i Wheivthc Whcq tho curtain' drops K6A ,tbe, abate' ,topa Then the Oara of tha footlights faciei away.. And the RlitamlflJr gmaa Of thft dtadraui ' . ' Bo bock to tho pasta' that they aro by day. I ,., ..-I 'i 'i ' i ' 1 ' I ' And tha rfoh-rolx-il Un ' ' ' I ' la a coroaioA tliinrf 1 ' - '" I , Whlln the painted foot la, & Bbbcjdna; iWltli her ktoco, wrena , .,n , i Is a woman thon when the piny la dona. Then th lords and earl 1 ' And thd lace and curia , ' And tho pomp anil pjrtdo .aro, .forgotten . tncnr-i., ' ,,When tha. curtate. dropa1. And' the j tautc 1 atop " They Riant all become what they are, It la ao with Iffo. 1 ! When the 'mlmjil strife , Haa, been but away tylth .1 the,, mlrol .... nun" When'tho klnsn have slffhod And the slaves have died And the queens havo all gone th6 way oj earth, When, our ,pr)de..,anU pomp, , , . i Ah'tT'our rout and romp Have an end and the' prompt-books' close for us" When wc'vfl'pjayiid our parts ,. ' 'With 'Mir h'nnrtfi nnA nAarta .','Then the costumes fall, and the play endt mux. ' Bo w'e 'should, not, grieve IIIV iiiana'irenTa , ,) ,, , .t ,t ,,,, , .1 Of, t;hq,,nUintc Ufa Ve have lived, foi then . 1 When the curtain drops 'And the music stops Wo shall all become what we oro, -again , The M'ck Resented It. MrvCancy,',and,Mr(- Casey, being, on, ,, strain .whlch,,yfas, delayed for half.au 'hour on. 'a Biding at a, mlnjngjf tation, ,'!,?aterq'd, 'jfnto.thq, only .bar' room! 1b - the settlement. " 1 ' "" '. ,Mq gqpd man,' 'said, , Mr. Casoy, ''make us a couplo of nlco Manhattan "" fc'ocUfalUL'.. "Wp don't sell mixed drinks hero 'rpplled tho bartender. 1 For tho next flvo minutes there wat 'a' very pretty fight, and at tho end, of that tlmo Mr. Casey allowed tho bar tender to arise, Jf rom tho, floor,, while "Mrj Clancy, who had been watching ' tho argument and longing for a chance to mingle In It, gave tho battered bar tender this sage advlco: . NIxt tlmo huvo more raysplct foi th' Irish," , Sagacious, Mn ( 1 "Thoy say tho minister preached '.gainst he, folly o? modern fashions Sunday.'' . , "Ho did, and his sermon made hltr more popular than over." ' 1 "But" 1 understand; that, ho mentlon-t td the women by name and told' now much ho thought their spring dresses and bonnets cost' "So he did, but n each .Instance, h overestimated the cost of 'tho things. and1 tho women aro- uougntea. " Unanimous Objection. "Yoii say there aro peoplo who"Oh Ject to my marrying you?" asked tho young, man, "who are thoy 7" " "My father and mother," faltered ,lbofalr aamsei. ! . '"But they can be reasoned wlth-fl M,.TMy brothers'. . . i ; M , "Wo'cati defy them." ,..,': , ,i Know, .out mere is uuu uuuiuuf, i "j"" Who, is that?", .1 I. 1,11 C Ml) i'j Force 'df Habit'.' ,'. ." ' . ' -?uJ)r.M Cuttem.) Is., so t abBentmlpdfld' ''iay8, tho k nl((nf "WtK. 