The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 26, 1911, Image 8

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Semi - Weekly Tribune
lira L. Bare, Editor and PaMkter.
One Year by Mall In ndvnaco... ..;m.$1.2fi
One Year by Carrier in advance....... $1.60
Kntercd nt North Platte, Nebraikn, Tost
olllco as Socond Claw Matter-,
FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 19 1 1.
- H la generally understood that the
Standard Oil Co. wilj not seek further
litigation relntlvo to tho order of the
federal court dissolving as a, .trust,
but to piny oven will ralno the price of
oil. Thin latter It can easily do, r it
controls the market absolutely.
Tho first assessment, uponji stnto
banks in Nebraska undef tho gunmnteo
of deposit law will raiso n fundof $103,
C33.02. Tills fund will bo set asi lo by
the banks ns n guarantee for tho total
of ?C0,2K5,GC8.72 deposits. These aro
tho figures of Secretary E. ttoyBe of
tho Btato bnnkina; board, wlia Is pre
paring to enforce tho guarantee feature
of tho law. Under an amendment
adopted by tho last legislature the
guarantee portion of the law la to be
come olToctivo not sooner than July 1.
The legislature decreed thnt on July 1
tho first assessment of one fourth of per
cent of the average dally deposits for a
porlojior six months prior to .Juno 1,
1911, should be levied.
i, 1 1 C"
. Win, Ebrlght elsowhoro announces
IiIb candldncy for tho ropuhlicon,f,noml
nation for county superintendent. Mr.
Ebrlght has boon filling this position
for several years In u manner, wo be
lieve, nccoptablo to tho people. $ortain
ly ho hns labored zealously for itfio up
building of tho schools of tho county,
and tho records prove thnt the, standard
hnH been raised. Mr. Ebrlght has been
an educator for more than u quar.ter of
n cenjury-fho'has been tcachqj, princi
pal and BUporintondent of schools-his
ojeperienco covering a wide range of
educational work. When thootors of
' tho county placed him at tho' head of
of tho county schools thoy mndn no
, mistake; thoy will mnkujio mlatnko if
thoy ro-nomihato and ro-olect him
: Undor tho provisions of a Hir'jtasscd
.uy Uio recent legislature, uio commis
sion named In tho law Will soon begin
the work of having monuments erected
, to mark that pnrt of tho old O'regon
kmil which niiRBcd throuvrh eViraska.
un. many ,oi mo mnps oi uiu uapy hup
vdy. made In tho state tho routo1 of
Ihb Oregon .trail, which was 'Still plain-:
1, ,ly. dlscernablo nt tlint timo,' was
;jf miuKcu, unu Ku,,lt ' mono rec
ords in tho'Btuto ho'uBo iUojXtHo his-
mni'KCU, unu uy kuiok ovur uiunu
' r- toricul society has been able louoter
mino quite accurately tho route 'oi tho
famous transcontinental hlghwa jhlch
served as practically tho maIn'"a'rtory
of commorco and travel to tho'far'west
in thu days when tho transcontinental
railroad was nothing more than at wild
and vaguo ,ilronm. ,
Are Tkey Keeping the Faitj
in his big gun speech at Hamburg,
Chump Clnrk boasted that "triumphant
democracy" waatho "themo qf (ovory
' tonfrtio within the brondconflnC)f,p tho
republic," bocauso "wo(tho democrats)
aro keeping Uio faltli." But nro.. they
keeping tho fnitlu
No loss a distinguished domoqrajj than
Mr. Bryan Hays thoy are not. says
Uioy cannot not h6pe to fool the people
by their system of trickery now,.belng
employed In congress. Who. bettor
Thinn Mr. Brnnn( tho" arch-apostlo of
democracy, Jias a right to say .whether
his party is keeping tho faith? Certain
ly ho ia supiKiacd to know what tho
faith is. Yothu says that Champ. Clark
ami uio party unuor nun m copgross
( aro betraying ytho household of.4lcmoc
, racy nnd denying, tho faith. .IIo says
it with mich cutting -vehemence 'pa to'
mov.o Uio "original Bryan organ?' W
uxcluitmthnt "Mr. Bryan la tepipcstu
ous, headlong and intolorant,"
tAt all events SpcakorClnrk innt one
to say whether bo nnd his colleagues are
. keeping tho faith. That ia for o.ti&rs tp
- determine. Tho faith Includes Urn-pop
ular" election of senators, and jrot tho
democrats have done their beat, to deny
tho faith to the extent of loadingilown
' thd pro)K)sed constitutional amendment
for this proposition with nnoUioMtmond
mcnt, that of statu control, which thoy
know la not nccoptablo to tho .popple
and threatens ultimate dofoat tyf tho
whole question. And this In but o(rio In
stance of tho folltlcal jugglery )ynlch
Speaker Clnrkeitlls 'keeping thfaUh,"
but which Mr. Bryan frankly denpuncea
. na "trying to fool Uio people."- Omaha
Increased Operating Expiates.
