IflMONIXS We kfcve jim Reived g Very fine lot of, steel blue, pd-fectlyVodnd, perfect cut and very bril liant dkrmfeds. We can snow you better goods at lower prices thari you can- find 'else where. x We do'oufown diamond mounting k our own shop. DIXON, Tfce Jeweler. J, U. P. Watch Inspector. &R. 0. It CRESSLER, I 2 3 Graduate Demist. I 2 Z Office over the McDonald 2 State Sank, 3 s Mrs. Shanner of MnxWell Is visiting friends here. The Ladies Guild will meet with Mrs. Lovl Duke Thursday afternoon. A groHpipicture of the Junior normnl studenttf'was" taken yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Moore of Maxwell were guests of North Platte friends Sunday. J. II. Fonda is romodolmg one of the houses ho owns on west Seventh street Mra. George Zefttme'yer Is rit'ertafn ing the members of the 'Pan Hellenic' this afternoon. Fairmont Creamery Co., J. F. Fillion, Agfc Top price, fair Jreatnient North Platte people are invited to celebrate the Fourth at Bignell. The' place is Wriall but a big time is jirotnised. ' Mrs. Ed Goodmdif entertained a num ber' of young ladies Saturday afternoon in favor of Miss Warrington of Lex ington. During the months of July, August and September the United States land: ofllco will cl&sd Saturdays at one o'clock in the afternoon. ' A party of young ppople guVo n kitchen .shower to Mr. and"Mrs. Arthur Boyd last evening at the! home of Mr. ifnd'Mn Earl' Stamp. " '" N'" New Departure Tongueless and Busy Bee Cultivators at Iforohey's, Cor. 5th & Locust Sts. Otto Thoelecke returned yesterday" from a business trip to Holt and Rock counties: Crops' in that section of the j Jatate are in pretty oad-shape. Mrs, V. E. Lucas entertained a"'; party of lady friends at a kensington ' yesterday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Gratton Foley df Gothenburg. ' '.Detroit Vapor StbVcs at Hershey's, Cor; 5Ui & Locust Sts. , Mr; Stelnw'all; a-former Union Pacific foreman, is moving a house from the fdfmer Neary'farm to the' ffrustce'rad-, ditlori and will remodel and enlarge it Miss Fenna Beeler went to Kearney yesterday to attend a house party given by the Mioses "Brown, daughters of the United States senator. She expects to visit at" Kearney for a week. Petitions have been' issued' asking the council to' submit for rejection or ac ceptance by the voters the' ordinance; recently passed granting a -twenty five year franchise to the Nebraska telep hone company. The growth of western Nebraska is well illustrated by McPhe'rton county. In 1690 that county had a population of 'Mi'Vn'-lSOdlt was 517, and in 1910 it h'aVf grown to 2,470. McPiierson county has been populated with Kinkaid home steaders, and Iri most instances they are makingjnoney. Twelve couples of yotmg people constituting the livost "bunch" in town, held a picnic at the Dick grove Sunday and from hearsay their reputa tion as live wir'es was well sustained. ' Picnics are held for'pleasure, why not get all out of them possihle, Two "peeplngToms" werediscovered' at the P. H. Sullivan residence Sunday evening. ThdyVbrtf peering into the roont occupied' by" Henry Sullivan, who immediately arose and armed With a stick wont 6utSIde tho house, where upon the peepers made a hasty exit The Sulliyan family have since laid in a supply of guns, and a return visit of tho fellows will be' warmly received. Notice. Sealed bids will bo received by the county clerk of Lincoln county, Neb., up until noon on the 1st day of July 1911 for baskets and burial of paupers. The county commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. F. R. ElHott, County Clerk. Work' Will SbM St.rt. ufter you take Dr. Klrig's New Life Pills, and you'll quickly enjoy their fine results. Constipation and indigestion vanish and fine appetite returns. Thfcy regulate stomach, liver, and bowels and impart new strength and energy to tho whole system. Try them. Only 25 cents at Stone Drug Co. Miss Irene Blauvelt,y8iator of Mrs.' Fred Warren, returned ,to her homo at Endicott, Neb., after threo wcek'B visit here. Glenn Thomas, stenographer in the office of Engineer Stimson of tho U. P., was taken to tho company hospital at Grand Island Friday night Ho has been very sick for several days. A very good quality of Southern watermelons made their appearance In tho local market the latter part of last week. They retail at four cents por pound. Rev. Porter held preaching services at tho McNeel school house Sunday aftorndn. Ho was accompanied by Mr. J. Kennedy