The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 31, 1911, Image 1

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    aWt Histories
1 &Hinmc
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1 1
R L. Cockran, of Brady, spent tho
week end end in tho city.
Russel Fowles loft Saturday morning
for Omaha to spend, several days.
Mrs Harry Cramer la very ill at tho
jhome of her mother Mrs. John Bonner.
lira. JE. F. Soeborger will entertain
the Indian, Card CJub tomorrow nfter
noon. .
TheHomo Missionary Socioty will
meet with Mrs. A. P. Kelly this after
noon, . v 71
Lillian Itltner, who is teaching in
Sutherland, spent Sunday with her
Pat Roddy .expects to leave shortly
for Sibloy, Iowa, toV'spond sovoral
weeks with relatives.
Rev. Allen Chamberlain to
Pgalalla this morning to spend n day
tor more on church work.
jMiwes Roxy Murphy find Merritt, of
'the .Sutherland schools, visited relatives
"here Saturday and Sunday.
Rev. V7. S. Porter returned yester
day morning from a short visit in tho
eastern part of the state.
JThe Lutheran Brotherhood will en
tertain the men of the congregation at
tboarish house on the evening of
"Nov. 7th. -
The wrecker was called to Lexington
.yesterday by a dorailment of an empty
8to:k car which delayed west bound
Mr. andCMrs. Fred Sawyer and baby
of Columbus, who have been visiting
relatives for some timo, left for homo
this morning.
Members of tho Rebckdh Dbgreo
staff are requested to bo aft the hall
.Friday evening at which time thero
will be initiation ceremonies.
A danc'o Will be hold at tho Geofge'
Patterson home a few miles north of the
city next Saturday evening to which a
number pf local young folks have receiv-
Forrent MoiJtern 8 room "'resfdelice'
with;bath, electric light, steel - range
and sewer connection.
Carson & Lnndgraf have installed a
revolving street sign that is particularly
attractive one that if observed' closely
for a minuto or so will make one dizzy
If your idle money is not earning
7 per cent to 8 per cent semi-annual
interest is choice first mortgage loans,
see Bratt and Goodman.
Will Brodbock .entertained six gentle
men friends last evening at a six
o'clock duck supper. That tho affair
was a raro treat goes without saying.
Beet and Potato Forks and Perfec
pon Oil Heaters at Horshey's.
The Lutheran Aid will be entertained
at tho homo of Mrs. Fred Frcdorickson
Thursday afternoon by Mesdames
Fredcrickson, W. Hansen and Motten.
A largo party of young peoplo- were
royally entertained at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Payne Friday cveaing.
Halow'een games wero enjoyed aad a
dainty lunch served.
For your real estate loans, three to
five years time or out of our Building
& Loan Association returnable in
monthly payraeats. Call on Bratt. &
The American Telegraph and Tele
phono Co., which for a year or so past
has maintained a small "boosting"
plunt on tho Dillion land north of town,
has concluded to incroaso tho size of the
plant and will erect a )iew building
next spring.
Hard coal stove for sale in good con
. dition, cheap call at 120 west Sixth at 6
p. m. 71-4
Ralph Chamberlain and son Robert
left Sunday night for Lincoln where
the latter will take four year course
In the state agricultural college. They
were accompanied by Lawrence Row
ley, son of Thos. Rowloy, who will
enter the same school.
Mesdames Dixon and Vanderhoof
gave the third of their series of parties
Saturday afternoon. The guests num
bered forty-flve and wero mostly young
ladies. Card games wore played. The
commodious and well appointed rooms
wero lighted with candles and subdued
lights. Carnations were used in the
decorations. Misses Harriet Dixon,
Myrtle Beelor, Mario McCabe, Helen
Waltemath and Florenco Iddings as
sisted in sorvlng a delicious two course
Sale Pettposed.
The hog sale advertised by J. 0. An'
dorson for next Saturday at Lexington
has been indefinitely postponed on nc
count of tho raging hog disease in thut
John -Fredercl returned yesterday
from a short visit in Boulder, Colo.
Miss Maud Loudon spent Sunday as
tho guest of Gothenburg friends.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Moody, left last
night for a visit In eastern points.
Mrs. D. W. Patteo left this morning
for Oshkosh to visit friends for ton
, Mrs. H. J, Roth who has been vliilt-
ing her aunt Mrs. Hattie Fnrringtforr
lett tounuay evening for Cheyenne;
Mts. Nols Hammer entertained a foW
neighbors and friends yesterday after
noon. Refreshments ware served.
