The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 22, 1911, Image 8

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Serai -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and PaMttbef.
Ono Year by Mail in advance .$K2o
One Year by Carrier In advance. ..... .$1.60
Knterad at North I'lnttu, Nebraska, Post
ofUce ns Second Class Matter.
itoKielkfog May Happen to U. P.
Tho feeling is strong in New York
that something is going to happen to
the Union Pacific. The retirement of
II. C Frick from tho directory follow
ing the deaths of Ilnrriman nnd Rogers
Iins given that road prncticnlly n now
control. The rumor that Mrs. Ilnrlmnn
is disposing of her Union Pacific stock
nnd tho fact that a great deal of Union
Pacific stock is being placed on the open
market in Now York is tho lntot cause
of perturbation, which oven tho state
ment by President Lovctt will not quiet.
It is raro that liquidation hs pro
nounced as that which hns been taking
jitacc In Union Pacific makes such
headway without bringing the reason of
it to light It Is of courso ImposBiblo
to toll how much of the selling in the
past threo wcoks has represented what
Wall street calls real stock.
From' tho week ended July 22, In
which tho present decline began, to tho
closing hour Thursday 2,027,050 shares
of Union Pacific changed hands, There
are 2,100,820 shares outstanding.
, Union pneiflc's high record for Uio
yenf 1D2 3-4, wns established on July 22.
Thursday, only tliroo weeks later, tho
price made a now low record for 1911
nt 107 7-8. This decline of 25 1-4 points
lias been continuous but for ono brief
rally, that on Monday, when the mar
ket turned for about 5 points.
Not Much Room for Pmimiim-
Reports of corn crop conditions and
rainfall in Nebruskn assure the state
mi Income for tho crop season that Is
well nigh miraculously favorable, con
sidering tho summer's history. It scorns
hardly possible, In vlow of the romark
Hiblo Juno and July drought, that any
thing like a normal corn crop can bo
harvested, yet reports of travelers
throughout the stnto are to tho effect
Unit this is not only possible but, in
view of recpnt weather, altogether prob
able, with August rains homing out
tho feed supply by way of fall pastures
. und late cuttings of hay, the three
major crops, wheat, corn, and forage,
, aro assuredly largo enough to carry
V'.'tho state, in comfori. With gonoral
crop shortage holding prices stiff, No-
rimatrll 'Ittila fnlr tr Im nnn nf ttia nma
' parity centers of tho country the com
Wl IIM ..... W MIIV -T L U f SH
ing year. Lincoln Journal.
,'. ' Mrs. Jamoa McEvoy and sister spent
' yesterday with friends In Coznd.
Mr. and Mrs. Claudo . Dolanoy, of
Northport, uru visiting. local friends.
. Edmund Gardner of Gothenburg is
visiting Mr, andMrs. Buldoek this week,
t)r. John Sims, of Alma, arrived yos-
tordny hnd will spend a week nt tho
Bcelor reaidenco.
t Jason uawyer wont' to umana yes
terday to spend n week or longor on
Fifteen arrojjts wero mado Saturday
for drunkness and disorderly conduct on
the main streets.
Misnoa Mao Munger, Ida and Gj'aco
Sholton, of Herahoy, came down for
tho Wild West Saturday. ,
, Hilda Westlund and Mrs. Carl Eck
borg, of Urady, visited Mr.V.arid Mrs.
Grceloy Bundy Saturtlny.
. Miss Ma tie ilumbaugh, of. Ogalalla,
who visited Miss Amy Long for sovoral
days.vent homo yesterday.
Pat and Martin Scott, of Brule, who
have boon visiting In town for sovoral
d&ys, left Sunday for an extended stay
in Ireland.
, Johnnie Wqinborgor, Fritz Fryo and
Pat Hagurty loft Saturday evening for
a three weeks' visit In Denver, Salt
Lnko nnd Ogdon.
" Miss Gcorgio Hoxio, of Ogalalln, re
turned homo yesterday after Bponding
several days with her friend Miss
' Myrtle Beolor.
