The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 17, 1911, Image 7

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The Universal
By Dr. Frank Crane
In tho ono universal church to which
all good mon belong, composed ot
thoao of all faiths who honestly live
up to tho best thoy know, whether
Christian or Pagan, Jew or Oontlle,
Catholic or Protestant, thoro Is a cer
tain fundamental creed. This, tho
greatest common divisor of all creeds,
may bo thus stated:
1. Tho good man sees, acknowl
edges, and bollevos In, first of ull, tho
dlffercnco between right and wrong.
Whon tho word ought disappears from
ono's vocabulary ho may bo pure of
moral decay. Tho ono man nbomlna
bio to any decent society Is tho man
who thinks nothing matters. Wo can
tolerate one, oven, who doubts thoro Is
a God; but If ono beliovos there Is no
Jlno between right and Wrong, thon,
as Dr. Johnson said, "lot us count our
spoons when ho leaves."
2. Tho good man believes that hap
piness will come to him, permanently,
and ns a law, only as he practices do
lug right. Joy, peace, and bliss nro
not to bo cozened nor Joggled from
God or naturo,' but nro tho suro por
tion of them that persistently do what
they think right. Doing right,, of
courso, does not always bring money
or famo or other external desired
things, but It brings peaco and polso
to tho bouI, ns surely as three times
flvo makes fifteen. Thoro nro no moro
exception to this rulo than to a law ot
iphyslco or of geometry. Tho cosmic
accuracy runs In spiritual as well as
in material things.
3. Tho good man's duty (In which ho
find hnppinesa) Is first of all to do
tvelop his personality. God mado him
for a purpose; his Joy will consist In
finding and fulfilling that purpose Ho
is not to be somo ono else, not to
copy; but, using all mastors, to bo
come moro and more himsolf.
4. It is his duty to bo strong. Ho
can bQ of uso to others only as'ho has
forco In himself. Ho tlioreforo Btmns
all things that tend to weaken his arm,
his brain, or his heart.
5, His duty 1b to be clean. This
Item of the creed Is oldest and now
est; oldest, In that cloanslngs wore a
part of ovory early rollglon, tho com
raands of Moses, for Instance, abound
ing in many luBtral rites; newest, in
that the ono lesson ot modern science
is the nower and safety of tho ant!
septic lifo. Tho devil's namo as far ns
bodily health and mental clearness
and spiritual vigor is concerned, is
dirt. Dirt Is tho ono enemy to bo
.hated with all one's soul and to bo
fought unto otto's last breath.
G. His duty is to bo bravo. Tho basic
sin of all sins is cowardice. Tho high
or tho realm of lifo In which we movo
the moro dangerous is any kind, of
fear. And tho most deadly of all fears
is tho fear of tho truth, or the fear for
tho truth. Any man or Institution that
HE lit 8 to prcsorve himself or Itself, for
tho snko of "expediency," that Is to
say, for fear tho truth might do harm,
any man ot institution, in tho words of
Zaugwlll, that proposes to live and dio
in "an autocasm without facts," 1b
7. His duty 1b to lovo. Although, ac
cording to tho foregoing points in tho
creed, ho Is to dovclop self and bo
clean, bravo, and strong, yet ho is to
find his motive for all this and tho
end for which he doos all this, outsldo
and not inside of himself.
It is at this point that ho rises, like
an aeroplane leaving the runway on
thb ground and soaring aloft; hero tho
mnn leaves the company and -slmlll
tudo of all other creatures. In his
powor to be actuated by unsolflsh mo
tlves he becomes as a god compared
to the beasts.
lid" lives for his wife, his children,
his friends, his country, his race; so,
In widening wnves liis radlo-dynamlo
flows. Tho gopd man therefore hates
no living creature. Ho dosplses no
human being.
In him Is a centrifugal power out
flowing to inundato the unlvorse.
8. From this lovo arise all gracof
and virtues as., naturally as peaches
grow from poach trees. Loving all he
cannot boII a soul, nor wrong a fellow
being, not hurt wantonly, nor usurp,
nor push for precedence, nor bo un
kind, nor In any way drift into the
low, poUon life of egoism.