That railway operating postsin Uio
United States are advancing tQlovol
out pf proportion tp charges for trans
portation ftorvice is shown by official
roturns of tho Intorstato Commorco
Commission for tho nine months ended.
March 31, 1011. .
Aa compared with the corresponding
nino montha pf tho last fiscal'' yoar,
Uieso roturns bIiow an Increasir Pfbnly
nine-tenths of ono per cent In MJ op
erating revenues. In tho aamq'fp'iod,
thcro was an Increase of P,5 per cont In
total pperating expenses, Thorowoio
increases under; every hcadlngof opera
ting expenditures, tho largest being 8.3
per cent Undor Uio head of transporta
tion. Tho largo Incrcaso undor this
leading reflects the substantial advances
In thownges of practically all employees
In tho transportation department which
havo been made during Uio past year.
As a result of nlmo3t stationary op
erating revenues nnd largely Increased
operating expenses, net opcnrtlng rev
enues for the nino monchs show a de
crease of 7.9 pcrcont. Taxes during
tho nino monUisof this fiscal year show
a.n increase or J.y per cent, anu nnni
net pperating Income for tho nino
months was 9.6 per cent less than for
tho nino months of Inst year.
Tho latest complete statistics of rail
way taxation available aro those for
tho fiscal year ended Juno 30, 1900.
They show nn Incrcnse In taxation por
mllo of lino of 57.20 per cent ns com
pared with 1000.
On nny bnsls on which a comparison
may be made tho taxes paid by railways
are far In excess of those paid by in
dustrial coricerns. For six representative
railway systems in dilforent parts of
the United States tho average ratio of
taxes to gross earnings, in 1009, was
4:38 per cent. For six of tho largest in
dustrial corporations of the United
States the average ratio 6f taxes to
gross earnings was 1.80 per cent. For
tho rnilways tho averago ratio of taxes
to not Income, was 20,05 per cent; for
tho industrial corporations it was 4.39
por cent. For tho railways tho .average
ratio of taxes to capitalization was 1.2-1
per cent; for tho industrial corporations
t was threo-tcnths of one per cent.
Firet Occur Frequently.
Aro you Insurcd7 If not, let Bratt
& Goodman write you a policy in their
sound, gilt edge companies.
Mrs. Calloway of Hershcyis reported
seriously sick.
Robert Dickoy mado a business trip
to Big Springs this mornjng. .
Tho Presbyterian aid Bocioty will
meet in Uio church parlors Thursday
Mrs. Casey of West Slxth-St, undor-
Went an operation yesterday in ono of
the .hospitals. '
Mrs. C. M. Reynolds and sister of
Sutherland wero visitors in tho city
two days Uiis week.
This mornings Omaha Bco says: Tho
death of Henry B. Reed In Clnrkson
lospjtnl Sunday night marks tho pass-
ng for ono of tho pioneer Nebraska
cattlo barons, who laid tho foundation
for greatness in tho northwest .over
thirty years ago. Mr. Reed had ranches
pxtondlngall around 'Paxton and Ogol
alia, and for more than a generation
was. n potential factor in tho I vo stok
ndustry along tho western plains.
