The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 27, 1911, Image 2

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lu jui uu Hill UL 111 llHIIillHftMs WilM
inn 1 ii wm wmmmmmjmsiM
.win Morri
copYKfGfror rtAtjoft ruo. co.
VERY ton eeconds, somowhcro la
tho world, a baby dloa. A blinking
rod light tnado this statement to
tboso who utterided tho convention
of tho Amoricatl Association for
tbo Study and Prevention of In
rant Mortality nt Baltimore, last
November, in ono' cornor ot tho
room wus an olectrlo light, on
cased In n red bulb. Six times a
minute 7,040 times a day tho
light wont out; nnd, every time
tho light faded from tho bulb,
somowhero-in tho world, tho light
fndod from a mother's eyes. So fast do our chil
dren dlo. ,
Soniotlmos they dlo fastor. They died laster
taiwjtttunjir, If hahlen' kojit diaries, last Bummor
would go down In tho annals of tho survivors
a (ho "black summer of 1010," In tho single
city of Now York, 873 died In a slnglo wook.
Every lltllo poor stroot hnd Ita little white hoarau.
Woruo still, durln gtho. course or tho summer,
8,000 children died that ought to havo lived 5 that
Ih to aay, tlioy dlod from provontablo causes.
Clilldrpn dlo from two kinds of causos; thoso
that are provontablo and thoso that arc not. This
is news. Your grandmother nnd, possibly, your
mother pollovod that ovory child that died could
not -haVe been navod. Everybody thought bo.
Provontablo causos of deaths were not rocogntzed.
It waartakea as a ninttor or courso that womon
should boar twice as many chlldron aa woro re
quired lp mhlntain tho population, bocnuso halt
of thorn woro bound to dlo.
Wo Ktlll lot iiair or tho chlldron dlo, but we
know hotter. Wo Know thoy need not. dlo. Vei
khtw.thBjivfero boru to Uvo. Wo knpw'that
they do uot havo a chanco to llvo. Wo havo oven
exploited Ihu old nuppoaltlon that tho children of
Out ilhyslcally. weak niuHt of nocosslty bo physical
ly weak. Wo now know that tho children of the
HbyntoUly woak aro born almost as strong aa
the child of tho Btrongost.
Every Intelligent physician knows this
statement to bo truo. However, lot
Boirn oiuinont physlclon stand for it
Caleb' W, Salooby, ono of tho most emi
nent (ihyhlclana In England, Is bucIi nn
an authority. Itoad what ho Bays on tho
aubjoct in "Pnronthood and Uuco Oul
turn"; "Most of tho babies born in tho eluma
aro RMlendld little specimens or humanltyBo tar
an phy4ciu is cpncernedT-boarlng no marka or
degeneration to correspond with tho doterloratloa
of Mteir pare'nts, In a word," horedltory works
. , , so that each generation gotu a fresh
lit att&lher part ot Uie same book, Dr. Saleoby
etmnted,,that the ntmbor of children who aro
Iprn, po weak that thoy havo little chanco lor
ilto' diw not fexceed ten por cent.; and) he attrl
biitoH'lho wcnliness of those to tlje efec'ta of nlco- .
liol pn ccrtqln lutpolltn cllncnuou upon ono or
b6th or their parents,
Having now iiomo fundnmont,al facts that moot
with gwioral acccptauco nmong tho enlightened.
Wo may proceed to Book an answer to tho ques
tion, "Why aro children permitted to dlo from
provonlablo cauaoa and what aro thoso prevont-
Hblo CaUdCH?"
Wo need hdt go far, Millions of children that
afo horn strong enough to llvo undor favorablo
clrcuuiRtances nro killed by tholr mothorH. Tho
rent that dlo from provontablo causos nro killed
by tho cammuulty by you and by mo. If wo help
to kcop thluB4 ns thoy aro, und by ovorybody
olso who helps to koop thlngo no thoy aro.
Wo wlli UrsV consider tho mothers who kill
tNfcrr, qhUdrpH, Every mother kltlu or tonds to
h) hor children .who docs not take tho troublo
to Inform hornolf concerning tho proper methods
of cluMd rearing. It is not that such mothora
aro lasy. It n not that thoy aro lnUlfforont to
their children's wnlfaro, Thoy aro Blmply ig
norant ftomo of thorn are Btoepod in Ignorance.
