Society Mil $M-Wlw$ f&nhmi TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JULY 14, 1911. No. 46. 1 TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS ' Mrs. G. T. Field entertained tho Episcopal Guild yesterday afternoon. Miss Lillian Sturges has accepted n position as stenographer in the II. K. surveyors office. A young daughter of J. A. Markee, living south of town, is nuiToring from a fractured leg. Material for tho new school house west of the experimental farm is bolng assembled on the grdund. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Austin nro now occupying tho now homo which thoy recently purchased on west Fourth St Wnnted To rent four or five room cottage. Apply at Tribune. Last Saturday lightning struck the ground north of Sutherland nnd ignit ing tho dry grass burned over a terri tory about twelve milo3 square. Dickey Bros, wore awarded tho con cession for refreshments on tho Chau tauqua grounds at a mooting of tho directors, which was held Tuesday ovoning, Wo deliver fresh milk and cream every morning at Armstrong's and North Platto Meat Market D. P. Co., Phono D75. Learning that North Platto had or ganized a commercial club, Colonol Cody writes: "Now that looka liko business. If thoy will Jet mo 1n on it, buy mo n reserved seat; I want to hear tho band play." Claud Stockham, traveling passenger agent for the Union Pacific, spent Wed nesday in town and went up tho branch yesterday. Ho is arranging train sched ules for tho bigcrowd which is expected hero on the date of tho Wild West show. Lost on the road between Nichols school house and North Platto on July 5th a brown coat Finder return to G. M. Cary or this ofilco and receive reward. Cecil O'Hare, ' arraigned before Jus tice Sullivan on tho chargo of conduct-' ing n house of immoral character south of thff river, was given her clearance papers, justice Sulljvaii ldecidinij the evidence not sumcienfto convict. Tho' enso attracted tho attendance of a largo crowd of curious mon. J. S. Kobbins and son Clay have traded their ranch of 9G0 acres south Of Wallace for property in tho village of Wallaco, tho transfer having been mauc last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wood White nnd son Major left Wednesday for Toronto, Canada, whoro thoy expect to spend tho summer in a cottage on tho lakes. Enrouto homo thoy will visit relatives in Now York City. Kov. W. H. Wilson of Beyesville Ohio, and brother J. W. Wilson, of What Cheer, Iown, wore called hero Oarly in tho woek by tho iltnossof their mother. Tho former returned homo yesterday morning. WnntedA girl for general hoUsa work. 413 East Fifth Btrcot Assistant Senior Superintendent II. J. Roth and Superintendent McKcown of tho Wyoming division were in' tho city this week on official business and loft Wednesdny for Northport fo inves tigate conditions thoro. Tho Irrepressible Club held n very en joyable moonlight picnic Tuesday even ing at Dick's Grove. Miss Lela Scott was tho guest of honor and tho affair proved nn agreeable surprise to her. Miss Ruth Stroltz chaperoned the young ladies. Harry Oleson, former chief clerk in the R. R. surveyors office in this city, who has been holding a similar position in Sidney for a month past, is now as sociated with tho Conrad Water &Land Co. nt Valier, Montana, having assumed his duties tho first of the week. A score of ladies enjoyed tho hospi tality of Mrs. Edgar Schiller Tuesday aftornoon when sho entertained at a roso party. Largo boquets of thoso flowers were used in tho decoration of tho rooms while tho color schemo pf pink and green nnd the rose design were carried out in the refreshments. The afternoon wns Bpent in kensington work. Miss Helen Doollttlo of Long Bench, Calif., wns the favored guqstat a moon light party nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rincker