THE SEMI-WEEKLY TBHUME ' uiA I BARE, Publisher. TERMS, U.25 IN ADVANCE, Military Pompom WORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA UNBUSINESSLIKE BUSINESS. The Now York stnto employers' lia btllty commission has submitted n carefully prepared report showing a fearful wasto of human life In Indus trial pursuits. Somo loss of life In modern industry may be reckoned as unnvoidablo, but the far greater pro portion of the loss which Is sustained Ib tho result of unnecessary condi tions. It Is tho direct result of a lack of safety appliances and of overwork ing employes to tho point of physical exhaustion. It Ib a result of unjust 11 ability laws and legislative negligence, says tho Kansas City Times. If senti ment has no placo in business an untenable proposition in itself- at least business ought to bo business like. It is demonstrably not good business to permit avoidable killing of Industrial workers and then spend vast sums In caring for families bcroft of natural support, It Is not' good business, even though tho children nra not neglected, with tho chances In fa vor of their becoming vicious or Idla citizens. Stricter employers' liability, an automatically applied workmen's compensation for Injury or death, and, direct Industrial insurance are all In luranco measures. They provide funds for the support of injured workmen or of their wives mmI children. Thoy also encourago safqty provisions. Such Insurance costs Would bo diffused raong all tin people no taxes and hro Insurance tr diffused by being added to tho out of the business, That diffused cost would bo a prac tical Imnlpablo burden upon society. Dlrds have an excellent tlmo In Japan knd our own agriculturists woulc" to well to cmulato tho treat ment meted out by their eastern con freres to such birds ns tho swallow and martin, says tho Wide World. With a skilled appreciation of tho part hcso feathered friends play in rola Jon to their crops by keeping down tho insoct pests, they exert every ef fort to protect thorn and to encourago them to propagato their kind. Is It to be wondered at that this sentimental but withal eminently practical nation reverences the swallows as messen gers to tho gods and invites them to build their nests not only under caves and rafters, but in every and any room of tho houso? In the hotel dining room wero soveral nests, whore tho happy parents reared their families in complete Batety. , There has boon much talk regarding the selection of a national flower. lias It all been wasted? Tho Brooklyn Eagle remarks upon the indisputable fact that there Is no authority in the Constitution for the selection of a na tional flower. However, a great many things have come to be in this country without specific constitutional au thority. There is, for lnstanco, a na tional bird, the American eagle. There Is "Uncle Bam" and thoro Is "Miss Co lumbla," with no authority for cither, except tho self-assured authority of the cartoonists. Dut theso are things upon which evorybody Is agreed. There is not likely to bu a national flower until everybody is agreed upon 1L In the mcantlmo, tortunatoly, the country can afford to wait Copyrignt, Underwood & Underwood, N, V T HE military whether men or material possesses a charm for tho average fcmlntno that makes Itsolf manifest in a variety of ways. Especially is this so in tho matter of womnnly garb, as for in stance in tho case of tho hat shown in tho picture Hero wo lmvo the PRETTY DRESS Scientists report that Ilnlley's comet is 600,000,000 miles distant from the sun, and if it were really, the cause of tho recent heat waves, nobody cares it It gets 600,000,000 more miles away, or even if it gets lost in the outermost bounds of tho solar system. One of the doctors connoctod with the health department says that 60 per cent, cf tho dogs that blto people are afflicted with acute rabies. This is a good time to round up tho dogs that are permitted to run about un- muzzled. Edison's latest invention, consists ot moving pictures that talk. It thli keeps up our actors will bo forced to go to work. However, chorus girls are not half so alluring when shown ob a screen. The doctors report that the poison ous secrotlon in tho glands of toads is a powerful heart stimulant A good many people will want somo other kind of a stimulant when their hoarts get sluggish. Will the stocking