The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 07, 1911, Image 6

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IRA L. DARE, Publlshor,
Include What I doing On at Wash
ington and In Other Stations f
the Country.
President Taft accepted Invitations
to addrosB tho Christian Endeavor
convention at Atlantic C1ty July 1,
to visit tho New York stato fair at
Syracuse In Soptcmbor and to stop at
fit. Louis later that month.
Delegates to tho convention of tho
world's Baptist alliance, which closed
In Philadelphia, woro rocolvod by
President Taft at tho Whlto houso.
Earlier In the day tho delegates visit
ed tho capital and woro grooted by
Speaker Clark.
After two years' Investigation of
tho steel trust, Horbort Knox Smith,
commissioner of corporations, laid
before Presldont Taft nn exhaustive
report of his findings. Tho roport
coon will bo mado public at tho pres
ident's direction, so tho llouso com
mltteo investigating tho steel trust
may obtain tho bonoflt of. It
Spoaker Champ Clark Issuod a don
tp the administration a fow days ago
on learning of reports that Presldont
Taft purposed to veto any genoral
tariff legislation at tho extra sosslon
of congress. Tho spcakor In a formal
statement declared that the wholo
tariff ought to be revised and that
tho democratlo party would rcBt Its
Jie with the country.
Tho house foreign affairs committee
decided to report favorably a resolu
tion Introduced by Representative
Hammlll ot New York asking tho sec
retary of stato what action, If any, ho
has taken regarding a recont speoch
of John L. Griffith, Amorlcnn consul
genoral at London, boforo tho Pil
grims' socloty "In favor of nn alllnnco
between tho United States nnd Great
Britain for war upon a nation with
which this country Is at peace"
Qeneral. i
The bouse and senate are badly di
vided on the question ot direct elec
tion ot senators.
Senator Cummins spoke strongly In
opposition to Canadian reciprocity as
at present framed.
George H. Earlo continued his at
tack on Colonel Roosevelt at the sug
ar trust investigation.
There will bo no action at the spo
clal sosslon of congrosskto fix the toll
rates of the Panama canal.
NorrlB Drown says ho la willing to
vote for downward rovlston on al
most any tariff schcdulos prosontcd.
General Forflrlo Diaz, former' presi
dent of Mexico, Is on his way to Wies
baden, where ho will tnko tho cure.
President Taft announced tho ap
pointment ot Phllandor Claxton of
the University ot Tenncsseo as com
missioner of education.
President Taft was told by Fresl
Lest Shotwell, ot tho Nebraska pro
gressive leaguo, that the state ia tor
President Taft has under considera
tion, the withdrawal of the troops now
forming the maneuver division in
Robert Swazey, a Canadian, was
turned at the stake by Mexican ban
dits near Fort Summer, New Mexico,
en June 15.
President Taft nominated Robert
W. Kemp aa receiver ot public mon
eys at Missoula, Mont.
A dispatch from Warsaw states that
the congresB ot the national demo
cratic party decided to discontinue
the boycott ot government schools In
President Taft will spend one ot the
first week-ends ot tho summer at his
sew "country place" in Massachusetts
aext Saturday, arriving there from
Washington with his family.
The Wisconsin legislature took an
other slap at United btatos Senator
Is&ao Stephenson whon It roducod the
assembly representation from his
somo county from two to one,
Ono thousand dolegatos from Iown,
Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and
Missouri attended tho first annual
convention ot tho intorstnto rotall
dealers' association, which mot In
Kansas City for a three days' sosslon.
Amelia Ilapp ot Chicago saved her
money for four yoars to bring her
sweetheart, George Kott, from Ger
many, for their marriage. Now alio
Will save inony for funoral expenses.
Knott having been killed by a llvo
It was hold by the interstate com
mercri commission that a privilege
savoring ot a gratuity can not bo or
dered continued by the commission
unless the original granting ot the
privilege rested on Bomo legal obll
Sarah Bernhardt sailed for Franco
after a tour ot Amorlcn. Sho said
that she probably will return tor nn
ether tour In 1015,
Tho Interstate commerce commits
eton finds that 20,000,000 gallons ot
liquor are annually shipped by express
from mall order houses to cousumera
ia "dry" states,
Ltcutonant do Malherbo, n Fronch
military aviator, flew from Paris to
A mooting of tho republicans nnd
socialists at Madrid passed resolu
tions condemning Spain's military op
erations in Morocco.