Tuesday, evening. For this occasion the verandas and trees wore hung with Japanese lanterns and I prcscntca'n protty appearance. ( Enjoy ' able ' games vero played during tho evening and delicious refreshments served at the close. G. M. Gilbctt was a visitor in 'Goth enburg this week. Raymond Tigho loft yestordojfor Denver, Salt Lake nnd other points" to spend a fortnight '. Miss Mabel Gumb, of Grand Island will arrive hero tomorrow to visi nt tlio Day homo for several days. v, C. L. Dourghty, proscription clorlnt tho McDonell & Graves drug storeric tUrned yesterday from a short vislfettln Omaha. , fm Mrs. Orra Doford nnd daughtor Tracy loft yesterday morning for ington to visit with frionds for ton day Tho Cotorio Club nro tho guests of Mrs. Georgo LcDoyt this afternoon. Miss Villa Whitaker will leavo inn fow days for tho east to purchaso hor fall milinory. J. J. Miller of Chicago visited with J. F. Clabangh Wednesdny on his return from the western const MIssTilllo lhixoll. snloslndy at the Templo of Economy, is taking n two weeks vacation. M. ErScott nnd family arrived Wed nesday night from Cuba, Ills., nnd near of household goods arrived yoHtordny. For Sale Milk, cream nnd snrfner or more. ) I chickens, delivered. Phono D7G. Mrs. James Roddy, son Paul and dnu- Roy Malonoy of Eustlsnnd Miss Mor ghtqra Marguerite and Angela came gnrot Leitch of Koarnoy were married It jme last night from n short visit in in this city Instcvoning by Rev. Porter. Grand Island Mrs. Forbes nnd daughter, of lojvn, mother and sister of, M. J. Forbes, will arrive tomorrow for a visit with -tho lntter and family. Mrs. Robert DJckey nnd son nro com templnting a visit to Indiana and Illinois noxt month nnd expect to . be absont several weeks. Mrs. Anna Crnmcr, of St Paul, is spending sovernl days in town, haying arrived tho first of tho week to attend the wedding of her son. Miss Nnomi McArthur, ofOmahn, n-! rived hero yesterdny to nttend the houso party which will bo given by Miss Grace Payne. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lamb and sons of Den ver visited in tho city yesterday while enrouto east in their car. The boys nro college frionds of ChnrJesMartini,. Jr. , Rev. Allen Chnmberlntn will leavo to morrow for Fnrnnm, Elm Creek and other towns to spend u week holding qunrtcrly meotings. Ho will bo accom panied by his daughter Helen. ' Another nfco rain fell in Lincoln county Tuesday evening, and from re ports received there was no part of tho county which did not get more or less of the moisture. It enmo in timo to keep tho corn in good growing condition, Tho threo year old daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Ray who' livo at Locust Grovo south of town, was badly burned Wednesday by falling into si tub jf boiling water, A local physician wns called at onco nnd the little patient its resting as easy aa can be expected. seems to have heon quito general, Lexington hnving received .42 of nn inch, Gothen burg ,53 of nn inch and Gnndy one inch. Bob Hollingsworth the voternn trnvel 'ngrnnn on tho road for thoBrittain dry goods company ntSt Joe, Mo., wns in town Tuesday talking his wares to tho business men. ...... .. ... MHtsses well urntt, Knte Seyfcrtli, Alice Uirge, Hannah Kolihor, Alice WW cox, Alice Lnngf ord nnd Gcrnldine Bare will be the guests at tho house party to bo given by MisrtGraco Payne noxt week. Why lot your money lay idlo in tho bank? I have sovernl choice loans that will net you 8 por cent C. F. Temple. Tho Grand Island 'Independent this week published an account of tho elope ment of G. E. Pickering of Kenrnoy who for n numbor of years has been stnte organizer for tho A. 0. U. W. lodge and Mrs. Duyra wlfo of a black smith of Arcadia, who left hor Infant child with her parents nnd mot Picker ing nt Grand Island. Their disappenr nnco at tho same time aroused