mills of Now Eng land run up prices or diminish the out put on tho excuso that the advent ot postal savings banks has cut off the demand for their goods as coin de positories T There is to bo established in Dos ion a hospital in which nonebut rich people will be provided for. Nurses who expect to get jobB there will probably have to pay bonuses for tholr berths. Being stung by a beo Is not a pleas ant pastime, but the Btlng of the prcsl (tefitlal bee Is welcomed with great en thusJasm by a good many of our pa triots. ThlB pretty droBo is of whlto cotton vollo. The skirt la slashed opon at tho sldo over n panol ot hand om- broidery, and tho odgos of tho skirt aro finished with hand ombrolderod Bcallops and dots. Tho brotolles, which cross, and tho cuffs nro ombrolderod to correspond with tho skirt. Tho little choralsotto Is tucked and trimmed with laqo; the glrdlo Is ot whlto ribbon. trimming a big military pompon ot exquisitely soft ostrich in black and white placed exactly in tho front o( tho black hemp hat. For n full face the position of tho pompon as shown la much moro becoming to almost any faco than is a broadside or back trimming. BLUE SERGE ALWAYS USEFUL fifj HERB I a short cut to power; JiiL It Is the discipline of doing thing that nre hard. Buppooe we make It the rule of our lives to choose the hnrd thing first, the limrd things then will al wnys be behind, finished, done uway with. SOMETHING FOR DES8ERT. This Is n recipe which won n prlzo of twenty-llvo dollars as tho best ono In a maple sugar contest: Maplo Surprise Balls. Coro and paro six apples that will cook tender without losing tholr form. When cool havo somo rice that has been cooked in milk until tender, flavored and sweetened to tnsto. Cover cch npplo with n coating of rice, using butter on tho hands. Now sot nwny to becomo thoroughly chilled. When tho tlmo comes to serve them, havo a pint or maple sirup bollod to a waxy stage, and Insert n fork in tho centor and dip in tho sirup, dripping it from a spoon nil over until tho rlco Is cov ered. It hardens as Boon as It covers tho cold, balls. It is bettor to boat tho sirup until It is quito creamy before dipping tho apples, Set on Individual plates, fill tho core with chopped nuts and sirup, after rolling tho npplo in browned coocdanut. This dish may bo proparod by using pears or flno fla vored quinces. Of course this is n,ot a dessert 6ne would care to prepare for threshers in tho busy market time. Cocoanut Pie. Lino a plato with plain paste: fill with tho following mixture: Two cups of milk, thrco egg yolks, one-half cup of sugar, ono cup of grated cocoanut, a fourth of n tea spoonful of salt, tho grated rind and Juico of a lemon and n tnblespoonful of butter. Bake carefully until tho custard Is thick. Chocolate Cream Pie. Molt two iquaros of chocolate or a half cup of cocoa; add four tablespoonfuls of cornstarch, threo egg yolks, n llttlo salt and a pint of milk. Cook In n doublo boiler until thick, stirring con stantly. Flavor with vanilla. Pour Into a baked piecrust shell, cover with a merlnguo mado with the whites and threo or four tablespoonfuls of sugar, and brown In the oven. Servo Ice cold. houeowlfo plans her meals bo that thoro will be plenty ot food to repair wasto and build tissue. Rarebit Cream Toa6t. Trim off tho crust from six slices of bread. Tonst delicately and dip quickly Into bolt ing salted water. Spread with but tor, cover in a tureen and keep hot. Put two tablespoonfuls of butter in n saucepan, add two tnblcspoonflila ot flour or ono of flour and ono of corn starch, stir and cool until smooth. Season with salt and popper and two tablespoonfuls of chcoeo after adding a pint of hot milk. Just beforo serv ing add a tenspoonful of Worcester shire snuco. Pour over tho toast and servo hot. Mock Terrapin. Cook togother two tablespoonfuls of cornstarch and ono ot flour with two tablespoonfuls of butter, salt, mace, cayenne and n half a cup of cream. When smooth add a half a cup of cooked rlco, n half cup of cooked calf's liver, chopped, half a cup of cold cooked veal, two hard eggs and n teaspoonful of finely chopped parsloy. Mix well togother and add a teaspoonful of lemon juico, simmer and Ecrvc in ramekins. Delicious Creamed Potatoes. Cook now potatoes with tho skins on in boiling Baited wator, Lot stand until tho next day hoforo using. Peel, cut in