Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor ni Pat!iW. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ono Year by Mail in advance ....$1.2f One Year, by Carrier in advance $1.60 Entorcd at North Platte. Nebraska, office as Second Class Matter. Post TUESDAY, JULY 7, 191 1. -v Continuation of withering hent over the corn belt resulted in excited corn mnrkcts at all the groin cantors Wed nqsday with an ndvanco of from tjiroo to'ftvo cents per bushel. In Chicago July corn advanced to sixty-fivo ccnta nntl September corn to sixty-six. Oats shared In the excitement and advanced two and one-half cents. The temperature at Lincoln Wednes day afternoon wan 110 In the shade and 107 in Omaha. At both these places it was the hottest ever recorded. The hot wuviujxtondfl all over the country and many deaths from excessive heat are reported from the cities. From Tues day morning until Wednesday noon 125 deaths from this causo wore reported from six cities, twenty-sovort of which occurred in Pittsburg. If the Nebraska Telephone Co. will invest that forty or fifty thousand dollars in bettering iUByBtom in, North Platte and at the ontno time give us good service nt renBonablo rates it wfll have something that In equivalent to an exclusive franchise. With such a sys tom'nnd with such service and rates no company will hnvo the hftrdihood to at tompt to put in a competing system. It looks to us as though the Nebraska Telephone Company's success In North Platto does not dopondupona franchise. Tho Springfield Republican says that s over fifty of tho loading railroads of tho country operated agricultural In struction cars and trains during tho fiscal year prior to the one just closed, and they expended over $90,000 on this work. It Is safo to say that even more roads wore active In tho same way during tho last fiscal year and that moro monay was spent. Tho rnilroad companies are, of course, consulting their own.1 interests in this, hut for all that, it is n bonollcoiit work for tho whole country. W. Hf C. Woodhurst is tho latest to publicly nnnounco his candidacy for n county office, hla dosiro being to ro coivo tho republican nomination for .county treasurer. For nearly a quarter of a century Mr. Woodhurat has been an active worker for the republican party, b6th in tho county and in the Htato at largo, and has freely spent hla time and money for tho success of re publican candidates. Having resided In the county almost consecutively for thirty-five wars, no has a large n9 quaintancovfn both town and county and ougnt to provo a voie-gotior. iw ability to fill tho position of county treasurer is unquestioned, belnre ono who has had .vicars of clerical nblllty. TJhn Record of One Day. A recapitulation of J,ho result of the celebration of Independence day In Philadelphia was mono Wednesday and shows that it was as near an "old fashioned Fourth" as anyone would wont it. It was tho hottest Fourth of July In thirteen years and there were eleven deaths from tho heat and many prostrations. Twelve persona wore drowned In tho rivers and crcoks,Jn nid about Philadelphia while bathing; tlicro were two murdoni, novoral attempted murdors nn"tl numerous brawls and nput 400 persons woro treated nt hospitals for injuries received in handling fire-, works. Among tho injured aro sorrto serious cases, out nojdeaths are oxpucted unless tetanus follows. Senator Rrowu Endorsed as' Progressive Beatrico Express: That Senator Norria Brown of Nebraska is stead fastly lined up with the element of pro gressive republicanism, which now is cdmposod of practically tho entire re publican party, in indicated in an inter view to which ho submitted in Wash ington Wednesday, Tho senator de . cluro emphatically that ho is in favor , of revision of the tariff downward, as demanded In tho last republican plat form, and shows that ho is not dlsposod to quibble ns to tlfo mothod by which revision Is to to obtained. "All 1 want," said Sena,tonBrown, "is an opportunity to vote for a downward revision of tho schedules, I do not care much about the form n which tho revision If pre sented to tho senate. If wo can hava a chance to voto on each schedule on Its