SERIAL STORY Q)hen aJfCan JMarries Mil MARY ROBERTS RlNEHART Author of Tht Circular Staircase, 77m CKan in Lowtr Ten, Elc Oonrrlglit 1K9, by the Dobbe-aterrill Co. SYNOPSIS. 23 James Wilson or Jimmy as ho Is called by his friends, was rotund and look ed shorter thnn ho really was. Ills amtmion In lire was to bo taken seriously, but peoplo Btcadlly refused to do so, his peoplo Btcadlly refused to do so. his art Is considered a Iiuko Joke, except to himself, If ho asked people to dinner v- HVnAM...t - II . I . . n l - Delia Knowles; thoy llvo toBcther n year una nro uivorceu. Jimmy's menus ar rango to eclobrata tho first anniversary , ranico to celobrato tho first anniversary of his divorce. Tho party is In full swlns I when Jimmy receives a iteleKram from his Aunt Bellna. who will arrive In four hours to visit mm and his wife. Ho neniccts to l toll her of his divorce. Jlmmv takes Kt .it v Into his confidence. He suggests that Kit nlnv tho hostess for ono nlelit. be Mrs. .yiKn.JLri.lim--.A.l"t B!lnft.orr'v," "",d Jim's Jap servant is taken 111. Holla, Jimmy's divorced wife, enters tho house ana asiis Kit who is being taken away in the nmbulanco? Bollo Insists It Is Jim. Kit tells her Jim Is well and Ik In tho house. Harbison steps out on the porch and discovers a man tacking a card on the door.- Ho demands an explanation. The man points to tho placard and Har bison sees the word "SmallDOx" minted jm It. He tells him the guests cannot .IUI. ,t.A V. . . . 1 1 At,. MLMMnAlnA la .uu.u mid iiuuaq uiiii. ilia iluuittiiuiio la I lifted. After the HfUng of tho quarantine ?.ri?i-L0ii0 tt.f0"J3.d ,n y10.!?"; b??. "'"Oil V Ja Villi to IU Atvllt jr Llewellyn. Iouioue. chile, which was tle.nblr.Jabl,,on Jec.rtbo ml- niltalV nf ttiAlee Inna wmawA t Inn sUn Srr ttlea 1 Infatuation for Mrs. Wilson. ' Aunt Sellna Is taken ill with la srrlppo. Detty acts ao nurse. Harbison finds Kit sulking on the I roor, one tens mm mat Jim naa neen treating hor outrageously. Kit starts downstairs, when suddenly she is grasped In tho arms of a man who kisses her sev eral times. Sho behoves that Harbison did it and Is humiliated. Aunt Sellna (ells Jimmy that her cameo breastpin and other articles of Jewelry havo been stolon. She accuses Betty of the theft. k Jimmy tolls Aunt Sellna all about the stransro happenings, but sho persists In suspecting ueity oi mo mere or, ner valuables. Harbison demands an explanation from Kit as to hor conduct towards him. she tells him of tho Incldont on the roof, ho ooes not aeny nor confirm hor accusation, Aunt Sellna Is awakened during tho night: sho finds Jim making lovo to Bella; she demands an explanation xrom Jim. jiena roveais tno wnoio 1f 4a A ttt-tt C1lnn Vt a. tsmr has V- Vi of Uiem. ..bqt jjalls Kit a JozobeU .Sho tells' Jim -to roveal tho truo situation to tiarbison. CHAPTER XIX. (Continued.)' I m "Playing tho part of Mrs. Wilson 1" ho repeated. "Do you mean ?" ".Exactly. Playing tho part, She is not Mrs. Wilson. It seems that that honor bolonged at ono tlmo to Miss Knowles. I bellovo such things are not unknown in Now York, only"why in tho name of sonso does n man want to dlvdrco a woman and then moot her at two o clock in tho morn- lue to kiss tho placo whoro his own wedding ring used to roBt?" Jim ftdgetedT Delia waB having Bpasms of mirth to herself, but tho Harbison man did not smllo. Ho stood for a moment looking nt tho llro: Then ho thrust bis hands deep into the pockots of his dressing-gown and stalked over to mo; Ho did not care that tho others wore watching and listening. , "Is it truo?" ho demanded, staring down at mo. "You aro not Mrs. Wil- son? You aro not marrlod at all? All that about bolnc neglected and lonthlncr him. and all that on tho roof thero was no foundation of truth?" I could only shako my hoad with out looking up. Thero was no defenso to make. Oh, I deserved, tho scorn in his voice. "They