The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 27, 1911, Image 6

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IRA L. BARB, Publisher
Htmr"nr Foreign Intolllflcnci Con
denied Into Two and Four
Line Paragraph.
Tho American consulate at Han
kow i8 belloved to bo fully protected
against mob attack for half of 'tho
porsonnel of 320 men, aboard tho
thrco American gunboats, Helena, 151
Cano and Vlllllobos, now at that port,
will bo landed on any omorgoncy.
Following tho groat mobilization of
tho Atlantic fleet In Uio Hudson riv
er, opposite Now York, November 30,
and December J, somo of tho warships
will remain In Now York harbor, until
Rbout January C, when tho cntlro Hoot
will reassemble on tho southern drill
grounds. They will then proccod to
Cuba to engage In winter ozerclscs.
Tho discrepancy of threo million
dolors shown by the books of the
Washington navy yard botweon
tho matorlal on hand and tho
amount, called for by tho accounts has
been reduced to $9215,000, according to
the navy department An at flrat re
ported, bad bookkoeplng methods
wero responsible for tho shortagO
Tho beginning of tho end of tho
work of lio national monetary com
mission will bo marked by mooting
which will open In Now York Monday.
These, like thoae In other cities, aro
to .afford final opportunity to financial
and commercial bodlos to bo heard on
the Aldrlch roservo plan beforo the
presentation of tho commission's re
port. Under tho law, ending tho ox
Istonco of tho commission, this report
must bq presented to congreo shy
January 8, 1012.
Violence marked the arrival of
(strikebreakers at New Orleans.
A ruthless slaughter of Manchus Is
charged to Chinese revolutionaries.
Contributions to aid tho revolution
ary cause are pouring In to San Fran
cisco. The lato prison congress at Oma
ha was better attended than any or
former years,
The Krupp company of Germany
failed In Its suit against the Mldvalo
Steel oVmpany charging Infringement.
Japanese officials see prospecta of
a long' struggle In China. Japan wilt
stay out of It as long aa her eubjectts
are, etetected.
The trial of James II. McNamara,
first ot the defendants In tho 'dyna
mite cases, was boguri at Los An
geles, Howard W, Olll In a blplano broke
the American onduranco record at
Klnloch Aviation field In St. Louis by
remaining In tho air four hours.
Ben Benjamin, for .twenty years
porting editor of San Francisco
Chronicle, Is dead In OaklnwV otter
a long llluoBs. Ho was DO yoars or
Congressman Fred S. Jackson,
"progressive" from tho Fourth (Mo.)
district, has a "httnoh" Champ Clark
will bo tho Democratic nomlnuo for
Michael Sullivan, who has boggoa
on tho streets pt San Francisco lor
thirty-llvo years, was found dead with
deposit books showing ho was worth
.T. IV Morgan ibjected to an assess-
ment pt $800,000 on his personal
property, and, by visiting the tax do
partment. saved $4,000 In taxes by
getting a $250,000 reduction.
Tuberculosis Is Increasing In Now
York city, ucsplto ovory effort
against It, according to the annual
report of Leopold riant, president or
th? united liurw unariue.
A dispatch to the Temps from
Home says It l learned from author
Itatlve sources that friendly over
tures between several, powers and
Italy on the subject ot poaco havo
been made.
After searching for nineteen years
for his mother, covering 2,000 miles
and a dozen states In tho Bourch,
William Clark, now ot Zumbrota,
Mian,, has finally found her In Hrook
That tho noxt president of tho Unit
i-tf States would bo a domacrat, tnat
Taft would bo thq nomlnoq pt tho reg'
ular republicans, with La Follotto tho
possible nominee of tho Insurgout
faction, wore' tho views expressed by
Speaker Champ Clark at Lako
Charles, La.
Adoption of a plan ot certifying
teachers, wliorcliy tlioy mny teach )i
any state, was tho prluclpal taHk out
lined for tho unnunl . conroronco ot
statu supcrlntundontB of public In
atructlorj. which convened In Topoka
Senator Bourne tnkos Cnrdlnnl Gib
bona and Archbishop Ireland to (nak
for tboir criticism of tho Initiative
referendum and recall.