owri-morits I will hnvo no complaint to mnko. I think I would prefer to havo revision in that fashion, However I entertain no' fear about attaching tho schedule to tho reciprocity ntrrom6nt Such an amendment to tho pact would not Injure It, and I cannot bellovo that tho president would veto such a joint bill, not only becnuao ho wants reci procity enacted into law tot this session but also because I believe that whop tho Issuu is smmrolv presented to him ho will not voto tho bill because it carries a revision of tho wool schedule. I don't like the wool schedule and tho president has told tho country that ho does not, Therefore, I think thnt schedule stands nn excellent chanco of being rovisejjat this session of congress, StraMws Male Quartet. Tho Strollers Mnlo quartet will pre sent a lively program of music, both vocal aim . instrumental, nt tho Chautauqua nnd when this company has-conw and gono it will ba romem , bored ns one of tho most pooulnr musicals that has ever been hoard in this section. Tho Strollers Quartet filled 160 dates last year for tho Redpnth-SIuyton jjycoum.uroau witnout n single criticism.. Their vocal work, both In solos and cnsomblo is excellent. In several renditions they appear in special costumes. Mr Longstroot, tho Solocu tionist, adds still further to. tho ovon ing's program '. ;- For Sale Ono moving picture theatre lHTtoWtf 2,2(50. Doing good- business, reason for selling--other business. Ad dress Lk-Bx74o Gdthcnburg, Nob. Injured at Hershey. W. N. Rose, living four miles south west of this city, met with a serious accident at Hershey Tuesday. Ho had entered for the pony race, and was riding his horse on tho main thorough fare, preceding the race, when a farmer with a two seated carriage came along from the east headed for town. Rose's animal was unmanageable and dashed Into tho buggy, breaking tho left hind axle, upsetting tho vehicle and dump ing out the driver, while tho horse fell with Its rider. Roso plunged to the hard ground, striking the left sldo of his face, the nnimol falling on him. Tho accident was witnessed by many peoplo nnd they quickly assisted tho injured ono to a nearby residence and medical aid from North Platto sum moned, an tho local physician was out of town. Before tho doctor from North PIntto arrived, Dr. N. McCabc, carfio along in his auto and gave first assis tance. It was found that tho unfortu nate man had his lower left jaw frac tured, and tho lowerllmbs badly bruised. Dr. A. L. Ambrose, who Is looking after Dr. Twinem's practice, responded to the call from Hershoy nnd nrrived there shortly nftor Dr. McCabehad cared for Rose, who was then taken on No. 4 to this city and removed to tho P. & S. hospital, Wednesday he tnkon to his homo south of tho whore he Is getting along nicely sldenng tho nature of his injury the extreme hot weather. was city Wins Three, Lose Four. Mcmbors of tho North Platto tennis club,- who went to Lexington Tuesday, played eight games, lost four won three and tied on olio. Keturn games will played in this city .tho early part fcepiemuer. Card of Thanks. Wo1 desire to thank our many friends and neighbors for. their klndnoss nnd sympathy during 'the slcknoss and burinl of our bolovod inothor and grand mother, also for the benutiful floral offerings. -"' Mit. and Mns. J. W. Slutts and C'HjLDHHN AND M3. ELLA YOUJfQ. ,! .. i. ir.,, ii , . - , ,, A now No, 10 visiblo Smith Promior typewriter was instnllod in District Clerk Pressor's office yesterday. Ordinance No. 5. AN ORDINANCE, Providing for tho submitting to tho electors of tho city of North Platte tho question: "Shnll.tho city of North PlaUe issue its bonds in tho sum of $22,000.00. for tho purposo of obtaining to nccommcdate tho city ofTicota and reN corns, tno nre department nnd lire ap paratuses and police department, nnd to provide for the levying und collect ing, by the proper officers of said city, a tax annually ufficlent to pay tho In terest and, princlpnl of said bonds as they mature?" Be It ordained by tho mayor and city council of North Plntto Section (1.) That a special election shall be called on tho 2nd day of Aug ust, 191Mn tho city of North Platte, Lincoln countv. Nebraska, nt which tho following proposition shall be sub mitted to tno voters of said city: Sha tho c tv of North Platto issue its bonds jn tho sum of $22,000.00 In denominations of SI 000. 