thoy persuaded you, I sup- pose, and it was to help somebody? It was not a practical Joko?" "No." I ralllod a Uttlo spirit nt that. It had been anything but a Joke, Ho drow a long breath. "I think I understand," ho said alowly, "but you could have saved mo something. I must havo given you all a great deal of amusement." "Oh, no' I protested. "I I want to toll you" But ho dollboratoly left mo and went ovor to tho door. Thero ho turned and lookod down at Aunt So- Una, Ho was a Uttlo white, but there was no passion In his faco. "Thank you for tolling mo all this, Miss Caruthors," Ijo said oaslly. "Now that you and I know, I'm afraid the others will miss tholr Uttlo diversion, Good night." Oh, it wob all right for Jim to laugh and. Bay that ho waa only huffed n Uttlo and would bo over It by morn- ing. I know better. There was Bomo- thing queor In his faco as ho went out Ho did not oven glanco In my direction. Ho had said vory Uttlo, but ho had nut me as effectually in tho wrong ns If ho had not kissed mo deliberately kissed me that very eve- king, en the roof. ' I did not go to Bleep again, I lay wmtchodlv thinklnir things ovor and trvinir to remember who Jezebel was. and toward morning I distinctly heard tho knob of tho door turn. I mis- trustod my ears, howovor, and so I got up quietly and wont ovor In tho darkness. Thero was no sound out- side but whon I put my hand on tho knob I folt It move under my Angora. Tho counter pressure evidently alarm ed whoever It yas, for tho knob wns. released and nothing more happened. But by this tlmo anything so uncom plicated as tho fumbling or a knob at night had no power to disturb mo. I wont back to bod. CHAPTER XX. ? ' - Breaking Out In a New Place. Hunger roused ovorybody oarly tho next morning, Friday. Leila Mercer had discovered n box of bonbons thnt sho had forgottoihnnd wo divided . . i ...... ...ii i . IUOIU UlUUUUi JU1I11. suiina UHKl.'U IUI tho candled fruit and got it qUlto a third of tho bbx. Wo gdthored In jtho lower hall and on tho stairs and nib bled nauseating sweets while Mr. Harbison oxamlncd tho tolephono. Ho did not glanco In my direction. Dotty and Dal wore helping htm, and ho Annmnrl unrv ftinnrfnl AfnY anf with mo on tho stairs. Mr. Harbison had Just unscrewed tho tolephono box from tho wall and was squinting Into It, when Delia camo downstairs. It was her flrst appearance but as oho was always late, nobody noticed. When sho stopped, Just abovo us on tho stairs, however, wo looked up, and she was holding to tho rail and trembling porcoptibly. "Mr. Harbison, will you enn you como upstairs?" sho asked. Her voice was Btratned, almost reedy, and hor . "Pa were wnuo. Mr. Harbison stared up at her, with tno telephone box In his hands. "Why or certainly," he said, "but . ' . " . V . unless it's very important, I'd llko to i,iq nijinr mnehlnn Wn want to " ,u,ls '".iKing macuine. wo warn to iuuko a ioou record.. "I'd llko to break a food record," Max put In, but Bolla created a dl version by sitting down uuddonly on tno stair Just abovo us, and burying her face In her .handkerchief. "Jim is sick," sho Bald, with a sob. "Ho ho doesn't want anything to eat, and his head aches. Ho said for mo to go away and lot him die 1" Dal dropped tho hammer Immedi ately, and Lolllo Mercer sat potrifled, ... ... , , . , - . . with rf bonbon half-way to her mouth For, of courso, It was unexpected. a i . . t . ' . finding sontlmcnt of any kind in Bolla, and nono of thom know about the scono In the den In the small hours of the morning, iiaii,i aiu. 