Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor t4 PaUdber. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One Year by Mall In advanco .$1.25 1 uao I car uy iiarncr hi uuvuiike. . . . .a.uv Entered at North Platte. Nebraska, olllco as Second Clasa Matter. Post TUESDAY, SEPT. 19, 1911. Twelve pounds of sugar for a dollnr, and this, two, before the canning and preserving Benson Is ovor. It 1ms been butn few months ngo that sixteen pounds were given -for the dollnr. Doch tho sugar trust get all tho rako-olU A political item thatmny bo of inter est is the announcement that Senator La Follotto will mako a swing through Nebraska shortly after tho November election, and dollver speeches from the rear end of a special train. This is nrntmbtv.nt tho BUirireflllon of tho Ln ifluiULiy 'tit. .nw m,,v..w. Falletto'loaguo which was organized nt Lincoln last week. g ,f..t uccnuso no jurniw:ii .iiki...k "v twenty-three ploccs of silver plated tho first conviction In tho atato under tho law prohibiting the giving of pre miums and premium trading stamps with purchases of merchandise. Libbo thought It strango that the legislature Bhpuld prodibit such philanthropy aB his, but ho mado no defense. That William J. Bryan will spend sixteen days campaigning throughout tho state in tlio interest j of the demo cratic Btnto ticket wna announced at Lin- nlr. imstnnlnu tnWnvulnir n Mnfomnrn hold between Charlos W Brvan nnd J. now ootweon narios w. uryan nnu j. C.ByrncB, chairman of the democratic fltato central committee. . Tho entire armngements for tho trip will bo under thn nnnnrv iilon nf tho utntu commlttco I tho supervision oi tno amio commuieo I l nndMr. Bryan 8 entiro schedulo will bo arranged uy ollicers or mat commuieo. According to nresent nlanB Mr. Bryan till n Anmntilffn nfnVtkt f nnfl " .rr i'LTo "r ::"i:: wm tunuiuuu D,.vww..o will bo made mainly nt county seat towns In the thlcklv nonulated sections of the state. North Platte is considered a live, pro gressive town, nnd yet compared with some of the smaller towns of tho state, wo are senrccly "in it." Rend this dis- tableware with cachpurchaso ofpockot- nw corner or sec. 27, town 14, rnnge w v " -- nfRnitl section 30 all in town J' T i . V i'i . T , . ., .',,,r v a tim. thence south on tho west line of En d nw qr or saiu secuon ju, nil in town bonds nnd interests are paid on all tho knives amounting to $1.25, K S.Lihbc, llaaSQliel;. 14, range 32; tho south half of section the property within the said city as an itinerant Btreot vender at Hastings 10 B; Jr uth n0 of aaH 1?. town 14, range 32; tho se qr of sec- ahQWn and valued upon tho asscss- wa fined $5 ttnd cost In the county to IS wrtt bSVlbVaSh Lon g thouthhaTfof thS "w Sr of ent rolls of said city." Said bonds court under the now anti-gift enter- Platte river; thence in nn easterly SiWffKPlSfJlh to bo negotiable In form. , , . . , ., . . direction nlontr tho north bank of the 8ect'on ,nn,u tne BOUy nnii ox ine Tlio polling places for said election prise law. It Is believed that this Is 'r.c.c.uo'? north half of the aw qr of said section Bhnll bo-In mo First Wnnl nt tho hoso paien irom uawuy, a town auHqr to th R0 corner of 8Biu nw qr of Baid fealf tho size of North Plntto: David fr0C 23; thence north on tho east line of iuy is on me nome Biroicn in geuing subscriptions for Uie new $25,000 lib- rary and gymnasium building. All but about ?2,000 has been raised, and by Thursday night It is hoped the large clock in the court house square will reg ister the full amount Tho business and professional men are divided into Ave teams and are confident that It will bo subscribed at tho appointed time. During the morning all tho pu pils of the high school formed a parade and, headed by the Dnvid City band, marched through town, singing songs, givlngyella and boosting for tho building. Nebraska's Unfilled Law!. Louis v. uuye, deputy Inuor com missioner, has jssucd an, address, from which wo take tlio following excerpt: As n moans of showing tho posslbil itles of nn incronsod population of No braska allow mo to present the follow ing facts nnd figures. The area of our state its 70,794 Rqunro miles with 712 square miles of water surface, thus giving us nn acreage of 49,148,100 of whicii 18,590 377,' acres wafl sown to cr6a in the season of 1011, which in cluded also the acrengo of wild nnd tamo hay. The total of all farms isted by tho assessors wore 28,512,300 which also included