Norman MacLeod & Co., Philadel
phia, sockbrokors, mado an assign
ment. Tho Cunningham Alaska coal land
claims wcro disallowed by tho Interior
Senatorial reports of crop damngo
In tho northwest mado the Chicago
market go skyward.
John D. Sprocklcs told how his fnth-
or and II. O. Havomoycr cntorcd into
a sugar producing combine.
Undor orders from Washington
many mall cars nro now bolng hauled
behind the baggago earn.
Old and dreary Westminster abbey
was transformed Into a scono ot light
and beauty, at tho coronation.
President Taft npproved an issue
of $1,600,000 Hawaiian bonds, tho
monoy to bo used la public improve
ment In tho islands.
It Is reported that Bakhmotloff, for
mer Russian ambassador at Toklo,
has boen promised tho Washington
pOBt In caao Daron Roson resigns.
At Coshocton, O., Aviator Lcmar
was probably fatally injured when his
Curtis blplano, flying low, struck the
roof of a house, turning over and dash
ing him to tho ground.
Festivities In connection with thq
coronation of King George, so far as
the metropolis Is concorned, ended
Friday with his majesty's treat to tho
ExpodltlouB notion in tho ponding
treaties with. Honduras and Nlcnra
gua, providing for customs guarantees,
for foreign loans by thoso govorn
monts, whoro urgod by Presldont
Taft In a mossago to tho Donate.
The supremo court of tho. United
States issued an order to tho attornoy
gonoral ordering him to Instruct tho
lower courts to carry out tho supremo
court's doclslon providing for tho dis
solution of tho Amorlcnn Tobacco com
pany. K. II. Engworson ot Chicago was
eloctcd presldont of tho National Llvo
Stock oxchango In convention In Chi
cago. Portland, Oro., gots tho next
mooting, although Chicago also was
a bidder.
Rellablo advlcos have boon rocelved
at Vlonna from Albania thnt tho situ
ation there In growing decidedly criti
cal. Turkey hao massed fifty thous
and troops within a day's march of
tho Montenegrin frontlor.
Edward II. Harrlman'B bllllon-dollnr
morgor ot tho Union Pacific nnd
Southern Pacinc railroads, with tholr
alllod properties, is upheld by tho
United States circuit court ot appeals,
In a decision handod down In St,
Rev, Timothy Sullivan, of Fort,
Dodge, tho Cathollo priest whp was
found .dead in n bath tub in a kotol In
Now York last week, was woll known
In tho Sioux City Catholic see. Ho
was statlonod In Sioux City for four
Philadelphia financial circles ro
celved a disagreeable shock whon It
becamo known that tho liabilities of
the stock brokerage firm of Norman
MacLeod $ Co., which Buspondod re
cently, aggrognto $1,182,173, while
tho nsset8 aro given aa $410,884,
MIsb Florenco R. Gushing of Boston!
who arrived from Honolulu, Jumped
from tho soventh story ot a hotel and
was Instantly killed. A noto foupd In
her room said troubles had mado her
dosparato and asked that her brothor,
C. F. Cashing, of Ncedhnm, Mnss., bo
Gifts to tho amount of $1,200,000
rocolvod by Harvard university last
year, were announced by President
Lowell to tho 2,000 for nioro Harvard
men gathered for tho alumni mooting
In tho quadrangle behind Soavor hall.
Farramatta, tho new Buramor whlto
house, Ib In roadtness for tho arrival
ot the presidential family. For sover
al months a small army of workmen
of various trades has boon ongaged In
fitting up tho houso nnd grounds for
the ubo of tho Taft family.
Tho great hurrlcano which dovastod
tho coast of Chile a fow days ngo ox
tended from Plsngua In tho nor.lh to
Antofagasta on tho south. Torrontlal
rains have followed.