'Sick!" Aunt Sellna said, from hall chair. "Sick! WhoroT" "All over," Bella quavered. "Ills "Do you mean 1" poor head is hot, and bo's thirsty, but ho doesn't want anything but va tor." "Great Scott!" Dal snld suddonly. "Supposo hd should Bella, aro you telling us all his Bymptom87" Bolla put down 1 hor handkerchief and got up From her position on tho stairs sho looked down on us with something of her old haughty manner, "If ho is ill, you may blamo your- selves, all of you," sho said cruelly, "You taunted him with boing fat, and laughed at him, until ho stopped eating tho things ho should eat. And ho haB boon exorcising on tho roof, until ho has worn ihlmsolf out. And now ho Is ill. He ho has a rash Evorybody Jumped at that, and wo Instinctively movod away from Bella. Sho was qulto cold and scornful by that tlmo. "A rash!" Max exclaimed. "What Bort of rash?" "I did not seo it," 'Bella sajd with dignity, and turning sho went up tho stairs, Thero was a great deal of exclto- mont, and nobody oxcopt Mr. Harbi son was willing to go near Jim. Ho wont up nt onco with Bella, whilo Max and Dal sat cravenly downstairs and wondered if we would all tako it, 'and Anno told about a man sho know who had It, and was deaf and dumb aud blind when ho recovered, Mr. Harbison camo 'down after a while, and Bald that tho rash was thoro, right onougb; and that Jim ab- solutoly refused to bo quarantined; that .ho insisted that ho always got a rash, from oarly strawborrles and that If ho did havo anything, slnco they wore so touchy ho hoped thoy would all get It If thoy locked him in ho would kick the door down. When tho dpctor camo ho said It was too early to tell positively, and ho ordered him liquid dlot and said ho would bo back that evening, Which tho diet takes me buck to tho famine. After they had moved Jim, Mr. Harbison wont back to tho telephone, and. found everything as it should be. So ho followed tho tele- phbno wlro, and tho rest followed him. 1 did not: Ho had systematical- ly Ignorod mo all morning, after bay- lng dared to kiss me tho night before And any othor man I know, aftor look- ing at me tho way ho had lookod a dozen times, would Jiavo been nt least reasonably giaa 10 nnu mo iroo ana unmarrlod. But It was clour that ho was not: I wondered If ho was tho kind of man who always makos lovo tr tho othor man's wlfo and runa liko mad when sho Is left a widow, or gets a dlVorco. , And Just when I had decided that I hated him, and that thoro was ono man I knew who wouia novot1 make lovo to a woman whom ho thought married and thon bo very dignified and aloof When ho found sho wasn't, I heard what was wrong with tho teloi phono wlro. It hnd boon cut! Qut through with pair of silver manlcuro scissors from tho dressing tdblo In Bella's rdbm, whero Aunt Sellna slept! Tho wlro had been clipped whero It camo Into tho houso, Just under a window, and tho scissors still lay on tho sill. It. was mystorlouB enough, but no ono was Interested In tho mystery Just thon. Wo wanted food, and want ed It at onco. Mr. Harbison fixed tho wlro, and tho first thing wo did, ot courso, was to order soraothlilg to eat Aunt Sollna wont to bod Just after luncheon with Indigestion, to tho re lief of every ono In the houae.v She had boon most unpleasant all morn ing, Whon Bho found horsclf ill, how ever, sho Insisted on having Bella, and that nindo trouble at once. Wo found Bolla with her chock against tho door into Jim's room, looking maudlin whilo ho shouted lbvo mes sages to her from the othor Bldo. At first oho refused to stir, but after Anno and Max had tried and failed, tho rest of us went to hor in a body and implored hor. Wo said Aunt Sollna was In, nwful shape which sho was, as to omper arid that sho' naa thrown .a mustara piaster at Anne, which waB truo, So Bella wont, grumbling, and Jim was a maniac. Wo had not thought it would be so bad for Bella, but Aunt Sollna fell asleep soon after she took charge, holding Bella's hand, and Blopt for threo hours and never let go! About two that aftornoon- the sun canio out, and tho rost of us wont up to tho roof. I stayed on tho roof after tho oth ers had gono, and for somo tlmo I thought I was alono. After a while, I got a' whiff of