The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 14, 1911, Image 7

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... i
Youngster's 8cheme Was All Right,
But Economical Father Wat. a
Match for Him.
Tho proprietor of the most promi
nent hotel in tho town of S . Ky,
1b man of a very economical nature,
In fact ho la an extremist In this
feature. Ho has a six-year-old, red
headed son that didn't lnhorlt his
fathor's economical disposition. Re
cently tho son was very much In need
of a flve-cont plcco for soda water
purposes. Ho went Into tho dining
room, whero ho was frco from observa
tion, and removed his shoo strings
and placed them In his hip pocket for
future reference. Itetunilng to the
ofllco ho approached his father and
"Pa, Blvo mo n nickel to get me a
..pair of shoo Btrlngs."
His father glanced down at his
son's shoes, then turning around ap
proached tho ofllco Bafo nnd opened
It In silence. Ho took out tho cash
box and raising tho lid oxtracted a
pair of now shoo strings which ho
banded to his son without a word.
Vac youngster took tho BtrlngB with a
crestfallen air and then to tho amuse
ment of tho onlookers exclaimed:
"Stung again, by granny."
"When my baby was six months old,
his body was completely covered with
largo sores that seemed to Itch and
burn, and causo terrlblo Buffering.
Tho eruption began In pimples which
would open nnd run, making largo
cores. His hair camuout and flngor
sails fell off, and tho sores woro over
tho entlro body, causing little or no
Bleep for baby or myself. Great scabs
would como off when I rcmovod his
"Wo tried a great many remedies,
but nothing would holp him, till a
friend induced mo to try tho Cutlcura
Soap nnd Ointment. I used tho Cutl
cura Soap and Ointment but a short
tlmo beforo I could boo that ho was
Improving, and In six weeks' tlmo he
was entirely cured. Ho had suffered
about six weeks beforo wo tried the
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment, although
wo had tried sevoral other things, and
doctors, too. I think tho Cutlcura Rem
edles will do all that is claimed for
them, and n great deal more."
(Signed) Mrs. Noblo Tubman, Dodson,
Mont., Jan. 28, 1911. Although Cutl
cura Soap nnd Ointment aro sold by
druggists and dealers everywhere, a
. sample of each, with 32-pago book,
will bo mailed frco on application to
"Cutlcura," Dept. 18 K, Boston.
Tyro Dout I am unfortunate, mum.
I had to quit my profession, on ac
count of my health.
Lady But you look rugged. What
was your profession?
Tyro Dout Dat's Just it, lady. I
was too rugged. I was a ventriloquist,
an' a good one, lady an' my voice got
so strong I couldn't throw it Har
per's Magazlno.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA, a safo and ouro remedy for
Infants and children, and ceo that It
Signature of QiXffl&M
in ubo i'or over 30 Years.
.Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria
t ncyumr unci 1
SheAnd don't you go In for sport
of any kind?
Ho Oh, yaas, don't yer know. I'm
ha passionately fond of domi
noes. Everybody's Weekly.
Thouimnds of country people know tha
value of Hnnilins Wizard Oil, the best
family mcdicino in casso of accident or
Hidden illncsn. For tho safety of your
family buy a bottlo now.
Prudent mon look up their motives,
lotting familiars have a key to their
hearts as to tholr gardens. Shon
etono. Dr. ricrco'ii Pleasant Pellets first put
up 40 years npo. They rcgulato and invig
orate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar
coated tiny granules.
Somo peoplo never go ahead be
causo thoy wait too long to mako sure
they are right
Lewis' Single Binder gives a man what
he wants, u rich, mellow-tasting cigar.
Wo are moro apt to regret the things
we haven't dono than those wo have.
Stomach Out
o Order?
Bowels Weak?
At Once It Will Do You Good
Drug Dens Are Found Near the Capitol
WASHINGTON. Revenue ofneora
and detoctlvcs in Washington
raided four Chlncso opium dens with
in COO yards of Uio Capitol and confis
cated about J8.000 worth of tho drug.
Thoy aUo secured evidence In the
shapo of hairpins, women's clothing
and shoes to Indicate that the plsces
wcro froquentcd by lnrgo numbers of
women. Tho raids woro tho beginning
of a scries that tiro planned by the
authorities who havo been watching
tho activities of Chlncso In Washing
ton for several mouths.
