The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 25, 1911, Image 8

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Serai -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Btsxe, Editor nad PublUher.
One Year by Mail in ailvuico $1.25
One Year by Carrier In advance. ..... .$1.60
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
bfllco as Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1911.
Republicans throughout tho county
express themselves ns highly pleased
with tho nominations mado Inst Tucs'
dny. They look on tho ticket ns par
ticularly strong, believe that it will re
reivo the united support of tho party
voters and that each candidate will bo
elected by n-big majority. It is n tick
ot of clean, progressive and energetic
m(jn, who possss the ability to credi
tably (111 tho positions for which they
are aspirants.
In Candidates Rose, Lotton and
Hnmer, nominated for tho supreme
judgeship, we have men of recognized
legal ability, men who have 8nt on tho
bdnch nnd proved thomuolyoH fair and
impartial jurists. Judge Ilamer Is a
western Nebraska man, well known In
Lincoln county, having been ' at ono
time judge of this judicial district. Asa
resident of tho west part of tho state,
his candidacy naturally appeals to tho
pcoplo of this section nnu ho will prob
ably rocoivo more than his party vote,
x That Judrro Grimes should bo renomi
nated without opposition can be taken
as evidence of his popularity and stand
ing as h judge. Fow judgos, if any, in
the state have been on the bench for
bo many yoara ahd made so fow enomles,
and this standing among tho pcoplo
lias been attained through his absoluto
fairness ns a judge.
Tho county ticket is certainly strong.
Starting with Albert Durbin as tho
nominee for treasurer wo have a young
man who has lived in tho county since
enrly chlldoood, making Ills homo in tho
; south pnrtnf the county until four
years ago whonhe wub seloctod deputy
treasurer by Treasurer Langford. That
Mr. Langford mndo no mlstako in
selecting Mr. Durbin as his deputy has
been woll established by Mr. Durbin's
uftlclont sorvico. Ho has displayed the
ability to well perform tho duties of tho
For county clerk Will Yost received
the nomination and it could not havo
fallen to n inoro worthy or competent
person. For several yoara .Mr. Yost
has been denutv under Clerk Elliott.
' and has proven n most obliging and effi
cient official, Careful and accurate In
his work, the affairs of tho office will
bo woll conducted.
George E. Hrossor, as candidate for
clerk of tho districtTcourt has been woll
tried and proven not wanting In nny re
spect. In fact no man could transact
tho duticB of tho office bettor ami few
could do so well. Tho absolute correct
ness 'ofthe court records, proves his
SEAnother candiduto who has'beon
tried nnd J found Al Is Supt. Ebright.
The work of Mr. Ebright during tho
pant four years has been ondorsod by
the peoplo regardless of political affilia
tion. Ho has labored zenlously for tho
upbuilding of thochools;of tho county
and In this vork he has been very sue
. For county judge tho party selected
M. E. Crosby, a young attorney of
ability, and ono who has grown up with
. thu county, having lived nt Sutherland
. nlnco early childhood. Ho graduated
,from tho state university and after re
"coiVlng his degree located In North
Platto, where ho Iiuh sii'ce established a
, reputation with all for fairness and in
, togrlty. Lust spring ho wns eloctod
i councilman from his ward.
A. J, Snlisbury, tho nominee for
aheriir, is a man who came to Lincoln
as it boy and located with his pnronts
In Plant precinct llomnlning'thorojfor
ten years ho moved to North Platto and
engaged in the livery business, contlnu
lag In this until a year or ao ago, and
h siuco that time has conducted Jan auto
.livery. Mr.Snlisbury has proven himsolf
. u good citizen, a man of Integrity nnd
honorablo in all his dealings. He has
Uiat grit and determination that'll peace
' officer should possess, nnd is well fitted
in every particular to well discharge
tho duties of tho sheriff's office.
For county Burvoyor Paul Moyors
Was nominated and Dr. F. H. Longloy
for coroner. They havo boun incum
bents of the offices for which they havo
been nomlnntod and havo provon Jvory
efficient officials. They deserve re
election. J. W. Abbott is tho candidate for
county commissioner, nnd ho is cortaln
ly ono of Lincoln county's best men.