Some of them are half-stcoped. Hut thoy aro all
Ignorant, They don't know that nine, by carrying
lho goniiH of disease, kill more chlldron than all
the elephants, tigers, lluuu, automobiles and street
earn In tho world. Therefore, flies are considered
mere inconvenienced. Thoy are regardod as un
ornaments) In the soup, but aa not detrimental to
tho health, They swarm In tho kitchen, the
.pantry and the dining room, painstakingly deposit
ing (heir filth upon every particle or food that tho
amly; including th6 children, eat Some ot this
fllth la not deadly; soma ot It is, Uut no such
ignorant mother ever connects In hor mind tho
going of Iter baby with tho coming of tho tiles,
Nor doen any such Ignorant mother havo any
conception o( tlip .euro with which sbo should
feed, not only hor baby, but hor hair-grown chil
dren. If sho doesn't nurse hor baby' sho doesn't
realize that any milk sho Is likely to llnd ror
Kalo Is moro llkoly to bo poison than food, Nor,
docH fllio realize that such milk will bo proclsoly
rj4 iHilHououH for hor buby after It 'baa boon
wonnod Such mothora usually buy tholr milk
from Jhj nearest grocory store Tho uumbor or
bacteria la milk, when It oxecods 500,000 to tho
cu)lc ccnUiucJqr .tnnkoa . Ihu milk unlit, for uso.
Vet, sowt?nnBlyflo of Now York store milk, tho
other day. howc1 bacteria as high ns U8.000.000.
What wonder that Qvory Bummer Is a "black sum
mer" for the babloq of Now York's poorT
In many other wnyn. (he ignorant mother kills
tier chlldron with (ho food she glvoa thorn. Many
a baby Mix months old In nibbling crackors.
kananaR, and plcklos. whllo putting In tho rest or
Its-tlmo at u "nil-day snckor" or n stick of candy.
MPllWH, who want tholr-.clifldrou to llvo, should
Itiw'tHaV Vho :prcmaturb giving or any Ulud or
polld food to A baby Ib exceedingly dangerous;
that after n child Is weaned it should bo given
solid food only lu accordance with tho Instruc
tions of an Intelligent physician; that moat and
fruit .ecopt, orange Julco) are like o raucji
poison, ovon If they do uot produce death as
quickly hb Btryctinlno would; nnd that nil during
childhood, thu food should bo simple, with coroals,
milk nnd vegetables a a basis and a tittle moat
not oflcnor tlmn onco a wook.
Put, na a chlld-klllor, tho community exceeds
lu dcBtructtveuoss ovon tho Ignorant mother, lly
this Ih meant that tho community maintains con
ditio 11 a that HomotUuoa prevent ovon lutolltgont
jmrKona from taking proper caro of their children.
Tho. community maintains conditions that create
lioverty and alums, The community oven main-
iT 1 mil a u ui. mm ma. mmmmwmiuasM
tains conditions that foetor Ignoranco, What
chance has tho poor mother anywhere In this
country to Inform hcruoir with regard to tho rear
ing of children? What chance hnn tho poor mothor
in Now Yqrk? Sho hUH no money with which
to pay a physician for consultation, lo sho wont
to a physician paid by tho city, sho would hardly
know whnt to do with hor chlldron while sho
was away. Sho might loavo them nt a day nursery,
it is truo; but did you over think how many moro
day nurseries and how many moro city physicians
wo should hnvo to havo lr every mothor who
needs to know how to rear her children woro to
adopt this plan? Wo should havo to havo thou
sands nnd tons ot thousands moro or oach. And,
if tho community woro Intelligent enough to de
mand such conveniences, It would bo Intolllgont
enough not to need most ot thorn. Thorotoro,
wo who know enough not to neod thorn aro re
eponslblo tor the slaughter of tho chlldron of
thoso who won't. And, Is not that a pleasant
thought? ,
How Can Intelligence prevail against tho negloct
of communities to koop their wator suppllos pure?
Almost ovory city claims to havo puro wator.