The government abandoned Us
legal light to recover a. penalty from
the St, LouIh National Block yards
for allowing violation of the twenty
eight-hour law.
An oxpendlturo of $1,548,929.22 Is.
called for at Yalo university the com
ing year.
Attorney General Wlckorsham, In
nn address beforo prison congress In
Omaha, favored an extension of par-
olo 4yatcm.
Chlneso revolutionists aro reported
to have captured another Important
Round abuso of Prcsldont Taft was
tho featuro of tho meeting of progres
sives at Chicago.
Dynamite was found on bridge over
which President Taft'a special train
was to pass.
A frenzied mob released quaran
tined cholera patients from a hos
pital In a town near Home.
Governor Mann of Virginia said the
day Is near when that stato will
grant suffrage to women.
State Sonator John Broderlck gave
Interesting testimony during tho Lorl
mer Inquiry tit Chicago.
Chlneso revolution lendors bcllovo
it Is only a question of tlmo until a
republic will bo established.
Tho Isthmian cnnal commission
made Its nnnual report foreshadow.
Ing tho opening of tho waterway.
Congressman G. W. Norrls address-
ed studontB at Weflloyan university
nnd nt tho Tomplo High, nt Lincoln.
Sonator Heyburn Intimated unless
thoro wero more specific charges tlio
enso ngalnst StophenBon Will fall.
Progressive republicans nt Chicago
formally endorsed Senator La Fol
lotto as a candidate for president.
Tho spcoch of tho Bultnn at tho re
assembling ot tho Turkish parlia
ment advised rcslstanco to Italy.
Flro completely destroyed the beau
tiful country homo at Wostbury, L. I.,
of Robert Uacon, Amorlcan ambassa
dor to Franco.
Mrs, Harold R. Howell of Dos
Moines was elected Iowa state regent
of tho Daughtorfi of tho Amorlcan
At Detroit eight hundred nnd fifty
employes of W. H. Fink & Co., local
vorall manufacturers, went out on
Tho rovolt In Tnbasco, MoXlco, will
prcad, according to General Bernar
dino Reyes. Ho assorts ho has had
no hand In tho outbreak.
Thomas Knllum, lawyer nnd editor,
shot and killed Honry Wh'takor, a
brother nttornoy, on tho main street,
of Pilot Mountain, N. C.
United States Judgo Smith McPhor-
son of Iowa will prealdo In tho litiga
tion pending tho division of tho prop
erty of F. G. Lowls & Co. at St. LoUls.
John Caldwell, embezzler, camo to
Joffersonvlllo. Ind., from Gary un
guarded, to begin a uontonc of from
two to fourteen yenrs In tho Indiana
All railroads aro forblddon by tno
Interstate commerco commission to
cancel rate contracts with other roads
when such action will result In . a
raise of freight rates.
Marshall Noy King, a pioneer base
ball playbr and one of the original
"HaymakorB," died at his homo In
Troy, N. Y., aged 02 yoars. His first
profesalonal ongngoment was In 1871
with tho Chicago Nationals.
Resolution! asking President Taft
to romovo Secretary Wilson because
ho accepted tho presidency of tho
brewers' congress wore adopted by '
the stato Baptist convention nt Odrl-
an, Michigan.
A call for tho nineteenth annual Ir
rigation congress was sent out. It will
bo held in Chicago from Docombor 5
to 0. Delogates from each state, city
and town in tho United States havo
boon Invited to bo present.
Ortlo E. McMnnlgal, on whoso con
fession tho prosecution In tho Mc
Namara trials expects convictions,
has boon suod for divorce. His wlfo,
Emma McManlgal, chargoB hlra with
ropoatod cruelty.
A dlroct plan to levy a tax on all
railroads and otnployors of labor In
Interstate commorco for tho purpose
ot raising a fund ot compensation pt
families ot wnrkmgtwklllod In uccl
dontB wnu suggested to' tho omployers'
compensation commission.