In recent raids In Los Angeles, Cat.,
tho police havo uicarthcd n now sys
tem of concealing" opium. They wcro
disappointed In tho raids of the pnst
fow weoks for whllo thoy took many
auspicious-looking packages, all woro
Bcalcd with what appeared to bo reve
nue stamps used on boxes of confec
tionery. On opening somo of the
Hughes' Palace Now in a Black Belt
WHEN Justice Charles E. Hughes of
tho Supreme court takeB posses
sion of his $100,000 home, which will
bo finished in a few weeks, he will bo
tho only whlto man .living In tho block
which his house faces.
Soon nftcr President Taft appointed
Governor Hughes to tho Supreme
court ho enmo to Washington nnd
spent several days looking for a
house. Ho was not satisfied with any
thing on tho market and rented a
lnrgo, old fashioned houso In Massa
chusetts avenuo for his first season.
Then ho and Mrs. Hughes spent
many afternoons houso hunting, but
they wcro disnppolntod again, and
decided finally to build a homo. Jus
tlco Hughes said at the tlmo that, as
bo expected to spend tho greator part
of his lite in this city, he wished to
havo a homo that satisfied him in
overy particular.
For a long tlmo ho debated whether
ho would build In Massachusetts ave
nue of Sixteenth street, tho two mosi
fashionable streets In tho city. -Ho
chose tho latter finally, and bought a
good-sized lot on the cornor of Six
teenth and V streets. Tho lot has a
frontago In Sixteenth street of about
thirty feet and 100 In V street In
Uncle Sam Has 8 Churches in Panama
ALTHOUGH It Is tho common
thought that most of the men
working on tho great Panama Canal
loft their religion behind thonf In tho
states, those who llvo in the Canal
zono know there aro many who ob
serve tho laws of Moses and lead tho
same pure lives they did at homo.
When tho canal was begun family
quarters were built, many men
brought or sent for their wives nnd
children, and It has paid. Family lifo
and tho presence of good women In
their homes hnve been powerful in
fluences for good. Thcso families
coming from overy Btato In tho Union
meant that schools and churches must
bo provided. Again Undo Sam mot
tho nepd, and at every town along tho
lino of the canal built schoolhousen
and churches. Teachers wcro obtain
ed from tho states. Chaplains wero
employed to attend to the religious
needs of tho Americans In tho zone.
Found Lost Fiance
VENTURA, n French officer, stroll
ing along Pennsylvania avenue, wait
ing for tho tlmo to arrive when ho
would keep' an engagement with a
friend at the capltol, decided to while
away nn hour at a moving picture
show. He started to purchase a tick
et at tho first theater on tho route,
but, Instead of buying a ticket, ho got
a wlfo and hastened to a near-by par
sonage. Miss Althea Prlco was sdlling tick
ets at tho theater, and sho happened
to bo tho same young lady with whom
tho young Frenchman had plighted his
troth months ago, only to loso all
track of her when he was called to
France to sottlo up an estate.
Viscount Jean Baptisto came to
Washington a year ago and, becoming
financially embarrassed, got a Job.
Ho happened to get a position whore
Miss Prlco was working. He soon
lost his heart and gavo up bis Job to
go homo to got somo money which ho
had Inherited. Ho waa to return aa
soon aR ho got tho cash and make
Miss Prlco Viscountess do Ventura.
Months passed, Miss Prlco moved to
another boarding house, and when the
viscount returned with the cash hn
boxes It Wns shown overy ono con
tained opium. Boxes, supposed to
contain Chlncso ten, wero nlso found
full of opium. Somo boxes labeled
ginseng nlso contained the drug. Tho
second interantlonnl opium confer
ence will begin Dec, 1 at Tho Haguo.
An invitation from tho Netherlands
government to attend has been re
ceived nt the stato department
Dcsplto tho prohibitory law of
1009, which makes It illegal to bring
Into tho United States smoking opium,
opium smoking still prevails In this
country to nn alarming extent and la
finding Its new victims largely In tho
white population. This is mado possible-
partially by drug smuggled from
Canada and along tho Pacific coast,
and partly by tho manufacture of
smoking opium In this country from
crude opium brought In as a medicinal
drug. Of this smuggled article moro
than 250,000 pounds havo been seized
In tho last two years. In 1910 moro
than 400.000 pounds of tho drug wore
brought in as medicinal opium. It Is
estimated that at least 100,000 pounds
wcro micccssfully smuggled' ncross
tho border in 1910, and that 10.000 ad
ditional pounds aro manufactured an
nually from crudo opium.
ordor to have an effective entrance, bo
decided to havo tho rosldenco fnco V
street. There was no other houso of
nny sort In V street Tho property
had been held for years at a high
price and romalned vacant
Shortly after work was started on
both slde3 of V street botween Six
teenth and Seventeenth Btreots was
announced for salo at a greatly re
duced prlco. The land had to bo sold
and was bought In by a speculative
builder, who started the construction
of twouty two-story "box" houses.
