The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 25, 1911, Image 5

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Union Pacific Watch Inonector.
. North Platte, Nebraska.
Atty. Win, E. Shuman transacted
business in Omaha this week.
Mrs Robert Johnson, of Donver, is
the guest of Mrs. M. E. Johnson this
Mrs. Thornburgand daughterBlanche
will go to Denver Sunday to spend two
Mesdames Bowen and Newman of
Gl-and Island are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Will Yost.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tollc aro the
proud parents of a baby girl, born
Mrs. Thos. Ijurnoy is enjoying a visit
from her sister, who came from Shol
ton Sunday.
Ralph Belcher and Goldio McGuo of
Myrtle were married by Judge Grant
Leonard Stroupe will leave for Oma
ha todnv to trnnHiiet- Iiitiitnnau fnf n lntt
or more.
Miss Gertrude McGinly went home
Wednesday after visiting friends for
several days.
Mr. and Mrs. M. RadcliiT, of Sidney,
have been visiting tyr. and Mrs. Chas.
Ell for a week past.
Mrs. L. C.'Hansen nrrived.from Cal
laway yesterday to visit her mother
.Mrs. Emma Pulver.
Claudo Mecomber Is mingling with
the crowds in Cheyenne this week to
which city he went Wednesday.
Mrs. Wm. Allbeo returned Wednes
day morning from a visit with rela
tives in Sheridan, Wyo.
Mrs. James Hurt left Wednesday for
her homo in Elsie after visiting Mrs.
E. Boesch for several days.
Mrs, Dowhower left Wednesday
morning for Hershey to spend a week
with her daughter, Mrs. Ware.
Mrs. P. A. Norton is visiting her son
James in Denver, having departed for
that city the first of the week.
Rev. and Mrs. Bolinger and children,
of Sutherland, wero guests of Rev. and
Mrs. Charles B. Harman this "week.
Tom Green returned Tuesday from
Grand Island nnd left the same evening
for Cheyenne to see the sights this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs I. L. Bailor will go to
Lincoln tonight to visit the latter's
sister, Mrs Williams, for a fortnight
or longer.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Emnie returned
Ho Kearney Wednesday morning after
a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Nels Hammer and daughter
Freda left Wednesday morning for Sid
ney to spend a week or more with Mrs.
Ed Aherns.
Mrs. Carrier, of Clarks, Neb., who
has been the guest of Mrs. Frank
Buchanan for several weok3 loft for
homo Tue'sday.
F. E. Porto r, of Davenport, la., who
had charge of the American Express
office during tho absence of Max Hen
solt left Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Star will leavo to
morrow morning for Omaha and Lin
coln, tho former to spend two weeks,
the latter romain to visit relatives.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. DeRolf and family
nccompaniedby Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hauer,
of Torra Haute, left for Cheyenne yes
tcrday morning to spend a week.
Mrs. John Anderson and daughter,
Hazel, of Boston, who spent two weeks
with tho formor's brother, Richnrd
Williams, and wife returned homo.
Mrs. Rittonhouso, of Lowellen, who
has boon visiting hor daughtor Mrs.
Mylander for n week past, returned
homo on tho branch train Wednesday.
Miss Anna VonGoctz, of Omaha, who
has been visiting her parents, loft u
few days ago for Greeley, Colo., to
spend a week with her sister, Mrs. K.
D. Small.
Mrs. S. IV. Parr roturnod to this city
Wednesday from Plnttsmouth where
shi spent n weok while enrouto homo
from un extended stay in Wisconsin.
Mr. Parr camo buck a week ago.
a Watch
THE WORK of repairing and putting
into 'factory shnpo" n watch la not
child's piny it requires mochnnicnl skill,
tliorough knowledge of the purposo ahd
requirements of each component part It
is n skllljwhich takes deep study to master
and it is surprising how few who are in
the business are successful in getting per
fect time-keeping conditions into their
work. When others havo failed we can
put them in order, or better still, bring
them to us first. You vwon't find better
watchmakers' skill in the state.
