The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 29, 1911, Image 2

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IRA It. BAUD, Publisher
' " .-I H 1
Homo and Foreign 'lntetlTaH6 Con--
tanked' 'Into' Two and" Four
Line1' Paragraphs.' "'
I ft I Vlfl'lfl
.1 !
,n ii'.Waiihlnptarw
Almost ranking officer of bis gradcM
Col. Georgo Hublen, assistant quar
tormastor gerioralifof tho army, was
placed oa tho retired 'list owing to
age,, Colonel Rublen was born In
Germany) graduated from tho mill
tary academy to which ho was ,ap
pointed from, pho In 188C and mado
an oxcollcnt record during the Spanish-American
Commercd of tho United States with
forcibn countries wris prosperous wltn
n balance of trade for tho month' of'
crlcan budn.eas mc.n,, , Willi export
01 xi44,Z11.&ar, August Anis year maup i
a noW record for the month surpass-'
ing AUgUBl OXporU in ail pruYiuuo
years and August of a year agOlby al-
most 110.000.000. i.i
Tho government saved itself froin a,
lotnl loss by tho forest fires in tbo
northwest Inst 7ear when a d6al was
closed for tho sale of 125,000,000 foot'
of fflre-kllfed' timber "In Idaho. "With
the burned ontsldo taken off, this tlm.
box ad good for all .manU.f&Aturlng
purtiosea as any qthor lumber. ,;Part
V Ike timber waa ,sojdto an,, Idabq
lumber comnanv. tho remainder to a
The Nebraska stato
society of
Wakhltigton will hold.
its annual
meeting, here; .on Odtobo"r 27y Anr.
nouncement to tnis onoci y.-.8f-by
F. H. Abbott, assistant commis
sioner of Indian affairs. Thtj guest
of honor will bo Dr, M. W. Davidson,
who recently resigned as supprjntend
ent'or schools at Omaha to accqpt a
similar posttlpn In' Washington.
Among the kuotitB will be a number
of grkduAte'dnijfa University of Ne
brasiufj 0;t ftrd, now employed as
BcIenUsts fn the' various dopartmenta
.. I
of 'tn'tr5vrhnlhfr'' '
if, - - -
PHrlfn ntnnnir fontlnntt tniUftilrn Is I
' I. . if 6- 1
BrowinKipQWerwuH, t. v
WW w
on :by the hfsth cost ol
The Moroccan war cloud over
Fratfbo and Germany Is disappearing,
Bojgroff, the slayer of Premlor
tbiypln, was aentencedjpbe ,hanged
jyiuwr iviUKcru mil now xurK lur 1
CI . , , V I .1. 11. I.. J . I
emu Lrrnnciecu, uuiur. tue uiifu w n- 1 vuiupucu wiiii mu ,ikw, rcuuiriu Uls
ter U10 contest; ' " nual rofiortiu, "
One issue in the presidential can-
vasjBha removed by the' defeat of re-
clnrnnltv In Pnnniln. . I
Wille disappointed 6vcr tk'e dofeal
of reciprocity in Canada, Prcsldont
Tart: kept on smiling., I
Congressman Norrla of Nobranka,
was surprised to. hpar of the dofoat o(
retfivroclty In Canada.
Reciprocity in Canada wbh .dojeat-
Ed by a landBlldo vote. Our tcbhRress
waited much time for nothing.
A! packagd' 'containing $10,000 In
currency is missing from tho postof-
flee at Sioux Falls, 8. D.
Inkers in session at Omaha un-
nuallflcdly endorsed tho Aldrlch Plan
ami InlAotjwl nfTlrira ' t ',l'
Directors of tho International Nlcklo
company declared a dividend of 4 per
cent J for tho quarter.
Tvi pntnhnt Mia r I a a In bihm. n.ln,.
el Dib?i 1'
Houston, Tox., bousowlVoB liavo
staKed a movement to boycott that
Jiews that' a; decree, of .dt'vorco hnd'
been granted ,Mrs. WeJlmft.-foriVorly
Emma (Tuob, tli.e famous prlns donna
from" her husband, Francis I. Wellman.
the' Well know; ,New Xprk lawyor, in
me' I'ans courta on JUiy SO, was con -
taiaeu In a Paris cablegram.