00 eiich. dated Sept. 1st, 1011, duo in twenty yenrs irom their date, but payable at any time ' hf tor ten years nt the ontion of said city, to draw interest nt tho rnto of five per cent per annum, semi annually, principal and interest paynble nt tno nseni agency o tno state ot Nebraska, In tho city of Now York; said bonds to bo used for tho jpurpose of obtaining money with which to erect n city liul). to accommodate tho citv officers and records, tho fire depart ment, nre apparatus, nnd police de partment. And Bhall tho nronor officers of said city bo authorized to levy and collect a.tnx annually, in tho same mannor ns other municlpnl taxes.-may be levied and collected, in an amount BUIIlcient to pay tho intorcst and prin cipal of said ootids ns they mature, in addition to tho sum authorized to bo levied by Section 82, Article !1, Chapter 13, compiled Statute of tho state of Nebraskn, for tho year 1909, until sinld bonds and interest are paid, on nil tho proporty within said city, ns shown nnd valued on tho assessment rolls of tho assessors of said dtv. Said bond to bo negotiable in form." section (2). Tho bnllntH to bo used at said election shall have printed thereon! FOR issuinir S22.000.00 of thu. bonds of tho city of- North Platte, for tho purposo of erecting a city hall to nc- commodato tno' city officers nnd records, tho firo department and firo apparatuses and tho poli-o department, nnd ftfr levying and collecting a tax annually to pay the interest ,and principal of Bald bonds ns they mature. AGAINST issuing $22,000.00 of the bonds of tho city of North Platto for the purposo of erecting a city hall to accommodate the city olllcero and re cords, tho fire department and firo ap paratuses nnd tho polico department. and for levying and collecting a tax annually to pay tno interest and prin dual of said bonds as they mature. Those voting In favor of said prop osiuon sunn marK tnoir ballots with an X after tho paragraph boginning "For issuing $22,000.00 of tho bonds of tho City of North Platto" and thoso voting against said proposition shall mnrk their imiiuuj wiuj an a. opposite tno paragraph boginning "AGAINST Issuing $22,000,00 of tho bonds of tho city of North Platte. " Section (a). Notice of said election shall bo given by publication in tho North Platto SemlAVcoklv Tribune, a nowspapor of general circulation in said city, for three consccutivo weeks prior to mo unto ot saiu election, sain notice shall consist of tho proclamation of the Mayor, attested by tho Clerk, sotting soiling lortu mo proposition to bovotc( on. Section (4). Said election shall bo hold In tho First "Ward at tho Hose House in said Ward. In tho second Wnnl in thu Commissioners room on tho second tloor of tho Court House in said Ward, In tho Third Ward nt tho Hosellouso in said ward nnd in tho Fourth Ward at the IIoso House in said ward. This ordinnnco shall tako effect and bo in force from and nftor its passage nnu npprovni, according tor law, Dated this 3rd duy of July, 191L . Tuos. C. WATTERSON Mayor. Attest: ClJAS. F. TEMI'LH. 4 City Clerk. PAssod and approved this IJrd day of July, 1911. ' Political Announcements FOK TREASURER. I hereby nnnounco myself ns n can didate for the republican nomination for county treasurer, subject to the decision of tho voters of tho primary election August ICth, 1911. I will fully appreciate the support of republicans. U. It. WALTERS. I respectfully announce that I am a candidate for tho republican nomination lor county treasurer, subject to the decision of tho voters nt the primary election August ICth. Support given me will bo appreciated. ALBERT JN. JUUHB1M, 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for county treasurer, subject to tho decision of tho republican primary August 16th. I will appreciate the support of republicans on that day. Frank Murray. ' Follow citizens of Lincoln county: I lercby announce myself a candidate for county treasurer and respectfully solicit your support nt the polls. If