Tho houses wero completed six
weeks before tho roof was on tho
Hughes houso. Tho houses did not
appeal to whlto purchasers or tenants,
and were promptly offered to negroes,
who hastened to .locato In such a
"swell" neighborhood. Although thoy
have been on the market hut a short
tlmo, seventeen of them are occupied.
Eight chapels wero built, and overy
ono has at least ono sorvlco each
Sabbath. These aro two-story build
ings with lodge rooms on the second
floor. The room on tho ground floor
known as tho church Is capable of
seating about 250 people. A pulpit at
ono ond of tho room, piano and somo
folding chairs constituto tho furnish
fngs. All authority rests In a body elected
by tho people attending tho church.
Tho .executive council of tho church
In Cristobal Is composed of mon of
every denomination. There nroy ono
Methodist, two Bnptlst, two Presby
terians, ono Congrcgatlonallst and ono
Tho membership Is mado up of
"thoso who love the Lord." Mem
bership In the homo church Is not
chnnged, for no ono In tho "zono" ex
pects to stay long. The scrvico Ib
broad; the hymns aro thoso wnll
known lu all denominational circles,
and altogether they afford a good Il
lustration of tho practicability of
church union. In Cristobal church a
social Is Uold onco a month with a
llttto entertainment or refreshments.
These are managed by tho Indies In
terested and arc a means of welcom
ing the never-ending newcomers.
at a Picture Show
could not locato her. After months of
futile search ho left Washington nnd
established himself In Now York. Ho
came here on bimlness, still on thp
jookoui lor miss rrico.
When tho viscount saw Miss Prlco
his hat, arms and volco all went up lu
mo air. ab soon as the girl could ex
trlcuto herself from the booth and
tho ream of tickets In which she bo
camo entangled sho forgot all about
business until the managor of tho
theater hustened to reprove her for
ruining his trado by koeplng the
crowds watching a show on tho out
sldo instead of on tho inside.
Tho viscount scoffed at tho man
agcr, and, nrm In arm, ho and tho
erstwhile ticket seller hurried around
to tho residence of tho Rev. W. L.
Deyrles. The parson tied tho knot
and tho pair left on a train for New
York, where tboy will llvo.
Last August thoro visited tho Cana
dian west tho Ylco-proBldcnt of tho
largest Individual hardware compass
la tho United States. As his Arm have
a turnover of millions, and deals ex
tensively with farm Implements, this
man took a deep Interest in crop con
ditions In Canada, nnd on his return
ho embodied his findings in an article
for tho Hardwaro Reporter. This ar
ticle should bo of special Interest to
Tho writer speaks of tho Importance
of tho spring wheat crop of Western
Canada. Ho might also t havo spoken
of tho importance of tho oat crop and
also of tho winter wheat crop, as well
as barley. Winter1 Wheat during tho
past fow years hna been a great suc
cess, and experiments havo shown
that It can bo grown with success In
almost any portion of tho throo prov
inces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Alberta. But apart from 'this, tho
Bprlng wheat crop is tho ono generally
grown, and nil who know anything of
grain, nnyono who has had anything
to do with markets, knows or has
heard of tho high character of this
cereal and tho splendid yields that are
annually produced. Reproducing from
this article:
"In n land of Buch great sweep, and
of such difference in Boll and climate,
thcro nro many resources, but nono
aro at present of tho same overwhelm
ing lmportanco as tho Bprlng wheat
crop. In tho lntonnlnublo pralrlo
ptrotches of tho northwest provinces
It In tho ono absorbing toplo of inter
est and of conversation during Its
growing and its harvesting, for upon
Its Eucccss or falluro hangs tho weal
or woo of n largo part of tho Domin
ion. Its influence extends far down
into tho United States, drawing thou
sands of farmors northwards with tho
luro of cheap lands, but llkewlso be
yond tho great lakes, oven to tho easy
going maritime provinces, calling tho
flowor of their young mon to its op
portunities. Dovolopmcnt in thcso
pralrlo provinces goes on nt high pros
euro for everything hangs on tho out
como of Bprlng wheat. Success has
emboldened tho rnlsorB of this ono all-
Important crop, and each year thoro
Is further Incursion Into thoso. north
ern fields that only a short tlmo ago
woro regarded aa Arctic wastes. Tho
Canadian Northwest seems to bo ono
of thoso modern agricultural examples
set forth to drlvo tho Anal nail In tho
coffin of that ancient Malthuslan de
lusion that population tends to outrun
the means of subslBtencc, slnco tho
only fear now among Canadian econ
omists is as to tho dnngor of over
stocking tho wheat market Only
about two and one-half per cent of
possible arablo lands In tho northwest
provinces is now under cultivation,
and this year tho crop promises to
be close to 200,000,000 bushels, so
that your Imagination and your arith
metic cun easily supply tho answer as
to tho possible or oven probablo out
come." During tho months of July and Au
gust tho weather was. unfavourable
and tho production of a 200 million
yield of wheat will not likely bo real
ized, but oven with this, tho threshing
roporta coming to hand Bhow that tho
crop will bo a Bplondldly paying one.