Almost ovory city Is n Unr. So long as wo havo
typhoid fovor, wo Bhnll know that wo have uot
puro wntor. Tho water supply of noarly ovory
city is bad part or tho year. Ono city drinks
the aowago ot another, Tho contamination could
be prevented, ot courso, but it isn't. Dotrott, tor
Instance will havo anothor outbreak of typhoid
foyer next fall. Scores, If not hundreds will dlo,
and, tho following autumn, tboro will bo another
outbreak Careful parents, of courso, can glvo
their chlldron only boiled water to drink nt home,
but thoy cannot bo suro what tholr children
drink at school. Thoy can only hopo tor tho best
and bo thankful it thoy get It.
Tho moat deadly dlsoaso that throatons chll
dron this summer Is Infantile paralysis. In Juno,
roporta enmo from tho south that tho dtaonso had
broken out in several wldoly soparatod places.
Dr. Simon Floxnor, director of tho Rockefeller
lustltuto for Medical Research, saya It does not
follow that tho dlsoaBo will again bo opldomlo in
tbo cast and the mlddlo west, but ho cautions
physicians and parents to bo on tho look-out.
Infanttbp paralysis Is caused by a living organ
ism so small that It rendlly passes through a
gorm-illtor ot tho finest porcelain. It la believed
that this gorm outers and U&.1h lodgment In tho
nose, and that chlldron wIiobo nosos uro not clean
aro most llkoly to bocomo Infected.
Prom experiments made upon monkeys at
Rockefeller lustltuto. It Is known that tho average
period of Incubation is a little loss than ton days;
that Is to say, definite symptoms of the dlsonso
npponr ton days atter tho gorm enters tho sys
torn, though Illness has Bomotlmos followed tin
four days,
Tho first symptoms of tho dlsoaso appear to
vary somewhat with tho Individual. Also, no
Individual has all or tho symptoms. Restlessness
and Irritability somotlmcs mark tho approach.
At other times there la apathy, Also thoro may
bo a low fovor for a tow days.
Dr. William Palmer Lucas or the Harvard 'Medi
cal School, who Is ono of the loading Invostigators
of tho dlsoaso, offora this gonornl advlco:
"Headache, gonornl or frontal, Is not infrequent
ly mot with In children old enough to locnto tho
pain, and this is often accompanied with rigidity
ot tho nock, If with any ot these nervous mani
festations, thoro should bo troublo In tho uppor
ulr passages, suoh ns bronchitis or uoro throat, bub
ptclon. Bhould bo aroused,"
Dut oven It tbo dwlscaso, early In Us progress,
bo correctly diagnosed, tho boBt physician cannot
stop It. Ltko scarlet fever, moaBlos and all other
gorm diseases, this ailment must run Its courso.
A physician can only put tho patlont In a condi
tion to weathor tho storm as well as possible.
Ilut whllo llttlo can bo dono after the disease
has dovclopod, careful parontu can do much to
provont tholr children from taking tho malady.
Tho children's nosea can bo kopt clean. Dr. Flox
nor regards this as most Important Also, certain
disinfectants, tlt used as a mouth and noso wasn
during tho summer dangor period, nro effective.
A ono por cent, solution of" hydrogen peroxide will
kill tho germ or lnfnntllo parulyol3. So will
plain menthol. Each of thoso Btntomonta is mado
upon tho authority of Dr. Floxnor.
Yot the germ that 'causes lnfatnllo paralysis to
more virulent than tho germ or rabies. Dr. Flox
nor discovered that tho paralysis gorm could not
ovon bo wenkend by drying it for weeks over
caustic potash, nor by hooping it frozon ror wooko.
Dut hydrogen poroxldo and monthol kill It
Dr. Floxnor lo now nnd hnB boon tor some tlmo
conducting oxperlmentB to learn whether lllos
carry tho gorma nnd spread tho dlsoaso. Ho has
already definitely learned that llles do carry the
germs, but ha has not demonstrated that tho
germs, when cnrrlod, got Into tho system and
prnduco tho disease.
lnfnntllo paralysis enrao to this country trom ,
Scandinavia. Prior to 1907 it had aoldora occurred
here. Slnco then It has boon epidemic from the
Atlantic to tho Pacific Now York' and Boston,
where so mnny Immigrants gather, havo suffered
most, Minnesota, to which so many Scandinavians
romovo, comos next Tho disease flourishes dur
ing hot, dry summers, It Is Bort of a slater
disease ot cerebrospinal meningitis and, years
ugo, wns probably otten mistaken tor that disease
A conspicuous point ot dlfforcnco 1b that tho for
mer malady comes in Into winter or early spring,
whllo lnfnntllo paralysis cornea In summer, ln
fnntllo paralysis Is most llkoly to attack children
loss than tour years old, though adults aro not
Immune Uut ono attack most likely makes tho
subject lmtnuno for IRo. Dr. Flexncr'a experi
ments upon monkoys indicate as much.