A wave ot economy 1b swooping tho
country according to llgurcs ot tho
buroau of statistics of tho dopnrtmont
ot commerce and labor which dlscloso
tho fact that Americans cut tholr Im
ported champagne bill in two and
adorned thomselvos with S7.000.000
worm or uiamonus tower aunng mo
last eleven months than In the same
period last year.
Roprosontatlvo Lobeck wants the
International Harvester company In
Dr. Abraham Jacobl, ot New York,
was elected president of the American
Medical association.
The Now York grand Jury returned
tudlctmcuts against members ot the
fio-callod wlro trust.
Thoro aro signs of a deadlock 1l
tho scnato on fixing a day to voto on
Canadian reciprocity,
Hlnes, tho lumberman, figured mart
prominently than Lorltnor In the sen'
atonal election Investigation.
D. O. Clark, for twenty years head
ot tho coal deportment ot tho Union
Paclflo, has resigned and will leave
for Pennsylvania,
Woodmen ot "the World selected
Jacksonville, Fla., for tho 1913 con
Mm. Henry Hardy ot New York wo
so overjoyed at tho return ot her hus-
band, Sergonat Hardy ot tho coast ar
tlllory, from tho Mexican border, that
she died in a tow hours of heart fail
Five and Half Million Dollars of Pub
lic Funds Included In Money in
the Baraks.
A report ot the GC8 banks dolftgt
business In the stato, made by Secre
tary Royse ot the banking board,
shows that the deposits were about
$6,000,000 lower than 6no year ago,
when thoy totaled $76,904,106.90, aad
about $3,000,000 less than In Febru
ary, when they amounted to slightly
over $74,100,000. The 'June 1, 1910,
report Included reports from 662
Jjonkfl, only four more than are listed
In tho current year's report.
Public funds which are Included In
doposlts araotiut to noarly $6,633,000.
Tho report given out by Secretary
Royse is as follows:
IxmtiH nnd discountn, 162,996,009.68
Overdraft 426,010.14
Bonds, securities. Judgment,
claims, etc. ...t ),.... 609.C27.89
Due . from banks 17,653,647.09
Hanking house, furniture
and future 1,634,690.27
Other renl estate.... . 229,637.11
Current expenses und taxes
paid .... 1,120,602.35
Cash 4,387,101,24
Other assets 29,800.76
Total t ,
Capital stock i. $12,644,340.00
Surplus fund 2,448,719,97
Undivided profttM ........... 2,608,941.87
Dividends unpaid 17,057.90
Deposits 71,880,483.16
Notes und bills rediscounts . 96,818.53
Illlls payable 383,674.10
Totnl $89,986,035.53
Sullivan Asks Pardon.
James Sullivan has applied to Gov
ernor Aldrlch for a pardon. lie was
ono ot tho three men convicted ot
killing a railroad night watchman
named Frank Wiser at Sidney in the
yonr 1904. The other mon were Thom
as Mclntyro and Harry Neville.
Hearing Held July 6th.
Tho railway commission will hear
tho complaint of the Kearney Com
mercial club against the Union Pa
cific railroad on July 6. Tho matter
Involves an additional passenger train
eacli way botweon North Platto nnd
Grand Island.
State Fair Grand Stand.
Tho stato board of agriculture
hopes to havo the new grandstand
built at the fair grounds long boforo
tho opening of the fair. Two sections
ot tho ironwork havo been completed
and all ot tho Iron structure will bo
up within ten days. Tho board haB
filled 90x420 foot undor tho grand
stand to n dopth ot thrco foot, and
will fill in at the east end to make
sultnblo ground for exhibits. A dyko
from threo to six foot wldo and 2,400
feot long has boon built on tho wost
sldo of tho grounds to koep out Hood
waters from Salt crook and Antolopo
creek. Tho boirrd has engaged bands
from Fnlrbury, Wood River and Wil
bur. Stokers Purchased.
