GOODS ARRIVING DAILY, The Holidays will soon be hfcresand we are, better pre pared than ever to serve, yovu . Each case will be resplendent with new roods. We wish to particularly inform lyou with the advantages we are offering o.ijr patrons. The best goods the market affords at the lowest possible prices. DIXO 9 THE JEWELER. a o S DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, 2 Graduate Dcnlisl. S OfRco over tho McDonald 5 Stato Bank. e flct8citReataeee LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Cut glass that out sparkles any othor at Dixon's. Frank Wilson was called to Omaha Sunday by the illness of a relative. Mrs. Ed Ogier has returned from' Wallace where she spent a ween wun ' friends. Mrs. FredW. Miller and daughter, of Fremont, is visiting her mother Mrs. J. D. Cox. Tho Christian Aid society will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Welsch, ,209 E. 2nd. Miss Mary Vincenthns returned from Gothenburg where she was called to urse a patient.- . " .i - Miss Marie Patterson, formerly of this city but lato of Grand Island, is expected today to visit town friends. . Does your jewelry need repair. Our jewelry repair department will give you the best of service, Dixon, The Jeweler. Mrs. Arthur Hoagland, who was a patient at St Luko's hospital last week, has recovered and returned home. M..ii fW fn Wpntnnfnld. Rnlnh Al. den and Don Clabaugh wU bo added to tho Crystal theatre orchestra this . week. Attorney Jnmes Mothersald returned . yesterday from Wallace where he spent tho past three days with the home folks. t County Commissioners C. Walters and A. F. Streitz will leave today for Omaha to transact business for a few days. , ' ) The Hustlera will give one of their bi-monthly dancing parties at the Masonic hall on Friday evening of this week. Wanted A good girl for general hdusework. Inquire of Mrs. Wm Cun ningham, East Front St, Mrs. Fred Ericsson and mother Mrs. Olof Johnson came up from Gaslin yesterday and left this morning for Hot Springs, S. D., whore Mrs. Johnsop will take treatment Greatest line of Moore's and Water man's non-leakable. Fountain Pens from $2.00 up. We personally guarantee ' every pen. Rincker's Book Stoke. Mr. and Mrs. 'P. J. Gilman recieved word from the New York Missionary House yesterday that the missionaries in Changsha province had been moved to Shanhal and that Rev. Alfred Gilman nndfamily are now stationed nt the latter place. We represent some of tho best and 'strongest companies in tho world. We - have never had a loss that was not promptly and satisfactorily Settled. Bbatt. & Goodman, Tho Leading Fire Insurance Agents. A very pleasant session of the Som erset club was held at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reynolds last evening The game was played with much inter est and followed by a dainty two course lunch. Mrs. Walter Crook assisted in entertaining. '' In honor of their inspector. Mrs. E. P. Rodgers of Omaha, Bradford Lodge G, I. A. auxiliary to the B. of L, L., i.i.i oil onotttnn lust Fndav in tho K. P. hall. Talks on the work of the order and plans for tho future c'ourso were made. At noon an ele- I. nn..i upon nnrvAil nt tho Union Pacific hotel where tables wore decor ated with cut llowers. in me evening :fnnnal mianl Inn wnn hold for the Mil llliu.m". rw"U - i- r 1 it. ! members of the B. of L. E. and their families. A program of music and en tertaining games mauo ine evening vury pleasant to all. Refreshments were served at midnight ' Bratt & Goodman continue loaning money on real estate, lhree to we yean time or out of their Building & Loan Association that can be repaid monthly, bee them tint, iney save Fred Garlow received word Sunday that S200.000 worth of new machinery was being installed in Col. W. F. Cody's mines at Tucson, Ariz. Mrs. Knne, of Kearney, who was called here last wook by the illness of her daughter Mrs. E. L. Jones, re turned homo Saturday morning. Tho J. S. Davis Auto Co. has sold a new "AO" horse power Buick touring car to J. B. Montgomery. The car was delivered to him Friday evening. Messrs. James Morrow, Norton, Getty, Forrest, Snect, Whitehead and several other railroad men went to Gothenburg on business Saturday, Miss Fenna Bceler, who attended tho teachers' convention in Omaha and visited college friends in Lincoln last weok, came home Sunday evening. Manage? Swan, of tho Grand Island sugar factory, spent several days tho latter part of last week in this section looking after tho shipment of beets. Jas. Keliher, of Council Bluffs, form erly of this city was taken ill with ap pendicitis the last of tho week and sub mitted to an operation last