The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 29, 1911, Image 6

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. . V-
HEER raising la orfpi oMbo chief ap
ttVltfcs of tho Amorlcan rural dc
main, And It Is onojhat has flhoWn, a
constantly oxpandlBft.Scopo j'eaf1 aij!
or iyonr, socmlngly4 without, puchj
regard to tho good' years abef baa,1
wlilch aro no visibly reflected M
man of Uio Othor occupations of tUo
farming community. "It la Interest
Inn to noto tlmt Dhccp nro aasocIataU
with man In tho. earliest records of
tho 'human rafcoY Thoy wore, l?4t VJ
used only for milk, and later tho skins wero Used
for clothing. Up to ahouUtt cprjtury and a half
wool was (ho primary consideration In shoop ralm"
Ing, but about tho timo mentioned an Englishman
began tho flrnt systematic and Intelligent Improve
ment of mutton sheep nnd it ,is a question whotbor
this s not now tho nipst Important' branch 6't the
Industry both at homo nnd abroad.
Thp mutton sheop Wis rn.tnar slow jn 'Invading
Amorlca. Tho wool-protiuclpg 'Morlnp' (Which caitio
originally from Spain) was'' monarch of all ho sur-
w w ii lIMWi IIHiii r ITT m rw T M I 1 ' IT I 1 1 1Ti IW I UH I
, H '- " ' nl45 ' " ' "'VV Usame. amounttofj:qrfi
lfj rifliik. on, ilo .phtfrtipd not
if .Pw . to tako from tho
jMHMtfMHHHHtoAigX land morq than
A, difficulty In mutton production has always been
tho scarcity of stock sheep; particularly .slrpa,
hayjng.Bufflclcnt merit to AH the standard of ex?
qppneo, rho ideal sire, , It may be, added, should
bo lmpreBBl.vo, resolute and of noblo bearing
distinctly the head, of tho flock in every senso 6t
tho. word. This requires, of coarse," good conBtl-
tutlona and, ytal powers.'
It basvilltowlse come to bo 'regarded
as' es8cn
tho form of wool It
Iw.lU npt vtako, f rpm , trnlj, bb abovp pointed omVthat a mutton Hhoep.
3 Uluu .euuii
1 LU JUL .
"Tittyd a good ileoco as, well ins a good
WSt&sS. This oojnblnaUon hns.bpen Proyqn both
dyar, sbpRR -raising
will .return, J snjls
fni;t9ryi,Pro,9t,,,yiiar h(to,r yoar without
very much .regard Id
tho prlco of wool.
, In, later yonrs, tho
feyed on this sfdo of the Atlantic for many years
nd many a farmer paid almost fabulous pricoa
'for sheep baying no adaptation to anything except
wool' production. Perhaps tula-stattt-ot -affairs was
'iua to the impression that so long held sway that
Ithe American people were pre-eminently a nation
lipcamo Uio groat
' brcodling Ground for
. fllicop. and. as" fdr
I back , na a dd?oil
yprs ,Kp, this local
ity propped about
: onkhajf bf" he tBtal
number of oheofi i
the Unltod States. Ab our r.cadors know tho
crowding of tho cattle out lot many soctlori of tho
range by tho ahoop haB been attended by much
bitterness and controversy. Thor'fl arp thrpo prln.
nhonn. Tho did Mexico
sheop are the direct descendants ,pf tho original
at tinrlc aatnra unit, tiad.llttla annranlatlnn fnr nim Hnnnlnli MurlnnH lirnncht nvnr tWO hllhdrcd yehr8
'7ut(o Wfiat5yi?r'vju1ftWc igo by, ih.8 flpanIarila"l"ti.Qld MfixicO, havo
beehttor this In the past It certainly ceased years long legs; a long, thin bdaj and. .tbo 'wool Is tlnd' '
anu mm. iney nro naruy, cscuuom. iruyuici- uu
wilbkeSp In good ,e)ndl(iqa on tho podrfist and.