Tho Btato board of public lands nnd
buildings has ' JuBt purchasod two
moro automatic stokers for tho Btato
hospital for tho lnsano at Lincoln,
tho cost bolng $1,000. Ftvo havo been
bought for tho stato penltgntlnry at n
coBt ot $4,500. Tho hlghor price In
cludes some additional equipment.
Married for Sixty Years.
Nemaha County. Mr. and Mrs. W.
F. Paris celebrated, tholr 60th wed
ding anniversary with a family gath
ering at tholr home In Auburn. Mr.
Paris and MIbs Alvian Frasor woro
married In Iowa In Juno, 1851.
After Antl-GUt Act.
Applying for aa Injunction against
tho enforcement of tho Housch antl-
froo gift enterprise, measure passed
at the late session ot the legislature,
William Gold, of this city, mado tho
first attack on an enactment ot the
1911 session, In tho federal court
hore. Tho assault on the moasuro
comes from Gold because ot Its in
clusion of trading b tamps In the list
ot enterprises prohibited for tho gain
ot trade. The provision o,t the new.
law states that "any gift promise,
stated or implied to give or bestow or
In other manner to hold out the prom
ise ot a gift or bestowal ot any art!
cle or thing, for or In consideration
of tho purchaso by any persons of
any article or thing."
Nebraska Primary Law.
Nebraska r primary law is pro
nounced a, failure by F. M. Currlo of
Droken flow, formerly a member of
the legislature and prominent In state
politics. He asserts that the law is
a failure In every way and nearly ev
erybody in Custer county would like,
to see It cast asldo In favor ot the old
convention system.
Should Cultivate Corn.
"Farmers can Increase the yield ot
corn ten bushels or more to the
acre." said Secretary Mellor ot the
state board ot agriculture, "It they
will contlnuo to cultivate their corn
every week from nowNjn. They have
the cleanest fields now that I ever
saw in Nebraska, but they will make
a mlstako It they cease cultivating,
Ily much cultivation from now on aud
the constant stirring and pulverizing
ot the ground the farmers will be able
to make up what they may lose on a
short crop ot small grain."
Secretary Royse 8endS Notice of Flral
Secretary Royse, of tho state bank.
Ing board, from reports sent, In from
658 stato banks, finds that tnero ar
$60,253,568.72 of averago dally de
posits subject to the guaranty dopos
It law. As computed by Secretary
lloyse, ono-fourth of 1 per cent of thnt
amount, to be levied as the first as
sesflmont under tho new law, will net
an Initial guaranty fund of $165,633.
92. Subsequent payments will bo
made, in similar amounte every six
months for tho next eighteen mouths.
Tho assessment will be duo and pay
nblo July 1.
Socretary Royso has Informed bank
ers that tho banks' capital or surplus
must sot be reduced In order to meet
tho provisions of the law, but em.
phnslzcs the fact that tho guaranty
assessment Is to taxed agalast tho
undivided profits. Should these bo
Insufficient, assessments must be
made against the stockholders to
raako up tho required amount. In his
lotter to tho bankors tho secretary
further orders a regular meeting ot
the board of directors of each Institu
tion to bo held some time during tho
first ten days of July, so that a thor
ough examination of tho banks' af
fairs can be mado subject to tho pro
visions of the new law.
State's Bond Deals.
State Treasurer George han sold
$220,000 of bonds, of other states and
has arrangod for tho purchase of
$224,000 of dralnago district bonds
Issuod In Nebraska. The 'Btato bonds
sold nro $50,000 of North Carolina, 4
por cent; $150,000 ot Maryland, 3 per
cent; $20,000 Louisiana, 4 per cent.
Postal Banks In Nebraska.
Eighteen postal savings banks will
bo In operation In Nebraska by July
15. Tho various, postofllcea havo boon
designated by the postofflco from
tlmo to tlmo, somo ot them bolng al.
ready opened. July 15 haB bcon sot
as tho final (Into for completion of"
tho preliminary work.
Permission to Issue Stock.
