The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 25, 1911, Image 3

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Thlrty-NIno Stato and 114 Local Sana
torla Provided, but Theso Art
Only a Beginning.
In iplto or the fact that state sana
toria and hospitals for tuborculosla
have boon established in 31 states, and
114 municipal or county hospitals In
26 states, vastly more public provision
Is needed to stamp out consumption,
says the National Association (or the
Study and Provoutlon of Tuborculosls.
Nearly every stato cast of the Missis
slppl river has provided a ttate sana
torium, and west of the Mississippi
river, state sanatoria have been es
tablish in Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri,
Arkansas, Texas, Kansas, Nebraska,
North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana
and Oregon. There are 38 sanatoria
provided by thoso states, Massachu
setts having four, Connecticut and
Pennsylvania three and Texas two. In
cluding special pavilions and alms
houses, there aro 114 municipal w
county hospitals for the care of tuber
culosis patients.
Apart from these institutions, how
ever, and a few special pavilions at
prisons, hospltnls for tho insane, and
some other public Institutions, a grand
total of hardly 200, tho institutional
caro of tho consumptive is left to pri
vate philanthropy.
"A few days after birth wo noticed
an inflamed spot on our baby's hip
wjalch Boon began spreading until
baby was completely covered oven In
hlB eyes, ears and scalp. For eight
wcoks he was bandaged from head to
foot. He could not have a stitch of
clothing on. Our regular physician
pronounced it chronic cczoma. He is
a very nblo physician and ranks with
the best In this locality, nevertheless,
tho dlBenso began spreading until
baby wafl completely covered. He
was losing flesh so rapidly that wo became-
alarmed and docldod to try Gutl
cura Soap and Ointment.
"Not until I commenced using Cutl
cura Soap and Ointment could we tell
what ho looked like, as wo dared not
wash him, and I had been putting one
application after another on him. On
removing tho scalo from his head tho
arr camo off, and left him entirely
iald, but slnco wo have been .using
Guticura Soap and Ointment he has
aa much hair as ever. Four weeks
after wo began to uso tho Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment ho was entirely
cured. I don't bcllevo anyone could
havo eczema worse than our baby.
"Before wo used tho Cutlcura Rem
edies wo could hardly look at him, he
T?aa such a pitiful sight. He would
fuss until I would treat him, they
scmed to relieve him so much. Cutl
cua Soap and Ointment stand by
themselves and the result they quick
ly and surely bring Is their own rec
ommendation." (Signed) Mrs. T. B.
Itossor, Mill Hall, Pa Feb. 20, 1911.
Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment-
are sold by druggists and deal
ers everywhere, a sample of each,
with 32-page book, will bo mailed free
in application to "Cutlcura," Dept
(9 K, Boston.
Snakei In Prohibition Maine.
Snakes emptied two saloons in Port
land of the crowds of customers a few
evenings ago. A non-resident ordered
a box of snakes sent to him from tho
south for tho purpose of cleaning out
a vast number of rats from his place.
The snakes were given a chance to
demonstrate their rat killing ability
and tho large snako destroyed 16 in
a few mlnutoB. Tho snakes were then
taken to two different saloons and in
a few minutes clcarod them of tho
crowd ICcnnebco Journal.
"You don't llko educated Indians!"
"Ob, yes, I like them well enough, but
i always fool a sense of shame when
1 meet one. Ho knows that my an
cestors cheated his ancestors out of
their land, and bo knows that I know
he knows it"
The greatest cause of worry on
ironing day can bo removed by using
Defiance Starch, which will not stick
to the iron. Sold everywhere, 16 oz.
for 10c.
Modern Ethics.
Do not kick a man when he is down.
Turn him over and feel in the othor
pocket Galveston Nows.
When you need a
tonic, appetite re
storer, a real diges
tive help and a pre
ventive of Cramps,
Diarrhoea, Costive
ness, Malaria, Fever
and Ague, take
nothing but
It has clearly proven
its right to be called
"the best."
1TEUTC rortonei V mads In patents. Yro
VlttganUd A Co.. Box K, WMblaston, I), ti
W. N. U, OMAHA, NO. 28-1911.
Types of the
Christian Life
By Dr. Hugh T. Kerr, Chicago
TEXT Jcsua loved Mnrtlm and her sla
ter and Lnxarus. John 11:5.
