The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 19, 1911, Image 1

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    &tttt mted Sccfotr
No. 61.
3 Personal Mention. 3
Mrs. .Pitt went to KeyBtono yester
day morning.
Joe Stone returned yesterday from his
trip to Chicago.
MissGrnco Payne will leave tomorrow
for Omaha to attend Browncll Hall.
Attornoy Shuman went to Ognllhla
this morning on legal matters.
Dr. nndMrs. 0. H. Cressler went to
Omaha Sunday to spend a few days.
Miss Kathleen Flynn visited Misa
Margaret McCarthy in Ogalalla Sunday.
Mrs. John Bdker and daughter Helen
leave to-night for Omaha to spend two
Mrs. Fred Thompson will leave this
evening for Omaha to spend several
W. J. Tillov went to Hershey this
morning to transact business for the
Miss Amy Young returned yesterday
from Lexington where she has been
-visiting her sister.
Miss Maud Ganson returned to Kear
ney yesterday after a Bhort visit with
Miss Mnymo McMichael
Miss Emma Allen, of Omaha, arrived
yestcrdsy to visither friend Mrs. Frank
Buchanan for o week or more.
Dave Day and Frank McGovern are
expected home today from a month's
hunting trip in Colorado points.
Miss Emma Anderson, of the Fourth
ward is enjoying a visit from her sister,
who resides in Broken Bow.
Miss Clara Larson, of Fremont, vis
ited Misa Lucy Dunn yesterday, while
-enroute home from Denver.
Miss Alice Kent returned to Lexing
ton Saturday after visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Saunders for several days.
Mesdames Kelly, Moore, McMichcal
and RoV. Porter returned yesterday from
Lexington whero they attended tho
Methodist Conference.
Dr. McCabe and wife, Misses Erma
Huffman, Helen Waltemath and Mario
McCabo will leave Friday in the for
mer's car fohOmahft. .,. '
RoberV'Uick1 'returned Tast-evdning
from tho Big Horn forest in Colorado,
-whero ho spent tho summer and will
leave Thursday lor tho State Uni
versity. Sam Grace, of Omaha, secretary of the
Machinist Union went thru tho last of
the week, enroute homo from San Fran
cisco whero ho went in tho interest of
tho lodge.
Matt Ewert, n banker of New York,
visited Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Seeborger
the last of the week. Tho gentlemen
wero friends in Kansas twenty years
ago and this was tho first meeting since
that time.
The best and cheapest fire, lightning,
cyclone and tornado insurance is
written by Bratt & Goodman, the
leading insurance agents.
Tho City Council will meet in regular
session this evening.
Leave your orders for milk or cream
at tho Enterprise Bakery, now conduct
ed by tho Doolittle Produce Co. '
Weathor F6recast: Fair tonight and
-warmer, Wednesday increasing cloudi
ness. Maximum temperaturo yester
day 71: onr year ago 87. Minimum
temperature last night 88; one year ago
You will enjoy tho beautiful electric
light exhibit and other tableau features
in tho Merchant's Carnivnl Thursday
and Friday nights this week at the
Keith theatre. Como and bring the
whole: family. Music by the theatre
orchestra. Seats only 35c children 15c.
Benefit Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Ella Huxoll has accepted a posi
tion in the Tramp Grocery.
Arthur B. Hoagland purchased a new
Franklin car of Jno. Davis yesterday.
John Soth has returned from San Fran
cisco where ho went on business for tho
boiler makers lodge.
Dr. Daley of Beloit, Kans., and Daniel
Ragon of Storling have been In town on
roal estate business for sovcrnl days.
Wanted Apprentice girls at Mrs.
Ed Burke's millinery, 300 Corner and
Vino Sts.
Fred H. Klump, of RinggolU, was in
town yesterday and purchased a now
30-horso powor Reo car at tho No-tth
Platto garage.
