The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 07, 1911, Image 7

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T L ...P Kt,0ap51 8h0WB tho 8Cono
battleship Libert.. Sailors from
$700 0 ,08t thC,r ,,V0S'
Women Prefer Eatables that Are
Pleasing to the Eye.
Encouragoment to' Manufacturers to
Impair Nutritive Vlanda by Inject
ing Harmful Chemicals Is
Denounced by Expert.
Now York. Tho dangerous craving
of women for food products that "look
pretty on the table" and tho conse
quent encouragement to manufactur
ers to Impair tho purity of nutrltlvo
viands by injecting harmful chemicals
into them to mako them pleasant to
tho eyo wcro donounccd In an address
at the puro food show In fvlndiaon
Square garden by Alfred V. McCann,
food expert, In the courso of bis
spoech, McCann doscribod In dotall
many of tho viands that aro thus tam
pered with.
McCann said in part: "Woman does
not want foods in tho natural order,
and as a result she asks for a .plckle
which will resist tho teeth. Tho man.
ufacturer at once gives It to her by
using an astringent, alum, which
toughons tho tissues and produces tho
offe'ot desired. Sho wants a'nabmlo
crackers and biscuits and bread and
the manufacturer bleaches tho creamy
wheat with nitrogen peroxido and
grinds out of it the vital elements up
on which she and her family depend
for their energy and strength.
"If ho wero licensed and If It were
a crime to debase or impoverish any
foodstuffs ho could not trespass
against all laws of docency by assist
ing her to creato an artificial stand
ard, Inimical in a largo degree to tho
health of tho nation. Sho asks for a
brilliant green string bean or spinach
or pea or plum, and bcr desire is grati
fied with sulphato of copper. Sho is
perfectly satisfied to eat tho whlto
Swiss cheese, but sho wants yellow
butter and yollow American cheose,
and tho dairy Immediately provldos
the artificial color schemo. Sho wants
fancy desserts that sclntlllato under
tho electric bulb, and coal tar is nt
once split up and its dyes ranUo ready
for the eyo.
"Sho wants a semi-transparent pale
ness for her mushrooms, apples, apri
cots, poaches and pears, and sulphur
ous acid is summoned to do tho work.
Brothers Separated 37 Years Brought
Together by Handbill One Ran
Away From Home.
Chicago, Porsltftcnt questions of
a 7-year-old grandson about a portrait
in a circular will load to tho reunion
of H. J. Rhodes, a naval veteran,
whoso home is (n Elgin, and his
brother, David B. Rhodes, chief of
police of Baker City, Oregon, Tho
brothers had been lost to each other
37 years.
Tho brother in Elgin ran away
from the family homo at Stougbton,
Wis., at the ago of 15 and joined the
navy at 17, sorvlng through 'tbewar.
His brother enlisted and fought in
tho army during the same period.
Tho brotlurs wero In communication
during tho war, but afterward drifted
apart and for a generation have been
unable to find one another.
Soveral years ago H, J. Rhodes re
tired from business and made his
homo with his daughter, Mrs. H. A.
Wahl, in Elgin. A short tlmo ngo an
illustrated booklet advertising Baker
City came to tho homo and fell into
tho hands of Harry Wahl, the little
grandson of the veteran.
"Ob, look!" he exclaimed as bo
turned tho pages, "here's tho picture
of a man with a namo like grandpa's,
ail dressed up llko a policeman."
"Yes, son," replied tho mother,
"there nr& lots of men with tho same
"Well, didn't grandpa hnvo any
brothers or anything?" persisted tho
boy. "Anyway, this man looks llko
"D-a-v-ld." spoiled tho boy. "I'm
a. v t .. H
,n Toulon harbor Immediately alter tho
tho other warships nro seen recovering
Th L,bortQ was ouo 01 Frttnco'a 'Deat
Sho wants hor chocolate and her
sweetmeats 'fussy,' and Immediately
eight legalized ethers and soven legal
ized nnallno colors aro brought to tho
roacuo. Sho wantB n package or a
bottlo or a jar of tho impossible at a
bargain prico and forty-flvo fillers' or
'body-mnUoro' aro invented to supply
tho bulk required. Sho isn't particu
lar about by-products or waste prod
ucts, and tho small print which Uncle
Sam feebly Insists shall appear on
chomically preserved compounds Is
unnoticed by her, Tomato pulp and
applo pulp, manufactured from skins
and cores, applo Juice, potato flour,
cornstarch, phosphoric acid, citric acid
tartaric acid, sulphur dioxldo and ben
zoato of soda mako It posslblo for the
unlicensed manufacturer to got her
Eighteen Brides In One Family Have
Worn the Garment, Now On Its
Way to Texas for Another.