driest! Bf rnngos..i Often 'they outsbi! all phpr
Bheij for thfc,wat ,has.(ui exqpUpnt flaVpr ami
tho. Wde lsattilp,,flrin ahdiBptt, ThbW original J A ftnnruaalnti In Ihn nrlpn nf wnnl nnmn
eotf' of yr lsp was vory influentlul la
brlKlng about,, a change of cpiidlllona, fn4
one '! sUrte4 rjU neW ,OV.tiiltf,t'bja)f
of Muttpa i BHftop sWei,flllMibftorf Htkila
d6tl.- In soma years a slnglo market, siicn aa
Mexkan'Bheen have boon largely grad6d with Mo-
Chljko, haa shpWR a;lH ef-fally a-,jill)lf R.ahei aJjiivctiraJnsla jipw JMexicolJhd,BptUhot:h Cpl6rftdb.
10X1CO ISIICOP, afiM"? ":V UMim'i
, ami aUbpugh thby noyor
.fJ I ..v
lovefi.lhe twelve months preceding, Xanada
nn(ij great numbers of mutton sheop to this
coiMiffy aa well as considerable quantities of wool,
i Tha exporlonco of later yeixni has proven that
the rich lands and abundant foods of tho Unitod
81tw aro well suited to .tho economical produce
t!on.,bf superior mutton nnd tho furthermore mut
ton''sfocp It proporly- scloctod can 'grow n, largo
pnrd If not all of tbp, wool demaudod for Ameri
can Hinnufacturlng. iSxperta dudl'are that there la
no(grpater error than tho Impression on tho part
of ijiuny people that heop arc uultod only to In
ferlpi" land. To bo euro, sheep, unltko Bomo othor
animals, can got along on. Bounty vogotntloh, and
copiuoutly will grazo profltnbly on soml-arld
lawLlbut on tho othor hand .thoy: render nn (
' p4lily Jargo return for a llbornl ration of good
foods, Ab showing! how much mora appreciation
of tut tact there is in othor cauntrlos than in tho
United Statoa It may be cited that recent statis
tics (showed that there wero not to exceed 36
Bheen, por thousand acres nil land i Ju Qir leading
agricultural states, whereas In Englnnd tho high
priced agricultural lanils sustain an nvorago of
8Q x'heop por thousand acres, and In Scotland
ihqrf. may be found ns high as 1,380 sheop re
tbqupand acres.
T)jp champions of scientific agrlculturo In tho
United States aro Just now striving earnestly to
tmbtBS our farmers with tho fact that it would.,
be Jiettor to convert their surplus raln. productn
Into .meats, such nB(mUU!rffttt ifflisUto tlto xtent"
of supplying bomb demands)' than to' export 'Cho
corn land other gratntt as such. For oxamplo, It is
claimed ,thaU to ralno; fl.OOQ qrh oqf,f;orn takos
from tho soli producing tho crop about $UO0 worth
tpry (at,' TM, 'bring '
)aabhs' IMaV bbihte iA '
Al 1
Tho Now Mexico
are small-bodlcd sheep
grow very large thoy g
Etrncl nrices. for the aam
dm nnnn nf thn MoxIcnnlsHdon above mentioned.
JNTorlnos aro also to bo founjj on, the rapgo in grpnt
numbers, many of thorn -haying bpon br.ed frbm
Morlnoa brought from thb eat, Trho'lam,bs) aro
short-loggod and not aaSfcJopii travplori las the
soutfiorn ihoop, but they' Weed ljot bo, 'for, Wyom
ing, Idaho, etc, have, jhj th'd ayerapo.' bottOr
ranges than aro to bo found Jin "Now Mexico, nrtd It
is in theso northern statJ that tho Merinos hold
i iBway. . t 'M ' ', ' '.