smoke, and then I saw Mr. Harbison far ovor In the cor-, nor, ono foot on the parapot, moodily smoking a pipe. He was gazing out over tho river, and paying no atten-j lion to ma. mis wu naiurm, iw slderlng that I had hardly spoken to him all day. I would not let him drlvo me away, so I sat still, and it grow darkor and, colder. Ho filled his plpo now and then, but he nover looked in my dl-j rectlon. Finally, however, aa It grew vory dusk, ho knocked tho ashes out, and came toward mo. "I am going to mako a request, Miss McNalr," ho said evenly. "Ploaso koep off the roof attor sunset. Thoro nrn rnnnnnn" T hnd rlnon and was nronnrlnir to go downstairs. "Unless I know tho reasons, I ro fuse to do anything of tho kind," I re 'tortcd. Ho bowod. "Then tho door will bo kopt lock ed," ho rojolnod, and opened It for jno. Ho did not follow mo, but, stood watching until I was down, and I heard him close tho roof door firmly behind mo: (TO Bia CONTINUED.) Ask the Grocer. Paternalism with a vengeance la practised in certain Now York gro ceries. It is benovolent paternalism lUUUgU. "Ma wants, two pounds ot sugar," said a child to a patriarch in the trade. . i Ho consulted a calendar on the wall'. I guess you a bettor tauo only a pound today," he saldw, "and go kind of slow on that Tho week is only half gone, but you have already eat- on up threo-fourths of your allow- anco. Tell your motbor so." Tho child promised to deliver tho report on financial depression. "That Is tho only way on earth to keep thoso peoplo from running Into debt," said tho grocer. "Tho system is common in this neighborhood. I do it at tho cbstomors' request. Ev ery pay day women with spendthrift husbands and an extravagant dispo sition ot tholr own doposlt enough money with tho grocor and butcher to seo tho family through tho wcok. They instruct us to lot no ono over draw tho amount and oxcopt in cases whoro' extra food Is actually noeded wo stick to our end of tho bargain," Care of Screens, .Window and door screens usually got very dusty during tho latter part of tho summor, and it is poor econ omy to put thom away in that condi tion; noltbcr is it a good idea to wash thom Just boforo storing unlosa thoy are most carefully dried to pre vent rusting. Kerosene nnnllcSd with a paint brush cleans tho wires bettor thnn water, and also prevents rusting. His Intelligence. iNcgioy xou seom to havo a poor opinion of vPoldler'a intelligence. r . . uayuei xou WOUIU. ton. If von know ho had been looking In tho city directory tnroo days for ZloKlor'B ad dress and bad got only as far as the D's.. Good Goheme. "Out nt my unclo's tho peoplo go to oca witn tno chickens." "Well, at tho prlco chickens soil nt now they aro cortalrily worth watch- Ing." , Still Smoking. "In tho other llfn " ftntfl tha haw 1 1 f a faddist, "wo simply dovolop what havo) been our iubios in tnls." , "iiumpui" ejaculated a listener, The New Version. Tako caro ot tho nonnlnn nnd the. dollars will tako care of your heirs. I T l i-lllU. Officers Named for Imaginary Army ICHT fours") jgpSE? f&BkjHE'S) ward y PtP.PV WASIUNGTON.An army that does not exist Is being officered by tho wnr department In obcdlenco to tho mandate of congress. Fifty and more men versed In tho profession of arms aro alrondy on tho cllglblo Hat for com missions In this army. Throo now boards ot army officers, composed of seasoned colonels, experienced majors, captains nnd first nnd second ltoutn ants, wero recently named to paBs upon tno qualifications of othor candidates ambitious to direct imaginary military forces. Artomus Ward's shoulder strap com pany of warriors, assembled to tako part In tho big family feud ot 1801-5, had nt least ono private tho humor ist himself, who was In command but tho army of tho "United States volun teers Is to havo nono. Don Qulxoto nrmod with a big stick, hla head pro tected by a "Malbrluo holmot," mount