Slftt ijlatte & TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., SEPTEMBER 26, ton. No. '.4. Did you ever stop to think how much of the happiness of your home is duo to the groceries you buy' A bad stomach will ruin the best disposition and poor quality food is the surest way to ruin your stomach. Use the finest food only and be sure of making-your home happy. It is the kind of groceries we sell that are creating- the happy homes around you. Rush Mercantile Company. Local Melange Mrs. Louisa Peters has returned from a short visit in Omaha. The Coterie Club will bo the guests of Mrs. Will Yost tomorrow afternoon. Tho meeting of the Girls Friendly Society announced for tonight has been postponed. Messrs. Neely and Klein, of Omaha, representing the Equitablo Assurance Co., are in town today. Mrs. Orra Deford and baby returned Sunday from a fortnight's visit with relatives-in Ottawa, Kan. John Davis came back from Omaha Sunday evening, bringing with him two la'to models of tho Reo car. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over First National .B ank. Will Spurrier and father, 6f Horshey, were in town yesterday and while here purchased a Reo car at tho Davis garage. Leave your orders for milk or cream at the Enterprise Bakery, now conduct ed by the Doolittle Produce Co. Maurice Eowler returned yesterday from Excelsior Springs, Mo., where ho hnd been taklmr treatment for rheu matism. A heating plant is being installed in the Crystal theatre, an improvement that will add to the comfort of patrons in cold weather. ' For Sale Second-hand kegs and barrels at Star Bottling Works. Members of the Study Club were tho guests last evening of Mrs. Ray Cum- mings. The session proved a most in toresting one. For Rent 2 nice front rooms fur nished for light housekeeping. Inquire at 720 West 2nd St. Dr. D. E. Morrell, J. W. Henderson and Alex Meston will leave in a,day or Tl .1 1 CI Ail.. V il, two ior roruunu, uraiuc uu umui points in tho northwest They go to ascertain whether that country excolls Nebraska in opportunities to garnor coin. Mrs. Mary McMichaol was given a surpise party yesterday afternoon by a number of her lady friends on tho oc casion of wedding anniversary and she received many beautiful articles. After a pleasant afternoon a sumptuous lunch was served. as First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus $140,000. DIRECTORS: E. F. SEEDERGER, President, N. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-Presidenl, F. L. MOONEY, Cashier. ARTHUR McNftlHARA, J. J. HALLIGAN. I G 31 Fred Rasmussen, of Horshey, spent a fow days in town this wrek. Wanted Man and wife, without children to work on Cody ranch. C3-2 The Methodist Aid Society will meet Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. Jtay Langford. Glen Todd returned to Sheridan la night after a short visit with his sister Mrs. Frank Buchanan. Misses Irene and Mario, Stuart will loavo shortly for Aurora, 111., to spend soveral weeks with their aunt Mrs. W. T. Wilcox is entertaining a number of ladies today at a kenslngton in honor of Mrs. Tqbin, ot Denver. Mrs. W. R. Powell and son Verne will leave soon for Ft Scott, Kansas, to spend the winter with hor mothor. A dozen young folks tendered Dick Stegman a surprise party last night. The evening wns very pleasantly spent by ail. . Usual refreshments wero served. Miss Emma Parsons was operated upon at tho P. & S. hospital yesterday and is doing nicely. Hor brother Dr. A. Parsons, of Omaha' assisted tho hospital surgeon. See that your fire, lightning, cyclone and tornado insurance is written by Bratt & Goodman- You will then be safe and happy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goldlng expect to leave soon for their former homo in Los Angeles. Mr. Goldling hus been employed In tho Dixon jewelry store for.soveral weeks. Dr. Footo, of Omaha, came up this morning and assisted by Dr. Twinem will perform two or three operations today, one of