Almost nil range BhpoDtkre" htfectttd with 'sOab,
though; ,U Jj Xrpquontly b6, Jjeljh chock a'tf to bo
scarcely noticeable As nrem'ody it is1 the general
practice to "dip" all rangWiVep,"nnd lhls''6pora
tlon, na carried on oxtoijslyoly on a iafgo shbop
ranch Is decidedly ptoturub. Ottentlihek it; (s
deemed necessary to give; tho Btim6 ahoop 'sovcral
dippings at,ttorvals of U days, and occasional
ly this dipping Is dope Hj.forb' weather. On tho
largo ranches thoro nro stiticlaliy constructed Ulp
ping vats with runways tir! tho flhepp as thoy ap
proach and leavo tho va)k( pt'c, Vhfi'oua Ingrodl
onta aro used in tho preparation df tho dips,
hmong tho most popular; wcjilg- lime, sulphur and
tobacco. in'
As Is wp)l known, tho Ambrlcan mnrkot has bo
itconio tha'moat dlscrlm((ting in tho world on
Mbcot producta and is raphily comtng to domand
a corresponding superiority In mutton. Cons'e
quontly fnrmers nnd ranchQra roalUo tho noces
Blty of selecting t)iQ bcahpep. Thp valuo of m
proved tlood in shoop jj j como o bo realltod.
tho mud mora,
$2 or $3 worth
jTortUlty, With mut- ""practical nnd pj-pfltablo, and it is, pp. ipngpr re-
onf as ,tho primary gardpd noccssarpTj to grpw onp Bhoop. fQr a floecp,
bonsldorallpP. ' ho.w'-', ab'othor fdr a ca,rcasS ind another for a lamb, An
, intelligent." up-tQ-aato nocKmastor combines them
alt Jrt, Uno clhSB4 Somo of tho bost mutton shoep
'are rod'dclnft as profitable fleeces na thoso kept
exclusively for wool and thelr'lambs aroidecldcdiy
Bitperlbr. As Is! well known, onewf tho.ilret. ea-.
eontlnlp' in n gp9d.fl.0pce Is cpjppactnpss or den
sity, this quality npt, only insuring a better yield
wester p. torrjtory of wpol, but also affording bpUor, prptpVtlpn,
Knowp as mo rnngo umuai, muiu, , ihib iuuicuios a nnraier animal
anu ono uouer bdio o wiuiBtana oxposuro. It la
dcBirblb to hayo' n cldBe; eVon, donso ilcdco, "with
no "broaka; cover all parts of tho body, including
the hoad,' limbs anuVundor parts"; and the tendency
In lattbh day breeding is toward carrying the
flepco hlofd conipMoly oyer the , b, pad. faco. Jilmba
and undof parts.
Tho far-sighted sheep raiser la a,lao cpmpg to
gu'nrd against ncgloct or Unduo exposure of his
flock. porlodB of slcltnciis, 'or indeed" hnythlhg'Uiht
will Impair tho vitality of tho animals, fdr it hive
coino to bo protty well understood that BUch In
fluences diminish both the.langth andi strength or
fiber and fineness,, whereas,; longthi and btrongth
s K H eB8?.Rl VHMm.Jh a ,gopd Jlepco,
Well-fed' sheep alwnyB produpo the, beati wpol and
tho greatest quantity of It, and export opinion, is
tti tho effect that n flepco almost mvar(ably begins
to docllno in value after h Uhedh has passed the
ago of four years. The best griido ot wool la
Invariably found 'on tho roar1 part of the shoulder
And Crinkles or folds of the' skin' about 'the nock1
or dther pdrtB o( tho body aro, detrimental, Inas
much as tho wool ,that grows wlthla these fpiui
Is uhllHo bthor parts pt, thp nnd .there, is a
conaoquont lrtck of uniformity.