small cubes, sprinkle with salt and popper. In a doublo boiler put two tablespoonfuls of butter, add the same amount of cornstarch and cook until smooth, gradually add two cups of thin cream and cook until tho raw taste has left tho starch. Turn in tho potatoes, add a few drops of onion juico and a doBh of grated cheese and serve. jrjCorned Beef R vA Everybody like good UP IVA Everybody likes Life Vs Xh zK because it k good find is M ready for erring as aeea JH -5 tkeF o"1 f 11,0 tB Every Woman Should Own 8uch a Gown, If Possible Serves 8o Many Purposes. If possible ovory woman should In- cludo in nor wardrobe a llttlo ono plcco gown of thin bluo serge. It sorvos purposes for which bluo linen and bluo surah nro not available It is not marred by tho rain and it la not easily mussod. A onc-ploco bluo sorgo gown may sound plain -and anything but indiv idual, but Its possibilities are unlim ited. Silk collars, folds and bands may adorn It, and tho skirt may bo mado with a knee-deop hem. Tho skirts aro slightly rnised on tho bodice, thus giving nn Empire offoct, and tho bodlco Ib loose and easy. Tho trimming of the bodlco Is a matter ot individual taste. Somo pro for tho deep rolling collar of black satin, over which a small collar of Venetian lnco can be turned, as the black Is not so becoming noxt to tho neck. Others havo a doop collar com ing almost to the waist lino, mado ot all-over lace, dotted not or sheor eye let ombroldory piped with a narrow fold of black satin. Somo mny uso a touch cT color on tho bluo sorgo gown, but this Bhould bo judiciously applied. A panel llnod with a vivid green or glaring ceriso Ir not nltogothor smart, while a cravat ot groen, king's bluo or light rod silk cannot fall to bo good looking. Tho farBoelng woman will boo to It also that her bluo hemp hat Is brlghtoned with n bit of tho chosen color, and will havo also a tailored parasol to carry with this serviceable blue outfit. Stylish Coal Set. Tho right coat Bet on tho right suit looks well, especially in warm weath er, whon It glvoa a fresh touch to a dark linen, Bcrgo or pongoo. Ono that has tho merit of being stylish and quickly worked Is In black and whlto. Tho collar Is nhnwl shaped, deep at back, and tho cuffs aro tlvo Inches wldo. Tho surface la closely covered with a scroll doslgn worked with whlto cotton couched with black at short In tervals. Tho ontlro skein Is used for tho underlay and a a,lnglo thread for couching, Tho odgo Is finished in a straight buttonholing, a quarter of nn Inch deep, with a flno chain stitch worked closo to it in black, which also rein, forces the purl. Double Faced Cloaklngs. Not a shop of Importanco but It showing doublo faced cloaklngs, with plaid and plain rovorso side, and groat- or novelties In tho ratlno effect, often with one sldo In silk. Somo of tho ex treme novelties aro so wholly unlike on tho two Bides that It scorns almost as If two materials had been pasted togother. Another interesting feature in mate rials for wraps Is tho doublo faced silks, with ono strong color on one sldo and nnothor on tho roverse. with no Indication ot tho other from either cldo. That is to Bay, in bluo and red combinations, for example, thoro Is no trace ot tho changeable effect; ono sdo Is absolutely red and tho other eldo absolutely bluo. It Is two tonod and doublo faced in tho strictest aonso of tho words and not changeable or shot. Chicago Tribune. Coats With Hoods. Thoro la no decrease In the popu larlty of long, V-shnpod hoods on short coats. Thoy aro mado of tho material itself or of satin or silk In tho samo colqr as the coat, but thoy aro faced wun a vivia siik anu noiu uown by a thick tassel. The Prettiest Decoration. Real flowers make n much prettier decoration for thu wedding cako than tho ornamentntlons that coufoctloners dollght In making out ot sucar. beoutlful spray ot snow whlto roses rested on tho top ot a homornado bride cauo, rocontly seen at a simple coun try wedding. It was omboddod In the frosting and It was a much more artls. tto decoration than tho expensive love knotn and flllgvoo work that aro done in sugar. VOM1K3 are pygmies still thoush perched on Alps: And pyramids are pyramids In vnles, Each man makes his own stature, builds himself. Young1. I M CHURCH LIGHTED BY WIND Novel Method Employed to Illuminate Sacred Edifice Near Birming ham, England Probably