Uut, harking bnck to tho causos ot provontablo
deaths ot chlldron, this much moro may bo said:
Mothers are too prone to buy mcdlclno from doc
tors and not enough glvon to buying information
from them. Mothers who do not know how to
caro for their children should not wait until a
child Is sick and then call tho doctor to doso tho
child. They should call tho doctor when tho
child, is well, nnd pay him his regulation fco for
sitting down half an hour and Instructing them
with regard to tho caro ot tho child. Most mothora
need information moro than their chlldron need
mcdlclno. Doctors, whon called, often glvo harm
less mcdlcino, when nono Is needed, simply bo
causQtho pubila feels that It must baVo something
for Its money. Tho public Jb not wlso enough
to know that it can spend Its money In no bettor
way tlmn to buy cortaln" Information that tendB
toward tho maintenance of health. Diarrhea, ror
instance. whlchMtlllB more babies, perhaps, than
any other stnglo cnuso, Is solely a disturbance
ot tho digestive tract duo to wrong feeding. Milk
containing thlrty-aoven million bacteria to tho
cubic centltuotor or oven n million will cause It
Cow'a milk not properly modltled Is cortaln to
upset tho stomachs ot infants, A halt-hour with
a good physician will onablo a mother to got In
formation that may provent hor child from Blckon
Ing and dying,
in tho meantime, tho responsibility for tbo
nvoldnblo deaths ot children must largely rest
with tho fow who, knowing how to take caro ot
tholr own, do not, tor ono reason or another, take
offoc'ttvo moasures to pass on this knowledge to
others. A few mon control every government
national, state and municipal. Tboso men, tr thoy
wanted' to, could compel govorument to dlssoml
nnto tbo vast amount ot Information concerning
tho prevention of Intnnt mortality. Franco moved
whon hor blrth-rnto becarao fo low that sho hod
to movo. When children bocomo scarco, govern
ments are somotimoa as carotul ot their hoalth as
thoy aro at other times of the health ot hogs,
William B. Curtis, who recently
droppod dead from apoplexy In n Phil
adelphia hotel, wan ono of tho best
known and most popular Journalists
of tho present day, nnd his death
camo ns a shock to his host of friends.
William Elroy CurtlB was born at
Akron, O., November G, 1850, and was
graduated from Western Iloservo col
logo in 1871. On Dccombor 24, 1871,
ho married Cora Kepler at Erie, Pa.,
at that tlmo and until 1887 being on
tho staff ot the Chicago Inter Ocoan.
In 1887 ho wont to Washington aB cor
respondent of tho Chicago Record, and
remained with that paper In ouch a
connection until 1901, whon the union
of tho Record and tho Herald created
a now nowopapor. Mr. Curtis was re
tained by tho combined papers, how
ever, and was sorvlng as correspond
ent for tho Rocord-Horald at tho time
of his death.
During tho years 188& and 1890 Mr.
s..Im nnm'Ail nt annMnI nntTl m ! Rninn AT
lUi tin Dl !U lW wft'VW.i.a ww
from tho United Statea to the South American republics and acted as execu
tive offlcor nt tho International American conference of that year. Ho was;
director of tho bureau of American republics from 1890 until 1893; and was:
historical secretary and chief of tho Latin-American department of tho Cc-.
lumblon Exposition from 1891 to 1893. In 1892 lo wns special commissioner ot
tho Columbian exposition at Madrid and special envoy to the Queen Regent or,
Spain and Popo Leo Mil. in 1892.
