The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 30, 1911, Image 4

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    ; In commemoration of this event there can be no more
fitting present thah's'omething coming from our stock. She
will'.treasurd'it and have a kindly feeling toward the giver,
not based on the value of the gift, but in acknowledgement
of the remembrance, and of the better judgment of him who
gives for in our store no matter what you buy, you will
buy right. '
CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician.
Prescription Druggists
Pint Door North of
Hirst Notion l Hank
W. V. Hoagland made atrip to Gandy
Wednesday evening by auto.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Donaldson of Sedg
wick, Colorado aro visiting ,wlth rela.
tives, htare. ' v
New Departure Tonguolcss and Busy
Bee Cultivators at Hershey's, Cor. Gtn
A Locust StH. 0
Marten Nelson, of Tryon took out a
load of lumber yesterday to roof his
new sod house.
Tho extreme hot, weather this week
is causing a great deal of sickness, es
pecially among small children.
You cannot keep house without some
of that swell S-stnr glassware which
The Tramp grocery Is showing.
Dr. A. J", Ames, North Platte, gives
tho Three Day Liquor Curd. Cure Kuar-
anteedY-' PriWMfrrigh''Rcforchce
given? i ,
Have you noticed tho improvements in
tho way tho ladies have made their hair
look since wo have i hair dressing par
lor established In the city.
Wanted Girl at Steam Laundry.
Miss Maymo Pizcr returned TuesduV
from Hastirigs where she has been (
visiting relatives. Her cousin, Miss .
Mildred Fixer, accompanied her, and
will spend a few weeks hero,
Wm. Collins and wife, write from
Ceres, California, that they arc enjoy
ing thoir visit very much at the beauti
ful country homu-of N. B. Olds nnd
wife rind any .tho rpnds in that vicinity
rcsemblo a city boulevard.
Girl Wanted-- For general house
work. Good wages. Mrs. Geo. B.
Dent, G20 W. Fourth.
Ed. Lattlmer was called here by the
serious slckncs hi his daughter, who
has been attending Junior normal. She
Is threatened with appendicitis nnd
likely an operation will bo necessary,
Mr. Lattlmer loat n daughter lost fall
from appendicitis.
Though tho weather conditions were
not at 'all agreeable to tho nicely
planned reception tendered by tho East
ern Star in Masonic hall Wednesday
night to their, worthy Patron, -Arthur
' Boyd ajul bride, the affair was .well at
tended nnd proved one of the mdat on
'joyablo social oVeilta of the mid-summer
season, Elegant refreshment
were served.
Following is tho program of concert
at 8:15 thin ovening nt tho Court Houso
Park by tho North Platto Band.
March "Tho Commnndor". .R. B. Hall
Selection "Broken Idol". .Van Alstyne
Intermezzo "Irvnn" Rolfe
CharacteristiclMarch "Somollland". .
....v... Lampo
Waltz "Coriblrlbin" Pestalozza
Medley Overture "Havllands Happy
Hits No. 2" R. L. Hallo
March "National Emblem" Bagloy
We have all widths of ribbon
to re-
placo tho worn out fob ribbon.
DlXON, Tho Jeweler.
J. B, Hildendrand, charged with ob
taining money by false pretenses and
. whom the police say has fleeced Colo
rado andNebraska people out of more
than $20,000 was permitted Monday to
enter a plea to misdomeunor at Grcely,
Colo.,x arid was sentenced to forty-four
lioura In tho county jail. Physicians
-who examined IIHdonbrand say ho is in
tho last 'stage of consumption. He has
xelativea living in IMcPhurson county
and is said to havo worked mora thnn
one smooth game on unsuspecting ones
. ti Tf 4 111
In thi locality. Ho is remembered by
a number of North Platto poople.
Graduate Northwestern UniwiUjr.
Office over McDonald State Baals'
T. S. Cover, the north Bide grocer, Ab
on the sick list
For Rent Houso at 514 West Fifth
St. Sec Mrs. Jessie Hughes, C21 West
Fifth St
Mrs. Harrow, of Lexington, mother
of Mrs. Palmer, is visiting in tho city
this week.
Bring your cream to Filllon, local
agent for tho Fairmont Co., largest re
ceiving station In the west ,
Hove you been In to see that fine as
sortment of Haviland chinawaro at
Tramp's. This is a showing that will
Interest you.