one of the most novel methods of providing lighting for a church Is that employed at tho old Cosoly church, situated a few miles out from Birmingham, England. About COO feet from the church Is tho mouth of a disused cool mine, around which are huge plies of tail ings. Upon ono of those a steel tower 60 feet high is erected and a windmill 18 feet in dlamotor Installed. At tho base of tho tower in a small house is an electric generator which is run by the mill. Tho curront thus generated feeds 27 lamps in the church, two In tho chapel, two In tho vestry; operates a motor for pumping tho plpo organ, and also lights 30 lamps In the rec tory. A storago battory in tho rectory Is a part of this unique lighting plane HKIirc are plenty good fish In the sen that never were i CilUglll. It Is, not en much what a womnn lm that makes her happy, as It Is what aha does not want. LUNCHEON OR SUPPER MEATS. For dishes ot this sort It Is better that they should bo not too heavy. Cutlots, chops, sweetbreads and meats Df that kind aro appropriate. Escalloped Veal. Mince cold cooked veal very flno. Butter a baking dish and put a thin layer of veal In tlie bottom, with a sprinkling ot onion on top. Then add n layer of flnely-pow-dorcd broad crumbs. Dot with butter and chopped parsloy, then add anoth er layor of veal, and so on until tho dish Is full, having buttered crumbs on top. Pour milk Into the pan until the dish seems moist, and bake slow ly until It Is done, with an Inverted pan over It to koop In tho steam. Ho move the pan ton mluutes beforo serv ing, and. let tho top brown. Sprinkle with grated cheese or parsloy. Ham Croquettes. Mlnco cold bojlcd ham very flno. Mix with an equal quantity ot cruinba. cold boiled rlco or mashed potato. Add a llttlo tnlcK cream sauce to bind; roll in egg. crumbs and fry in deep fat. Frfed Sweetbreads. Wash and drain and dry on a cloth. Lard with strips of salt pork and cook In a but tered frying pan until . tho pork is crisp. Servo with tomato sauce. Scalloped Chicken. Take tho moat left over from boiled chicken, put In a buttered batt ing dish a layer of tho chlckon then a layer of toastod brord crumbs ana hot bollod potato; moisten well with the broth thickened with flour and seasoned with salt, popper aud butter. Bako three-quarters of un hour. Veal Chops. Wipe tho chops and mako nn Incision and put In a few drops of onion juico and lemon juice. Dip in egg and crumbs und fry in a llttlo butter or pork fat Servo aftor seasoning well with salt and popper. DAINTY DISHES OF FISH. Baked Codfish. Cover ono cupful of shredded salt codfish with boiling water and sot aside. Beat togethor two cuptuls of cold mashed potatoes, two cuptuls of milk, two eggs boaten and half a cup of melted butter. Sea son with pepper. Drain tho codtlsh, mix with the potato, put Into a but tered baking dish and bake half an hour. Ialf this recipe Is sufficient for a small family. Cuban Codfish. Chop nn onion fine and fry light brown In buttor. Add a cupful ot canned tomatoes and a cup ot freshened codfish. Cook ten min utes, stirring constantly. Servo on buttered toast Lino a baking dish with seasoned mashed potatoes, fill with creamed codfish, and cover with tho potato. Bake and servo in slices. Fish a la Vinaigrette. Uso any cold fish that has been baked or boiled, tree from skin, fat and bone, and pile In tho conter of a platter. Mako a ring ot sliced bard-cooked eggs around tho base of the fish. Mako a sauco ot throe tablespoon fuls ot ollvo (oil, ono tablespoonful oi vinegar, a pinch of salt, a dnsh ot paprika and a tablespoonful of chopped pickle. Pour ovor the fish and gar nish wlthjemon and parsloy. Jelltod Fish. Soak a package ol gelatine In cold wator to cover, then add enough more water to make a cupful and dissolve by gentle hent until tho liquid Is transparent Havo ready four cupfuls of flaked, cooked fish, stir until It begins to thicken, Pack Into nn earthon Jar or mold that huB been rinsed with cord wator, and set awny to harden. Salmon Croquettes. Mix a cupful ol canned salmon with an equal quan tlty of cold maBhed potatoes. Bind with boaten egg or very thick cream sauce. Shape Into croquettes, dip In egg and fry in a wire basket in deep fat Deep Mourning. The manager of tho theater racked his brain in vain. "We must do some thing," ho repeated, bitterly. "Peo nlo will expoct us to do