The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 25, 1911, Image 5

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-tt ct yvu. i-vi.
DR. W. F. CROOK, k
3 Graduate Northwestern University. V
a Ollico over McDonald Stato Bank T
Engineer Munks will leave sliortlyf or
. Chicago to visit friends.
H. Shiaraiskl is taking surgical
' treatment at the P. & S. hospitnl.
,Misa Mamie McMicheal is visiting
' "Miss Grace King in Sidney this week.
, The Yeoman Ball Team are planning
' to play in Lexington Thursdny nfter
noon. , The hew three Cinnmon Rolls. For
this Mrs. C. M. Newton hoa them at
5 60 cents a set.
Miss Pearl Snyder who has been n
patidnt at St Luke Hospital will return
homo tomorrow.
The Ladies Aid Society of thoBnntist
CllUll.ll Will UllCl Willi . i. IjUU
den Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Owings will leave
Saturday for a three weeks' visit with
friends at Sheridan, Wyo.
Dr. Parsons, of Omaha, is -visiting
his sister, Miss Parson of the nursing
. staiT at tho P. S. hospitnl.
' Tho Presbyterian Aid Socioty will
meet with Mrs. Fred Perrett on Thurs
day afternoon at 702 W. tfrd St
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
James G. Leonard Sunday afternoon.
Mother and babe nro doing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Kusor returned to
. Wi'llnrd yesterday. They were nmong
the Chautauqua visitors last week.
Miss Josie O'Hara will nrrive homo
today from Sioux City where she has
visited friends for the past ten days.
Rev. Peter Christ, of Scranton, Pa.,
is expected Sunday to visit tho Christ
family. He has just returned from a
Eurpean trip
A massage makes rosy checks nnd a
pretty comploxtion.try onontMrs. New-
ton's hair dressing parlors Electric
Mrs. G. T. Field entertained ton lady
friends at n thoatre party last evening
in honor of her guest Mins Halo of
, , Omaha.
Y Misies Mario Martini and Josephine
".McGinloy spent yustordny with tho
former's sister, Mrs. Fred RagmuBsen,
in Horshoy.
Mm. John Carmody and daughter and
Mrs. Will McGrath who havo been tho
guests of Mrs. Terronco McGovorn,
left for Omaha yesterday.
' 'Supt. Tout of the public schools ex
pects to leave for Seattle tho last of
week on a vacation trip, und Mrs. Tout
and children will go to Colorado Springs
for a month's visit.
Insurance against loss by hail, fire,
lightning, cyclone and windstorm writ
ten at lowest rates in strongest com
panies. Brntt c Goodman.
Misses Maymo, Nora and Celia Gor
ham were the guests of friends in town
Sundny while enrouto 'to their home
in Grand Island after a visit in Salt
Lake City.
At a special meeting of tho city
council last evening John Bratt, W. T.
Wilcox and E. A. Cary were re-elected
directors of tho city library to servo
for three years. NA11 bills on file wero
Tho city council met in adjourned ses
sion last evening and allowed claims
amounting to about six thousand dol
lars. These claims had been accumulat
ing for several months. Clerk Ternplo
will be busy for several days drawing
thcBe warrants. They are for small a
mounts, hence large in number.
Rev. Johnson returned Saturday from
his trip to points in California and
Oregon During his month's absence
ho traveled 5000 miles, every day was
enjoyable, and he saw much of inter
est. Ho was accompanied home by his
daughter, Mrs. R. H. Wilson, of Port
land. For Sale Several good cheap
houses and lots ranging from $700.00
upwards. Why pay rent when you can
buy such cheap homes?
Bratt & Goodman.
At a meeting of tho committe, who
wero appointed to solicit for a loving
cup, which will bo presented to Col.
W. F. Cody at tho afternoon prefor
mance in .this city on August 19th,
from the citizens, a design submitted
by Harry Dixon was selected and Mes
srs Dixon and Clinton wore delegated to
order tho cup. Tho cup stands eighteen
and three fourths inches high, is of a
high grade of sterling silver and stands
on ebony pedestal. Upon the face of the
cun will bo an etchinc of Col. Cody
..1. ..fill . i ...t.t. t . VT TT r
mounted on a white charger, giving his
farewell salute, while in the back
cround can be seen tho red man and his
tepee, n frontier wagon and the setting
sun slowly sinking behind tho mountains
An inscription which reads, "Presented
to Col.' W. F. Cody by the Home Folks
on his farewell tour North Platto Aug.
19th" is engraved on the otherside. The
cup is vaiucu at $zuu.