suspicion and upon investigation it wns found thoy had reached Hustings and woro in tho custody of tho police. Pickering had been pursuing his work for tho lodge in nnd nrouncl Arcadia for several weeks and his attentions to Mrs. Duyra were marked. His wife, is a resident of Kenrnoy and refused to bellovo the utory: Pickering la well known nmong tho local Workman having organized sovernl classes here. Tho-big auditorium tout Is on tho grounds nnd will bo erected today. It is ono of tile the largest used by any Chautauqua. ' Tho management has provided free settees, similar to those used last year, for about 800 people 300 chairs will bo sold nt 15 cents for a session. Plnnk sonts will be provided for tho remainder of tho crowds. Headquarters tents will be located on tho grounds by tho Yeomen, Catholic Indies and the Order of Protection. These tents will bo rest tents whew members and frionds will bo welcome. Season tickets nro selling ns well or bettor than was expected considering the weather conditions of the Benson. Lnst year COO Benson tickets wore sold but qulto n numbor woro purchased during the session. It will bo impossi ble to announce tho number until about Friday of next week, Twenty tents will bo erected on the grounds for campers. Of these, 12 have been engaged, The low tents rent for $3 for tho week and tho high wall tents for $5. Wo put them up and take take them down. 15000 copies of the Chautauqua Herald have been printed nnd sent out to all of lhe residents nnd tax payers of tho city and county nnd many of tho surrounding counties. Special agents were sent to Ogalalla, Sutherland, Hor Bhey, Maxwell nnd Wcllflcot and each of these places has been billed and posted. It is thought that the enrollment nt tho Junior Normul and Lincoln Coimty Institute willtotal 200 ,by tho end of next week. Tho morning sessions will bo on tho Chautauqua grounds. Tho North Plntta Band will give con certs on "North Platto Day." Bills nro bolngdlstributcdln Horshey nnd Suther land advertising Horshey and Suther land Day at. tho North Platto Chautau qua. This is Tuesday. VYeunommy b Wnllaco and Wollflcet Day and Thurs- day Is Maxwell and Brady pay. EacJ) of th'eso places will bo represented by good delegations. 1 ; Tho special tent used by Miss. Aahl n tiCo children's work la hero nnd up. It is 20x30 foot and is used exclusively by them. Parents should see that tho children Havo this holiday. It is instruc tive and educational. A child's Reason ticket is fell that is necessary. Cost $1. Children cannot bo admitted to this wdrk on An adult tickot In calling up tho Chautauqua grounds no number Isnecessnry. Call for "Chau tauqua." Order chairs savod if you can not get thom in time, C cents each, plnco them whoro you wish. Purchasers of scaaon tickets must not expect to bo admitted if they do not present their tickot at tho gate. If you forgot yourUckot, purchaso a twenty five cent ticket nt tho ticket ofllco and notify tho gate keeper that you expect to present your tickot for a return of your money. When you bring your ticket at n later date present it to Secre tary and your twenty-five centa will bo returned. On Saturday, July 22, at tho Chniu tuquua Dr. W. H. Wilson, Stato In spector of Nobraskn, will sponk'nt 10:30 a. m. on tho Public Health question. The mooting will be presided ovor by Dr. D. T. Qulgley of this city and Bomo special music will bo provided. Tho North Platto Public Health Association will distribute over one thousand but tons with tho nnmu of tho association and n suitable illustration with the motto "Svmt tho Fly" Season tickets admit to tho Bession without further chargo. BnJ Concert Program. Following Is program of concert to be given tills ovoning at 8:15 at Court house park, by tho North Platto band. March "Rival Rovers" Alexander Selection "Mndamo Shorry' ' . . . Hoschua