something to show respect to tno proprietor, now that ho Is dead." "Shall wo closo for tho night of tho funeral?' suKgestcd the assistant stage man ager. "With this buslncssT You're a fool, laddie, a fool. No; put the chorus In black stockings." And It was even so. EHt'ISE not small thing"; The itniil thai loncs for wings TZr to somo great height of sacrifice, too oft Forgets tho dally round U'lid. .Inllv ,ftt ah nUnunri. And shakes oft little dutlea. while sho looks aloft. SAVORY DISHES. During the summer months dishes with smaller amounts of moat aro moro appealing to tho avorngo appo- n Th s Is tho tlmo to uso eggo anucea and cheoBo, and lot roast pork and bucIi heavy moats nave a vaca Knn r innat makes a very nice i,m.nn dlah and one that Is suili dent In nourishment Tho up-to-date tooked Easy to Him. Qraydon's father la doad, and the child, hearing othor children talk of tholr fathers, began to Importune hla mother for "another papa." Mamma trlod to explain that sho couldn't con veniently grant this wish, at the mo ment, but Oraydon didn't consider any of the suggested reasons adequate, "It ought to be easy enbugh, mamma, with so many looso men all around!" Easily In the Lead. Louise Jennings, Ellse Hathaway and Florence Brlntnoll nro throe BchoolmatcB whose indulgent parents provided a picnic for oach of them, giving carte blnnohe as to tho num ber of their guests and tho manner ot entertalnmont on tho beach. Thrco parties in ten days means a lot to young ladles of tho tender age of eight But they rocovered quickly enough from the fatigue. Followed comparison: "1 think," said Lou, "ours was a very nlco party. And wo had ice cream twice, If you remember." "Oh, I don't know," quoth Ellse sho Insists upon being called by her full name and will answer other "I notlco all my guests rodo 'round on tho carrousel as often as the; wanted." "I'm sure my party was tho best of all," spoko up Flo. "Father says every d d kid in town waB there Answering the Dean. Tho mnn who Thackeray calls "the greatest wit of all tlmo" Dean Swift of St. Patrick's cathedral, Dublin was as ready to tako as to mako & re tort "Why don't you doff your hat to mo?" ho asked a small boy who was coaxing along an obstreperous goat "I will," said tho lad, "If your honor will hold tho Boat's horns I" an answer which delighted tho dean. Youth's Companion. Extravagant Ada Cholly Saphedde was In a brown study tho other day, and I of fered him a penny for his thoughts. m Edith You spendthrift! You never did know the value of money I Stupefy the Snake. Snake charmora take Bnakeroot nnd put It Into nn earthonware pot with a nnako, and he soon becomes stupefied and seems torpid and too weak to fight or blto. They put the snake un der the Influence of the root before pulling his fangs. WRONG SORT Perhaps Plain Old Meat, Potatoes and Bread May Be Against You for a Time. A change to tho right kind .of food can, lift ono from a sick bed. A lady In Woldon, 111., says: "Last Bpring I became bed-fast with severe Btoinach troubles accompanied by sick hoadacho. I got worse and worso until I bocamo so low I could scarcely retain any food at all, al though I trlod about every kind. "I had become completely discour aged, and given up all hope, and thought I was doomod to starvo to doath, until one day my husband, try ing to find something I could retain, brought home some Qrapo-Nuts. "To my ourprlso the food agreed with mo, digested perfectly and with out distress. I began to gain strength at onco. My flesh (which had been flabby), grow Armor, my hoalth im proved in evory way and every day, and in a very few weeks I gained 20 pounds in weight "I liked Qrapo-Nuts so well that for four months I ato no other food, and always felt as well satisfied after eat lng as if I had Bat down to a flno ban quet. "I had no return of. the mloorabla sick stomach nor ot tho headaches, that I used to havo whon I ate other food. I am now a well woman, doing all my own work again, and feel that life is worth living. "Grape-Nuts food has been a God send to i .y family; it surely saved my life; and my two llttlo boys have thriven on It wonderfully." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book, "Tho Road to WellvlUe," in pkgs. "There's a reason." Erer read the abcrre letter? A sen appears from time to time, The? Keaulae, trvs, sad lull of fcumaa fcatueat.