Dr. D. T. Quigloy has ordered a new
Mitchell car, a newer modol and of
greater horse power than tho one he
has been using for two seasons past.
Will Friend, Miles Marcott, Erie
Brocker returned Sunday oveningfrom
a successful huntinn trio in tho north
country, bringing back thirty six chick
Mrs. W. F. Cody received a cablegram
last evening announcing tho birth of a
son to Mrs. Frank Benn, of London,
England, formerly Miss Clara Boal, of
this city.
Tho Lutheran Aid Society will meet
on Thursday at tho parish house to bo
entertained by Mesdames P. E. McGraw
H. T. Hansen, Andy Johnson. A full
turn out of all the ladies is desired.
Call and sco tho new rainbow hats
at Mrs. Ed Burke's millinery, 300 Cor
ner and Vine Sts.
Miss Lena Wangon returned Sunday
ovening from Nosway where sho spent
three months with relatives. Sho wiil
resumo her work as telephone operatdr
in the Western Union office this week
Andv Yost returned last evening
from a two weeks' visit in Chicago
with his sister Mrs. Charles Dill. Mrs.
Yost will spend a week or more with
relatives in Mankato. Kansas before
Mnnev to loan on real estate, one to
five 'ycaxs, or out of our building and
loan association, ace us betore making
lyburloan. vye may save your aiouey.
liratt & uooaraan.
A Merchants carnival under the
auspicesof tho Presbyterian Aid Society
will be held nt the Keith Theatre on
Thursday and Friday evening. Each
business house will bo represented by a
young lady in appropriate costume.
Don't forget to see tho Lady Black
smith. Barber. Porter, Butcher, Den
tist and manv others in their comic
acts in tho Merchant's carnival Thurs
and Friday at Keith theatre. Music by
orchestra. Seats only 35c. children
15c. Benefit Presbyterian church.
Mrs. McNamara. of Paxton is visiting
local inenus.
TVin rmrt.v which was to bo held to
morrow at tho Odd Fellows' hall haa
been postponed.
Mr nnil Mrs. Miner Morrow will
leave next week for an extended visit
with relatives in Indiana.
Mr nnd Mrs. John Sinirleton returned
versterdav mornintr from a month's
visit in Delewore and Pennsylvania.
A number of tho Bridge and Building
1 . T 1 T71 1 :
employes in cnargo oi uunn rruuurci
wont un tho branch todav to nut in
Miss Lena Gardiner has severed her
connection with the ten cent store and
will lnnve for eastern noints. She is
succeeded by Miss Pearl Weeks.
For Rent
houses, furnished and unfurnished
rooms, storage room and safe deposit
boxes. Bratt & Goodman
dBoijald : State ai?fe
UP CAPITAL, $100,000.00
Depositors also protected by tho Depositors Guar
antee Fund of tho Stato of Nebraska.
Wo appreciate your business with us and invito
now nccounts.
President. Vice-Pros, and Cashier.
Merchant's Carnival. 1
Everybody should plan to sco tho.
Merchants Carnivnl, to bo held nt tho
Keith theatre Thursday and Friday
ights, Sept. 21 nnd 22. All tho lead
ing business firms will bo represented
on tho stngo by young ladies in appro
priate costume. Over 125 peoplo will
take part in tho exercises. All homo
talent, fine drills, pretty costumes,,
good singing, etc. Also many comic fea
tures. Music by tho theatre orchestra.
Th o biggest nnd best performance of
tho season. Seats 35 cents, children 15
cents. Benefit Presbyterian church.
Voice Culture.
Elizabeth Kanr Lnmrston. teacher of
VOCAL MUSIC. Will bo at Rinckcr's
music and art storo on Thursday of
ach week. Will bo nlcased to meet
any who nro interested in singing 285
Benefit Ball.
Tho ladies auxiliary of tho B. of R.
, will give a benefit boll at 'the Lloyd
opera houso Friday ovening, October
13th. Paeccdlng tho dancing Stamp's
orchestra will givo a concert. Tho
ladies are planning to make the ball
comploto in every detail and ono that
will bo worthy a large attendance.