elected I win enocavor to uo my uuty m such a wny no to meet the npprovni of the people. WALTER U. MONEEL. FOR CLERK. I hereby announce my caftdidncv for tho nomination for county clerk subject to the decision of the republican party nt tho primnry. Wm. Otten. I Hereby announce mvself n candidate for countv clerk subject to tho decision of tho republican voters at the primnry oleotion to be held Tuesday. August ICth, 1911, and rcspoctfully s&llcit 1 your support. U. WILLIAM lOST. FOR SHERIFF. I announce mvseirns a candidate for sheriff, subject to the decision of 'the voters at thu primary election to be hold August ICth, 1911, and respect fully solicit thosupport of tho republi cans nt that election. A. J. SALISHURY. I horobv annnounce mvEolf as a can didate for the republican nomination for sheriff, subject to the decision of the votOrs nt tho primary election on August ICth nnd respectfully solicit your support. I. U MlLTONHEaER. I horoby announce myself as a candi date for the democratic nomination for sheriff subject to tho decision of tho voters at tho primary election on Au gust lbui nnd respectfully solicit' your support. y ti. (J. MCUEE. I horebv nnnounco mvself as a candi- dato for sheriff on tho democratic ticko t suniect to tno decision ot tho voters at the primnry election on AuguBtlG, 19LI. JiDD J.'. KEliHAUSEN. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. y I hereby nnnounco mvself as a candi date for the nomination of county Buper- democraticprimnry. ULIO K. UHAPPELL., Brady, Nobr. I hereby announce mvself ns a can- didato for tho republican nomination for county superintendent, subject to tho decision of the Voters at tho primary election August 15th. Your support is rcspcctluIJy solicited. ... vvm, isnnioiiTu CLERK DISTRICT COURT. ! I announce mvself n candidate for ro- nomlnation for clork of district court subject to the. will of tho republican voters nt tho 'primary election to bo held Tuesday, August 15th, 1911, and I nssure you your support will bo greatly appreciated. f UEO. Vj. I'ROSSER. COUNTY JUDGE. I, John Grant hereby announce mv- Bclf a candidate for tho Democratic nomination for County Judged subject to tho decision of tho voters at tho primary election August 15, 1911, and most rcspoctfully solicit your supportT I hereby announce mvself as a candi date for the republican nomination for countv iudce. sliblcct to the decision of the votera nt tho primary election on August 15th, and respect- tuny solicit your support. M. U. (JROSUY. I horobv announce mvself as a can didate for tho republican nomination for county iudiro. subject to tho decis ion of tho voters at the primnry elec tion August 15th. v E. W. CRANE. FOR COMMISSIONED. I horobv announce mvself as a candi date for the republican nomination for county commissioner from tho Third ditrict, subject to tho decision of voters at tho primary election. You support solicited. j. vv. AHIIOTT, Hershoy, Nebr. I hero announco mvself a enndidato for tho republican nomination for county commissioner from tho Third district, subject to tho decision of tho voters nt tho primary olectlon In August, and rcspoctfully solicit your support, I am a resident of Nowofl precinct and my postoillco address is Hershey. 11. J. ttUNNER, . I hereby nnnounco my candidacy for tho democratic nomination for county commissioner In district No. 3. subject iu mo reauit oi tno primary election, HENRY H. FULK. Jog-alopg Transfer Co. C. II. SAWYER, MGR. Hack and Hoavy Drnying of all Kinds. Piano moving a specialty. Up-to-dato 1911 piano truck. Office hours 8 a, m. toOjn. m. Ofllco with PostalTologrnph Office phono 201, Residence 051 Go to SORENSON'S FOR Furniture . Repairing y and Cabinet Work Also Wood Twaing, Picture Fraaiag Room MouldiBg, aad Wiadow7 Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. : Parties wishing PURE SPRING WATER ICE. AT 50c petv lGO lbs. Phone 95 H. LAMPLUGH. Save Your Suits. Wouldn't you like to wear that per fectly good last spring's fult ngnin? And wouldn't you wear it if you couid shorten the jacket to conform to the present stylo. If you haven't the time to do it, or if you deft' t know how, just send it to us. .We aro, doing