A K .)!- 1 thy. , Hie Bride and Groom will Remember you with a great deal of pleas ure, if you select n gift of utility and beauty. Wo have made it a real study to offer suggestions to pros pective gift givers in order that thev may select some thing that will be highly appreciated. Different things appeal to different people so that a knowledge of the person to whom you are about to give is necessary. It will bo a pleasure for us to show you a number of different artic les which wo have in stock at a large range of prices. An appreciated gift by no means" signifies an expen sive gift as you will learn from a visit in our estab lishment. Hero are a few suggestions. Rich American Cut Glass Sterling Silver, the New Mont ccllo Pattern Karmack Brass Mantle Clocks. DIXON, Jeweler and Optician, U. P. Watch Inspector. t Local Melange Mrs. Geo. Austin spent Wednesday in Grand Islsnd. Lawrence Fryo has been seriously ill for several days past. Mrs. W. D. Waldo went to Grand Island yesterday morning. Gus Buchfinch went to Omaha Wed nesday to spend a few days. Mrs. Claude Delaney of North Port is Visiting local friends this week. Attorney W. V. Hoagland went to alunoy on legal business yesterday Floyd Breternitz went to Gandy yes- . tcrclay to organize a Yeoman lodge. W. W. Burr returned Wednesday from a two weeks visit in Edgemont, S. D. Miss Merrit of Sutherland will spend the week end with Misses Roxy andlza Murphy. Tom Watta camo home Wednesday: evening from a three weeks stay in Canada. Harry Brodbeck camo homo Wednes day from a week's visit- in Sidney and Cheyenne. Will Hendy and father came home Wednesday evening from a business trip to Kearney. Miss Maymo Johnson went to Brady ycHteruay morning to visit relatives lnuoimiteiy. Georco Zentmever returned Wednes day from Schylcr, where ho attended the tunerai of his father. The stork denosited a babv erirl at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Royer Wednesday evening. Mrs. James Morrow js.cnjoying a visit from her mother Mrs J; Rittgcrs of Indiana. Mrs. A. S. Coatcs and children went to Sutherland yesterday to spend a week with relatives. , Dr. Brock, Dentist, oVer First . National Bank. Mrs. Fred Smith, who had been tak ing treatment at the P. & S,. hospital , returned homo today. John Mellcn traveling freight ngent , for Chicago & Northwestern transacted uusmess nero yesieruay. Mrs. Arthur Howard and sons have returned from a short visit in Lodge polo with relatives. Miss Emma Allen of Omaha returned home this morning after visiting Mrs Frank Buchanan for a week. Mrs. Tayler, of Council Bluffs, nr rived Wednesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Leon for a fortnight or longer. C. F. Tracy came homo this morning from Cheyenne nfter spending a week there on business with tho B. of L. E. Tho mnrriago of a well known young contractor and an equally Well known young lady will take place in tho course or two WC0KB. W. L. Richards returned Wednesday evening from Cheyenne whero ho went on tne interests ot tho JJ. of L. E. Mrs Henry Coates returned to Suther land yesterday after spending two weeks with horsonfA. S. Coates and family. 1 Mrs. H. C. Andorson, of Ogalalla, has recovered from on operation at tho P. & S. Hospital and went home yesterday. For Salc-LQts 5 and C, block 75, with four room house; located on west Eighth St. Inquire of Major Walker. Tom Marcott and Ed Murphy, of Brady, nrrived hero too Into to join tho Booster's excursion and returned that evening. E. F. Stowert, of Fremont, and Dr. Simson of Lexington, aro spending a few days In town with Dr. Pritchard inspecting horses, , Dnvo Fredericks will leavo shortly for Ogd(n to tako treatment for rheu matism. Mrs. Dye, of Salinn, Kans., is ex pected soon to visit her dauchter Mrs. Will Moloney. Julius Pizor and daughter Mayme will spend tho remainder of tho week in Hastings with relatives. James Keofo, of Sioux City, is visit ing his son, Attorney James Keefe of this city, having arrived yesterday. Austin, tho fivo'ycar old son of Mr. Mrs. Ray Snyder, wns run over Wed nesday eyenine bv a havrack and had his toes broken. For Sale Second-hand koirs and barrels at Star Bottling Works. Lewis Highsneider who was nmoncr tho machinists dismissed hero recently and has since been working ip Chicago, is now employed in Omaha. Bert Millner. formerly emnlbvod in the Western Union office hero nrrived this morning from Iowu to visit friends a few days. The eastorn. fmancinl Journals