V ..Sd. TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTENEB., JULY 7, 1911. No. 45.4. jj town And county news 41 1; Tho two old Bonx of Mr. nnd Mrs. Bunting, of north Dewey street, litis been seriously sick for several days. Miss Burns arrived from Omnha Tues day and has accepted the position of superintendent at St, Luke's hospital, Andrew Gustafson and Frank Erlcs- son, of Gothenburg, wero in town yes terday, tho former making proof on a homestead. Postmaster Springer was up from Brady yesterday visiting friends and transacting business with the board of equalization. Tho board of equalization has been in session since Wednesday, but the num ber of complaints made against assess mcnta have beon fow. Tho furnituro and safes for the new Platte Valley State Bank nro expected to arrive next week and it is -hoped to bo ready for business the early part of the following week. 1 am a candidate for tho republican nqminntlon for county treasurer and will appreciate any support given mo at? the primary election August 15th. W. II. U. WOODHUKST. vHie complolo program oT' the Clinu tauaun is out and copies will bo sent to anyone who will let us know his name and address. Phone Secretary Tout ut office 100 or at his residence Black 212 or send postal request. Tho Altar Socioly of tho Catholic church tho 'is third society to ar range for a rest tent on tho Chau tauqua grounds. This tent will bo for friends of this body and will bo much appreciated. " Wflnted-Girl nt Steam Laundry. Rev. J. BACurrana and W. W. Scott have organized a Sunday school eighteen miles north of Big Springs. Tho namo . of tho Sunday school is Pleasant Valley and Churloy Newton is tho superinten dent. Miss Lambort, an elocutionist and dramatist of considerable merit, from Now York city, was in tho city yester day and is making an effort to, have some organization assist her in patting on a homo talent production. The ex treme hot weather seems to dampen tho nrdor of our local Thespians and at last accounts she had not enlisted tho co-opei'8ti6n of any society. - C CT! .VJ Two auto loads of young ladies went to Dlck'B grovo tho Fourth for an out ing, and in tho evening drove to Hershoy. Bay Robinson has given Huntington & Bilker tho contract for erecting a two thousand dollar cottage on his lot on west Fifth strectwest of tho former Sentor property. Chas. Temple nnd Miss Myrtle Beolor spent tho Fourth at Bignell, where a nico celebration was held, tho country folk having gathered in the grove for nn old timo picnic. District Superintendents Wilson and Lambert, of tho Boll Telephone Co., have been in the city n few days looking nftSr the interests of that company. J. B. Norsowortliy, the Gothenburg wholcsalo fruit man, has another car of California oranges on track, which ho will soil to tho local dealers and re ship soma of them to points close. Tho sisters of tho S. Patrick's school entertained all tho pupils of the past year on Monday nfternoon with ice cream and cake, as a fnrewell before leaving on their summer yncntion. Dr. Amba rfltitmnrl Wndnpsilnv f rnm a three days visit with Mrs. Maryott at Oshkosh. She stated that tho people oe Oshkoah-hnd a splendid celebration. Judge Grimes delivered the oration. v Now Departure Tonmielcss and Busy j Bee Cultivators at Horshey's, Cor. Gth 6c Locust sta. Ben Elliott, who is employed in tho McKoon motor works at Omnha, has been spending this week with his parents. The works closed down for a week nnd Bon took advantage of the 'opportunity to come home. Tho. game at Ogalalla tho Fourth re sulted disastrously to tho Yeoman team, 14 to 10. Quite a number of rooters went along with tho boys to urge thorn on to victory, but of no avail. Ognlalla nnd n nico celebration and everything went off smoothly. ,Capt Haskell and Sidney Dillon wore irt towji for several days this week, coming hero aa witnesses for a neigh bor who w.s making final proof. They say that tho hay crop will bo short this year in -that section, find the rnngo is getting in pretty 'bad shape on ac count of the lack of rain. Kindling. ' Wo aro replacing some of our build ings and have several loads of shingles and lumber to dispose ofA fine chance to gefr a supply of good kindling cheap. Phone No. 7. Tho C. F. Iddings Co. Closing out Sale At Less than. Wholesale Prices, An Affair: of Great Interest to Keen Buyers SUMMER MERCHANDISE MUST GO Prices not Considered There are times of the year when we ex pect to accept a loss on some of our merchan dise. Naturally it would suit us better i f the styles now-a-days were such that a suit could he carried over for a season and not he all out of stylet. But style rules the world today. Not alone in suits hut everything men wear. Men and young men want quality value and at a price that will suit their pockethook; hut they certainly want smart-looking up-tothe minute Clothes ' , - Tfo& smne guarantee goes with everything you huy now as it had heen purchased two months