For many yentu ho has resided at Hor
iihoy, first filling tho position of atntlon
agent for the Union Pacific, then choa
ior of tho Hershoy bank, and now en
gaged in thu rent estate business. In
the several positions he has filled ho
has proven his ability as a business
man. Conservative but not parsimon
ious, ho will as a commissioner make u
most valuable mombor of tho board.
Tho ticket is n most satisfactory ono
to Tho Tribune and It will tuko pleas
ure in giving each candidnto its most
hearty support, andean with confidence
' invito the support of nil votora who
dosiro competent officials.
The Official Car for
West and Pawnee
Mr. Frank Winch, general Pross Representative
of the above exhibition states as follows:
Starting from New York City, Aptil 2, I have
driven 21,06 miles, up to the time of reaching the
Adams County Automobile Co's tfarag'- in Hastings,
in a Model "16" Buick car. I have m-vprupened the
hood except for lubricating. I have nver had a broken
part, I have never had a replacement. Two. weeks
ago I passed through thro' the gumbo muds of Iowa
and pulled out eight cars of different makes. I drove
successfully and without hesitation thro' 93 miles of
Iowa gumbo mud up to the hubs and over, so deep in
three instances that it scraped off the pan. I tisedfour
tire chains and seventy-five feet of inch Manila on each
front wheel. All this was done on second speed, two
stops being necessary owing to the losing of the pan
and cleaning the tire chains so they would hold. The
last ten miles I placed a cable on another car and
brought it with rne. The next daya little oil, a little
gasoline and away I went, like a Whirlwind, faster than
the express trains, upholding the name my car carries,
"The Buick Flying Demon."
Tho View From an Aeroplane.
It 1h a great surprlso to tho unini
tiated to see how uniform the surface
of the earth appears when viowocl
from a great altitude. Although Indi
vidual objects nro hard to Identify.
such things ns rlvorn, lakes and rail
roads arc ciiHlly recognized by their
'outour. direction or some Blight lnal-
vlduallty or characteristic which can
rotidlly be shown upon a map, espe
cially If tho maps aro made or correct- l
ed by tueir who 0y above the earth
and get an accurate and literal bird's
eye view of Its surface. Objects
which seem to loom up with tho great
est clearness to ono standing on tho
surface of tho earth appear very dif
ferent and qulto Inslgultlcnnt whou
viewed from above, while n patch of
colored soil which would not be no
ticed nt all by a persou ntanding on
tho ground Is a most valuable land
mark to tho air sailor. Columbian
Magazine '
Jumping Cocoons.
Many visitors to the southwestern
states and Mexico havo amused them
selves by watching tho queer motions
of "Jumping beans," tho seed vessels
of a plant, each of whlcu contain tho
pupa of an insect whose spasmodic
movements cnuso tho ben 11 to hop and
roll about
Moro remarkable are the "Jumping
cocoons" found In South Africa. The
cocoon Is formed by the mother In
sect and Is very hard. The piipa when
ready to emerge must cut Its way out.
The front of Its head has a sharp.
chlMol-lllso edge, and by driving this
against tho Inside of the shell It grad
ually makes u holt. Tho violent mo,
tlous of the pupa within ratine the co
coon to leup so that one has been seen
to spring out of a small glass tumbler.
-St. Inils Itopubll:.
Q.ived Storage Cbirfjos.
Young men with meager salaries
evolvv lluauelal makeshifts abhorrent
to the moral and phystval' sensibilities
of their opulent elder. Said nm
young sprig of boarding house gentil
ity to another who expected to seek
new quartern upon his return from a
two months' trip on the road:
"What aro you going to do with nil
this personal truck that Is cluttering
up your room? It will cost you any
how a dollar it month for storage."
"Not the way I am working things,"
mild the man who wns going away.
"I havo purposely refrained from pay
ing board for four weeks, and tho land
lady will hold my stuff. Of course I
shall square up when I come back
and get it again, and In tho meantime
she will give It freo storage." Now
York Times. - '"
Lawyer on a Strike,
Ovor 300 years ago one of the most
unusual striken ever recorded took
placo In I'arls. when all tho lawyers
walked out, so to speak. A law or
ordonunnco was Issued and promul
gated by the French king Henry III.
ordering all lawyers to sign their
pleadings and to state tho amount
thoy woro chnrglng tholr clients for
tholr services. This was dono so that
the lawyers could bo properly and
sutllclently taxed on their Income.
