For Late Summer FORESHADOWING already whnt wo may expect for tho coming fall season, tho hats for lato summer lndlcato that we shall have many bonnet-llko shapes, tall crowns und largo hats few In number as com pared to small and medium-sized modols.. Outing hats for July and Au gust are of felt In white or light colors, such as Alice blue, champagne" md the season's beautiful pink tones. These are cither all felt or felt and hemp combinations and are trimmed with scarfs, bands, soft draperies of chiffon and wings or ribbon. They are exqulslto and, it must be con fessed, fragile in tho matter of keep ing clean. L)ut they remain present able for some time and aro cleanod with fine sandpaper. Everywhere the floating white veil accompanies these :ool-Iooklng creations of tho milliner. Tho veils are of laco, in sevdral va rieties, in coarse silk nets and in chiffon. They aro all washable and add immensely to tho attractiveness of the hats and the complexion, for they are worn either over or off tho face. More pretentious millinery is shown AFTERNOON DRESS. Peacock blue Irish poplin Is chosen for our model. Tho plain skirt haB a row of satin-covered buttons sewn part way up tho seam at right side of front The bodice has a yoko of white tucked ninon over peacock blue; a braided or fancy silk waistcoat sur rounds tho yoke. Tho sides aro of material; they aro carried down over tho top of sleeves, which have fancy cuffs edged with nlnon frills. Hat of peacock blue Btraw with a puffed crown of nlnon to match, and trimmed below by a wreath of pale pink roses. Materials required: 4 yards pop lin 42 inches wldo, A yard tucked nlnon, H yard silk 20 inches wide, Apron Pockets. Bow the pocket of your apron on tho inside, a llttlo in from tho right hand edge. Nothing will drop from It then, it will stay clean and n great deal can bo carried in it without snowing any ugly fullness. In the trimmed models pictured here. Ono of the cone-shaped hats, of which we may oxpect to see numbera during tho fall season, is shown In tho illustration. It is trimmed with a full ruche of silk "pinked" at tho edges and laid in quadruplo box-plalt-lngs, Velvet fruit, liko plums, cher ries or even apricots, set in theso nichlngs make a trimming chic and striking. Velvet fruit, In fact, Is de veloping so much popularity that it will probably stay with us and add a charming noto to winter millinery, and hats made of felt in tho shapo pictured here aro qulto llko to bo trimmed in the samo way. A model of black hemp, with a mod eratoly tail' crown, 1b also shown. It Is calculated to pavo the way for ox tremoly high-crowned models, or crowns trimmed extremely high, which Paris says, are to bo a voguo for winter. This sott-crowned model makes use of tho feather band about the brim odgo and is finished with a cluBtor of upstanding plumes at tho back. An ornament made of plaited ribbon finishes the trim, poised on tho crown at tho right side. TO PREVENT SAGGING SKIRTS Have Garment Properly prepared Be- foro It Is Turned Up to Be Hemmed. Summer dress skirts when mado ot thin material will always sag after thoy aro hemmed and finished if caro 1b not taken to prevent it. A good way to do is to haVo tho skirt sagged first before it is turned up to be hemmed This is dono after tho skirt Is com pletely finished excepting tho hem, from tho band to the final fitting and tho last hook and oyo Is in Its place. The skirt Is now hung in a closet or bettor still, put upon n full-length dre3s form raised from the floor by placing It on a box, and tho bias por tions of the gores weighted so they will stretch to tho fullest extent. After sevoral days of this strain th material will have sagged to its full est extent, and tho hem may bo meas ured and turned up. Anything will do for weighing. Tho smallest weights from tho kitchen scales, put In tem porary coverings of muslin and pin ned on, are excellent Any other small objects of uniform heaviness will do for other weights. . A Curious Fashion. Tho latest models in skirts or in costumes with attached skirts and waists show tho skirt decidedly Bhort or In front than at tho back, a dlffor enco which, in tho walking length, li very noticeable. Even ballroom gowm are cut on the came linos. "Shows the embroidery on the fron of her socks and hides tho darns It the heels," said a male critic of on of theso gowns, and his cruel remark accurately describes tho stylo. Why such an untidy fashion shoulc have come from Paris at a season whon all tho crudencsa of spring hai usually been eliminated from Its gar mcnts is a puzzle, but hero it Is, nev crtheleBB, and many frocks that would otherwise have been graceful havo been marred by It Sashes. Ono of tho greatest aids in varying the whito summer gowns Is tho uso of tho