James Sullivan, ono of tho threo men
charged with killing of Frame Wlsor,
1904, an old North Platto man, at Sidney
has applied to Uio gqverner for a par
don. Tho other men woro Thomas Mc-
Intyro and Harry Neville. All received
Ufa sentences. Novillo obtained a com
mutation of sentence from Governor
Shallenberger, January 4, 1911.
uno oi tno last acta or tno gover
nor was to liberate Novillo, .on tho
ground of failing health. Now Sullivan
whoso life sentenco was commuted to
to ton yeare, January 1, 1909, by Gov
ornor Sheldon, naks for liberty on tho
ground that Novillo, who is now frco,
signed nn affidavit several years ago ad-
mittingjlmt ho waa Uio mnn who killed
Uio night watchman and that ho had
lied previously when ho Bald tho killing
was Uono by Sullivan.
Tho Rclss carnival company, which
will amuso Uio peoplo of North Platto
this week, opened last night to nn Im
menco throng of peoplo. It seemed ns
though t'Ro entire population was on
tho grounds, t least after eight o'clock
tho streeta wore deserted, and In tho
Ico cream "parlors, drug and cigar
stores, which aro usually crowded dur
Ing tho early evening hours,nono worolo
toboween, Tho carnival certainly opened
under auspicious conditions, Uio oven
ing was cbol and plensant, tho atten
dants had money in Uielr pockets, and
Uio various attractions woro well pat
ronized. Whllo tho crowd was lively it
was not rough, Of courso thero was
that undue famalarity of young men
and women which characterizes all
carnivals and which la expected; thnt Ib
women tolcrato more familiarity on tho
grounds than thoy would on tho street
wore a carnlvnl not In progress. Tho
attractions are reported to bo up to Uio
usual carnival shows, each, as a .rulo.
being worth tho prico of admission
askeu. I no freo acta are also said to
bo very fair. Tho company carries an
excellent band, which gavo two concerts
on tho streota yesterday, nnd which
plays constantly on tho grounds during
tho evening. For fivo nights Uio north
side will bo alivo with tho flaro flare
of music, Uio spieler and tho' morry
juugmor oi tno peopic.
For Rest.
Good store building on Locust street.
npusca ana nico unfurnished rooms,
snfo deposit boxes and atorago -rooms,
Itisworso than useless to take any
medicines internally for muscular or
ctironic rheumatism. All that Is needed
is a low application oi unamberlaln1
ijiniment. ror saw py an dealers.
A Reversal
Copyright by American Press Asso
ciation, 1911.
A fair haired, blue eyed young officer
of the United States army knelt lu a
narrow canyon in the far weat. Uefore
him was nn Improvised fort nl:oiit the
elzo of thoso nindo by boys out of
snow, tnouRli Lieutenant osbornos
redoubt waa composed of loose stones
gathered from tho dry bed of a creek
In which It was located. In Its center
an opening had been left, through
which protruded tho muzzle of the
officer's rifle, tho butt of which rested
against bis Rhouldcr.
There was no sound nvo the rustle
of tho leaves of tho trees, no motion
snvo n slight swaying of tho branches
nnd tho hopping about of a chipmunk
Which finally ntopped on n limb, "Bat
upon Its hnunches, looked at Osborne
out of tho sldo of Its head with ono of
Its bright littlo oyes nnd scorned to
"Whnt.nro you doing thcro?"
This waa what tho lieutenant was
doing there: IIo was ono of tho garri
son of n fort not many miles distant
Roan Hnmnionu, who uau been visit
ing her married sister, had that day
loft the fort to return to tho cast. Os
borne nnd tho evening before offered
her his heart nnd hnnd. Not being cer
tain of her feelings for him alio was a
conscientious girl sho had taken tho
benefit of tho doubt and refused htm,
Ilcr refusal did not niakq any differ
ence in ner lovers reelings for tier,
IIo had hl doubts as to tho safety of
bor Journey to tho railroad terminal.
Rumors wcro current that Indians
whom the garrison was Intended "to
keep In order were meditating rebel
lion. Rebellion meant murder and
scalps. Tho colonel commanding pooh-
poohed. Nevertheless on tho morning
of Miss Hammond's departure Osborne
aroso long before reveille, took his rl
ilo nnd a belt of ammunlUon, mouqtcd
his horso nnd started alono to act as
a skirmish Uno over tho routo tho girl
ho loved would pass. She wbb to tray
ol In an nmbulanco with an escort of
half a dozen mounted outriders and, to
start at 8 o'clock In tho morning.