- v Mrs. Arthur Hnrtwlg, nnd children,
of Paxton, who spent thu past wook
with her mother Mrs, B. L. Lambort
left yesterday for homo.
Misses Lola Huntington nnd Amy
Marlott, of Maxwell, will go home to
night, after spending several days with
their cousin, Mac Westfnll.
In company with W, W. Scott wo ro
. inrnnil frnm n thro wiiVt trln tin trim
RMcPkorson and Grant counties In which
After a long debato on a motion to
pass the wool tariff revision hill over
President Taft's voto, tho house late
Friday failed to pass thu measure by
tho necessary two-thirds vote, tho re.
suit bolng 227 to 120, This kills tho
wool bill.
An ordlntirv caso of diarrhoea can, as
a rule, bo cureu by a single doao of
"a Chomborhdn'B Colic, fyholora, und DI
kwifttrbof a Remedy, This remedy has no
''superior for bowol complaints. For salo
'by all dealers. '
Miss Both Cunningham has her guest
Miss Minnie Sullivan, of Brady.
Mr. nnd Mrs. McKnlght, of Gothcn
bury, nttended tho big show here.
Mrs. Frank Nugent of Maxwell Is
spending this Week with locnl friends.
Ed Ewcll camo In from tho east Sat
urday to spend a fow days on bnsiness.
Mr. and Mrs. Shelby, of Lexington,
wero visitors hero the last of the week
Frank Nolen loft tho last of tho week
for Aurora to visit relatives for some
George Stroup, of the Payne Invest
ment Co. of Omaha was In town Sat
urday. W. T, Green came homo Saturday
from Cozad where ho spent n week on
Frank Coatos, of Sutherland is visit
ing his brother A. S. Contcs and wlfo
this week.
Tim Kellhc'r, of tho Illinois Contrnl
R. R. Is visiting local friends this week
having arrived Saturday.
Master Marcel Koliherjroturnod Sat
urday from Gandy whero spent n week
with the Broslus family.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Watson, of Goth
enburg, arrived Saturday to visit with
Mr. and Mrs. VanEyko.
Will Kortllng, of Omaha has been In
town on business nnd visiting frionds
for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Mnnan Dlckerson and
family of Maxwell attend the big show
hero Saturday.
Miss Hanna Young camo homo Sat
urday from Madrid whero Bho tpent
several weeks with friends.
Mrs. Warner, of Gothenburg, former
ly Miss Lillle Belhol, of this city, is
spending a week with relatives.
Misses Alma Hansen nnd Ruth Reese,
of Elsie, enmo Saturday morning to
visit Miss Mablo Wyman.
The Johnson family, of Sidney,
havo been guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.
L. Baker for sovcral days.
Mr. and Mrs. Loo Carlo, of Gothen
burg aro guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
biamp naving nrrivcu n low nays ago,
Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Barber loft yes
terday for Now York to spend Bpend
several "weeks nnd possibly to locate.
Elma Harms, of Gothenburg and Miss
Ella Franzen, of Horshoy wore married
Saturday morning by County Judge
Mrs. I. E. Sage, of Edgcmont, S. D.,
formorly Miss Cnrrio Roberts, of Max
well is visiting Miss Florence Stamp
this week.
Diamonds arc n good Investment
Our stock is very complete.
Dixon, The Jeweler.
miss .Laura irish, who nas been re
siding In Cozed for sovoral months ar
rived Saturday to visit with Mrs,
Gcorgo Zentmoyor.
Carl Bradshaw, postmaster at Far
num. was a visitor In town Saturday.
Ho says corn in his section Is firstclnss,
much hotter than last year.
Mr. and inrs. Kniph llixler aro pro-
paring to remove to San Francisco,
wnoro ivjr. uixior will enter the em
ploy of a rubber tiro cbrripany.
Mrs. Minnie Arthur, of Webster, la.,
who has been visiting sister, Mrs. Ray
Cummings for two weeks or moro loft
Saturday for hor home.