sash, which is the stylo as much as ever. The velvet sash of tho winter Is superseded by the pastel colored moires and tho llghtor chiffon ruches, black in color, as an edging, this fin ished with black chenlllo fringe and flowers of tho samo at tho ends, somo being decorated with wreathB of gold roses ut tho ends in place of tho other decoration, Theso are come of tho newer fan cies that seem at once to becomo pop ular, as they are shown In somo of the most exclusive shops. a. N riKIIIND nnd down Mow and up ubova all life there Is one si-tut imciianecd purpose for Rood; every evil la a departure from that pur Pc -Millllpo Droolca. TEMPTING THE CHILD TO EAT. Any ono who has tho caro of chil dren knows how bard It Is at times to got children to cat tho food that 1b often necessary for their very ox iatcuco. Diplomacy, tuct and patlcnco aro needed to overcome tho Indiffer ence of tho child. There lire many devices used by pa tient mothers and ninny simple ways which will appeal to tho child. One llttlo boy who was steadily losing ground becauso ot n poor appetite, was left for a month with his land aunt, who being an Ingenious woman, stud led the problem, and decided that tho youngster must bo made to cat, so she started a game, using two spoons in n saucer of breakfast food nnd rich cream, each trlylng to keep tho other from getting a spoonful, she, of course, seeing that he nto tho most of it At the end of a month the pa rents returned to find a happy, rosy boy, eating becauso ho wanted, to, and enjoying his food. Another method has been tried and proven Is to namo pieces of bread and butter for friends and playmates, They becomo so interested in tho game that the food Is eaten before thoy reallzo It Ono mother who had difficulty in teaching her child to tako milk from a glass, overcame tho difficulty by put ting a transfer plcturo on tho bottom, which ho would, bo rewnrdod by seeing when ho had drunk the contents of the glass. Pretty dishes, cutting food In tho form of animals, and n story told will often help a meal to bo taken happily. Imagination is an essential In every body's training, and a child often needs to havo it dovoloped. Food must appeal to tho oyo of tho child as woll as to tho adult A set of doll dishes used for a meal will often tempt n child to cat a largo amount without realizing it Somo children with food aro liko thoBo of older growth, "the good that I would I do not, and tho evil that I would not,, thnt I do." HEKE must be no atlnt Ot la bor tvhnrn It will tell for Ollr neighbors' happiness, but no wasteful ex travneance of It where It will not profit. .-Phillips Brooks. PEACH POSSIBILITIES. There is no better fruit than the ripe, IuscIoub peach; and fresh from the tree, full of ita own flavor, it is in deed foot) for tho gods. ' Deing frugal housekeepers, we must of necessity look into the future and provido for tho tlmo when fresh peaches aro not obtainable. We will can nnd plcklo them, mako jam and marmalade, and with tho pits and peeling wo will cook some green apples and make a moBt delectable jolly. s Sliced, and Bprinkled with sugar and served with cream, they will form many a dainty dessert Peaches mako a delicious pie. Dako a crust and fill with sliced peaches; Bweoten with sugar and pile on whipped cream. Servo chilled. Peach Canapes. Sauto circular pieces of spongo cako In butter until delicately browned. Place a halt a peach which has been sprinkled with a llttlo lemon julco on each. Pour over n little peach julco, fill the hollow In tho peach with nut meats and servo. Peach Tapioca. Cook a cup ot tap lco'in boiling water after soaking ono hour, add peach julco to flavor, sweet en and salt to taste. Lino a dish with quartered pcact, fill with tapioca and bakq thirty minutes, Serve with cream. Clave Tarts. Dako crusts of puff paste in the form of cups, lay In a half of a rlpo peach and in each cavity place a blanched almond. Peach baskets are made ot paste and baked, then filled with sliced peaches. Dnked Peaches. Pcol and cut In halves, remove the stones, fill each cavity with sugar, butter and a little lemon juice and nutmg. Dake 20 minutes and serve on buttarcd toast OT the things that happen to ii tin. .Vim mitiitilnd' whlph tilings t)ai happen to us have (or us, are mo real facts or our existence. -Phillips Brooks. HOW TO PREVENT WASTE. To keep down expenses, "prevent waste in food and conserve tho strength of the housekeeper is tho great problem ot household economics. Ono ot tho best methods of prevent ing waste in food is to. preparo only as much as will be eaten; this does not mean being niggardly, but simply thrifty. Wilted vegetables may be re stored by soaking In cold water sev eral hours. Whon opening a can ot tomatocsi uso tho thin Julco for soups