of New York City, who is on his way home from the coast , Mrs. Borden, aged CC years, mother of Arthur Borden of Wallace, died at his homo Friday night of cancer of tho stomach. Tho remains wero taken to the former home of deceased, Repub lican City, Nebraska. The south room of tho Hinmun building, bn Dewey street is being im proved with a metal ceiling and new front Thoroom will bo occupied by Minor Hinman ns a garage and sales room for the Chnlmer-Detroit car. Salesman Kearney, for tho Wright & Wilhelmy Co., who, has been making regular pilgrimages to this section for years, will make orth Platto his home' in the future. He moved his family hero from Norton, Kas., last week. v Supt Dickerson, instructor In the sciences in tho Junior Normal, was de talned from his Work yesterday morn-' ing on account of not being able to make connections with the train Sun day night at Lexington, the storm there! being tod severe to venture out of the house ,, A fine rain fell Sunday night which will keep com in fine growing condi tion. From all over tho county comes tho renort thnfc rnrn In In mH-nAtrntV . , t-, condition. With tho increased acreage of corn the loss of the small grain crop will not bo severely felt if corn does well. Pitcher Moon of the Gothenburg! team was in the city Saturday talking; baseball with local fans and incidently advertising the big Fourth of July cel ebration at his home town, He says' great preparations are going pn for the event and ho took occasion to extend & hearty invitation to all our citizens to como and spend the. day with them. C. H. Watts, of Fort Morgan, Colo., has) moved his family and effects onto' the W. B. Ellis ranch, which property1 ho acquired somo time ago, tho con-' sideration being in the neighborhood of1 $20,000. Mr. Ellis will movo to town after his sale, Juno 27th, and wilt-occupy one of the threo cottages which ho bought on east Eleventh st Undertaker Maloney says he has been out in many a storm but nothing quite as bad as Friday Viight when leaving Wallace. The electrical storm was tho worse that'has visited that section for a long while, but thoy had no rain to speak of. Ho was called to Wallace to prepare the body of tho late Mrs". Bor den for Bhipmeht to Republican City, Neb. Senator W.V. Hoagland' was not in the best of spirits yesterday morning. He had planned on making a necessary trip to Qandy in his car but was obliged to postpone tho journey on nccount of an accident the previous .night whop taking a pleasure jaUntwith his fanily. Theparty was nearing the bridge east of the" city; when a' sudden jolt of the car broko a spring, and then had to trail slowly back to town. The ball game .Friday afternoon be tween tho Sutherland and Yeomen teams resulted in a score of 20 to 4 in favor of the Yeomen. Evidently tho latter had a little surprise package up their sleeves and handed it out liberally to the Visitors. Tho team is strength ening up and will give the North Platters a strenuous strugglo at the next session if even one half that is said about their many new finds is true. For Sale. 160-ecres of land five miles south of Hershey, Neb., improved, ninety acres under cultivation. Price $25 per acre. Good terms. Address J. B.Montgomery, Cozad, Neb. County Judge Grant transacted bual ncsB In Omaha Friday. Chas. Vest, tho Wellflcot liveryman, Was in tho city Saturday. Milton and Deo Raney of Wallace were visitors at tho county seat two days last week. Dr. Kerr reports' a fine baby boy at t-be hmeof Mr. arid Mrs. JeeQuinl-en.lO miles west of 'the city. Mrs. Joe Jeseup went to Grand Island Thursday night to visit her mothr, Mrs, Carlton. Con4cter John Erksteln has been transferred hero from the Denver run and will llvo on West Sixth street Mrs. Wm. Malohev has returned from Bayard, Iowa, whre she was called three weeks ago by the death of her brother. Mrs. rfoonk. who makes her home With her son John, was taken to the hospital last week to havo a cataract removed from her eye.J Work of laying off ground and mak ing a road to' approach the now school houso site a mile cast of tho Bratt school, was begun last week. "Mrs, Frank McKesson of Lincoln was a guest of Mrs. J. J. Halllgan Saturday and Sunday, on her Way jto Denver and points of interest in Colorado. , Conductor Mike Graham has been transferred to Greeley, Colo., and will havo the passenger run on tho motor car. He moved his family last woek. Dick Baker of the Iddings Lumber Co., went to Gandy