M Washington. .Representative
Charles D. Carter of Oklahoma was
named defondant iii ti, '10.000d'am
age .suic-uieu - oy. . stamuei ueruer, a
salesman, oh account of an allegod as
saiilt by Carter in a downtown Btoro.
John C. Stubbs, vice president and
director of traffic of tho Harrlman
llafes, announced that he will rotiro
January 1. Ills successor haa not
been named.
fynitod Stntpa, Judgo, Petr.S, Gross.
CW WW T, u") IWV8; td h si
forihcoinlnif' xrdsignatidn 'frohj 'HhV
b4ch by declaring ,tlmt ,lf, njiy WtqrH., .W,,or aioiypin , sijccuiuboif' to in.
cdti organization 'br' individual Is" now 'JurWs Inflicted by an nssosstn. ,
investigating his rocord wants further
tlWo for lnV68Ugtr6h, he "will dpfpH.PQOl or -politics In his M chlgan
h rf resignation."
President Tart has granted oxocut-
IVrf clemency to tho first woman nnnl -
at laurlne hls-admlnUtTa't(on'."Mar-
Bot Bolvlns, of Ulg Stpto .pap, a,,
Yffm was Bcntoncou to a moniira im-
ptlBoumont and. $100 .fine for. eVadlug
Internal revenue laws on whiskey.
ITho lowest point In fourteen years
wiw xuucucu uy inu biock 01 mo uam-
mm. & Hecla Mining company, when'
Itj declined nine points.
yio Bank of Montreal 'offered a re
ward of 15,00.0 for tho capture and
conviction of ono or moro of tho rob
bers who Btole $258,000 from Its
Rov. R. II. Dolllrcr, brother of tho
lato Iowa senator, died at Hot Springs,
S. D.. nn:ed&5.
Taft lBwMrtg to bo retired rrither
'tho tarjtlqufstloii
latcd ricffln&tjOr
5 Caftada .defeated
landslide V6tP ?I I
Chfimn Clark bsvb
sight of tho promised land.
Federal Judgo Groascup of Chicago
Is soon to rctlro from tho bench.
Spain Is facing a crisis as grave as
that confronting tho nation In lOOO.
Congress must soon fix tho toll
Charges, for tho Tanama canal.
Henr,y , Seymour . ofyLiuc.Qjn.. ,Neb
was drugged and robbed at' Niagara
Falls. ' ' '""
C P.' Rodders'. 'the toftsltloastaVI-,
ator, suffered a hard fall at. Middle tdn,
n.,jY. ,.;, , :- .. v
F'ttr jpfiPta iWw.i.'flM. ml w
hundred Injured, In tho Sunday riots at
Six people, HVlhg In Adjoining, nous
'Wero1 Wd'efc'a' while hot slept 'fit
Robort It Dordcn, dppbsltian leader
In .Canada, mado-aflndl appeal "to tho
voters .against, .reciprocity., .
Thero was a bad slump In steel
stocks on rumors of ,a ;oomng suit for
dissolution of thq, company.
A change of contempt of catfrl Is
mado against an "attorney for the de
fense In tho McNnm.ara cases.
J., 3. Hill, chalmian -of - thd ' Great
iNorthorn railway, celebrated hl8 bov-
fcnty-third birthday on tho ICth,
Cnrl Morris, tbo white hope, was
outfought In hla ten-round battlo with
Hpnry Watlerson sayB, .the day of
ireo passes ana ireo ucKpio, iu mo
noWSpapor business Is ' passing. " UUVUIUIJIHUIUO uiv juum
Md In cbhncclldrt' with tho AasattBintt'
lion of Premier Stolypln of Russia'.
I r. .p ...111 n.1 , V. n
UVUI1 IVUIlWlrt U11UIBIU1H Will l uu
resident to votq Secretary, Wilson's
p,pnectlon with tho brewpra! ,,con-
MlHBourl, Kansas & Tcxnfl rauroaa
?hQps at Sodaila, omptoylng noary
00 moh, clsedd ' fdr an lhdoAriltt?
period. ' ' "
LfdutcnantH Atwoodfettd Shoppard
(he, iKsgllah .army of (Jeers; who .wore;
arrested at Emdcn, PruHBlai charged
With, vspolnngo wore reloafcd.,.
liiocung "placo of the' Amcrlcau Asso-
lt'U ' ' 'm : ; , .
nT nnornl PnRfltlcrnr. and
BlfA'ge'iltB fa 1011
TTnl' rnllinHrtna fnf tht ntntn
treasury como in moro rapidly tho
stato treasurer of Nebraska will be oln
llged ;tp. tpp .buying municipal bonds.