ed on his charger, "noslnanto," and followed by tho faithful Sanctio Pnnza Postal Clerks Ask EMPLOYEES of tho poBtal Borvlco. particularly tho men employed it tho railway mall branch, aro making a determined fight for legislation, under ,i which thoy may organlzo and affiliate.' with tho American Federation ot La bor. Samuol Gompors, president ot tho federation, Is supporting tho move ment Many men formerly In tho postal scrvlco, but who wero let out bocause thoy wero active in encouraging em ployees of tho sofvlce to organlzo, havo told tho commtttoo ot tho wrongs which thoy assort aro done tho om ployeos. In a general way, tho grlov anco of tho employees 1b that men aro froquontly dismissed for purely polit ical reasons, men lot ou of tho sorv Ico have no recourso. It Is pointed out that tho postofflco department now forbids tho Individual omployco from lnylng any complaint ho may havo boforo his sonutor or member of congross. Tho civil service commission has como in for ' much criticism becauso it haB not taken moro intorest in'casos of dismissed em ployees. Witnesses havo pointed out to tho commlttco that tho commission will not act In tho cose of a dismissed cmployoo unless It haB prima faclo ovl- Would Label the Unspoken "Speeches" fT WAS A PRerrv good JPfECH You DDH'T MAkr - I JUST REM IT IrV the memo REPRESENTATIVES VICTOR MUR DOCH, Insurgent Republican, of 1 . r r,l 1 . .r i .... , jvurnmo; qwiHr ouunuy ui juiuucKy and Frank Clark of Florida, both Dom- Scrats, havo boon fighting to havo very unspoken "speech" printed In tho Congressional Record labolod something Uko this: "Not delivered In tho houso of representatives," Those men bollovo that tho Record, as It dow leaves tho press, porpotratos a fraud on th,o roador ovory tlmo it do .claros that Congressman do- llvorcd tho following Bpooch on such a dato, when all Congressman did waB to got permission to Insert in Its columns a carefully prepared man- .uecrlpt Intended for tho consumption of his cpnstltuonts, at tho exponBo of tho United States government. "It is tho only honest way," de clared Murdock to tho corrcspondont Auto-Suggestion Way of Keeping Cool A WILTED representative, John J. Fltzgornld of Brooklyn, N. Y chairman of the house appropriations commltteo, Is tho first distinguished convert to Dr. Harvoy W. Wlloy's theory with respect to tho offoct of auto-BUggestlon on tho tomperaturo of tho body. Mr. Fitzgerald sat a,t his desk all through a sizzling, swelter ing day, wearing a smllo of perfect penco. ills coat was uiutonod ugiu- ly, tho collar ot It turned up around his nock, and every now nnd thon ho shivered with unseasonable delight. Right in front or Air. l'ltzgoram a largo porson wjth bushy bluck whis kers lay on his stomach on a snow bank squinting through a transit or somo other funny looking Instrument ot thnt sort. To his right another largo porsoVi, clad In furs, sat on a cakq of lco and scribbled busily In a notebook, In tho middle dlstnnco threo Eskimo dogs fought ovor a dead flsh. In tho background dozens ot itatoly lco barges iloatod round ensu--Jiy. , "I'm cortalnly happy that I found this painting of tho "Farthest North' Df tho Greoly expedition," said Mr. Fitzgerald, referring to tho onormous canvas in front ot him, which, mas- wna a more roal, moro tnnglblo nnd moro formidable force than tho ghost ly army ot United States volunteers. It's a Jokor In tho Dick militia bill, en acted luto law by congress on May 27, 1908. Tho Dick bill originally provided for an actual army ot United States volun teers similar to tho volunteers who en listed for tho Spanlsh-Amorlcan wnr attor stnto organizations woro found to bo troublesome Tho bill nlso provtdod for n soparato section for ah eltelblo list from which officers woro to be commissioned whon tho army ot United Statos volunteers, subject only to tho will of tho commander-in-chief ot