Atlanta, Ga. Flfty-flvo years in one
family and worn by eighteen brides,
the fnmous Stroud pottlcoat is now on
Cousin of Millionaire Steel Master la
Fined $1 Flnda Himself With
out Cash to Settle.
Now York. Policeman Ward of tho
sanitary squad saw Campbell Carnegie
of 1323 Clinton avenue, Bronx, spit
ting on tho sldownlk of tho Brooklyn
brldgo plaza tho other day nnd ar
rested him. On tho way to the
Tombs court, the prisoner told tho
policeman his name.
"Any rclativo to Andy 7" asked tho
policeman, Jokingly,
"Yep," said tho young man, and
then asked hopefully: "Does that
make any difference?"
"Not for you," said Ward, sadly,
"but It may for mo."
Magistrate Murphy grinned appre
ciatively when young Carnegie, with
a long face, confessed that tho charge
against him was true.
"I fino you $1," he Bald. "I guess
a Carnegie can pay that for having
forgotten hlm8ejf.
going to call him Undo David. See,
grandpa, here's Undo David."
The old man studied tho picture
and then wrote to tho man In Baker
City. Tho relationship was ostab
Ilohed, nnd Mr. Rhodes will start to
Baker City to visit his brother In a
fow days.
Ordered to Get Money, Little Lady
Leaves Room and Pretends to
Telephone to Police Station.
Stockton, Col. That-a large quan
tity of ellverwaro and Jowelry is still
at tho homo of Ernest E. 8mlth is
wholly duo to tho courago nnd ro
BourcefulneBB of his fourteen-year-old
daughter, Mildred. Tho 'other night
Mildred was left alono to caro for
the smaller children.
Hearing n noise, tho girl thought it
was ono of. her sisters nnd told hor
to wait a moment whilo sho lighted
the gas.
As she stepped down, she was con
fronted by a man, who domandod
Mildred told him to wait a moment
and went into tho next room. After
a brief delay sho called out loud
enough bo tho burglnr could hear,
Hello! Is this tho police station?"
,Tho burglar heard tho girl and,
thinking sho was telephoning, rushed
out of the house. Tho Smiths havo
no telephone and tho girl merely
worked a clever ruso to got rid of
explosion that destroyed the French
tha bodies of their dead comradoa.
tenting vcaaola and coat nearly
its way to Texas to sorvo there for
the nineteenth time as the "Borne
thing old" of tho bridal costume.
Tho mother of the petticoat is Mrs.
Aaron Nunnally of Atlanta, ono of the
best-known women of the city. Flfty
flvo' years ago, when Mrs. Nunnally
was Miss Kmnm Stroud, she made the
garment while sho was a pupil in the
Baptist female college at Madison,
Sho woro it on her wedding day,
and It wob then packed away to be
used years later by her daughters on
their wedding days. It has served as
a part of the wedding finery of
MIbbcs Mattio, Dora, Laura and Ma
mie Nunnally. It has over been at
the disposal of the family, and it is)
believed to have brought good luck to,
all who hnvo entered married life un
der its uusplces.
Tho garment has boon shipped to,
McKinnoy, Texas, to a granddaughters
MM-' Rosabel Hlnes, who i)oon be-,
comes a wife.
No harem or bobble skirt has a like
Airship In Prison.
Fishklll, N. Y. T. M. Rafferty, a;
mechanic, serving a sentence in the
county prison for theft, is occupying
his time in the workshop by building
a blplano. Ho expects to glide off
tho courthouso roof in it when hls;
term ends.