Saturday. jMissMaryxBocker, who was operate. upon recently for appendicitis, has re covered sufficiently to resume her duties as nurse at St. Luke's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Keliher, of Council Bluffs, are expected in two weeks to visit tho former's father and other relatives for a month or longer. L. E. Tobias, formerly of the Daily Telegraph office, who has been em ployed in Central City for some time, lias purchased the Sterling, Nebraska, Sun. Will Turpio and J. W. Reynolds, of tho Inter State Commission Co., of Omaha, left Saturday afternoon for Denver to spend a few days on busi ness. For Rent Good eight room frame dwelling near 2nd ward school. Buchanan & Patterson. Mrs. W. T. Brown went to Green River Saturday to spend a week or longer after which she will make her homo in this city with her daughter Mrs. Will Lanning. The Elk dancing party on Friday evening was ono of tho most pleasant of the series. Good music, congenial people and fine dancers made tho affair a most enjoyable one. Keith Neville, MIn Rebhausen, Fred Sawyer and Henry Rebhausen brought in sixty ducks and eleven geese Friday, the result of ono day's hunt along tho river about a dozen miles west of town. Dwelling for Sale. The finelv located corner lot and brick dwelline at 320 West Fourth St.. can bo bought at very reasonable price, and easy terms. JUUCHANAN 6i I ATTliltoUN. For Sale. Wnirnn nmilnnnd. nnd outfit comnlete. Part cash or all time if preferred. In- i- - a mi.i i no o quire at iui iiuru. o-- CRYSTAL THEATRE Jarnea Martin left Vestordnv after noon for Denver to spend a week or jonger on uusineso. Mrs. Fracker. of Kansas Citv. who was called hero several weeks ago by the illness of her daughter Mary Frackor. will return home tomorrow ac companied by the latter. Misses Nell Hartman, Then Hansen, Maudo Mollyneaux, Laura Murray, and Edith Patterson returned Sunday evening from Omaha whore they at tended tho teacher's convention. Wanted A horse suitable for a de livery wagon. Inquire at tho Platto Plumbing & Heating Co. A social danco was held at the Will Morgan home west of town Saturday evening which was attended by a nunv bor of local young people. At inter mission a two course lunch was served. Attorney Halligan expects to attend the stato irrigation congress which meets nt Bridgeport Tuesday nnd Wed nesday of this week. Among tho sneakers to bo present are Senator Bourno, of Oregon, Senator Norris Brown and Congressman Klnkntd, Mrs. Mabel Hatch arrived Saturday night from Willow Springs, Mo., nnd will again mnKe North i'lntte her home, i her husband havinglately accepted tho position of clerk in Trainmaster Smith'n office. Cards havo been received announcing tho birth of a son to Mrs. Frank Cryder mnivof Oaklnnd, Calif., and a daughter to Mrs. Justine Young, of Kansas, both of whom wore former North Platte residents. The cold weather Saturday and Sun dny put aj:rlmp in railroad truffle and trains were much belated. Train 17 duo at 8:30 Saturday evening arrived nt five Monday morning and other trains were nearly us bad off. Sam Wcstfnll, of Kcarnoy, who has been visiting his brother Mac Westfall, left Saturday for Grand Island to tran sact business for sovoral days after which he will assist in tho manage ment of tho Crystal. Tho new switchboard and othor furn ishings for tho telephone ofllco arrived Saturday and is bcintr nlaccd in nosl- tion in the now quarters on the second floor of tho Waltemnth building. Tho company will soon begin tho erection of now cables nnd other outside work. thorton Manning, clork in tho BridgcporJpostofilce, waa arrested last week on the charge of robbing tho mail. Ho was dotectcd through decoy letters. He was placed under $1,000 bonds for his appearanco before tho federal court in this city next Juno. Wo havo all the latest copyrighted novels by tho best authors at from $1.00 to $1.40. Rincker's Book Store. The local high school held n coat tall parado Friday ovening to advertize tho foot ball game. Two hundred students met at the Central school building at seven-thirty and from there marched north on Dewey, giving clnss yells and serenading tho merchants ench of whom was called upon for a short spcoch. High school banners and pen nants were used in tho parade. After each business house had been visited tho young people were tho guests of Mnc Westfall at tho Crystal theatre. SCHILLER& CO., Prescription Druggists First Iktor North of Kim Nttlontl Hank Watch far Opesttig. Tho long delayed furniture for tho Wclngand clothing Btore arrived Satur day and is being placed in position. Mr. Wcingnnd has not yet decided on a data for his formal opening; but It will Iw held soon. Keep your eye open for tho date. To-Night MOVING PICTURES: Woman's Wit. A Western Girl's Sacrifice. VAUDEVILLE. May and June, German Comedy, Singing and Talking, Suffering With a Suffragate. 