Buy Property Now.
Great bargains in houses, lots, farms
and other land. See us before yon bur.
Bratt & Goodman.
Andy Struthers received additional
samples yesterday from tho Littlo Mary
mine, located in Arizona and in which a
numbor of North Platto men nro inter
ested. This property consists of four
teen claims, and while tho quartz is
argely copper bearing, thero is a con
siderable quantity of gold and silver.
Tho property has not been fully devel
oped as yet, but enough ore has been
uncovered to insure a rich body. Ono
property near tho Littlo Mary has
produced $35,000,000 in ore.
Don't forgot tho Merchant's Car
nival by homo talcut nt tho Keith
theatre Thursday and Friday nights
this weok. Over 125 people will take
part in tho exercises. Two hours of
solid amusement and fun. A fine pro
gram. Something, everybody will en
oy. AdmissionV35c children 15c Ben
efit Presbyterian church. ,
Your Idle Money
if not earning seyen or eight per cent
semi-annual interest in choice first
mortgage loans, see Bratt & Goodman.
Notice to Stallion Owners.
Tho 1911 Stallion Registration Law
requires ail males, pure urea, cross
bred, grade or jack to be examined by
a state inspector.
An inspector will ho nt the hotel in
Paxton on September 27, 1911, and at
tho hotel in Hershey on September 28',
1911. and at tho Timmorman hotel in
North Platto on September 29th, 1911,
for tho purpose of inspecting all stal
lions nnd jacks in tho vicinity of
respective towns! nnmed. Tho in
spection will cost $5". 00 for each animal
nnd will begin at 9 a. m. each day,
Copies of tho law may bo had from W.
R. Mellor, secretary Stallion Registra
tion Board, Lincoln, Neb.
, Attention Hay Men.
We will savo your money on Bale Ties
Sco us. Ginn, White & ScuaTz.
All parties aro warned against hunt
g andtrespassing on lands owned by
doec the most work and
yields the most profits.
. Live stock costs money
and is worth caring- for.
A good stable is cheaper in
the long- run.
We will be glad to give
you an idea of the cost of
the lumber needed for re-1
pairing or rebuilding the
present barn or stable, or
for putting up a new one.
We can save you money
on it.
Take Pride in Oar Town.
Tho people of North Platto can point
with prido to their hundreds of
handsome rcsldenco nnd fine bus
ncss blocks, including tho Elks building
representing a value of $35,000.00, tho
Masonic nnd Odd Fellows building onch
worth $30,000.00; tho two handsome
bank buildings, Timmennnn, Walte
math and Keith Neville blocks nnd
their fine church buildings. All of
theso are duo to individual effort.
'Wo will soon hnvo a handsome Fed-
oral building donated by tho govern
ment nt n cost of $110,000.00, and n
fine public library building, erectod nt
a co3t of $14,000.00, a free gift to tho
city. Our Bchool buildings nro a credit
to the city.
What a contrast all theso make to
tho three littlo mcasley shacks erected
by tho city os a homo for its firo de
partment nnd for tho housing of its
city officers and property.
Thero is not a town in tho stnto of
ono thousand population but has mnde
better provision for its firo department
and city officers.
Kearney built its handsome city hall
30 years ago at n cost of $40,000.00
when, it was not half tho sizo of North
Platto. Grand Island built its fine
throb story city hall more than
25 years ago when it wns much nmallor
than North Platto is now.
Schuyler, not half tho sizo of North
Platte, has erected a fine moderns press
brick building for city hall nnd homo for
its firo department
Even littlo towns like Gothenburg
and North Bend arc provided with city
halls adequato to their needs.
Now that there is an opportunity to
securo a building for the city hall and
homo for tho fire department in keep
ing with tho needs of tho city, a build
ing that we will not be ashamed of,
it behooves every well wisher of North
Platto to give tho bonds proposition
their earnest support.