Snrains require careful treatment,
Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's
Liniment freely. It will remove the
soreness and .quickly restore tho parts
to a healthy condition. For sale by all
Closing Days of Chautauqua.
Tfce third assembly of tho North
Platte Chautauqua closed Sunday night
with a lecture by Father Nugent of
Des Moines, and it proved one of the
best of several delivered during tho
Chautauqua. The subject was "The
Philosophy of Civilisation," nnd tho
speaker followed tht trend of events
front tho days of ancient Rome to tho
present day.
Friday evening Tnhnn, the white
Indinn, delivered his address, in which
he depicted much of tho Indian life as
ho found it among the Kiowas, and in
sisted that prior to becoming associated
with white men the Indian was not a
bad man morally.
Tho Apollo quartette, of Chicngo,
belj, ringers nnd artists on the cornet,
trombone and French horns, mndo their
appearance nnd remained until the clos
ing session. They aro excellent musi
cians ni)d pleased their audience at each
appearance. The Saturday evenimr ses
sion was wholly occupied by them.
Iho rain Saturday afternoon inter-
ferred to some extent with Miss Wnhl's
program of tho work she had been doing
with the children along tho Senton
Indian line.
Sunday afternoon Mrs. Lewis, n
speaker on socialism, delivered a lec
ture, which was not as satisfactory aB
was expected, the sneakor failinc to
outline the principles of socialism nhd
other information relating thereto.
The lecture by Fa thcrNuirent Sunday
eveninir was a flttinir conclusion to a
successful Chautauqua so far as talent
anu interest was concerned.
Parsons Arrested for Stabbing.
From a Douglas, Ariz., paper it
is learned that A. F. Parsons, n former
attorney of North Platte, has been
arrested in the former place on the
charge of Boriously stabbing n man.
A bartender of that city had abused
his daughter and Parson caused his
arrest. A trial followed, Parsons con
ducting tho caso, and in his pleading
Bqverely scored the bartender. Fol
lowing the case ' tho latter followed
Parsons nnd struck him, whereupon
Parsons drew a knife nnd slashed the
bnrtendor in tho stomach and hip.
Parsons waH arrested, but released on
his own recognizance until tho day of
Streilz Captures Pigeon Thief.
AboNit 4 o'clock Saturday morning
members of the family wore awakened
by a noiso in tho vicinity of tho chickon
yard. Seeing a figure moving nbout in
his son's pigeon-fly Mr. Streilz's first
thought was to take a shot at tMe same
with his rifio from tho second story
window. But thinking it might be
some boy whose desire to possess a pair
of hinh bred birds had overcome his
sense of right and wrong, ho quickly!
.1 ... i.l. 1. 'I .... 4
ucscuiiuvu lu wiu uugi vum iiuu lull uw-
on the culprit to find him to be a husky
man of 25 of more years old with a bran
sack full of his son s vhlto fnn-tail pig
eons. On the way to jail it developed that
tho man's parents were old and res
pected residents of North Platto. Ho
was thereioro Jtoerateu anu tolu to re
form for his paront'o sake if for no
other reason. Mr. Streitz would not
divulge his name but assures us that
the next time ho will uso tho rifio
and investigate afterward. In the
melee 2 or 3 pigeons escaped.
Mrs. McNamara Hies. (
Arthur McNamara received a tele
gram tins morning announcing uio
death of his mother, at San Antonio,
Texas, whore sho had been visiting her
dnughter for several months past.
Mr. McNamara left for San Antonio
nt noon today. ' Tho remains will be
brought to Fremont for interment.
The deceased was n resident of North
Platto in 1885 and 1880.
For Rent.
Houses, store room, nice unfurnished
rooms, storage room and safe deposit
boxes. Bratt & Goodman.
The Mothers' Club will be the guests
of Mrs. George Finn tomorrow.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Savin
at St Luke's hospital yesterday, a
baby girl.
Miss Recinn McGovern formerly of
this city but lato of Denver, is expected
in a few days to visit at the Fonda
Yesterday Frank Tracy received a
draft for ?1,000 in payment for the pol
icy held by his lato wife in Two Rivers
Lodgo D. of H.
Sidnoy Dillon was thrown from his
horso at his ranch nt Spear yesterday
and received several injuries which will
confine him to the house for some time.
He was brouirht hero last eveninc to
receive medical attention.
The Proof.
"If your wife is such n terribly go il
cook why don't you ent more dlnne,?
nt home?"
"Gee! How would' ! know how good
she could cook It I didn't put some
where eIse?"-Clevelnnd IMalu Denier.
