The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 07, 1911, Image 5

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Should 'livnd'o .all' : In tinb
pined 'to ihiuro" tlio best 'ser-
, ' - ''"-t;- ;
view. Our i-ins -.onr turned1
from a solid piece of golcU ,
no sold ot- fruiT'lNs'.'"' ' .1-
14 and 1S-K.
' ' Will nsl HnttU Pl.l
Thlrtv-five ronrcsontntivo citizens
mot at the court room Inst evening and
matlo tha prclimlnnry move toward or
ganizing ft commercial body. City
clerk Temple, who wns ono of four or
ilvo instrumental in cniung me meeting,
tatcd the-object, and upon motion J.
. Hallican wns elected chnlrman nnd
Mr. Temple secretary. In taking the
chair Mr. Halligan spoke of the lack
of concentration of effort on tho part
of North Platte citizens, nnd tho need
of united action in order that this city
might occupy tho commercial position
her location warrants. He was followed
by Messrs. VanDenhoof, Bnre, Kcofe,
Bratt, McDonald, Forbes, Kellher.
Tout and others, nil of whom areucd
the need of a commercial organization
and urged its formation.
Unon motion the chnirmnn Was in
structed to appoint n committee on con
stitution nnd by-laws, and Mr. iiaingaiv
will nnmo tho committee today. Acorn-'
mUtee composed of Messrs. Bare, Mc
Donald and 'Forbes was nppbinted to
solicit members, nnd an effort will bo'
made to secure a membership of 160 or
200 Thirty-five names were attached membership roll last evening.
Another meeting win no held at tne
court house noxt Thursday eyeninpv
when tho committee on constitution:
nnd by-lnws will ronort and' n perma
nent organization effected. All citizens
interested m tno wen inro oi mrui
Platte aro urged to attend.
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
Him Ntttlotikl' IUiiW
Mrs. E. R. Plummcr is visiting friends
af Brady.
Miss Ireno Richards. is tho guest of
Miss Mabel Hayes at Cozad.
Paul and Marguerite Roddy leave to
morrow for a visit in Grand Island.
Vincent Roddy and Clnrencc Murrin
aro visiting friends in Cheyenne.
"Jack" Kiser, of Cheyenne, visited
. friends in town several days this week;
', The police drag ne brought in three
men and two women last night. They
will have their hearing today,
' Mrs. Harry Walrath and Mrs. Roy
Streeter have jgone to Lincoln for a
week's visit with friends.
Bishop Beecher will visit North Platte
riext Wednesday, and officiate at a wed
tling of a welf.kpoym young lady "
V Fairmont Creamery Co., J. F. Fillion
Agt Top price, fair treatment.
Switchman J, H. Tagader had his
right hand severely crushed Monday
morning wnen mnking a coupling.
For Salo Si oak dining room chairs
nearly now with leather seat. Cheap if
taken this week. Mks. Miller, Elk
Rooming House.
Geo. Waltz, arrested abont three
weeks ago on a statutory charge,
succeeded in getting bail yesterday.
His hearing is set for July 14.
Girl Wanted For general house
work Good wages. Mrs. Geo. B.
Dent, C20 W. Fourth.
J. C. Orr of Lewellyh is in the city
for medical treatment, having received
severe injury to his right shoulder in
falling from "his horse.
Mr. Simon, of the firm Spier & Sim
on, of Lincoln, accompanied by three
other Lincolnitcs, passed through in his
car yesterday, enroute to Denver.
Wh lmvo" all widths of ribbon to re
place the worn out fob ribbon.
Dixon, The Jeweler.
Howe & Maloney inaugurated a
special sale today and for an hour be
fore tho opening this morning twenty
five or thirty ladies waited for admis
sion. Mrs. P.' H. McEvoy had tho misfor
tune Wednesday to run a nail through
her foot. She was standing ona box or
chair in the yard and in getting down
stepped on the nail. The wound is very
You cannot keep house without some
of that swell 3-stnr glnsswure which
--Tho Tramp grocery is showing.
A special train of California Elks erP
route to the annual convention at
Atlantic City, passed through yesterday
afternoon. A numbor of local Elks as
sembled at tho depot and gave them a
Highest price pnid for sweetcreamat
Keliher's ice cream parlor.
Tho interstate PttthfinUercnr, blnzing
a trail for the World-Herald Motor
car endurance run, from Omaha to
North Platte, Sept. G-9, arrived hero
about 7:30 last night, hnving made, the
trip from Omaha in about twelve Hours.
