charles Weir will entertain tho
Indian Card . club tomorrow afternobn.
Mrs.' William Bickley,-,o( MVrtlels
;ijiqnJiermotner Mrs. 'ihoman tnis
-wee !; t- .- - sr.iv-.
Thirty members of the local
went'. to- Cpzad' tadny to organize
Miss Ethel Beqler, who is attending
th local schools, went to Hershey;iSat
urday for ashbrt visit wth her parents.
Mrs. L. Ai DoYoo. andMnble Reed,
j of Ogalalla, returned hotne Saturday
after visiting town friends for several
The now $50,000 B.& M. depot at
Grand Island was opened the last of tho
week and is a creditable addition1 to' the
Mrs. "Arthur Hartwig, of Paxton,
came down Friday evening to visit her
mother Mrs. B. L. Lambert for some
Mrs. George Stiff, of Gothenburg,
returned homo the last of the weok
after spending a week with her niece,
Mrs. Ray Rnynor.
Chnrlos Adamson, of Dawson, N. "M.,
arrived Friday ovenmg. to visit his
fathor A. R. Adamson and loft yester
day for Portland, Ore.
s' 7
' Fred Ginn transacted bualnoss , in
Hershoy Saturday.
Dr. Clrns. Parks went to Ogalalla oa
business yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy spent
Sunday In Hershoy.
AlcxiMcstonloft yesterday nftornoon
for Denver to spend a weok or more.
Corbin Jones and Charles Mnrtlril
Jr., wero Hernhey visitors Sunday.
Mrs Bert W. Brown will entertain
tho Coterie club tomorrow afternoon.
Dr". Mario Ames spent Saturday and
Sunday with friends in Oshkosh.
Don Melton, of Wnllaco, spent Sun
day and Monday with Roy Mehlman.
Mrs, Wm. Finney and children went
to Ogalalla yesterday to reside in tho
EJMiss Llzzlo Havorland has been the
guest of relatives m Hcrahey lor aJ
weok past 1
Guy Cover Injured his hand a few
days ago whilo helping to load a car
of cattle.
Miss Norma Sillln arrived today from
Arapahoo, to spend sovoral weeks with
Mrs. John Den.
Money to loan on real estate.
Bratt & Goodman.
Miss Hattio Mathews, one of the
rural school teachers was a "guest at
Sheedy homo Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clydo AUisou wero
called to Koystono Friday morning by
the death of their nephow.
Isaac Newton returned to Wollfleet
the last of tho week after visiting bis
son L. D. Newton and wife for several
Mrs. Paulino Fctz, of Colorado, ar
rived yesterday nnd after spending tho
day with her parents Mr. and .Mrs. A.
O. Kocken, loft for Rochester, Minn.
Hiss Emma Brau, formerly of this
city who has resided in Sioux City for
two years past will arrive hero shortly
to' spend several -weeks with tho Misses
The Hustlers' dance on Friday even
3ngJ'n th 'Masonic hall "was , enjoyed by
OjJarge'numHer'of ydting fdlk's, vhb en-
cored each number jnd regretted that
mldnlghticamo so Boon.
Mrs. T; B:' Dawson, of Sidney, who
was tho guest of Attorney 'and J. S,
Hoa'gland tho last of the week whilo
enrbute home from Kearney, left Sat
urday afternoon.
Principals of the state schools re
ceiyed word from the state department
that tho law prohibiting ' the Use of
tobacco by miners must be inforced
tho strictest manner.
Masters Harry Plzor and Ralph Cla-
baugh entertained tho Good Time Club
..which Is composed of sixteen jolly boys
nnd a merry evening was spent in games
and n nice lunch served at the close.
Mrs. Walter Crook pleasantly
entertained tho Pan Hellenic Girls on
Saturday afternoon. The ladies spent
several hours in kensington work and
social conversation. Refreshments
wero served.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Mathewson
of Sioux City, have been combining
business and pleasuro In the city for
several days. Whilo hero they' nro
guests of Attorney Kcefe, who was a
school mate of tho latter.