tho patients being a woman, tho other two children. Elsewhere will bo found an ordinance directing tho construction of a number of sidewalks. Certainly the improve ments in tho sidowalk lino has placed North Platte in tho lead of nearly all other towns in the state. Money to loan on real estate. Yes wo.can loan it to you out of our build ing and loan association, returnable monthly or straight loan, one to five years. A square deal for all. See Bratt & Goodman. Road otmbhop JSotcs ana Personal Mention. L Frank Lawrenco is oil duty this week owin g to illness. C. F. Tracy loft last ovoning for Choyonno on committeo work for tho B. of L. E. Perry Sitton spont yesterday in town and left for Grand Island on business last night. W. L. Richards went to Choyenno yesterday to spend a day or two on work for the B. of L. E. A Greek trackman wns struck by n train at Roscou yesterday and badly injured. Ho was taken to the Grand Island hospital. Edtiio Mathowa roturned Saturday from eastern points" whore ho spent soveral weeks. Ho has resumed work ns passenger brakemcn. Georgo Zentmeycr was called to Schylor tho last of tho weok by the death of his father who had been ill' for several months. Tho Union Pacific announces a ono fnro rate to Omaha and return during tho Ak-Sar-Ben. This will induce a largo number of people to go to Omaha next week. M. H. Douglas roturncd Saturday from Omaha whero ho went to mako further arrangements for the Shrincrs' ceremonial, which will bo held in this city somo timo ncxt,month. Frank Becker, of Gandy, is in town on business today. Will Stanley, of Cheyenne, is spend ing this week with town friends. Floyd Bretornitis went to Gandy yeB tcrday to spend soveral days. ' Charles Dixon will leave tomorrow for Passadena. California, to attend school. Mrs. Andy Still and daughter Inez, of Paxton, are visiting friends in town to day! , Mrs. Geo. Roberts, of Maxwell, will arrive tonight to attend Stamp-Kesler nuptials. Mrs. Andy Yost will roturn Saturday fr6m a month's visit in Chicago and Mankato, Kansas. Tho Lutheran ladies will serve a chicken and waffle supper nt the Par ish house on Oct 19th. Miss Lizzie . Haverland severed her connection with the Keliher Confcc tionary last night. . For Sale Five room house on West Sixth street and Washington Avenue Inquire of J. II. Fonda. Tho Presbyterian Aid Society will be entertained at the church parlors Thurs day by Mesdames, Prosser, Bowen and Fenwick. Next Monday will bo tho Jewish atonement day, and the Leader will bo closed all day. Patrons will please mako a note of this. Vaughn Hinman was arrested Friday for passing a worthless check at tho Star Clothing and fined $5.00 and costs in Justice Sullivan's court for rent bouses, storage room and safe deposit boxes. Bratt & Goodman. Tho two year old baby of Mr. and Mrs. James. Flint, of tho First ward drank a largo amount of fly poison yesterday and becamo seriously ill, but is greatly improved today. Weather Forecast: Unsettled weather tonight and Wednesday with probable showers. Warmer tonight. Maximum tomperaturo yesterday 05; ono year ago 59. Minimum tempornturo yester day 40; ono year ago 39. Attorney Beeler will leave the last of the week for Omaha to represent twenty of tho stockholders in the Farmers Alfalfa Milling Co., in tho caso of Fairbanks, Morse & Co. vs. them, which comes up in federal court Monday. Tho funeral service of Anna Mao, the seven months' om baby of Mr. anu Mrs. J. Eshloman, was conducted at their homo Sunday afternoon by Elder Johnson, of tho Christian church. There was a largo numbor of beautiful floral offerings. Tho bereaved parents have the heartfelt sympathy of a large circle of friends. The pre-nuptial handkerchief shower given by Mrs. V. Lucas last evening complimentary to Miss Fern Stamp was a pleasant social afTair. The unique forms of entertainment previously pro vided uy thohoBtess woro much enjoyed by tho guests. Miss Stamp received many beautiful