Wy" "J mi m1 TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NpB., OCTOBER 20, 191 1, No. 71V 1 I TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS g 0. E. S. Kensington will meet at Masonic hall Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Lena Salisbury loft this morn ing for Paxton to visit her daughter, Mrs. Hoyt Hart Mrs. Steve Baldwin has returned from a two weeks visit In Davenport, la., and Chicago. Mrs. Harry Dixon and Mrs. E. J. Vandorhoof havo issued invitations for card parties at the home of the former on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons of next week. For Sale A Bcckwith Cabinet Grand Piano cheap-$80.00 cash if sold at onqe. 202 South Locust St. Gltf Frank Carr, arrested on tho charge of bastardy, with Mrs. McGuiro, living southeast of town as tho compluinlng witness, had a hearing in Justice Sul livans court Wednesday and tho case continued. Mrs. Nettie HarrinEton. who has been visiting North Platto friends, will leave Sunday for her homo in Stockton. Cal. Mrs. Harrington lived in North Platto prior to 1900. Miss Opal Deoring, of Grand Island, will bo married next week to Dr. Wm. F. Dugan, of that city. Miss Deering is well known hero, having frequently visited her sister Mrs. Thomas Green. Mrs. W. F. Leon entertained twelve ladies yesterday afternoon in favor of her mother, Mrs. Taylor, of Council Bluffs, who leaves for homo today after visiting hor daughter for a month. Tho flrst number of tho Lyceum course Will bo given at the Keith theatre this evening, the attraction being tho Fishor Shipp Concert Co, The company is said to be a most ex cellent ono. Tho county commissioners will meet in session next Tuesday and, further consider the application for tho- iorma tion of the Platto Valley irrigation dis trict. The state engineers went over E. W. Mann left today for Cozad on business. C. 0. Weingand rotUrncd last night from a business trip to Omaha. Ms. Cornott loft this morning for Sutherland to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ackormnn left last night for Lincoln to spend a week. Don Scroggin, of Lincoln, III., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Verno Mann this week. K. L. Graves, of Kansas City, has boon visiting friends for a day or two while enrouto to Denver. Patrick Maloney loft yostorday for Albibn after visiting his brother Wil liam Maloney, Sr., for several days. For RentTwo nice furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 720 W- 2nd St. Mrs. Lester Walker Will entertain n number of ladles tomorrow afternoon in honor of Mrs. Richmond Birge. Mesdames Amelda Smith and C. M. Cox, of Chappcll, returned homo today after spending a few days in town. Tho Philathca Girla will glvo a Hallow'een party n&xt Friday evening in the parlors of tho Presbyterian church. Elsie Brown, of Hershoy, suffered a fracturo of tho collar bone this week while playing baskot ball in tho school yard. A. O. Kocken and John Evans re turned this morning from Lincoln whore they attended tho I. 0. 0. F. convention. Mrs. J. E. Sebastian and baby, of Chappoll, who havo been in town for several days visiting Mr. Sebastian, left this morning. Christian Science Society Sunday 11:00 A. M. Subject "Probation After Death." Sunday school 12:00 M. K. P.hall, Dewey St Mr. and Mrs. F. H. tained a dozen friends evening in favor of Frederick Warren. The Catholic ladies will havo on sale at Howe & Maloney's tomorrow LIbcoIh Cessty Whm Prizes. Nwlh Platte Snutae Branch Ne, 1. I i -1 Jt. Af ihn ,W fni-mln rnniirm hold at greni ucni oi goou cncer worx IMS n,o.,i e,t- m. ,...t nf u),im. been done during tho year 1911. Our VfVflVinuYi kJI't.UKO Vino t.v ,...vi ..... I i many samples of farm product were w Kivo to, 4,10 serving edy . ,'nr.nln ,ilnt.v- tnnt thran Where the Call Seems to 1)0 tllO . premiums. Thcso were: First premium f8- Vegetables,, fruit, jelly and on four varieties of apples, first Preserves Passed on to needy ones. Mmtnm nn Knot thn omrnr !, nml Post cards sent, sunny letters Written: second premium on host display of al- wlng Wfttr passed on, several palra passed ont furniture, etc. Flowors sont to the sick and shut-ins, picture I books to several sick children. Con tributions, Mrs. J. E. Evans, ladies' nice