Tho Travel and. Study club was en
tertalned last evening at the home of
Mrs. Wilson Tout and a most delight
ful time was enjoyed by nil presont
Tho subjoct for tho winter will bo
"Making of the American Nation".
Word was received In town Saturday
of thedeath of Mlas Mary Bare, of
Philadelphia, brother of Ira L. Bare of
this city. Mr. Bate loft for Philadel
phia, Thursday noon but reached thore
several hours after her death. Inter
ment was made at Mt. Union, Pri.
Tho Catholic Girls club was ontor-
talned last ovening at tho homo of the
Misses Ella and Sadie Sheedy. In the
card games tho highest score was made
by Miss Effio Christ and she received
the hand painted plate. Assisting tho
hostesses wero Misses Ida Ottehstein,
Anna O'Hara and Mrs. Charles Rey
nolds. A nicely prepared lunch was
was served.
Tho annual bean supper of tho W. R,
C. was held at the Commercial hotel
Saturday evening. The ladies, thru tho
kindness of Mr. and Mrs. P. H, Roddy,
wore allowed tho uso of tho dining
room. Flags and bunting wero used in
decorating the walls and tables and
music was furnished by n live niece
orchestra under the leadership of W.
E. Starr. Tho attendance was large
and the evening proved pleasant to all
Wm A. Brady's c succ
Theatre, on wfdnnv y N -v 1
New York. 11
i . "Bbv Mine., which comes to the Keith
nUJi'iij. im i j i m ah'u Theatre
If Yeu Are Not a Patron.
of the Bratt& Goodman firo Insurance
agency, you ought to be. It guarantees
absolute security and ' con tontont of
CowHtmsienert' Proceedings.
Nov. 15. 1911
jBpanl met pursuant to adjournment
retoht Walter, Stroltz, Roberta and
county clerk.
The county attorney Is hereby author-
zed to take local stons to nrocurc a
drainage under the Paxton nnd Horshcy
ditch, nt a point In tho natural Water
course in S IB, T M, U S3. This action
was taken Oct 24th, but was omitted
from tho proceedings of that date.
koiiu petition ot unnstian huiiu, nnu
others for a road commcne tig nt S E
corner of N E qr of 5 31, Til, 1131,
runninir thonco north ono half! milo
on section lino bofweon S 31 and 35, T
14, R 31 connecting with Wad No 252
comes on for action, i Thoro being no
remonstrance or claims for damages
nnd 'said petition bolng for a consent
road, nnd the board being of tho opinion
that said road la for tho public good, it
a hereby grunted, said roadjto bo a con-
Itlnuation of road No 252.
Tho following claims wore allowed on
the bridge fund to-wlt; F. C. Hostetter
work on Mnxwcll brldgo, two claims
30.40 and 10.40, John Bonkesky building
ccmbnt bridge across creek south-west
of Wellfloot 185,00.
Claims allowed on general fund to
Sophia Anderson caro Cofi Emma
Anderson during Oct 27.00'
Jos M Wilson salary as janitor for
Oct and cash litems, C5.90
F. R, Elliott salary as county clerk
forAOct 137.50
,vL L, Miltohbergor salary aR sheriff
for Oct 125.00
JP. E. Knapp salary as deputy Bhorlff
forOtt 58.33
Claims allowed on different road
funds as, follows:
G6o Moyors, cash to bo used for
road work- in Dlst 23, 50.00
Wm A Hayes, cash to be usod for
road work in Dlst 26, 125.00
G S Willlnms, cash to bo used for
road work Diet 33. 150.00
,W. N. Rose, cash to lin iihih! for road
-r ,
Work in Dlst. 10, 50.00
Adjourned to Nov 10, 1911.