'th'e., ub.Qeriain liovli', thA 'rrirti iwhlskersii . m i .".What. has. he been doing" flpw,7 '' asks the' ' man with tho ingrowing mttarnrnn ' ''T'hKppened'to.' b'e' In his offlco the "other day, and htf etrirtpd. tp, sharpen hlo.nnnpll,,. TWnrnl'hn'ufiad Ills knlfO. hbyjef i$ 'chl6r,dfprnacd, o. Will" ii ' 'i.'ii "tvnknew iHIs Haunts.' " .iV'SIjp 'tql' her hiisband'.ff ho didn't '."stnjT.'atUiomo evenings hereafter she 'iF&WffiAMo thpi'chorus'o'BOtrio com Icoporn company' "Poor1 thlhii! S That shows . how i greatly, sho longs tp bo. near him even ings, " , WRSSWyfai 'PACE Curious. f.rMkPfaduw .by. Two Ears, Of course we all know that corn has cars, but the accompanying picture Will convince you that a stalk ot corn may be gifted with r hani as well. The picture was taken from a' photo-. graph ma'de' 6f two cars of corn, each, nf Svhlrh olndnfv rusho-inled k hlihian hd. 'he pnahpwh ln the tl!hstra llbk waa tho moro .perfect of the two specimens, and ypu, .can ,reaaiy see- that mpst pf the proportions' resqm bio thoso of a hand with .amusing cor rectness. Hands of corn are not un common, a certain variety of tho veg etable having been named "hand corn" by tho Indians owing to Its tendency -to produce hand-llko cars, Nature, producos omp purpus freaks, particularly among potntocs. Often tho potnto digger will turn up a great, fat tuber looking for all thp wptld like the face of a bloated old loafer1. The' Chinese nnd Jftparteso ronko a practlco of cultivating curiosities' of tho vegotable kingdom. At the World's Fair ,pt ,3 some Chlne.so stunted pines wero exhibited that were only a few inches high, but were hundreds of years old- These curious little dwarfs had all tho character Is- 1 ' Vegetable Hands and Pices. tics pf gnarled old trees, and it was asserted that; they had been family heirlooms for oyer 1,000 lyoars In some caseB. Tho, .tree's grow In pots, and Borne pf the smaller ones could be .easily ,htdden under a silk hat. MOST DURABLE KIND OF DOLL i 1 1 ... i ., American Concern Has Brought Out Toy, Said to Be Wonderful Ad vance n Construction. Although Germany has for many years been credited with the .newest and best, Ideas In chlldrenrs toys, an American concern has designed and brought, but. a. doll which Is said to bp a wonderful advancedn-dbll construc tion. In tho first Place, the new typo of doll Is alt' Wood,, tho head being solid. , The head. arinB and legs are olncd to tho trunk by means of steel- prlng swivel and htngo joints, which ccmpletely eliminate tho uso of rubbor cord. Tho face, being of solid wood Instead of composition, to artistically Nw American Doll. carved, and ualntcd In oil colors so that It can bo (washed. The' nicely ihaped hands and feet are cut from olid hardwood. ' In tho wholo mako- up-ot the now doljs. tljero Is nothing to dsll cftfploi PullpfjjrdeW ) , Spiders Store No Food. It is said that spiders storoawayjlo food In winter quarters. Quantities of eggs are. laid.' and carefully shelter ed In velvety cbbweU sacks that det tho weather. These sacks may bo. found swinging iby sllketf ropes from, the goldonrod and corners of board, fences ;and istono walls Tho litt)o tplders creep, from their, cozy sleeping bags - which tho wiser mother has prp vided for tthem and i j( i4hoy escape their canqlbal .brothers); and sisters they enter. M-onco on a , career of trap ping nnd, hunting. . , . ,,( t . . Meaning of Dnath. f Small llobert did. not know tho meaning of doath, so when ho was told a man across the street was dead ho asked his five-year-old sister what it meant to bo dead. After a, moment'a hesitation she answered: "Why, to be dead moans that -that1 you are Hf .it , ' . " ' ' ' ; all in." 1 v- J hf-Ar-d ; oi4ier-'ffdv!J Bee aos e m -! ov con MAKE YOUR OWN DOLL ffflUSE', hlr.MUn. -r- Mnlinn W(V 'rkii' knu ffi. h r c.n w. V.'HM ' Am andOarrviXwaw: .l'1' ' I '-lt't.iJ. i.