The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 24, 1911, Image 1

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    imiim 1n f
No. 72.
v - . i ii i - ii T ii-ii inn i. i i amm i i i in i mmmmmm i mm m
Breakfast is the most important meal of your life,
for on it depends the enjoyment of each day and the
bodily and mental condition you take to your work.
A good breakfast requires Good Groceries cereals,
eggs, bacon, coffee and other enjoyable parts of a
satisfying meal. But see that they are good. Un
satisfactory food brings dyspepsia, sour temper and
a disagreeable day.
Be sure of your day. Use our groceries the kind that
is eaten by the best business men and women in this
town. The prices are as pleasing as the quality
Rush Mercantile Company.
Sheriff Miltonberger transacted busi
ness in Brady Saturday.
Judge Grimes went to Gandy this
morning to hold a term of district court
Word was received in town Sunday
of the death of Mrs. L. E. Diddle, "at
Mrs. D. W. Besack will entertain the
Methodist Aid society Thursday after
noon. Miss Erma Homo returned last even
ing from Omaha where she visited
Mrfl. W. R. Kesler.
Mrs. M. Keith Novilllo entertained a
number of lady friends at bridge Sat
urday afternoon.
Tho B. ofM. H. will hold a Hnllow'een
party at tho homo of Miss Grace Hol
combo October 30th.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Rasmussen had as
their guest Sunday Mr. Rasmussen's
parents, of Denmark, Neb.
Miss Edna McGee, of Brady, went
homo Saturday evening after spending
a few days with Mrs. P. A. Norton.
Mrs. A. G. Abbott, of the Viavi Co.,
of Omaha, is the guest of Mrs. E. R.
Plummer this week, having arrived
lr. and Mrs. C. C. Porter, of Hol
drege, arrived Sunday and arc guests
of tho former's brother Harry Porter
and wife.
Mrs. Stannard, of Omaha, arrived
Sunday and will visit her parents Mr.
and" Mrs. Fremont Watts for somo
The number of depositors in the
postal savings has reached one hundred
and tho amount on deposit is now
Ed Worland, formerly of tho local
barber shops but late of Grand Island,
loft last niirht for Choyenno after
spending a few days hero.
Attorney Wm. E. Shuman is expected
homo tonight from Omaha and Chicago
whero he spent sevoral days on business
and pleasure.
Hale Kinsey, of Sheldon, la.,, who
was charged with stealing a horse bo
longing to A. M. Locke six weeks ago,
appeared in tho county court yesterday
and tho case continued until district
court convenes.
John R. Walsh, former banker, pub
lisher and railroad ownor, who was re
leased nine days ago from tho Leavan
worth federal prison, died at his homo
in Chicago yesterday of heart diseaso
at tho age of seventy-four.
During tho wedding ceremony at tho
Thomas residonco last evening, mis
chievous boys entered the roar porch
and carried olf tho ico cream. It was
qulto a treat for tho boys but a little
embarrassing for tho family.
Mrs. Warren Kelly loft yesterday
morning for Omaha, to spend a week.
f The. J..,D,,QIubvlll bo entertained
tomorrow' 'evening , by Miss Edith
H.'-.C. Hcchtyono of the w.ell knpwn
residents of Wallace, ' is transacting
business in town today.
Tho Puzzle Club will hold tho first of
their series of parties at the Holcombo
home on Hallow'een.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Anderson wont
to Kearney yesterday afternoon whore
tho latter will spend two months.
Mr. and Mrs. W T. Wilcox went to
Gandy this morning to attend tho
funeral of the lata E; R. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Carter, of
Lincoln, arrived Sunday and will visit
relatives and friends for throe weeks.
Mrs. M. J. Newman, formerly of this
city, but later of Julcsburg, has gone
to Portland, Ore., to spend tho winter.
Dr. E. P. Stewart, of the state
veterinary board, spent tho week end
in town and left fot Fremont Saturday
Ed Goodman returned Saturday night
from a week's trip in the eastern part
of tho county adjusting insurance
Wild duck hunting is pronounced bet
ter this fall than for several years.