Tho lawyers objected, and tho strike,
causing an entire stay or Judicial pro
ceedings, followed. I'eace wuh restor
ed by the noneufoa'emont of the or
dontinuco. though It was not reueuled.
Buffalo Bills' Wild
Bills' Far East,
mow rvangtuoos right.
Knngiirnns ere dlstrlmiieu out h
parts of Queensland. The "old man.
or wily grown mnle. Is mostly foinii.
on downs nnd in open forest country
An "old tnnn" sometimes grows to 1 1 1 w
hclght of six feet and when hunted
Into a rocky gorge or corner will turn
and face Its pursuer. It Is 11 form!
dnblo adversary at close quurlors. Its
mode of lighting Is to clusy its enemy
In Its arms, hug him to Its breast and
then with Its powerful hind claws rip
him open. i
Turn About. u
"I'fipn says'lf 1 give up my singing
lessons In- will present me within pair
of diamond earrings.' u-
"You have never worn earrlugs. have
you?" ,
"No; 1 should have to have my ears
"Ah. yes'. I see his Idea. He wants
lo pay you buck In your own coin!"
A Dubious Compliment.
''Hobby wns slmwlng off his baby.
"TltlnU he looks like me. Slithers?"
he nuked.
'Well -mi." mild Slithers. looking at
the youngster critically. "Flo's a
qiic.M' looking little cuss nil right, but
I shouldn't' go ns far as to say that
he looks like you." -Judge.
Woman's Woos.
Ah soon as a married woman gets
?('iO saved' up she becomes oppressed
by the thought tfnt she Is merely im
cumulating a fortune for the secoud
wife to, spend. Louisville Courier
Our Near Neighbors.
Mother - Don't you know, darling,
that we are commanded to love our
neighbors? Little Ono - Vxs; an' I
s'pose that's 'cause we can get. along
with most everybody else. Exchange.
The Bettor Job.
The Inquisitive (incst I suppose,
now. you would like to get a Job In
a restnuront patronized by -millionaires
whero you'd get big tips. The Obse
quious Walter-No. sir. I'd rather havo
a Job In a restaurant whero lourtlush
era on S12 a week salaries bring, the
girls they are trying to innko a nit
wlth.-Toledo made.
Work end Worry.
"Worry wears out more people than
work does," snld the ready rande phil
osopher. "Of course It does." replied .Mr.
Qrowcher. "for the simple reason that
so many of us would rather put In our
time worrying about work than doing
It." Washington Star.
Violent Language.
First Deaf Mute So when he henrtl
tho report he got furious nbout It.
Second Deaf Muto Furious: Why, he
was so mad that the words he used
almost blistered his lingers. - Ex
change. Seemed to Give Him a New Stomach.
"I suffered Intensoly after eating
nnu no meiiicino or treatment I tried
soemed to do any good," writos If. M.
Youncrpotors. Editor of Tho Sun. Lake
View, Ohio. "The first few doses' of
Chamberlnin s Stomach nnd Liver
Tablets gave mo surprising roliof nnd
tho second bottle seemed to givo me a
new stomncn nnu porioctly good
honlth." For sale by all dealers.
J. W. Abbott and F. L. Lawler will
orect n one-story cement block 80x100
foot opora house at Horshey.
All tho auditors on the trains between
this city nnd Omaha wcro taken off
Wednesday, some were transferred to
Kansas City and the others to Denver.
Lost A set of side curtains for auto
mobile. Finder please return to Derry
berry and Forbes and receive suitable
From the viewpoint of such accom
plished horsemen as John Veach,
Tug Wilson nnd others who have wran
gled critters since Heck wns a purp,
tho rough-riding portion of Buffalo
Bill's show was rather tame. Fact Is
this part of tho country can scare up
as good riders as can bo found any
where Sutherland Freo Lance.
Closing out Sale
Echelbery's New ind
Second Hand Store.
Ranges from $5.ooip.
Stoves from $1.00 up.
Large. Refrigerators $4.oo.
Gasoline Stoves si.oo.
Dressers from $2.00 up.
Commodes from $1.00 up.
Iron Beds from $1.00 up
Carpets, room size, $2.50.
Come in and see the goods.
Spirclla Corset.
