Store will be closed until Friday, July 7th, to mark down and arrange stock to facil itate this fast and furious selling There's bound to be great crowds of eager, anxious buyers gather from all the surrounding country. Nothing will be sold until exactly this time. All will have equal chances when the doors swing open on Friday morning. HOWE & iMALONEY'S Entire Furniture Stock HOWE & MALONEY'S Entire Furniture Stock BE SURE AND BE IN LINE TO GET YOUR SHARE. A Stupendous Merchandise Event. A Huge Undertaking. A Sale Unparalleled. A SALE WITH A REASON AND A PURPOSE They bought too heavily that's the 'main reason'. Their loss and your gain. Stock Howe & Maloneys Entire $15,000 Of High Grade Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Pianos, Stoves, Etc., goes on sale REGARDLESS of LOSS or SACRIFICE, in order to convert the vast surplus stock into'cash immediately and in many instances for less than 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR of Actual Manufacturers' Cost G Plan Everything Accordingly Let Nothing Interfere. By all means Witness the Opening hours ot this V HURRY - OUT SALE The relentless hand of fate has placed this wonderful opportunity within your grasp. Come expecting to see the greatest crowds ever witnessed in North Platte SUCH LOW PRICES CAN NEVER PAIL TO ATTRACT LARGE CR0WDS HOW i lylALON EY We pay the freight on all Furniture sold at this sale within 100 Miles FURNITURE STOCK BEING SOLD AT THE' OLD STAND NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA NO DISTANCE TOO GREAT. You can save your railroad fare even on a small purchase at this great sale Private Sale No Auciioa JVE ARB AGENTS FOK Hargourt &. Co. INCOtrOIMTID LOUISVILLE, KY. WB LEADING STATIONERS AND, NAN UFA CTURING ENGRAVERS ORDERS FOB ENGRAVKT) C ATtlYC IWVITATlfYM C PPT caxtai axttv n.r,.,r, STAT IONCK? ETC "May be left wi Kua wit K the Ssau wm Ihnt the vvorK WW completed wi t rnarK the user "CrtWm& meat ofthemost discriminating taste. 4 CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Pearl Rowland from a visit at Paxton. has returned .Town and County. W. J. O'Connor spont.tho Fourth at Kcnrnoy. ' Miss Mary Carklng-: is visiting her parents nt Sidney. Joo Larson vent to Qrand Island Wednesday morning. Mrs. Victor Wiles of Omaha is visit ing relatives lioro for n fow days. A flno hnbv hov wns horn to Mr. and Mrfl. J. C. llartman last Friday. Miss Allco Birge is ontortalntng nt a can! party this nttemoon in favor of Mrs. Hay Murray,' of Lincoln. Thu Misses Alice and Mary Cunning ham nro spending n two weeks vacation at Denver and Colorado Springs. Mrs. J. W. McEvoy and sister, Mrs. II. J, Long, returned Tuesday evening from a visit at Cozad, their former home. T. J. Cary of Ft. Morgan, Colo., has been in the city Bovoral days, looking over land in this miction with a view of investing in a ranch. Wo deliver f reBh milk nn,d cream every morning at Armstrong's and North Platto Meat Market D. P. Co., Phone D75. A large crowd nttended the celebration in Buchanan precinct, and n fine time in reported by everyone. Fred Warren made the address of the day. Detroit Vapor Stoves nt Horshoy's, Cor. Gth & Locust Sts, Tho condition of corn throughout tho county Is fairly good; In somo portions II is exceptionally guou, uuu iu iuuui rains. So far, as concerns tlio corn crop, there is no great cause for worry. Tho rainfall for lust month was 1.13 Inches, which with tho excention of June, 1870, and Juno, 1900, Is the least that has oyer fallen In thnt month since 1871. The average rainfall for Juno . is 3.25 Inches. . ' P. O. Stiver, of Frooport,; III., is building a six room house on his farm eighteen miles southeast. Dr. Morrill .has sold to Jacs Austin tho residence Aroporty on Wcat Fourth stroot, occupied by Mark Atchison, and tho lattor will movo into- tho Huff man houso vacated by Ray Robinson. Tho property sold for $3000. A nice rain foil Wednesday nftornoon In this Immodinto vicinity. It wns not nB heavy, or courso, ns we desired but It molstsnod tho ground, cooled the. ntmosphcro and gaVo rise to the hope tnat anotnor shower will come shortly. For Salo Milk, cream and utirinp- chickens, delivered. Phone D75. Work on the foundation of tho fcdornl building is delayed by failure to recolvo a report on tho second sample of sand sent to the government export for ex nmihatlon. Your Uncle Sam does things slowly but well. Tho greatest local ovont on July 4th was a handicap foot race between Dick Rakor and Arthur Rush In which tho latter won out with ensCj The dotails of the nice will nppoar In several of the leading sporting papers, Wm. Welch returned yesterday from n three weeks hunting, fishimr and camping out trip in tho Bitter Root valley of Montana, where ho has a brother who has been located thoro for eighteen years. Mr, Welch was-accom panied by his sister and her son, and the vacation was much enjoyed by all and Bill avers he would not daro look a trout in