a gieat deal of this kind of work this spring, as well as cleaning, dyeing, pressing nnd adding new collars and cuffs. A few such chanires will imnrove vour old nil it bo thn you will actually enjoy economy. The French Div Cleanine and Pretts- ing Plnce. A: SIGEL. ThW Little tailor 223 E. nth St. Phone 1S2, . s ' Application for Liquor License Matter of Application of Pntrick G. Hayncs for Liquor License: Notice is hereby "given "that Pntrick G. Haynes did upon tho 30th day of June, 1911, file his application to the Villago Board of Trustees of Brady, Lincoln county, Nebraskn, for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors on Lots 13, 14 and 15 in Block 6 in the Villago of Bra ly Lincoln county, Ne braska, to begin at the municipal year of 1911 nnd to end with, the same with in the, spring of 1912. If there be no objection, rcmonstranco or nrotestiiled within two weeks from July 4, A D., 1911, said license will bo granted. l'ATRICK u. haynes, Applicant. NOTICE 1'OU I'UHLIOATIO.N. . Serial No. 02527. DopartimMit of tho Intorlor, U. a. Land Olllco at North I'lntto. Nob. Juno Sis. mil. Notli'o Ih lll'ri'bv irlvon tlinf. Mnvlmll CI McNrol. ot North I'lutle. Noli., wlui. on A nr. 2(l,IWr.mndu liomoKtoad nntry No. .Stl&D.sorlal No. 0i527 for NH of NM. 8WM.8EM, ani taction 31. Township io. N. Uaniro Si w, or mo otii principal Meridian, linn lllt'U uotlcu of lull lit on to maku Until live jrcar proof, to establish claim to thu land alxivo (IrH.'rllx'd. boforo tlio KuKlstpr and ltf colvor at North IMatte, Nobraska, on tlio 'U3d day of A ii if, lUfl. Claimant names as wltnosson! David Ma- combor, James llvchan. of North l'lntte. William droves, Waller lleaucharci), of MciriilM'v. Null. J'W-o j. R. Evans, ticclstor. NOTICE VOK l'lnUOATION. Serial No O-'WO. . Department of the Intorlor U. S. Land Olllco at North I'laMe. Neb. . , . May. IS. inn. Nntlea la littrnm' frlvnti thnt. nvnnt AIoNeol, of. North Vlatto, Nobraska, who on uotober ism. lim trade Homestead entry No. 21100. Serial No. UXW. for all of Soc tlon2.Twp. IB. N., U.32. W, of tho th l'rin. Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to maku final flvn vnar nmnf. tn isntnhlUli claim to tlio land above described. Iteforirf wiu juKisior anu neceiver at rvortn i'lntto, Nebraska, omtlic 17th day of July, 1011. Claimant names as witnesses: Darwin E. Tnrlor. Uavlll W. JlHl-otnlutr. .Tilmnu 1 lo ci I Ml and Arthur Toopa, all ot North l'latte. mIU-n T.R. Evans, IteRlstnr. Notice for Publication. Borlal No. 02212-023C5. . Departmontof Oio lntorlor. U. S. Land OtUco at North l'latte. Neb. ..... Juno 12th. 1011. Notlco Is horoby irlvon that Thomas Hol clior. of Myrtle, Neb..whoon August I. M0I, mado Ilometead Kntry No. S0I85, Sprlal No. 0221S, for SW. and on I'obruary Utli. iiw. mauu iiomerttcaa Kntry wo. whk, Sorlal No. Qim, for WH of SEW. Seo t pn. 8 Township. 10. North, raneo 2U. West of the sixth principal meridian ban filed notice ot Intention to mako final jlvoyear proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, boforo tholloitlstor and llecelver at North l'latte Nebraska, on tho lOth day of Auir, 1911. Claimant names as wltiicssesi Daniel J Orcoloy. Jacob Weber of Notth IMatte.Neb., James Main, and Krancls I.- Keslor. Nesblt. Neb. J20- ,T. K. Kvan. IloBlntr. NOTIOE KOU I'UnUOATION Serial No, 02733. . . May ltl. Ml. , Notlco Is horoby cl von that Walter 11. Mc Neul, of North l'latte, Nob., who, on Jau, sptli. 10Otlt7nade H. E. No. SUMS. Serial No. 02733. for all of Section 21. Township 15, N., HaniroSS. W( of tho 0th Principal Moridlan. has tiled notlco of Intention to mako final 11 vo year proof to establish claim to tho land abpvu described, boforo tho Itetrlster and Re ceiver at, North i'lttr,: Nntv. nn tha 11th dtv fJuly.lWU, ft' Claimant names as witnesses: Jamos Ilo- .Ciian. ot North l'latte. Neb.. Henry Doebke, Of North l'latte, Nob-, Ueonre W, Korbracho, at Huthoriand. Nob., and CharlKn II. M&- ombor. of North l'latto. Nob, i J, E, Evans, Register. , NOTJOR FOlt 1'UllMOATION. I ' . Sorlal No. 0W0. , Department Of tho Interior. Land OUIca at North l'latto. Nob. , . Juno Uth 1011, crlo, son and on,pt,tbe holrsof Oeorgo