10 and 15 Cents. Mrs.Trie te be a BrMe. In a latter to Tho Tribuno dated at Oakland, Calif.. November 8th, Mrs. Maudo B. Turpio saya: "I am to bo married at the home of Bruco Stuart in Oak md on November 21st to Louis Helmotid. I -would lovo to havo my North Platte friends with, mo on that date, but as I cannot, I hope to do tho noxt best tiling nnd see them all in December, when I will stop thoro for a fow days before returning to Oakland." Tho Tribuno learns that Mr. Helmond is a wealthy business man of Oakland. , Christmas Goods. Our Christmas goods are arriving dnily and are being placed for your in spection. Como in now and mnTko your selections and havo them laid away if you wish. RmcKEit'a Book Store. Nortk Platte Defeats K. M. A. Taking; revenge for tho defeat admin istered tho week befpro, tho locnl high Bchool eleven shut out tho Kearney Militnry Academy Saturday by a score of twelve to nothing. Tho gnmo was played in zero woather with biting winds from tho northwest that chilled th'e marrow of the snoctators. North Platto scored on Cunningham nnd Lin coln's Bhort end runs, nnd In both instances Norris kicked goal. Among tho features of the gamo were forty yard runs by Norris and Lincoln. North Platto's interference was perfect and its line plunges mndo good gains. Tho nuenuanco or spectators was largo not withstanding tho oxtrcmo cold. Next Fridny tho local team goes to Sterling, Colo., to piny tho team of mat place. China Kila For Sale. I offer for salo my china kiln for $00. Purchaser may use it where It stands until nfter Christmas if thoy so dosiro. Address Maudo B. Turple, 2521 12th. Ave,, Oakland Calif.- Tho Crvstal thcatra has been 1m proved by a now curtain, brightmntting in tho males and linoleum in the en trance. Small colored lights havo been placed at roculnr Intervals nnd n four picco orchestra now furnishes muBlc during tho show. Our fall lino of Hull Brothers famous umbrellas are now on display. Dixon. Tho Jowolor. Mrs. Lewis, of Columbus, who has been tho guest of her sister Mrs. Emily Rector for two weeks, returned home this morning. Clabaugh Pays Ten Per Cent on Your Money Your local banks pay 3. per cent; Building and Loan pays 6 per cent; U. S, government bonds pay 3 ana 4 per cent; 'U. S. Steel pays 7 per cent; Standard Oil pays 6tf percent; United' Copper pay 7 per cent; and you wait one year for your money. a Clabaugh Pays 10 Percent and you get your money at once. Buy your Clothing, Gent's Furnishings and Shoes at ClabaugKs ' and get ten per cent discount, which is ten per cent saved and you get it at once. , We have the best lines on the market today tnd are always hunting for the newest and latest. CI ab dug hi Everything for Men. 520 Dewey North Platte, Nebraska. ' Vii-rJ Wts irr uaw vw wsw i -. ij Lr i , V.ATTE, A Modern Institution For the treatment of medical and surgical cases. Open to the medical profession. Special accomodations for confinement cases Training school for nurses in connection. Address all commu cations to the superintendent. Phone 642 Cor. Eighth and Locust McDonald State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock Fully Paid $100,000.00. Oiliest Bank In Lincln CsMHiy.,- Wo iRespectfully Solicit youBanklng ' Business. Satisfaction Guaranteed . . . r chas. Mcdonald, President. w. h. Mcdonald, Cashier and Vke-Pret. ay WHY BUY JUNK? When You Can Buy Home Made Candies Made: Freeh Every Day at : DICKEY'S A FEW OF OUR STAPLES. Vanilla Taffy 15 cents Peanut Candy 20?cents Vanilla Taffy Wafer ,30 cents -Cocoanut Chips 25 cents Cocoanut Creams .25 cents Chocalate Cocoanut Creams . ... 25 cents Nut Top Nougat .40 cents Come'in and get a sample. per pound per pound per pound per pound per pound per pound per pound DICKEY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Wooward" Signs Designers and Makers of Modern Show Cards For Store and Window Display. Our line of Holiday Cards is complete and full of rlever catchy ideas, cheerful suggestions, beautifully decorated and illustrated. If you want something special write us your ideas and we can produce just what you want for your Holiday trade. MOSLIN AND OIL CLOTH SIGNS. Estimates and Samples Cheerfully Furnished. I. L. Woodward, tMe man behind the brush. Phenel92. , OGALALLA, NEB. GIVEN AWAY FREE A $250lHarleyDavidson 4-Horae Power Motor Cycle, Magneto Ignition .... A Ticket With Every Pair of Shoes. Yellow Front Shoe Store, DIENER & FLEISHMAN. yon money. V