The Lutheran Brotherhood will meet
noxt Monday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Albort Haspel. The men will meet
af the Parish house at 8 o'clock and
will be taken to Mr. HaspePs in uutos.
Every man who promise the committee
ho will go must make suro to show up
and on time.
Dr. A. J. Ames.-North Platte, gives
tho Three Day Liquor Cure. Cure guar
anteed. Prico is right. 'Reference given.
Robert Gantt, about 1G years old,
made a cannon of an old piece of gas
pipo yesterday, loading it with black
powder. When the smoko 'cleared
away Bob had to be taken to , a physF
cinn for repairs. Tho lad is staying With
' his mother temporarily at tho homo of
Dr. N. McCabo, and the doctor cared
for him. A pieco of tho pipe had found
lodgment in his right log just below the
skin. Ho is all right now nnd vill no
doubt postpone further celebration un
til noxt Fourth of July.
' DR. W. F. CROOK,
.J Graduate Northwestern University.
I uinco over JUcUonald Ktato Bank
Miss &abcl Burke camq rom Denver
1.1 IO 1I1U1U1I1.
inO Lutheran Mission-bnnd will
meet tomorrow afternoon at tho Parish
of Brady wns attending
at the county
Y , 1
t. donn.uinonn
to matters of business
seat yesterday.
Christian Science church K. P. hall
Uewey street, at 11 o'clock Sunday,
Subject: "Sacraments".
Mrsi J. J. Halhtran entertained tho
.Ulrthday Club at a five o'clock tea yes
X 1 - - T I 1 ... . . .. j j. .
xeruay. riuiea were laiu ior iourteen,
Mrs.. Howard Graham entertained
last evening at a post-nuptial shower
in lavor or Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boyd
James Flynn has decided to ehfet a
ten rom residence on his lot dh west
bixtn street. 1'icnrd Bros, have been
given the contract.
Wanted To rent four or five room
cottage. Apply at Tribune.
m i j ' . . .
j.un cuupies oi young people held 'a
moonlight picnic at Dick's grove last
night. 'llioy went out in a liny rack and
report naving a aeiigntrui time.
Miss Sarah Grace, of Cheyenne, has
been spending this week with friends
while enroute to Omaha to visit Joe
liracc, i who is. taking treatment at
Mrs. VanDoran, Mrs. Miltonberger
nnd Mrs. Lowell returned yesterday
from a three days outing at Curtis with
tne uross country Club boys,
Weather forecast: Unsettled weather
and showers tonight or Saturday. Max
imum tontperature yesterday.85; atycar
ago 87. Minimum temperature yesteri
uuy do; a year ago oi.
nave you oeen in to see that lino as
sortment of Hnviland chinnware at
Tramp's. This is a showing that will
Interest you.
miss uuin ueniy, tho private nurse
who has been here tho Inst eight months,
acccptecLa position as nurse in tho hos
nital at Yankton, S. D., nnd will leave
lor that city tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Inerle drove over from
Fort McPherson and spent thg day
with Mrs. F. Ginn. Mrs. Ingle having
come to have somo dental work dono
and expects to return next Week and
spend several days with the dentist.
Dean' Burnett of tho agricultural
college at Lincoln and Regent Hnller
of Omaha and Regent Copelnnd of
Elcin. spent Wednesday at tho oxperi
mental sub-station examining crop con
dltions and the ieedmg experiments.
In police court this rriorninc Thos
Fitzgerald, arrested in South Omaha
and brought here last Sunday to an
swerto thechnrgo or obtaining money
under false pretense, plead iruilty and
was fined $50 and costs. Falling to lioui
dnte, he was committed to jail to servo
out the fine. John Doe and Richard
Roe, real names unknown, were fined
$5.00 and costs for disorderly conduct
Martha Roe and MaryNDoo, two young
cirls from the west part of the state.
were lined and coats tor unoo-
coming conduct.
South Omaha Drovers Journal Stock
man: It looks as if the 1911 crop of
hops was trolntr to be marketed ricrht
around tho SG.OO mark and every effort
LO 1U1CU luiccn UCIUW lllUb HgUlU HUB DU
far resulted in sharply increased buy
ing orders despite tho heavy receipts
For tho past yenr or two the country
has been experiencing something of n
pork famine. Old stocks of products
were well cleaned up and for months
tho pnekers were operating on a hand
to-mouth basis. There has been i
most substantial increase in the mar
keting of hogs this year but with th
packers' cellar empty and tho ponula
tion of the country steadily growing
the increased production of pork has
not been sufficient ns yet to create ' any
burdensome surplus nor is it likely to
dunntr tho next six months, iiotrs are
$3.00 lower than a year ago, but they
aro still tho best prdposltion on the
Band Concert Tonight.