Jcbus loved Mnrtlm and her sister
and LazaniB. Jesus loved them all.
Yet ho loved each of thorn. Mnrttu
and Mnry and Lazarus. Each of tbsnn
has a place In his heart. Yot aro
bo different. Jesus does not nsk for
monotony, but variety In his kingdom.
Tho kingdom of grace is liko tho king
dom of nature. No two varieties aro
alike. In my Father's house are many
mnnslonB. One family, but many mem
bers. Ono homo, but many hearts.
That was tho revelation of God's
character in the Old Testament. Ho
was tho son of Abraham, of Isaac, of
Jacob. How different they wero.
Abraham tho faithful, tho consecra
ted, tho pathfinder. Isaue tho lacka
daisical, tho Indifferent, tho father o(
an illustrious son, tho sou of an Illus
trious father. Jacob tho Jow crnfty
and cunning, yet tender-hearted and
visionary, nnd God was the father o(
each and yet loved thom all.
Tho fault with us Is wo want roll(
gion to level human naturo at n dead
uniformity, and wo think Christiana
Bhould all bo conformed to our type,
forgetting that Christ is tho universal
type so universal that wo may all ba
unlko each other nnd yet all bo llko
htm. It is tho fault that bolongs to
our education. Wo grind all our chil
dren through tho samo mill. Black
and whtto, dellcato and robust, bril
liant and dunderhead, they must all
submit to tlio samo polishing process.
It Is tho fault of our church system,
also. Wo want to lovol down tho whole
congregation to our own miserable
lovel. Wo think Christ has conceived
in us tho truo conception of the saint
Thcro is the Sunday school typo nnd
tho Christian Endeavor typo and tha
prayer meeting type. There is the el
der typo and the trustee typo. The W.
C. T. U. typo and tho Y. M. C. A. type.
The tcmpernnco typo and tho mission
ary typo. There Is tho Presbyterian
and tho Methodist and the Baptist
typo. Tho Mary and tho Mnrtha and
tho LazaruB typo. But tho love oi
God Is broader than tho measure ol
tnnn's mind, nnd all may bo included
In his all embracing love.
Lot us remember that Jesus loved
Mary nnd Martha and Lazarus. Mary
tho passive, Martha tho active, and
Lazarus tho patient. Mary satisfied
to bo. Martha to do. Lazarus to
do without) Mary tho waiter, Martha
tho worker. Lazarus tho watcher,
Mary content to sit. Murtha content
,to servo. Lazarus content to suffer.
tAnd Jesus loved each and he loved nil
' Jesus loved Mnrtha. That Is what
(tho record says. Tho active, busy serv.
Ing Christian Martha. Sho Is In tha
majority today nnd Is greatly In le
jmand. Sometimes sho is upt to think
pho is tho only ono whom the Lord
Moves. She has much Scripture to
(quo to in favor of her disposition and
,sho has tho authority of great men
who favor tho strenuous llfo. What
'doth tho Lord requlro of thoo but
'to do justly and to love mercy. Pure
(religion and undeflled beforo God nnd
tho Father Is this- to visit tho father
less and widows in their nflllctlon. "Be
lyo doers of tho word and not hcareri
Martha Is everywhere respected
and honored today becauuo she does
things. Sho Is the Sunday school, tha
(prayer meeting, tho church services,
tho missionary' society, tho ladles' aid.
Jsho is cooking, praying, sowing, visit
ing, collecting for tho kingdom of God,
tuntil when night comes she falls
'asleep too tired to say her prayers
And Jesus loved Martha. And we
must love her too. A religion that
finds Its Joy In sorvico and In conse
crated activity is apt to bo a moral
power. A religion that finds God
nearer In moments of sentiment or
musical ecstasy, Instead of In mo
ments of moral endeavor, is extreme
ly dangerous. Jesus loved Martha.