Wanted Girl at Steam Laundry.
For Rent Rooms for light ' house
keeping. Enquire 514 East Third street
' P.' d."Pjeiatlckorjf Wallace habeen
In the city two dtiys this week in the
interest of the new bank, of which In
stitution he is president
District superintendent Wilson of
tho Nebraska telephone company left
Wednesday for Grand Island after a
week's stayhero on business.
1 ho John Philips house, nn old land
mark, corner Chestnut and EastGthSte,
Is being put on rollers preparatory to
moving nwny to make room for a
modorn structure.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Apply to Mrs. W. H. McDonald,
407 west Fifth St.
Geo. McKain and other parties shipped
several race horsos to Lexington yes
terday to tako part in the five days
raco meeting whjcl) opened yesterday
and will continue until July 4th.
Guy Boyor and family moved this
week to Grubb, Wyo., where .they will
join Uio "baxk to the Boil" movement,
nndGuy thinks ho cony see fabulous sums
of monoy pouring Into-lils coffers in tho
future If ho stay's with it
Wanted A good mnre pony. Inquire
nt A. F. Fink's harness shop. S. W.
Mnnon. ' ;
C. E. Neir, a member of the Inst leg
islature irom the 4Ulh District, spent a
portion- of last Tuesday" visiting his
nieces Mrs. Enrl Stamp, nnd Mrs. H.
IU Graham, while enrouto from his
farm near Kimbull to his hbmo in
Judge Grimes. R. C. Lnngford nndO
bluer leave noxt week for western
Wyoming for a two weeks' fishing trip
nnd vacation, and ns tho make-up of the
pnrty is a congenial one thero is no
doubt of a good time. They will be join
ed at Gcrini? bv two ntluif imntinmnn
1, w - - bV.l.lbll.l
5000 acres of improved farming nnd
hay land undorlrrigntion in Platto Valley
east nnd west of Horshoy, Nobr., For
aaio on easy terms: apply to the North
riuito j,nnu nnu water Uo., Hershey,
nvu. , tv IvftoTliUM, OUpt.
W. F. Klump and W. H. Winter of
lryort wore in tho city yesterday for
three loads of lumber to construct a
largo dancing pavilion on tho pleasure
grounds for tho Fourth of July celebra
tion. Tho people of Tryon nnd vicinity
aro planning nn old fashioned colobra
tion, anu an invitntlon is extended to
everybody to como and partake of their
hospitality and tho other good tilings
thnt will bo thero to amuse, entertain
and satisfy thoir hunger. Tho Boozo
grovd is tho site sclocted for holding,
tho festivities, nnd no mora attractive
place could bo found in that section
Horso races, foot races, fireworks
Bidea g0(Mi fr,U8c nU the old
' dance,
and other amusements will bo hud bo-
Hans Thrisscn's infant child has been
very,slck for several days.
'Attornoy IL A. Dana of Ogalallawaa
n the city today in legal business.
F. B. Barber, has sold hla- meat
market to Karl Brodbeck, salo to take
effect on M6nday.
yTom Green, Will Woodhurst and sev
eral othern will leave next week on a
fishing trip to Saratoga, Wyo.
Frank A. Stroup, formerly ' in ihe
local office of the Payne Investment
Co., but now located In New Orleans,
Was greeting old friends here today.
Mrs. W. L. Park and son Leo passed
through tho city Tuesday evening on
No. 7, on their way to Los Angeles,
Cat., to spend a few weeks.
Farmers in tho city yesterday from
Tryon nnd vicinity say that cropsre
showing exceptionally . good up their
wAy, and that a line rain bunday night
has helped things along wonderfully.
The city has secured an option on lot
8, block 101, for a sito for the proposed
city hall building. Whether this sito is a
satisfactory one to tho people will be de
cided at an election tp bo held later.
Cy Fox, A. Sense and .Jake Miller,
well known Garfield ranchmen, have
been in Omnha recently looking, .into
the good qualities of the varions autos
with a view to adding one to their farm
T. H. Wyman nnd wife, anddaughter,
Laura, former residents of this city, aro
here visiting friends this week. They
now live nt Brule, Deuol count. ' Mr.
Wyman is in the race for treasurer of
his county on the democratic Indepen
dent ticket
lllghcBt price paid for sweet cream
at Kcliher'a ice cream parlor.