Following is the program of band
concert at the court house at 8:iu
1 1 -
rMarcli-'CelebrIty" Richards
Overture "mnonei" iiyup
March "Hose Marines" Allen
Populnr Song Success- "Put Your
Arms Around Me".. .Madame Sherry
Waltz "Loves Last Word". .Crcmeux
Medley"Sunny South"; Lampe
March-"BVooks Triumphal" Seitz
Tho collection which wns to nave
been taken up three weeks ago, but
wns postponed on account or rain will
be taKen up tonight so everyone should
come prepared to contribute tholr shnro
towahla this nonulnr amusement. North
Platte has a cood band and tho band
certninly deserves tho support of all
citizens who enjoy th6so concerts.
North Platte Wins at Sterling.
Ten members of the Buffalo Bill Gun
Club went to Sterlinir. Col.i yesterday
and defeated tho team of .that place by
a score of 840 to 835. There were ten
men to a team, with 100' tarceta to tho
tmaniniid tho- individual score of the
tNorlh Platto team was as follows
Rebhauficn 94. McDonclI 93. Neville
87. OuimettG 85. DoLanov 85. Muldoon
83, Den 82, Hosier 81, Wntkins. 81 nnd
Winkowitch G9.
Graduate Dcnlisl.
Oftlce over tho McDonald
Stnto Bank.
Railroad Items.
S. R. Keller, tho hustling freight rep
resentative of tho Chicago, Milwaukee
and SU Paul road, was n business
caller in the city Wednesday.
Firemen F. S. Forest, whilo engaged
in n friendly boxintr contest in tho
gymnasium Wednesday, was struck in
the mouth, cutting his lower lip quito
Chas. Ware, general superintendent.
was in tho cltv ventenlnv. lmvinc? ar-
---- , . .
rived on No. 10 from Denver, Whoro he-
spent the 4th of July. Ho went east
last night.
C. C. Ritenour. west end brnkemnn.
js back to work after threo days lay off)
from bnnsos received Monday when his
caboose was kicked off tho track by
being struck with a string of boxcara.
Engine 703, ono of tho now types eri-
route to tho mountain country west of
here, brought In 103 cars one day last
woek.80 empty and 20 loads and seemed
to walk along with them without appar
ently nnv effort Two of this Bnmo
class aro being held hero for minor
Chas. V. Roberta, who was brnko-
man out of this terminal four or five
ears aeo. was secretly married at
ftBoston Saturday toMiss Minorvn Van
dcrb It. dnuuhtcr of Edward warn
Vandorbiltof the wealthy vandorhilt
fnm Iv of Now York. Roberts, who is
(i cousin of Mooro Mitchell, of this city,
Is n civil nnd electrical uncrincer bv
vocation, and nt ono timo held a $5,000
position in tho government service in
'nnama. Ha went to railroading hero
ns a diversion and did not long remain
in service.
Democratic Convention.
A mass convention of tho democrats
of Lincoln dounty is called to meet
at the courthouse, North Platte, Neb.,
July 8th, at 2 p. m. for the purpose of
electing delegates to tho democratic
convent on. to elect n county central
committee and transact such other busi
ness ns may come before it.
M. Keith Neville. Chairman.
Ciias. Temple, Secretary.
Bids For" Carnegie Library-
Bids for the Carnegie library were
opened by the local board yesterday
afternoon. Three bids were hied, as
follows: R. D. Thompson $9,769.35.
J. A. McMichael $9,850, R. P. Basta
$8,200. After opening tho bids thebonrd
ndiourned until noxt Monday afternoon
when tho bids will bofurther considered
and perhaps make an award.
4U1B. tJ. IXUtlllUIlU HUD UVUIl Vt-'l
sick 'for several daytft
Will McDonald made a trip to Max
well this morning by nuto.
W.V. Hoagland went to Scotts Bluffs
last night to attend to court matters
Miss Dorthy . Hubbard entertained
last evening m honor of her guests.
Miss Zita Wnrlaumont and Miss Vera
Kerrigan of Cheyonnne.
nr. Twinem returned this morning
from his eastern trip. Mrs. Twinem
stopped in Iowa to visit relatives for
t few weeks.
Notice to the Public.
