I . 0. H. CRESSLER, ; J ' Office over tho McDonaW 5 auto Bank. GradHilc Denlisl. Wantcd-To rent four or live room cottage. Apply at Tribune. Highest price paid for sweet cream at Kcllher's ice cream parlor. Mrs. Dave Thompson returned last night from n month's visit with her sister at Plattsmouth. You, are . especially Invited to our store tomorrow, Saturday June, 80th MH. DlXOtf, The Jeweler. Mrs.Frcd Frcdrickson returned yes terday from a weeks visit with her sis ter at Oshkosh. The children will re mnin therefor the Fourth. Vo have installed with other electric equipments, a largo electric fan for the comfort of tho ladies who patronize the hair dressing parlors. .Mrs. Newton. - There . are bnrgains .jthe 10$ counter at Tho Tramp grocprjfj Jqs drop In whilo you are passing the store and see the' many useful and attractive articles. Mrs.- Phil- Dietz and Mrs. Howard. McMichacl returned from -Omaha this' morning, where they went to visit their Bister, Mrs.Grimes, who is in the hos pital there. i Mrs; S. E. Dugan and daughter Mnry left for Portland, Oregon, laBt ,n!ght where they go on a pleasure trip. The will spend A month at variouspolnts of interest on the coast. Several strangers loaded with tangle foot an'd evidently looking for trouble, entered Den's saloon yesterday even ing, and before leaving the place got whattHey were looking for. They presented a sorry sight as they picked themselves up from the street No! arrests. Mrs. Fred Waltcmath was hostess at a six course dinner Wednesday, the guests of honor being her sister Miss Seamon and cousin Miss Koestor. Tn the place enrds were attached long ribbonB, and at the end of the last course a pull at the ribbon brought forth a pill box containing direc tions for the use of the contents. The table decorations were red and white carnations. The effort put in motion by Lincoln people to secure through passenger and mail service to and from the Union Pacific branches north of Columbus, has been discouraged by Vice - President Mohler of that company, who. does not favor a- traffic arrauijcjncnt '.with .the; Burlington dp. such, as, that 'suggested by Sec. Whitten. F. J. Foley offers to sell tho former Dick corner to Ue city for a site for the city hall fr seven thousand dol lars... Whilo that seems a stiff price it is not out of proportion to what other property in the business section io held. Those fellows who object to placing tho city hall on the Front street lot owned by the city are not likely to favor tho purchase of the Foloy lot at the price named. Roy Montgomery of Hershey, who gave a little entertainnient for horse race enthusiasts nero Wednesday, shipped his animals to Lexington .yes terday and entered them in the race there. He will return shortly and has arranged to race one of his horses against Jim Jensen s auto, Air. mont- gomery recently oqugnt ur. jvicijaDe family horse, and discovering it has the mettle, will enter it in the races at Hershey the Fourth. The doctor has replaced the horse with a fine auto. Mrs. W. W. Dirge Will ontcrtam'tko "Butterfly" club Ifiis afternoon. V4 You arc especially invited to our store tomorrow, Saturday, June 30tfi 1911. DlXON. Tho Jeweler. GeTfgo ID. Bay of Myrtle precinct Drought "in a load oL .hogs today. He stated that the rain- did not reach his section. Mrs. Farcll (nco Fcnwlc wlio wna called here recently by the death of her .1 V 1 . I . . . . - nroincr jonn, departed last night for her home at Missoula, Montana. Mildred and Helen Conway Of Council Bluffs arrived lastnlght and will visit their uncle, Fred Garlow, for a few weeks nt the Scout's Rest Ranch. Mfs8 Nellie Lovciand, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lovciand, formerly of this city, was married at Caldwell, Idaho, Wednesday to Dr. Charles C. Burrow. Sparks from a passing engine oh tho U. P. tracks set firo to tho coal sheds of the W. L. Stickcl lumbor yards at Kearney Tuesday, completely destroy ing, same. A district meeting of tho Epworth League will-be held at Sutherland July 11th to 13th inclusive. Revs. Chamber lain and Porter and Miss Bessie Cham berlain, of this city, nre ori thb pro gram. ' Chas. Hcndy, Dr. Ames, Mrs. W. M. Cunningham