Hunters frequently bring in tho limit
as the result oLa day'a shooting.
The case of tho state of Nebraska
against Cocil O'Hare, Lena Scott and
others, which was to havo been heard
in the county court yestarday, was con
tinued until Nov. 20th.
Rev. J.W. Hill, of Kearney, formor
Presbyterian pastor at Gandy, came up
yesterday and went over to Garidy last
evening to conduct tho funeral service
pf tho lato E. R. Smith.
J. C. Adams, who had been hero for
a week auditing tho books of the water
work's company, completed tho work,
Ok'd the books of Supt Cunningham
and left for Pittsburgh Sunday.
E. 0. Halverstcdt, who sold his
studio to Geo. Anderson last spring,
has again become tho owner of tho
business. Ho will however, continue
to reside in Gothenburg until spring.
Garnishment proceedings seem to be
popular judging from the number
which have been filed in Justice Sulli
van's court tho' past few days. It re
quires some men a lifetimo to learn
that ono of the best assets a man can
have is a good financial credit with tho
men with whom ho deals. ,
Press dispatches nnnounce that tho
connecting link between Thermopolis
and Shoshoni on tho Burlington system
will bo completed at onco. It is gener
ally ugrccd that when that connection
of sixty-six miles is made work will bo
started on the lino up the North Platto
Butlor Buchanan is on tho sick list
this week.
Frank Stuart, of Ogalnlla, spent Sun
day with his parents.
Miss Forn Garrison
with friends in Pnxton.
spent Sunday
Will Gary, of Omaha, is a visitor nt
tho Whclan homo today.
James Jensen and "Rosio" Meyers
nutocd to Farnum Sundny,
Miss Lena Sensill, of Garfield, camo
over yesterday to visit friends this
1 week.
M. E. Boardman has returned from
jClarks, Neb., whero ho spent ton days
on business.
Tho Episcopal Guild will meet with
Mrs. W, H. C. Woodhurst Thursday
Mrs. McCulton, of Havcrlock, wont
homo yesterday after spending a week
with hor mother.
Fred Barret, lato of Trainmaster
Smith's officp, left the last of tho week
for western points.
Harry Barraclough was reinstated as
brakeman yosto.rday and made his first
trip last night
Misses Daisy and Maymo McMlchncl
will giyo a Hallow'een party Monday
evening, Oct 30th.
Lawrence Monahan returned to
Lisco yesterday after a short visit at
tho Scott home.
E. H. Marshall, of Monticollo, Iowa,
spent Saturday and Sunday with
friends in town.
Miss Emma Parsons, of tho P. & S.
nospital, loft Sunday for Valley to
spont two week with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pizor returned
Sunday from Hastings, where thoy at
tended tho wedding of their ncphow.
F. E. Bullnrd returned yesterday
from Kearney, whore ho attended tho
funeral of tho lato Mrs. Henry Gibbon.
Mrs. Chas. Weir and Mrs. J. F.
Claubaugh will entertain tho Hnrmony
Club Friday-ttvening nt tho homo of
Mrs. Weir.
Good iriilkjcows wanted tPhono 26,i
Ed Dickey -camo up from Kearney
Saturday night to pack his household
gsods preparatory to moving to that
city. '
Mrs. Geo! B. Dent entertained a few
friends at dinnor last evening in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sawvor of
Mrs. Geo. T. Field and Mrs. W. M.
Cunningham will entertain tho Birthday
Club Friday afternoon at tho homo of
tho former.
Mrs. Bickley, of Gandy, who camo
over yesterday to attend tho wedding
of her son, will spend a few days with
friends this week.
Tho caso of tho state of Nebraska vb
tho Smith Bros., which camo up before
Judge Grant yesterday, was continued
until tomorrow.
Thiovcs entered tho . chicken houso
ii Claudo Welngnnd's yard Sunday
evening and carried away twenty-ono
of his choicest fowls.