Tho young man's face grow, longer.,
Ho searched his pockots and brought
out CO cents.
Tho attendant ntatted him for the
prison pen to sorvo out bis day of
"Bring him back," ordered Magis
trate Murphy. "Many a timo I havo
been caught without a dollar In my
"Young man," ho said, when -Carnegie
was again before him, "where
do you work?"
"Commercial Printing company, 8
Bcekman street," was tho reply.
"When do you got paid?"
"Then I will parolo you in your own
custody until tomorrow nfternoon,"
said tho magistrate. "You must como
in and pay tho dollar then or elso I
shall havo to pay it myself.''
Fervidly thanking tho court, tho
otcelmastor's cousin went his1 way.
Prairie Chickens on Oklahoma Ranch
Mate With Pheasants Seek
Namo for Hybrid Offspring.
Muskogee, Okla. If hunters in tho
neighborhood of Pryor Creek, Okla.,
should find a flock of strange birds lot
them fall to pull tho trigger, for tho
birds may bo Dr. F. B. Fito's "mules,"
a cioss between the native prnlrlo
chicken and. tho English ring-necked
pheasant. Dr. FIto, who lives in
Muskogee, has a ranch near this
placo well stocked with gamo birds.
Tho stnto gamo warden lust year
sent Dr. FIto somo pheasant eggs,
which wero hatched. Other birds
wcro purchased until tho flock was
increased to thirty. On the ranch is
a flock of fifty native prairlo chick
ens, which he bus been carefully pro
tecting. Last sumraor tho plionsnnts
and tho prairie cljlckens mated, and
from tho cross was hatched a flock of
young birds.
"Tho young birds aro not yet old
enough for mo to tell what they look
like," said Dr. Fite. "Tho pheasant is
not bo hardy as tho prairlo chicken,
and tho combination should mako an
ideal gamo bird. I am looking for a
name for tho new fowl."
.Terrier Mothers Lion Cub.
Tacoma, Wash. A stepmother In
tho form of a thoroughbred English
bull terrier is hollo ved to havo solved
tho problem confronting tho Point De
flanco zoo keepers as to how thoy
could savo tho llfo of a baby lion,
born tho other night. Tho terrier ad
ministers to tho tiny Junglo beast as
if it were her own.
ET onion atom lurk within the
Ana half suspected anlmnte tho whole.
Sidney Smith.
Li80"""" I shnll be that your bet frlond
hall wish I had beon further.
Tho onion has wonderful properties
and Is both a food and a modlclno
For colds and coughs It Is a remedy
poputnr through many gonorntlons.
A fow onions sliced and sprinkled
generously with sugar, put Into tho
oven and baked until (tho onion and
sirup Is brown is a cough mciflclne
hard to equal.
Raw onions are said to euro bron
chitis and throat affections,
Tho only drawback to the full en
joyment of this homoly vegetable )ls
tho odor whlcr It loaves oh tho breath.
Freeh pnrsloy oaten after eating on
Ions is tho best romody to counteract
tho onion odor.
Raw onion is moro stimulating than
Cooked ones and thoy aro said to hnvo
a boncflcial effect on tho complexion,
60 tho onion oators havo somo com
pensation. Creamed Onions on Toast. Pool'
onions all of one slzo and put to cook
In a little stock with a blade of mace,
and cook gently until tondor. Drain
and keep tho onions hot, then add a
half cup or milk Jo the onion liquid.
Ad a little flour and butter cookod to
gether. Boll and season. Preparo a
plcco of toast- for onch onion. Add a
yolk of egg to tho Banco, lay an onion
On each nleco of toast, nnnr nvnr inrnn
$t tho sauco, sprlnklo with chopped
yoiBiujr mm serve not.
Chopped onion seasoned with a bit
of mustard, salt and olive oil and vin
egar makos a very appetizing filling
for sandwiches. Sorvo thorn for Sun
day night lunch after church.
Tho delicious flavor of tho onion
is used in countless dishes and eaten
with relish by many who profess to
dislike the flavor.