-llJ,,; lL whoitooKtup hra-bodllttrtdwalkedAut. here, is a. I bedroom 'that hhy girl' ban carry underhW .aYhT!wlth'Out! tlio'Wast difficulty. Tho tJeaVirtJft youhg 'house'Wl&'can isiak'o, M, o yy.iim thing1 by 'carcfjtt uoaof gluct atid part pf.spmp old bppk. This lis 'tho Got yourXftthcr to glvo you Bonliiiold, volume with sound covers and a strong back1. Then carefully cut tho riabes but pf the book and' stiffen the bjickr witn a (Piece pf strong cardboard which must ho. glued into.plAce, Then,. cut -two pletes of cardboard pf; equal lencth for your end walls and cut an other pteco sufficiently long 'to inako. ... . . . . ' ,vj. I tno ceiling. Tnoso strips snouiq do as wide as tho snaco fortaerlv occunlcd by tho leaves, .Oluo tho Ihreo str(p4 to ono.ot thp book covers to correspond with the end walls and celling of, the bedroom In tho picture. This part of tho bedroom can be made stronger - by pasting bracing pieces at the Joints. njM a simple, matted tb cut Put a' wl&Bm similar to tho bno In the pic ture, aftd any .bright jglrl can, flhapb tho necessary bedroom furnlturq from pretty colored cardboard. An Open Window club button will complete' (he furnishing after the -window has been A i Pocket Bedroom. draped with a curtain., Perhaps a bet ter way would be to got your boy; friends to whlttlo you out a dainty bedroom set. Ono of the advantages' 6f the book room is 'that a' thrifty1 housewife pan add tp tho number pf hor apartments as rapidly as Bhe, may, make, tho rooniB. In this way a glrj, might .havo a veri table mansion .of ropma .that.; whbn placed Up on a shelf, Bide by Bldo, Would look ns dignified as a set of books. - -. WHY DO W&COUNT BY-TENS? Easily Seort HoVf Wuch "Ei'sl'er and Better it yvouiq ,ue ,to hcckoh ,oy Dozens,Fngers, to Blarn'e. Why. do wo count, by (tens and nbt by twelves? lb is unfortunate that our systota of ntimbors"h'aHV'riot'' two more ' signs so that the first number of two figures would bo the number wo now represent by "12." Twelve can bo di vided by two, threo, four nnd six, and ten con bo divided by only two and Ave. You can see how much better and . easier It would be td reckon sums by dozens when ybu must dlvldo (be numbers every onco In awhile, and you might think that tho people that Invented members wphl have seQn this. But nopody dU invpnt number's. Numbers wero already Invented be fore peoplo know that thero could hi ?,' such a .tiring as counting. Look at ybtlr hands, and you wll see wnv neonio count dv toim t,by fons. h5very a, time, .wheh not ono couiiib oar,nis,,nngg and thorp iWjaa.,n,ncot every bno could dd Oven that. Sotije savago tribes In AfrlCa-'aro1 so"stifpd that they cannot count 1 aboVo five. Wheri 'liey' hltVh'gor tha't'ar' Vhey y they hyvo 't-6)We'? aVahd,1' nnij (Wo "haxids1" OTP l "mn;",,,',' IfS) jpi'qn , had ,heeu bom ,wtj, 12,, flgur?j , J,ijstead of 1,0 wp Bhoilld hnvp.j cpunted