One of tho contractors on tho grading
for tho extension of tho Kenrnoy &
Black Hills branch of the Union Pacific
from Callaway to Gandy, has completed
his contract It is rumored that ho has
instructions to remain thero until spring,
sQhftJi he will bo on the ground to com-
monco work on tho grading of tho ex
tension of tho Pleasanton branch to this
point and on west
A. L. Goyer, formerly of this county,
but now living ab Sealoy, Texas, has
been visiting acquaintances in this sec
tion for a week past.
A North Platte Citizen Shown
Only one way to euro a bad back.
Liniment and plasters may rcliovo it
They won't cure it.
Bnchacke means sick kidneys.
Donn's Kidnoys Pills euro nil kidnoy
North Platto people prove this.
J. C. McGowan, .321 S. Chcsnut St.,
North Platte, Neb,, says: "Somo six
months ago I had an attack of kidney
troublo and suffered nil the aches and
pains that accompany this disease.
began using Doan's Kidnoy Pills, pro
cured from McDoncll & Graves' Drug
Store and it required only ono box to
rid mo of every symptom of tho
trouble. Tho euro proved to bo n per
manent one, for no kidnoy troubles
havo since appeared since. I also gave
Doan's Kidnoy Pills to our littlo daugh
ter who suffered from backache nnd a
kidnoy weakness and they proved
equally satisfactory in her case.
For Sale by all dealers. Prico GOc
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffnio, N. Y
solo agents for tho United States.
Remember tho name Doan's and
tako no other.
D AA. 111! m m 'jkuJ.
x tsuj.xiJ.liitoraV-eill
From oue-lenth to one-fifth cent! pet
mile cover the cost of operating a
Th arey r.llow
Thi mncliino is nlwayi ready for a
hurry-up Irip or a pleasures run. Will do
the road work of 3 hories. No expense
when idle. We would vIce to tell you
more about the greatest sport in the
world. Come is and tee us.
Honorable mention Wns mndo by tho
World Herald Good Roads Convention
of tho road thru Osgood precinct, Judge
E. Wntkln8 commending Commis
sioner Thoelccko on his judgment re
garding this road.
Mrs. Will Allen of Omaha arrived last
night to visit hor mother Mrs. John
ID you, ever hear the remark, "Put all the big
apples on top, John, " which meant that the small
and spoilt fruit was, underneath. Even if we wished it,
that could not happen at this store. Our customers
demand the closest attention.
Besides it does not pay us to buy any fruit but tho best
Ono bad melon or pench will spoil a whole box, bnakot or
.barrel. Wo aro thoroforo just as nnxious to securo good
melons nnd fruit as you are.
Our buying is dono to pleaso you and our guarantee is that we will
gladly rcplacoany spoiled fruit, that wo may unwittingly sell you.
Here are some of our offers for the current weeki
Apples $1 per bushel; Plums 90 cents and $1.00 per
crate; grapes, 4 baskets for $1.00; Peaches, Pears,
Tokay Grapes, etc.
I Rush Mercantile Company.
The Platte Volley State Bank in North Plotie does'
not offer any inducements for 'business which later
it declines to keep.
It Is attracting new customers by its consistent
attention to nil details of every account and keeping
old customers by fulfilling every expectation based
on business principles.
Pur officers welcome interviews on all money
questions whether they involve small or large
The Platte Valley State Bank,
A $250 Harley Davidson 4-Horse Power
Motor Cycle, Magneto Ignition ....
A Ticket With Every Pair of Shoes.
Yellow Front Shoe Store,
Miss Jcssio Baker left yesterday
nftornoon for Kearney to visit friends
after Which sho will spend a week in
A marriago llccnso was granted yes
terday at Omaha to M. L. M'.Cullough,
formerly of this city but of lato years
living at Elsie, nnd Lu Holmes, of
Jons &