Tho nro at tho plant or tno tier
ulcs Oil Refining company nt Ver-
on, .CaJ... which burned for twenty
s, Svfts:"broub( ilhdeV 'cdh-
)mclals or the" TJelaward, Xackft'
t?Knna &c'storjlalIri5a(OaiajUiat,
less than 1,000 out of a total uumbo
of 4,300 track employes wero on
.IV. 'T If H
. " . A l i (it fl P. 3 N
Jmj pecomv.tnotQUgnty
practically 6 very "army post in the
Fourteen thousand Kansas corpord-j
tlonq lost,, olrllhters 119' the
nmuui uuuru iuuiiu 1110 uuu uul:
AAMnllsi ..lit. . 1 t ..l-l. . i
OKden L. Mills. Ban of Mr., and Mra.
Ogden Mills "o'f Now York Wd Miss
Mnrcnrnt rtntiinrfnril. lnnirlitfr nf ,
Mrs'.' 'William k. Vanderbllt, sr., weroi
married in Franco.
A number pf KanRaa ; democrats
who are In favor of Champ Clark for
president, vlll meet tho iMIssourlan
and will nook to loam from him
rwnovnor nowiu enter tho raco for tno
Pdomocrntlo nomination.
At Dos Moines, la., Judge Smlth Mc
Phorsom ln federal court dissolved the
temporary Injunction obtained recent
ly by tho express conipdnlti'of Iowa
against tho Stato R&ilrdad commlB-
slon. . 1
The anniversary ol Moxlco's declar-
atlon of Independence was colobrate4
ut Mexico City, tho foaturo of the
program being a parade of the milit
ary, reviewed by President Do La
Goneral Joso Do La Luz Blanco,
commander of ruralcs in northern
Ohlhuahuii', has' been offlclally" ordered
P ta,co lorcea to Morales,, and' give
Mfrt to Zapataj Genqr,al Rlaiicb haa
beon with Madoro In his campaign in
Yucatan nn! w)ll rotirn at .onco tc
1 wasas uranuee ana get. nis urtny.
Flvo governors ot western otateji
that have conferred, the electoral
franchise upon women Hawloy ol
Idaho, Spry of Utah, Carey of Wyom
lng, Hay of Washington and Shafroth.
of Colorado wero participants In a
largoly attended mooting" In, thd Inter
'osts of woman suffrage at Coopoi
union, Now York.
Prcsldont Taft, on bis long Journey.
mado the first oton at ByracUsk N. Y
(. jrp-nlnoyfedvernprB, ntionded the;
hVWthiVat'sying Lalto, N, j, !
Prcsldont Taft took a plungp In the!
isx-Gonaior inomas 11. .lunrtor 01
Montana uieu at nis ,nqmiin wash
lngton.-vxi nt '
tCamp .Clark la unwilling! to, accept,
uiamo ior noipiiig iqtuuieat reciproo
ity. ...., v.' , ;
Gcuqrnl Reyes saya .thp Mexican;
election will bo illegal, : bccntiso the,
country is not at peaco
Antl-roclproclty forceB; in Canada,'
So making merry over tho dofoat of
o llboVal KoVornmpnLi,
. An aviator at Dayton, O., wna.
burned to doath In nr when tho
gasoline tank of his machlno exploded
4 a MS.
Plea for Prisoner la that State's Prin
cipal Witness Tola C6nfllctlh'0
, Stories.