Jesus loved Mary. Mary tho qulot,
retiring sister who sat at his feet
Mary's claim to recognition camo from
bolng willing to wait upon his words
She Is like the beautiful picture
through which you look into tho great
far beyond. Sho Is. llko whispering
music slnglug comfort into troubled
In a world of' sin and turmoil Mary
sat in tho confldenco of a beautiful
trust. Sho was llko another beauti
ful girl, upon whoso tombstone hot
friends curved tho words: "It was
easier to be good when sho was with
us." That was Mary's tribute. "What
Interests tho world in Mr. Gladstone,"
writes John Morloy, "Is oven mora
what ho was than what he did." Whnt
Interests tho world In Jesus Is not so
much his beautiful teaching as his
more beautiful life.
It was a hard lesson far Elijah to
learn, Ho was tho child of tho storm
and the tempest. Ho lived In reforma
tions nnd revolutions. "Behold, the
Lord passed by, and a great and
strong wind rent tho mountains and
brake in pieces tho rocks before Je
hovah." My dear friends, lot us not tnko
away from tho boundless power tho
love of God. Ho loved Mnry and
Martha and Lazarus. All with their
differences. And they all loved him.
Mary sits at his feat Martha hur
ries to supply his wants. And Lazarus
is content to glorify him with his
radiant resurrection glory. With all
our differences nnd misunderstand
ings and selfishness we love him and
each in turn is loved by him.
Footwear of Humming Bird Feathen
NEW YORK. Women on this aide
of tho blc pond loarnod with in
terest that thalr sisters in Paris were
woarlng shoes made from humming
bird feathors, tho ridiculously low
prlco of J2.E00 a pnlr placing tho
fluffy footwear within reach of all.
Realizing that, it was only a question
of a few weckn boforo the vory latest
fad in tootslo trappings would reach
this city, nnd being awaro of tho fact
that humming birds wero nono too
plentiful, tho young and old girls be
gan figuring out how many of the gor
geous mites would' havo to be sacrl
Heed to cover their spokes.
Married mon road tho artlclo until
thoy camo to the lino which told
about tha prico of tho now plumage,
and thon they dropped in their tracks.
When they rcgnlnod consciousness
thoy equipped their wallet pockots
with burglar alarms ami hired detec
tives to watch their trousers while
they slept. Mnny of them, unable to
see a ray of hope, went straight to tho
bankruptcy court nnd gave themselves
up. Moro than one happy homo was
Burro Saves Its Master From Prison
LOS ANGELES. Cal. That old story
of a prospoctor'B love for his burro,
trio companion and solace of weary,
lonesome hours in a desert search for
gold, won freedom from Jail for aged
Aaron Braunsheldt here,
Braunsheldt camo into Los Angoles
from tho desert and mountain land
along 'tho Mexican bordor, riding n
decrepit burro. Across his shoulder
was slung a rifle. At his saddle,
forraod by an old frayed comforter,
was his camp outfit, pickax and a
shovel. His beard, .long and strag
gling, and his long, gray sunburned
hair was unkompt As ho passed
along the street, P. A. Rambo, agent
of tho Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals, saw him.
The burro's back and hip bouos dis
played recent scars. Braunsheldt was
surrounded by a curious throng when,
as tho official placed a detaining hand
upon tho burro, he reached for his
old rifle. A wlro fastened to ono end
of tho barrel caught in his tattered
coat, affording Rambo an opportunity
of disarming htm.
At tho offlceB of tho society the old
prospector told n story which won
sympathy. It wob ropoatod later to a
throng of citizens who accompanied
Braunsheldt and Rambo to n livery
barn, where the burro had boon
City Gets 125,000
posr CARD
CHICAGO.If any one doubts that
tho friends of Chlcagoans do not
send them cards from all parts of the
world during the vacation season, Just
ask tho lotter carriers. Chicago's post
office la now receiving 125,000 cards
dally, and when the postcard crop is
at Its height, the office will handlo
200,000 cards a day.
If all of tbo postcards tbat come to
Chicago each day at this tlmo of tho
year from poople Jaunting throughout
tbo country on vacations woro placod
end to end, tho line would reach a
distance of twenty miles.
Flvo hundred postcards laid on top
of each other form a pile ono foot
high, and so, by careful figuring It Is
found that the total number of cards
coming to Chicago dally will form a
- ' g--" irW
Children Swat Flies for the Bounty
BOSTON, Mass. An endeavor to rid
Worcester of files through a fly
Killing contest Is under way In that
city and scores of children have en
tered tho competition.