Itey- erio. uvcoasuu maimant, viioso wiro is also .dead, of North l'latto, Nobraska,, who on ueo. i, iwa, maao homestead entry jio.siw, Serial No. OuW. for P BEX, NWM BEk, HWM. and NW section 18. township 13. N. Kanse W. of tho sixth Principal Meridian ha lllnd nntlcn ot .Intention tn wake .'Anal flvo yoar proof to establish, claim to tho land above described, Boforo the lUnlBter and llecelver at North Platto, Neb., on the Suth day ot July 1011, Claimant name as witnesses: Daniel li. MoNeol, James Ilechan, Walter It Mc Neel, William W. Q roves allotXiDrUi l'latte. Nob. JI3-S J. R, KVANP. Register. Homeopathy Principles Siaulca, SktiilibiM, Cwaatas. A like remedy will cure a like discase-ns a remedy which has tho same symptoms, or produces the same in tho well, will curs. tho30 In the sick, and with na ture's help will curo.quicker than any other, and with Jess expense to the human economy. This system of medicine has at its command anything In tho realm of cure, such as electricity In any form, the Vibrator. Alassage, Hyrotherafenties. Therefore tho correctness of choosing this lino of treatment, rather than whims with a ainglo borrowed idea. For out of town patients and ail thoso interested: rooms furnished when desired for confinement, medical nnd the necessary surgin cul cases. Trained nurses in attendance. . Dr. J. S. Twinemr .Medical and Surgical Practicioner GEO. D.DENT, v Physician and Surgeon, Olllco over McDonald Bank. JOE B, REDFIELD, M. D. I'hyalclon and Surgeon. Spoclnllyt SKIN DISliHSES. Day and night cnlla promptly answered , Office P. S. Hospital. Phone 642. j DR. W. W. SADLER, j 3 Physician, Surgeon, Optician. w I District Surgebn Tj. p. R. R. Hershey, Nebraska. j DR. J. S. lirYINEM, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Special attention ulvon to confine- 5 n montsand children's diseases, ' J Ofllco l'honn 1R3 lies. Vhono 2S3 onico McDonald Stato Hank Md'sr 2 J fc. .k.X' 1 . fc. . . A. J. AMES. MA11IE AMES. y Dociors Ames & Ames, B Physicians and Surycons, ; Office over Stone Drug Co. h Phnnon l OfflCQ 273 J Phonf8. f Residence 273 (3 WILLIS J. REDFIELD, M. D Surgeon, Physician, Consultant. Office Phyeicinns and Surgeons Hospita Phofies: Office 642, Residence 644. ' Spireila Corset. The Ladies's Home Journal, Pelinq atorYogiie, et,c, are advertising the Spireila Cqrset. These advertisements arc of particular interest to corset wearers. As local corselicre for the Spireila ' Company I am in position to give you the benefit of my training and experience. I guarantee your cor net to fit you, to be the proper model for you. I do residence fitting, will call, demonstrate the corset and ex plain it to, you at your convenience. MRS. M, K. DUKE. 408 East Sixth St. Phone Red 202. F. J. BROEKER, Merchant Tailor. We have recently installed a French Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies' apparel of all classess, and wo guarantee satisfactory work. We are also tailors and know how to repair clothes. We carry samples of goods and make clothes of all kinds to order, insuring first-class workmanship and perfect fit. THE MAN, THE GIRL, THE CIGAR The Man, the Girl and tlieCjgar a happy combination to a certainty, and one should be,as good as the other. We can't furnish tho young moa with the girl, but we can fur nish him the,Cigar, and it will be a cigat as good as the girl is sweet, and one which Smoked in hCr pres ence will not be offensive to her. If you don'tbelieve us, try one. J. F." SCHMALZRIEDr PERFECT IN EVERY LINE that is the way you will l(ok in your photograph, when wo tako it. You hnvo' tlio right to demand perfection of port raiture. YOU LOOK YOUR BEST when you come to us, and wo do our best This means that something will result, and It Is a perfect photograph. G.W.ANDERSON Road No. 344. The commissioner" nnnointed to view for the purposo of establising a public road as follows: 'Commencintr nt the northeast corner of Section 12, township 1G, range 2G, and running thence west one mile to the northwest corner of section 12, town ship 1C, range 20, thence running south one and one half miles to the south cast corner of the n. o. quarter section 14, township 1G, range 2G. Also