Mrs. Geo. Harvoy and children re
turned to Sidney last night after spend
ing several days with Mr. Harvey, who
is employed hero.
miorncys iveeio ana uvnns accom
A 1 A T f . -
panied Keith Novillo to Gothenburg
baturday where tho former roforccd
the foot ball game.
Morrltt Sheedy loft yesterday for
Choyenno in company with Jack Con
voy of Wood River. Thoy aro making
tho trip in tho Jntter's car.
A WATCH i3 a delicate piece
of machinery. It calls for
less attention than most
inachipcry, but must be cleaned
and oiled occasionally to keep
perfect time.
With proper care a Waltham
Watch will keep perfect time
lor a lifetime. It will pay you
well to let us clean your watch
every 12 or j8 months.
DIXON, The Jeweler.
A Big Feature.
Tho Union Pacific strikers, who havo
charge of tho Keith Thcatro this week,
opened last evening with n splendid
vaudeville feature, which will bo pre
sented again this evening and tomorrow
evening and Is worthy your attendance.
For this big feature tho prices remnln
the somo-tcn and fifteen cents.
A Splendid Concert
Nearly ono hundred Elks accompanied
by their ladies, wero present at the
concert givon nt tho homo last evening
by tho HnllowoU Concert Co. There
aro hino in this organization, each ono
an artist, and each number on tho pro
gram was heartily npplauded.
Following tho program tho company
furnished tho music for n danco which
was continued until ono o'clock,
Tine te Gel Busy.
When tho arrearages of delinquent
subscribers to Tho Tribuno aggrcgato
$3,000, the publisher concludes it is
time to got busy, henco tho call of tho
collector and tho mailing of statomonts.
It is a clean up that Tho Tribune
makes about onco in five years; thoso
who pay are continued on tho list; thoso
wo do not aro cut off. Simply a matter
Qf cash or no Tribuno.
Prefeuiosal Billard Players.
North Platto lovers of tho cuo and
ball will have a treat at tho Green
billiard hall Thursday evening when
C. W. Dcmarest, an ex-chamnlon 6f
the world, and young Jake Shaofer will
givo exhibition games. Young Shaofer,
who isja son of the formerchampion, is
a; marvelous player, and his work on
the tablo will be intensoly interesting
to all lovers of the game.
We loan money on real estate
cither oat of our Buildinc and Loan
payable monthly or on three to five
years' thse.
We write fire insurance in best com-
pasicd on earth at lowest rates.
We rent bouses, furnished or un
We care for nrouertv of non-resi
We- rent . safe deposit boxes and
storage rotn. "rati & Goodman:
4 North Platte Wins 26 to 5.
North Platto high school foot ball
team defeated Gothenburg high school
team at Gothenburg Saturday by a
score of 20 to 5. The features of tho
game wero tho seventy vard inns of
Norris, Ryan and Lincoln for downs.
Norris scored threo of tho flvo downs
for North Platto with Ryan nnd Lin
coin getting ono each. Gothenburg
scored their only down on a bungled
piny bv' North Platto which gave Goth
enburg tho ball which they forced ovor
the line by straight line plunges.
A largo crowd went down from North
to see the game. Several nutoa went
down with enthusiastic girl rooters.
Labor Leader Speaks.
Frank Paquin, first vico-presidont of
tho Brothurhood of Railroad Carmen,
visited tho local lodge Sunday and in
tho afternoon delivered an address at
the Keith theatro to a fair sized
Mr. Paquin is a ready speaker, a
logical reasoner and gave a most inter
esting address. His Bubject was "The
Aims and Objects of tho Federation,"
(tho federation of Bhop crafts) and ho
went into " tho details of his subject,
Ho said, cightcon roads had made con
tracts with tho federation, and that tho
contracts havo proven satisfactory to
both parties concerned. Tho federation
was not therefore an untried experi
ment i.t had been tested, and the tnst
had proven satisfactory. Mr. Paquin's
plea to tho men was: keep away from
tho saloons, don't become intoxicated,
don't do anything rash nor got your
gray matter confused with your fists.