Mrs. Charles Terroll, of Omaha, Is
visiting her nnronts Mr. and Mrs.
James Rannie while onrouto homr from
nn extended viBlt in wostorn cities.
Wnv Hutchins returned Saturday
from Omaha whero ho wont Inst week
with tho intention of locating but after
investigating condition decided to ro
Mrs. S. F. Hill, of Coylo, Okl who
spent tho past week with hor Bister
Mrs. Jamos Snyder, left Saturday
morning. Mrs. Snyder accompanied
hor as far as Choyenne.
Thirty Years Together.
Thirtv vears of association think of
it. How tho morit of a good thlnir
sianus out in mat time- or tno worth.
lussness or a una ono. so thoro'a no
guesswork in this evidence of Thos,
Ariss, Concord, Mich., who writes; "I
havo used Dr. Kintr's Now nimnvnrv
tor Uiirty years, and ItB tho best couch
and cold euro I over mod." Once it
finds entrance in a homo you can t pry
it out, many lamiues navo used it
forty years. Its tho most infallible
tnroat and luntr medic no on earth. Un
equaled for lagrippo, asthmn, hayfovor,
and $1.00. Trial bottle freo guaranteed
Dy atonq urug uo.
Notice to DeliBqueaU.
Notlco is hereby given that tho .ren
tal upon tho loaso contract to tho fol
lowing described school land In Lincoln
county, Nebraska, as set opposite tho
name of the holder thereof, Is delin
quent, nnd if tho ampulit which, is duo
Is not paid within sixty days from tho
dato of this notlco, Bald contract will
; bo declared forfeited by tho Board of
Educational Lands and Funds, and
said forfeiture will bo ontorod of re
cord In tho manner provided by law:
Lots 1 to 4 8-14-31 Mrs. II. J. Hen-
NESW, NESW 10-14-33, D. W.
S h 10-10-29 F. A, Votnw.
E. B. Cowles. Commissioner of Pub
lic Lands & Buildings.
Dated Aug, 17, 1911.
And What If Brought
Copyright by Amerlcnn Vteta A
elation, lill. r
Mother." nid Kdllli tfuylfuHi. i
of Hlxti-i'i) iind 'iifi'riiljfc m iv
rnnitinif. I uruli .vim? anuiyji'i
it Invi rttury. i'l'il uli' oiifjixit A
Very iwi, Uenr. I f:tw
liupiteiied ri?fit in tin- MtiMIy
you about it. Une t.ruiwi"i
girl-we'll eall iur Kmiuin :!,..
WUSIl't liel t-elll Ihipii' wit : ln
to th- Htme itf Hih vilrttt if
lived to buy n ilnu tyin
WUMHOOtl I" eiline nillllil. nljll 1) i
had given her ti llvi diSHnr,
to buy the dres lot- her MvjM..
cnt. Tin diij wiih hof. itml
euro to keep under I hi , atonf'" '
trees ftini lined the nmdl I f
she came upon n Im.v In lonlifi
afoout fifteen -lylup iiHloeii lii 4tf ti
under one of the trees
"Emma mopped to tonk ut him I
wuh a lintuiMoiiK' aid. Kicnuer 'iinn
for his age. with n prufiiMlon of i
curly hnlr tumbled over hi forein i.u
Ills shirt was open at the nw l i x
posing his throat. Ill whole 'iui
was relaxed ns only can occur In :ut
"But oven in Bleep Ills ' fat e w ..
troubled. Ills clothcM hnd cvldcnuj
been good when new, but they wen
now Bhabbv ismmii wo Kicreo wiu
ho wns and what troubled liltn There
is something very winning about n
sleeper. Perhaps it is that relnntlmi
I have spoken of that uouresmtninc
which Is so endearing In Innocent dill
dren. At any rate. Emma, as she xtoed
looking down at him, took him rl!if
Into her heart.