Ruskln Pitted Americans.
It 1b not only tho half million
hrlcks of Tnttershall that havo boon
numbered for trans-shipment ncross
the Atlantic. Huskln, when he was a
boy, pitied tho Americans for being
so unhappy as to live In a country
that has no castles. They will have a
castlo now, and no nation likes to
bo pitied. Dut tho other Importation,
mado by Mrs. Gardner as an addition
to her Italian villa near Boston, was
that of nn entire chapel as It stands,
with all Its interior furnishings, even
to tho half-burned candles In the al
tar. Tho monks who eorvod the
chapel had boon scattered by tho
strong hand of the law, and the
building was to bo devoted to the
pick ax. Tho courageous American
lndy had It packed up In a Venetian
hill country, whero It stood, and car
rlod down plecomcal and embarked,
London Chronicle.
Risky Business.
Mrs. Crawford I'll bo glad when
this faUo-halr fad goes out.
Mrs, Crabshaw So will I, dear. I'm
wearing so many different kinds that
when I And a strango hair on my hus
band's coat I really haven't tho nerve
to accuso him.
Many people suffer
nor alcohol.
The Injrredlcnt. as attested under oath,
si ii-oaonnviium iviiaiumi.
in a oclcntlllc laboratory in a 'way that
This tonio contains no alcohol to shrink
, iiiooiiroor. ,aansuinana ianaaenMiMi, uoiaen ocui root viyaratiim tiaaaato't
. Queen's root IStllllairlm Svlvatlca. Ulack Cherrvliark (Prunu Vlnrlnlatial.
root IPodonhyUutn IhsltatumS.viUh trlnla retlned clvccrlne. nrenarii
the other hand, it increases their number and they becomo round and healthy.
It helps the human system in the constant manufacture oi rich, red Mood. It
helps tho stomach to assimilate or take up tho proper elements from the food,
thereby helping digestion and curing dyspepsia, heart-burn and many uncom
fortable symptoms, stops excessive tissue -vasto in convalescence from foyers ;
for the run-down, onremlo, thin-blooded people, the " Discovery" la refreshing
end vitalizing. Stick to this safe and sane' remedy, and refuso all " just as good"
medicines offered by the druggist who is looking for a larger profit. Nothlog
but Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will do you halt as much good.
Colormoreeoodsbrishterandfaatercolorathsnonyotherdye. One 10c package colors all fibers. Ttieydyamcoldwaterbettertbananrotherdye. Youca
3ye any carment without ripping apart. Writo for free booklet How to l$ye. Uleach and MIxColois. MONROE UHUQ COMPANY,. Melecy. IH.
Get a Mother's
Cooker Free
This advertisement
is good for 10 cou
pons cut it out and
you have a big start.
Then in every pack
ace of Mtthtr't Oats
you will find a cou
pon. Save the cou
pons and eet the
cooker free jn a
hurry, Only out cd
vtrtisimtni will bt
(Kctpttdfrcm tath tus
tomtr as JO coupons.