commencing at n. e, cornor of section 14, township 10, range 2G, and running west one half mile ns nearly on tho line as pr.icticnl; has reported in favor of the establishment of said road and all claims for damage or objection thcretolnust be (lied in the office of the county clork on or boforo noon on tha 31st day of August, 1911. juatcti Mortn natto, JNob., Juno.2tf, 1911. F. R. Elliott. County Clerk. Road No. 347. The conimissioner appointed to view for the purpose of establlshinc a public road as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner -section 26. township 10, range 20, and running thence east along tho north section line of said sec tion 20 to a point about 40 roads east of the northeast comer of northwdst quarter: thtinco southeasterly around tho cariyon in northwest quarter of northeast quarter -of said section and back to section lino nt about the north east cornor of northwest quarter- of the northelist quarto of said section thenco enst along said section line about thirty 1. . 1. .1 ... v . 1 ruus; uience .uuuuieriy .ucrons inu cor ner of the northeast Quarter of the northeast quarter of said section 2G to the intersection ot tho east line; thenco south along thb east line of said section to tee intersection of Road No. 212 has" reported in favor of tho location of said roads as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of sectipn 20, township 6, range 2G, and miming thenco east along the north section lino of said section 26, to a point about 40 rods east of tho north east corner of the northwest quarter; thenco .southeasterly around tno can yon, thunco in nn easterly direction to section, lino between sections 25 nnd 2G said town and range. I also recommend that a road com mencing about 40 rods west of tho northeast comer of tho northwest quar ter section 26, township 1G, range 26, and running thence in a Southerly direction for about 30 rods to intersect with the former described road and all objections thereto or claims for damage must be Hied in the office, of the county clerk on or before noon on the 31st day of August 3911. Doted North Platte, Neb., June 28th, 1911. F. It. Elliott, County Clerk. Primary Election Notice, 1911. I, F. R. Elliott, Coimty Clerk, of Lincoln County, Nebraska, do hereby direct thnt n primary election bo held at the voting-places in the various pre cincts of Lincoln Gounty, Nebraska, as by law provided, on tho third Tuesday in August, A. D. 1911. At said primary election, candidates for the following offices shall be nom inated to be voted on at thej regular November, A. D., 1911 election: Three judges'of the Supreme Court; Two regents' of tho Stato University; Ono state Railway CommissioneJ; One district judge Thirteenth judicial district in Nebraska, ' Ono county judge; Ono sheriff; One coroner; Ono county treasurer; One county clerk; Ono county surveyor; . One county superintendent; One clerk of the District Court; Ono county commissioner, commis sioner district number three; Ope overseor in cash road distsict; Two justices of tlio peaco; (in each precinct) Two Constables; (in each preclhct) Which eloction will be open at 12 M noon and continuo open until 9:00 o'clock in the afternoon of the samd" day. Dated, North Platto, Nebraska, June 28, 1911. F. R, Elliott, County Clerk. Estimate of Expense for the Fiscal Year 1911. I, Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk In pnd for tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nonraska, hereby certify that the'.following estimate of expenses waB made by the Mayor and City Council of tho City of North Platte, Nebraska, for tho Fiscal Year 1911, the Cth day oft June, 1911. Salaries of City Officials $2,500.00 Fira Department 8,000.00 Polico Department 2,100.00 Streets and Culverts 3,500.00 Sidewalks, crossings and approaches , 1,500.00 General and Incidental Expenses.... 4,000,00 Fire Protection 3,500.00 Street Lighting .3,000.00 B6nd & Interest Sewer 1,700.00 Sower Maintenance 1,000 00 Wator Bond Interest 5,000.00 City Library ,1,500.00 City Hall Bond & Interest.... 1,000,00 Total $33,300.00 The eritiro rovonua for fiscal year was $22,190.00. CHASrF. TEMPLE, - ...City Clerk.