Osborne hnd ridden over tho route
Miss uummoim was to travel along a
rldgo looking down on to the plains.
Not caring to put too 'great a dlstqucy
between himself and tho ambulance, ho
turned to riuo back when below, oq
tho open ground ho sow a band of nqj
less tnan nrty warriors nuuuica to?
gather looking up at tho rldgo oh
which ho stood, but at a point between.
mm aua tno rort. with tho quick In
stlnct of ono usbd to such n life, hft,
fnrr'ed at onco tlint thoy wcro looklyg
nt the nmbulnnco containing what was
A- I.... t ... '
uciircr to 'ill" yuan inn inc. ...
Osborno wns peering through foliage
and consequently Invisible to tho Im
dlans. As bo looked they dashed off,
making straight for tho mouth of a
cnuyou leading from tho plain up to
tho rldgo, their purpose evidently bcj
ing to como up through tho cnuyou and
ambush the party with the ambulance
when It enmo along. Osborno hesitat
ed for a moment between two plans
Should ho rldo bnck and warn tbo par
ty, or should ho go down tbo ennyon,
fortify himself In a narrow gorgo and
delay tho Indians till tho party had
passed? A move of the Indians decid
ed htm. A dozen or more bucks broke
away from tho body of tho savages
aua rode toward tho mouth of a can
you leading up to tbo roar of tho trnv
clcra. Osborno dismounted and tied
his horso to a trco. IIo could not use
the uulmnl In tho canyon, and when the
travelers came along tho horse would
servo" ns a wnrnlng to thorn. Thfen the
lieutenant dropped down Into tho can
Tho routo up tho canyon from Its.
mouth waa difficult, and, though tho
distance was not great, ' tho Indians
inndo slow progress. Tho point chosen
for tho Improvised fortress commnnd
ed nn open space widening downward
Hearing tho breaking of underbrush
at the further end of tho opon, Osborne
put himself on tho alert "nd when a
rcdsklu bloke through fired. Tbo buck,
pitched -forward on his face. Two or
threo more Indiana broke tnto-the open
at brief Intervals, nnd Osborno dropped
ovory ono of thein as ho nppenred.
Indians aro not prono to fighting
what they hnvo no knowledge of, nnd
not another ono of them enmo into the
opon. Thoy were reconnoltorlng tho.
toy fort with ono man in It, though
thoy could not sea tho man, nnd ho
might bo one or, besides more
to come.
It was about this Umo thnt the am
bulanco nppronched the point where
tho young officer hnd taken to tho
canyon. Tim first of this second ae
ries of shots enmo up to tho travolcra
Tho driver drew rein. Ono of tho-es
cort rodo ahead, saw and recognised
Osbomo'a horso. Riding back, ho
called to tho other arnicd men:
"For heaven's sake, cornel Lleuten
ant Osborno Is down thero fightlngl"
Osborno bad dropped several of the
redskins, who woro trying to divide
his flro, when another batch emerged
and bohlnd them another, no bollcv
ed that ten minutes more would end
uie ugnt anu his scalp would grace
tap girdle of ono of. tho warriors when
he beard sounds as of men or animal
breaking through brush obovo him
He shouted, and his volco was un
awcred by hnl'oos.
Tho Indians, Igqprftnt of what forec
thoy had to contend with, beat
hasty retreat Tho party, tncludftu
Rose Hammond, was saved. Sho nra
ceeded. on her Journey1, but her answer
tp Osborne's proposition was reversed
olitkal Announcements
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for Uio republican nomination
for county treasurer, subject to tho
decision of the voters of the primary
election August 15Ui, 1911. I will fully
ppreclate the support of republicans.
I i-esncctfullv announce that I am a
candidate for the republican nomination
for county treasurer, subject to tne
decision of tho voters at the primary
election August 15th. Support given mc
win ue appreciates
I hereby announce mv candidacy for
tho republican nomination for eounty
treasurer, subject to the decision of tho
republican nnmnrv Au trust loth, i will
annroctato tho support of republicans!
on that day. l RANK MURRAY.
Fellow citizens of Lincoln county: I
hereby announce myself a candidate fof
county treasurer and respectfully solicit
your support t tho polls. If elected I
will endeavor to do my duty in such a
way na to meet thp approval or tho
people. Walter B. McNeel.