pasture lands which shows that approximately every other aero of land In Nebraska is un- tilled. There nre 68,000 owners and 45,135 tenant farmers In 1911, aa against 08,011 owners and 47,508 ten ants in 1910, which shows a decrease of 2,413 tenant farmers, while tho gov eminent report Bhows the average slzo of tho Nebraska farm to be 29a acres in 1910, our figures for 1910 show n continued increase in the sizo of the farms nnd decrease in the number of tenant farmers. Tho general tendency of the farmers being to reach out for more nnd mora land. In other words NcbrasKa with a nop ulation of 1.192.214 and with onlv one- half of our land under cultivation wttn each farmer having approximately 30Q acres of land In 1910 disposed o: plus products to tlio value of $34 210. or an amount of nroduco sul wySTATOn result? if" evev acre of land was being tilled and eacf, iarmer waa uning oniy nn acreage unnn which ho cou d nroduce tho best .Htfa fm th, mntiHnnnfUntin.. .v.. w... "" II' " - mnthoilfl or cultivntionT Estray Notice. Taken up by tho undersignod about Julv 18. 1911. on my nremlsos on Sec. 12. T. 10. U. 30. ten mllos northeast of WolUlcct, Neb., tho following des cribetl horses: Ono bay mare, one white hind foot, branded zl on left hind thigh: ono sorrel mare, ono white hind foot branded 21 on loft hind foot. Weight of each nbout 900 lbs, G. A, SCHItECONGOST. Netke trf Film PetilioB (e fofm aa Ir rigatitm District Known as the Platte Valley Irrif alios District. Notice is hereby given that on the 3l8t day of August, 1911, tho follow ing petition was filed with the Board of County Commissioners: PETITION. TV. the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of tho county of Lincoln, State of Nebraska. Wo, the undersigned, being a majority of tho electors of the district herein after described, and who own or hold loaso hold catatea in a majority of the whole number of acres belonging to or hold by tho electors of tho proposed district, respectfully pray that an irri gation district bo formed of the terri tory hereinafter described, viz: Beginning at tho ne corner of the nw qr of bcc. 14, town 14, range 33; running thenco west to tho nw corner of the ne qr of the nw qr of said sec. 14j thence south to ho bw corner of said no qr of tho nw qr of said sec. 14; thenco west to tho nw corner of tho bw qrof he nw qr of snid section 14; thenco south on tho sec. lino to tho sw cor. of tho said sec. 14; thenco west to tho nw corner of tho no qr or tho neqr of sec. 22, town 14, range 33; thenco south to the bw corner of tho ne qr of tho no qr of said Bee. 22; thence east to t p . go Jg eomaro thenar of, no qr 8ectlon lino between sections 22 nnd 23 to the sw corner of section 23' town 14, range 33; thenco west, on tho section ine between flections 22 nnd 27 to tho bank intersects the eaat lino of sec. 31, township 14, rnnge 31; thenco north on tho enst lino of said sec. 31 to the ne corner of salu bcc ali tlience cast on the south eec. line of sections 29, 28 nnd 27 to tho so comer of said sec. 27; thenco north to the ne corner of tho ao qrof the se qrof said sec. 27; thenco east on mo ooutn line or inu n ni oi mo s hf of sec. 2G to tho east lino of said sec. 20, town 14, rango 31; thenco north to tno ne corner or tno so qr oi Bam sec. 26: thence west on tho north line 0f tho b hf of said sec. 26 to the nw con nf thn hw nr! tllpnrn wnrtt on thl north " ot the Be qr of sec. 27, town 14, , . ' f f hft qr of the so qr of said aec. 27; thenco nortb on the east line of the wcBt half of tho no qr of snid sec. 27 to the ne corner oi mo nw qr oi mo ne qr oi saiu ti,nnro nlonir thn north it ' . ii. . ft lino of said BCC. 27 to tho nw corner 0f said see. 27r thenco north on the ceat lino of sec. 21, town 14, rango 31, 200 rods: thence east 80 nnls, thence north 80 roads thence cest 80 rods, thenco south 120 rods to the ow corner of tho no qr of said sec. 22; thence east to the Be corner of tho aw qr of tho no qr of see. 22; thence north to tho no corner or the nw qror the ne qr oi said sec. 22; thenco enst on the section lino to the so corner of Bee- 15. town 14. ranire 31: thenco south on' the west line of sec. 23, 'town 14, range 81 to tho bw corner of the ne nr of said sec. 23: thence east on tho south lino of said ne saw nw qr oi saw sec. J to mo ne corner of said nw qr of said sec. 23; J to tho ofthew rnngo 31; thenco west on tho 'north line of tho south hr of tlio sw qr of oaul sec 