He was the author ot numerous books and historical pamphlets, a mem
ber of all tho historical societies of this country and of a number of Euro
pean societies. ,
Though hor fortune and great beau
ty call forth persistency on the part
of hor mnny titled suitors, Mrs. Wil
liam D. Lqeds boa turned them all
a'way nnd will come back to America
to live. Sho la tho youthful widow of
tho "Tin Plate King," former presi
dent of tho Rock Island system, a
woman whom Tollu, the Fronah artlBt,
enthusiastically testified had 98 ot the
100 points that denote physical perfec
tion. Sho has had a successful social
season in London , and sovornl offers
,of marriage, among thom bolng ono
from Prlnco Murat, but alio wishes to
return unfettered to Amorica that sho
,may attend to tho education of her
; Mrs. Leeds wants her eight-year-old
on, William Dateman Leeds, to bo
lirougbt up undor tboso conditions that
best tend to promote good American
'citizenship. Moro particularly she
wants him taught how to conserve
and manage tho $25,000,000 cstnto left
him by his father, wjio died at tho Ititz hotel In Farl9,Jjmo 23, 1908. - "i
Among thoso who danced attendance on tho chnrnilng 'widow woro Prlnco, '
Murat, the Prlnco do Fauclgny-Luvlnge, Lord Falconer, heir to tho .Earl, or
Klntoro; Lord Alexander Thynno, uncle of tho Marquis of Bath, and Sir
Abe Bailey, tho South African millionaire.
Ono by ono Mrs. Leeds, with every nBsuranco of hor high o3tocm. dis
missed them. Baying she preferred to remain slnglo becauoo of hor small
con, Until only Prlnco Murat remained. He is 39 yenrs old. A grandson ot
that Luclon Murat. third Prlnco or Nnplen and Ponte Corvo, who married a
Miss Fraser ot Baltimore, tho prlnco has American blood In his veins. Ho
provod for Mrs. Leeds far from easy to discourage.
Ocorgo E. Roberto, dlroctor of tho
mint, who has recently returned to;
Washington from n trip through tho
wost, predicts that tbo cost ot living1
will advance 1
Hn nnvn thnt wlilln nirlriitf nrnl Aa-
vclopmont will bo noted, ho docs not'
expect It to koop paco with tho in-'
crcaso In population. Farm rentals nref
advancing, he finds, becauso many
farmers nro bolng forced back to till-'
ing of tho coll. Tho consumers must'
realize, ho aaya, that tho day of cheap;
frco land has passed, and with an ad-i
vanco in tho cost of everything enter-,
'ing tbo production of foodstuffs theret
must be an Increase lu prices to the,
Mr. Roborts points to tho fnct thaf
tho, census allows tho population or,
tho country Increased 21 per cent be
tween 1900 and 1910, whllo tho farm'
land area Increased only 4.2 por cent.,;
and says It means higher living cost'
"Tho fact Is." said Mr. Roberts, "that!
a largo part of tho natural gains or Industrial progress nro bolng offset by tho,
.Increasing coal of food and raw matorlals, und the principal factor In this1
'ts the complete occupation of tho country.
1 ilOrO IB aClUaliy 1UU IU UIVIUU LUUU w.u.u uwu w ww, ..utu in luia-.
Itve scarcity and we have been bo Important a factor In world production that!
all tho world ls affected."
Mr. RobertB says there aro symptoms or n struggio ror lanu, wmcn meanff
higher values. The only remedy for tho existing situation is a study ot tho
lawB and resourceo of nature and a higher efficiency In- nil llnea of production..
F. A. Carl of New York was appoint
ed by President Taft to roprosont tho
"United StnteB In tho conforenco cnllod
nt Tho Ilaguo to consldor ways and
means tor tho restriction of tho trat
flo In opium. Tho groatost ovll In
China today Is tho opium curso. .Tho
government is laboring hard to com
bat It. and to n certain oxtont has
succeeded. But tho ovll In China la
HttU pronounced und for several yearu
past It has been nproadlng over other
countries, among Jho tho United
To restrict this evil an international
conforenco was called at tho capital
of Holland in which the representa
tives ot tbo vorloua world powers par
ticipated. Tho reprcscntutlvo ot tho
JVmorlcnn govornmont waa present
with tho others.
Whllo opium Is a usofui medicine,
UBcd under a doctor's prescription, It
la n dangerous agent when other-
niln a nmnlnvnil T lino n rrr tmninn
wrecks to ita credit that any of tho great diseases against which sclenco
sow directing its energies.