'' William FIbgo's4ast offort .id keep
away from tho -which
ho was sentencod for life for tbo mur
der of his sister, Louise, was mado In
supromo, cd'urt. ; ' 1 ,;
The most pointed" eviddiico (H'tho
caso was that of Albert EHchfc'ump,
an 18-year-old German- boyt ; At tho
coroner's lnquost, ho denied that, he
know anything of tho crtino., )ur,lng
tho trial, however, ho said that he
saw Flcgo and his sister quarrollng
jthat ho ntemptcd to- Intdrfcrdj' 'Was
'driven nway and whllo running W tbo
jbarn, heatdltwd shotd-flrd,. . Glaudns(
'back ho first saw tho. girl onv her
jkneos and then saw her body pro8
trato on tho ground. The defense
claims that Eltencamp's' two ' stories
jaro so conflicting as to bo. valud)0ds
The, prosecution Insjatd thdt tho boy
wns' threatened by Flcgo and that bo j
jwas afraid to tall tho truth' 'al1' tio
lnques., " '
Tho defonso claimed .that ,thq pvl
jdoncp against Flogq was, Insufcjent
jto. fiupppft a verdict of guilty andhat
S ulcerous. Instructions given by tho
rial ' Judge In' that tho Inst'rucifons
ii'rided td'cilrecl tnd lurv what s'h'o'uld
o nccossary to overcome a Verdict of
ulHy'i'rathdr than what doubts-tinust
o removed boforo a verdict of .guilty
onld bfr, reached..,. C)uny(, , Attorney
InBbury,,pf Dlxpn county and.As-
Flcgo Is undor $25,600 ball at pres
J)rit: 'When tho court admitted hltri to
ball 'eonM8eI for tbfli state swatnt?dthe.
f podf t1 that violence might bo suff 6red
by tho prisoner It is said that since
flegel lias beenr under ball ho haa not
A', alwut the? neighborhood ex
tepti vlion .acftpmpanic A by someone.
Prptldent Taft's Visit.
According to ex-Senator 'Burkett,
ho is to head tho Taft reccotlon
uiiiuiiiivu uuuu fciiu vwuaoivu ui biiu
.. ..... 1 r 1.. t , . .1 . 1 .
resiaonuB visit 10 xnis cuy, uciooer
eVcry dporltintty will bo given
hd'peoplo to;seo tho "national execut-
(ve. A portion or tn&'atreeta on me
lpo of march, will be iresorycd for
!chool, children and othpr . partB will.
bp carefully arranged ,so tnat tbo
crowds will not po congested. Tho
automobljo, bearing the, presidential
Party will .bd drlvon nt a slow rate.
to all can seo. ' ,
Labor Bureau Officials 'Elect.
At'tho rdeetlng- of tho International
Association of tho, Officials of tho.
Labor Bureaus and, Statistics at tho
tato capitol offlcors were elected and
Washington, D, C, wap decided upon
as the meeting placo for the coming
Adulterated Linseed Oil,
Acting State Food Commissioner
Redfern has found considerable adul
terated Unseed oil In uso In Nebras
ka, but ho Is of the opinion that there
Is no penalty. Two years ago tho leg
islature passed a puro paint and oil
Jaw1, but tho words "linseed oil" wore
f omitted from tho penalty qlause. .Mr..
tlpdferu asked the last :leglslaturoi to
daort theao "words .In tho law,, but a.
bill for that purpose was suppressed
in a sifting, comm,lttQef Te law pre
vents tho uso of adulterated paint and
requires .labeling at tho, goos.
Stato Board Rejects Bids.
The State Board of Public Lands and
Buildings rpjeotod six bids which wero
offered on thp construction of tho two
new buildings to bo erected nt the,.
Lincoln hospital for ho Insane. Re
jections came because of .tho fact that
the bids oxcccdcd the amount -appro-'
prlated by tho last legislature for the
pair of new buildings. The sum It S50,
000 was set out for each of the struct
tyres, while, the bids opened ranged
from 63,000 to S74.O00. An enactment
of the last legislature provides that
all stato buildings nro 16 be construct
ed within the appropriations made for
them by that body.
. , 1 Complaint, Against Railroads., d
Tho Southwestern Millers ritisnM.v
jtlon' of Nebraska ilCansas, 'Oklahoma
and Missouri haa . filed 1 a. complaint.
with ntho 'Nobraakai Stato ;:Rallwayi
(comnussion, alleging tnat.K.tne,, jnllTj
roads in Nobraalfn fall ;to furnish
pripe'r'cAi's toV tho 'rihlpiribnroX flout,
atitl "Ks.Ulng'that llidy bo'eajdlrod lb
uppiy suitably edhlpped dnra.
' I' " ReoUtratlon.tat University.