and tho tomatoes for an escallopcd dish. Look over tho Ico box before plan ning a tnoal; often tilings most appe tizing aro forgotton. Wise planning and careful, buying will aid In reducing oxpenscs, but 011 left-overs must bo used or tho table expenses will bo too high. Wash poaches boforo pooling and tho skin may then bo used with apples for Jelly, giving tho Jelly a delicious poach flavor. A dainty llttlo toasted cracker may bo made from thinly sliced baking powdor biscuit that havo been toasted and buttered. Servo with orungu mnrmalndo nnd tea. To provont tho wasto ot energy in tho housekeeper, plan to (to down if but for Ave minutes, completely relax, closo tho oye8 and If tho foot are tired and swollen, elevate them and tho blood leaving them relieves tho tired feeling. A hot bath and a brisk rub will do wonders to n tired body. In tho cool of tho day get tho pastry all ready for'tho wator, and set on ice, then when the plo Is to bo made a few momenta will do tho work. Watermelon rind innkcn delicious preserves and If cut in small cubes and preserved with ginger makes a most appetizing garnish for Ice cream. Uso a carpet sweeper Instead ot a broom on tho ruga and carpets unless you aro fortunalo enough to havo a vacuum cleanor. ' Wash a window now and then. Don't try to clean tho wholo houso In ono morning. EN drink becauso they havo a slnklni: feeling: Rood food satisfies tliut craving permanently. Adelaide Keen. i As a business, there Is nothing deroBn. tory tn the preparation ot our dally food, and the rewards ore creator than In many wnlks of life. THE UNEXPECTED GUEST. It is not always possible oven in a city to get things in a hurry, and the hou'sekoopcr who provides tor the un fdrosecn need havo no feverish mo ments when tho unexpected gucBt ar rives. Sho will have In tho storo room or clqset a roservo for Just such occasions, and when any is used It is supplied to fill tho sholvos tor the next occasion. Potted meats nnd llsh, canned soups nnd choice glasses ot Jelly and preserves, pickles nnd olives, nuts, fruit cako nnd cookies aro como ot tho useful supplies. A few cans ot vegetables, llko corn, tomatoes and string beans may bo quickly turned Into a salad or a hot dish with white sauco. $ Keep a list of tho contents ot tho ciosot on tho Insldo of tho door, and bosldo it a list of dishes, with tho num ber ot tho pa go whero found in tho roclpo boolc Ono cannot always rely on tho memory unlqss tho recipe is very familiar. Then, when In a hurry to preparo a meal a glance will show you your op portunities. A jar of maltod milk will provo a treasure, as it will furniuh a cup ot hot, refreshing milk after a cold ride or beforo retiring. With tho nddltlon of n fow fresh crackors it takes Uio placo' of an oyster stow. Very good soups aro mado by using tho tablets ot different flavors, and with choose always on hand and a cup of coffee quickly mado, a '"hurry-up"-meal la easily prepared, Wo wish our guests to feel that thoy aro welcome, and thore Is no bet,tor wny to provo it than by being a fresh, unruffled hostess. Wo have all no doubt boon entertained whero tho llrst courso was roasted hostess. A daintily server, appetizing meal quickly prepared should bo a- ac complishment of overy woman. When things are wrong, are spilled or spoiled, as will happen even in a trained housekeeper's kitchen, bo re sourceful; know how to adjuct your self to circumstances. Keep coo!, and everybody will bo happier and pro nounce you a charming hostess. ' Wllllno to Help. "Why not Join our settlement workl Wo nro teaching poor girls of the slums to cook and sew." "I don't know how to do either ol thoso things myself, but I wouldn't mind giving elementary Instruction In brldgo whist" Not Her Fault Hubby You really must reduce your dress bills, my dear; they are far too largo. Mrs, Nowlywed How inconsistent you men are. You speak just as though I mado out th bills. London Tatlor. No Humor There. "Tho practical Jokes Cleopatra play ed on Anthony proved that sho was not quite without a sonso of humor," "Quito so. That'B why I think it the basest calamity to say that when she applied the serpent to herself she mur mured, 'Stung.'" fktYdr(MKMltkFUtin W Come follow the arrow 'til ycu Join SflKC Fl QsHUj the merry throng of palate pleated men SHHbVb M Hdyl and women who have quit seeking for OHllWl fl HH the oae best beventge becautc thcy'vt wHWBiJEx M M Resl satisfaction In every glass -snap and ipsikle v5m m and go. Quenches the thlnt cooJa like a breeze. M I m Dtlklotu RcfretlttBg WaeleteaM Jm 1 1 .f(.,k 5c Everywhere f T'heTtalh jfc. m Mjr Allow tMk W About CotaCala" BBsM" olCoss.CoU s VMy Linen skirts are awfly short Now I cWt tftkjj: that's wremf find Mima say that Faultless Starch, Witt make them wear quite lotag ." FNtXwks Ek tec ftoft- hftnsriX &Mr CtJfctt Get Him by Telephone This Is only ona of the countless ways in which a telephone will save you time and money. If you haven't a telephone, by all meana get one. But be sure U la a reliable TBAOC HARK Rural Telephone They are made In the same factories as the world-famed "Bell" Tele phones and Insure you the best service. Ask your Telephono Company or write ue Western Elect ricCo. OMAHA, NEBRASKA , JSgZL -UOTMMXMS' Nobody admires a knocker, yet ho can always get an audience. Lewis' Single Binder straight Bo clear is wado to satisfy the smoker. To every man Is given tho opportun ity to do something worth while. Mrs. Wtnslow'a Boothlng Syrup for Children teething, softens the (rums, reduce Inflamma tion, allays paln.ourea -wind colic, Ho s bottle. Tho art is to bring . the state ot mind bred ot largo thinking into tho routine ot llfo.- N. S. Shalcr. BEAUTIFUL POST CARDS FREE Bcod to stamp for Ore samples ot nir rerjr cnolo eat Gold Kmboiied lllrtiidar, iriower and Motto roit (Audi; beautiful colors and Iqrtilleit dnlifna, Art Post Otrd Club, Til Jackson BL, TVpka, Kaniiia Wanted to Know. Blla Sho has a rosebud mouth. Stella Does that explain her mak ing so many flowery speocheBT COB ALLEN'S VOOT-KAHU the Antlteptlo powder to be shaken Into the shoes for Ured, aching feet. It takes the itlna out ot eorns and bunions and makes walking a-dclluht. Bold rerrwbore, Xo. Uifuu tubitltutM. for OTlKtt trial package, addrtu A. B. Olm Mod. Le Hor, M.T. Her Method. Mistress Havo you a reference? Drldget Foine; ol held the poker ovqr hor till I got It. Harper's Bazar. Cole's Carbollsalve quickly relieves nnd cures burning. Itching und torturing ekln diseases. It instant) stops tho pain of burns. Cures without scars. 25o and 80c by druKRlsts. - Kor free santpln write to J. W. Cole & Co.. Black Illvor Falls, Wis. Patient Creditors. Qlbbs Do you ever think of the debts you owo your ancestors? Dlbbs No; they aro not pushing me like my tailor and grocer. Tho greatest cause of worry on ironing day can bo removed by using Defiance Starch, which will not stick to tho iron. Sold everywhere, 10 02. for 10c. 1 1 1 Tit for Tat. A young man, who had not been married long, remarked at the dinner table tho othor day: "My dear, I wish you could make bread such as mothor used to make." The brldo smiled and answered la a volco that did not tremble: "Woll, dear, I wish you could mako tho dough that father used to make." Important to Mothers ISxamino carefully ovory bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for lnfunts and children, and boo that it UnnrH thn Dignaturo KTUUU In Uso For Ovor 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Cafltoria Unexpected. Suddenly tho umplro called tlmo. "Aw, what's the matter I" domand od tho catcher, "Somebody in tho grand stand ap plauded me," he Bald, wiping the blinding tears from his eyes, "and 1 wasn't prepared for that . , , PUy balir 50,000 Men Wanted in Wtsttrn Canada 200 Million ushela Wheat to be Harvested Knrvsst Help In Great Demand Reports from the Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta (Western Canada) indicate one of tho best crops ever raised on the continent To harvest this crop will require ut least 50,000 harvesters. Low Rates Will be Given on All Canadian Roads Excursions aro run daily and f ull' particulars will be given on applica tion to the following authorized Cana dian Government Agent. The rates are made to apply to all who wish to take advantage of them for the pur- pose of inspecting the grain fields of Western Canada, and the wonderful opportunities there offered for those who wish to Invest, and also those who wish to take up actual farm life. Apply at once to W. V. BENNETT Room4,BeeBI(ig.,OmHha,Neb. The Army of Comtroation Is Growing Smaller EVery Day. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER FILLS are responsible they not only give relict they perma- nentiycuretoi tkjatloa. Mil-. lions use, tnem for t BlUoMatii. ' Isdli.itloii, Sick Hesdacke, StlW SUb. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICK, Genuine must bear Signature sssHnADTrDX BlllllllllllllB UH 1 I 1-IYfcJl BHf I tut .aVniLYER 5T I.) LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY PORj BALE cAT TH& LOWEST PRICES UY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Sai-531 W, Adams St, Chicago IISMSIimillSSWl I miWWMMBK CALIFORNIA. Irrigated railroad lands ot J price to settlers on ralhoad and close to large market centers. Fruit, alfalfa and vineyard farms. 10, 20 und 40 acre tracts. Chicken ranches. Write for full particulars. Mosul & Allkea, 020 Gffa SL.SacrameRio.Cal. DEFIANCE STARCH- It ouoeea to. 'tba packs. Kttir itarebas onlr 1 ouuest ma irlce an "DKFIANOK" 18 BUFSNtlOR QUALITY. t