14, to tho nw corner of tho aw qr of the sw nr of sa'd sec. 14: thenco north on tho sec. line to the no corner of the se nr of sec. 15. town 14. ranco 31: thence west on the north lino of said so qr of sec. lb. mi rods, thenco north eU rods. thenco west 40 rods, thenco north 40 rods, thence west 80 rods, thenco north 40 rous to tho ne corner or tho nw qr of the nw qr of said section 15, town 14. ranee 31: thence west on tho north lino of tho said section to the nw corner of said sec 15. thence west on tho north lino of section lb, town 14, range 31, to tho nw corner or the no nr or saw sec. 10; thenco north on tho east line of the sw qr of sec. 9, town 14, rango 31, to whore said lino intersects tho Bouth bank of tho North Platto river: thence west nlontr tho south bnnk of the North Platte river to whore said bank inter sects tlio west lino of snid sec. 9; thenco south on tho west lino of said section 9 to tho ne cornor of section 17. town 14, rango 31: thence west along tho north lino of snid Bection 17 to the nw cornor of said sec. 17: thence south on tho west linn of Bald section 17 to the sw cornor of said Bection 17: thenco west on tho north lino of section 19 to tho nw cornet of said section 19: thenco north oh tho weat lino of section 18. town 14; rango 31, 40 rods; thenco east 160 rods, thonco north 80 rods, thence oast eu rous, itionco north bo rods, thenco woat 80 rods, hence south 40 rods to tho bw cornor of the no qr of said section 18; thenco west on the aouth lino or the nw qr or saw section in, to tho aw corner or saw nw or or saw hoc 18; thence north on tho cast lino of section 13, town 14, rango 32, to the no corner of said section 13; thence west on tho north line of BawBoction 13 to the nw - corner of anld section 13 teonce south on tho west lino of said Bection 13 to tho hw corner of Baid sec tion 13: thenco west on tho north line of section 'id to tho nw corner of the no qr of thene hf of said section 23, town, 14, rango 32; thenco south on the west line of the east hf of tho no nr of saw sec tion va, to mo bw corner or tho bo qr or tho no or of said section 23: thenco west on the south line of the ne qr of said Bection za to tne sw corner of tho ne qr Baia section zu; tnence north m 22 K ml tow' 'if range 32 i onto north Ine of section 24. town 14, :" . uon m, town 14, rangeaa: monce norm 40 rods: thonce west S1G0 rods: I.. - - . iimncu iiuiut on inu vnai nnu or mo wst nan or section 14, i. oo 4- tk. C. ? i ' 4. iu 00 w " 'i'" Mcl.""""is u wun niv ii.t qr of section 14, town 14, rango 33. Snldlrr pntlon illstrlet to fnelmln nil --j f ,-- T , T j ni l .T of the lunda included within tho lionnilnrtS nfonRfllfl. nvrpnt tliA Innd Ia.. ,i.lKi.,l ,l,lt. aw. a i.a ...y...u. .v. uv-w.uvu, .,, ,w , , m excluded from Bald district, viz: The north hf of the bw qr Bection 20, town 14, range 31: all of Bection 28, town 14. rntlKO ill: mo BW nr OI UIO BW nr Ol BW qr Of tho BW qrof nl4, rango 31, of tho section 21, town I . J . .. T Rnuthwnst nunrurnf nnlrl RArtlnn tlnonoA nr on rl QAfflnn v: IhnnM nnHh lVfl t Bur- rous; Ftenco west iwroaswins west --,tr -LVir "IT,"" i 7 j 5.128, no of said section 23; thenco north 40 A ,Y" iV ftehrnt "da to the nw corner of said Bection 23; S52?rite'e-i.08' " """"J1?0 I ib.n MnU MH MnnilnHH I I'lUWtl Ul. UVUIIIUUIUl U A I.U IJ bill K VI1UL IKJI north hf of section 29, town 14, range 31, and the south half and the east half of the ne qr and the nw qr of tho no qr of section 20, town, 14, range 01; all of section 30 and the south half of section 19, all in town 14, rantre 18; tho south half of section 24, town 14, rango 32, and the south half all in the seqr of the ne qr and tho n hf of the ne qr of tf'G no qrof section 2-1. town, 14, range 82; and all of tho nw qr of said section 22, town 14, range 32, save and except the following tracts of land: A strip 40 rods wide north and Bouth and ICO rods cast and west, directly south' of the mnin irricratinir canal: and a strip beginning on the west line of said section 24 on the north bank of said main irrigating canal, running thpnco cast 120 rods along said canal, thence north 631 rods, thenco west 120 rods. thence Bouth 53J rods to the place of beginning; all oi section zu. town 14. range 32; tho south half of seclon 23 and tho south hf of the so qr of tho nw qr of said section 23 and the south qr of tho so qr of tho nw qr of tho said section 23, town 14, rango 32, and tho so qr of section 