tho armies ot tho United States, might bo called Into bo lug In a condition pf war. Tho section providing for tho vol unteer army was stricken from tho bill In tho courso ot a legislative wranglo ovor tho prlvtloge of the stntes to or ganize volunteers, Tho authority cro ntlng tho array was thus destroyed, but tho contingent section bringing Into ox Isteuco tho list ot ollglblcs for tho army's commissioned ofllfilcera wns not disturbed. Tho bill thus paused con gross, dlsombodylng tho army but pro viding officers for It. Thnt Ib why tho war department is now qualifying men ns ollglblcs. Right to Organize THEY FIRr"' WUTlCAt REASONS dence that tho dismissal was bocnuss of politics. It la noxt to Impossible, say tho dismlssodemployoos who have tostlflod, to provo Uiat mon wore re moved from the service through polit ical Influence. Some of the now members, ojf the. houso who havo becomo much interest ed in tho grievances ot tho postal em ployees bellovo a romody of Borne sort Will bo found in tho committee on civil Service. Tho wholo subject is likely to hold the attention ot congress throughout this special session and perhaps throughout the- regular session. The committee on expenditures In tho post) office department has boon authorized by the houso to mako an Investigation of tho postofflco dopartment, and It, too, will go into this question aa to whother tho employees ot tho differ ont brunches, of tho Borvlco are being proporly treated." "Tho Record, under tho prosont syrf torn, Is not n truo report of tho pro ceedings ot tho houso. It mny wol) bo that an nrtlclo ot vnluo, prepared by n mombor ot congross, should bo printed in tho Record, but it should b bo designated. "nut to my mind tho grontost ond that would bo attained undor this oys torn would bo the shortening oi spoeches in congress nnd tho restora tion ot debato to a pjano it onco occu pied. "Tho first result ot lnbollng things In tho rocord by tholr right names would bo tho abandoning of tho pres ent abuso by Individual representa tives. When a man's constltuontn bo gin to ask htm, 'Did you really dollvoi this Bpooch, or did you Just havo It printed?' ho will quit tho praotlco. "CongroBs could not possibly afford tho tlmo that would bo necessary for tho delivery of nil tho speeches that appoar In tho Rocord. Therefore, speeches will havo to bo Bhortonod, and thoy ought to bo. No man needs an hour in congress to explain an Idea. Halt an hour, and usually losa ought to bo enough for any man," THIS IS GREAT IDEA - BELIEVE I WILL COPYRIGHT I slvoly framed, covorod most ot the west wall of tho big appropriations commlttoo's room. "Dr. Wlloy Is right whon ho says this worrying about the heat Is largely tho result ot one's montal attitude I'vo been sitting here looking at this plcturo for an hour and I am thinking ot resuming mj winter flannels. I wish I could carrj It around with me." Chairman Fitzgerald found ttu painting In tho houso "discard" room, The llluslqn 1b holpcd along by a bat tery ot olectrlo fanB arranged ou eith er eldo ot tho plcturo, which makes 11 appear as If ooollng breezes from the very pole itsolt wero sweeping through the room. "This auto-suggesting business ii lino," Mr, Ftlzgerald remarked to visitor. "I'm going to Install a plc turo ot tho burning of Rome In my homo noxt winter and see how much 1 can savo on coal bills." 