The Ladies' Home Journal. Deline
ator, Vogue, etc., arc advertising the
bpirella Corset. These advertisements
are of particular interest to corset
wearers. As local corscticre for the
Spirclla Company I am in position to
give you the benefit of my training
and experience. 1 guarantee your cor
set to fit you. to be the proper model
for you. 1 do residence fitting, will
call, demonstrate the corset and ex
plain it to you at your convenience.
408 East Sixth St.
Phone Red 202.
Everything modern and sanitary.
Electric TIaIr Dryor, Electric
Vibrator, Electric Hair Curler,
Electric Parlor Cooler. Every
tblng up-to-date. Hotter equlp
ctl than most of tho large city
shops. Hair goods of tho latest
styles always 011 hand.
J'houe 201 for appointments
Go to
Furniture Repairing
and Cabinet Work
Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing
Room Mouldiug, and Window
Screens a Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
To Mamio G. Culton, Defendant:
You aro hereby notified that on. tho
28th day of April, 1911, Albert B. Cul
ton tiled a petition against you in the
District Court of Lincoln county, No-
braska, tho object and prayer of which
are to obtain a divorco from you on tho
grounds that you hnve willfully aban
doned plaintiff, without cause, for the
term ot more than two years last past.
You aro required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 18th day of Sep
temoer, iaii, v
ALUKIlTNli. CULTON, Plaintiff.
By E. II. Evans, His Attorney.
Merchant Tailor.
We have recently installed a French
Dry Cleaner for Men s and Ladies
apparel of all classess, and we
guarantee satisfactory work. We
are also tailors and know how to
repair clothes.
We carry samples of goods and
make clothes of all kinds to order,
insuring first-class workmanship
and perfect lit.
A r r(J I HT M K N T U lr A 1 1 ftl I H IB 1. 1( V I U It
Stat o( Nebraska, Lincoln County, SS,
In Hut (Yintitv HonrL.
In the matter of tho estate ot Falnor
ltorby, deceased
On reading and (Ulnar tho petition ot Straon
ltorby, praying that tho administration of
said estate may lo granted to Simon ltorby
a administrator, ... , ,
Ordered, That Pent- 18th. lPtt. at 0 o'clock
a.m.. in Rsi.linrMl for hearing said notltlon
when aUuKJrsoiiH lntorostcd In said matter
may appear at a county court 10 do noi'i in
ami for said county, and blmw causo why
tlio prayer of petltlonor hliould not bo
Kramt'di and that notice of tlio jwmteney of
said nailtlim nnd tlin Iwi&Htifif tbt'ri'Of. 1)0
Klven to all neMons lnturestcd In aatd niattur
piiiniratinK a copy or tins oroor in wio
Motto t?oml-Wookly TrlbuiiP. a lecal
WL'tVlv nuwsiiiixjr urtnlvd In said eclmty fu
tlireo successive weeks, prior to bald day or
Hay or harntr.
Dated Auirimt 22. IVIl.
ftt-S John Qiiaot, County .ludso
Suits All Classes.
rm. i . j ....11 -11
v inu clours wu iniiKU mm huh quilb uii
Masses of men. We have several
brands of nickel cigars which are pro
nounced a superior article by smokers
of good judgment For tho man who
wants a tinor cignr, wo havo tho ten
centers,- which arc as irood a dear as
you can buy anywhere. There aro men
in iNonn rinixe wno nave smoKcu our
cigars for over twenty-fivo years and
are satisfied. That tells tho story of
the quality.
Olfice phone 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Doctors Ames- & Ames,
6 Physicians and Surgeons,
ll Offico over Stone Drug Co.
8 Phnn.. ) Office 273
g Phones t Residence 273
Surgeon, Physician, Consultant.
Office Physicians and SutgecnsHospita
Phones: Office 642, Residence 644.
j&cn -it 'A3 vxz-aca vx.
J Graduate Northwestern University. L
Offlco over McDonald Stato Bank f
Physician add Surrjeon,
Office over McDonald Bank.
rcr. ion
Ph0eB UesWencellB
Physician and burcjeon.
Day and night calls promptly answered
uince i a. tiospitai. rnone U4&
s00aeie teocoe
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
0 Special attention elvun to conflno
a ment-i ami children's diseases,
Ofllco Tliono 163 INis. Phono 283
Qlllce McDonald Statu Hank IlldV
Jog-along Transfer Co.