coat muff, pretty hat; Mrs. Jos. Murphy, several packages of clothing, hat' Mrs. Syl Friend, books, clothing, quilt pieces, and 'soveral pieces of fur falfa and mlllots Lincoln county was represented n(j the congress by Harry P. Stevens, who, lives Bouth of Maxwell, and while it is not stated, it is believed that the pro ducts on which premiums wero glvon woro grown by Mr. Stevens, who Is. ono of tho county s most progressive farmers. niture. Tho Star a buslnoss house in The Lyceum. our, city donated about two dozen, new Tho manager of, tho Lyceum Courso.l caps; Mrs. Minor Hinman, package this year has tried a nowiplan of getting clothing; Mrs. C. W. EdwRwta, eloth- the tickets into tho hands of the ing Mrs. A. M. Lock, clothing; J. H purchasers. Soason tickets wero In- Weeks, clothing; E. N. Ogior, clothing; closed with a stumped, self addressed envelope and a letter of explanation and mailod to 200 people who had pur chased season tickets and a few others who had been patrons of the Chautau qua and who had stood for the higher things in life as exemplified by tho platform. Tho stamped envelop was for the purchaser to returri the tickets in case thov woro not wanted 6r to forward a check in payment of same. Mrt. Don, Mrs. VanCloave, Mrs. Stninp, magazines; Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Zentmeycr, Mrs. J. K. Ottcnsteln, Mn, E,A. Cary, Mrs. Barbor, clothing; Mrs, Fred Marti, children's books, skoee, clothes; Mrs. Dr. McCabo, boys ettpe and clothing; Miss Bulah Henley, clothing; Mrs. Dr. Elms, little girls clothing, Mrs. Meston, a large variety of clothing; Mrs. Ray LsRgford, box full pretty things: Mrs. Neil Turple, No time was set for the return and net I box full of toys, picture books, etc; over half of tho tickets hove been c- Mrs. Strahom, shoes, magazines; Mrs. counted for. They will alt' We returned I Blankenburg, outing flannel and maga- or paid for. season ticReta at $1.50 for I zinea; Mr. Powoll, clothing. A young Garlow enter- at bridge last Mr. and Mrs. the course of fiVo numbers are for Bale at tho Keith Theatre box office and from tho principal of. tho high school or the superintendent All season tickets will be withdrawn from public sale aftqr tho first number is given. Singlo admission will bo 50 cents for each of the following numbers except the four artists which will bo 75 cents, and Edward Amherst Ott. You will be sup lady.'df Sutherland sent a valiso full of clotWng. When a call for help was mado for a widow with five littlo boys, several re sponded at once, Mrs. Dr. Mc Cabo, Mrs. Marti, Mrs. Ray Lailgford. Sho received clothing for horself and boys, and one dollar In cash was given by C. S. Clinton. A "box was mado up and sent to a porting a great institution and doing little crippled girl containing articles of yourself a good turn by enrolling among clothing and toys. the Lyceum natrons and securing as I Miss Sullivan, our news reporter, is many season tickets as you need. also a Sunshiner, having given n va riety of clothing to a worthy invalid, . 'tbeppseddlstx now ready for final action. " serves, SdughnUts etc.X ' .nrch Wnovn ns tho miild house. Bids L... V ' At the annual meeting of the dlrec- j . it. VanCleavo visited Lexineton I tors of the St Joseph & Grand Island I ahd Overton Wednesday, having ohargo I chairman of rcctort committee, up to For Sale. whov!ehea to thank Mim Sullivan - - . i rr ca " I viiouitiuu Ut road, Ernest Sponger yas re-olected,ij of the Bibltf schoojiperlpd in the church NoyeimW 15th. general manager. Mr. Stenger was formerly stationed at North Platto as assistant superinteadent of tho Union Pacific J. A. Munroo of the Union Pacific was promoted from general, freight traffic manager charge of traffic rectors of tho to vice president in by- the board of dv Union Pacific road on Friday. Tuesday afternoon howas nromoted to the same position on tho Oregon Short Line. Mr. Muirtpo will havo headquartera in Omaha. John Bailey went to Grand Island Wednesday and the Independent re porter caught him as follows: Big Bill Bailey, as spick and span as a graduate from a law school on fashionable Fifth avenue, was in tho city from WnnmiAU' vnstnrdav. Biff Bill, known oc thn nlri North