handkerchiefs. Dainty refreshments wero served. For Sale Angus duiu ranging irom ton montns A t 1 B. , il to two years old; a flno Duroc boar. In- qufo of Frank nk Ebelo, NortirPlatte. They're Off in the Morning. ' Promptly at eight o'clock tomorrow morning the North Pljtto boosters lenvo on their oxcursion to tho west part of tho state, and a highly enjoy able ns well ns profitable trip is antic- pnted. .In order that no boostor may oversleop a siren whistle will bo blown at intervals botween seven and eight o'clock, and a fow minutes before tho lattor hour every member is expected to be nt tho depot Tho Brady and Maxwell representatives will come up tonight, and the Hershoy and Suther land representatives will board tho train nt thoso stations. Tho cars will be oppropriatoly decorated with largo banners. All tho merchants havo pro vided themselves with souvenirs and advertising matter, "and at each town a large picture of North Plntto street scenes will bo loft Owing to inability to secure trackage transfer at North- port, tho run up tho vnlloy to Mitchell will not be made, and Wednesday night will ho spent nt Bridgeport, which place will bo reached nt 11 o'clock that night If your idle money is not earning 7 or 8 per cent serai annual interest in safest mortgage loans on good income property backed by reliable people, See Bratt & goodman. G. O. Wcingand roturned yesterday from St Louie nnd Chicago, whore he purchased tho stock for his now cloth ing store. He expects to havo his opening on October 20th. In police court yesterday Frank Fields was fined $1.00 nnd costs for vagrancy, Andrew White ordored to leavo town for hawking nnd Mary Doe $5.00 and costs for disorderly conduct, unable to pay she was taken to jail. .uetween ouu ana vuu railway clones employed by tho Illinois Centrnl and Yazoo & Mississippi Valley railroads walked out shortly, after noon yester day. It is Bald tho striko resulted from the failure of the railroad officials to reopen negotiations with the clorks' organization. ' x . An appalling nnvul disaster attended with an enormous loss of life occurcd nt daylight yesterday whon tho battle ship Liborto blew up in the hnrbor at Toulon, France. Tho death loss is var iously estimated from 850 to 500 or more. Tho killed includo oflkers nnd men of the Liborte, and also a large number of thoso from nearby warships Two records were broken by tho South Omaha live stock market yester day. All records for a single day's re ceipts of cattlo were smashed by tho arrival of 10,340 head, tho formor high record being 15,003 head on September 5, 1910. Tho previous high record, made on Septembor 20, 1910, for tho largest number of cars of all kinds of live stock, 827, was broken yostcrdny when 844 cars arrived. Found On the road to Gandy, an overcoat Owner can havo same by calling nt this office and paying for tfiis advertisement Attention Hay Men. Wo will savo your money on Bale Ties, Seo us. Ginn, White & SciiaTZ. Ordinance No. 11. An ordinance requiring the construct ion of side walks as follows: Beginning at tho curb line on west "is" street, and from thence in n northerly direction alone the westsidoof South Vine Street, alorig and in front of the enst Bide of t . t n l r -. . r ti i o p uow i, , o unu tour tu uiouk a oi Miller's Addition to the City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, to V,i nnrli linn nn tlin PiniltVi fililr. "A" Street, and beginning at the curb line on tho north side of First Street from thenco in nn northerly direction nlong tho west Bldo of Vino Street, along tho oast sido of Lot 8 in Block 177 of tho said City of North Platte jalso beginning at the curb lino of tho north sido of Ninth Street and running in nn norther ly direction nlong tho west side or North Willow street, along tho enst sido or Lots 8 and 1 of Block 50 to tho curb line on tho south Bide of Tenth Street: and beginning at tho curb lino on tho north side of Tenth Street, from thence in a northerly direction alone tho west side of Willow Street, nlong tho enst side of Lots 8 and 1 of Block"! 