Will Reckir Jtrived hjUs$' evening from
Now York W,(TttendvtKqr wedding of his
sister MW jttiss Rector, tomorrow
evening,. ,
Mrs. Lester Watkor, Jr., has issued
invitations for a prio o'clock luncheon
pn Monday, Noy. 6th, in honor of Mrs.
Richmond BIrge,
Mrs. Arthur Hoagland was taken to
St. Luks'fl Hospital Sun Jay whore she
submitted id an operation for appandi
citis yesterday.
Leave your orders fflF ftrtlk or cream
at the Enterprise Bakery, MW donduei
ed by the Doollttlo Produce C&
Tho Puzzle dub held a IJaflcHr'
party at tho Holcomb home Saturtfa
evening. Apple diving and many other
Halloween stunts caused great fup for
the young people. Cracker-jack, cider.
and apples were Berved during the
evening and at midnight frozen deserts
were enjoyed.
Tho Crystal theatre had as its vaude'
ville feature last night Harry ' and
Estello Mason with their, twenty-flvo
Alaska wolf dogs. These people are
enroute on an overland trip around tho
world, tho dogs drawing a wagon.
About 400 people saw tho dogs at the
Crystal and hoard tho lecture by
The "Pat" theatre opened last GV(jn
fng In the attractive new rooms on cast-
mn street. Manager Lonorgan has
left nothing undone which would mako
this1 pletcg of amusement a. nodular ona
and,th.kfc ipewcLin attendance last
evening, xesmiea mat ms otrorta were
annreclatod. Thar inclined . flnnf la
seated with 2tH opera chairs, tho aisles
are felt covored, the Walls and qeiling
nicely decdVatcd, tho lighting Bystem
unique and the ventilation good. Man
ager Lonorgan proposes to present to
the people only the' bettor' ' .class of
films-pictures that aro selected bv him
and not shoved on him. Piano and
cornot mnsic and songs materially add
to tjie evening's enjoyment at The Pat.
Tho Junior and Senior party Satur
day evening was one of thomostunlquo
ana enjoynme social Halloween gath
erings. Tho 1913's were1 guests of the
seniors and all met at the Central
school garbed in ghostly garments. A
procession was formed to an empty
houso on west 6th street which had
previously been decorated in pumpkins,
lanterns,red ears of corn etc.. The floors
were strown with hay and ghosts were
stationed in'spooky corners. Tho at
tempt ot the lower classes to steal the
refreshments proved useless, therefore
nothing marred the pleasure of tho
evening. Hallow'een games and tricks
followed in rapid succession) and
during tho evening cider, pumpkin pie,
poD corn and apples wero served.
Tho Episcopal ladles guild will meet
With Mrs. P. J. Gilmnn Thursday after
fira James Cunningham visited her
daughter Miss Both, at Gothonbtirg
Thcro will bo sorvlcea in tho Episc6
pal church tomorrow rooming, All
Saints' Day, at ten o'clock.
" E. L. Evans, of St, Joe, arrived Sun
day and will visit his cousin "Dick",
Evans, for two weeks or longor.
For Rent Six room houso with bath
and electric lights on casfc 4th street.
Apply at C20 east Cth.
The ladies of tho Presbyterian Aid
Socioty will moot with Mrs, Joo Cun
ningham, 1114 west 4th strcotThursday
Stolen from 806 'West 4th. St, brpwji
double nosed ' Pointer, 6 months old.
Reward. A, ft Stroll. 74-2
Mrs. Gortrudo KebhaUtteii, of Colurri
bus, loft today after Building" three
Weeks' with hor sons Edward, fifemy"
arid M. Si Rebhausen.
MrH. Chhi Gould was hostess at att
aliriiow'eeri parly last tvening which
'Hit dnjoy4 by" tHe twenty-five guests
present The r'odtfiS wero decorated
with Jack O lanterns' the1 ftj were spooks'
Mnd, and interesting games wore
Wanted A girl for general liCUao
work, Will nav hlehest waores. Threft
in; family, Inquire of Mrs. W. H. Mes
Donald, 407 West Fifth street.
The C. E. Soeletv of tho Christian
church will give tin excursion social next
Friday ovening. It will be a coast to
coast and gulf affair'. Excursion leaves
tho church annex, cor. od Vino at,
promptly at. 7.80 P. MfJioumt trip
faro 15c. A large ExcwniW fm ty fa
desired: all are invited to join it. fcWt
forgot tho time. Committee".