Secretary A.v R. Patton, of the Gage
County Independent Telephone com
pany, of Bluo Springs, appeared be
foro tho stato railway commission and
asked permission to lusuo $3,000 moro
in stock and for nn ox post facto or
dor validating a stock Issuo of $4,500
already mado without nsklng permis
Pumphrey Asks for Pardon.
Charles Pumphrey, serving a seven-
year sontonco at tho stato ponltentl-,
ary for tho murdor of a Chinaman In
Omaha in 1907, has filed application
with the governor for a pardon. Pum
phrey was originally sentenced to llfo
Imprisonment, but Govornor Shallcn-
berger commuted tho sentonce to sev
en years. Two other accomplices
were sentenced to lesser terms. Tho
threo killed tho Chinaman, It was stat
ed at tho trial, during n robbery.
Files for Judge.
Charles I. Bragg, of Burwell, has
filed nomination papers as a republi
can candldnto for Judge of the. Elev
enth Judicial district.
More Assessment Figures.
Abstracts ot county assessments
for 1911 received by the stato bonrd
ot equalization show vory little dif
ference from tho assessments ot last
year. Dakota county returns a total
valuation ot $2,589,283 this year and
returned $2,615,975 last yoar. Dixon
county this yoar returns $4,077,420,
and returned $4,127,806, last yoar;
Franklin county thlB yoar reported
$3,673,103 and Inst year reported $3,
597,463; Chase county hns returned
$1,041,321 as tho valuation for this
year, as compared with $1,055,645 last
yoar; Grant county's assessment this
year was $704,496, ns compared with
$702,885 last year.
Kicks on Soggy Bread,
An old soldier from tho MllfoYd
home for soldlors, who did not give
hta name, called on Land Commis
sioner Cowles and showed htm a part
ot a loaf of bread that appeared not
to havo been woll bakod. "That Is
tho kind ot bread the old soldiers
have had to oat for five months," Bald
tho caller.
State Primary Election.
Under date of Juno 10 a proclama
tion calling for holding a primary
olectlon In the state of Nebraska was
Issuod from the executive office.
Whllo the law requires that such pro
clamation Bhall bo Issued at least 60
day 8 boforo holding the election, tho
fact that this comes out at this tlmo.
It Is not thought will react upon tho
activities ot any prospective candi
dates. Tho official proclamation calls
for tho primary election on tho third
Tuesday In August which this year
falls on the 15th.
Three Judges of the stato supreme
court, two regents of tho state unl-
vorstty and ono railway commission
er to All vacancy ore the state offices
for whtch candidates will bb selected
at that time.
The Lincoln Tax Showing.
Lincoln's taxablo property will not
show the Increase that had been
hoped this year. Since the tax com'
mitsloner began bis duties ho has
said this result would como about.
Now the totals havo been obtalnod
or real estate, and show a total as
eased valuation In tho city of $5,
672,170 as opposed to a total a yoar
ago of $5,436,405. This Is a gain on
real estate ot $23,5,665. Much ot tho
gain In taxable property In the city
Is secured from real estate, and lllus-
J trates the new growth of Lincoln.
A Rest Until After the Fourth of
July, Theri More Speeches Will
Be Forthcoming.
Washington. Tho Canadian recip
rocity situation cleared to a marked
degree Friday and a canvass of the
situation In tho senato was In every
way assuring to tho friends of the
measure. With not moro than a doz
en set speeches in prospect, many of
tho senators count upon a voto before
the end of July.
When the senate adjourned after
three hours of antl-rcclproclty speech
making by Senators Gamblo and Cum
mins thero was an understanding that
thero would be no further effort at
legislation until after July 4 and that
when business is resumed there will
be no cessation until final adjourn
ment. There will bo a brief session
of both housos, but only to meet tho
constitutional Inhibition against eith
er body adjourning for moro than
threo days at a time without the oth
er's consont
The recess will continue until July( 5.
Tho most formldablo spooch still to
be made Is that of Senator La Fol-
lotto. Ho will present hlB long prom
ised tariff amendments to tho reci
procity bill and will talk for threo or
four days discussing tho tariff oven
moro than reciprocity. These amend
ments will be In tho nature of a sub
stitute of all other tariff suggestions.