"Sho would like to do nomothln? for
him to take that troubled look olf lit.i
faco and replace it with a stulle. It
occurred to her to drop her gold piece
into his flattened straw hat J tin t u.v
beside him. then stand off and wnich
his expression when he awoke nnd
saw It lying tlicro-anming in tin win
light flickering through the treo.-. Hut
if she did this she must go without
her dress She involuntarily clutched
tho half csrIo in n tighter grip. 'AkiMii
sho pictured the boy awakcnlnir end
his pleasure at seeing the coin in ins
hnt And thus she wavered till her
sympathy and the pleasure of giving
pleasure triumphed, und she dropped
hor cold pleco into tho hat Then ahe
climbed the fence hcsldo tho road and
hid in somo tn I wheat which wiir
nearly ready to bo harvested.
"Sho wafted ucarJy half an hour, not
daring to take bor eyes off the hoy
for an instant, fearing she woul.d miss
that first look of surprise sho was ch)
tng treasure to see. At Inst hestretch
cd himself, rubbed his eyes w.Hh Id)
lists and sat up fie seemed to ilie try
ing to nerve himself, to get up and go
on, hut wns too tircu to o xo. rres
entlv. with a Hlch. he reuched for his
hat and saw tho half eagle.
"It is questionable which would have
been more delightful to n third person,
tho look of .surprise of the hoy or the
expression of the little girl hidden In
tho wheat, elnsplng hor hands over her
urcnsi us n iu hum uie uuuuiik ui uci
little heart, her eyes beaming with
pleasure nnd expectancy.
"Ills eyes were fixed on the coin
for a rrioment. then ho foezan to loon
about him for tho donor. Emma enjoy
cd it all Iniraeasely for awhile, then
sho begai to think about what he
should do. Would she maUo uerse.if
known or remain in hldinir and let iht
boy go away with her treasure without
knowlug who had given It to himi U
she took the former course he would
return the gold pleee. if she tool; the
latter she would havu given away
her birthday present to one who could
not even know her as the irlvcr oi
"But Emma was not a girl to ro
this far in doing a kindness aud turn
back. She kept vers null, watcliluMi
tho boy and It seemed us if she ejjuid
read his thoughts. She fancied iui
saying, holding the coin In bis u:iiil
nnd looking at It, 'I'm going to Invent
this money and work aud save and
makeu fortune out of It.' Then, xumd
lug on his feet after looking all afoout
him, he put the coin in tils. pocket an I
reluctantly went on.
"A great niauy years passed."
"How many yenrs. mother1"
"Lot me see. Ismmn hud grown to
be twonty-tlve years old, aud she wjw
about twelve when she gave uwuy Uer
birthday present That meitnn thlr
teen years.
"One day she heard that a man lr.t)
offered to build n social clubhouse nnd
give It to the town. The reiiHcii n
offered It was that when a poor foot
on his way to the city to loou fur a
Munition he had gone to Hleep on tin
outskirts of the village and xouie one
find dropped a live dollar gold nic i
Into his hat. He had made im Uv In
vestmeuts with the money, and ft had
grown rrom fa to y-ti.tMm. nut more
than this, It had given hhn hope ntul
courage, and lie had succeeded in th
qr directions. He wished to return
the gift with interest, aud. not uno'v
ing the donor, would give It to tfti
"well, Einnm met this man und t
cnTno very much Interested in him und
ho In hor. One day when they wo
"I know tho end of the story.".. in
tcrrupted Edith. "He was the hov t'
whom Emma had given the half
cnglo." '
"That Isn't all there Is to itf' replied
the mother. ,.
"What. else Is there?" ,
."Ho was fnthor and 1 am Emma."
Give Them Help and Many North
Platte People will be Happkr.
"Throw Out tho Life Llnc"-
Tho kidneys need help.
They're overworked can't get the"
poison filtered out of tho blood.
They're getting worso every minute.
Will you help them?
Doan'fl Kidney Pills have brought
th'ousnnds of kidney sufferers back
from tho verge of dispnir.
Will euro any form of kidnoy trouble.
Mrs. C. K. Smith, Elslo, Neb., says:
"For about five years I endured great
agony from kidney disease. I could
not rest well, felt weak and tired and
was simply nil Worn out. Dark spots
appeared boforo my eyes and I often
thought T was going to smother.