An auto mail service, flying between
this city and Tryon, will bo installed
tho first of tho week by the postofftce
department Car will leave Tryon at,. 7
txii arriving in North Platte at 1,2,
returning leave this city at 1 p. m., ar
riving at Tryon, at 7 p. m. -
Mrs. Henry Hebotnc, who has been
hero visiting her sister, Mrs. J. II:
Stone the last six weeks, returned to
homo in Dcs Moines, Iowa, yesterday..!
Mrs, Hebome has fully.fecove'red frow
thc operation she underwent hero, and.
is again in good health.
You are especially invited to our
store tomorrow, Snturday, June 30th,
1911. DlXON, The Jeweler.
Vic Hnlligan, who runs down the
festive news Jtcm on the daily Telegraph
is wearing his right hand in a slingi
caused by doing the tumble bug stunt
on tho human roulette wh,eel at the
Carnival last night, This will pro-
Vent him from entering the Yocrn.wi-'
Ggthenburg ball game today.. . ntv
.State Manager W. J. Tlley of the
Yeoman, camo down from Bridgeport
today to fitch the Gothenburg-Yeoman
game on tho local grounds. Gothenburg
serit up a large delegation to root for
their team and it Is expected that the
game will be interesting and exciting.
Dotrolt Vapor Stoves at
uor. bin & Locust at.
Sherman Wlllberger of Hershey
came down Wednesday to' attend to
business matters and incidentally peep
into- the carnival grounds. He says a
large delegation of HorsheyiteB were
down to take in the sights on the pleas
ure grounds. His wife hua just returned
from Paxton-where sho went to nsslst
her daughter, Mrs. W. T. Maer, who
fractured her arm In an accident re-
Tho predictions of
the weather pro
rain throughout
made everybody
when everything
phets for a gencrnl
Nebraska yesterday;
feel good, especially
look oil ho fnvornhln
for a good down-
pour early in tho day. but the rain did
not reach uh, only a few drops falling
nt, tho noon hour. However soaking
rains aro roported nil the wny from
Brady to Grand Island, and in other
sections of tho state.
As tho time is drawing- niglv for'the
gtvnteat - event of the' yeiif 'to takb
placo In this city tho reTdrn of Col.
tody's mnnmmoth wild west show.
some stops should be taken by the busi
ness men and others interested to
handle the tremendous crowds thnt will
surely be here. Tho Bhow is booked to
appear August 19th, which date Is
not so far distant, nnd it is nono to
soon to begin preparations to tako pro
per enro of thoso who come, Tho crowd
will ho much Inrger than nt Mr. Cody's
last appearance here, and wo nil re
member what a jnm it was and how ill
prepnred wo wore to take care of tho
Trninmea from the enst end last
evening report n serious fire at Gothen
burg, caused from Bparks in the ruins
of tho firo of the previous day in the
E. G. West lumber yards. A terrific
wind wns blowing nnd It seemed Im
possible to savo tho town. Tho firo
started nbout 2:30 p. m., and mora
hoso was brought from Cozad immedin
tely. Four lines of hoso from tho city
water works and ono from the Union
Pacific tank was poured on tho firo ail
tho nfternoon and It is still burning.
Iho thermometer stood at 103, tho
terrific heat nnd smoke of tho firo mak
ing conditions almost unbearable.
Jcsslo O'Knne, fircmun, was oxhausted
by heat nnd smoke? Tho loss
is estimated at $30,000, covered
by insurance.
I Last Week
The Alteration Sale at The Leader,-. which has proven
the most successful sale ever inaugurated in North
Platte, closes on Monday of next week. - While the
sales have been enormous, there is
goods in every department, and -.. they are not rem
nants either, all is high class merchandise. We don't
want to pack and storevthese goods while our " rooms
are-being remodeled, hence to close them out we will
this week cut prices deeper than ever, and. you will
have an opportunity to buy reliable merchandise, not
remnants and mill ends, at ' prices, , much, lower than
you ever purchased the same goods before. Don't
let this opportunity pass it is a bargain harvest foij
'for you. All this week The Leader will be head
quarters for the best goods for. the lest money.
Come in and we will prove this assertion!
C. B. Howard is hauling material for
tho largo barn to be erected on W. B.