Tho Owls will organize Monday even
ing, Aug. 28th at 8 o'clock in the Lloyd
opera house, North Platte, Neb. By
official dispensation from the Supreme
Lodge, initiation fee has been reduced
to $5. The benefits are: $7.00 por week
in sickness or accident, $100 in caso of
death, and will doctor you or nny mem
ber, of your family free of charge.
The dues are 50c a month. No assess
ments. After tho charter closes tho fee
will be raised to $25. It will not bo too late
to join the order the night wo organizo
ns the charter will be open for signa
tures, and those who aro on tho list
should be sure nnd bo on hand and
bring their frionds who would liko to
join tho order. You cannot afford to
miss this opportunity of becoming a
charter member of tho Order of Owls.
J. E. Hill,
D. W. Keslek,
National Organizers.
Huffman's Cigai Store. '
Mrs. VnnBrocklin is spending this
wcok in Denver.
George Weir is among those who nre
spending this week in Cheyenne. ')
Mrs. Earl Lambert has gone to Pax
ton to visit relatives for some time.
Howard Dolson, is spending a week
in Omaha, having loft a few days ago.
B. M. Wilson and brother J. W. Wil
son spent several days in Ogalalla this
Miss Charlotte Lowc left yesterday
for Paxton to visit Mrs. En M. Hogg
for several days.
During tho absence of Mayor Pattcr
spn, the duties of the office will be per
formed by P. H. Sullivan.
Miss Dorothy Hubbard left Wednes-J
day evening for Cheyenne to visit rela
tives and attend Frontier.
Jay Smith went to Cheyenne tho first
of tho week to witness the Frontier
Miss Margaret McFadden is the guest
of Mis3 Mary McGoverh while enrouto
home to Paxton from Bloomington.
Mr. and Mrs. George Allaway loft last
night for an extended visit with rela
tives in Lincoln and other points cast.
Mrs. Sanford Hartman is enjoying a
visit from her sister Mrs. Vnrnoy, of
York, who arrived Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Matt Walsh left Wednesday
for Council Bluffs to bo the guest of hor
sister, Mrs. Philip Fent, for several days.
Mrs. John Boyer left Wednesday
evening for Grand Island and Mason
City la., to bo gono two weeks or
Guests at the J. M. Knox rcsidcuco
this week wero Mr. and Mrs.D. II. Far
mer, of Palisado, and Miss Helen Smith
of Gnndy.
Adam Sense, of Garfield, visited in
town the first of tho week, and loft
Wednesday for Cheyenne to attend
Oak Ebright returned Wedncsdny
from Colorado where ho spent a month
visiting in Sterling, Greeley, Pueblo,
and Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bull, of St. Paul,
left Wednosday after spending a day
with Mr. and Mrs. Will Yost, enrouto
homo from western points.
Mrs. Hcnlsh and daughter, Mrs,
Sanza, of David City, returned, home
Wednesday after spending n week with
Mrs. Julius Hnhler, who is a daughter
of tho fonner.
Bob White formerly of the local R
R. surveyors who has boen employed
in various wostorn cities for sometime
spent Wednesday hore enrouto to Oma
ha whero he has accepted a position.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edmund Rourke, of
Momoy, who havo boon .visiting tho
former's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. .1.
Rourke, left Wednesday morning for
Sutherland to spend a week with rela
tives before returning home.
Societies, Clubs and Social
Mrs. B. L. Robinson will ontortuin
the Domestic Science club this evening.
Mrs. J. F. Schmalzricd will ontortaln
tho Rcbckah kensington this nfternoon.
Fritz Milmnn has been visiting nt tho
Rodlne home for several days and will
return to Gothenburg toduy.
The M. B. A. social' in tho K. P. hall
last evening wns a splondid success and
all present report n good time.
Miss Nell Bratt entertained a number
of friendnjn favor of Miss Denny, of
Omnha, a fewovenings ago nt n seven
o'clock dinner.
A number of the younger social sot
enjoyed a skating party at tho rink Inst
night given by Charles Martini, Corbin
Jones and Charley Dixon.
Tho Mothers Club was very plons
antly entertained Wednesday afternoon
by Mrs. J. K. Ottonstein. Enjoyable
refreshments wero served.