My limbs swelled and I became so lame
that I could hardly get nround. Thanks
to Doan's Kidney Pills, I nm now freo
from nil troubles. This remedy did such
good work that I consider It worthy of
my endorsement."
For Salo by all dealers. Price BOc.
Fostor-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.,
Bolo n gen to for.tho United States
Remember tho name Doan's and
ako no or(Cr,
Buv it now. Now is tho time to buy
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Kemedy. it is almost
certain to bo needed beforo tho sum
mer is over. This remedy has no
superior. For sale by all dealers.
Closing out Sale
Echclb cry's New and
Second Hand Store.
Ranges from $5.00 up.
Stoves from $1.00 up.
Lame Refrigerators $4.00,
Gasoline Stoves $l.oo.
Dressers from $2.00 up.
Commodes from $1.00 up.
Iron Beds from $1.00 up
Carpets, room size, S2.5G.
Come in and see the goods?
Spirella Corset.
The Ladies' s Home Journal, Deline
ator. Vojnie, etc., are advertising the
bpirella Corset. These advertisements
are of particular interest to corset
wearers. As local corsetiere for the
Spirella Company I am in position to
give you toe benefit of my training
and experience. I guarantee your cor
set to fit you, to be the proper model
ror you. 1 ao resiacnce lining, win
r . t J . 'j "ii
call, demonstrate the corset and ex
plain it to you at your convenience.
MKS. mt K. DUKE.
408 East Sixth St.
Phone Red 202.
Everything modern and sanitary.
Electric Ilalr Dryor, Electric
Vibrator, Electric Hair Curler,
Electric Parlor Cooler. Every
thing up-to-date. Bettor equip
od than most of tho largo city
shops. Hair goods of tho latest
styles always on hand.
Phono 201 for appointments
Go to
Furniture Repairing
and Cabinet Work
Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing
Room Moulding, and Window
Screens a Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
To Mamio G. Culton. Dofendant:
You aro hereby notified that on tho
28th day of April, 1911. Albert B. Cul
ton nied n petition against you in tno
District Court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska, the object and prayer of which
aro to obtain a divorce from you on tho
grounds that you havo williuiiy aban
doned plaintiff, without cause, for the
term or moro than two years last past.
You nro renuircd to answer said pe
tition on or boforo tho 18th day of Sep
tember, 1911.
Albert B. Culton, Plaintiff.
By E. II. Evans, His Attorney.
Merchant Tailor.
We hnvo recently installed a French
Dry btedner for Men's nnd Ladies'
npparel pf oil classess, and wq
iluarantee satisfactory work. We
are also tailors and know how to
renair clothes.
We carry samples of goods nnd
make clothes of all kinds to order,
insuring first-class workmanship
nnd perfect nt.
A Km; Who left Howe
set tho World to talking, but Paul
Mathulka, of Buffalo, N. Y., Bays ho
always keeps nt homo tho King of alt
LaxntiveB Dr. King's New Life Piys
and that they're n blessing to all his
family. Curo constipation, headache,
indigestion, dypepsia. Only 25 cents at
Stone Drug Co.
Sails All Classes.
Tho clears we make and sell suits nil
classes of men. Wo havo BOvcral
brands of nickel cigars which aro pro
nounced a superior article by smokers
of good, judgment For tho mnn who
wants a nnor cigar, wo navo tno ten
centers, which are lis good a cigar as
you can buy anywhere, ihoro are men
In North Platto who havo smoked our
cigars for over twenty-fivo years and
are satisfied. That tells tho story of
tho quality.
Ill 'Oil 'IWII I I 11 ill 111111"
Physician, Surgeon, Optician.
District Surgeon U. P. R. R,
Heiishey, Nebraska.
16 ,
Office phono 2-11. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Doctors Ames & Ames,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Ofilce over Stone Drug Co.
I Office 273
f Residence 273 e':
Surgeon, Physician. Consultant.