Married Laxt Evening.
Miss Sadie Louiso Thomas and Will
Jones Bickley wero married last even
ing at tho homo of tho bridoin this city,
tho ceremony being pronounced by Rov.
Geo. F. Williams in tho presence of
about thirty invited guests. Tho rooms
wero decorated with cut flowers and
potted plants, and tho wedding march
was rendered by Mrs. OraDeford. Tho
bride-was becomingly gowned In white
baptisto, and following the ceremony
congralutationa wero extended and
refreshments served.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W, J. Thomas, who wero among
tho earliest settlers of this section, and
for a number of years past she had
been omployed as a teacher In tho rural
schools, Mr. Bickley is n progressive
farmer living in Myrtle precinct. Mr.
and Mrs. Bickloy will go to Myrtle to
morrow to establish their home, nnd
tho best wishes of all acquaintances
will follow them.
Mrs. E. R. Plummer loft for Ogalalla
today to remain until Friday.
Jnko Richards, of Denver, .spent yes
torday in town while enrouto to
Heating stoves at near cost Until
Nov. 1st at Hershoy's. Cth and Locust
Rov. Favoright went to Lexington
this morning to spend a few days on
church work,
Joo Fillion, Jr., returned Saturday
night from a short business visit in
Wanted Girl for general house work.
Apply to Mrs. John Bratt 412 West4th
Nonl Turplo and John Holcombo
went to Omnhn last night on' business
for n few days.
Miss Cleda Rnynor entertained a few
friends very pleasantly Saturday in
honor of her birthday. Refreshments
wore served.
Word was received In town this
morning of tho doatli of W. T. Brown
at Green River. The remains will be
brought here for intcrrmcnt.
Tho Fisher Sclilpp Concert Co., which
was billed for last Friday evening, could
not fill dnto tho on account of tho Ill
ness of tholeading lady. The company
however, is expected to roach nero
Friday evening of this woog.
mmmmmmmmtm. mmwnT
LnmnmLV LnWr Lb
mMmV r
Stewart lb Mercer,
Comedy Acrobats and Redman Ring;
Artists at the Keith Theatre
To-Night and Wednesday,
"For Her Brothers' Sake," "A Bashful Son", "A
Pair of Pants." , Change of Pictures Wednesday
The thing- of Importance in every bus
iness venture is Strong Bank connection.
The Platte Valley State Bank offers
you its services and- conveniences for the
safe and prompt transaction of your finan
cial business.
It is managed by men of wide business
experience who are devoting1 their entire
time and attention to the affairs and re
quirements of customers.
All business entrusted to its care is
attended to with promptness and dispatch.
Your account will be welcomed.
Si Platte
Mrs. Boyer, mother of Will and
Frank Boyor, is critically ill. Mrs.
Boyor !b ono of tho earliest settlers in
Lincoln county, having resided first at
old Fort McPhorson nearly fifty years
If ysnr idle money is t earning
7 tet 8 per cent in geod safe, first
mortgage loans, see Bratt & GoWman.
They have loaned ohI ever $906,000
and never lest ft delhtr. Try them.
Tho Hnllow'een party of tho Phila
thoa club will bo held at the church par
lors Thursday evening of this week in
stead of Friday evening. This chango
has been made by reason of tho Lyceum
concert occuring on Friday ovening.
By virtue of an Ordor of Sale issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decreo of
foreclosure rendered in said Court
wherein Georgo T. Field is plaintiff
and John Shaffer et nl aro defendants,
and to mo directed, I will on tho 2nd
day of December, 1011, at ono o'clock
p. m., at tho east front door of tho
court house in North Platto, Lincoln
County, Nebrnskn, noil nt public auc
tion to tho highest bidder for cash, to
satisfy said decree, interests and costs,
tho following dcscrlbod property,
1 Lot eight (8) block six (C) Poniston
Addlticn to tho city of North Platto,
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Dated North Platto, Nob., Octv 21st,
I. L. Miltonberger, Sheriff.
. A ' t
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