Tbo tfltal r?glstratlpn ,for tljp first
o&y,.UH. tnp B,n(e,unlvqrBlty ,,waa. 29,
wmcn, is n, Biigni incroaso over tlio
first day of iaat yoar. ' Edward i.t'
Rutledgi),' feting reglatrnr, 'aald that'
no estiinnto can1 bo inado yet as tb
the probable in'crcnsd 'ln registration
over last year, Tho number of old
men back so far 1s small, the new
students arriving' early to look over
the situation, get registered nnd so?
cure room and board bofqre the be
ginning of school. The outlook Is
vory promising.
m k at m.
IP 2.
ipWlll h"
be Named, 1
1J M'T fa
' There will bo a special election la
tho Third district, on the same day as
tho general election, to fill tho vacancy
caused by tho death of Congressman J.
P. Latta and tho candidates will bo
chosen by tho congressional commit
tees, if theso committees are recog
nized by tho stato central committees;
or by convention, If tho congressional
commltteestofftttaaral'tpartles arel
not rccoKnlzedfntahliber'.polltlcal.
authority Tho opinion Inclines to
ward Mttilnatlon By c4vefftlo5hoV
cvor. wrils is thcglstf an opinion
wrutett4y tno iwt WW yrmmov ,
In rcpjgtotanjlaulfro Dfi yK
StephdriTof J'remont. .. ,
Thoojjlnlon Is wrlton by Frank E.
Edgorfoif. assistant attorney general,
and is approved by tho head of tho de
partment, , ' , if P"
Edgcrtbn's laito tb (StofhSns fol
lows: I S 4 X. V f
"Attorney Gonoral Martin haa hand
ed mo your letter of the 14th Inst.,, ask
ing for an opinion na to tho proper
mcthouSfor nomination' of candidates
lfor congfesa In tho Third congrcsslon-
by tho death of tho lato J. P. iiatta.
You snyjthat In 'said district the; cjan
dldatesln tho past have selected cam
paign "taianagers, who have chosen
their ovTa committees for the conduct
of campaigns.
''ThewtH-lmary law recognizes' party
tirganlzations and party committees.
These committees aro to bo'chosen in
bucIi manner astiaaybp Ld'dtormlned by
the Bta1cntraLcohi"mlttee,,bf each rep-
rosentffiyo pa'rty. iCobbey's annotat
ed statutes of 1911, Sec. 6889.) If tho
'committees in theTh rd congressional
district;. m fleefwbW.the' c5ijftlgn
managers, have tho approval of the
stato central committees of tho varl-
.oub parties, Tlako It thai they will bd
the legal committees, of the parties in
that district. , ,
, "Tho primary law provides fpr state
prid cohgrdssionUl 'cbriventlohs. (Cob
J)oy'B' annotitted,"8latutes of 1911, 'So
pontwoaroi) ltla 1 truo ' thc-'onlyf con
gressional .conventions . .mentioned
;thcron ae Uioso which formerjy wejo
nuthb'rlzed t'o select' iiol'ogaios' to 'tho
juilibnal convohlloh'. 'tiul' ttiitf section
provides that dolegates to state and
congressional conventions' shall' bo ap
portioned by the Btato committed to
the several counties upon tho votefcast
at tho last election for electors for
president' and' vlco president. Hence
If d convention id the proper means -of
nomination for cnndldntco to fill this
pfilco the apportionment, would noces
'parjjy bo made by the stato commit,
ees and not by the congressional, com
talttoes aformentloned.
) "The primary method of nomination
floes not npply to special elections to
fll vacancies. (Cobbey's annotated
tatutes of, J91L. Sectloa', 5863.) Jn
many respects his,, election, qt a. con
gressman at this time might bp termed
n special election.
Fund's Are Lacking
' No steps ad yet have been taken
to enforce tho Jaw passed by tho laBt
legislature' requiring maternity hornet
hnd lying-in hospitals to obtain licens
es from thq stato to do business. Lack
bf. funds and . tho ' failure of tlio. atate
board of health, to placo tho burden ot
enforcing the net aro given as the
roasons for falling to make tho law
l.vo. Tho board of secretaries re
cently mado application for funds
necessary to do tho wqrk,
Ministers Are Appointed
Appointments of tno ministers fori
tho-' Nebraska 'conference wore: , tan
bquncpd'attpo jtqi meeting of 'the
conference hold at university Place
Tho stato has been ro-dlstrlcted into
four divisions instead of five and their
names 'changed to Nebraska 1 Central,
isast, Boutli and west,
Corn OUt of Danger.