and Mrs. Moso McFar land drove to Curtis this morning in the former's car, where they will spend the day flshing'and enjoying themselves With the Cross Country club boys who are camping there. Mrs,- John Schafer, and niece, Miss Gertie Walker, departed today for El dora, Ibwa, thd former's home. Mrs. Shafor accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Con Walker on -their trip to Kansas and Colorntlo and has been visiting hero sinco their return. Miss Walker will spond'a month with her aunt in Iowa. Conductor Moonoy, like many an- nothcr of the proficient dcnciplcs of Isaac Waldron among the railroad craft, never lets a chance slip by to hike away to a, tritit Stream for a day's outing and genuine sport. He was seen last night with fishing rod and hugo basket and the boya expect some great yarns of his prowess upon his return from Wyoming. , The Coterie club was delightfully en tertained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Wm. Owens on West Ninth street Contests formed tho entertainment Mrs. Geo. Trailer winning first prize and the consolation prize was given to Mrs. Gy Cover. Dainty refreshments were served and thoroughly enjoyed by all the indies present Mrs.' Col. Owens' pf .pgden oncLMrs, Ehmor ,Ow.onH wore guests of the club. Tho marriage of Rhodes Longely to Misa Nita Murphy, daughtcnof E. W. Murphy, was solemnized Tuesday in Meringo, Iowa, 'announcement of the marriage having been received here yesterday. Both of the young pcoplo have many f rjends and4the hoarty good wishes of all are extended for n long and happy wedded life. They will make their home in Fondulac, Wis., where Mr. Longloy is practicing medicino. C. F. Temple has received letters from parties living in two ndjoining states asking for further- information regarding hfi proposed excursion to tho irrigated lands in Utahunderthe Hatch town project, which goes to prove onco more that advertising in tho Tribune pays, asHhe advertisement of tho prop osition was answered by renders, of this paper. There is no bettcr'paylng invest ment than newspaper advertising if you have something to offer th.nt thq people want Try it. jL TheBell Syst ' ITS EXTENT and POLICY Every Bell telephone is connected with 5 million other Bell instruments, connected by 10 million miles of wire, uniting a nution of a hundred, million people into one harmonious whole. More than one hundred thousand employes working to gether, keep the entire Bell system attuned. Unity is the key note. Without centralization and harmony of co-operation. efficient service is impossible. , . - - '.. Our policy, broad and general, ip which uniformity of method and co-operation are the underlying principles, makes Bell Telephone Service the World's Standard of Telephone Efficiency. V Nebraska Telephone Company Bell System J. C. BEAVER, Special Agent L Mra. N, Stnlth was a Lincoln vjBltor -Wednesday Mrs. L. E. Roach attended the Knott Qulncy nuptials at Lincoln Wednesday. ,The D. of ,11. social - club . will meet with Mrs. Mary Eldor July 4th. A11 are cordially invited. Paint and, now signs haa greatly im proved tfy appearance of J.F. Fillion's shop and cream station on West Fjfth street Miss Annie Kramph returned yester day afternoon from her trip to Port land, Oregon, which proved one of much interest and pleasure. Ih honor of her daughter Jano's second birth anniversary, Mrs. F. H. Garlow Is entertaining tho members of thc4unior Mother's Club tills afternoon. F. E. BuKard received word from Wllkesbarro, Pa., yesterday stating that has son's condition remains the same, and that tho fever is taking its course. C. L. Worloy and wife of Los -Angeles, Cal., nre visiting his sister, Mrs. h T. Murphy, for several days and will then go to his old homo in KanBas City. Mrs. Jiia. Mullen who has been visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott, returned to her home nt Omaha this morning accompanied by Mr. Elliott who will visit relatives there a few days. Weather forecast: Unsettled weather tonight and Saturday, continued warm. Maximum temperature yesterday 104; one year ngo 87. Minimum temperature this morning 73, ono year ngo 