Tho cornerstone of what Sovereign
Grand Commander Richardson ot tho
8cottlah Rite MasonR of tho southorn
jurisdiction declared would bo "tho
most magnlllcent building in tho
world devoted alono to tho use or
Masonry, was put In place nt WnBh-
Two Indictments wero roturnod at
Council Bluffs against nonjamin
Mnrks, charging him with complicity
In tho Mabray Dwindles, In connec
tion with which John C. Mabray ana
a dozon associates aro now serving
terms In the federal ponltontlary at
A collision on tho Missouri Paclnc
near Fort' Crook, ot a freight and pbb
songor resulted In tho death of seven
outright and thlrty-ono wounded,
Bomo of thorn sorlously. Threo of the,
dead wero residents of Ncbruskn City,
An oxtra freight crow mistook tho poB-,
Bongor as coming on tho B. &. M.
Secretary ot Agriculture Wilson
denies that ho la going to retire.
Aviator Ely was killed at Macon,
Go., whllo Riving exhibitions.
Edna Goodrich, ' fourth wife of Nat
Goodwin, 1b ugntn engaged.
U will probably tako a month to
got a jury to try tho McNnmarnB.
"Billy" Peace, a well known auto
mobile racor, was killed In nn no
ctdont nt Sioux City.
JOhn R. Walsh, tho banker, has
boon paroled from tho Leavenworth
Tho president of tho City National
Bank of Doadwood presented Brest
dent Tttft with a gold brick.
Clarenco S. Funk ncounoa Sonator
Lorlmor ot trying to besmirch his rop-
Provision In Adt Makes It Incumbent
Upon Mortgagor to Liquidate
on property.
"Pcoplo who sign mortgages believ
ing that under the now law tho valua
tion of their real estate for assess
ment and taxation will bo reduced to
tho amount of tho mortgngo, should
bo careful to road tho Instrument
signed," said County Assessor Miller
of Lancaster county. Recently 1 re
ceived a letter from a matt out In the
country who atatcd that he had
mortgaged his farm for $3,200, nnd re
quested that tho valuation of "tho
property for ussossmont bo reduced to
that extent noxt year. I lookod up
tho mortgngo In the afllco of tho reg
ister of deeds and found that-ln tho
body of the Instrument thoro had boon
printed these four words: 'And on
this mortgage.'
"Those four words make It Incum
bent upon tho mortgagor to pay tho
tax not only upon his farm but upon
tho mortgngo which ho has placed up
on It, for they make htm agree to pay
all taxes mion tno proporty, and on
this mortgage.'' Ho had evidently
read over ithe parts of tho Instrument
which wero written In, but had failed
to read tho printed portion, which Is
In flna type, and Is gonoral consider
ed to bo of a formal nnturo. Ho la by
reason of this oversight upon his part
made liable for tuxtitlon upon $3,200
which ho auixioscd tho mortgageo
would hnvo to pay and his Interest
rata Is Increased to that extent."
The mortgage net passed by tho last
legislature ih as follows: "A mort
gage on real otrtato In this stato Is
horoby declared nn Interest In real
estate for tho purpose of assessment
and taxation. Tho amount and valuo
tor any mortgage upon real estate In
tills state shall bo assessed and taxed
to tho ntortgngco or his assigns, and
tho taxes levied thereon shall bq a
lion on tho mortgage Interest: and tho
excess In value of the real estate
above the mortgages thereon nhall bo
assessed nnd taxed to tno mprtgagor
or owner ot tho promlsos and he a
llftn thereon secured by tho mortgage
to the extent of tho amount so paid
with lawful Interest thoreon. Tho
mortgagor or owner may pay the tax
ovlcd on tho mortgage Interest, and
tho umouud so paid shall be- claimed
and. held to. bo a payment on the In
debtedness socured by tho mortgage,.
and it may offset against any Interest
duo thoreon."