Tho Into hot weather haB done
pinch to ripen corn nnd 'put It on the'
Way out of danger1 from frost. Farm
ers living near Lincoln say that It no
serious frost conies before. October 1
jvory lilt'lo. corn in thiB part of the
bd-will bo -damaged.
Pure Seed Bill.,,
Until the legal and auditing depart
ments of tho state decide whether
foes collected under tho .purq seed
and stock bill can be used' to pay
jsalarlea and expenses tho bill will
- . 1 . . 1 . .11 i . .. u
cuuwiiuu a uaau ' leuer. ueioro nujr
jfeos are collected something less
.than 1,000,000 tugs must bo printed;
,! , Bitter Divorce Contest.
A bitterly contested divorce, ,case
brought hore, from, Kpnrnoy., county
was, .submitted; to., the atntoi supremo,
i ... u . 4 .
quri un f.avtomg appeain.b', wo.
ine uoiision 01 1110 ipwcr couri, wutpn
frofusod her a Bdpnratlon from her
Ihusbartd, Joseph1 G; Goings.
!,.! It d I' 'I; '! i
' i Schools. ln Lantakter.
.School is now in, progress' In all tho
1140 , dlstrlcta,- ln,r.MncA8ter- county.
'Most of tho counts 9$nQfll8 .iV-PK111
tliolr Bcsaion on Sontomber 4. whllo
;othbrs did nbt be'g'In'' i'uriUl a wddk
(later. County Superintendent ' Gurd
iite'r. stated that he had beard of ho
schools uiiBupplled' with teachers.
Reports as to attendance will not bo
received by tho county superintend
eat until the end, of tho first. month,
but he has 'reason to bellpve that
thero will be hd disappointment as
to the number of pupils,
r 1
st V"
S7 '
Fast Passenger Train Strikes Hay
Rack Loaded with Young Peeale
turnlnr fWWdU. ;
eohnan -. Wis. Sixte death?
be tho result oQa, col-
llslon-'ofJIai'mllo-a-mlnutor passenger,
train with a hay rack loaded' 'wlttiil
'tlilrty'-odeWifbung peoplo;,at ,Neoaa&-
( AXlg t&Uboanf al
ong tho railway
.4 1 1 r .
tracks obscured the view
of the on-
glneer .as, wclj ajjilho driver-of, tno
wncrinb Mlsfftiitl foir did tho'rcst". !
Twelvb persons oh the" nay." rack:
wero killed instantly, ono has slnco
died, and tlireo of eight others In
jured nro believed id bo fatalljr'hur'!
Nino of tho th'lrlyKno peoplo "aboard
tho wagon escaped without a scratch.
Both 'horses' wcrdhinhdrL 'Nobody, on
tho train suffered except from a mo
mpntary severoJar. . M .. . t , ;.
Tlio" colllslda' bVctlrrcd' at "3J40
o'clock in tho morning onthc Chica
go & Northwestern rallwayf at 'tno
Commercial street crossing here.
Train No. 121, northbound, whirled
through tho wagon load of peoplojat
fgrty-flve-dpgceo , angle, the, highway
tho Peter Hansen farm, where thoy
had gono to attend, tho celebration of
a wedding. anniversary, A,ll, but tWP
men from .CHicago', ' wcre.irVitfents,rat.
Bodies,, terribly tcut and mutilated,
covered tho right-of-way as tho train,
nino conches In. length, was brought
to n stop 800 fppt, from the scenp or.
tb,p week, ..Several 1 of tho bodies wero
so badly 'mutilated , that", ld'entlticdtlbn
was .ppsslble only by fragments or
'Six ot tho victims, all doad, were
dlscdyored oh tho 1. englno plloU' where,
'they lay until removed, by.,. thd train,
crew and passengers. Two others
wero hurled, through a llngmans
Bhdnty' with 'Bu'cb force Hb "to ovet1
turn the Uttlo structurb. One of these'
was Miss Finn, who "was projected
through jone of the aide walls -of tho
ho i) so and wds ,stlll ollyo, when re
moved,,. She died a few hours later.
Another of the vlcUmii killed waa
thrown high over a barn fifty
from the railway right-of-way.