by dois ens almost front tho beginning; Quito Changed. '' "Why. papa," said Frahceff, who Ws'lbbkfb'g 'at tho ulbiim'ilVely Isn't b' plcturp pf' yqu?1' 'Ycs." this ro- lied papa; 'that .Is a plcturp of mo when I was quite ,yqung." "Well' commented tho llttlo gtrljt'lt doesn't look ns much like you as you look BOW. , i mii .., --Tl 'lllfuT 'IIA-i llT'1 ""'f'1" 11 ' ' MOON-BLINDNESS By MARTHA McCULLOCH-WILLIAMS (Copjtlf hi, ton. by'AMocttUd LUctity Pre.) larpl ploflfinlvof got to tie yoUf Mrs. Velvln domanded, gleefully, flldglng fengtof rlbhon about Hay- nor's arm. "No doubt yoli want tn go Insldo lo and talk. ,fpJatty. Cpatent yeun slfliilflJJwithi.rneJi Even me! Pa.tty is. a, luxury. .She weuldn't bo "at 3KbtWnf6fyPil. "iSprfor your carper. .And i. ha.vo but JUat gnt her and young Athyloy woll settle 'tnr ho ercnlng. ,Jf he stays uqt'l Jl. I Bhall know hoShas prohoftdT: " vV'Alow Iia,lUouKknbw1 Rayner lqter,up.mlling.iJe4 uot Quito enslly, K V, MrtJVelVln -laugVcd 'sdftly. "Prttty is aWlse virgin," sho snld. "Sho novcr bacrlflc'triitr "bea5iSli?,8loel for trlflors, OiioL'atf ahe, 'Right Iuiynof's lopk of lAhnpyahcrt, a.sfie'Svoh,tBQc.e)t him 'nptoh throeikya' ncmmlntnncti she V'llf nTtrlv tnlto hliri undor con- aldef atlon. yrvst' my child for that J; IUia,v, 'brofi kt:.lier 'u'ri' cVen mor i i . :: -i:t - 1 more ifl4 l! sho, wero my very ""'ml Arq.you .slx or two years, her cWor?" " KA'yher-uemanded. Agalil'Mrs.' VclVin laughed. "As i"'ecMe 4i viva mj Y"N waw sho 8klf. "By Blbii count l' am four "1 LK. h,?Bbnn.d8 nW Wr SpiritqaMy 1,'m four cen; tvlpfcrrbut for mb '.the .child . would have. grown. absurdly sentimental' Then-I. 'wlih' ah'tf 1ad had ,aa other atopmothor," Itaytler broke ouU Still I refuse to bcllevo evob ypu, much ns sho lovea you, can 'mn'ko her roorc.onaryy .vcoUl and calculating.. When thrf marries it will bo a man., not his money" "Why not- say a- man and his muney?" 'Mrsi-tVevii .askd archly iP?u W.Atf ou are' luUk ia a sow nun. . , iiui not gooa enougu ior 'aiiyrr-i she sho deserves the very best," Ilayner began eagerly. "Meaning yourself?" Mrs. Volvin in-, torposcd with a pretense of a yawn. Thon sho got up and half draggod Ilayner out into a moonlit garden, roso-scented,. vtal with 'the splce breath of pinks. "Listen to tbo words -of"'1 wisdom,' sho began. "I'm your.rlepd In this eyori more than Patty's. ' You aro frightfully .ambitious you have so much In, you it is no wonder. Ho metubor Kipling, 'Ho travels fastest who travels alono With Patty, you'd bo too httppytyoud let 'go "every thing but monoy-.maklng caro for' n'Othlhg1 butr 'to1 keep lior in cotton wool, and give, her, Jcwols and rings and all the fine things. Tako my word for It, you'll never bo n groat man without the spur of unhappl- rcss. "Stop mocking)" Ilayner said, holly. , She went' on ns It ho-had not spok en. "As I'auy a husband, you'd have Ave years of bliss 'absolute. Than you'd remember and regret You'd see the men you knnw are your info- rlprs going ahead,, .each In his, .way And you standing still. You'd be sour and' discontented. And that would make my girl miserable So lot her be. I won't havo her miserable. She wao mndo to be 'fed on tho