Hack and Heavy Draying of all Kinds.
Pian8 moving a specialty. Up-to-dato
1911 piano truck. Office hours 8 a. m.
to 6j. m. Office with Postal Telegraph
Offico phono 201. Residence G51
Send Us Your Shipments of
Graiii and Hay
Wo pay the top market. Three cou
pons free with returns on each car of
nay you to handle for your ac
count. Fifteen coupons and $3.50 in
cash will secure for your hhmo an olo
gant - i
42-Piece Royal Blue Dinner
Set worth $10.00.
Consign your hny to us and please
tho ladies and also get a good price for
your hay.
Our Motto: Fair treatment and
prompt remittances.
Sample of tho quality of theso disheB
enn be seen nt the offico of the Semi
Weekly Tribune.
The F. C. Ayres Mer.
20th and Wazeo Streets,
Denver, Colorado.
Notice to Delinquents.
Notice is hereby given thnt tho ren
tal upon tho lease contract to tho fol
lowing described school land in Lincoln
county, Nebraska, as set opposite the
namo of tho holder thereof, is delin
quent, and if the amount which is due
is not paid within sixty dnys from the
dato of this notice, said contract will
be declared forfeited by the Board of
Educational Lands and Funds, and
salu forfeiture will bo entered of
cord In tho mnnnor provided by
Lots 1 to 4 8-14-31 Mrs. II. J. Hen
NESW, NESW 1C.-14-33, D. W,
S 1G-10-29 F. A. Votnw.
w n r,.,ioQ rv. e n..u
"".n li " 1 v lu"
hc Lands & Buildings.
Dnted Aug. 17, 1911.
Sesled bids will bo received up to 6
p. m., central time, August zutn, iiui,
by J, Q. Wilcox, Chairman Building
Committee, account Wilcox Dop't
Store, North Platte, Neb., for the erec
tion of a frame residence fQr" Rector of
Church of Our Savior of North Platte,
Neb., in strict accordance with plans
and specifications prepared by Carl E.
Shaeffcr, Architect, North Platte,
Nebraska. All bidders will bo required
to accompany their bid with n cortified
check amounting to $75.00, payablo to
J. Q. Wilcox, Chairman Building Com
mittee, the snmo to bo forfeited by tho
bidder whose bid is accepted, if he fails
to signs contract and givo bond re
quired. Plana and specifications may
bo seen at tho office of Carl E.
Shacffer,, Architect, North Platte, Ne
braska. Separate bids for heating,
plumbing nnd electric wiring systems
will be received, subject to nlf condi
tions above.
It is the intention to award the con
tracts to tho lowest responsible bidders.
but the right is reserved to reject any
or all bids or to waive informalities in
any proposal. J. Q. Wilcox,
T)..!l.1! fVU...
wiiiiiiiiiuu ijuiiuiii) uiuuiit.ii;t;.
Notice to Property Owners.
Notice is hereby civen that tho citv
council of the city of North Platte,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, will sit as a
Board of Equalization beginning at tho
hour of 8:00 o'clock", p. m., of tho 25th
dny of August, 1911, nt tho council
chamber in the court house in the city
of North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, for the purpose of levying on
uiu ium umuiu lyniK nnu ueing wun
Sewer District "N" extension, taxes
for tho purpose of paying the costs of
the construction of a lntoral sewer in
said district "N" extension and that
tho said taxes will be levied unon each
parcel of real estato according to tho
extent of benefits to such property by
ruuauii ui u.u cuiiHitsucuon 01 saiQ lib
eral sewer, and if tho said council Bhnll
find such benefits to be equal nnd uni
form such levy" of taxes will according
to the front foot of tho lots or real
estate within Bnid Sewer District "N"
extension or nccording to Buch other
rule ns the city council sitting as such
board of equalization may adopt for tho
distribution ol adjustment of such costs.
All persons interested will filo their
objections, if nny they have, to tho
assessing of taxes against their prop
erty on or before the 25th day of Aug
ust, 1911, at 8 o'clock p. m., with the
city clerk.
By order of the Mayor and City
Council mado the 1st day of August,
1911. Chas. P. Temple,
al5-3 City Clerk.