1 to tho curb lino on the south side of Eleventh street; also beginning ut tho curb line on tho north sido of 'C" Strcot, from thenco in a northerly direction along tho west side of Elm Street, along and in front of Lots 4, 3, 2, 1 of Block 3 of South Park Addition to tho city of North riatto, Lincoln County, Nebraska to tho curb lino on the south sido of MB" Street; nlso beginning at a line on tho south sido of East Sixth Strcot and from thenco In a southerly direction alone tho east sido of Cottonwood Street along and in front of Lots 4 and 5 in Block 110 to tho curb lino on the north Sdo of East Fifth Strcot, and beglnningat tho curb lino on tho South Side of East Fifth Street, thenco in a Southerly direction along tho cast side of Cottonwood Street, nlong and in front of Lots 4 nnd 5, in Block 137 to tho curb lino on tho North Sido of East 1'ourth Streot nnd begin nlntr nt tho curb ,Inl on tho South g do of East Fourth Street, thonco 4n Southerly direction along tho cast Bldo GIVEN AWAY FREE A $250 Harley Davidson 4-Horae Power Motor Cycle, Magneto Ignition .... A Ticket With Every' Pair of Shoes. Yellow Front Shoe Store, DIENER & FLEISHMAN. NORTH PAID IIP now neentmt. vrciiA's.' of Cottonwood Streot, nlong nnd in front of Lots 4 and 5, in Block 140 to to tho curb line on tho north sido of East Third Street nnd beginning nt tho curb line on the South Sido or Enst Third Street, thenco In a southerly direction, along tho east side of Cotton wood btreot, along nnd In front of Lots 4 nnd 5 in Block 107, to tho curb lines on tho north sido of East Second strcot, all In tho orlglnnl plat of tho City of North Platto, Nebraskn; also beginning ataho curb lino on West "C" Streot, and from, thence in nsouthor v direction vtho curb lino on West "C" btreot, J id from, thenco in nsouthorly direction; nlong tho east side of South Vino Streot nlong and in front of Lots 5, G, 7 nnd 8 in Block 10 of Miller's Addition; also beginning at tho curb lino on North Locust btreot, nnd from thenco in a westerly direction along the north sido of Enst Tenth Streot, along In front of bots o. u. 7 and u in mock ;ia to the curb line on tho East sido of Vino Strcot nlso beginning nt tho curb, line on West Ninth btreot, nnd from thence In a northorly direction along tho west sido of Vino Street, along and on the sido of isiocic bz oi tin) original town of Norm Platte, to tho curb lino on tho South Bide of Tenth Streot, all In tho City of North Platto, LlncolnCounty,Nebrnskn. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of North Platte, Nebraska: Sec.l. It is hereby ordered the Mayor nnd City Council of North Platte, Lin coln County, Nebraska that the follow ing Hide wnlkB bo constructed within tho corporato limits of said City as provided by the general sldo-wnlk ordinance of said City: Beirinnintr nt tho curblino on westB" Streot, and from thenco in a northerly drection along tho west side of South Vino Streot. alone and In front of -he enst sido of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Block 3 of Miller.s Addition to tho Citv of North Platte. Lincoln Countv. Nebraska, to' the curb lino on the South Sido of "A" Street and beginning at tho curb lino on tho north sido of First Street from thenco In nn northerly direction along tho west sido of Vine Street, along the east sido Lot 8 in Block 177 of tho said city of North Platto; also beginning at the curb line of the north sido of Ninth Street nnd running in an northerly direction along the went sido of North Willow street, along too enst sine ot L.oi8onnu 1 of Block GO to tho curb lino on the i south sido of Tenth Stteot: and begin- ning at tho . curb lino on tho north sido of Tenth street, from thonco In a northerly direction nlong tho west sido of Willow Street, nlong tho east sido of Lots 8 and 1 of Block 41 to tho curb lino on the south