Platte 'nitcher. has been working for tho Overland put of Kearney and haB not been in tho city for soveral years. "I Am Well" writes Mrs. L R. Barker, of Bud, Ky., "and can do all my housework. For years I suffered with such pains, I could scarcely stand on my feet After three different doctors had failed to help me, I gave Cardui a trial. Now, Heel like a new woman." rallies held at thefee places, Tho Misses Fishor, of Springfield, III., will arrive Monday and visit their Unt Mrs., Edwipa Schatz, while en route home from bait Lake. John Bryan, district manager of tho American beet sugar company, was called .to Manito, Utah, today by the serious illness of his mother. Mrs. Jenkins left this morning for Joliet, III., where sho was called by tho serious illness of hor father J. C.!Kcen a former resident of this city. The marriage of, Miss Sadie Thomas and Will Jones Bickley will tako placo ot the homo of tho bride on West Second street at eight o'clock Monday oVening, Oct 23d. Davo Jordan, of Albany, N. Y., has been in town for a couple of days visit ing A. D. McDonoll, and was tho guest of honor at a game supper last night. Weather forecast: Cloudiness with rain or snow tonight and Saturday. freezing. Highest temperature yester day 45, onp y.fc&r ago 45; minimum tem perature yesterday 23, one year ago 23, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Barber returned Wednesday evening from a two months' visit in Mew York and other eastern cities. They were accompanied homo by the former's mother who will spend tho winter here H. Edmund Dickey, proprietor of tho moving picture theatres in this city, has rented the former Scoutt residence at Twenty-fourth nnd Second avenue, and will move his family hero from North Platto his former home. Kear noy Hub. Tho committco reserves tho 'right to reject any or all bids. J. Q. Wilcox, T. C. PATTEItSON, Arthuk McNamaim. hCom. Como In littlo girl, come in from your play, Go to Howo & Malonoy's' for bako stuffs .today, . Buy bread, pies and cake, beans, pick- ness. A special plea was mado for shecis, pillow Blips, . towels, and nujht dresses for a sick girl which was an swered by Mesdames Puiver, Irving, Murphy, and Perkins. ' A convalescent was mado comfortablo by a pair of carpet slippers given by Mrs. Kcgan and other articles by Mrs. Den. Mr, and Mrs. Moso McFarland pro vided cheer nnd practical sunshine in in tho way of a largo cooked Iturkey and everything to n)ako up a splondid dinner for a family of four. Father GIVEN AWAY FREE i . i A4$2SO Harley Davidson 4,-H6re Power Motor Cycle, Magneto Ignition . . . . A Ticket With Every Pair of Slioes Yellow Front Shoe Store, DIENER & FLEISHMAN. les and krout, Go quickly my dear, before all is sold and mother both convalescent, and two . 1 Hill .1 it. .1 n i B58 Take CARDUI Tho Woman's1 Tonic A woman's health de pends so much upon her delicate organs, that the leasttrouble there affects her whole system. It Is the little things that count, In a woman's life and health. If you suffer from any of the aches and pains, due to womanly weakness, take Cardui at once, and avoid more seri ous troubles. We urge you to try it. Begin today. Fisher Shipp Co. Tho first number of tho North Platto Lvceum Course will bo given in tho Keith Theatre Friday evening, Oct. 20 at 8:30. It is an entertain rhent by tho Fisher Shipp Concert Co, Some of our neonlo may havo heard these artists in their evening of music and readings and these are enthusiastic in their nraises of the work of Miss Shipp and her associates. Fisher Shipp is ono of tho strongest Imperson ators and readers on tho Lyceum platform. Hor work is above . the av erage and that is saying a great deal for tho average of professional readers is going up Veijy fast. Tho Lyceum public' are becoming export in judging of Lyceum work and artists who do not show a high degree of ability aro soon down and out Fishor Shipp will please and season ticket holders should bo Buro and attend. Single admission I tickets to this entertainment aro 50 conts for everybody. out, Buy celery and honey, and doughnuts you'll bring, Tomorrow our feast will bo fit for a king. , Saturday October 21st. The little three year old son of John Beverage wandered away from