Stuffed Onions. Parboil largo-sized
onions and remove tlio rontflrn. Fill
with seasoned sausage or a filling of
nuts and crumbs. Bake and baste
with soup stock or butter and water.
Servo as a garnish for pork roast,
chops or steak.
jH F I woro nnked what was the
Bm greatest foo to beauty In both
mnn and woman, 1 would say, not errors
in dlot, not lack of exercise, not over
work, nor corsets, nor any of these, but
bad mental habits. Fear, nnxor, worry,
regret. Irritability, onvy. Jealousy, lack of
trust In one's self and In the great God
all those are bad mental states which de
stroy beauty, not only by Interfering
with the action of tho vital organs, but
by dlroctly disfiguring the expression of
tho face. Outing.
Pears and Rice, Cut six ncaru in
half, remove tho cores and peel thin
ly. Put them Into a saucepan with a
sirup of sugar and water and cook un
til tho pears nro soft. Put a pint of
milk into a snucopan with tho thinly
pooled rind of a lemon and a table
spoonful of butter. Whop, boiling hot
add threo tablespoonfuls of rlco and
cook until tp rlco Is tender, When
done, cool. Add the beaten yolks of
two eggs and a half cup of cream.
Sweeten to taste. Sorvo the rico in
tho center of tho dish with tho pears
around it. Pour tho sirup ovor all.
Sorvo hot.
Another dollclous way of serving
tho pear is to wash, halve und core
thoni, leaving tho stem on. Put into a
baking dish and dot each coro with but
ter, sprinkle with sugar, add a llttlo
lemon Julco and water andbako slowly
for several hours in a slow oven, The
sauco will bo a rich brown caramel.
Apple Merlnnue. Pool and coro six
apples, being careful to lecop thorn un
broken. Put thorn In n sirup made of
two tnblospoonfuls of suga,1 and two
cups of water and bake until tender,
Butter a baiting dish, put the apples
Into it and fill tho centers with apri
cot Jam. Bent tho-whltos ol two eggs,
add n tabtcspoonful of sugar r.nd covor
tho apples completely with tho mer
ingue. Put back Into tho oven to
Melting Potatoes. Pnro and cook In
boiling salted water enough potatoes
for tho meal. When done, drain and
placo in n buttered baking dish, covor
with n half pjnt of soup stock (chicken
la moat savory), put a ploco of butter
on each potato and bake until tho po
tatoes havo absorbed tho stock. Servo
V WB are commonplace and
Indifferent, wo will (lint nthnr
people so. Mind finds Its levol. Just as
wnter does. A really original and sym
pathetic person will find others Interest
ing and ngreeoble. To complain of those
wo meet Is really tq admit oursolvos dull.
Fall is tho timo whon peach stains
And a homo on our best linen. To re
pioyo thorn, wot with water and covor
with cream of tartar, then plnco In tha
sun, wotting tho spots as thoy dry,
Aftorwnrd wash and rlnso In tho regu
lar manner
Tho custom with many thrifty house
keopers la to uso yellow napkins, which
may bo used during tho fruit season,
and stains will not show on them,
Whon washing jlnsa, slip it aidowls
into tho wator to avoid cracking.
If n new silk skirt Is pressed wJth
a hot Iron Tororo wearing It will take
out tho stiffness nnd tho rustle but
kcop It from cracking
Cushions filled with excelsior maka
a good back for softer cushions on the
Dampen a scorched spot, and tr it la
not really burned, placo in tho sun,
and it will become whlto again.
Stuffed Spanish Onions Pool six
oven-sized onions and parboil in boil
ing wator until partly done. Drain
nnd remove tho centers, and Btuff with
snusago. Put somo slices of bacon in
tho bottom of a baking dish, put a llt
tlo or the onion centers and cookod
carrot ovor each and place on this tho
parboiled onion. Add stock and baka
until thoroughly tender.
instead of UBlng raisins In tho rlco
pudding try a fow bits or chopped Can
ton ginger. A tablospoonful to a
quart of milk wt!l bo sufficient to giva
tho pudding a flavor.