sido of Eleventh Streot; nlso beginning at tho curb lino on, tho north sido of "C" Streot, from thenco in n northerly direction nlong tho west side of Elm Strcot, nlong tho end in front of Lots 4, 3, 2, 1, of Block 8 of South Park Addition to tho City of North Plntto, Lincoln County Nebrnska to tho curb lino on tho south sido of "B" Streot; nlso beginning at a lino on tho south sido of East Sixth Street and from thonco In a southerly direction along tho cast sido of Cottonwood i-i , i , i f . . t - r t street, along nnd. In front of u street, uiong nnti in uuui. oi iuis mm a G in Block 110 to the curb line line on me north sido of Eust I'itth bin Stroot, nnd Meftoiplc! State fiaijk PLATTE, NEBRASKA, CAPITKL, $100,000.00 Depositors also protected by tho Depositors Guar nnteo Fund of tho State of Nebraska. Wo appreciate your business with us and Invito i . A. nnxt'A r r ' Prcsidont Vice-Pros, nnd Cashier. beginning nt tho curb lino on tho Bouth sido of East Fifth Strcot, thonco in a southerly dlroctlon, along tho cast aldo of Cottonwood Streot, along nnd in front Lots 4 and 5, in Block 137 to tho curb lino on tho north side of East Fourth Street, nnd beginning nt tho curb lino on tho south sido of East Fourth Streot thenco in a southerly direction along tho enst sido of Cottonwood Streot, along and In front of Lots 4 und 5. in Block 140 to the curb lino on tho north sido of East Third Strcot, nnd beginning ntthe curb lino on tho east sido of Third streot thenco in a southerly direction, nlong tho east sido of Cotton wood Streot. along and in front of Lots 4 and 5 in Block 107, to tho curb line on tho north sido of East Second Street, all In tho original plat of tho City of North Platte. Nebrnska; nlao beginning nt tho curu lino on west "V" Strcot, and from thenco in n southerly direction olongtho onst sido of South Vino Streot, along and in front of Lots 5, 0, 7, and 8 in Block 10 of Miller's Addition; also be ginning nt tho curb lino on North Loc ust Streot, nnd from thonco in a west erly direction along the north sido of East Tontli Street along nnd In front of Lots 5, 0, 7 and 8 in Block 38 to tho curu lino on tho enst sido or Vino Streot also beginning at tho curb lino on west Ninth Streot, nnd from thenco in n northorly direction along tho west sido of Vino Streot, along nnd on the Bido of Block 52 of tho original town of North Plntto, to the curb lino on tho south Bldo of Tenth Streot, all in tho Gity of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska. All of which sidewalk shnll bo con structed on a lino provided for in tho gonorul sido walk ordinance of snidCity and all of Bald sido walk shall bo com structcd of hard brick, stono flagging, or brpkon stone, and conrso gravel and cement, nnd shall bo bordorcd at the edges with permanent material In mnn nor as provided by tho general ordinance of snid City. Section 2. That tho owners of tho lots along which tub aidewalk po established by this ordinance, nn described in Sect icn One hereof, nro horoiv reouired to Lconstrnct said sidewalk withiut delay anu nnvo mo same completed witnin au days from tho publication or cervico of notice ns provided by the general sido walks ordinance, and if anv of tho own ers shall fail to comply with this ordi nance, and notice when given, tho city authorities snail proceed with tho con struction of said sidewalk, ut tho ox- ftenso of tho delinquent owners of said ots as provided in said general sidowalk ordinance, and tho amount of costs and expenses for tho construction of Bald slue walk and collection of tho same, Bhall bo collected by special assessment or tax levied against tho lot or lots nlong which said City Is ronuircd to construct tho same. Sec. 3, This ordinanco Bhall take of feet from and after-its passage according to law. Passed and. approved by tho mayor and city council this 20th day of Sep tember, 1911. Signed: THOS. C. PATTERSON, Mayor. Attest: CIIAS. F. TEMPLE, (Seal) City Clerk.