Among tho smartest Hallow'een
parties on the social calender was held
Vesterday afternoon in tho I. O. 0. F
jrali ' At this pleasant affair one hun
dred ladies wore royally entertained by
Mesdam0d James Hart, Albert Schatz,
Jar Stone" "and 'A. B. Hoagland. Tje,
spacious hall WaB tastefully decorated
with ""pumpkins black cata and cut
flowers. Tw6nty cards tables wero
used in 500 and each ono was appropri
ately trimmed with Hallow'een colors
and everything suggestive of tllo sea
son, Yellow Candles furnished light in
the rooms and tho electric bulbs were
covered with coloredpapcr. Thti dining
room was elaborately decorated and tho
tables sot with fine lace doilies, carna
tions and yellow and black streamers.
Tho gowns of tho gUcsts wero beauti
ful, Tho favors wero small yellow cups
filled with nut meats anrfiorango1 mints.
Eight young ladies assisted in serving
an elaborate lunch. The hostesses
were highly complimonted' Upon1 the
manner in which they afforded all
present a very enjoyablo afterltooiv
6-room furnished house close in.
Other houses and rooms furnished'
and unfurnished.
Storage room.
Safe deposit boxes.
Rental property a specialty.
Plush and
Curacul Coats
are being worn more than ever
this winter. Fashion decrees
it and comfort applauds, for
warmth is a necessity in this
climate and plush coats supply
warmth. We have them at
prices ranging from
$10 tol50
- ""
J .The shooting tournament undor tho
I Hiwpices ox ino uuuato urn uun (JIUU
.opened yesterday with n Iurgo attend-
t . A . . 1 . 4 ....
unco oi outsiue murKsmon, including
five who belong to tho professional
class. ,
Yesterday's ov6nta began ut 0:30 and
closed at 2:30, and about 7,600' targets
were sprung from tho traps. There
wero ten events of twonty, targota to
each mon, or a total of 200 targets,
nnd tho high scoro in the professional
clgsswcnt to Geo. W. Maxwell who
scored 191,and to E.L. Brawn orln tho
Btnnteur class, who scored 101.
Tho scores mado wero ns follows:
Geo. W. Maxwell , 194
Ed O'Brien V 100
W. M. Bowman.. ,.,...,.,.178
Geo. L. Carter 177
D. D. G6ss..,,....j 161
' . Amateurs,
E, I,. Brawnfi i , u . , , . Jftl
Ed Varnor. : , 188
Lester Gates 186
& B; Gutzner ' ,,,, 183
GUs hroedor . , ; . .183
C, Tappffft. i , , .182
Keith Neville.. . t.,,,,.tt 180
H. Rebhausen ,44,44. .4. ..178.
I. Arnold .1(l176
Wm. Townsend. ..... , , . . 174
W. Magnussen.. ,173
Fred Southard , 173
W. Wtaiclns i 1 ,, ,i . ,172
A Safcarider .t . .1. . . .170
A. By 'McDonoll ............... f. . , . 100
JC JWfft V.....1C9,
Millard Moelor. , ; 1G7
J. F. Dodge ; ;,; ,iG7
Dan Bray , ,.,'....163
A. E. Peasley 101
A. Muldoon...,. 150
Jamea Scott ,,, 143
Scores of others who did not shoot
tite1 full 200 targets werol B. Tappen
120 out of 180, R. StarkoySO out of
1Q0, Uets, Winkowitch 180 out of 180,
Lem Bniley 28 out of CO, J, W. Tiley
88 out of 100, P. Sawyer 31 out of 40,
E. Harris 80 out of 100, D. Frew 49 out
of CO.
A swell line of D. Bt Eisk
& Go's $5,00 Pattern Hats
on display for one week at
the Parlor Millinery, 300 E.
Third, opposite high school
Here's a Nebraska Case.
A groat hoorah has been made over
tho expenditure of monoy by Senator
Stdphenson of Wisconsin, to Bocuro a
soat in tho United States Bennte, but n
parallel case is reported In Nobraska
by tho following dispatch from Norfolk:
An investigation of the estate of P. E.
McKillip, bankrupt, discloses thnt in
his campaign for congress in tho Third
congressional district in 1901, against
J. McCarthy, ho gave checks for
campaign purposes nmounting to $20,-
057.29, and spent in addition to tho
tho amount "represented by checks tho
sum of $12,000, making n total expend-
ituro in that campaign of $38,057.29.
This enormous use of funds undoubt
edly contributed largely to, McKillip's
financial downfall,
Dan V. Stephens, tho present demo
cratic candidate for congress, was his
chairman. ftnd political manager.