FOR clerk.
1 hereby announco'mv candldncv for
tho nomination for county clerk subject
to tho decision of tho republican party
at Uio primary. Wm. Otten.
I hereby announce myself n candidate
for county clerk subject to the decision
of tho republican voters at the primary
election to be held Tuesday, August
15th, lull, and respectfully solicit
your support.
I announce myself as a candidate for
siicnir, subject to tno decision or tho
voters at tho primary election to bo
held Aumiat 16th. 1911. and respect
fully solicit tho support of tho republi
cans at mat election. - v
A. J. Salisdouy.
I hereby nnnnounco myself as a can
didato for tho republican nomination
for sheriff, subject to tho decision of
Uio voters at xthe, primary olccUon on
August 15th and respectfully solicit
your support
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for tho democraUc nomination for
sheriff subject to the decision of tho
voters at the primary election on Au
gust lbtn ana rcspcctiuiiy solicit your
I hereby announce mvsclf bh b candi
date for shorilT'on tho democratic Ucjcot
sublcct to the decision of tho voters nt
the primary-election on August 15, 1911.
I hereby announce mvsclf as a candi
date for the nomination of county super
intendent subject tcr tho decision of tho
democratic primary.
Brady, Nebr1.
I announco myself a candidate for re
nominaUon for clerk of district court
subject to tho will of tho republican
voters, at Uio primary election to be
held Tuesday, August 15th, 1911. and
assure you your support win be greatly
1, John Grant hereby announce my
self a candidate for tho Democratic
nomination for County Judge, subject
to the -decision of tho yoters at the
primary election August 15, 1911, and
most respectfully solicit your support
I hereby announco myself as a candi
date for the republican nomination
for county judge, subject to the
decision of tho voters at tho primary
election rin August 15th, and respept-
iuuy solicit your support.
i hereby announce mvseit as a can
didate for the republican nomination
for county judge, subject to tho decis
ion of Uio voters nt the primary elec
tion August 16th.
I haroby announco myself, ns a candi
date for the republican nomination for
county commissioner from tho Third
di trie t, subject to Uio decision of voters
at the primary clccUon. You support
'Horflhoy, Nebr.
I hero announce myself n candidate
for tho republican nomination for
county commissioner from Uio Third.
district, subjoct to Uio decision of tho
voters at tho primary election In August
and respectfully solicit your .support,
am a resident of Nowcfl precinct and
my postoffico address is Hcrshcy.
11. J, KUNNER.
I hereby announco mv candidacy for
tho dpmocratic nomination for. county
commissioner in district No. 3, subject
to tno result ot uio pnmnry election.
HENRY 11. 1'ULK,
' V
Jog-along Transfer Co.
Hack and Heaw Dravintr of all Kinds,
Piano moving a specialty. Up-to-dato
1911 piano truck Office- hours 8 a. m.
to 6 p, m, Office with PostalTelograph
uinco pnone zui, Kcsiuonco wn
Go to ;
Furniture Repairing
4 and CabinetlWork
Ake Weed Taraiap, Picture Fraaieg
Roea Mealdiag, and Wndew -Screea
a Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
Parties wishing
50$ per 100 lbs.
Phone 95
Bit's for School Houcc.
Tho Bclioor board of District No. 8
will receive bids for tho construction
of a one-story two room pressed brick
scnooi nousp on tno present site ot tne
Platto Valley school building eight
miles west and north of North Platte.
Bids will bo received by J. G. Wilson,
treasurer. North Platte, Neb., up to
noon of tho 8th day of July. Spec
ifications for building can be seen at
office of the C u ity Supt. Ebright
A certiucu checK, payable to J . u.
Wilson, Treasurer, must accompany
each bid, which will be returned when
bid is accepted or rejected.
Tlio board resceves the right to re
ject any or all bids.
BcrlalNo Oiusa.
Department of tbo Interior
U. S. Lnd Ofllco t North 1'IMtf. Neb.
Mar 18.1011,
Notice, Id liornliv clvnn Hint ninnt
McNeel. of North 1'lattc. Nobraska. who on
October IStli, IVX Diiln Homestead entry
o. suw. Horlal No. axon, for all of Sec
tion 2. Two. 15. N.. It. 32. JV, of tbo 0th l'rin.