Many prizes, aggregating moro than
JG00. are being offered to tho children
producing the greatest number of dead
flies within the tlrad limit of tho con
test, nnd during the few days tho com
petition haB been going on several
hundred thousand of tho germ carry
ing insects havo been slaughtered.
Tho Insects are measured by tho
quart as they aro brought in and
throughout the city tho llttlo ones are
dally engagod in a wholesale fly mas
sacre. One boy tells of cntchlng 10,000
flloB in an old cow stable and thou
lands moro around garbage cans. In
their hustling for the prizes tho chil
dren are invading back alloys, stables,
markets, setting traps among garbago
and dirt of all kinds, and patrollng
various Insanitary placos where the
most files aro found.
Few contesUats are confining their
rent with discord by tho announce
ment. Women who had tho temerity
to nsk their husband how many hum
ming birds would bo necessary in thelt
cat wero generally told that a whole
aviary would not make them a pair of
shoo strings.
U was only natural that there
should bo much conjocturo as to tho
possiblo adoption of tho now fad by
Chicago womon. in vlow of tho fact
that It takes tho whole southwest sldo
of a cow to make one of them a pair
of slippers it was goncrally agreed
that ono Chlcngo order would put tho
humming bird family out of business.
"I'm willing that my wife should
have everything within reason," said u
man whoso cut glass display Indicated
thnt ho was not dodging any creditors,
"but 1 draw tho lino at $2,600 n pair
for shoes. Just think of It! Shoos
that cost $1,250 n foot Sho crlod and
called me a tightwad when 1 refused
to grant her tho appropriation, but I
told hor sho would have to stick to
the leather kind or get another cash
"I've got a wlfo and sovon daugh
ters." sold another man, "and whon I
went homo to lunch thoy pulled thla
humming bird thing on mo. Evory
one of them has feet like floundors,
and whon they insisted on bolng in
stylo I turned over my bank books'
and reserved a placo for myself In the
bread lino."
stablod. Willing hands rqached for
pocketbooks and nono desired to have
him punished. Ho was roloascd.- Aa
ho walked away from tho city hall
building, ono arm placed affectionate
ly about tho burro's neck, ho was
cheered by tho mon who contributed
to provldo him and his companion
with food.
llraunsholdt, known to many pi
oneers as Aaron Brandt, has won and
lost fortunes in search of wealth
which bo believes exlBta in his gyp
sum claims near Tucson. For forty
years ho has nrospocted. Ills wife
and tholr only daughter conductod a
confectionery in San Francisco. In
tho great fire Mrs, Braunsheldt and
tho daughter, Clara, wero killed and
their little property lost. Slnco thnt
time Braunsheldt has been prospect
ing The only thing loft of his family,
tortuno was tho burro, which his
daughter had named "Mrs. Buffalo
Post Cards Daily
stack 200 feet high or equal to the
height of some of Chicago's taller
One little Innocent postcard often
makes tho postman walk two or three
floors higher than he would go If he
woro carrying only "legitimate" mall,
Frequently tho postmon return to tha
offices and find thnt postcards have
compelled-them to walk one-third far
ther than tho regular mall would have
taken them.
Tho Chicago postofflce handles In
one day more postcardB than any
other offlco in tho world under ono
roof. Tho vacation porlod brings one
half as many cards to tho city ai
does Eastor or Christmas time,
A downtown novelty dealer declare)
ho sells as high as $100 worth of post
cards a day.
Of course, the postofflce has to be
Just as careful with a 'llttlo vacation
card as with a real letter. But one
k'lnd of card Is barred, tho varloty
that Is covored with tinsel. Tinsel ti
poisonous and the dories aro not com
pelled to come in contact with it.
attention to homos, for thoy can
gather comparatively few flies thoro.
Some parents look at this feature of
the conteotwlth decided, disapproval,
Thoy foar tchlldrcn are very likely
to contractXpeeasos in Invading such
places and handling tho llloa.