Put your hyacinths for winter bloom
ing In tholr glasses or pots boforo Oc
tobor Is gone or the blooms will bo
. A nice way to keep cheese when a
whole one or largo pieces are pur
chased, is to cover tho cut side with
pnraflln. which can easily bo removed
when tho next ploco Is cuL
Paper dollies coma now In mii-h
cate and beautiful pattornB that we
may save much wear and tear of hand
work by using them where ever poa
stble. HANK God tho meanest of his
nf ht n.-.iit.A
Has two soul sides, one to face the
worm witii
One to show a woman when he loves
her. Browning.
The cullnnrv mrfhUnnt ( u..i.
. ..-..., v . AQUMI
alive to anything now In combination
or serving and a few recipes of now
dishes aro always hailed with dollght
woro aro a row to tickle the palnte:
Bohemian Pear Dainty. Dissolve
two hoaplng tableapoonfula of gola
tlno In a cup of boiling wator, add six
ripe pears that have been peeled and
rubbed through a slove, four table
spoonfuls of sugar, u teaspoonful of
vanilla and two cups of whipped
crenm. Mold in a wot mold and turn
out whon sot. Docorato with Bwcet
ened whippod croam and' peeled pears.
Chocolate Sponge. Take two and a
half squares of chocolate, molted, add
two tablospoonfuls of powdered gela
tine, and two cups of milk, threo table
spoonfuls of sugar. Stir ovor the Are
until melted and smooth, then strain
Into a basin, Add ono cup whipped
cream and tho whlto of egg boaten
stiff. Pour into a mold and let stand
to sot
Lamb Chops With Cucumber. Cook
tho chops until brown on both sides,
Pool a good-sized cucumber and cut
into small dice; simmor In boiling
wator until almost dono, drain nnd sea
son with butter and cook until quite
tondor. Add salt, chopped pnrsloy and
nonnor. Arrnnco the chons nrntmd thn
edgo of tho plattor and heap the cu
cumbers in the centor.
Oranne Puddlnn. Scald a nfnt nf
milk in a double bollor, add a table-
spoonful of cornstarch which has boon
mixed wJth a llttlo cold milk, then
add tho yolks of two ogga ,and a cup
ful of sugar, Cook until Btnootk then
removo from the hent. Pool and slice
thin two oranges, sprinkle with sugar,
then pour ovor thorn tho chillod cus
tard. A moringue may bo added and
browned In the oven. Chill and serve
Soldiers' Pet Armadillo.
Whilo hunting In tho Virginia woods
near Bailey's crossroads, in Alexan
dria county, a fow nights ago a pack
of dogs belonging to John Monroe and
a colored mnn named Mortimer Wig
gins rnn down and killed an nnlraa!
believed to bo an armadillo, Tho dogs
woro after opossums and coons, but
getting on tho scent of tho animal fol
lowed it for an hour or moro boforo
they .landed their quarry. Lator it
was learned that tho armadillo belong
ed to ono of tho troops of' cavalry at
Fort Myor. The men had secured a
number or tho animals .while on duty
on tho Texas border and had brought
them to tho forL
The ono that was killed had escaped
and tho men had beon hunting the
woods for it for sovornt days when
thoy learned that it had been killed,
This Is possibly the only armadillo
hunt that ever took placo In the vicin
ity of Washington. Washington Star.
Distant Courtesy.
"Ab an artist I suppose you assume
to bo indlfferont to money?"
"No, I'nl not Indifferent. But I'm
not sufficiently acquainted to attempt
Many a case of kidney dlaeac has
provon fatal because the symptom
were not recognized. If ym Mtffftr
with backache or bladder Irregulari
ties, follow the art
vice wot Mrs, 11. 8.
Woods, 819 lltk
St., Aurora, Ncbr.
Sas Mrs. Woodsi
"I was in a criti
cal condition. Mr
feet and ankles
were so swollen
with drdpsy, I
could not -wear
my shoes. Four
teen weoks prior to taking Doan'a
ICIdnoy Pills, I' was confined to bed
practically holplea. Thoy made me
-fool llko a hew woman and soon I was
doing my work the same aa ever."