tho faco since coming homo. Cyril Dopogan,' who was taken down with a serious nervous trouble whilo in school several months ago and taken to St Bernard's hospital nt Council Bluffs for treatment, has been discharged bv the, hospital nuthoritius completely cured and returned to this city Wed nesday evening. This is a source of gratification and joy to tho many friends of the young man, as well ns to his parents and immediate family, and all are pleased to welcomo him homo. Miss Allco Stuart of Grand Island is visiting frionds in tho city, Mrs,. Greeley Bundy and daughte Elaino have returned from n visit in Denver. Snm Graco and wife nro in the city for n fow days visit with relatives and friends. Murton and Alma Morrill aro spend ing their vacation in Illinois. They will visit rolatlvcs at Prophetstown and Rock ford. Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh and son Ralph and Mrs. Hobt. Robinson departed Wodnosday evening for a visit with mrs, xant nt wampa, luano. Miss Loulsn Woisgorbcr is at homo from Missouln, Mont, for n month's visit Sho is In tho employ of a largo firm there as telephone operator. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adamson and! Dawson. N. M., an) visiting relatives! In tho city. They mado tho trip over larid by auto. F. L. Hitdroth. who has been resid ing here for sevorni months, removed his family and household goods to Fro- mont Monday, where thoy intenu to make their future home. A. C. Jacobs left for Omaha Tues day night in response to a message announcing the death ot his wife 8 father. Mrs. Jacobs has been with iier fathor for several days. Frnnk Wilson wont to Grand Island Tuesday in responso to a telegram stating that his nephew wouiu unuorgo an operation for injuries received in n motor cycle accident on the Fourth. O, E. Eldor, Ray Lnngford and Dr. Drost loft Wednesdny night on a two weoks fishing excursion in Wyoming. They go by train to Sheridan, thence by auto to Buffalo. Judge Grimes joined the party nt Bridgeport Chas. Templo nnd wife, Mrs. Bcelor and daughter Fennn, Mrs. John Bratt nnd daughter Nelllo and Miss Ruth, xieacocK 01 t aus uuy, urove out to tno Chris Koch place, north of UcrshCy, yestordny, to gather cherries. ' Sam II, Donohowcr, of Peoria, 111,, has been visitimr his parents in lown for a few days while enroute home from Colorodo. Mrs. Donehower, Is visiting her sistor Mrs. Dalngorfiold In Puoblo and will come hero in about ten days to visit friends. cream Highest prlco paid for Bweot at Kelihor's ico cream parlor. 5000 acres of Improved farming nnd hay land under irrigation in Platte valley oast and west of Hershoy, Nebr., For aulo on easy terms; apply to the North riauo L.anti anu water u Hershey, Nob. A, Wickstuom, Supt. Deserted Village, ' Tuesday was the moat quiet ; Fourth of July this writer has experienced in North Platto and he has spent twenty nine of them here. Tho streets during the dny were deserted, even the small boy with his fire crackers being conspicuous by hla absence. Over four hundred tickets were sold at tho railroad office to residents who spent tho day out of town. Gothenburg was tho most popular mecca for these mlrrrims. over two hun dred orointr to that place, including tho band. Ono ball team went to Sidnoy. anu tno otner to ucrniaua. anu accom panying each team wore a number of rooters. Tho day wns hot ahd tho average residentor spent tho hours of tho heated, period beneath tho shade of trees. In the ovening n number of neighborhood picnics were held on lawns. Tho town was bo nulet nnd tho lack of Fourth of July patriotism so notice able as to almost seem pitiful. Two or three thousand dollars which our people nnnnf in nttnnrltnn. ni.lnVitntnna In tmtrrl,. boring towns might ns well have been spent nt homo, and would have been, had our people loosened up on their dollars In sulllciont quantity to defray tho expenses of a celebration. - The Fourth at Hershey. North Platto was practically deserted on the Fourth, tho crowd dividing be tween Gothenburg, Sidnoy, Ognlalla, Sutherland and Hershey. More than a hundred of our people wont to Hershoy whoro n slendid timo wns had. A quar iht of male voices, Messrs D. W. Besack, Rev. Porter, E. W. Crano and D. J. Antonides. furnished tho singing, Mrs. Crano presiding nt tho organ. Rev. Portor dclivoreiLtho oration. Music was furnished by Horshoy's fine little band. Foot, bicvclo nnd horse races, ball game between Hershoy and Sutherland teams, trap shooti 'g, bowery dance nnd a good displny of flreworks afforded entertainment enough for anybody nnd tho big crowd caught up tho spirit of the day and enjoyed themselves to tho utmost Tho proposed wrestling mntch. advertised for evening, was abandoned for lack of a crowd. The threatening Btprm driving most of tho country resi dents to their homes early In tho even ing. Tho ball game was easily won by the Sutherland team who put up.n good game, tho homo team being unfortu nate