Matinee Idol.
"He's a stickler for n-allsm."
"Yes. but he carries It to excess. In
the second scene he In supposed to hn
severely wounded, and tie Ins n mir
geon Issue bulletins between tho nets."
PlttRburs Post.
Larfie Order.
"Your own baby. If you huvo one."
advertised tho enterprising photogra
pher, "can be enlarged, tinted mid
framed for $9.75 n dozen." Hluo Hull.
If you would abolish nvarlco yon
must abolish the parent of It, luxury
McCormick nnd Dccring Harvesters and Binders, 6 ft cut $100.00
MeCortnick nnd Decring Mowers, G ft. cut, each . , . . . . 47.00
McCormick and Deering 12 ft., Sulky Hay Rnckes, self dump- 27.00
International Hay Sweeps e. 30.00
International Hay Stackers...., 45.00
Binding Twine, per lb ... . 07
Drain Hay Sweeps ....... v 35.00
Dain Hay Stackers ......'....... 50.00
Champion Hay Sweeps .... I ... ., ... 30.00
New Departure and other Cultivators. . , 13.00 to 17.00
Riding Cultivntors, single row 25.00
Riding Cultivators, two row. v" 35.00
John Deer 10 inch steel beam walking Plow ....... 13.00
Three Section Steel Lever Harrow, each . . . 10.00
Disc Harrows . . . . . . . 10.00 Upward
Press Drills 12 disc . . . 70.00
Also a complete
EC Cream Separators, Samson, Aermoter and Fairbury
i Wire, Stock Tanks and
tion Powders, Sickle Grinders, Rubber Hose, Machine Oil, Axle Grease, Etc.
If you need anything in above lines I can save you money.
Corner 5th and Locust Sts.
Elks' Picnic.
The entertainment committee of the
Elks held a mooting last evening nnd
selected August 9th hb tho (Into for tho
annual picnic for mombors nnd their
If tho Dillion grove can bo secured
thnt will be tho site of tho festivities,
if not then probably nt tho Dick grove.
Tho committee will nrratifje for u bifj
Mrs. M. J. Murray of Gothonburg, is
visiting her sister Mrs. Lott.
Sheriff Miltpnborger is transacting
busneas in Sutherland today.
Robert Arnold hns returned from
Cheyenno whoro ho spent several weeks.
Mrs. Frank Buchanan will entortain
a numbor of Indies on Wodnesdny in
honor of her grnndmothor, Mrs. Carrier.
Mrs. P. J. Gilman left this after
noon for Chicago to. spend a month
with her daughter Mrs. Georgo Saint
Dr. A. J. Ames, North Platto, gives
tho Three Day Liquor Cure. Cure guurj
nntecd. Price right. Reference given
Tho Woman's Auxilary of District of
Kearney of the Episcopal church will
meet hero Snturday and Sunduy und
hold services.
The Union Pacific has agreed to give
a quit claim deed to tho Unitarian lot
to cure tho defeat which exists and so
clear tho title bo thnt it can be sold to
the city for n city hall, should the bonds
The house party which was held by
Miss Graco Payne closed Saturday
evening nnd each guest departed feel
ing they had been royally entertained
nnd thanking the young hostess for
a week of contiuous pleasure.
If your money is not earning 7 per
cent to 8 per cent semi-annual interest
in gilt edge, first mortgage loans,
see Bratt & Goodman.
Right in your busiest season when
you.ihavo tho least time to spare you
are most likely to take diarrhoea and
lose several day's time, unless you
havo Chamberla fn's Colic, Cholora and
Diarrhoea Remedy at hand and take a
doso on tho first appearance of tho dis
ease. For salo by all dealers.
Everything modern and sanitary.
Electric J lair Dryer, Electric
Vibrator, Electric Hair Curler,
Electric Parlor Cooler. Every
thing up-to-date. Bottor equip
ed than most of the largo city
shops. Hair goods of tho latest
styles always on hand.
Phono 201 for appointments.
i w i m .. t&M&ttw&Tra'jir ' ' ' tT4v
A Modern Institution
For tho treatment of medical and surgical cases. Open to the
medical profession. Special accomodations for confinement cases.
Training school for nurses in connection. Address all commu
cations to the superintendent.
Phone 642 Cor. Eighth and Locust
For the next Thirty Days I will
line of Hardware, Tinware
Hogwatcrers, Field and Garden
"WnataWomari Can Do,"
"Snare of the City," "Spirit
of Light.