roses and laid In tho lilies dt life' " ""I db'n't bellbve it. Anyway I shall ask hor," Raynor said more hotly thnn before. He steppod pant Mrs. Velvln and onto tho piazza thoy hod qulttod. It gave through long French windows upon tho dlm-llt parlor, whoro Atherloy sat basking In ratty s presence Ray. nor peered ai them, grinding his looth. Ho had sought them .full' of-a mad 1m pulse t,t dlod at, sight, pf, them t,q cilrely conventional Pntty at tho piano, striking a minor chord now and then; Athorloy telling sprightly tales of llfo in Paris. . Ho .had spent a year there, making belloyoitp,8ttudy philosophy. Hq.had come away not much "Wiser than he went still . ho had a . certnln nlr, Furthor, his globe-trotting gavo him a long advantage conversationally. He had good eyos, .and a certain knack otf scolng thphumorous side of all things. How could even a desperate lover burst In upon, such a! pair nhd do mnnd that .the girl tako Instant choice? Raynqr had been courting Pa,tty stcudfaatly for six mpntha, He had uevor get, around( to prqppslng by 111 luck , lie had thought now be began to realize tt was by will of Mrs. YelYln. Atherloy was palpaply. hit still he was net a declared suitor. ConvoUtloh may Bhackle oven burn ing Jealousy Rayner merely callod a cay KoodZnlsht through' tha wlnrtiSu As tho thudding hoofs grew fainter,. 1 "Pa'ttgot bp' 'arid Walked ti, the lni p6f?KM Wlft .8iid. , twenty, ,sp BVqr.ed, ,,,','! .wjsh; , ,n(ly wero not riding unredevll tbnlght'. Bho said. "Ho is gentle us, a dpg by rilsyifelitmbfit Inponal)lnof;fl4ti. Hifm wild M "6Y?I,dar'a slJsma's'Sr con mam' I ago, lilra,"( Atherloy returned,, JTboy ou me ai, if)?? pjuw ue, can(jmanngo anything, even women," laughing sjg. nlflcanlly ,aftpr the lant wprdj Then with a mock sigh,. "You dpb't wpudor J envy him a bit?" "Whyl Hpw. can. ynu'hplp Jtl" Pat ty cried with artless cruelty. "He )s so out of tho common every wny H,o manages horses and women by' not being afraid of them, Iloth know thqy can trust hn unless they happen to be mpon-bllnd." "So you believe In mbon-bjindtiefrs. I thought that superstition had been thoroughly dlscrcdlfed." Athcfliy aald lightly, PAtty did hbt ariswer-i-Bhb wis list ehlhg tob Intently. There wjas a break In the h'bofbtiRts with wilder thuddliik after it Over her1 bhoulder sho cried to Atherloy, "Daredevil Is running now bomo help me find Billy'- l,Y6u think ho has bedri thrownl" Atherley panted, struggling1 after the flying figure. I khow lthb would uold.Dwf. devil 1 16 tho lnsl' slip ahswerod,, her voitio Bharp with tbrror, Thoy ran silently down the road until It turned sharply tn n. little glhde. Tho white m6pn madp, It al most as light na dnythUB Patty saw two figures In the1 middle bf U Hilly Rayner safe nnd sound, supporting a wnman evidently half-falntlng. Athor- loy touched bor arm, saying slgnlfl cantly: "I think we had bettor go back." Patty could grow no whiter, but, She turned Upon him eyes that blazod. "I nth not sriylng," she Bald clearly, then In higher key: 'TilllyV-What is tho trouble?" "I doh't qUlte' urirferstanll y4cU'Ure. hardy and easily ralaetlM AffC Raynor answered. "ThlB lady.'