Another feature 1b that each child
must kill the fllos and thon dry thom
carefully before turning thom in. In
this way the cblldron directly handle
tho germ-laden Jnsects.
t Traps of overy shape and descrip
tion as well as all manner of ingonlous
methods to kill tha insects are bolng
used. Fly catching devices are sell
Ing at a premium, and men and wom
en appear aa much interested in tha
affair as the children.
l ML uYtfjrGikluu4PItunrt
Come follow the arrow 'til you Join ffllf j rHtv.
yNKbj themtrrythrongof palate pleaMdmen H IB I iHawSA
m&tfm and women who have quit teeklng for ANJeHB&tY'm
HH the oee beat beverage becauee they've UHWA.
M Rett latUactton in every gta snap and psrkle v!m M 1
m and go. Quenches the thlrat cook like a breeee. m 1
Deticiow RcfmUag WbetaeaM M II
jLlfc,tW GcEverywherm f
I ThtTtath i P Anew IMnk
My bcu
She Mr. Smith advertises all the
how wrinkles.
Ho Fatal mistake. He won't get a
woman in his store.
A Busy Place.
"Where Is that spot you call the
lovers' lane?'" diffidently asks the
young man while tho young lady waits
on tho hotel piazza.
"Right down yonder," replies tho
cleric "Just koop going until you see
the porter from the barber shop.
Lovers' lane is so crowdod now that
we have him stationed thore to give
the guestB checks, so that each inay
have his turn." Judgo'a Library,
Stop the Pain.
The hurt of a burn or a out stops when
Cole's Carbollealvo Is applied. It heals
quickly and provents tears. 25a and EOo by
arURglttR. For free enmple write to
J. W. Cole & Co., Iiluck Itlvor Fallt, Wit.
A man can't nlwnys dopond upon a
grass widow to ueo that his grave is
kept groen.
Lewis' Single Binder Rivet a mnn what
he wantt, a rich, mellow-totting clear.
Good men aro scarce, nnd bad ones
often havo to mnke themselveB so,
Avegefablc Preparation for As
similating ilie Food and Regula
ting Hie Stomachs and Bowels or
Promotes Di(Jjslion,CliecrfuI
ness and Rcst.Contains neither
Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral
Not N ah c otic
Pttipt tfOUi DrSAUVUYKrSt
Pkimpl!r Still
hirn SttJ
Cffttti Sufmm
Winkifrlin fdlrcn
Apcrfect Remedy forConsllpa
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions, Fevcriah
ness and Lt)SS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
Tire Centaur Company.
Guaranteed under tjicTpoodanfl
SCxact Copy of Wrapper.
he U particular,
About the way
Maggie ue FauIlleM Starch.
Se I aa look ray bet"
Instead of liquid
100,000 pcoplo last year used
P&xtine Toilet Antiseptic
Tho now tollot germlolde powder to be
dissolved in water an needed.
For nil toilet and hyglcnlo usee It ta
better and moro economical.
To save and beautify the
teeth, romove tartac and
prevent decay.
To disinfect the mouth, de
stroy disease germs, and
purify tho breath.
To kcon artificial teeth and
brldi'oworU clean, cfdorless
To remove nlcotlno from the teeth and
purify the broath after smoking.
To eradlcato porsplratlon and body
odors by spongo bathing.
The boat anttsoptlo rash knows.
Relievos and strengthens tired, weak,
iuflamedoyen. Hcala Borethroat,wouBda
and outs. 35 and 50 eta. a box, dmgglsta
or by mail postpaid. Sftmplo Free.
Your Bowels
, Cut out cathartics and puratthrea. They w
brutal, harthtUnneceMory. TryHfw
Purely vegetabla. Act ,
sent i a on, the liver,
eitminme one. ana
toothe the delicate.
bowel. Cura
Bltlouincii, 1
Sick Utd.
acbt aai lailfntloa, at mlllUaa knew.
Genuine must bear Signature
iruta Ulfi Ui
IIIm. Nt, cltta,
HUM. CUl-tlpUlM
IIP OYtf. Will BOt Otf
o lolurt injUilnf.
Gumntreii fffecv
Im. OUIK.ilmM
til irfpkltor70.
IIO lit KUk Jr.
, VmUja0.t.
1 ouneai (a
'tbo ptekace
4thar lUrehai only 13 ounc tD8 prlea a
Tor Infanta nd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
VMaaanrawa eatMirr, nra vciuairr.
aaaaaLM I H tall fl aYf