A watermelon party was held at tho
Hubbard homo Wednesday evening at
which Misses Worloment of Cheyenne
nnd O'Neil of Lincoln Wore guesta of
Miss Noll Hnrt man entcrtnined a num
ber of lndy friends Tuesday afternoon
in honor of Mru. Frod Hartman, of
Washington, D. C. Tho afternoon was
spent in kensington work and a dainty
lunch was served late in the nfternoon.
Llttlo Marian Huxoll entertained n
number of small frionds yesterday in
honor of her fourth birthday. Tho little
hostess received a pretty collection of
gifts. Dnlnty refreshments wero ser
ved after several hours spent in play.
The Coterie club met with Mrs. Asa
Snyder Wednesday afternoon. Carl
games wero played, prizes for which
wero awarded to Mrs. Geo. Troxler and
Mrs. J. B. Redfield. Light refresh
ments wore served after tho games.
Tho 20th Century Club hold a business
meeting Tucsdny afternoon nt tho homo
of Mrs. R. A. Garman. The course of
study for the year was definitely out
lined and the following officers were
elected. Mrs. G. A.Garmnn, president;
Mrs. Loinbaugh, vico president; Mrs.
Clark Buchanan, secretary and treas
urer. The first regular meeting will be
hold on September 10th nt tho homo of
Mrs. Frank Buchanan.-
Notice to the Public.
Because of tho serious loss caused by
short weights of cat's, bad preparation
of coal, jioor accounts and tho larger
investment necessary by reason of
cretlit business, wo find it necessary, In
order to obtain a fair and reasonable
profit, that we must either increase the
price of coal or elso get payment on
It is the fairest way to keep the
price as low ns possible, and not ask
thrifty people to pay the bills of an
other. Therefore on and after, Aug. 21st
we will soil coal for cash only, without
discrimination, nnd treat everyone alike,
believing that this courso of action
Will mqot thd approval of all thinking
people.- .
The bills have to bo paid only once.
nnd the coal man' enjoys sound sleep ns
won as any one.
G. T. Field,
TheC. F. InniNGS Co.. Platte, Aug. 18th, 1911.
P. & S. Hospital.
Last Sunday a3 Albert Harshfield
of 10 miles northwest of tho city wns
leaving town his horso became fright
ened and throw him into a barbed wire
fence cutting his loft leg to tho bone.
Ho was taken to the hospital whero
eeveral stitches wero taken. At latent
reports he is getting along fine.
Miss Glndys Markeo has recovered
and returned to her home.
Master John Jones who had typhoid
fever hns recovered and was discharged
a few days ngo.
Dr. Willis Jny Redfield performed
two operations in Brady last Monday.
Mifls'Agnes Thorton, of Choyonne,
was taken ill on the train yesterday
and is under tho euro of physicinns nt
tho hospital.
Ten Miles for a Cent
, From onr.lcnlli to one-fifth cer.ti pel
mile coven (ho cot of optjitinjj u
Tlia eilontGrey fellow
This machine i always ready for a
hurry-up trip or a pleaiuro run. Will do
the road work of 3 hortei. No expense
when idle. We would like to tell you
more about the greatest sport in the
world. Coma in and see us.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Doleon, of Omnha,
arc visiting at the parental home.
Mrs. M. J. Newrrtui, of Julosburg,
arrived yesterday to visit Mrs. James
Mrs. L. E. Hunting left Wednesday
evening for Choyonne to spend n week
or longer.
Mrs. John Tighu and son Loo wont
to Denver Wednesday to spend a fort
night or longer.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stegnl loft yester
day for Williams, Ariaona, to spend
sovoral weeks with .relatives.
Seo those nuw Skirts in fancy mixed
cloths at Wileox Department Store.
Mrs. Rny Lungford will loavo in a
fow days for Coming:, Iowa, to spand
a fortnight or longpr with relatives.
Miss Julia Schntz, of Denver, ar
rived yesterday and will spend a month
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Greg
ory Schntz.
h For Rent. '
Slx'room llat,"city''ut'ovr 'and' toilet
over Dixon Jewelry Htoro on Dewey
street. Best office location.