Meridian, lias (lied notice of Intention to
mal(0 Qnal flvo roar broof. to establish
claim to tbo land abovo described, before
llio KeRistor and Receiver at North l'lntte,
Nebraska, on the 17th day of July. 1911.
Claimant names wl menses t Ilarwln
E- Tar lor, David W, Maeomber.. .lames Ho
chan and Arthur Toops, all X North Platte.
mio-H J, K. kvanh, Keelster.
Notice for Publication.
Serial No. 0S3l2-023fiS.
' Department of the Interior.
U. 8. Land OOlco at North Platto, Neb.
Juno 12th, 1911.
Notlr.o la horobr rlvon thit'Tlinmud Hnl
chcr. of Myrtle. Nob.. who on August I, 1U04,
mado Homeatead Entry No. 20IB3. Serial No.
02212, for HWU. and on February Nth,
iw. uiaao Homestead Entry No. Z0MH.
oenai no. uw, tor v4 oi 8KM, sec
tion. 8 Township. 10, North, ranro S9,
west or tne aixtn principal meridian
has filed notice ot Intention to mako final
ovoyoar proof, to establish claim to tho
iana aoovo aescrioca. twroro tho Keelster
idu uecRivor ii norm I'l&Ltn nenrmui.
on tne iuui uay oi auk, ivu.
Claimant names aa witnesses: Daniel J
ir or
James Main, and Francis L. Keslor. Nesblt.
Serial No. 02783.
, May ltfth. 1811.
MOtlcoUKcrob7 irlvrtl thnt Wklinr It. Mn
Neul. of North Platte. N ub.. who. on .Tan.
S0h. lOOtt: mado II. E. No. 1012. Hcrlal No.
VH33. tor all of tsoctloh 24. Township 15.
N.. Itantresz. W. of tbo Uth. Trine oal Meridian.
has fllod'notlcnof Intention to mako final Uvc
yenrj)roof to 'establish claim to tho land
alovo described, boforo tho Register and lio-
ceiverat noxt riaitc, ncu.. on tno jniuiay
ui .iuiy, auii.
Claimant names OMwIthcssutl: James Ho-
Chan, or north riatte, Noli., Henry iioebko,
n Kr.-.t. ma..t vAi. n ,1. I I -.. I .
of HUtborland. Nob,, and Charles II. Ma
cpmber, of North Platto. Nob.
j. 1-.ji.vans. itcgistcr.
Serial No. 094(1.
DoDartmcntof tho Interior.
8, Land Olllco at North Platto. Neb.
nil, ion.
Notice Is horobr clvonthat Adolnli lint"
erlo. son and ono ot the heirs of Goorco llov'
erlo. deceased claimant, whoso wlfo Is also
(load, or .North I'latto. Nobraska.. who on
uec- l, iwa. maoo homestead entry rio."iw7,
Sorlal No. OlUO. for 8K HEM. NWM SEU.
8WM, and 1 NWH section 18. township
i.i. w. Mange sk, w. oi tno sixtn principal
Meridian has tiled notlco ot Intention to
make flnal fivo roar nroof to
establish claim to tno land abovo described,
before the llcclstcr and uccolvor at North
t'latte. woo., on tho .flu day of July mil.
Claimant names as WltnossOHi nnnlol
II. McNeel. James llechan, Walter, II x Mc
Neel. William W. Groves all of North Platte.
JI3- h J. R. KVA N8. Tleglstpr.
Estimate of Expense for the Fiscal
Year 1911.
T PViOC X? Tamnln PUti P1avb In anA
fbr tho. City of North Platte. Lincoln
County, Nebraakn, hereby certify that
the loiiowintr est mate of cxnenses was
made by the Mayor and City Council of
tho City ot North Platte, Nebraska, for
the Fiscal Year 1011, tho Gth day of
June. 1911,
Salaries of City OIHcials $2,500.00
Fire Department.. 3.000.00
Police Department 2,100.00
Streets and Culverts, 8,500.00
Sidewalks, crossings and approaches
General and Incidental Expenses....