nrn- dict that Julius Krutchsnitt will, suc ceed Judge Lovett ns president of the combined Harriman lines. Robert Royer and son El ridge went to Brady Wednesday where ;tho latter will remain with his grandmother Mrs. Anderson for two weeks. Dressmaking nnd remodeling u spec alty. 118 W. Gtli. 04-3. Twelve lady members of the Baptist church left yesterday morning for Maxwell to organize a missionary Rn. ciety nnd gave a cantata last night. Weather Forecast Increasing elmnll. ness with probable showers tnntrrht nmi Saturday. Maximum temperature yesterday 84; a year ago 82. Minimum temperature yesterday EG: a vear atro 47. " Mr. and Mrs. Martin, of Denvnr. whn attended the trial at Sidnoy the first of tho week in which their son Harry wns acquitted of tho charge of the death of the late George Brownell, and since visited friends in town, went home Wednesday afternoon. For Rent 2 nice front mnms fur. nished for light housekeeping. Inquire at 720 West 2nd St. In the semi finals of tho tennis tour nament between Richmond Birgo nnd win uttcn. tho atter won 2 nta nf singles out of three played and in the nnais of tho singles Otten won three straight sets out of fivo from Mill ntrn Bullard. The big Burllncton shons. lock, near Lincoln, went on nWf time Inst week. Tho men put in thirty 'urs inSt week, nnd worked twenty-seven hours this week. this condition will lastis not known. Tho explanation given is light traffic on tho road. . Stamp-Kesler WefHiaf . Last evening nt the homo of her ! parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. II. Stnmm Miss Fern Stamp became tho brido of William Ross Kesler. of Omaha. Rev. Geo. F. Williams pronounced tho words which united in marriage these two popular young people. Tho house was prettily decorated in pink nnd whito flowres and colored can- Ulenbra. Thirty relatives and immed iate friends witnessed tho ccrcmonv which was marked by its simplicity nnd imprcssivencss. It took nlaco nmoncr a bank of ferns. Mendleshon's wedding march was played on cor.net and piano by Mr. nnd Mrs. Enrl Stamp. Tho bride wore n rich trown of whito marquissetto over whito satin with trimmings of smnll sntin roso buds. silver threads nnd heavy lnce, made entrain. Her voil wns held In nlnen hv a cluster or Lillies of tho Vnlloy nnd she enrried a huge boquet of Lillies of tho Valley nnd whito roses. Sho wns unattended. Following tho ceremonv and enncrrnt- ulations n buffet lunch was ' served. Tho color scheme of pink, whito nnd green wns carried out in tho refresh ments. The display of rare nnd 'costlv wnd- ding gifts wan dazzling. Mrs. Kesler is n North Platto pro duct, having resided hero nil her life. nnd nfter graduating with high honors from tho local school was engaged ns one of tho city touchers for a number of years. Of a bright mind nnd sunny disposition she gained nnd hold tho friendship of youncr nnd old nllko and possesses tho necessary qualities for nn meni nome maker. Tho groom was formerly employed in the Western Union office in this city, but for a year pnst has held a lucrutivc position in Omaha. He is n spendid voumr mnn nnd very popular with all who know him. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kesler left at mid night for Omnha whero thev will bo nt homo to their friends nt 2G42 Capital Ave., after Nov. 1st. KEEPING DENTAL BILLS LOW Economic Man Will Watch Hla TeetH Carefully and Keep, Hla Teth Well Cleansed. Y. M. C. A. Opening. The formal opening of tho Y. M. C. A. is set for October 6th, Gth and 7th. On the evening of Octocer Gth there will be n literary and musical entertain ment. On tho Gth J. P. Bailey, of Omaha, will give one of his lectures. Mr. Bailey is the state secretary of the Y. M. C. A. and is ono of tho best speakers on tho Americnn plntform. On the 7th tho program will bo informnl. Refreshments will bo served. Tho admission is ono dollar and each ticket is good for tho three evenings' of entertainment, " During tho: past two months the rooms Have been 'remodulod in fine shape. If anv men In Nnrtfc' Platte have pot seen tho loby and en joyed its cheerful and welcome arrange ment, they should plan to pay it a visit Tho public reading room contains checkers nnd chss tables, also a good stock of up-to-date magazines and daily papers. In thoso day when prices nro hlga nn nearly ovory artlclo that wo buj it, becomes nocessnry to watch close Jy tho money that wo Bpond, that w may got tho greatest vnluo in return, nnd nowhere will oystemntlo enro re