Train No. 4,. tho Atlantic exnress. one
of tha fast trains on tho Union Pacific,
while passing through the' town of Rock,
Ulvor, Wyo.. Saturday mominff, crashed
jnto a freight train standing on a sid
ing, instantly killing two,, tho fireman
and ongineor on No. 4, and seriously in
juring twenty-two others, two of whom
died a short timo afterwards. No. 4
was passing through the town and had
a clear track. A frolght train was
standing on tho siding awaiting for tho
passenger to pass. Tho bronkman,
stationed at tho roar of tho froight, In
some way becamo confusod and throw
the switch, just as No. 4 approached so
mat it crasned Into tho rear of tho
freight train. Tho ontrinoor nnd firo-
man of tho passengor train wore killed
nirnost instantly and tho other two who
aro dead wero unidentified Italian lab
orers who wore In tho caboose at tho
rear of tho frolght train.
"The Campus" no produced at tho
Keith last nifrht. nroved. ono of tho
cleanest, brlchtest and most
mustcal comedies North Ptatto has ever
seen and heard. Waltor Do Loon is
clean-cut comedian, and "Mutririns
unvles is ns bright and winsome an
actress us ono could wish. Tho Biin-
porting company Is not only largo but
goou. -inouampus" is a play that
can bo commended.
Misses Mao McWi liams. Evolvn
JoiTors, Josio O'Hare, Mary McGovorn
and Mrs. Will Maioney Jr.. will enter
tain the Catholic Girls Club at the homo
of tho former on Thursday ovening.
Thursday, Nov. 2d,
Being the Mikado's Birthday
if'- -
The Palace Cafe
Will celebrate th occasion by serving a grand din
ner and aupper. Dinner will, be srvd from. 1 1 a
m. to 3 p. m., and supper from 5 to 5 p. m. Beth
meals will be cooked and
public is invited to dine at
SoupFrench Oyster
Sour Pickles, Celery,
Roast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce,
Oyster Dressing, Brown Gravy,
Baked Halibut with Lobster Sauce,
Mashed Potatoes, String Beans.
English Plam Pudding, Brandy Sauce,
Apple Pie, . Mince Pie, pear Pie,
Coffee, Te, . Milk. ";,
Nutsr . GlataCnowderr Cejery,
Roast Turkey, Cranberry Jelley, r, .
Oyster Dressing, Brown Gravy,
Loin' Beef Roast and Juice,
Steam Potatoes, Chicken Salad, Stewed Corn,
DESERT Sliced Oranges.
Coffee, Tea, Milk.
Meals 35c Each.
Tho Christian aid socioty will meet
with Mrs. Frank R. Elliott Thursday
n f tornoon.
Mrs. Whitehead, of Grand Island, is
tho guest of hor daughtor, Mrs. C, J.
Cornwoli, this week.
ur, nnu mrs, ,i, u. . kouiiqju enter
tained thoir frionds last ovening at
cards. After tho gsmos tho hostess
served a delightful lunch.
Weather forecast: Fair tonight; fol
lowed by cloudiness. Maximum tom-
pornturo yesterday C5, n year ago 76
minimum last rtlght 20, ji, yaut ago 30
Delaney Promoted.
Claudo Delany, who for a ypar or
two had boon terminal foreman at
Northport, has boon made supervisor
of tho North Platto valley lino from
O'Fallon to Goring, The appoint
ment becomes aifcctlvo-at onco, Mr.
Dolanoy's North Platto friends nro
pleased to hear of his promotion.'
Elks Will Attend Services.
The North Platto Lodge B. P. O.
Elks will attend services at tho Episco
pal church in a body next Sunday even
ing. All membors nro requested to
meet nt tho home at seven o'clock nnd
proceed to tho church, whera sorvices
begin nt 7:30. Rev. Chapman is chap
lain of the lodge, and it is fitting that
the Elks should nsk him to deliver a
sermon to thorn.
Myrtle and Vicinity,
Mrs. Fred Tatman and two children
are visiting in Minden this week.
Mrs. D. McNicol wont to North
Platte last Sunday to attend the Blck-loy-Thomas
wedding and visit her
daughter Mrs. Charlie Mooro.
Mrs. Jus. Jensen and sister Mies
Mollio Peniston, of North Platto, nro
visitors at tho Allison home.
John Reovcs and Qta Rimoy wero
united in marrinire at tho homo of tho
bride'sparonts Oct. 20th, Jas, Bnko
well ofllcinting,
Joo Knajdl and Ed Wright marketed
hogs in North Platto last Wednesday.
Tho ditching outfit, with eighteen
voke of cattle, nnased down tho 'lino
Monday from a point near Gandy whore
thoy had been working.
Wm. Blckley and bride camo homo
served by Orientals and the
this popular cafe,
. . and Saturday.
The New Cook,
Bobbie the Coward,;
Love in the Hills.
Leroy & Diamond, Comedy
Singing, Talking and Dancing
10 and 15 Cents.
Another car of Gar
bage just received. '
Price $1.75 per 100