9. His ono aim, last of all, Is tc
serve. Strong in hlmBelf, fearless and
loving, ho arlseB at length to tho plat
form where stands ho who was called
"tho first born among many brothren."
He Is the master's companion and also
can put away all cheap success, all
luxuries of greed and dominance, and
repeat his master's words:
"Lot him who would bo greatest
among you be servant of .all, I, too,
como not to bo ministered unto, but to
The Supreme Message.
Christ shall bo first or not nt all.
In tho lives of men let us live nobler,
try to bo better nnd truer to ourselves
and give our testimony whenever tho
opportune tlmo comes. Rev. C. K.
Carpenter, Methodist Episcopal, Galea
burg, 111.
No Substitute.
Interest In art, letters and architec
ture, success in business politics and
social life, loyalty to clubs, creeds and
.rituals will not satisfy tho soul's na
tlvo thirst for God. Thero aro no sub
stitutes for God. Rev. A. Petty, Con
gregationalism Sprlngflold", Mass.
Shakers Get Their Name From the
Violent Contortions Introduced
In Their Worship.
Now York. Tho Shakers are a
body of socodera from tho Society bt
Friends formed by Ann Leo (Mother
Ann) of Manchester, England, about
1757, and so called from tho wild and
violent contortions introduced by
thom into their form ot worship.
Their official title la "Tho United So
ciety of Bellovors In Christ's Second
Appearing." Tho sect emigrated to
America in 1772 and settled near Al
bany in 1774. Their chief seats havo
be'orr at Mount Lebanon and Water
A Typical 8hakcrv
vllot, N. Y. Thoy number 15 soclotloa
in tho United Sttttos and have a mem
bership of about 1,728.
Tho Shakers bellovo in spiritualism,
practlco collbacy, and community of
goods, opposo war, refrain from- oaths
and douounco baptism and tho Lord's
Supper. Thoy nro noted for their
frugality, Integrity and thrift In
Mount Lobanon, thoir largest com
munity, thoro aro several families
mado up of 160 porsons, Including 35
boys and girls. Tho other societies
aro mado up in about the samo ratio
as tho ono nt Mount Lebanon.
Tho announcement that they aro
winding up their financial affairs In
Ohio and New York calls attention to
tho final failure ot ono ot the longest
existing of the many communistic ox-
,pcrImonts that havo been trlod in this
In tho years following the American
Revolution, moro than a score of com
munistic sectB nnd dolonlcs were es
tablished In tho 'United States. Some
of them appealed to tho sonsualltlos
and somo of thom wero plain swin
dles. Tho Shakers hold out no sensu
al or financial allurements nnd it is
surprising that thoy havo endured so
long, oxcept on tho theory that their
simplicity In living attracted recruits
and mado thom tho solo survivors of
all these social oxjjerlmonts. With
thoir passing will close ono ot tho
most interesting chapters of social
experiments in tho history of any
This Makes the Fourteenth Which
Has Como Into the Chicago
Zoo Zebu Family.
Chicago. Another sncred calf, the
fourteenth born to Romeo nnd Juliet,
In tho 14 years of their residence at
tho Lincoln Park zoo, has mado Its
appearance. Hundreds of persona
thronged to' tho zobu's pen to look
at the new arrival.
"Tho Lincoln park too 1b-getting n
reputation as a breeding ground for
animals, and wo are' supplying al
Zebu "Juliet" and Calf.
ir.efr.t every zoo In tho country with
our rare specimens," said Superln
tendent Cy Do Vry "Only the othei
dny wo shipped a two-year-old zebu
to the Washington Park Zoological so
ciety at Milwaukee.
"Altliough tho zebus havo th'o roc
ord, the lioness and Hon are slowly.
gaining upon them In raising a family
Tho Honeys, ns a rulo, glvos birth to
thrco at a tlmo. whllo tho sacred cow
has only ono offspring."
Tho zebu is a native ot India, whore
It is revered by tho inhabitants. It
Is pampered and caressed, and to fcod
It Is deemed n morltorlous act. The
animal Is used as a beast of burden
and can travol from 30 to 40 miles a
Horseshoe In Pine Tree.