Tho law, however, contains a pro
vision as follows: "When It Is pro
vided and agreed In any mortgage
that the mortgagor shall and will pay
tho tax levied upon tho mortgage or
tho debt secured thereby, that such
assessor or county clork Hhnll not on
ter such mortgage for separate assess
ment and taxation, but both Interests
shall bo assessed and taxed to tho
mortgagor or owner of the property
Superintendent Piles Bond,
Juntos E. Dolzell filed his bond as
stale superintendent ot public inatruc-.
tton nnd uBStimod char go of tho ofllce,
J. W, Crabtreofl resignation having
bocomo effective.
Governor Will Bo Watchful.
Govornor Aldrlch will appoint threb
or four men to watch over the elec
tion In tho Third ward in Omaha No
veinbor 7, Tho charges of Illegal reg
istration this year havo caused him to
take- this atop.
Clemency la Refused.
Tho Advisory Board of Pardons haa
by a majority vote refused to recom
mend clemency to Harm DJcrkson of
Boyd county, wfio Is serving a term
of lx years In tho state penitentiary
for criminal relations with his stop-
Missouri Pacific Appeals.
The Missouri Pacific railroad has
appealod to tho supremo court from
a Judgment for $9,999 given by a jury
In Douglas county In favor ot Mra,
Johanna M. Anderson, administratrix
ot"tho estato of her deceased husband.
Oarl Anderson who was killed by tho
State University Building.
Ohancollor Samuol Avery has ojv
nouncea mat puma aro nearly com
pleted for a now building at the Stato
university campus at an approximate
cost ot $CO,O0O. Tho building comes
from part of tho fund sot aside by tho
last legislature to be divided botween
tho university proper nnd tho etnto
farm for pcrmanont Improvements,
Seed Laboratory Discontinued.
During tho last three years there
haa beon matutalned through the co
operation of tho United Statea Depart
ment of Agriculture and tho Nobraska
experiment station a branch seed lab
oratory. This laboratory was con
nected .with the department ot agri
cultural botany, tho head ot this de
partment being the collaborator la
chargo ot tho seed laboratory, Tho
etato haying mado provision for tho
continuation of tnls work it has been
doomed best to dlscontlnua tho No
braska soed laboratory.
Announcement by Prof. Avery
State University.
Chancellor Avery ot tho .state uni
versity haB mad6 public ho follow
ing announcement:
"To all members ot the teaching aad
administrative staff:
"By vote of the teachers, the state
teacher' association will bo hold In
Omaha, November 8, 9 and 10. At this
gathering the presence of a largo
number of representatives from tho
.yglterlt.ofl Nebraska will ..beoted
and appreciated.
"Douglas county, In -which Omaha, la
located, pa,ys a relatively large por
tion ot the taxes that support this
institution. It sends us a largo num
ber of excellent students, Three of
our regonts reside there There Is,
therefore, every reason why the uni
versity authorities should desire to
havo tho Institution well represented
at the coming association.
"I would suggest that all professors
and others who can do bo, arrange
their work, through assigning their,
classes to assistants, so aa to bo pres-,
cnt at least part of tho tlmo at the as
sociation. I would requost tho deans
to excuso all university studonts who
wish to attend regularly tho sessions'
of tho association. The deans will, of
course, use discrimination In Issuing
leaves of absoncc.
"Many professors giving work In
the tcachorn' collego may llnd It do
slrablo to adjourn their classes for
tho days covered by the association
meetings. In a word, any suspension
of work In any of tho colleges whlcn
will result In the actual attendance- of.
teachers or students at tho state
teachers' association, will have my
cordial approval.
"I am especially anxious that tho
university should bo well represented
owing to the fact that on account of:
tho postponement for ono day of my'
address at tho semi-centennial ot tho
University of Washington, I Bhnll not
bo able to return for tho last day of
the association, as 1 had hoped to bo
able to do when I accepted the Invita
tion. ,
"Yours very truly,
' Chancellor."
No Warrants at Present.
PondlnK possible action by Samuel
J. Stowart, whoso caso tested the
validity of tho $100,000 appropriation
for the Medical collego at Omaha in
tho district court hero, Auditor Barton
will Isbuo no wnrrants agalnBt that
fund. Stewart s recourse in this caso
Is through an appeal to the-stato su
preme court, and It tho plaintiff do
cldes to follow that proceeding tho
bill yvlll ho held up for somo time.