'a. and trie cast nnu or tno sw qr of section 22, and tho nw qr of tho sw qr of section 22. and the south half of the south half of the south half of the no qr of said section SJ, town 14, rango u: wo nw qr of section 28, the south half of tho nw y V"r ., "V.n ;f 32; the south half of section 20; the aoutnnnu oi uiBsouinnBum . on'RM,0 ov ed and col ectcd. n nn nmount oUUlll HUH Ui Hi 11 i ',0 V ' H,1 W E; A1 t ana ine bouui nan oi sufflcIont to pay tho interest and prin section 20, nil in town I cInni of Bni.i bonds na thov mature, in fractional south nan of fection 30; tho cast half of the n qr 1 or said section au; me bw qr oiinenc UI nam bovuuii ou, mo Duuin mill ui 24. nil n town 14. ranee 33: the north half of tho ne qr of section 2G, nnd nw qrof section 20, and the fractional south half of section 20 in town 14, range 33; tho bw or and tho se qr of tho no qr of Bection 14, township 14, range 33, and tne so or or so nr or section town 14, range 33. Your petitioner shows to tho Board that the territory designed to be in cluded in this district is tho territory owning water rights from the canal of the North i'latto Irrigation Ac Land Company, and the purpose of forming 8UCh district 18 to tRKO OVCT 8UCI1 Canal from snid Company with ts water nnnronriations: that the land desired to bo included within said District is mere particularly described as follows: Tho north hnlf of tho bw qr of section In. it ... t rr . it. At. 1 w; mo nw qr oi secuon t& me somn hnlf nf ihn H nr nf Bi.PtIo.ili? th south half and tho nw qr and tho weathaK qf the noqr of section 27; the west half of thene qr; tho north half of tho ne qr of tho nw nr and tho north three-fourths of tho west half of the nw nr. all In sec tiond; the south unit ana tne soum half or tho nw qr and the nw qr of the nwqrand tho south half of tho noqr of the nw qr, and tho west half of the bw qr or tne no qr in section id; me aw nr of RDction 9: nil of section 10: the north half and tho so qr; tho oast' half of the sw qr and the north half of the west half of the sw qr In section 21: all of section 17: tho nw or and ,aif 0f section 29; the north half of sec- tion 19; the south half of tho kw W of tho no qr or section zu; ana me Hpum tho ne qr and the north half of tho nw qr of tho se qr and the. north hnlf of th sw qr and the north h(ilf of the south hair or tne bw nr oi section 18, all in town 14, range 31. And tho following lands in town 14, range 32: All of section 13; all of tho ne qr of sec tion 24; ana amo tne ionowing tract on tho nw nr of said Bection 24. (becinning on tho west lino of section 24 at the north bank of tho irrigating canal there on, thence cast 120 rods along said canal, thenco north roue, thenco woat izu rods, thence south fiftv-throo and one fhlivl rnHQ t thn nlnpo nf hp ginning; being 40 ndres. And also 'the kit.. V. U V. U V , . w followinc tract on tho nw or of section 24, n piece of land directly south of the right-of-way of tho main canal thereon 1C0 rods east nnd west and 40 rods north nnd south being 40 acres. Also all of section 25; the east half of the ne qr; the south half of the north half of the nw qr; the north half of the se qr of tho nw nr: the northuhroe-fourth of tho sw nr ot )f tho nw qr all In section 23. Tho nw qr ot tno nortn nan or tne ne qr anu tno nortn nair or tno south nan oi tho no nr and tho bw nr of tho sw nr, all In Bection 22; all of section 27; all of section 21; the north half of the nw qr of oe:tion 28; the north half of tho ne qr, the north half of the south half of tite no qr, the north half of the nw qr, nil in section 20; nil of Bection 29; tli w tho sw t!r of S'hattof thYiS north half of section the no nr nnd tho north quarter of section 30. All of Bald last described lands aforesaid being in town 14, range 32. Also. tho followinc described land being in township 14, range 33: The north half nnd tlio north hftlf of the north hnlf of the aw nr of section 21. nnd north 50 ncres of the se qr; the north half nnd tho fractional south hnlf of section 25; the no qrof the aw qr, the sw qr of the nwqr, the south half of the sonth half of the so qr, of section 14; an or section za except tno so qr of tho se nr: tlio south half of the no nr of section 2G; tho ne qr of tho ne nr of sec tion 22: all of section 27: said last de. scribed lands being In town 14, rnnge 33. In addition the following described tracts to be included In said district: commencing at tno southwest