! Nov. 10, 1911
Board mot nursuant to adiournment.
fv r m-r--, r
PM&ntWltCi.' ,Streiti1( Rohurt.and
4 . i ' '
county ciorK. - ,-.
Road petition of 'A M Johnson and
others or a road 40ft wldo commencing
at N E corner of Sec 14. T 14. R 33.
running thonco south ono milo follpwfng
west side of lateral and connecting
roads No 295 and No 18 comes on for
action. There being no remonstrnnco
or objection filed ngainst tho establish
ing of said road, and tho land owners
ngreoing to tako damages nt tho rate
of 50.D0 per acre, the board is of tho
opinion that said land Js worth 50.00
per acre as asked nnd deeming said
road for public good, same is 'hereby
granted as a consent road, nnd county
survoyor ordered to survoy tho same;
.Said road to be kn .. n ns Road No 351
The following claims wero allowed
on tho genornl fund to-wit:
I L Bare, printing commissioners
proceedings and legal notices, 121.75
Judges and Clerks for primary , eleC'
tion 1911, 798.90
Judges nnd clerks for primary elec
tion, 1,140.90
Wm Ebright, traveling exponos 1st
and 2nd (fr, 1911, 100.00
E N Ogior, Bprlnkling, 35.00
Platte Valley Good Roads Ass'n 10.00
Sundry persons, survoy of change In
roadW9Vclaiii! 49.00 and 40.10
Sundry persons survey Road 382,
Special Doputy Sheriff bills , allowed
Aug 19th:
Henry Westenfold,
A. B. Elliott .
Frank Weeks,
James Shaffer,
Wm Rodden,
Wm Dunn,
Geo Haaze,
John Jones erecting election
primary election, (1.00
Sundry persons, canvassing primary
election returns 18.00 .
Sundry persons, canvassing primary
election returns $18.00
Buchanan & Patterson additional
ight o way for road No. 314, 20.20
M Kulm, mdse ' for Mrs Jensen,
county charge, 8.00
Wm Beaty, special commissioner
fRpad No 319, 15.25 .
Wilcox Dept Store, mdso for poor,
four claims. 37.91, 13.30, 22.05, 10,41.
A E Woods, mdso 4for Mrs Wm
Stone In quarantine 15.C7
Murphy & Johnson, mdso for Mrs
Wm Stono in quarantine, 9.75
Inda M Clark, doputy county assessor,
Fred Peckham, livery hire for road
appraisers two roads, 12.00
S E Cox errors in tax for reason pro
perty not In Ilershey 2.45
Allowed on bridge fund to wit:
Geo T Field lumber for bridges threo
claims, 3.90. 191.25 and 140.35
We Love the Children
Many of the shoppers ytho visit our store daily are
bright little men and women. And they are shrewd
buyers, most of them, in' their way. They are always
welcome here and you may rQ$t assured that cveYy
attention w'iil be shown! to an order forwarded bf them
--just as much as woulj be given to yourself. It is
a convenient way of getting groceries in a hurry and is
used by many of your neighbors.
Send the children for some of the following-specials
this week.
Apples $1 per bushel, Seeded Raisins 15c lb. pkgfe,
Currants 15c lb pkge, Citrons 35c per lb. All kinds
of nuts, Sweet Cider and everything for the Thanks
giving dinner. .
Rush Mercantile .Company.
Order by Telephone.
It is a wise houM&eeoer who uses her Bell
Telephone to save timCrouble and long, tiresome
trips in doing her byjhg;;
Telephone service rs just' as essential in the
home as in the husband's place . of business.
Millions of housekeepers do all their shopping
without leaving home.1-
coo W mY
coo Ngr
booths, I
Ji C. Braver, North Platte Manageri
First National Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital and' Surplus $145,000.
. 11 i ' '
E. F. SEEDEROER, Prcsidenl,
KEITH NEVILLE, Vlcc-Preslderil, "
, F. L. fiiOONEY, Cashier.