Notice is horeby given that sealed
bids for tho care of tho county poor
will bo reco ved bv the county clerK
Vnt. North Platte. Neb., said bids to bo
lllcd on or oeiore noon on uio iiui uuy
"of Julv. 1911. bids to bo in nccordunco
with the snecifications in tho clerks
fOfiice. Commissioners reserve the right
to reject any or all bids.
b. K. elliott, county uicrK.
Happiest Girl in Lincoln.
A Lincoln. Neb., girl writes.
hnd been ailing for somo time with
chronic constipation and stomach
trouble. I began taking Chamberlain's
Stomach ' nnd Liver Tablets and in
threo days I was ablo to bo up and got
hotter right along. Iam tho proudest
girl in Lincoln to find such a good medi
cine, ror saio oy aiixieaiers.
Notice of Sale Under Chattel
Notice is horeby given that by virtue
of a chattel mortgnge dated tho 7th day
of March, 1911, and duly filed in the
ollico of tho county dork of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, on tho 29th day of
Mar. 1911. executed by Henry M. Bald
rldgo and Isaac S, Baluridge to Charloy
Meyer to secure payment of tho sum of
$3150,00, upon which there is duo the
sum ot saiJio.yo. bam mortgage pro
vided that on any attempt to dispose of
tho property described in said mort
gage said mortgagee or his assigns
could take possession of said goods and
chattels whorover lound and sell th
snmo nt private sale or public auction
or so much thereof as will bo sufficient
to pay tho amount duo or to become
due. Said mortgagers having mad
default by selling said mortgaged prop
perty there Is now duo on said notes
tho sum ot ittfziu.uu. And no suit or
nnv other proceedings having been n
stitutedto recover said debt or any part
thercoi, tncreiorc x win sen said prop
erty described, viz: 39 calves, all black
except six red ones, heifers nnd steers
mixed; 34 two-year old cattle, all black
but fivo: about half steors and heifers
20 threo-yenr old cattle, all black but
hvo; six cows, uiacK ahd red; one black
bull; 21 horses, consisting of ono black
snan ot mares six years oiu: one snnn
of sorrO! horses, three and four years
old; one span of brown horses, ono six
year old and ono la yenr old. ono Borrel
mare ono gray mare; seven and nine years
oiu; iour tnree-yoar oiu oay norses anc
marcs; six two-year old horses and
mares; all bays; two bay maro colts
one span ot marcs; one sorrel nnd one
hnv. All macninory. inrm ng imn e
- i - : i .ii . i t i
mums, niriiiK wiiuii, uuuuiea, vemcieu,
harness etc., valued nt four hundred
and forty dollars. Two brood sows
valued at $30.00 being, nil tho stock
horses, cattlo and implements, except
ono nttie gray coit, two yenr old cows
red in color, nil or said cattlo are
branded with letter M and inverted
with bar under both, branded on the
right hip, at public auction, at tho
houso located on Section 32, Township
12, Range 32, in the precinct of Nowell,
Lincoln county, on tho 29th day of
July 1911, at ten o'clock a. in., of said
Dated this 3rd day of July, 1911.
Chauley Meyer,
' Mortgagee.
1 Tho Nebraska Telephone Co., is
linking extensive improvements in tho
i-oatern portion of tho state, this year,
morig which is a new exchange, nt
forth Platto, anew oxennngo nt 'iu-
nuv. and a new exennngo nt Alliance.
In addition to theso exchnrtges. work
will bo started in n fow days' on a first
class toll 1 no from JUlesburg to Edge
mpnt, South Dakota, passing through
Chappell.LodgcpoIe, Sidney, Bridgeport,
Allianco and Crawford. At Bridge
port connection wi be mndo with tho
ines passing through tho bcotts Ulull
country, to Guernsey, Wyo. 'this lino
will nut all of the territory mentioned,
in telephone communicntipn with tno re
mainder of the stnte, nnd adjoining
states, a factor which rnenns a grent
deal in tho development ot that west
ern country, Grand Islnnd independent.
- and Saturday.
"The Chief's Daughter."
"Winning the Step-children."
"Getting His Own Back."
5 and 10 Cents.
NOfflco phono 241. Res, phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nobraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Humphreys' Veterinary Speclllcs
forthocuroordl8n8e8of Horses,
Cattle, Shoop, Dogs, Poultry.
A. A. For FBVEIIS, Milk Ferer, Lnnr Fever.
S.B.ForemAINH, Lainenen, nheuniltm.