62. Mrs. C. S. Clinton was the recipient of n supri80 party Wednesday, tho in vaders beingmembera of the Mother's Club. Tho afternoon was pleasantly passed. Refreshments furnished by the party were served. Tom Golden of tho boiler shops is building a nico G room cottage in the south part of town, work on Bame was begun this week. The frafne work is up and if woather permits tho hoUso will bo ready for tho family in a short time. -Howard McMichcal is doing tho work. The weather conditions yesterday were favorable for a cycldno in this locality, but nothing serious developed. Towards evening tho wind blew quite a gale, and In tho Tic'art of tho city some trees Were blown, down and limbs broken off. Mail Carrier McGrew saw Wm. Simons barn caught up byn young twister that curled over the extrcmq southeast limits of thd city. Tho build ing was completely wrecked and timber scattered over a considerable territory. Tho thermoter registered ioo in tho shade at 1 o'clock p. in., and the op pressive hent all day made ono feel mighty-unc6mfortable. ' A. H. Canning of Logan, marketed a load of fine hogs yesterday nnd spent tho dny taking in tho sights on tho "great white way." He stated that in his immcdinto vicinity they have not had a good rain slncq corn planting and things are getting pretty dry. Satur day night lightning started a fire on tno prairies south of the Loup a few miles from his place and burned un a considerable -patch of hay. Ho met his sister, Mrs. L. C. Sears and hus band, of 'Monmouth. III., who will make a visit nt his home on thoir way to the const. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rnnrs formerly lived in tho vicinity of KenrneyT ' Notice to the Public. N'fttieft In lioYln irivfn lli bids for the care o'f the county poor win uu received uy uie uounty ijlorlc nt North Platte, Neb., said bids to bo filed on or before noon on tho 14th dny of July. 1911, bids to be in accordance with tlln Bnnr!flnnttnna In Yw. office. Commissioners reserve the right iu reject uny or nil oms. r. u. uluott, bounty Ulcrk. Now is Your Chance. fi room hoimn. with rlnnnfR linnfmr celler and room for bath. Electric lights. Good barn and nico trees nnd lawn on, W. , rd St. .only ,6 rBtockBjrom court bousuJto bo .sold on. monthly pay, ments. SeeNmo at once as this will not last long. C. F. TEMPLE. RaitrMiI It Supt Cnhlll'B privata car was at .tAched to No. 21 last night F. C. Dick, an employe in the round houso, fell and injured hls arm quite seriously Tuesday.'' Brakeman Ed Barraclough has taken a 80 days lay off and wont to Excelsior Springs. Mo., Wednesday morning. J. -L. Allnvie, traveling engineer for the Union Pacific is recovering from n recent operation at a Council Bluffs hospital. A car of lucious watermelons from tho sunny bouUi were receivod horoyes tdrdny and distributed among tho var ious dealers. , perry Sltton left last night for Lar amie to resumo his duties as .inspector In chargo-of tho Union Pacific hotels on the entire system. Miss Mattic VanClenvc, sister of yardmaster VanCleavc, returned to her home nt Geneva yesterday after a pleasant visit hore. ,' Sebastian Schwaiger is laying cement walks and building a concrete cellnr on his residence property, corner Fifth anu yvainut streots. Engineer Chas. Ell wenttbNsheyenno Wednesday morning to accompany home hls"wifo who has been visiting there tot some time. , Inspector Emcrich, of tho Pacific fruit express company, hns been in own' since Monday looking after theq heavy fruit movement from California just now. E, W. Endtcott hns accepted a posi tion as train auditor between Omaha and this city. For over a yoar ho had been assistant to Ticket Agent Elsefcr nt Grand Island. . M. B. Smith, the artificial Ico man of. Lexington, hns erected n storage house on tho company right of way to accommodate the large business here Which' is handled by Joe Spies. B, B. Bontman, dispatcher, has de cided to stay here now instead of moving to Cheyenne, and has moved his household goods hero from Denver and wilLgo.to housekeeping nt once. .'W. 