Notice to Property Owners
Notice is hereby given that the city
council of tho city of North Platte, Lin
coln county, Ncurnska, will sit as a
board of equalization beginnings the
hour or 8:00 o'clock p. m. of the 25th
day of August, 1911, at the council
chamber in tho court house in the city
qf North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, for the purpose of levying on
tho real estato lying and being within
Sower District A taxes for tho purpose
of paying tho costs of the construction
of a lateral sewer in said Sewer Dis
trict A and that the said taxes will be
levied upon each parcel of real estate
according to tho extent of benefits to
such property by reason of the con
struction of said lateral sewer, and if
the said council shall find such benefits
to be equnl and uniform such levy of
laxeB win oe according to tne tront
foot of the lots of real estate within
said Sower District A or according to
such other rule ns the city council sit
ting ns such Board of Equalization may
adopt for the distribution or adiuatment
of such costs.
All nersons interested will filn ihor
objections, if any thoy hnve, to the
assessing of taxes against their prop
erty on or before tho 25th day of Aug.
1911, at 8 o'clock, p. m., with.the city
By order of tho Mavor and Citv
Council made the 1st dav of Aucust.
1911. Chas. F. Temple,
City Clerk.
Department of Hie Interior, U. S. Land Ofllce,
North Platte, Nebraska, Auir. 14, 1911.
To Richard Taylor, of Spannuth, Nebraska,
You are hereby notified that Theodoro Andcr
Bon, who kIvcs Spannuth, Nebraskn, as hla post
office address, did on July 14, 1911, (lie In this
olllco his duly corroborated application ko contest
nnd secure the cancellation of your Tiomestcad
?JlJry.,No- . Berlal No O2017! "lade June 29,
1901, for southwest nyarter section 32, township
14. rani?o 26, west ot tho Sixth Principal Meri
dian, and aa grounds for his contest he alleges
that Bnid claimant never did reside upon said land;
that he never cultivated any portion of somt and
that the said entry Is moro thun seven years old
and has expired by the statutes limiting its life.
You are, therefore, further notified that the
said alltnutloni will bo token by this office as
having been confessed by you, and your said entry
will be cancelled thereunder without further
right to bo heard therein, either before thla office
or on appeal. If you fail to filo In this office
within twenty days after tho fourth publication of
this notice, as shown below, your answer, under
oath, specifically moetintr and responding to these
alleutlons of contest, or If you fall within that
tlmo to file within thla offlco due proof that you
have served a copy of your answer on said con
testant either In person or by registered mall. If
this servile U made by the delivery of a copy of
your answer to the contestant In person, proof of
such service must bo either the said contestant's
written acknowledgement of his receipt of tho
copy, showing the date of Its receipt, or the aftl
davltof tho person by whom the delivery waa
made stating when and where the copy was de
livered; If made by registered mail, proof of audi
service must consist of the affidavit of tho person
by whom the copy was mailed stating when and
thepostofflce to which ll waa mailed, and this
affidavit must bo accompanied by the postmast
er's receipt for the letter.
You should state In your answer the name of
the postoflice to which you desire future notice to
be sent to you.
r1 , ... . J. E. Evans. Register.
Date of first publication August 22. 1911; date
?i ,ieco,i Pu,bllcUon August 29. 19U; date of
third publication September 6. 1911; data of fourth
publication September 12, 1911,
Serial No. 022.13.
ionhl iatt05 No11. Julr.27,1911.
Notice Ib horoby given that Dnnini
W. ICunkM of North l'lau N ,at JX
i Oct. 1st. lflot. mado homestead on
I .JlWo. oaw for tho out
try No.
N.7 f iaiiin 91 V .i.Vw'if' .."t
MUridlanV "has " lllcd "nV' 'f "" ?.1
1 tention to rnako final five rear
. tfJiVsllbllsh c.Ialm to tho land above
.? vtfirid,ii,i?ro.t,! rt'Elstur and receiver
ot Sept. Wll ' NellrMk' on 41,0 2M1" dair
Lh,ian. "ara as wltnusMHi
xivi "un nun, nno wnuam
""'cwenf. Neb., John I'ti Uof Pom-
, ''ft. Nou.. I), o. Tibblos. of North I'lntto,
J. E. Evans, Heclstor.