.! 4,UUU,UU
Fire Protection 3.500.00
Street Lighting 3,000.00
Bond & Interest Sewer 1,700.00
Sewer Maintenance 1.0QQ.00
Water liond Interest 5,000.00
City Library ...,1,500.00
City HallBond & Int'drest.... 1,000.00
Total ?33,300.00
Tho entini revenue for the past fiscal
year was $22,100.00. Chas. F. XKMrLE,
uity uierK.
Specifics enro by acting directly on the
tlofc parfj without utsiuru ug tuo mt v
the system. ,
1 lor rovera.
2 " Worms.
3 " Teothlng.
4 " Pinrrhea.
i " fvoughs.
8 ' Neuralela.
9 ,r Headaches.
' No. 10 Dyspepsia.
No. 11 " Buppros8ed Perlode.
NJ, ia Whites.
. No. 13 Croup.
No, 11 " TUoBkin.
,No. 15 Ithouraatlam.
No. 10 " Malaria,
No, 19 !' Catarrh.
No. 20 ' Whooping Conga.
No, 27 " Tho Kidneys.
No. 30 ' Tho Bladder.
No. 77 " La Grlnpo.
In Btnall bottloH of pellota that fit tho voot
pocket. At UrtiRKlsW or mnuoi, a
AtUniRKtutfi or mailed, 25o. each,
HumphrayMe Co., Cor WllUai t Jobu BtittU
vtm fliHiiitiai mmiu iuu uu tvv
Simile, SimliftWf CuritittMK
A like remedy will cure a like
disease as a remedy which haft
the same symptoms, or produces'
the same in the well, will cure
those in the rick, and .with na
ture's help will cure quicker than
any other, and wjth less expense
to the human economy. This
system of medicine has at its
command anything in the realm
of cure, such as electricity In any
form, the Vibrator. Massnge,
Hyrothcr.afentles. Therefore the
correctness df choosing this line
of treatment, rather than whims
with a Single borrowed idea.
For out of town patients and all
those Interested: rooms furnished
.when desired, for confinement,
medical and the necessary surgi
cal cases. Trained nurses in
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Medical asd Surgical Practitioner
4444 444 4444'it'll'' Ml 4 t
Physician and Sarieen,
Office over McDonald Bank.
pi,. I Office 130
I phones Residence 115
Physician and Surgeon,
Day and night calls promptly answered
unite x. a. nospiini. mono w.
Pkyiiciaa, Snrgees Opticiai.
District Surgeon U P. R. R.
Hersiiby, Nebraska,
Homeopathic Pbyalclan andSu(eon
Special atteollon elven to oiiflno-
ments arid children's diseases,
Office Phone 183 lies. Phono 283
OlDco McDonald Stato Hank JlldV
X r
Docfor's Ames ft Ames,
p Physicians and' SurgeoHs
U Offlco over Stone Drue Co1.
V. ) Offlcfl 273
J0 Residence 273
.Surgeon, Physician,. CQniuItaat,
Office Physicians and Surgeons Hospita,
Phones: Office 642, Residence 644.
Spirella Cerset
The Ladies' s Home Journal, Deline
ator, YogBe, etc., are advertisiag the
Spirella Corset.. These advertiseaeats
are of particiAjiiateVest to corset
wearers. As lifrsetjere for the
Spirella Compa'ay' Tarn ia positioH to
give you the benefit of ny-trainibg
and experience.' I gaarantee year cor
set to fit you, to be the proper model
for yon. I do' residence fitting, will
call, demonstrate the corset and ex
plain it to you at yoar convenience,
MRS. M, K. DUKE. .
408 East Sixth St.
Phone Red 202.
Merchant Taylor.
Wo havrecently inslalled a French
Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies'
apparel oi an cjassess. and ,wo
guarantee satisfactory work. We
are also tailqrs and know how to
repair clothes.
We carry samples of goods and
mak6 clothes of all kinds to order,
insuring first-class, workmanship
and perfect fit.
The Man, tho Girl and tho Cigar
a happy combination to a certainty,
and one should be as good as the
other. We can't furnish tho young
man with thegirl, but we con 'fur
nish him the Cigar, and It will be a
cigar ns good as tlie. girl is sweet,
and one which smoked In her pres
ence will not bo offensive tn hnr.
ii you don t bellevo us, try one.