Damage, by. Earthquake,
Quyaqull, .Ecuador, Four earth
quakes on Sunday did serious damage
at Riobamba, tho c.apRal of Chlmbora
zo province, which lies about eighty
!flVo miles from Guayaquil. Tho shocks
continued throughout thd day, but
With diminishing' intensity, At the
first shock a groat panic prevailed
amop,g the .peoplPr. Many, buildings
were shaken badly and several col
lapsed, thp occijpantB, o( most of the
houses flje'd to the streotB, Whore they
Blnce have remained 'lot ttielr safety,
Bryan Disappointed,, Not 8Urprlsed.
Olnclnnatl.Wllllam J. 'Bryan, who
arrived ilp this city Sunday on his way
to, ICnoxylllo, Tnn., and was enter:
talnod by a number of prominent dep.
Dcrats at a locjal hqtol, stated .that bo
was sbreVy1 disappointed at thb defeat
of reciprocity;' although ' ho Was not
Burprlsed.' ' ' " 1
. 1 i 1 1 .1. , 1 1 1
Port- Said. It la repdrted that the
Turks, have captured the .Italian liner
RqglntVtargUp.rUa at Mpsslna.,, This
steamer Is one of tho flept pf thp aV'
Igazlono Genorale Itallana of Qoppn.
Charles Gates to Wed
Mlnncapdlla! Charles Gdtefl, sou of
John WV dates, Who' died recently in
Paris, ahd Miss. Florence Hopwood,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -Frank ;T
Hopwood of Minneapolis will bo mar
rled Wednesday In Unlontown. Pa.
Avalanche-of" Bricks
LnulBVIUd. KVJ An hvalahcho 6f
bribes from n'n Unndr story ,df a burb'
lng sK-story building In tho wholesald
district crashed .through threo flqorfl
of an adjoining, building, filing thrift
firemen and injuring several other
I"- Cases Are Docketed,
Washington. Tho, question of
whethor a railroad company'' nnay
;mako extra, charge for supplying Bido
trabk facilities la involved in two
caBe'B docketed in tho Yfc-Mftl .
1 A Divorce Granted.
New York. News that a docrob of
dlvbrco had been , granted JMrs. Woll
raaK. formerly 1 Emmd " JhClr. h
famous prima donna, from hor hus
haiid haa bddtf TdCelVdd
Election Will 'Bo illegal.
Moxlcd City. General Bernardo
Roves 1b convinced that tho, pr.(jsl-.
dontlal election will bo hold as pro
posed on Octobor 1; that tho country
will not bo at peace and. that,, there
fore; tho voting wilt thus1, bb lllbgnl
ancj without results., , , ,, '
j Postofflce Clerk Arrestediv ,?
Dpnver. Charged with mlpnppro;
prlkttng funds, Josoph P. Havllcle," for
fifteen years superintendent of the
money order division of the Denver
postofflce, was arrested.
News Notts ofAlnUrWfrom VaHcw
H k '
Tho Mtler.'coUrityLrair. held
week, rnadora Bplendld showing.
Tho postal savings bank for Lin
coln will be installed early In Octo
ber. The peohlo of Platte County are
talking iip" thp, matter of b'UIldlng a
new court house.
Miles Zentmyeiv a woll known cltl-
en. of. Schuyler, died, after seven
lag,dB&rUBfr&nPa3apllater4.:ln hla
The clay-modelofthe statuo of
tAbralialn'-tncoln,'''Whlck' isH.lo be
BlacedJonltSfe stata hbuse grounds, la
actrjallymplbtd.' fr?
,cnJ9.rjnc,r otButler
township In Buffalo county, has filed
damago suit In districts; court
against David Hlnz, Justlnla'Hlnz,
and Adolph Hlnz, neighbors,1 'asking
farS20.0dJ iHofi ifllott'dB1 thoUdcfend-
o'VitsVllpnatei 4liQnffccf:ons;tCof his
wife, Emlllo Genho. 'iJt.
A new use for reelstrntlon books
has, been found In Lincoln, a vountc
Womtm' calling at tho city clerk's of
fice to detormlne the age oKal man,
whoiovIdenUy was at least an inti
mate acquaintance Sho was. much
agitated when she found Uiat'ho had
sworn his ago was 37. Sho 'said he
had told her ho was 2S yoarspld.