Hownrd's ranch, eight miles north of
tho city. Tho dimensions of tho build
ing will be 54x70, nnd when completed
will cost about $2000., A cement-block
wall eight feet Tiigh will be formed,
nnd tho building will bo! covered with
galvanized iron, making it ono of the
largest and finest barns in this section.
There are a number of other good
Iiarns in this vicinity, built by farmers
within tho last year, among them one
pufby Albert Haspel, two mllcB west,
that cost In tho neighborhood of $1000,
Geo. W. Diener' twelve mile's south
kilso has a good new bnrn that cost
$800. Geo. F. Patterson, three miles
northeast, is another of the enterpris
ing ones, nnd has a fine barm that cost
$1200. ,
v Prof. W. F. Lcahhnrdt, pinno tuner,
will- bo nt Rincker's book and music
store July 5. Leave order at store.
Democratic Convention.
A mass convention of tho democrats
of Lincoln dounty is called to meet
at tho courthouse, North Platto, Nob.,
July 8th, at 2 p. m. for tho purpose of
electing delegates to the democratic
convention, to elect a county central
committee nnd transact such other busi
ness as may como before it
M. Keith Neville, Chairman,
Chab. Temple. Secretary.
Wo nro rcnlacintr soma of 'our build-
es antr nave Boverai loaus oi sninRiea
d lumber to dmnoso' or-A line chance
to got a supply of good kindling cheap.
Phone No
7. InO U. JL, IDDlNCiS ou.
Road rfo. 344.
Tho commissioner appointed to view
for the purpose of eBtablising a, public
road as follows:
Commencing nt tho northeast corner
of Section 12, township 16, range 2G,
and running thenco west ono mile, to the
northwest corner of section 12, town
Bhip 10, rango 20, thence running south
one and ono half miles to tho south
east corner of tho n. o. quarter section
14. townshin 1G. rnniro 26.
Also commencing nt n. o. corner of
section 14, township 16, range 26, and
ninnine west one half mile aa nearly on
tho line aa nractlcal: has reported in
fnvor of tho establishment of said road
nnrl nil claims for damnero or objection
thereto must bo filed in tho offlco of tho
county clerk on or botore noon on tno
31at day "of August, 1911.
I Dated North Platto, Neb., Juno 28,
1911. F. R. Elliott, County Clerk.
BerUl No. 02S27.
Department of tho Interior,
U. 8. Land Offlco at North Platto. Nob.
June. a. 1011.
Notice Is hereby glxcn that May boll Q.
MnNpfll. of North Platto. Nell., who. on Apr.
M,iU0R.tnado homentoa(l ontryNo. all&O.serlal
XiXii tor rtn oi nn, gnncx,
NW o
St, TownHlik
9II1U iu, in. nam
Principal Meridian,
10, N.
Uatiiro 33
w. or
tho 6th
( nnllrn nf Intantlnn
to make Itnal Ova
roar proof, to eitahllsh claim to tho land
aboTO described, before tho Keslstor and Ite
colrer at North Platte, Nebraska, on the 'd
day of Au. 1WIJ.
Olalmant namoii aa wltncsaoii David Ma-
...ntp TKiniui Ilrrhkn. of North Platto.
William (Hoto. Walter Iieauchanp. of
Ilorehoy, Neb.
jjo-a JK.KTAna. Remitter,
of the
Julius Pizer, Prop.
- Notice.
Scaled -bids will bo received by the.
county clerk pf Lincoln county, Neb.,
up until noon on tho lBt day of July
1911 forcnaketa and burial of paupers.
Tho county commissioners rtserve
the right to reject any or all - bids.tit.r
F. R. Elliott Coupty Clerk.
Road No. 347;
The commissioner appointed to view
for the purpose of establishing a public
road as follows: Commencing at the
northeast corner section 26. township
16, range 26, and running thence east
along tho north section line of said sec
tion 26 to a point about 40 roads east
of tho northeast corner of northwest
quarter: thenco southeasterly around
tno canyon in northwest quarter of
northdast quarter of said section and
back to section line at about the north
east comer of northwest quarter of the
northeast quarter of said section thence
east along said section line about thirty
rods thence southerly across the cor
ner of the northeast quarter of the
northeast quarter pf said section 26 to
the intersection of tno enst lino? thence
south nlong the east line of said section
to tee intersection of Road No. 212 has
reported in favor of the location of
said roads as follows:
Commencing nt the northwest corner
of section 26, township 16, range 26,
and rnnning thence east nlong the
north section lino of enid section 26, to
a point about 40 rods 6ast of the north
east corner of the northwest quarter;
thence southeasterly around the can
yon, thenco in an easterly ' direction
to section lfne between sections 25 and
26 said town and range.