TM6 Proper feeding of sheep is ono of tho chief
responsibilities connected with thp industry In
Bomo localities tho "self-feeder'4 ' ?s' extensively
employed, but In other localities It'js not In'touch
favor. Proporly cured alfalfa has conlo ' up won
dorfully" in popularity as a food for shCep nnd
many sheop fpodora have purchased cxtonslve
areas of hlfalfa for uso In this connoctloti'. Alany
df the largo feedora In suph statoa as Nobraako
Colorado and Minnesota have no sholter' for their
Hooks, but it Is gonorally conceded now that prop
erly constructed shods are an advantage, al
though, of couraoy Involving considerable outlay in
the case of largo feeding yards. Sbmo of the
most progressive ahoop men now recommend
feeding threo tlmea a day. althpugh othortf still
dllnrf to tho old Idea that It Is not necessary to
food mord than twlco a day Along with, all these
dther requisites for success In sheep raising there
is tho necessity for the koo1 ntinnw
ment and oxporionco. Even on tho ran Whr
shoep are supposed to bo ablo 'tb shift' W tt,ni.
duiyb moro is a tonaoncy to employ a
class of men aa sheep hordoro.
.i '
TJ Genuine, Article.
I don't know about this plcturo, npbby.M wld
the visitor, na he ran PYor spppimena of the
oungator,8 camera work. "I Bra afraid a dog
with a propellpr instead of a tall' is something bf
u fake."
"That ain't n propellor," sal Hobby. "That's
his tall. He kept NVaggln' It while his picture was
being tookened.l'--HarperB Weekly.
Unkajr'aiA Wafe fawa" goVerhiMg
oratloMm'tati& federal tbrD
BeaeV'taiia defa4",Jpbrpora
itV'fia 'os.Myr.proposod.
A I ,
for trust'B' br iMf W A-'tlsrrar, presl-
"The grMtAmerioi Rational dis
graco," saldW. FarVftf ait tho recent
convention ' association at
Doston, "is wAnst in tV iBsunnco of
flctltlouo or iUfed'vBtock. TbiB is
mndo posBibIj?y''tbsH9o corporation
laws which provide b) governmental
supervision oef ojJrganlzation of
corporations whichrequlro no part of
tho capital BtoCkto"b&)paid In money
nnd which permit 4hb issuonco ot
Btock at tho pleasuro ot tho organizers
and directors tt buo4jj valuations ns
thoy may choosot'to placo on them. To
my mind, tho most vicious ot nil the
provisions In the statutes abovo enu
merated is that authorizing ono con
poratlon to own ami Voto stock In an
other. This provision Is tho motbet
of tho holding company and tho trust
It prbvlrlca a method for combining .under ono management, and control cor
poratlons from ono end of the nation to tho othor. .
''Concerted action among tho BtatcB will end-all the. trouble. 1L ovory
stato in tho Union will purge Its corporation :ikwjBJ'4or air crtjjectlowibjo fea
tures; then tho breeding paces of Industrial mohfltrotljes are doatrpjed. It
appears to mo thnt It would require but a small amount of coBBtructlvo'statos
mnnshlp to bring about a stato conforenco and united action on this grave
subject" , - . - f v'3jf 3
Mr. Farrar ridicules tho proposed schemo ot B. IK Garys prosldont or tho
Stcol Trust, for government regulation of prices. Ho says: "For government
to fix1 tho prices of merchandise bought and Bold Incommerco Is utterly bo
yond the power vt at,y legislative body in America.",
Nntban Allen, tho indicted leather
trust magnatp of Kenosha, Wis., ac
cused of smuggling at Mow York, will,
it is stated, mndo a spirited defense.
It is said tho Allen side of tho Jenkins
imbroglio will specify an attempt to
carry out a blackmail schema. That
his wito bclioves absolutely in Allen's
innocenco is shown by the fact that
they spent the entire summer togeth
er on a Montana ranch.
Indictments charging Nathan Allpn
of Kenosha, Wis., and John it. Collins
or Memphis, Tcnn., with the smug
gling or jewels valued at more than
,$100,000 Wore brought to light In tho
office of United States District Attor
ney Wflso In New York. Tho gomB are
alleged to have boon smuggled Into
that port from tho steamship LusV
tanm -on, June 25, 1009.