.1 bowr Ing-to tho drobpjng figure, "had lost! norsoir ana came; out or tho wpoas td ask tbb way. That Bcarod Ijaro flovil I got dbwn from hltri thduah '"-and1 h6'ra'n"off liome. Perhaps you can reassure 'the lady-be-sti seenlH tdDe"u'paetM ' ofal-'uab,atfiiy,.,,tela s'tfan cried, suddenly UhcpVe'rYng l)er, tace, "S6 unhappy V snail' Wo unless !yeu tell me whore to'flhd him. You'knpw, -tho mari I lqves-Steveri Aheriey." ' "I have brought 'jilui o ypU, Patty Bald, running" 'fnfward' aha dragging Atho'rley.' ' " ' , Tho Btrakigel1 flunR"ip hor bans Willie nanus, soft and hnnvllv rlnirnd. moanpfl. "II hnil In hnmn Tlnrrtoni. ber I havo nbt scon ybu slhco Paris, And thb ttilnutb I, kn;ow w 1 "Please share emanations Ifnbnl." Atherley1 said cUrtlv." I' sunnnso vnu ari staying wlth'the Cudwihsr-let me take you to thbhi at bhce." "Anywhbro bo, you take me." tho woman' sighed", droopjng toward him. Ho looked helplessly from hor to Patty and back ngaln, 'then held out his hands to lmprlsbn both pf hers, Something in Patty's steadfast eace had shamed him Into manliness, "I will explain." he said, his henfl high. '"Mnbpl Miss dray I mean-- TVaa mv tcoOA ntieo In Pnrin Tmlnait t minK wo snouia nave, got married ihnt-n .. . u.. i Neither of us saw .things. oWto right ' '. u ' ' ' "I know--you wore moon-blind. Pep- plo ret that wav. tha sarin -Hrsnh " tatty Interrupted, with nn eloqiient look at Ilaynerc . 1 He took her hand oponly and laid. a Uns .nfealBBt. IL savin invminiv. hU "Happily It. Is only a tomporary nf fllctlon; wo come to clear vision after n little, while'., "Oh, do wo?" Patty BBkcd'wlth her most, superbly indifferent nlr. , Ho shook: his .head at her, but said emphatically, '(We dp. In proof thko tUlS, , .1 ! "II And .with, that he kissed; her fUU, on the iinoutb,. , But- Will They Qo? People, of- commOn sense will not bo much dlRturbod. by .sentimental talk Jusnow current .over, employment of wqracn, lq tbp harvest flolds pf tho mlddjp west. From the tmdltlpnal American standpoint It strikes n llf tie unpleasantly to seo women engaged in the coarseB foriria of manual labor, Yet under the light of hygleno and broad comoron senso, is hot labor In thp fields far hotter than labor oVor sewing, machines, washtuba nnd wenV- jng, , shuttles undor tho conditions in which thoso labors are porfbrmed in multitudes of. factories? Surely tho generation which sees thoUBabds of, wpmen and gins, worn and pallid,, pass out of thO department stores' and s.vfeatBhqps of oUr great cities evpry OTpnlng, oughtt to view wlthbut shock tho ilabor tof women ln fields and' gar- den8.,nln thbt pldor cpUntHes wdnien bear as abtlVb il part-in butdoor iajiori as menj and it Iieb not been bbsbryed that t has worked to their' physical or mural detriment. Cortalniy Iho ruddy-cheeked. SWIss girl with hayrahe jn nanu mnaeB juuo as pleating' a pic turo as thd Indoor Rhop worker Bo'cbn Btantly.-ltb oVIdoncb iin' our- 'Aniei'lcari . pltles.t-iSan- FranclBdo- Argonaut? ' , . tit Ii'.