corner of section 28, town 14, range 30, west of tho 0th P. M. , thence north on tho section line 439 feet, thence in a south easterly direction to a point 210 feet feet north or the southeast corner of tho fXinheretbeS dS&'ffiSS g &f 8? SSffft plnttl, Mnhrnslfn. H,l h.iH t. 4r "Vo. 1" """ ft -V ""'" w wiuvBjr xoa ncrea, mure onew, A Un fU- nn.fU 1,1 it,. t i u uvtm u. uib nuiumcm quarior or me normeast quarter oi bcc- fiinn '! tnwnhin u rnnna nn' I v lijL, '.t j" , 1 iuui uuiiiiuuci liiuiuiuiu iruya lliuv oaid torrttorv be onrnnized Into nn Irri- crntlnn .llatflnf knnwn H, t1aa f, .I """- Val ov Irr orat on D strict, and thnt vonr 1 ITnnnrnlilA Itnnil tnlrr. .Inn. nA I nn am Ira t' .. iia.voouijr -u J ut Kuiiinuuii ui audi district. Notice is hereby given that tho Board 0f County Commissioners have aot this i7th ilnw nf Sontnmlun. 1011 27th day Of September, 1011. forbearing said petition, and all persona objecting to tho formation of such district are hereby notified to be present and present such objection. A, V. STItEITZ, G. W. Roberts, Board of County Commissioners. Attest; P. R. Elliott, County Clerk. Proclamation. To the electors of tho city of North Platte: Notice is hereby riven that on tho 4th day of October, 1911, in the city of JNortn t'latto, an election will be neiu, at which the following proposition shall be submitted to the voters of said city: HOl.nll 1L. !.. 1 XT U T.t. Jt8 bonds ,n the sum of $22,000.00, in (innmnnfinnnnf$1 nnt, Aft,i Dec. 1st, 1911, duo In twenty years from their date, but payable, nt any time after ten years, nt the ontion of the said city, to draw interest nt the rato of fivoner cent ncrnnnum. navablo peml-annunlly, principal and interest myaulc at the fiscal Agency or tno State of Nebraska, in tho city of Now York; snid bonds to be used for tho purpose of obtaining money with which to erect n city hall, to accomodate the city oflicera and records, the fire de partment and fire apparatuses and po- tico department. And shall tho proper mcor of snid city bo-authorized to levy and collect n tax annuniiy, in tno same manncr other municipal taxes may ,i,mtnn to tim cum mihnri7H tn . loviccl bv Section 82. Art, 3 Chan. 13 (.nmni, Rtntii(.a nf th. tnt of N house in, snid ward, In tho Second Wnrd in tho Commissioners room on tho second floor of tho court house in snid ward, in tho Third Wnrd nt the hoso house in said ward nnd in the Fourth Ward at the hose house in said wnrd. The ballots to be used nt said elec tion shall have nrintcd thereon For issuhe $22,000.00 of the bonds of tlio city of North Platto. for tho nur- nose oCerccttnir ncitv nail, to accommo date the city officers and records, the tiro department, lire apparatuses, and the police department, nnd for levying nnd collecting n tax annually to pay tne Interest and principal of said bonds ns tnoy mnturo. Acrainst issuinirS22.000.00 of the bonds of tho city of North Platte, for the MfttMmAiintn Mittt y4li nii commodato the city oflicera and records, wiuui. wo .wia.iu icw, the flro department, fire annaratus and tho police department, nnt for l)vying anu conecung n uix annual y to pay me interest nnd principal of said bonds ns they mature. Those voting In favor of said propo sition snail mam their Dniiot with n cross, opposite the pnrngraph beginning Forissuing?22topo.00 of the bonds of tho city of North Plattp nnd thoso vot- "k "k"1,"" iu iuiwuu main, their bnllots with n cross, opposite tho paragraph beginning with . Against the issuing of $22,000.00 bonds or tho city of Worth Flatte." bnlu election snail be open nt nine o'clock n. m. and remain open until fcyen o'.cldck p, m. ol In witness whereof of snid date. 1. 1 have hereunto subscribed my nnmc this 11th day' of bontember. ami. (SEd) TII0S. U. rATTEItaON. Mayor. Attcstr uiias. a: temple, uity uerK. tacai.) Notice. Notice is hereby civen that Fred Waltemnth has filed his petition bofore tho uon. Ainyor nnu city council of the city of North Platte, requesting that he bo allowed to sell malt, spirituous anu vinous liquors on the north twenty' two tcet oi lot nvo (b) in blocK one hundred and thrco (103) instead of tho south twenty-two feet of lot four (4) in block one hundred and three (103) and said -pototion will como up for henrincr before said Hon. Mnvor nnd city council on tho 2?th dny of Septem ber, mil. Any person deainntr to obiect. pro test or remonstrnte against snia chnnge oi location should nil such protest, re