Ofilce Physicians and Surgeons Hospita
Phones: Office 642, Residence 644.
Graduato Northwestern University.
Ofllco over McDonald Statu Bank'
iv Office over McDonald Bank.
S t,l Ofllco 180
I rnonea f Residenco 11B
iJrJ'Sc!tor)rftijt! JMrrJr!fc JWMciMt frMt"
Physician and Surgeon.
Day and night calls promptly answered
unice r. a. uospitai. mono t4z.
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
Bpcolal nUmillon clvon to confine
ment 1 and child run's diseases,
OHlco I'liono 183 Res. Phono 283
Olllco'Mcnouald Slate Dank U1UV
Jog-along Transfer Co.
Hack and Heavy Draying of all Kinds.
Viano moving a specialty, up-to-date
1911 piano truck. Ofllco hours 8 a. m.
to 6jp. m. Ofilce with Postal Telegraph
Olfice phono 201. Residence 651
Send Us Your Shipments of
Grain and Hay
Wo nay tho ton market Three cou
pons freo with returns on each car of
nay you ship us to handle for your ac
count. Fifteen coupons and $3.50 in
cash will secure for your hhmo an ele
gant '
42Piece Royal Blue Dinner
Set worth $10.00.
Consicn your hav to us and please
tho ladies and also iret a cood nrico for
your nay.
uur Motto: Fair treatment' and
prompt remittances.
bampio or the quality of these dishes
can do seen at tno 01 ce or tno semi
Weoklv Tribune.
The F. C. Avres Mer. Co..
20th and Wazeo. Streets,
Denver, Colorado.
Sealed bids will bo received up to G
p. m., central time, August 26th, 1911,
by J. Q. Wilcox, Chairman Building
Committee, account Wilcox Dep't
Store, North Platte, Neb., for the erec
tion of n frame residence for Rector of
Church of Our Savior of North Platte,
Neb., in strict accordance with plans
and specifications prepared by Carl E.
Shaeffer, Architect, North Platte,
Nebraska. All bidders will be required
to accompany their bid with a certified
check amounting to $75.00, payable to
J. Q. Wilcox, Chairman Building Com
mittee, tho same to be forfeited by the
bidder whoso bid is accepted, if ho fails
to signs contract -and. give bond re
quired. Plans and specifications may
bo seen nt the office of Carl E.
Shacfrer," Architect, North Platte, Ne
braska. Separate bids for heating,
nlumbiug and electric wiring systems
will be received, subject to nil condi
tions abovo. .
It is the Intention-to award tho con
tracts to tho lowest responsible bidders.
but the riuht is reserved to reject any
or all bids or to waivo informalities in
any proposal. J. Q. WILCOX,
unairman uunuing committee.
Notice to Property Owners.
Notlco is hereby given that the citv
council of the city of North Platto,
Lincoln county. Nebraska, will sit as a
Board of Equalization beginning at tho
hour of 8:00 o'clock, p. m., of the 25th
day of August, 1911, at tho council
chamber in the court houso in the city
of North Platte. Lincoln countv. Ne
braska, for the purpose of levying on
tho real estato lying and being with
Sewer District "N'r extension, taxes
for tho purpose of navme the costs of
tho construction of a lateral sower in
said district "N" extension and that
the said taxes will bo levied upon each
parcel of real estate nccording to tho
extent of benefits to such property by
reason of tho constsuction of said lat
eral sewer, and if the said council shall
find such benefits to be equal and uni
form such loVy of taxes will according
to tho front foot of the lots or real
estate within said Sower District "N"
extension or according to such other
rule as the city council sitting as such
board of equalization may adopt for the
distribution ol adjustment of such costs.
All persons interested will file their
objections, if any thoy havo, to tho
assessing of taxes against their prop
erty on or beioro tno zotn day 01 Aug
ust, 1911, at 8 o'clock p. m.f with tho
city clerk.
jay order 01 tho Mayor and (Jity
Council made tho 1st day of August,
1911. ClIAS. F. Templk,
ol5-3 City Clerk.