-? HI II ,11 I ' '" The, Lhtest improvement'. "What a cunhing chlffunler.1"' she sajd whbn Bho 'had gdt through kjss- ing! tho brldo; I r-., . : urOH' roplipditlio glndiyoUMgNv'tfm'nn why hadsbeon'i married Blrieo""tfuhe; "that Jsn'-tiia .chlffdnlor. ' That-"ls! a. combined ilceubbx.fgas 'stove' bhth'tbb, piqtnestcioseicana Toming ooai" 1 1 t, i )., ' iiM .iV, u.ai.. i iU " Ho Paid for It; " '-i ! Coddle I got thnt ball wo'losti'tlilB morntng.;,slrrr-got!lt from n sniall bpy, u.QoUorrQoddj.i Lotto! Boo-er-what dld.youKlvehlmifor.lt? j Cadd0TrA lllp -undor the lug.-fBir,-1- , , i;,.., ! i Reform- ' Kqlokqr Whatl8 tho .matter ' nncker-rMy wito Is trying toi apply the flxedipost scheme to me. COCHIN IS SPLENDID LAYEB Second Only, to the LtQhsrp In. ..Wit' Matter of Egga and' as Tanier-owi It la Simply Perfection. A'sf 'layers tlie" 'CochlMs are Beconfl bnly to the Lighprn, laying good sited eggs and' lota bf thenn As tt table fpwj It la altnply perfectlen, haw Cochin, Cockerel. , Ing ah attractive, round; tlumpj y8J low carcaiwi with flosh fine grained. Ifinilnr.Binl tulnv. Ah nhleVfrlk-hlrd. .coma un ,to,,brpllpr . size Jn a abort time, cpmpar.pd, wlth many, pther r..i.t u.-, I lireedB. Vnt thev niRKO SDlcndlU mOEfi' era. Chicks come, 'both light and dark In color. Another nolnt iri faVnr 6f this Va. 'rlety is tho fowls are slrbtiKahd vln drouti. Np dpubt they1 "lMMefltfBil. viger from tho Light Brahma, which Is very strong and ruggedt ATTACHMENT FOR INCUBATOR ., . .i Electrlo Light Operated by Thermo- tat pn Outildai of . BoxShowo i When Temperature , Rlght-i tlniOrsavng ttachnent, fpf lt u""f 7t"r 'rr..r". r em- ciency oi tnose roocaanicsi nons has boon Idvontod by a Lpujalahn man. I Chickens' cannot bo raised 'Without a tleal of WemiPlI, ana the poui- Kry'tralflOrf'who UBea incubatprs) usually PutB ln ft 8od nart of bltt tlme gpIng I around among them to see 1( tho tern- PTatures, arp.rlBbli, K .tare. nre Wn of thbsp taabhlnes-and hp harWCoW sun mo inermomeier in eacu quo ii takes tlmo. The. attachment here con sists of an electric light pri tho out- Bldo pf the Incubator nnd operated by a thorrriostat. Thp light can be regu- u I I 1,1 ,. .,, in . i. t ..i h Incubator Attachment. latcd to bin-n either weekly whe,n th temperature ln the' box Is too low oi to go out altogether, pr to burn onb when thb Incubator requires attention, WhfbheVOr way H is, tho owner casj tell at a, glance around his group oj hatching machines whether any need his, ecrylccs and, It so, which it la. Runway, for Chicks. ' . ' ' ' a . me left th'b'hbh'.' H Bhould be provided With a small Inclosed run. This run is made by .nailing a wpoden framp tp the: Btdo of llib 'box and bovbrlng It ' tJn1 dll'ldes iinU thb tbt)' 'With 'clbaely .Whn hbultry-hettlntti ' In fl'llfch a ebpp. or colony houao tto chicks twill baVo nil tho freah air thoy. nood ai .nlghtl and will bp(RtborwRq,prRtcted and icanpot qscnpo -till, tcy.aroj fed ,in tho, qinrnng. ( ' Fresr"Alr 'Essenlal. ' ' Fresh fair tbr laying l)6no 1b jiittt ns oBsential' ad1 'fur young chicks;"1 'Ona nnn.px.pept tp ,gqt, plenty, of .qgga'Jl tho hens aro confined In a tlght'hduie oliherwihtbr er l'fnmor. Havd plon typ'f dbprd and wlndbwfi In thp rbpst Ing house and keep them wldo 'Open nil thrdugh tho hot woather. Open front poultry houses aro beat When n, largq box Is UBed for a oun r coop ior cu.ckb, auor.inpy nava,. thd bfdbdor or n'r'o voaH!d,Jfrpra