monstrnnco orobjection on or before snid dntc. K9-5 Chas. F. Temple. City Clerk. Attack like Tigers. In fltrhtine to kenn tho blood nuro the wniie corpuscles nttncK uiBenso germs liko tigers. But often germs multiply so mat mo nine ngntora nro overcome, Tlinn ami nlmnlna lwln irt n - n an If rhwm an sorea multiply nnd strength JPPi?1- " condition X- stomach, liver nnd kidneys to expel EoiBons from tho blood. "They are tho est blood purifier," writes C. T. Bud- nnnn. oi Tracy, uant., "i nave ever found." They muko rich, red blood strong nerves nnd build up your henlth iry mom, wc nt atone urug Uo. Go to SORENSON'S FOR Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Alto Wood TaraiBg, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Wfodow ScreeHR a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. ORDUIl OP IIKARINQ ON ORIGINAL PRO HATE OF WILL. Btata of Nebraska. Lincoln County. S. S. In the County Court. In th C...( T II rt.l. union, ueccnted. I un rrmnnir ana in nir the cetition or jonn VuttllMpmdnKlhotth Instrument fllcd on the I mm ujr oi auiuii, ivh, anu purporting m oo an "tientlcatxi copy of the iat win ami teiument oin-ai UflcoawM. may lx provwi. approval, i auoYou ami reroruwi aiinoun win ami ieu' mont of the MidJ. h. chriiunmn. deccaioii. I Onlerwl. That Kentembcr 25Ui. 1011. at 0 o'clock In. m. UalimJ for hcnriiur aald petition, vrhen all poron Interotoil In wild matter may appear ot A county court to be held In and for aula coun- M'o rontDah,r pwr f pct'tloncr TM. m.'ke'tin.bii.hea tho .ucceive wceka In Tho North I a wceka In Tho North rlatte Tribune, a Iwdnewa pr HN'olNTnty Jdg.. Suits All Classes. Tho cigars WO mako nnd sell 8ult3 all classes of men. Wo have several brands of picket cigars which are pro nounced h superior article by smokers of good judgment For tho man who wants a finer cigar, wo have the ton centers, which nre as good n cigar as tou can buy anywhere, more are men n North Platto who have smoked our itrars for over twentv-fivo vearu nnd arc satisfied. That tells the Btory of tho quality. J. F. SCHMALZRIfiT). Office phone 241. Res. phono 217 L. C: DROST, Osteopathic Physician. .North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bnnk Building. . '"i; A A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. & Doctors Ames & Ames, Physicians and Surgeons, U Office over Stone Drug Co. Phones lg!3 I WILLIS J. REDFIELD, M.D Surgeon, Physician, Consultant. Ofllce Physicians and Surgeons Hospitn Phones: Ofllce 642, Rcsidenco 644. i DR. W. F. CROOK. DENTIST, Graduate Northwestern University. OfQco over McDonald Stato Bank GEO. D.DENT, Physician and Surgeon, Ofllce over McDonald Bank. PhonPR I Ofllce 130 f hones Residence 115 JOE B. REDFIELD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Speclaltyi SKIN DISEASES. Day and night cnlls promptly answered Ulllco i'. a. iiospitnl. Jt'tiono 642. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Homeopathlo Physician nndSurgeon Special attention slvon to conllno- menta and child ron's dlsoason, Onico rhono 183 Res. I'hono 283 Ofllce McDonald Stato Hank HldV Jog-along Transfer Co. C, II. SAWYER, MGR. Hack and Heavy Draying of all Kinds. Piano movintr a specialty. Un-to-date 1911 piano truck. Office hours 8 a. m. to bp. m. uilice wltnfostarielegraph uiiieo pnono zui. Kcsidonce uoi Send Us Your Shipments of Grain and Hay We pay tho top market. Thrco cou pons Ireo with returns on each car or hay you ship ua to handle for your ac count. Fifteen coupons and ?3.l0 In cash will secure for your hhme nn ele gant 42-Piece Royal Blue Dinner Set worth $10.00. Consltrn your hay to un and nluumi tho ladies and also get it good price for your nay. Our Motto: Fair treatment and prompt remittances. Sample of tho quality of these dishes can do seen at tne oiuco oi tno semi Weokly Tribune. The F. Ct Ayres Mer. Co., 20th and Wazee Streets, .Denver, Colorado. Notice to Delinquents, Notlco is heroby given that the ron tal unon tho lease contract to the fol lowing described school land In Lincoln county, Nebraskn, as sot opposite tho name of the holder thereof, is delin quent, and if the nmount which la due is not paid within sixty duyH from tho date of this notice, said contract will bo declared forfoited by tho Board of Educational Lands and Funds, and said forfeiture will bo entered of re cord in tho manner provided by law: Lola l to 4 H-14-ai Airs. 11. J. Ilea derson. NESW, NESW 10-14-33. D. V. Harshfleltl. S & 10-10-20 F. A. Votaw.' E. B. Cowles. Commissioner of Pub- lie Lands & Buildings. Dated Aug. 17, 19U. F. J. BROEKER i Merchant Tailor Wc havo recently installed a French Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies' apparel of all classess, and we guarantee satisfactory work. We are also tailors and know how to ' repair clothes. I We carry samples of goods and 1 make clothes of all kinds to order, insuring first-class workmanship and perfect fit. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF LINCOLN COUNTY, NEURASKA. In the matter of the application of John Hernxl. administrator of the estnte of Mnry Lamplugh, deceased, for llcente to tell real estate. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. On this 15th day of Aunuit, 1011, this cause enmo on for hearing upon the petition under oath of John Hcrrod, administrator of the estate, of Mary IamplaUKh, deceased, praying" for license to tell tho following described rval estate of tho aid Mary Lamplauuh trMvIt: That part of lots. blocK in the city or Norm l'lattu described as follows: IleKlnnlnit at n point on the south lino of snid lot 40 feet cast of southwest comer; thenco on the south lino of said lot 20 feet; thence in n northerly direction on a lino parallel with th enst lino of snid lot to tho north line of said lot; inenco westerly on ine norm line or saiu lot M feet: thence in n southerly direction to the nlnrn of bcirlrmlnff. or a sufTlelont amount thereof to bring tho sum of S.194.G0 with tho payment of debts nllowcd-saul estate, and allowance and costs or Autnitiistratnr, for tho reason Hint thcro Is not n sumcicnt nmount of personal property In the possession of said John Herrod, administrator. belonging to said estate to pay said debts, allow. ances and costs. That all bcrsons Interested In snid rintn nnnn.. beforo me at Chambers In tho city of North 'latte In said county on tho 7th dnv nt 1911. at nlno o'olock a. m., to show cause. It any thcro be. why u license should not hn mntnl ,a snid John Hcrrod, administrator, to sell so much of tho above described real estate of said deced ent, ns shall be necessary to pay sold debts and ipenscs. It Is further ordered thnt n conv of this nntm t.a served to all persons Interested In said estate by causing the same to bo published once a week for four successive weeks In tho North Platto Semi-weekly Tribune a newspaper published In said county of Lincoln, otnto of Nebraska. 11. M. Gmmes. Judge IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP LINCOLN . , COUNTY, NEURASKA. In the matter of thn nnnllrntlnn nf .Tntn ir. rod. aJmlniitralorof the estate of Isaac Lamp lugh, deceased, for license to sell real estate. , , UHUEK TO SHOW CAUSE. On this 16th day of Anmut 1911. tM. came on for hearing on the petition under oath of John Herrod, administrator of the estate nf Isaac LamphiKh, deceased, praying for license to sell the followinc described real estate of tlio said Isaac Lamplugh. to-wlt: The east ono-elov-cnthof Lot 6, IJIock 103, In the City of North Piatt0, being a strip of land six feet In width and 132 feet In length on tho castsldoof said Lot C. In Block 103. in tho City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, or a sufltclent amount thereof to bring the sum of $97.40, for the payment of debts nllowcd nald estate, and allowances and costs of administrator, for the reason that there Is not a sufficient amount of personal property In tno possession of saM John Hcrrod, administra tor, bclonirlng to said estate tn nnv nl.l .1.1, t. -.1. lowanccs and costs. ' That all Demons Intcrestnl In n(,l ,... pear before mo at chambers In tho City of North . mini in saiu county on ine 7tn day or October, 1911, at nine o'clock a. m. to show cause. If any there lie. why a license ahouM tint- IW1 tTtanlnrl in John Hcrrod. administrator, to sell so much of the above described real estate of sakl decedent as shall bo necessary to pay said debta and ex. penscs. It Is further ordered that a copy of this order be served, to all persons Interested In said es tate, uy causing the soma to bo published once a week for four successive weeks In the North Platte Scmi-Weeklv Trihnnn. n .,,.1.- llshod In said county of Lincoln, Stato of Ne- DrasKa. II. M. GRIMES. Judge NOTICE OP CONTEST. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Office, , t, North Watte, Nebraska, Aug. 14, 1911. To Richard Taylor, of Soanhuth. contcstce: You are hereby notified that Theodore Ander son, Who gives Stiainuth. na hi. nn.1. offlce address, d uJuly 14, 1911. fllo In this oltlce his duly corwborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your homestead f,tPr.No- . erial No- O2017! mado Juno 29, 1901, for southwest quarter section 32. township 14. rango 28. west of thn Slrth Prlnrn.i xf.. dlan, and as grounds for his contest he alleges unit imiu umrann. never am resiuo upon said land: that ho never cultlvatul any portion of same and that the said entry Is more than seven years old and has expired by the statutes limiting its life. You are, therefore, further notified thnt tho said allegations will be taken by this olllco as haying been confessed by you, nnd your said-entry will bo 'cancelled thereunder without further right to be heard therein, either beforo this dice or on appeal, If you fall to file in this fofllce within twenty days after tho fourth publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and responding to these allegations of contest, or If you fail within that umeio iiiowiiinn tins olllco due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on said con testant either In person or by registered mall. If this service is made by the delivery nf n rnnv nr your answer to the contestant In person, proof of outu ncrncu mun ue euner mo said contestant s written acknowledgement of his receipt of the copy, showing the date of Its receipt, or the affi davit of tho person by whom the delivery was made stating when and where tho copy was de livered; If made by registered mall, proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom tho copy was mailed stating when and thepostofllco to which It was mailed, and this affidavit must bo accompanied by the postmast er's receipt fdr the letter. You should state In your answer the name of the postollice to which you desire future noUco to be sent to you. a ... , K. EVANS, Register. Dato of. first nubtlcatlon Anun.f f 11111.. i.i. of second publication August29, 1011; data of third publication September 6, 1911; date of fourth publication September 12. 1911. Horlal No. 022M. NOTIOl.l'On t'UIILlOATION OEI'AltTMRNT OIT TUB INTCIIIOII. . Unlutd HtatoH Land Olllco. At North I'latto, Nebraska, July. 27,1011. Notice In bprobr nlvon that Daniel V. I.tmk'l of North l'lattu Nnli al,n n,. Ofit. 1st. 1WI. mndn liotneitteatl ontry No. 20572. HitUI No. for tho oast half of wtuiitwiwifjiiurtijr, Hoc on 4, Township 11, N ItsiiKO 31 W of tlio fitli l'rlncltiai Meridian, has filed notlco of In tmitlon to mtko flnal (Ivo yoar Proof, in i enUMltli claim to tho land above dwtorllx'd, tMforo thy rrgUtor and recolvor at North I lotto, Nobraiiko, on tho 25th dny Ul ftiiiv- 1111. Olnliimnt nomitN on VYItnUKHnst Osrl tirof'dpr. of North I'lotlii, Npl William (Irlllltli .till. Null.. v oriiieidinii, mil)., John i I'Ul HOf Hntn- nrset. Nely, II. (J Nidi- . , TlbMoN, of North I'latto, Ol'fl J. K. KVANH. llnirlstnr. onmnm iikahinoon pictition kor AITtMNTMI'.NT OP ADMINIHTUATOIt. Httjof Nohraska, Lincoln County, 88. In the County Court In th matter of tho cHtalo of Patnor Itorhy, di-ceasod. (hi reading nnd filing tho notltlon of Simon Horhy, tiraylnif that tho admlnlstrntlon of ald natatn may lw grnntcd to Simon Horby au adinlnlMtrator. 1 OrdnrKd, Thnt Sept. 18th, 1011. ato o'clock . in., U assigned for hearing said potltlon whim nil pvmonH Interested tn said matter may npDoar nt a county court to bo hq1 In nnd for nald county, nnd show causo why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo tfrintodt and thnt. notice of tho pendency of aid potlllpn and tbo hoarlng thereof, be Klven to nil porsons lntorested In said matter hv tjiitillcatlng a conp of this order In the North IMatto Homl-Vcokly Tribune, a csa weekly nowHpapor printed Jn said eclinty for throo auccesslvo weeks, prior to said dny or day of hearing. "r Dated August 2. 10H. 8 Joint Ouaht. County .TiuVn. Notice. To Mamlo G. Culton. Defendant: ooX01. nro jeeby notified that on the 28th day of April, 1911, Albert B. Cul ton Wed a poUtton against you in the District Court of Lincoln county, Ne braska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorco from you on the grounds that you have willfully aban- (uuiiu-u juuinuii, witnout cause, for the , t0f more than two years last past. I .i ou nro required to answer said po- ?, 'in on1,boforo the 18th day of Sep- ,cmbeV t n r., , AlbehtB. Culton, PlaintifT. By E. H. Evans, His Attorney.