CO, I'orfiOUH Throat, Epizootic. Uliteiapcr
D.D. ForWOUMB, IIota.Grub.
B. E. VorCOL'OIIB, Cotdi, Inuuenu.
F, F. For COLIC, I!llync!io, Diarrhea,
a.a.l'reventi MlfjOAIUlIAUE.
tl. II. For KIDNEY and Illudder dlordrr.
1. 1. For SKIN MBEABKS.Manco. Eruption.
J. It. I or HAD CONDITION. Indlge.tloa J
Price, CO Cents per bottle.
Vet. Cure Oil. for Stable or
Field Use, $1.
At druggists, or sent prepaid
on receipt of price.
A f00 Pugo lloolc on tho treat
ment and caro ol Domestic
AnlmulH and Stable Chart to
hang up, mailed i'reo.
nusuimEva' iiomeo, Kedicine co, cor&ei
I JvuujuK ana Ann evovu. now turs.
The Road to Success
Js not to bo run upon by sever! fcafiuctl boots. Step
by step, little by little, bit by bit that is the,Wny to
wealth, that; is the fray to wisdom, that is tho way
to tJloryi Pounds nro the sons, not of pounds but of
pence." Charles BuxtoH
Your success in baking, with ""BEST XXXX" is assured, fqr .
wo have pnved tho way, step bystcpVlftUefiy littloi bit bjbllinf
making BEST XXXX a perfect brcadmnker. W ( ' ' ' v
Which would you prefer in bnkingbrcad, a nice laro whlto .
loaf or ono that is dark and heavy? Without dpubt you would
prefer the former and the best way of obtaining sanio i3 by using
' North Platte Mill & Grain Cor,
What It Means
The Blue Bell emblem, the scnl of thq; Associated Bell Com
panics, stands for one of the greatest business Instrumentalities in
the country o comprehensivo association of affiliated companies
co-operating to give universal communication over cloven million
miles of wire by means of moro than five million telephones.,
The need of efTiciont and uni
versal telephone servico is ex
emplified by the rapid progress'
of the associated Bell companies.
Ten yenrs ago there wore only
700,000 Boll tolophoncs' in this
country, whilo today thoro nro
moro than 5 million -Bell instruments.
ml.- vy..1.-..1... m..i i ... r
jinny has connection with 120.000
tolophoncs in this stnto, includ- f
jng 5,ooo instruments or con
necting companies.
Tho nvcrago increase in tho
numbor of Bell telephones in
Nebraska is moro thnn 000 overy
month and moro than 1,000 miles
of wire is strung it) this tato
every 30 days.
Nebraska Telephone Company
Bell System
J. C. BE AVER,. Special Agent
First National' Bank,
1 of North Platte, Nebraska.
i Capital and Surplus $140,000.
Z. F. SEEBERGER, President, '
p. KEITH NEVILLE, Vicc-Prcsidcnl,
F. L. M00NEY, Cashier. .
A Modern Institution
For tho treatment of medical nnd surgical cases. Open to tho
medical profession. Special accomodations for confinement cases.
Training school for nurses in connection. Address all commu
cations to the superintendent.
Phone 642 Cor. Eichth and Locust
Escaped With His Life.
"Twenty-one years ago I faced xan
awful death," writes II. B. Martin,
Port Harrelson, S. D., "Doctors said I
had consumption and tho dreadful cough
I had looked like it, sura enough. I
tried everything I could hoar of, for my
cough, and was under the treatment of
tho best doctor In Georgetown, S. D.,
for a year, but could get no relief, A
friend ndvised mo to try Dr. v King's
Now Discovery. I did so, and wns com
pletely cured. I feel that I owo mv
life to this great throat and lung cure."
Its positively guaranteed for coughs,
colds, nnd nil bronchlcal affections. B0e&
$1,00 Trial bottlo free nt Stone Drug
Kill More Than Wild Beasts.
Tho number of peoplo killed yearly bv
wild beasts don't nppronch tho vast
number killed by disenBO germs. No
life is safe from their attacks, Thoy'io
in air, water, dust, oven food. But
grand protection is alfordell by Electric
Bitters, which dostroy and expel theso
deadly disoato germs from tho system.
Thut's why chills,sfcvor, and nguo, nil
malarial and rrnny blood diseases yield
promptly to ihwi womlerfnl blood puri
fier, Try tl Mud enjoy tho" glorious
health nnd tuu.tjtli they'll giVo
you, Mono k ii'm-t tntisfled. Unly
COc ut Stom iug'u.