Start today with the first package
to send a postal for complete
2,00, 3.00, '3.50 &4.00 SHOES
Men and Women wear WXDott;Ins sho
because they are tha best thee produced In
this country for the price. Insist upea hay
ing them. Take no other make.
The assurance that rocs with an estab
lished reputation is your assurance in buying
W. L. Douglas shoes.
If 1 could take you into my large factories
st Brockton, Mass., and snow you how
carefully WJDouglas shoes are made, you
would then understand whv theV are war
ranted to hold their shape, fit better and
wear longer than any other make for the price
CAUTION Tha Konulna Wo Vf. I DohrIbs
wnmiun namo BIi proe (tumped on bottom
11 you cannot obtain W. U Douglas shoes
jonr town, wrlto for catalog. Shoea iont dlreot
from factory to wearer, all eharffe prepaid. 1Y.L.
UOVQUAS. 145 Spark HU. Woktou. Ma
A Change of Opinion.
"Talk In cheap," chuckled the poli
tician with tho tolophono frank In his
After talking $20 worth, be pulled
out his trank and found It and ex
pired. "Dy heck!" ho muttered rue
fully, "that guy was right when he
said that 'Silence is golden.'" Judge.
Torture. '
"I wonder how Tantalua felt," said
tho student of tho classics,
"Probably," replied Colonel Stllwell,
"like a thirsty Mnlno man llstonlng to
tho eloctlon returns."
All tho world bay be n stage, but
untortunatoly wo can't always hear
tho prompter.
Ack for Lewis' Single Hinder clear, So.
Whero them's a will there's a way
for tho lawyers to fool tho heirs,
Rayo lamDSJ and lanterns alve
most llgbt for tbe
The Unlit Is slronc and steady. X
Materials ond workmanship are tho best. Havo lamps and
lanterns last.
Jtk your dtaltr to ihoxa ioii hti Unt of Havo tampi anil lantmu, or tcHt
illutlrated booklttt dlrtct to anu agency of
Standard Oil Company
Weak Heart
from weak hearts. They may expert
enco suonneis oi cream on exertion, pain over tne ncarr,
or dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing after meals or their
eyes become blurred, their heart is not sufficiently strong
to pump blood to tho extremities, and they have cold hands
and feet, or poor appetite because of weakened blood supply
to the stomach. A heart tonin and alterative should be taken
which has no bad after-effect. Such is Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, which contains no dangerous narcotic
are Elone root (Colllntonls Cansdea
witn trims mined a
no druggist could Imitate.
ud the red blood cornuscles : hut.
Oats Fireleis
in a Hurry
You can Hay
thU Firle
Without Coet. 1
Buy a 'Package
Mother's OaU
and don' ferget
premium book.
ONmwiltof m
nf my JtOYH' :ew
!M trill i)otltIvatyentwr
Hot ordinary Imya'aheee
llllt$ Unit jrCfu7wA
tail 091 cr
The Army of
Is Growing- Smaller Every Day.
responsible- they
not only give relief
tney perma
nently cure
UpiUon. Mlk
lions use,
them for
laAfutloe, Skk Heaeacae, Safe Sue.
Genuine must bear Signature
Bokea laundry vrork pleavure. is 01. pkoe.
W. N. U.. OMAHA, NO. 44-1911.
aaaTaTaTaTaTaTBI t . 19 ft I I" W
LHHhiitti r I
elTftV "":?' I
Smokelecs Odorlei Clean Convenient
Tha Perfection SmokeleM Oil Heatet warms up rernn
in next to no time. At way ready (or we. Can be"eeiS'
eauly to any room where extra warmth i needed.
A special automatic device male it impoiuble to turn Use
wick too high or too low. Safe in the hand oi a child.
The Perfection burnt tune houn on one filling glowing
heat from the minute it U lighted. Handiomely brtultedi
drum of blue enamel or plain it eel, with nickel trimming a,
Ak your dealer or write for dtKripTrra circular to (ay aceacy el
Standard Oil Company
Cures the sick and acta aa a preTcnttve for Others.0 liquid glu tm
thetoiiRue. HaroforbroortmareRnndiillother. Ueatblduey rae4y;6a)
cents ami tl.00 a bottle) tS.OO and $10.00 tbe doxen. Bold by all dranrlata
and borae Roods bouses, or cent eipresa potdf by tbe tnanttfaelorei'a).
oil used.
Havo never flickers.
521-531 W. Adams St, Chicane
otbar lurches only 12 ounc auo prise aat)