"When Your Back Is Lame, Re
member the Name DOAN'S." COo a
box nt all st6rest Foater-Mllbura Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Musician Wanted.
In a parish in Wales where very lit
tle English was spoken a general nest
ing was held to consider the desir
ability of putting a chandelier into the
schoolroom. Every one seemed In
favor of the idea.
"Do you think we ought to have ose,
Mr. Davis T" said the schoolmaster to
a venerable parishioner.
"1 agree to it," was the reply; "hut
there la one thing 1 wish to kaow. If
we have a a "
"Chandelier," said the ecaoelmas
ter, helping him out.
"If we have a chandelier," the oW
nma continued, "who la going ta plar
Literary Criticism.
They were discussing a certain au
thoress at dinner, and a well-knowa
critic raised a laugh by remarking:
"Well, her hair's red, even It her hooka
are not"
The mild young man in the corner
made a mental note or the sally for fu
ture use, and at another party shortly
afterward he carefully guided the con
versation Into literary channels, Tit
Bits Informs its readers. Fortunately,'
some one mentioned the desired name,
and he triumphantly cried out: "Well,
she's got red hair, even If her hooka
Obeyed Orders,
Percy What are you doing about
your doctor's advice to take physical
exercise, dear boy?
Cholly I'm carrying a heavier walk-,
lng stick, and I wear a larger button
hole bouquet
Bnt So I tamp for Are samples of nf Yorr eholo
Hi Gold Bmbosied Obrlatau ana New Test
reat Card beauUtnt colors end tetellett 4 coign .
Jut Io)l Card Clob, Wl J aekson B k, Tupeka, Ksjum
He that doth a base thing in cent
for his friends burns the golden thread
that ties their hearts together, Jere
my Taylor.
Mrs. Wtaslow's Soothing Bjrup tor Chlldrea
teething, softens the giuns, reduces Inflaraifia
lion, 117B pain, our wind collo, 36c s bottle.
Too many homs have all the inod
ern conveniences.
Headaches, Colds, Indigestion,
Pains. Corttb'patioft, Sour Stomach,
Dizziness? If you tire not, the most
effeetivc, prompt and plaasant
method of getting rid of theta is to
take,1 now and then, a deserbpoon
fid of tho ever refreshing and truly
beneficial laxative kemedy Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It is
well known throughout the world
as the best of family laxative reme
dies, because it acts so gently and
strengthens naturally without irri
tating the system in any way.
To get its beneficial effects it it
always necessary to buy the genu
ine, manufactured by the California
Fig Syrup Co. bearing the namo
of the Company, plainly printed on
the front of every package.
Splendid Crops
In Siskttohiwan (Wttlirn Canada)
800 Bushels from 20 acres
oi wneat was tne tnretntr
return from a Lloyd-
milliter farm In the
cston or 1910. Many
fields In that well as
I other dlttrleti yield
ed from 23 to S3 bu
shels of wheat to the
ere. other grain In
ira tbua derived
Irniu lk PHRK
Thl. inttUnt ahAwlnff eatiu
prices to adrance. Land valnee
aboulddonblolntno yean' tlmo.
Urulii rrowliiR.inlzejl fnnu
lng;, cuUlo ral'I'.'K unit dairy
ing aro alt prnlflnule. l'rlo
Ilontestaadsof 1 60 acres are
to be Iiail I" tha very best
illstrfctsi inO acre pre-einn-tloiia
it 1 83.00 veruero with
in aertatu areas. tlclioolsunU
churches.. In erery settle
mriit, cjlnmto unexcelled,
soil tho rlrliestl wood, water
mill lml IdluK material
linit ful. 1
; Vor Wrticalars m to location,
low' railway rates and
ascrltlTe Illustrated pamphlet.
"ljt licet NVeet,'" and other In
lormatlou, write to Hup'tof lmsil-
innon, una wo, uaneaa. or to
laoadjan (ioreroment Agent,
Urn 4 Km lldf. taatia, lib.
11tu write to tb. agent neareat you
If 1 1 JK.