1 M jm STONE IK BLADDER REMOVED IK REMARKABLE WAY A year and a half ago I was taken witH a torero attack of kidney (rouble tkat pained mo to auch an extent tGat mor rhino had to be given me. Was attendee? Ly a doctor who pronounced it as tton in the bladder and prescribed LlthiW Water. I took Litkia Water and tablets for some tlmo and received no relief froa them. I stopped taking medicines for mm lima and having some Dr. , Kilmer: Swamp-Hoot in the houie, I decided t try it and felt much relieved; while taking the second bottle commenced to pM gravel ia urine until I had putted in all at least a half a dozen or mote and havai not suffered the slightest since and in all have taken one bottle and a half and fee) very grateful to Dr. Kllmera Swamp-Root, Yours very truly, V H. W. Sl'INKS. Camp Hill, Ala, Personally appeared before xne 'this ICth of August, 1909, U. W. Spinks, whs, subscribed tho above statement and Made oath that same is true in substance and In fact. ' A. B. LEE, Notary Publla, ' Nk llbr C Prove Wht Swnp-Roet WIH Do For Ye Bend to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y for a sample bottle. It will convlnco anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, tell lag all about (he kidneys and bladder. Wkea yrritlng, be suro and mention this paper. For sale at all drug stores. Price fifty Mots and one-dollar. , The, Unattainable. Young Bacholor I often wondor it. I am making5 enough money to get marrlod on. Old Benedict Well, I don't know how much you're making; but you ain't! Puok. Before taking the bull by tho horsa you should completo satisfactory ar rangements for letting go at the psy chological moment. The husband ot a nagging woman la apt to furnish - moat ot the be cause. Garfield Tea nroreomM eonatlnatista. stckVbeadache and bilious attacks. It's difficult for people to ceaerat advice that t foolproof. Levis' SInals Binder straight Ba eloaa In made to satisfy the smoker. 1 Many a man haa discovered that popularity is not worth the price. WOMEN MAY AVOID OPERATIONS By taking: Lydia E. Piiikliam'i Vegetable Compound The following; lottor from Mr. Orvlllo Boole mil prove bow unwls it is for womon Co submit to the dangora of a Burdcal operation when it may be avoided by taking Lydia E. Plnkham'u VogptaDle (Jompound. Bho whs f our weeks In tho hospital and came homo suffering worsa than hef oro. Hero Is hor own statement. tH Taw Paw. Mich. "Two voars aro I suffered very severely with a dTs placements x couia not bo on my feet for a long time. My physician treated mo for aoven months without much relief and at last sent ma to Ann Arbor for an operation. I was tnoro rour wcckb ami enmo home suffering worso than uoioro. My mother advised mo to try Lydia li. Pinkham's "Vegetable Compound, and I did. Today lam well and strong and do nil my own housework. I owa my honlth to Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound and advise my friends who aro afflicted with any fomalo complaint to try It" Mrs. OimrxE Kock, It. It. No. 6, Paw Paw, Michigan. If you are ill do not drag along until nnoporatlonlsnocessary, out at ones tako Lydla E. Pinkham's Ycgetabla Compound. For thirty years it has been the stan. dard remedy for women's ills, and has positively restored the health of thou eanda of women. Why don't you try it? Why Rent a Farm snd ba compelled to pay to your landlord most of your hard-earned profits? Own your own i arm. oeoure a free Homestead In Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, or purchaas land In one of these districts and bank profit o( .VIO.OO or SI a. OO na acre ovary year. Land purchased S years ago nt S10JW an acre haa recently chanced hands at 813X0 an acre. The crops'trown on these lands warrant the advance. You can Becomo Rich by cattle raIsIoa-laIrrlna4nUed farming and grain growing; la the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan anil Alberta. Free homestead and pre. ewptloa urea j, at well a land held by railway and land com- r antes, will provide kames or millions. M Adaptable eoll. healthful cllsiate, aplendtd schools and churches. dnudraltway s. lor settlers'' rutee, ilescricuve literature-'Last Best VYt,-Miow to reach UHecuuatrr aait other par ticular, write to Sup't ot Itaml gration. Ottawa. Canada.orui tha Canadian Ugveraueai .Ajeab. W. V. KXNETT haa 41m lla. Saaha, 14., riaaae wclta ttf taeagaot aeamtjna mm jL tm. warn SffilBSka,..