and showed lack of practice. During the early part of tho gamo a youngstor in tho bleachers was hit in the left ear by a foul ball; which checked tho gamo for a littlo while. Hp soon recovered from tho shock and kept out of harms way during tho rest of the game. Little Girls Wanted. Under 14 yoars of ago. Call at our atoro at 9 o'clock Monday morning and wo will show you how to get a real Little Buck Range Free. See Tho Range In our show window. Ginn White & Schatz. New Telephone Manager.1 Mr. E. C. Kelso, manager of tho Neb. Tel. Co. for Grand Island, has resigned his present position as mana ger with the company, effective July 1, 1911, Within the next two or three months Mr. Kelso will go to North Platto and assume the duties of man ager for the company at that point During tho intervening period, Mr. Kelso will remain In Grand Island and assist his successor in becoming familiar with his new duties. Tho North Platte exchange is one of the largest in this portion of tho state and Is a very im portant ono on account of being located a considerable distance from tho district oflico of tho company, and on account of the man having charge of several smaller exchanges tributary to North Platte. The company has its plans all made nnd material ordered for building an entire new central energy system at North Platte, similar to the systems in use in Grand Island. Kearney and other largo cities. Grand Island Independent Notice of Incorporation. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have formed a .corporation under tho' name and style of "Tho Platte ValloyStato Bank", with Ita principal place of transacting its busi ness, in the cjty of North Platte, Lin coln county, state of Nebraska, nnd for the purpose of transacting a commer cial banking business, tho amount of tho capital stock, authorized and paid in is tno sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) and tho life of the corporation will bo from tho 3d day f July, 1911, to the 1st day of July, 1931, said corp oration having been duly authorized by tho Stato Banking Board of tho state of Nebraska for the transaction of a commercial banking business, and the amount of indebtedness of said corpor ation shall at no time exceed two thirds of its paid in cnpital stock, ex cept for deposits, and the affairs of said corporation, aro to. bo conducted by a board of directors consisting of J W. Pnyno, Julius Pizer,' H. Mehlman, C. H. Walter. F. C. Pielsticker, J. G. Beeler, M. E. Scott, Geo. L. Scott, anu u. A. Alston, with i". u. riel- sticker ns president, Julius Pizer as vice president, M. E. Scott as cashier and L. E. Mehlmnnn ns assistant cashier. , Datod this Gth day f July, 1911. . J. W, Payne, Julius Pizer, H. Mehlman, C. H. Waltor, F. C. Pielsticker J. G. Beeler, M. E. Scott C. A. Liston. Potatoes continue to stay atattitudin ous prices, and reports aro not favor able for much of a drop In prices. A number of farmers have told us that while their vinos nro .healthy looking, nnd aro in bloom, tho potatoes havonot yet begun to set This, they claim, means a light crop. Statement of the Condition j QTt TUB MUTUAL BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION. of Norths IMattc. Nebraska, on the 30th iaMj HI VIPICi I 'lit Certificate ASSETS. First mortgage loans f3S 000 00 1 StOCK loans imnn Cash . , s ii ta Delinquent Interest, premiums anil Hnt8 go., ijn Expenses and taws paid 1 J02 CO OtburassoU (si M) Total 4(5 jw. do Capital stoclc paid up $420 B86 50 Reserve Juml S5i no Undivided prollts $ Advance Interest 131 so lm 071 8D Total. ItEOEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 130.1011. , llttCllPTS R?.LanCC n hanrt Ju,y U 10,0 9 58- DUeS.... ,, tin 4n in '"cst, ami tines ; .1$ $ Loans repaid..... . n 710 4Sfi 25 ........... 1S500 MUcolIanciius IYir Taxes and Insuranco Total 1218 B52 61 KJCPKNOITUUKS. Loans.. .v rr?rn,.13s 100 00 Expenses , , ITS of Stoclc redeemed 73 223 13 Cash on hand 3 o'y Taxes and Insuranco ., '. yj 35 Total ,., ?-U8M''o"i Statu ot Nebraska, Lincoln county, us. named Association, do solemnly swoar that 1 . 1,10 conomon or said Association Is truo and correct to tho best of my knowlodeo and belief. a . i. , Hamuki. Goozke, Socrotary. Subscribed and sworn to M)foro mo this 3rd day of July, 1011. Oi-auk llnciiANAN. Notary Public. TllOB. O. I'ATTKIISON, 1 w x.1 1,EU"". Directors. W. M. Cunningham, 1 Send Us Your Shipments of Grain and Hay Wo pay tho top market Three cou pons free with returns on each car of hay you ship us to. handle for your ac count Fifteen coupons and $3.60 in cash will secure for your hhmo an ele gant 42-Piece Royal Blue Dinner Set worth $1Q.00. Consign your hny to us and please theIadies and also get a good price for your hay. Our Motto: Pair treatment and prompt remittances. Sample of the quality of these dishes can bo seen nt the office of tho Semi Weekly Tribune. The F. C. Ayres Mer. Co., 20th and Wnzee StreetB, Denver, Colorado.