I nlso recommend that a road com
mencing about 40 rods west of the
northeast corner of thooiorthwest quar
ter section 26,"township 16, range 26,
nnd running thence in a southerly
direction for aUbufcaft roosOHntersect
with the former described road and all
objections thereto or claims for damage
must be filed In tho office of the county
clerk on or boforo noon on the 31st day
of August 1911.
Dated North Platte, Neb., Jimo28th,
1911. F. R Elliott, County Clerk.
Primary Election Notice, 1911
I, F. R. Elliott, County Clerk, of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, dohoreby
direct that a primary election be held
nt the voting places in tho various pre
cincts of Lincoln Gounty, Nebraska, -as
by law provided, on tho third Tuesday
in August, A. D. 1911.
At said primary election, candidates
for tho following offices shall be nom
inated to bo voted jan nt tho regular
November, A. D.. 1911 election:
Three judges of the Supreme Court;
Two regents of tho State University;
One state Railway CommissioncJ;
Ono district judgo Thirteenth judicial
district in Nebraska.
One county judgo;
Ono sheriff;
One coroner; ,
One county treasurer; - v
Oiiq couhty clerk;
Ono county surveyor;
Opo county superintendent;
One clerk of tno District Court;
One county commissioner, commis
sioner district number three;
Ope overseer in eash road distsict;
Two justices of tho peace; (in each
TwConstableB; (in each precinct)
Which election will bo open at 12 M
noon and continue open until 9:00 o'clock
in the afternoon of the same day.
Dated, North Platte, Nebraska, Juno
28, 1911.
' F. R, Elliott, County Clerk.
still quantities of "'A;
Notice to the Public.
North Platte, Nebr., June 27, 19li.
You nro hereVy notified that the board
of Equalization will be in session at tho
County Commissioners' office at North
riatte, Nebr..from JulvB toRlnplimluo .
ip-near complaints' with reference to
uio. uqunnzniion or personal property.
F. R. Elliott, County Clerk.
will be rnrotvprl in in
Sealed bids
o clock
ing North Platte, Neb., for tho erec
tionv,of.,a Carnagie library building
at North Platte, Nebraska. All bids
must be in strict accordance with plans
and specifications prepared by Carl E.
ShaefTer, nrchitect, North Platte, Ne
braska, and must be accompanied by a'
cprtified check for 3 per cent of the bid,
made payable to Annie C. Kramp, Sec
retary Carnegie Library Bonn!, North
Platto, Nebraska. Plans can be seen
nt tho office of Annie C. Kramph, Sec
retary Carnegie Library Board, North
Platte, Neb., and nt the offlco of Carl
E. Shaffer, Architect, North Platte,
Bids for heating plant, plumbing nnd
ejectnc wiring must bo nccompanied
by a certified check, of 3 per cent of tho
amount bid and made payable to Annie
C. Kramp, Secretary Carnegie Library
Board, North Platte, Nebraska.
The right-is reserved to reject any or
all bids. By order of tho Carnegie Lib
rary Board, North Platte, Nebraska. -Annie
C Kramp, Secretary.
Butlek BubiiANAN, Chairman.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building,
Save Your Suits.
Wouldn't you like to wear that per
fectly gpod last spring's suit again?
And wouldn't you wear it if you could
shorten the jacket to conform to the
present Btyle. If you haven't tho time
to do it, or if you don't know how, just
send it to us. Wo are doing a- great
denl of this kind of work this spring, as
well as cleaning, dyeing, pressing and
adding new collars and cuffs. A few
such changes will improve your old
Buitso that you will nctually enjoy
ThelFrench Diy Cleaning nnd Press
ing Place.
A. SIGEL, The Little Tailor
223 E. Cth St. Phone 182
uiv ij. in. duiv oin. 1SJ11. nv Ann n
Kramph, Secretary Carneine Lib-
lioard. First Nnt onnl TlnnL- TiniM.