Milton, Ind. In tho heart of a pine
treo 18 Inches in dlamctor a horseshoe
was found by M, E. Hubbell when ho
cut tho treo down. Tho position of tho
horseshoe Indicates that It was placed
around tho treo many ycats ago when
It was a sapling and In tlmo had been
covered by the growth ot the wood.
City and State Face Tramp Question
NEW YORK. How can the Kmplro
stato and Now York city boIvo Its
tramp problem? Tho vagrants now In
tho stato would form tho entire popu
lation of a city the stzo of Albany.
Tho Empire Btato, and especially its
metropolis, Is tho mocca for this vast
army of dorellcts.
Tho jails, penitentiaries nnd alms
houses art) put to an cxponso of $2,
000,000 annually in endonvoring to
copo with tho problem which has
arlson through tho existence of this
undeslrnblo clement. Hut far more
sorlouB than this is tho loss caused by
tho destruction ot property, robborlos,
fires and kindred misdemeanors,
which costs tho stato, tho railroads
and other privnto lntorosts ovor $10,
OpO.000 annually.
Tho immenso number of tramps tres
passing on railroads and tho fntalltlos
which overtake many of them may bo
judgod from tho fact that In a poriod
Alaska City Center
FAIRBANKS, Alaska. If you should
happon to drop Into a town where
a newsboy scorns your nickel and
asks you 25 cents for n nowspapor,
whero ordinary meals at lunch count
er restaurants aro a dollar a throw,
whoro tho only communication with
tho balanco ot tho world Ib by wlro-
loss, whoro lco Is plentiful but you'vo
got to pay to skato, and ntoam pipes
nro laid alongsldo tho water pipes to
keop them from freezing, you'd think
you had struck a queor placo, wouldn't
Yot such a placo is Fairbanks. You
might well expect a town that's 2,500
miloB north of Sonttlo, WaBh., to bo In
porpotunl zero weathor, but you
wouldn't expect a city located this far
up In tho lco bolt to bo so rich that
It could afford a wator system, not to
mention tho luxury of steam heat,
whldh, while not only providing
warmth for prlvato homos of tho city,
Is mado to swaddle tho firo plugs and
koop thom thawod out and ready for
uso during tho long winter.
Sovon months of the year aro "dark"
In Fairbanks, and during ono ot thoso
months electric lights nro burned on
tho streets 24 hours n day. If you
want to rend your morning newspnpor
at breakfast it must bo by tho aid of
tho electrlo bulb, and In what would
bo your noonday glare you havo got to
carry a lantorh in ordor to distinguish
Bank Uses Thumb
TO write
CHICAGO. Chicago hns a bank
which Identifies Its depositors by
mennB or tno tnumb print mark.
When a customer who ennnot wrlto
his namo opens nn account or deposits
money or withdraws it ho makos a
thumb mark on tho slip, and is suffi
ciently identified.
According to tho cnshlor of this po
cullai bank, thero hns novor boon nn
error In tho Dertlllon systora or ldon
tlllcatlon. When wo began business
six years ago, ho snys, not moro than
one In throo of our customers could
sign his name In English. Wo would
not accept signatures In Jewish writ
Ing. Wo woro confronted by a serious
problem. Tho use of tho thumb print
was BUggosted, and It has worked out
to perfect satisfaction,
When a man comes in to open an
account and wo find ho ennnot sign
his namo we fill In tho Identification
Police Chief to Stop Boys Smoking
KANSAS CITY. Kan. Tho amall
boys of this city now havo an ot
aclal rather to watch thom and vre
vent their smoking clgnrettos. Henry
T. Zlmmer, chief or pollco. has un
dertaken to vigorously onforco the
Knnsas Inw which forbids minors to
smoko. Tho police nro confiscating all
tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, cigarette
papers and pipes found In possession
of youths. It's bnck to tho corn silk
and tho grnpevino for the boys. They
cannot legally smoko until they roach
tho propor ago.
This law Is of tho 1909 vintage, but
llttlo attention wao paid to it and tho
Kansas City boys who wanted to "roll
ono" went ahead and rolled it .and
smoked without official tnterteronce
Thero wero somo complaints to the
.tlty olllclals, however, and finally Chief
Zlmmor ordered tho patrolmen to stop
Juvenile smoking. Tho chief has seven
eons and ho know something nbout
how to atop smoking.