During the month of Sep
tember I will sell all Harness
Saddlery Goods and Hard
ware at coat prices for CASH
Note these prices:
$45.00 Harness will sell for $40.00
?f5.00 Harness will sell for $00.00
$40.00 Harness will sell for $35.00
$35.00 Harness will sell for $30.00
$32.00 Harness will soil for $27.00
$42.00 Harness will soli for. 1. . . .$35.00
$35.00 Harness will sell for $30.00
$32.00 Harness will" soli for $27.50
$17.00 Harness will sell for $14.00
$20.00 Harness will sell for $10.00
$13.00 Harness will soil for $10.00
$15.00 saddlos for $40.00
$37.00 Baddies for $32.50
$22.00 saddlos for $19.00
$18.00 saddlos for $14.00
$0.00 Bridles for $.00
$5.50 Bridles for...,y $.1.50
$4.00 Riding Bridles $3.25
3. 75 Ridirrg-Bridles 2.7C
2,00 Riding Brldlea, 1.50
$5,00 Collars for $1.50
3.75 gollnrs for 3.50
3.50 Collars for 3.00
1.00 Bakor Collars for 85c
1.25 Landfed Collars for 1.25
Evorything goes at proportionately
low prices: Horsje Blankets, Fly Nfcts,
Sweat Pads, Halters, Second Hand
Harness, Hnrdwaro, Team Hausing,
Team Pads, Team Linos, Heavy Tugs,
Light Tugs, Saddle Blnnkets, Spurs,
nnd all other goods aro included hi
these cut prices.
P. Forstedt,
Purchase your now suit rjirlv
so as to get -tho hill, benefit of
l I M. 'il .1
if wiiiio t;no styles nro new.
Early purchasers always got. '
the best 'selections. Suits from-
$ ! 5.00 to
Wilcox Derartiiient
Julius Pizcr, of Alliance, is sponding
a week at the Pizor homo.
John Davis, of the N. P. garage, re
turned Wednesday from a wook'fl visit
in Denver.
Mrs. Carl Lintz returned yesterday
from onstosn points where she pur
chased a fall lino of millinery.
Wo deliver frosh milk nnd cream
ovory morning at Armstrong's and
North Platto Meat Market. D. P. Co.
Phono D 75.
Missos Both Cunninghnm and Then
Hanson will give a pronuptial shower
tomorrow nfternoon at tho homo of tho
former for Miss Fern Stamp, who will
become the hrido of W. S. Koslor, of
Omaha, noxb month.
A $250 Harley Davidson 4-Horac Power
KM . -I 1 Hit . ...
motor ycie, magneto ignition ....
x-x sl leaves, vv in a i-jvv;iy a cijk Ui uuu.eii.
Yellow Front Shot Store,
Itefeipldl Stats- Hkij
antee Fund of thd
We appreciate
A Modern
For the treatment of medical
- l 1 r j r i
uicuinii uroiussioii. opecuii ikt.ohiouuu(ius wr rcniuienieiu cases. i
Training school for nurses in connection. Address all rommu
cations to the superintendent.
Phone 642 Cor. Eighth and Locust
ForomntwE. W Mann Is transacting
business in Omnhn this weok.
Ten auto parties from eastern points
havo gono thru tho city since yesterday
Machinist Frnnk J. McDonough left
yesterday morning for Omaha to accept
a position.
Miss Alico Gilcrlst, of Omnhn, who
visited Dr. and Mrs. V. Lucas this
wcok wont homo yostohhiy.
Mrs. Twitchcll returned to Kearney
Wednesoay evoning aftor spending sev
eral days with her husband in this
Attention Hay Men.
Wo will siiva your money on BaloTiee.
Seo us. GlNN, WlltTK & ScnaTZ.
CAPITOL, $100,000.00
also protected "by the Depositor) Guar
State of Nebraska. f '
your business with ua and Invito
President. Vico-Pres, nnd Cnsblor.
nnd surgical cases, Opon to the
l . r r. n .