'Reprice, freight claim adjuster, nnd Wrfl. Emercfck, adjuster for the Pacific' Fruit Express, were in tho city Wcdncsdny working on tho clnims for damngos In the recent Palace wreck. A special train running as second sec tion of No. 7 passed through last even ing enrouto to Portland having on board over one hundred delegates to the general conference of the Christian cnurclu. . W. McEvoy, employed In the shops', ''Is off duty on account of an In jured fingerbruised by hitting it with n.h.nmmer. He haa taken the oxami- inatipn'tifor passenger ,brnkemnn'nnd will go on the road. The big steam shovel that has been undergoing repairs in tho shops here for Bevcrnl weeks will bo turned out in a few dayB-nnd taken back to Newport where operations will be commenced on tho grade and building tho transfer to the 13. & M, tracks. Engine 703, one of tho "Mikado" type came in from the cast at noon yesterday with a long string of cars. This engine is intended for pnssengor service west of Cheyenne. It is equip ped with G3-inch drivers nnd 2Gx28 cyclTnders nnd is a monster for pas senger service. - Lee R. Hurst, a Union Pncific brako man residing at Grand Island, was thrown from a box car at that place Wednesday morning iwith tho result that the left leg wns cut off, his collar bone broken nnd his hrind severely bruised. Ho vu3 taken to St. Francis' hospital. Hopes for his recovery nro entertained. The American Express wagon, in chnrgd of Leonnrd Redmond, wus upset on tho Locust street rnilrond crossing Wednesday morning, and severnl crates of cherries nnd strawberries scattered to tho.birds, Thfl.horse toqk ,,frightafc sdthothlng and rap, away ; .Tho wagon, tongue was lyroken but no injury resulted to tho animal or driver. I POOR FLOUR IS HIGH AT-ANY PRICE. Good Flour is cheap compared with other foods. BEST XXXX is nonorrly good, but it is Uie very besC There are flours .that are Detter advertised but there are none that are any betterrhade. ' f We use only the best hard winter wheat. Our mill is thoroughly modern and up-to-' date and our strongest selling argument is QUALITY. 1 North Platte Mill & Grain Co. Tremendous Earthquake Will Occur. A genuine shaking up on prices" on our .entire line of Brandafee Kinkald Stilts from '; June 19th to July 4th If you are proud of your ability to select a suit of ex ceptionally smart style if you know exceeding itood-values-we want to see you. "Each nd every suit Is strictly hand tailored. Every style and pattern, the latest. In models weiiave them for all shapes. We will give you a fit that Js a fit. We don't askgjSuto believe us until you have made an investigation, Yours for business, THE HUB CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. THE First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus $140,000. , 4 DIRECTORS: E. F. SEEBERGER, PrsMat, M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-President, r. L. MOONEY, Cashier. ARTHUR McNAMARA; J. J. HALLIGAN. 4' 4 tn A Modern Institution - For the treatment of medical and surgical cases. Open to tho medical profession. Special accomodations for confinement cases. Training school for nurses in connection. Address all commu- H cations to the superintendent Phone 642 y Cor. Eighth and Locust Summer Tourist Round-Trip Fares to the Pacific Coast. From North Platte to California $60.00 1 tP North. Pncific-coast, . pointed ssUo. , r- . -v( s- to California' one 'way '"via' , North Pacific coast points $73. ,20 Tickets on sale lune 1. to SeDt. 10 inclusive. Final return r I k J , limit October 31, 1911. , In addition, to labove the following- low fares will be in. effect: From "North Platte to California $50.00 "I'm i to North Pacific coast pointav$5c.oo. v to California one way via North Pacific coast poirits $65.00 Tickets on sale June 10 to 22, inclusive, and June 27. to July 5, inclusive, rinal return limit September 15th. Also August 7;to 11 inclusive, and 14 to 17 inclusive.. Finals return limit October 13, 191 1. ' UNION PAOIFI STANDARD ROAD OF THE WEST. Now and Direct Route to Yellowstone National Park. Protected by Electric Block Signals. Excellent Diniag Cars on all Trains. For all additional Information, and Illustrated California and Pacific Northwc.t book, call on or address F. E. BTJXX,AT1D, Agent, North Platte, Nebraska.