pay us bettor than tho manner in which wo look aftor our tooth. Ho Is nn economical man who early determines not to Ipso a slnglo tooth Tho henlth ronorts olonrlv riomnn. strntq that perfect mastication la not possible with dlsoasnd tooth. Wo nlso know that nrtlflcial teeth. oven nt their boBt, nro poor substi tules for tho natural ono8. Without perfect mastication of food, wn utiffoi In comfort nnd in honlth. Monoy spont on tho teeth proves real oconomy In tno saving or foos paid to tho physi cian. In having our teeth attended to, wo should hnvo in mind tho beet that can bo aftordod. It is almost hotter to do without dental work than to run tho risk of ruining tho teeth with cheap work. Wo cannot buy good silk for Bovcn cents a yard, and tho enmo mlo holds true in overy busi ness. After tho initial expense ot p)nclng tho teeth in good condition, wo should endeavor to keep them that Way. To do thin. It In nnronnnrv tn keep tho tooth well cleansed and avoid any oxccsslvo strain upon thorn. If ovory ono understood tho vnluo of reg ular visits to tho dontlst, ovory six months or oftonor, dental bills Would bo much lower than they aro, Tho rapidity with which tooth decay is np palling. Tho dentist, by tho nld ot his instruments, is nblo to detect de cay whero it is entirely unknown to tho patient. By this enrly discovory tho dontlst is often rumbled to InRort n small filling at a minimum ot pain. timo and cost. Best of all, tho small lining will outlast n dozen largo ones Parents enn oconomizo in tho care of their children's teeth bv tnldnc thorn to tho dentist nt tho ago of two to havo tho tooth oxamined. Tho first sot of teoth should not bo allowed to decay, but should bo rotuined in good condition until tho next sot or teoth is ready to tnko its placo. In this way the child will bo saved, pain, it will op ablo to thoroughly masticate Its pod and moat important ot nil, the risk ot Irregular tooth will bo largely jo voided. Remember that ono dollar spent in tno mouth or a chim Is worth nvo spent in after mo. , Finally, romnmhnr thnt nrtnrnnl Vlfrilanco Is tho nricn of ?ond tnntYi If yQU notlco anything wrong do not necloct KOllltr to tho dentist nt nnrn. By so doing you will not only save ' yourself much troublo, but also mucn exponso. -l(Copyright, Western Nowspapor Union.) DANGER IN' DECAYED TEETH C '1 Because the People Do Not Recognize 4. inis Few Have Needed Dental Work Done. Lutheran Announcement. Special events for October: First Next Sundav. Rnllv Rnrvtoon in the Sunday school. Every ono from tho cradle roll to the home department desired present. , Fifth-Aid society nt Mrs. H. M Bird's. Tenth to Fifteenth-Mission conven tion nnd Nebraska synod at Omaha. Nineteenth Tho annual supper nnd bazaar. Twcnty-ninth Tho holy communion. Tho hour of tho ovening services un til April will be 7:30. Tub Pastoh. Doing: Some Business. Mr. E. P. Leonard, examiner for tho Nobraska Central Building & Lonn Association of Lincoln, Nebraskn, was in tho city yesterday nnd exnmined and approveu $11,500 of loans for C. F. Tcmplo their district airent When you think of this amount of outsido capital coming into our city to neip improve and beautify, by assisting in building now homes, wo rcnllzn what good nn institution of this kind is doing us. Hnrvest Leavo your orders for milk nr rvnm - w wa at the Enterprise Bakorv. nnw enni imt. ed by the Doolittlo Produce Co. The marriage of Miss Mario TVMn and Myron Withnm of Denver will tnlrn placo in that city on Wednesday, Oct. Huu miss loom resided hero for a number of years and has manv frinndn among tho local people who wish her I have some excellent bargains in city property on terms to suit. See me at once. C. F. Tomnl. The Indlontlnno nivk flint . 1 w. ..!... I. 1 1 1 1 ,11 - VI.HI MIU IIIIV nun bonds win enrrv hv n nvrr,. -!... The friends of tho proposition want to remember, hnwnvar tlm i w.uv wlu ,uv fu. quires a three-fifths voto in favor of mo uonus. iney should not permit tho proposition to fail by their failure to vote. Remember that tho election uctura on vveunesuay, Uctobcr4th. Keith Bookings. Oct, 30th Tho Campus. Oct. 31st Tho Virginian. Nov. 17th -Under Tho Moon. Nov, 9th The Rosary. Nov. 24th and 25th-Franklin Stock Nov. 20th-Tim Murphy Co. uqc. I5th-Bnyes & Norworth in kittle Miss Fix It Dec. 19th Nowlyweds. Dec. 27th-Brewstera Millions. City Hall Site. Tho action of the council at its Inst meeting, Indicating the location of tho City Hall nt some point on Locust be tween Fourth nnd Sixth Streets, hns jiiei wun general approval. This embraces soven available sites and will no doubt oxcito some competl- uon oeiween tno owners of tho different sites when tho bonda aro enrried nnd tno city is rendy to buy. Presbyterian Church. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Public worship nt 11 o'clock. Endenver at 7:80. Please noto the chnngo in tho hours. The pastor will bo In his pulpit in considering tho caro of tho tooth, incro is no Bubject ot grontor im portance than the need of rinntnl ton. Ice. In Chicago somo examinations ot jne tooth or school children havo bnnn mado and so far 07 per cont of tho cnunron examined nro in need of don- .tnl sorvico. Dr. William A. Evans. nx.cnmtnia. Blonor of health of Chicago, in talking ot tno examination, says: "Tho major harm is from thoso decayed tootli bo ing harbingers of bacteria that slowly poison, nnu ns a result of that nn nnn, ing thoro Is in many instance nnln rirn mont or tho neighboring glands, and inoso ginnus stand as vicarious sac rifices protecting tho remnlndor of the body from tho invndlng poison. And thero is naturo's routo . . . h which tho poison finds its way into thQ interior or tho body. It is relatively eaBy (for anyono) to boo how teeth de cay, and how accumulation of filth takes nlaco In thoso decavnd tooth it is not difficult to boo thoso enlarged ginnus ... hut It Is far moro dif ficult to understand why tho child It pnlo and nnoinlc. Absorption is tak. ing place from theBo affected areas and tho Influence ot that absorption is felt not only in tho neighboring glandH, but also in this group of physical con dltlons that nro far removed and the relation of which is difficult to under. otand. It is not only difficult fot tho medical mon to understand this, but it is far moro diillcult for tho fam ily to understand it" It is n well-known fact that only o small per cont or tho peoplo of thq Unitod Stntoa havo tho dental worH dono that tho good of their physical and montnl woll-bolng domands. The percentage has been variously stated ob from four to ton por cont. That la immaterial. Wo know it 1b low; we know that if all tho dental work which should be dono at onco wero to btf j presented to tho members of tho den; tnl profoaslon tomorrow, five times th number or dentists now In practlc could not caro for It properly. Tho lack ot knowlcdgo concernln tho ovhb or neglect 1b largely rospon Biblo ror this condition. The mem bors ot the medical and dontnl rirn fosslon know only too well tho tnr rlble liavoo of decay, but tho people who should bo most Interested in it tho possessors of uncloan, unsanitary mouths, do not know anything aboul It and do not manifest tho Interest they should. (Copyright, Weiitorn Newapapor Union.) 1 j Men who aro always fearful of mak inir bltr foolH of thntnsrilvnn lngly imawaro that tho trnnflforraatioB nan boon offected by naturo lone bo fore they ovon thought themsolvej cnpablo of making tho vory thing tboj j FaSS Fashions. F'ASHIONS change as regularly as the seasons, With I theadvent of Autumn you find yourself looking wistfully at the new fashions and styles in suits and overcoats now being displayed. Some men who have always worn -"rcady-mades" long .to have their next suits or overcoats "tailor-made," but hesitate because fancied idea that the cost is greater. Not so. Li Kahn Tailored Clothes made to your individual measurements, with every stich needled with you in mind; with attention to the little but important details that are often neglected in ready-made garments, cost no more than clothes-pulled from-the-pile. 500 pure wool paterns to select from. Let us show you our offerings before you place your order. $20 TO $45. Edw. Burke, Agent, Room 9, New Waltemath Bldg, North Pla'tte. School Sweaters. Nothing makes ns practical and comfortable a garment for school wear as a nice sweater. We are showing a largo variety of styles'nt 50 Cents and up. Wilcox Department Store Is drawing to a-close, only a few days more in which to purchase Harness of all kinds, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Blankets and Hardware at the big re duction in price. These goods are being sold at from ten to twenty-five per cent below the usual Jprice, ,To buy now means to save money but you must hurry, for the sale lasts but a short time. P. Fofstedt, Locust Street. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. v uuin services. UEO. l WILLIAMS. urn so ioarnu or.