Patrolmen visited tho confoctlonory
ind drug stores whero boys congre-
ot flvo yoars actually 23,964 trespass
ers wero killed and 25.23G Injured In
tho United States while stealing rldos.
Moot of them woro trnmps, and at
least one-fifth ot tho nccldonts took
placo In this statu.
A largo proportion of those vagrants
are youths and young mon whoso ages
rango from sixteen to twenty-ono.
Roared in tho cities their yearning for
adventure, uncontrolled by proper
homo conditions, causes thom to tnko,!
tne road.
Though ono-hntf of those finally quit
tho nomadic lifo and return homo or
settle down, tho remaining half bo
como Inveterate trnmps and gradual
ly turn from vagrancy Into n career
or crime or seml-crlmo. A very largo
percentage, howovor, nro adult's nnd
comprise ovory spooles, from men who
will not or cannot work through
chronic unfitness to thoso who nro
Innocent victims of downright adver
sity. Ono solution proposod Is to form a
labor colony. A labor colony Is, brief
ly, a stato-owned colony Tor tho de
tention, reformation nnd Instruction In
ngrlculturo and other Industrial occu
pations ot persons committed by mag
istrates as tramps and vagrants.
of Queer Things
thatS th' y
tho neighbor you moot In tho etroot.
A common laborer gots 5 a day
and board In Fairbanks, nnd board Is
a factor worth considering. It Is esti
mated thnt It costs about $2.25 to sup
ply throo meals a day hero, do the
laborer Is making tho handsotno sum
of $7.25 por dny, or $43.60 per wcok.
Even undor thoso conditions Inborers
aro scarce
Fairbanks is as cosmopolitan ns any
mining camp in tho wost, A steam
rnllroad connocts Fairbanks with nil
ot tho mines within n radius ot 60
miles, and trains nro run several times
dally and from various polntB. Fair
banks proper has a population of 5,
000, which Includes two banks, two
hospitals, numerous hotols, four auto
mobiles, an eloctrlc lighting plant and
othor accessories of civilization, Tho
population ot tho district outsldo of
tho city consists of nbout 5,000 pooplo.
From October to April of each year
Fairbanks is wrapped in n heavy
shoet of lco and snow nnd tho ther
mometer varies from 20 to 60 dcgrocB
bolow zoro. I
Print Signatures
card for him, Just as wo would for
any othor doposltor. Thon wo wrlto
his nnmo and wltnoBs his mark. Thon
wo clvo him nn ordinary rubbor
stamp pad with red Ink on It, and ho
presses first ono thumb nnd thon tho
other on the pad and makes a care
ful, cloar Impression of oach on tho
cornors of his card.
When tho depositor comes back to
add to his account or to withdraw
money tho bank attendant makes out
tho Blip for him nnd writes in his
namo. Thon tho depositor mnkes his
thumb print on the slip nnd presents
It at tho teller's window. Tho toller
turns to tho card Index nnd finds tho
card, Just as ho would for any othor
depositor. In plnco or looking at tho
Elgnnture ho looks at tho thumb prints
and compnroa thom with tho marks
"on tho deposit or withdrawal slip.
Wo havo novor had a complaint or
error rrom tho uso or this systom.
Thoro are absolutely no two thumbs
allko, and tho thumb print mark Is
an absolute Identification. Wo havo
had complaints ovor signatures, but
novor over thumb prints. Mon havo
clnlmcd that they did not sign with
drawal slips, but no ono has ever do
niod his thumb mark.
gnted heroro nnd nftor school hours.
Hoys who woro Bmoklng woro takon
to tho police station. Thoir tobacco
and cignretto puporB wero token away
from thom. Tho chief lectured tho
boys nnd permitted thom to go homo.
A Inrgo number wont through this ex
perience. Tho smokers' supplies the police
confiscate aro burned at tho pollco
hoadquarters, Evory few days tho
smoko from tho city hall chlmnoy
hears tho tobacco-laden odor of a
levee barroom. It is simply a row
moro sacks or tobacco and a few moro
bunchos of papora passing beyond the
reach of tho boys,
a n i
Valley Forgo Is Rich In Historic
Whizzing Automobiles Now Bring
Groups of Patriotic Stghttaera to
This 8cene of the Revolution'
Darkest Days.