Tho only speeches promised In sup
port of the reciprocity bill will bo
made by Senators Stone of Missouri
and Durton of Ohio, In addition to
Sonator La Folletto, Senators Clapp,
Bristow, Gronna, Nelson, Bailey, Sim
mons nnd other will bo heard, but
none except La Folletto and possibly
Bristow will talk at length,
With reciprocity disposed of it Is
not believed that the sosslon will be
greatly prolonged. Tho standpat re
publlcana. aro disposed to concede a
voto on tho wool and freo list bills.
Tho democratic senators have said
from the beginning thoy would be sat
isfied with a roll coll on the two tariff
bills and thero aro Indications that
they will let these go to vote without
much debate in viow of the threat
ened presidential veto of both bills.
Senator Cummins, who hns had the
floor during parts of th6 last three
days, announced that ho would con
clude his attack, on tho bill next .Wed
nesday and that he wouia line to nave
his amendments, enlarging the free
list on Canadian products voted upon
July C.
Bomb Explodes.
Madrid. It Is officially stated that
whllo tho eucharlst procession was
passing through Callo Mayor, one ot
the city's greatest thoroughfares, a
bomb was exploded In a side street.
No ono was Injured. Ono arrest was
Green Corn Curling Up.
Lexington, Neb. Thursday was the
worst day In this vicinity for many
years as far as damage to tho crops
is concerned. Tho wind blew ihlgh
and was scorching hot. Green fields
ot corn were badly burned and curled
at night
Declared a Common Carrier.
Washington. The Manufacturers'
Railway company of St Louis Is a
common carrier and payment to it of
a reasonable portion ot the St Louis
rates for tho terminal switching ser
vices rendered by It Is not unlawful.
A decision to this effect was handed
down hy tho Interstate commerce
Tho National Treasury.
Washington. Revised estimates In
dicate that the closing ot the fiscal
year 1911, will find the federal treas
ury showing a surplus of approximate
ly $33,000,000 on all ordinary accounts.
Receipts from Panama canal bond
sales Indicate that thero will be no to
tal deficit on account of canal opera
tions, i
Naval Officers Retire.
Washington, Much to the gratifi
cation ot the "plucking" board of the
navy department, the following six
captains voluntarily retired from ac
tlvo sorvico: Burns T. Walling of
Ohio, commandant of San Juan naval
station; James C Gllmoro ot Arizona,
commanding the armored cruiser
Maryland; John M. Orchard of Mis
souri, commanding the West Virginia;
Thomas D. Griffin ot Virginia, captain
ot the Mare Island navy yards; Bon
Wv.Hodges ot Mississippi, now on sick
leave, and Edward Lloyd of Maryland,
commanding tho Wabash.
General Potts Takes Command.
Chicago, HI. General Ramsey D.
Potts of Fort Leavenworth took com
mand of the newly created central di
vision of the United States army with
headquarters In Chicago.
Withdrawal of Troops.
Washington. After a talk with Sec
retary of War tlmson and Major Gen
eral Wood, chief ot staff of tho army,
President Taft authorized tho with
drawal ot four regiments In the man
euver division now at San Antonio,
News Nous of Interest from Various
Saloons nro again In operation at
The wheat harvest In Sarpy county
Is a good ono.
Tho Young Men's Democratic club
has been formed at Holdrege.
Aurora has about decided upon Uc
lng about $60,000 worth of paving.
Henry Busey, a bootlegger, was
fined $100 by Judge Ellis at Beatrice.
Omaha had a bond issue election
the other day when all propositions
were turned down.
Some Nebraska towns haVe of late
been overrun with tramps, and yet
many farmors are looking for help. -
Tho Northwestern Railroad com
pany has a largo force of carpenters
at work enlarging and remodeling the
station at Bassett
F. W. Fitch of Omaha hns filed nom
lnatlon papers with the secretary of
stato as candidate for Judge of tho Fif
teenth Judicial district
Bridge bonds amounting to $17,000
from Morrill county, will be offered to
tho stato for Investment They havo
been sent Into tho Btate auditor's of
fice for registration.