ago. ALTERATIONS will be charged for REMEMBER THE DATE OF SALE-SATURDAY, JULY 8 520 DEWEY STREET Georgo Hatfield, now living north of Paxton, h.as been visiting relatives -and friends in town or soveral days. Latest advice from Milledgo Bullnrd was to tho effect that ho would sit upfa Bhort tlmothis week, nnd expected to go to the mountains within, the next ten days for recuperation. Thos. Davis and ImLaRuc, Fourth of July delinquents, were each taxed ono dollar and trimmings by Judge Warren Wednesday. Later the Judge permitted LnRue to go upon promise of good be havior. Prof. Leonhardt, tho well known nnd relinblo piano tuner is Jn town and will remain for several days. Those wishing his ervlcea can loavo orders at Rinckor'a Btore. Prof. Loonhardt'B work ns a tuner and ronairor is so satisfactory that oach patron cheerfully recommend mm. Col. Patrick H. Ruddy, with a squad of tho faithful truo to their soldier, training and love of country, wore on tho campus and woko the! people of tho town up by firing tho National Salute tho morning of July 4th. Although tho day was a quiet ono in town, it was no fault of Col. Ruddy and his cannon that wo did not havo n booming time all day. Tho itinernry of tho Buffalo Bill nnd Pawneo Bill -shows has been recoivedj showing, two trains of forty-seven cars to carry tho largo equipage of tho big attraction. Tho show will Btrike tho Union Pacific at Grand Island nnd will go from hero to Choyonno and Grcolqy, being the only points on tho Union Pncltic at which it will exhibit. Nat Reiss claims to have lost $300 on his carnival in North Platte last week. announcing his expenses to have boon' ?2.70Q and his- receipts $2,400. In other words the people of North Platte Oxnonecd $400 a day last week for a questionable form of amusement when J tnoy stiouiu, according to wr. uoiss, havo spent $G00 per day. Wanted-Girl at Steam Laundry ,T. M. Cohatren. A. C. John Tortell returned Monday from San Francisco, nnd while tlioy enjoyed the trip nnd like tho country, they arof glad to get back to Nebraska. icy marketed G28 hoad of hoes in "San marketed G28 hoad of hogs in "Sam Francisco which brought $7.35, about $1.80 better than.the Omaha mnrket. They left thnt city flvo hours before tho earthquake which shook up some, of tho large ouildings. Whilo thero thoy saw soveral former North Platte people among them tho Crydorman family, who are doing well and like California very much. on all Merchandise during this sale. ALL SALES AT THE REDUCED PRICES wi)) he for CASH ONLY: J A 13 A T T ' J J ' REMEMDER THE DATE OF S JU Jri. JLj jC J J JHL SALE-SATURDAY, JULY 8 EVERYTHING FOR Auto Trip to Omalt. , Mayor nnd Mrs. Patterson nnd Misses Ruth and Edith Patterson left Wedncs day morning On an auto trip to Omaha. They expected to make tho run leisurely and rencn Omaha at noon today. Thoy will return homo tho latter part of next Week. Ice Cream fer Thousands. Dickey Bros., who ship Ico cream ns far west aa Sidnoy on tho mnin lino and to Bridgeport and intormcdinto stations on the branch, filled Fourth of July orders amounting to nearly one thousand gallons. Even with the Im proved machinery used by this firm, tho making of this quantity of icocroam was no small task, June was a Hot Month. Tho records of tho local United States weather bureau shows that tho heat of last month has never boon surpassed, nnd but once equalled, since tho establish ment of tho bureau thirty-seven years ago. The mean temperature for last month was soventy-four, which 1a six degrees wnrmer tnnnxtho average for tho month, Only onco boforb has tho normal for Juno reached seventy-four and that was in 1880. Th highest tem perature last month was 101, which oc curred on the 29th. Special Election Called. The city council held a special moot ing Monday ovonlng nnd transacted the necessary legal uusiness pertaining to calling a fip'ocinl olcctlon to vote on tho proposition of issuing city hall bonds in tho Bum of twenty-two thous and dollars, which is to include tho cost of n site. This election will bo held on Wednesday, August 2d, and the notice to the voters will be published in these columns next Tuesday. At the meeting nt which this election wns rnllnil Ciiv Atinvnnv llnlllirnn "latatcd ho had looked up tho title to 'lithe Unitarian hall corner nnd found Jacobs nnd$tnat,il wns "ot c!"ri hat, f ,tho, city Ipurumscii uie lot u uihu uuy u sujt at law. The title is such that it is "ot. considered wise for tho city Vo8Hhi tr" ,sf!r " ght ne. contested, yet. in event, it was, 1 to fp- never bo tho city might lose out; nt best ifwould prove expensive litigation should n suit bo brought. . Notice. Payment of taxes lovicd by tho City ,of North Platto for sower lateral dis tricts F. P. G-3 and G-4 may now be Jnindo to F. L. Mooney, City Trensurr. Spring beginning SATURDAY, JULY 8 We have made it a plan not to carry over any of our seasonable merchandise from sea son to season so our stock is always clean and up-to-date. We