March "Tho Commander" ..R. B. Hall Waltz "Panaics for Thought" Blyn Popular Song "Thnt Loving Trnu- mcrei" Stauflfor Modloy Ovorturo "HaVilands Happy Hits No. .2" Hallo March "Brooks Trlumpnl . . . . .Soitr. Notice. Tho republicans of Second Ward of North Platto will hold n caucus nt tho court housu Friday, July 21st, 1011, at 8 30 o'clock p. m., for tho purpose of selecting a Precinct Coinmitteuman and olecting delegates to the Republican County Convention to-be held at North Plntte, Saturday, July 22d. E. H. Evans, Committeeman. Jib zc CLEARANCE SHOE SALE-:- 1 Therfe is a time to buy Oxfords and that time is RIGHT NOW. We were just notified that our jfall stock is on the way and we must make room for it. Every Oxford in the house goes into this sale. Call early and secure your size and when you compare the shoes with the prices, you will be apt to buy several pairs. ' Don't Delay, Come at Once. These Prices are for Cash Only. White Roman Sandals, sizes S to 8 at $1.00, 8 1-2 to 11 at $1.25, 11 1-2 to 2 at $1.50. $4.45 All our Men's Oxfords in patent, gun metal, black or tan, bluchcr or button, Nettleton or Florsheim makes. Regular values $6.50, $6.00, and $5.50. Clearance sale price All our Men's Oxfords in all the leathers and styles, Florsheim, Crawford and K-0 makes. In fact any Men's Oxfords that sold for $5.00. 1 Off Clearance sale price M'iKO't) Choice of all our $4.00 Oxfords, Patent Leather, Gun Metal Blucher, and Button. Clear ance sale price Choice of our high grade Boy's Oxford3, high heels and high broad toes "Just like Dads," sizes 2k to 5k, regular $3,00 grades, Clear- 3ff ancesale price... 3OqJ S2.95 Same as above in sizes 13 Clearance sale price , to 2- :' $1.85 We have about 80 patis of Shoes just like this cut, only Iaco in black and oxblood. They make a fine play shoe for the summer weather. No tacks whatever strictly sewed. Sizes 8 to 12, regular $2.00 values, while they last at 95c All our Ladies Oxfords and Pumps, Ties, either with or without straps in all the leathers black and tan velvet and satin that sold for $5.00. (Ji Clearance sale price, tlaSoaf Choice of all Suede, Oxfordsi Pumps and Princess Pattern Oxfords. Regular $5.00 and $4.50 fry iff values. Clearance sale price )0nr3 Choice of our Cross Strap Suede Pumps and 3 Eyo Ties, that sold for $3.50. Clearance sale fa price , Jj03 Choice of any Oxford Lace, Blucher, Patent Leather, Gun Metal, or Kid oil styles that sold for A $4.00. Clearance sale price bt) Choice of all our $3.50 Oxfords in all the (f (" leathers and styles- Clearance salo price $0O Choice of all our $3.00 Oxfords. Clear- rt- 1 ance sale price t 4 O Choice of all our $2.50 Oxfords. Clear ance sale price Choico of all our Young Women's Oxfords nnd Pumps, Buttons, Lace or Strap, low heels, sizes 2fc to 5i, regular $3.50 grades. Clearance 8ale price Choice of all of 'our Young Women's Oxford's and Pumps, Patent Leather, Gun Metnl or VicI Kid, Low 4 heels, sizes 2 to 5h regular $2.50 grades, clearance sale price 11U 1Y1U, AjVJW $1.85 Choice of all of our Misses' Roman Sandals, 5 straps and 2 strap Suede Pumps, in fact Off all the $2.50, clearance sale price i Ot) Regular $2.25 and $2.00 grades same as above Sizes 8 to 11. Clearance Sale price $1.60 $1.95 Remember these prices are for cash only. Sale begins Saturday, July 15th. n Choice of all our Misses' Oxfords and Pumps that sold for' $2.00 and $.175. Sizes 1H j iff to 2, Clearance sale price J) I $t Same as above sizes 8Jr to 11. Regular $1,75 and $1.50 clearance sale price. . $1.35 I H OW 1 1 DIENER & FLEISHMAN. Choico Tpf any Child's Oxfords or Roman San dals. Take your pick of our stock in sizes 5k to 8, Clearance sale price, 0 S 1 .00 Choice of any Child's Oxfords or Roman San dals. Take your pick of our whole stock in sizes 1 to 5. Clearance Hi salo price 1 DC . - L