Philadelphia, Pa. Through tho love-r
ly wooded hills and up and down tho,
valleys which glvo tho namo of that
historic spot, Valloy Forgo, tho scono
of tho darkost days of tha Revolution,
go rushing nnd whizzing nowadays tho
hourly nutomobllos bringing groups of
patriotic tourists from nil tho coun
try What n chango In tho spot nnd In
tho pcoplo slnco that time when Wash
ington and hlB suffering hereon
camped among thoso plcturosquo
hills. What a gip botweou thoso foot
soro, discouraged mon and tho pleas-tiro-seekers
whirled In luxury through
this great nattonnl park.
For sdmo eight mlloa tho motor
route circles nbout ovor tho flno park
ronds, and on every sldo tho natural
charms ot tho beautiful scenery nro
enhanced by tho hostorlc nsRoclnttons.
Many lnomorlnl tablets havo boon
erected, mnrklng whoro dlfforont divi
sions of tho nrnfy or various com
manders wero stationed. Hero nnd
thero aro log cabins, reproductions of
tho oldou huts, nnd standing on tho
old sites. Thoro aro linos ot tho old
entrenchments to trace, and much olso
of Interest to u student of military
affairs, but tho automobile Is toe
swift for study of this sort Tho
Memorial chapel, unfortunately, doos
not He on tho routo taken; It requires,
and woll doscrves, a separata trip.
Ono docs, howovor, pass tho old
school house, built by Letltln Ponn In
1703, which wna occuplod by tho Con
tinental army as a hospital during tho
wlutor of 1777-1778. Tho flag floatB
,over It, and a group ot budding cltt-
cons, who ougui to uevoiop romnric
ablo loyalty educated In such a shrjno
of liberty, flock out for recess ns the
motor car passes.
Hut tho central point ot tho trip to,
of course, Washington's hendqunrtors.
TIiIb plain old stono structuro Is n fine
example of tho sturdy buildings ot
Colonial times. In Its simplicity and
Washington's Headquarters.
strength It shames tho flimsy work
ot modern contractors. Tho Interior
Is vory Interesting. Tho two main
rooms 'on tho ground flour open from
tho wldo paneled hall with amplo
smnll-pnned windows. In both rocop-
tlon rQom nnd ofllcoi tho walla aro
adorned with portraits, and valuablo,
rollcs In cnsoH nnd In tho old-fashioned
chlmnoy cupboard attract tho
oyo. "arandfathor'B clock ticks Jn tho
corner, and an old gun fills tho open
Across an open pnssago through
which sun and wind havo full play,
Is a wing containing tho quaint old
kitchen. Whllo this separation of
tho kitchen from tho main body of
tho houBo has omo advantages, the
modem housewife would certainly
objoct to tho unnecessary Btops it
occasions. And she would doubtlosa
bo nt a loss to get a moal ovor tho
flroplnco with Its hanging hooks and
From tho pump room adjoining the
kitchen a steep flight of stops do
sconds to nn underground passage
only lighted from nn opening In tho
lawn above. Tho othor end of tho
passago onco communicated with the
rlvor and thun afforded a menus of
rofugo and escape In caHe ot surprise
by tho onomy, That end Iibb been
closed up, but the curious Investigator
can dencend nnd wallt. along the
damp, dark passage, with thoughts ot
tno dangerous days when nuch n so
crot way was deemed necossnry.
Xhc bedrooms on tho floor above
aro vory attrnctlvo In their qunlntnoes,
Thoy have been furnlBhod by different
chnpters of tho Daughters of tho Revo
lution with suitable nntlquo furniture
so thoy muHt look very much ns thoy
did In the hours when Washington re
posed In tho big "four-poster," or In
tho strnlght-baekod chair by tho fire
place brooded over tho perils of the
country. On tho third floor, to which
ono must climb with bended head It
n bump Is to bo avoided, tho bedroom
Is as cozlly old-fashioned ns anything
In tho houso.