Omnha attorneys are urging tho,
immediate drawing of wnrrnnts
agalnBt tho aind.
Warden After Hunters.
Chief Deputy Game Warden Miller
Is on a quiet hunt for several men
who shot a deer near Wnhoo and who.
afterward had. tholr pictures taken,
with tho carcaia of tho animal hang
ing from a tree, 'iho warden 1b after
tho men in the hope ot Undine Borne-,
ono on whom to pinco the lino ot from
$100 to $300.
On November 10 a number of postal
banks will bo established In Nebras
State Fire Day.
An Hb hint session the Nebraska
loglslnturo passed a law fixing and de
signating tho first Friday ot Novem
ber each year as a Btato llro day, That
tho milille may bo mado familiar with.
tho provisions of tho measure, Chief
Doputy Flro Commissioner Randall is
sending to tho schools of tho atate
copioH of tho law, tho governor's proc
lamation upon tho subject and n text
book In which are a series of lectures
which teachers are roquesteu to rcau
to tholr liunlls and Instruct them re
lative thereto.
Perkins ReblgnB Hla Peac'e.
Clark E. Perkins, socrotary of the
State Railway commission hIucq Its
organization in 1007, tcudorcd hla re
slgnatlon to tnko effect as soon as
.hla successor can bo obtained, Mr.
Porklns has purchased tho Aurora Re
publican from James Schoonovor and
will conduct It In the future.
Corner Stone Laid.
Tho cornorstono of tho First Church
of Christ, Scientist, has been laid.
Tho structure Is to coat $100,000.
Uiuary plea Set Out.
Lawsuits In which tho detcnBo of
usury Is pleaded ore unusual In this
state, but tho supreme court dovoted
a short tlmo to listening to arguments
In a caso wherein tho bank of North
Bend Is foreclosing In tho court of
Morrill county on tho land owned by
Lowls Thompson, Thompson claims
that tho notes wero rendered usurious
by a clause In the notes, which rolat
ed thnt In caso suit was brought to
collect them tho makor would pay a
reasonable attorney fco.
The Typhoid Situation.
Lincoln health officers mny apply
to tho fedoral government for tho
Borvlccs of a sanitary englneor to In
vestigate tho typhoid fever situation
In tho city.
Union Pacific Appeal.
' Tho Union Paclllo Rnllroad com
pany protested In supremo court
against tho nlllrmatlon by that trlbun
nl of a Judgment for $0,000 obtained
against it In tho .courts ot Douglas
county as damages resulting from tho
tling ot Johu Zltnlk, a trackman, oa
January 10, 1910.
finny put rout
Rebels New Claiming to Occupy Many
Places, With More Soon to Be
San Francisco. Tho main army of
the Chinese government under War
Minister Yin Tchang, said to number
20,000 men, was totally defeated at
Kwang Shul, Hu-Peh province, accord
ing to a cablo by tho Chlnoso Free
Pross of this city. Tho rebelarmy of
16,000, under Li Yueng, It & stated,
captured artillery, baggaca train and
ammunition of the Imperials, who re
treated to Sho Got.
The cablo said that 'the Imperial
forces wero completely routed and
abandoned their supply trntns during
the retreat. The mountain passes at
Kwang Shut, said to be of great
strngetlc valuo, now are said to bo
held by the revolutionists, giving thorn
control of the Hankow-Poking rail
road, over which tho Imperial troops
are being moved.
Governor Sun Po K6e of tho pro
vince of Shang Tung, is reported to
havo narrowly cscancd death yester
day and to be In hiding in Chink Tao.
Revolutionists bumcdi-the governor's
residence at Tsl Nan Fu, according to
cables to the Chlnose Free Press, and
tho majority of tho Imperial troops
went over to. tho revolutionists.