Notice to Property Owners
Notice is hereby clven that tho city
council of tho city of North Platte, Lin
coln county, Nebraska, will sit as a
board of equalization beginning at the
hour or 8:00 o'clock p. m. bf the 25th
day of August, 1911, at tho council
chamber in the court house in the city
of North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, for the purpose of levying on
the real estato lying and . being within
Sewer District A taxes for tho purposo
of paying tho costs of tho construction
of a lateral sewer In said Sewer Dis
trict A and that the said taxes will be
levied upon each parcel of real estate
according to tho extent of benefits to
such property by reason of the con
struction of said lateral sewer, and if
the said council shall find such benefits
to be equal and uniform such levy of
taxes will bo according to tho front
J foot of tho lots of real' estate within
said sewer .District A or according to
such other rule as the city council sit
ting as such Board of Equalization mny
adopt for the distribution or adjustment
of such costs.
All persons interested will file their
objections, if any they have, to the
assessing of taxes against their prop
erty on or beforo tho 25th day of Aug.
iaii, at 0 o'clock:, p. m., with tho city
By order of tho Mayor and Citv
Council mado the 1st day of August,
1911. Ciias. F. Temple,
City Clerk.
Tliu Statu of Nebraska, Lincoln County, s.s.
In tho County Court.
In Uio Matter of Uio Estato of O force II,
Sti'veiis, Deceased.
To tlie creditors, holrs legatees and others
Interested In tlm estutu of Georiro II.
Stnvens. deceased.
Take notice, tliat Lester Walker, ad
inlnlHtrator liasfllod In thu county courts,
report of Ills dolnca an administrator of
nald estatn and It Is ordered that tho
Namo stand for hearing tbo 1st day of
Autr A. I). 1U11. boforo tlm court
at the hour of 0 o'clock, a. ni.. at which time
any person Interested may nppear andexcept
to and con tost tho same. And notice of IhU
proceedtnir Is ordered clven In tho North
l'latto Tribune a Send-Weekly nuwHpapo
printed In said county prior to Maid dato.
Witness ray hand and tho real of tho coun
ty court nt North Platte. Neb., this 10th day
or July A 1). mi.
Jotm Git ant. County Judce.
onnmt op iiKAniNa on petition kok
Statoof Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss
In tho county court.
In thu tuatfr of tho estato of Erod
Huxoll. deceased
On rcadlufl and Ming tho petition of Ella
Huxoll praying that administration of
said estatu may be granted to ber as admin
istratrix Ordered. That August 10. 11)11. A. I), at 0
o'clock a.m. is anstgnud for hearing said
petition when all portions Interested In said
matter may appear at a county court to be
held tn and for said county and show eauso
why the prayer of potltloner should not bo
granted: and that notice of tho pondency of
said petition and the hearing thereof bo
given to all persons Interested In said mat
ter by publishing a copy of this order In tho
North Platte Tribune a legal weekly news
paper printed In said county, for threo suc
coslve weeks, prior to said day of boarlng.
Dated July 21. Wll.
J15 a John Ouant, Oountr Judge.
Serial No. 02253.
United Stalex Laud Ofllco.
At North Platte. Nebraska, July. 7.Hli.
Notice Is hereby given that Daniel
W Kunk-1 of North Platto Nub., who on
Oct. 1st. 1P0I, made homestead entry No.
2067S. Serial No. 02233 for tho east half of
southwest quarter. Section 4. Township 11,
N.. Itango 31 W., of tho flth Principal
Meridian, bus filed notice of In
tention, to rnako llnal five year
proof, to ehtabllsh claim to tbo land abovo
descrllied. loforo thu register and receiver
at North l'latto. Nebraska, on tho JStllday
or "Kept. 1VU.
Claimant names as witnesses; Carl
Kroider. of North Platto. Nob.. William
Clrhtttli.ofDIekunx. Neb,. John Pulls of Som
erset, Nob.. D. O. Tibbies, of North Platte,
ul-tl J. n. EVAKB, IttKlkter.