. Tfhe Indictments wero tho outcomo
of tho testimony before, the federal
gjand Jury of Mrs, jrtplpn .Owplle, .Jen
kins, to whpm the Jowolry nlieKcd to
hayo been Smuggled was presented, nnd from 'whom' it was' later" stolon w'hlld' 1
Bhp was living1 at a New York hotel. Fdllowlrig ho theft of thd gems there
was a groat deal of publicity given to Mrs. Jenkins and Mr. Allen, nnd the;,
mattor was Anally settled by a consideration oJt.$72,00,Q,)(or which Mrs. Jpnklna
,says sho rocplycd $31,000,, m rt, uth,
- dolllns, n coal operdtpr olf Tennessee, was a fellow pissongcr of Allo'h; thrf v''
jliKllcttriont In thb Tonrtcsseenn'b ca6' redltes. and It charges hlra with having""!'
smuggled a iiccldnco consisting of fl'vo strands of pearls with a diamond f and
ruljy clasp, a pearl 'and diamond' bracelet u,pd othpr ,n,rtlclop, of jowolry .and , tlli
uu(ub uiiici. fruo v,wmu ui vuuDintuupr is uibo inia ai nis uoor.
1 l
Vfl(, I )( t
Henry nockwoll. Baker, a twenty-,;)
year-old youth of St Charles J1L( ,,111, v
,get $250,000 when ho is graduatpd..,;
,frofn collcgo. Dakor is tho Intq John
V. Oa'tos'8 only nophow. Mr. Gates1
was very fond' 'of"!hlm'' thd mllliohnlre
bequeathed $10,000 to bo given to.'tilm'v
at once for his pxpeppps nt college,
and $250,000. when ho gets his degroo.
Dut he will not play rootbdW. 'Al
though his uncle placed no restric-1'"
tlons' upon him, (ho lad remembers
that Gates was opposed to football, ,
and, for that reason, will not attempt" u
to make a team. , ,
Ilo has promlsod whon hp leaves'
college and comes into his $2S0l000.""
that ho will stay away "from "Wall! '
street This is also out ot doforouco .4.
to his lata uncle's wlshos John ,V.,,,.
Gatpp once pdylsed him, If bo ,over ,
got hold of ahy monoy, to Koop'hVay "
from that mart of speculation' and' tho 1
boy regards this advice' as a request)
Baker Tvaa greatly thoy
munificent bequest, but started In otudylng tq earn. Jt at once., ,
Baker was a studdrit :i'h' thb St. Cbarlps high school until he finished .tils
studios tbere' last' tall :id as half-back on tho achoyl elovon and is 'an' all-''
arpund athle'to. Henry ls a ibrlght iboy' jMr. Gate's once ild: ''He ishllad "
who Btudlcsi and playB football too and, that iff Ihd right' kind, I, want' him toi
got an, edupatlon,. Jlo wmifljid1an,,pdURlpn mdans more, to him thati.'all. jtho .
1 1 A - -
money m mo wun. . . , , j i u :
' feomo tlmo ago' ltdpi'oBotitatiVo Sa:
bath df Illln'olb lntrdduced a resolutlbit
In congresa1 levying a tariff of 25 por
Coht upon all marrlngo dowrlesi, 8ot
tlomonts between Americans, and for
olgners. Sontlmont in favor of such,
n tax has been growing slnco and If
there !b any way of. passlnga law
whldh, iwlll" bo' constitutional and eft
foptlvo at thn Banjo.tlniei .to. rpguiptei
this marriag,o bartor, stops to do Bq,
will probab'ly'bb thken In thp next'sei
slon of corigrotis. '
There la hn ecdnorato Wide to thd1
marriage or our Ttch American girla
to titled 'Europeans It; la estimated
that tho of .thpse, titles Rots
tho enormous sum ot $1.000,UQO,uO.
every ten years a drain that fpwf
countrlos":ln" tho Wdrld, 'perhaps fio
other country; except our ownj could,
stand. .
Tho f'act' that It Is wealth which
titled foreigner aro seeking when
ovldbrit. Whpdvor; hbar8,,dt a European noblo marrying a poor Amorlcan
Whoovor.'hoars or an English ielrdss marrying n poor Amerlcanr if
nntlqnai porr'se8 wprb based on foyp tho rulo would Work both ways'.
.in 1
. -in.., 1 :( .1