Tho viceroy of Canton, It was said,
had ordered tho suppression ot all
war news In provincial nowspapers
Following la a translation of the
cablo announcing tho imperial defeat
received by, tho Frco Press:
"Shanghai. Big engagements bo
tween revolutionary forces and the
Imperial army. Fifteen thousand
revolutionists attacked General Yin
Tchang'a army In Mountain Pass at
Kwang Sh In the mountain range bo
tween Hu Peh and Honan provinces,
whom Gonoral Yin made his head
quarters. Imperial army rotrcatcd;
groat slaughter: twonty-ono mllos
north. All stores, artillery and ammu
nition of General' Yin loft behind, cap
tured by revolutionists. Great vic
tory for Commander in Chief LI
Yuen Huen, who led rebel army.
Revolutionists control every' mountain
The following was received by the
Young China, a Chinese paper of this
"Shanghai, Oct. 21. Revolutionists
control thirty-six mountain passos. Pe
king In panic."
Italians and Turks Battle., ,
Tripoli. Tho fighting at Bengtiasl
between tho Italians and the Turks
has beon ot tho florcest character.
After an engagement which lasted all
day, October 19, tho Turks returnee:
to tho charge during tho night. They
made n savngo onslaught upon tne
Italian camp, but wero repulsed. In
tho morning tho Italian forces occu
pied tho city.
And They Ask Him to Return tho
Black Hills.
Rapid City, S. D. Presldbht Taft
reached hero Saturday night, an hour
behind schedule time. Ho wa3 en
tertained at dinner nnd made nn ad
dress. Ho was mot by a committee.
of citizens nnd by a delegation of In
dians, Including Chief John Kllls-n-
Hundred, Chief High Hawk, Chlor
Dog Tall, Chief White Bull, Chlor
Black Thunder nnd Chief White Mag
plo from tho Sioux reservation.
Tho prosentcd tho "Great White
Father" with a largo and ornato pipe
of peace.
Tho Sioux chiefs prcsonted a peti
tion to tho president asking for the
rotprn if tho Black Hills to tho Indi
ans. They declared that they novor
intended io give up the land to the
whlto men.
Aviator Ely Burled.
Oxfrod, la. Tho funernl of Eugeno
Ely, tho jivlator who was Killed at
Macon, Ga., Thuroday, was hold from
tho home of hla mother here Sunday.
Tho burial was In tho lodal cemetery
uesldo tho bodies of two Bisters.
Women Must Tell Ages.
Los Angoles, Cnl. In a letter to
Mrs. Clara Shortrldge Foltz, head ot
one ot tho suffrago clubs that con
ducted tho recent campaign, Attorney
General Wobb declared that womon
must tell tholr real ages whon thoy
register to voto.
Oregon Under Own Steam.
Senttlo, Wash. Tho battleship Ore
gon, rebuilt nnd modernized, movea
under Its own steam for tho llrst
tlmo In six years and mnde a trial
Duo to Heart Trouble.
Milwaukee, Wis. That tho death
late, Friday night of Herbert L. Swift,
nged 30, son ot n wealthy Chicago
packer, on a Chicago & Northwostorn
train, was tho result of n weak heart
Is the opinion ot Coroner II. L. Nantn
of Milwaukee.
Bloodhounds After Robbere.
Muskogee, Ok. Bloodhounds wero
sent from hore and put on the trail
of yoggmen who blow tho onto In tno
dopot at Colllnawllle, Ok. Tho rob
bers got but' tour dollars, .
News NotB of Interest from VarloH
Gov. Aldrlch delivered an address
at tho Omaha land show.' "
The mothodlsts of Hnatlngs held a
sunset social at which mnhy old poo
plo were present.
Auburn school bondR aro declared
valid, although the election was bold
on a holiday, ,
The display at the Omaha larnl
ehow was bettor than had been antici
pated and the .attendance thorougabut
was good.
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Of Shelby
celebrated their golden vtddlng. Both
are well along beyond threo score and
At a mass meeting of the citizens
of Beaver City preliminary Mops wera
taken to organize a stock company
and Install an electric lighting system.
At Lincoln, Armolir and company.
pleading guilty to having violated th
pure food law, were fined $50 and
An examination for positions aa
clerk and carrier In tho mall service
at York will be held in the postofllco
November -1.