T. C. Marsh, secretary of tho local
Y. M. C. A. of Fremont, will leave next
fall and W. H. Randall ot University
Place has practically been named as
his successor.
Rev, W. H. Buss ot the Congrega
tional church of Fremont officially
confirmed the report that ho had ro
celved a call to the pastorate of tho
First Congregational chursh of To
peka, Kas.
Weatherby Johnson was chocked in
as agent for the Missouri Pacific at
Brock, June 10, and last week, he dis
appeared. A diamond ring valued at
$375 and one at $500 and all tho sta
tion's funds aro also missing.
State Treasurer W. A. George an
nounced that ho had appointed v. a.
Danlelson of Center, Knox county, as
deputy state treasurer to succeed B.
S. Mickey who resigned somo tlmo
Arrangements for the North Nebras
kadlstrlct G. A. R. reunion at Plerco
from July 11 to 15 are about complet
ed and from the communications be
ing received from all over the district
thero will be a record breaking attend
ance during tho entire week.
D. J. Collins was arrested at Wy
jnoro nnd bound over to the district
court on the charge of holding up Gus
tavo Bauer, a farmer, and robbing htm
of $26. Bauer waa severely beaten
and Identified Collins in court as his
assailant In default of $1,000 ball
Collins was lodged In the county Jail
at Beatrice.
Washington dispatch: The abstract
ot the condition of the national banks
of Nebraska, cxcluslvo of Omaha and
Lincoln, at the closo of business on
Juno 7, as reported jo the comptrol
ler of the currency, shows the aver
ago reserve held at lb.12 per cent, as
compared with 15.76 per cent on
on March 7. Loans and discounts de
creased from $51,511,662 to $51,053,
287; gold coin from $3,480,104 to $1,
548,465; Individual deposits Increased
from $52,094,780 to $52,370,923.
Tho death of Thomas Aikins In
Omaha last week marked tho passing
of the champion man for attending
funerals in Omaha. He was past fifty
years old. and has been known, to havo
attended over 5,000 "funerals during
the past eighteen years. Mr. Alklns
was not at all times a mourner over
the dead, as he Invariably went to
the cemeteries In tho capacity of
hearse driver or undertaker's assist
ant ,
John McGulre, Ira Mills, John Mead,
Robert Shaw, H. R. Black and John P.
Long of the Arnold neighborhood havo
qualified before County Judge Hoi-
comb of Custer county, as appraisers
for the right-of-way for the extension
the Union Pacific Is building toward
Arnold and Gandy from Callaway.
Their services haven t been required
very much as genorally tho farmers
are so glad to get tho road there is
no trouble In coming to an agreement.
The continued decrease in the as
sessed valuation of counties reported
to the State Board of Equalization Is
evidence that the total assessed valu
ation of all property in the state will
bo less this year than it waa lost year.
The larger as well as the smaller
counties generally show a decrease.
Logan county has reported an as
sessed valuation of $308,347. Last year
It reported $321,000. McPherson coun
ty has reported $343,132, Last year It
reported $353,164.
Postmaster General Hitchcock prob
ably will make his decision early next
week In the matter ot deciding
whether the new railway mall division
shall be established at Omaha or Den
ver, says a Washington dispatch.
Whllo ho has given no Intimation as
to tho nature of bis decision, It Is be
lieved at the present time that he Is
Inclined to favor Omaha. Senators
Brown and Hitchcock have been In
constant communication with the post
master general, pointing out the ad
vantages, of Omaha over Denver.
Jerry Steesv roadmaster of the St
Joseph & Grand Island, with head
quarters at Hanover, lies badly In
jured In the hospital as the result of a
head-on collision between his railroad
motor tricycle and aa Incoming St Jo
aeph train.
Last week Charles Lundstrom ot
Holdrege departed for Sweden, accom
panied by his wife and young child. A
few months ago Mr. Lundstrom closed
a deal wheroby he became owner ot
2,000 acres o( land in Sweden, and he
Is going there now to look after his
property. Nearly 500 acres are tilled
trod tho remainder Is timber land.