have taken that big Jiammer and smashed our prices all to pieces. We have got to move the balance of our Summer stock. Come in on Saturday July 8th and see just what the values are. If you are familiar with the class of merchandise t we handle then you will be certain to appre ciate the deep cut made in EVERY LINE. Former PioRcer Dies. Frederick Brau, a former pioneer resldont of Lincoln county, died at tho homo of his daughter in Sioux City, la., Wednesday after an illness of several months duo to advanced ago, having renched tho olghty-sovonth milestone in life's journey. Tho ro mnins wore brought to this city Inst night and tho funoral held from tho Lutheran church this nfternoon. Tho doconsod was born in Prussia and ciimo to this country nnd served in tho Mexican War. Ho enlisted in Co. C, Ninoty-soventh New York Infantry, with rrihk of sargeant nnd served Ills country In tho civil war1 well nnd true. In 18(57 he camo to Llnqoln county nnd for ntlmo con ducted h store at old O'Fnllons. He Inter camo to North Platto and worked In tho Union Pacific shops nnd took a homestead north of tho river whero ho lived until n fow yenra ago when ho went to Sioux City to mnko his hupio with his daughter. Fred Rrati was a man well known nnd universally liked an honest man with a big heart, an indulgent hunhnnd and father and a good neighbor. Ho wns a man of intclllircnco. n irrent wndor, and thoroforo well informed upon all subjects nnd an interesting talker. Ho Is survived by hrco daugh ters Emma, Alvinn and Lena. He was twice hiarrled, but both wife have, passed to tho beyond. Character Studies From Life. ' Mr. John B. Rntto will present a decidedly unlquo and Interesting enter tainment at tho Chautauqua, lie im personntosin "make-up" many different chnrnctcrs in every day lifo; whilo his programs in this lino are miscellaneous,' ench number naturally and logically .follows the preceding one, combining to mnko n grand panorama of associated characters. ( A naveltv also In itaelf is the fnet that Mr. Rntto "make-up" for each characterization boforo tho audience. Ho pencils in full view of the audience, telling ad appropriate story all tho while. Penoilfng finished, ho turno quickly to the tnblo mirror to adjust his wig, facing about to atiprlse you with tho accuracy of tho representation. Now is Your Chance. . 5 room house, with cloaota, pantry, coller nnd room for bnth. Electric lights. Good barn and nico trees nnd lawn on W. 3rd St., only 0 blocks from court house to be sold on monthly pay ments. Sco mo at onco aa this will not last long. C. F. TEMPLK. m and Summer MEN NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA DhI North Ntte Ltue W h4 Htvmf a Fwrth f July Celebratfe; Ticket sales to Gothenburg 241 Ticket sales to Horshoy ...89 Ticket sales to Ognlalla.... 33 Tickot sulea to Sidney ,11 Total , 324 Figuring thnt these people only spent on nn average of$r.00 per head, which I think anyone will readily see is a low averago, will givo an actual loss out of tho city of $1,020.00 On top of this tho writer thinks ho 1b conservative in oatimatlng ' that thero was at loast fifty passes issued for par tics to Icavo town, and besides this nt 0:00 o'clock yesterday morning, thero was not a tenm or buggy loft In a livery bnrn In this city, Tnking the above into consideration, I believe it would bo nvery conservative estimate to state that .fully $2,000.00 actually went out of tho city of North Plnttu yesterday, and up to that timo I havo beon unable to hcilr of any coming In. It is truo thnt some of us old fossils thht did nol carc to leavo town, had n good rest, nut I bolievo it was an ex pensive rest nnd thnt wo coujd havo afforded to take off another day much bettor. In figuring tho nhovo wo nro only figuring tho actual amount that wo loso by Jelling our own people leavo town, and not figuring anything on tho probable amount of outside money wo could have brought into town if wo should linve nnd a celcnrntion. ilow cvor, it is reasonable to assume that If wo had started oarly with a good cele bration, such towns aa BignollnndHcr ahey would not havo .celebrated and thnt at least a tew irom thoso towns and Biirrpuding country would havo como to Nortlf Platte. Tho writer is slmtilv publish nt; this to bring before tho people thnt it Is an actual loss to tho city of North Platto not to havo a Fourth of July eolebratien, and It will do us ho good to worry n- oouttno Fourth thnt hns gone uy, out lot us firmly rosolvo Unit wo will notlot it; happen again andnoxtyonrlotua got togothor nnd show Wcatorn Nebraska what n Fourth of July celebration is. Ono of tho Commltto that tried to . . got up a celebration thla year. Albert Durbln and family, nnd slater Miss Louelln of Wyoming, spent tho Fourth with friends nt Vcllfleet, Somerset and Dickens, having made tho trip in Will Hcndy'a car. - Bring your crunm to Filllon, locnl ngont lor tne inirmon,uo., inrgese re ceiving station in tho west. if 3