Fifty por cent of all atnto unlvor-
slty alumni In Furnas county are go
ing to tho Mlchlgan-Nobraska football
gome In Lincoln November 25. '
Mrs. Emma Abbott, of Lincoln,
ploadlng guilty to the chargo of adult
ery, was given sixty dayB In the
county Jail.
Tho lumber sheds and stock of
Charles M. Kearney at Morroll,woro
destroyed by flro. The loss Is almost
total, but tho Bheds will bo rebuilt.
Tho Presbyterian eynod of Nobras
ka will hold Its noxt annual session in
Hastings some tlmo next fall. This
was decided at tho recent session held
at North Platte.
Plans for a now state bank to bo
organized In Lincoln aro still very In-
doflnlto and, according to I. H. Hat
Held almost nothing haB been done
rolatlvo to such organization.
James Stephen of Central City has
received a shipment of twenty-five
highgrade Holstoln cattlo and has in
stalled them on hi3 farm on the col
lego section, as tho noucles for a flno
dairy herd.
Sportsmen aro finding good duck
shooting on tho Little Bluo river.
Hon. W. J. Bryan will spond tho
last week In October in making
speeches In tho Third Nebraska dis
Governor Aldrlch has issued a re
quisition for tho return of Clny Val-
andlngham from. Rochester, N. Y., on
tho charge of stealing a suitcase be
longing to L. D. Macy, from tho Rome
hotel In Omnqa.
J, C. Wunderlich haB just finished
harvesting his fifth crop of alfalfa
this season from a nlno-ncro field
'south of David City. This fifth crop
Is good, and will yield about one
ton to the acre. The other four- crops
havo yielded about ono and a half
tons to tho acre. Tho hay brings $12
on tho market, thus making an in
come for this partlculnr field ot $84
por acre.
Tho railway commission has asked
Attorney General Martin to file suit
against telephone companies thnt
havo failed to file reports required, by
law. Blanks for tho reports woro sent
to the companies June 2G to bo re
turned August 1. Repeated requests
havo been made and finally the com
panies were told to lllo their reportB
by October 10 or stand prosocutlon.
The first homo for aged. Odd Fol
lows, widows and orphans for tho
stato of Nebraska was dedicated at
York. Dedication was conducted un
der tho auspices of tho gand lodgo of
Nobraska nnd was attended by prom
inent members of tho Odd FollewB
from every pnrt of the state. Con
gressman George W. Norrls, past
grand master, delivered the dedication
address- Tho homo Is located on a
ICO-acro tract near the city and cost
A largo dolegatlon of Hastings Odd
Fellows nttended the dedication ot tho
now Odd Follows' homo nt York,
An Increase of 45 per cent over tho
corresponding week of last year Is
shown by Lincoln bank clearings last
week, The figures follow: Friday,
$403,382; Saturday, $389,851; Mondny,
$320,145; Tuesday, $300,850; Wednes
day, $293,000; Thursday, $243,272.
Total, $1,902,502; Last year, $1,877,500.
Tho flag on tho federal building at
Lincoln wnu not lowored to half-mast
during tho funeral of Justlco Harlan
of tho federal supremo court. It waa
said In tho oftlce ot Custodian Bur
gess that tho flag Is never placed at
half-mast unless orders nro received
from Washington, and none woro re
ceived, Tho Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy
Railroad company has had removed
to the federal court tho $10,000 dam
ngo eult rocontiy brought against It
by M, FlanBburg, a Havolock dray
man. Tho latter claimed that tho de
fendant negligently ran. one of Its
switch engines against his wngon,
throwing him to tho ground nnd per
manently, Injuring him,
lhlevoa broke Into tho Howard &
I-urson general? merchandise store at
Kencpnw np.c carried away quite a
quantity of goods, Tho showcase was
rolloved of all tho revolvers and a
quantity ot other goods.
Infnntllo pnrnlysls In children and
Bomo ndults Is showing alarming
prosresa In Otoo county. Eoveral
country schools have closed to fumi
gate nnd tako precautionary steps
against Its Inroads and ono or two
schools In different Otoo county towns
havo adjourned school temporarily to
fumigate tho rooms, tho Talmago
school being one of these.