Ed Rlttcr, charged with conducting
blind '"pig" in the city of 'Norfolk,
waa given a preliminary ncaung do
foro County Judge Batea. Sle wits
bound over to thtj district cburRjn tho
Bum of $(00.' Ho waBj'aJreadySunder
bondAQf'(T?l1,()00lftKnriswqr atftHo Nc-
vombeHtiMflfcdbrt topbveral
counts found by the grand Jury last
tie rJobreska "uatlonaTvguard"wto bo
held near Bollovue will cost from
$257H)0 To" 127,000. FduTte6n" Titrndred
offlserfl- -and.'.-jnonnrjy VJ5PR?tftd to bo
In, camp for ten days. C. H. Donn of
Lincoln; brigade con'mfsfinryiaB' sub estimate. ;to . AdJutant.Gon
era! 'Ernest tf. 'Phelps' of" he' amount
of provisions that wllt'We need'ed.
The Nemaha Oil hnd Go's cdmpany,
organized lo ,,nrospo,ct; for oil. pn the
rarm of A, B. Davidson, thr)e and
pne-hulf mi'es nortii of Stella, is
iif-fjllng iunlbbr tb erect fcho derrick.
The machinery' hab drrlved and la
bp.'ng hauled to tho farm. Thd' tena
;an be hoard roaring a., half mlio
from, thq place. The company has
decided' to go down at least 1,500 fe,et
If npecssary. (1
Tho Southwestern Illlera'' ioagUe
of Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and
Nebraska, has filed a complaint With
thd.rallwar commission of Nebraska
against all of the railroads In ,tho
state. Tho league desires the rail
roads to repair, cooper, clqan, and Una
with h$ayy paper 'all .cars iised for
tbo shipment of flour nhd bther grain
products, or If thoy do not do tbe
work' the league shall be allowed a
reasonable amount for doing It-
A petition will bo circulated In To-
cumseh to rnlso a purse of $1,000 to
be ndd'ed to the $1,000 now offered by
tho state of Nebraska and tho county
of Johnson, Jointly, for tho arrest and
conviction of E. E, Hesse the man
who 1b charged with the murder of
his wife nndr ctopdaiighterj. ;WaUneta
LaYorlno Mc.Mnster, In that, elty, in
Jiilyi 19i0, nnd afterwards burying
their bodies In nn old well.
Tho typhoid fever situation tit the
feeble mlndod Institute at Beatrice, Is
Improving. No new cases have been
reported . .for several weeks, and the
sixteen patients who are still under
the caro of physicians are convales
cent. Dr. Thomns Is mendlng rapid
ly,'' 'Steward Quoin 8tato3 that there
havd been thirty-two " deaths slnco
tho now administration took chargo
and that, this number Includes those
who have died from othqr causes
than typboid, ,
Mrs. Gortrudo Gcnson of Nebraska
City,, has filed a s ult against thq Mod.
ern Woodmen of America, for 82.000.
the amount of a policy hor husband
carried In that order at the time ho
mysteriously disappeared from homo
September 18, 1910, when his cloth
lng; and bicycle wore found on tho
, bunks' of tho river, northr of ttho city
and footprints, led Jntq .the waters of
tho river. Since then not a traco of
him has been fbUnd.
Roy Edward Griffith, wanted at Ver-
iddtij' Rldhai'dsdn cditnty, 'fdr1 ethb'ezz-
ling $221.34 of the funds or thd Mis
souri Pacific, will be returned to this
state for trlnl f romClar!on, la. where
he Is "under "arrest, undor a requisi
tion Issued from the executive of
(Icet . si c
Secretary Bausch f the schobl
board of Sutton, gives out the Infor-
ifua'tlinlitunl'ltHej Issue of bonds fpr
Al -... .V 1 k . .It II. ill . '
iv. 1 11101 1 iiu uiua il'luii cu 11 mil 11
stantlal discount whllo tho state
Jows onedialt per centpremlum,
The? iuattert o mu pxtondca walS
'8orkvJce.a;pd, seeaadiprant will ham
to como up for a voto In TdcumsolK
-again,-and-It will probably Wsubmllh
mrr VT n nnnnlnl nlnntl.H 1 1. i hj
A judgment of S5.2G0 1ms hoon
aifninm 1 i r n a A 1 ti i.
l WFr i'" rt - t-
nt.. ai . a a.
uiuubu, 11 yuum 01 illteon vonra
through his father, Thomas R. Clouso
nai.w-.r. ii . . . . . .
not U Inn Tim Tim. hh ....
- - r j awwr MU JJ W
employed In the Havolock shops, nca
M 1 &