Much time might bo profitably spent
In looking ovor tho mnps, plnns, etc.,
which hang about tho walls of tho
hall and tho main rooms, but tho In-
toroat of tho nverago tourist in such
mattors is soon glutted and ho prefers
to walk about the lawn and vlow tho
houso from overy sldo, or stroll down
tp tho Schuylkill rlvor In front of tho
headquarters and people tho scono
with tho figures ot Washington and
his veterans.
Mail Horse Holds Record,
Portland, Ore. F, J. Hogol, rural
mall carrier, owns a maro that has
traveled 14,000 miles in the employ
ot tho government.
The Great Toilet Germicide?
You don't havo to pay 60c or tl.6d
a pint for Hstcrian antiseptics or per
oxldo. You can make 16 plntn of t
moro cloanstog) germicidal, healing
nnd deodorizing antiseptic solution
with ono 2Eo box of Paxtine, a tol
ublo antlsoptlo powder, obtainable &l
any drug store
Pnxtlno destroys germs tnat cause
dlseaso, decay and odors, thnt Is why
It is tho, best mouth wash and gargle,
and why It purifies tho breath,
cleanses nnd prcscrvoa tho tooth bet
tor than ordinary dentifrices, and la
spongo bathing It completely eradi
cates perspiration and othor disagree
ablo body odors. Every dainty worn
nn appreciates thla and Its many other
tollot and hygienic uses.
Paxtino Is splendid for soro throaty
Inflamed oycH and to purify mouth
nnd breath after smoking. You caa
pet Paxtino Tollot Antlsoptlo at any
drug storo, prlco 25o and 60c, or by
mall postpaid from Tho Paxton Toi
let Co., Iloston, Mass., who will Bond
you n freo sample If you would Ilka
to try It before buying,
Millions Going to take a vacatloa
nilllons If I "do they will say I am
afraid to stay hore, and It I don't they
will say I am afraid to go away.
If you are a paper hanger or dealer
In Wall Paper, It will pay you to know
that T. J. HEARD & DUO., Omaha,
havo ready for distribution, (among
tho trndo only), tho finest and most
comploto sot ot wall papor samplo
books ovor ottered to the "Western
trade This assertion wo will vorlfy
by Bonding you on application a set by
exproBs nil chargoa prepaid, and not
asking you to sell tho goods unless you
find them O. K. In prlco, stylo and qual
ity superior to any you have-ever
handled. Wo havo but a limited num
ber ot sots, which wo desire to placq
at ouce on above conditions. With
thes'o books you will bo able to meet
all competition, whether your custom
era deHlro tho choapest or most oxpen.
slvo goods, and don't you forget, that
our location nssuros you of quick deliv
ery and low freight rates, hong sots
for storo dealoro, and short sots for
canvassing. Please specify which you
dcslro. To secure a set you must send
In your application at once. T. J.
HEARD & DRO., Omaha, Neb. Oldost
Wall Paper Houbo In Nobranka,
Mrs. Willis Isn't It awful the way
peoplo pnw ovor goods In 'a storo?
Mrs. OIUIs Shocking. I wont over
to tho waist cbuntor this morning and
picked up ovory alnglo"armcnt and
thoro wasn't ono that didn't 'have the
marks whore somebody had boon han
dling It
Important to Mothers
Exnmlno carefully overy bottle ol
CASTORIA, a safo nnd'suro remedy tor
Infants nnd children, and boa that H
Signature of (ZaM&J
In Uso For Ovor 30 Years.
Childron Cry for Plotclior's Castoria
She (with earnestness) What do
you consider tho most subversive of
comfort In domestic realities?
ilo (with bitterness) Pillow shams.
one (tie Rinnller ivfter u(nu Allen's lToot-Kaie,
tbe antUftptla powder to ho shaken luto tho
klioo. It raakea tlht or new shorn feel ea.
Httutt luhlllulit. For Free trial pnekag-o, s4
(Jrea Allen B, Olmited, Le Hoy, N. Y.
II. Gilbert.
premature death. Sir
Lewl' Blnglo Binder 6o cigar equals la
quality rnont lOo ctgAri. ,
Two may bo company unless they
are husband nnd wife.
It's Good when the
' Btomach is bad.
It's Good when the
bowels are clogged.
It's Good when the
liver is inactive.
It's Good in any
malarial disorder.
PITCUTC rorWDe. tr tsideia paterts.. Pro.