the L. C. Applegato home, Mohday morn ing, and was not found until somo time in the afternoon, when it toddled into tho Hockridge yard. Tho distanco travoled by tho child was not less than fiYQ miles, but asido from being stiff from walking it was unharmed. Suth erland Free Lance. Fred Pierson stated tho other day that he had sixteen hundred acres of winter wheat planted and expected to enlarge the acreage to the extent of five hundred acres. Certainly, with a good year, this amount of wheat should produce nearly enough grain to supply Lincoln county with flour for a time. Sutherland Freo Lance. Tho Hastings Republican, in a half column nrticlo, says that the Burling ton's lino up tho North Plntto valley will be completed within tho next twelve months. The information, says the Republican, comes from a well known railroad man who can bo relied upon. There will be no services in the Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday Oct 22, owing to tho delay in getting tho re-furnishing done. Wo hopo to bo ready for the re-opening by October 29. The Pastor. Delia M. Earm, of Gothenburg, and William C, Dpdd, of Farnam, were married by Judgo H. M. Grimes. Mr. atid Mrs. Homer Mylandor, of Orchard, Colo., aro visiting tho Jotter's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Ebright. havo known no jonly for their littlo girls that would Bunshino or gladness thoughtfulness. Just now our clotlieB press is about empty, winter coming on, wo wish every housekeeper in our city to see if there isn't something in tho houso which can just as well be passed on while it is yet good. ' Several families havo,bccn roportcd to our president Mrs. Elder nnd baby clothes hnvo been asked for. We wish to speak of and thank tho press for tho courtesy and kindness shown in communicating toi tho public our notlco and appeals. And also friends who havo bo generously res ponded and helped us in any way, Mrs. Minnie Perkins. Phone C50 Secretary. it .... 1 . From the hem of the trousers to the swm of the collar KAHN TAILORED CLOTHES brittle 'with smartnoee, good taste and goodnese. From every eagle jtbey will express your individuality and in every crucial point they will fit Humor your clothes whims. It costs not a cent more to be "different" to wear tailor-mades. A carefully chosen array Of above 500 characterful patterns for autumn and winter, direct from the looms of the master woolen Weavers of America and the continent now on display See them and you'll order. 1S.OO TO SS45.00 x EDW. BURKE, The Reliable Madc-to-order Clothier for Men., Room 9, New Waltemoth Building, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. A Modern Institution For the treatment of medical nnd surgical cases. Open to the medical profession. Speciol accomodations for confinement cases Training Bchool for nurses in connection. Address all commu cations to the superintendent. Phone 642 tor., bighta. find Lchu I Mrs. Ruby Hoyt submitted Jto nn operation at Dr. Twlnom's hospital yes terday and is resting easyt George Mudd and familyjreturned a few days'agiTfrom a visitin Oklahoma! CRYSTAL THEATRE For Real . Furnished C room cottage nnd barn at 320 West 3rd St. 9 room houso near Second Ward school house at $20.00. Other houscB,, furnished and unfurn ished rooms, storage room nnd safety deposit boxes. uratt & uoouman. To-Night And Saturday. MOVING -PICTURES: Indian Brothers, Captain Nell. The Reporter. VAUDEVILLE. Lulu Carter & Co., Singing, Talking. Comedy Two Acts 10 and 15 Cents, O'MA-fIA .,!.. Han's Greatest Opportunity to Acqutint Himself with Farm Conditions of the West Drought togother under one roof will be thousands oi exhibits from all western Btates, making tho groateBt show or Us kind. Exports will toll of practical methods. for better fruit growing, grain raising,, alfalfa rauilng,. etc. Motion pictures, bands, specialties, etc., will furnish amusement. PRACTICAL, FAIWI MACHINE D1SM ONSTKATION8 DIG 'FEATURIB, Men who know western condition will tll about Una that, cn bei bought .for reasonable prloea In the states o in and tributary to tho UNION PACIFIC Standard Roq'd of the West Tar Information relative to fares, routes, etc., call on nxiozr s-Auuriu asjskx, .twmmm i BBBBBBBBBBk 4 I 4 .it iii,,