Wil.iams & Wastin, Comedy
Singing and Dancing.
5 and 10 Cents.
Statement of the Condition
or TI1K
of North I'lattc. Nebraska, on tho 30th
nay or .nine, ivu.
Certificate No.m.
Firm mortgage loans U38 ooo oo
Stock loans a WO 00
Castl 8 852 0U
Delinquent Interest, premiums anil
lines 5R2 70
Kxpcnxca and taxes paid 1 102 (10
Otlior ftbsots 3W
Total (415 071 80
Capital stock paid up $120 H80 RO
Reserve fund (1 WW 00
Undivided prntlts IS 154 Oil
Advance Interest 131 0
Total m...." H5 071 80
Ilalance on hand July 1. 1010 t 0 4M &H
Due , 140 44U 08
Interest, and tines v 81 'm ii
Loans repaid..., 3.1 7IS 85
Miscellaneous Keen iWi 2fl
Tarns nd Insurance 155 00
Total 1218 552 01
Loans , $ni too oo
Expenses 1 743 07
Stock redeemed 7a ZM l.'t
Cash on hand 8 852 ou
Taxes and Insurance 1J 85
Total ' 1218 552 01
Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln county, fs.
I, Hainuol Uoozuo, secretary ot tho alovo
named Association, do solemnly swear that
thn fqreifolnc statement ot tliu condition of
said Association Is truo and correct to tlio
best of my knowlodno and bultef.
Hamiiki, Uoo.kk, Secretary.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 8rl
day of July, mil.
Ui.AHK IIuciianan. Notary l'ubllc.
Tim, a. PATTKUHON. )
I'T. HkdmonI). I)Irectors.
sell at Reduced Prices as
Form Wagons, Weber, Stoughton
Spring Wngot)9
Road Wagons
Buggy Poles;
Low Down Farm Trucks
Gasoline Engines
Woven Wiro Fencing, 2G inch, G inch
Woven Wire "Fencing, 48 inch, 0 inch
Detroit Vapor Stoves V.
Gasoline Stoves
Coal Oil stoves . . .
Base Burners
Heating Stoves
and Granitcwarc, Monarch Malleable Ranges, Shnrplcss
Windmills, Well Pipes, Pumps, and pipe fittings, Barb
Seeds, Barn Paint, Poultry
W. L. Wllllnms of tho Omnlin nlfnlfu
Milling Co., liua boon in tho city on
business for several ilnys nnd purchased
nlfylfn In Horshoy and Julosburg for
1 10 compuny.
For numinor dinrrhooit In childron nl
wnyB pivo Chnmborlnin'a Colic, Cholora
una Dirtrrhoon Remedy und castor oil,
nnd a speedy euro is certain, For snlo
by all deulors.
First National Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska. ' .
Capital and Surplus $140,000.
E. F. SEEBERGER, Prcsidcni,
M. KEITH NEVJLLE, Vlce-Presidcnl,
F. L. M00NEY, Cashier.
Summer Tourist Round-Trip
Fares to the Pacific Coast
From North Platte to California $60.00.
to North Pacific
Coast Points $55,00.
to California one
way via North
Pacific Coast
Points $73.20
Tickpts 'on Sale June 1, to Sept. 30 inclusive. Filial
return limit October 31, 1911.
In addition to above the following low rate 'will be
in effect.
From North Platte to California $50.00
to North Pacific
Coast Points $50.00
to California one
way via North
Pacific Coast
Points. 365.00
Tickets on Sale August .7 to 11 inclusive and 14 to
17 inclusive. Final return limit October 15,
191 1.
Now and Direct Ilouto to YoUowstouo National Park. ,-'
Protected by Electric Block Signals.
Excellent Dining Cars on all Trains.
JF. 35. BTJLLARB, Agio,
North Platte, Nebraska.
and Ft. Smith. . $G5.00 and up
55.00 nnd up
45.00 and up
. y 5.00 and up
, 0.00 nnd up
50.00 and up, ;
stay, per rod .... . 30 cents
stay, per roil 50 cents
22.50 nnd up
7.00 and up
2.00 and up
: . G.OO and up
. 50.00 and up
4.00 and up
and Chick Foods, Condi
'Weather Forecast- Fair nnd warmer
today nnd Wednesday. Mnximun tem
perature yesterday 73, one year ago 05;
Minimum temperature yustordny 43,
one year ago G3.
Never leavo homo on a journey with
out a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic
Cholora anil Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is
almost certain to bo needed and cannot
bo obtained when on board tho' cars or
steamships. For salo by all dealers;1