Friday on business connected with the establishing of a branch yard In the new town of Pleasant, vale. The residence prdperty owned by Mrs. Sarah Bangs, 702 West Fourth St, and occupied by upt Tout was sold last week to Chas. Herrod. Considera tion $3,900. " Wanted A good mare pony. Inquire at A. F. Fink's harness shop: S. W. "Manon. J. A, Markett of tho old Longley place,. sold a fine horse to Maurice FiJwlor last week fbr $200. The'annlrnal Is considered one of thtf best in this section and Maurico had been after it for a long tlmo. Will Turpio, who went to Wyoming about a month ago with Messrs. Mont gomery, Kelly and Ed., Coker, to look over tho couutry with a view of acquir ing somo land, returned Friday. Mont gomery and Kelly havo located .In tho northwest part of the state. Lincoln county farmers are beginning to invest in silo tanks. Am6ng the latest to make sUcli purchase are F. J. Bremerj wno taxes one oi iw-ipn capacity ana Albert Haspel one of lQO-JOfl capacity. , Other farmers of tliiaimroodiato section contemplate purchasing tanks. E. R.GqOdman 'mado a trip' Intq '.tho southwest part of the county last week. It'is his Opinion that with a good rain at this time and again about the tenth of July corn will bo assured, for it docs not show signs of suffering from the drouth. A year ago hogs worn selling at a ton. 'cent figure in South Omaha, today they oro six cents. That is a drop of forty por cent Has any one noticed that he is getting ham, bucon and lurd forty .per cent cheaper than a year ago. Thoso who notlco such a difference pleaso hold up your hands. Some people think ttieir local paper don't amount to much "is never read nohow" until thoy happen to jump the traces, get into Borne devilment, go fishing on' Sunday and tell tbelr best girl they had to work, demolish a car and their passengers in a "joy ride" then how quickly thoy come running to have the news suppressed. Leo Pass, who has just returned from school Work at .Denver where he. pre- sjded behind h bat for the Sacred Heart1 school team; has bcen persuaded by 'tho Yeomon. to captain thefri"team, arid will proceed to reorganize and in ject life into the 'organization. - ' Those who witnessed his work Friday in tho Sutherland-Yeomen game Bay ho la'the goods and expect to see some rattlimr good games" pulled off here in the near future. A game for next Friday was booked last woek botween the Yeomen and Gothenburg clubs, and' arrange ments made to have the Carnival band furnish music during tho game, Bishop Beecher has not abandoned his idea of establishing" a farm for boys at some point In western Nebraska, on which will bo sheltered, fed and worked, the homeless boys of the larger ipwns of the state. One man from Brazil, South America, whom the bishop met at a" small hotel the other day and who heard him speak at the Sunday services about the" boys' farm, gayo him a cash donation for the purpose and stated that he would do something handsome in the matter in tho near future. "This is the first deposit on tho boys' farm proposition," said the bishop, "and I feel sure the plan will-win out and be a big field for usefulness in helping the boys who have gotten a wrong start" A Dreadful Weusd from a knife, (run. tin can. rustv nniL .fireworks, or of "any other nature.de- manusnromnt treatment with uuck en' Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison or gangrene. Ita the quickest, suresthoaler tor all such wounds as also for Burns, Boils. Sores. Skin Eruptions. Eczema. Chappod Hands. Corns or Piles. 25 cents at atone urug Uo. S. B. Parr and" wife dopertcd Sntur-, day morning for St Paul, Mlnn.,whoro he will take up tho study of wireless telegraphy. Thoy will make n visit tit r-.ii i, . i, . V winymon, wis., cnrouto anu otner places of interest Wm. Dietrich was up from Maxwell Saturday on business contiected wi the construction work of his new bull Ing. He says work on ssmo is pftfere ing nicely and expects to have it com pleted the last of August At a meeting of tho Mothodlst Ladles Aid, Society last wpek tho members adopted a resolution favoring the prop osition mado by Secretary Tout of the Chautauqua that they servo a lunch on tho Chautauqua grounds during the coming Bcsslon. They chose Frldf night and the concession will TsVrf anted. A nico lunch will bo made up arid 'put m a paper sack. Hot coffeo wttib pro vided and patronB are thus assured oi clean Buppor, tho serving of Which Will be freo from flics and dirt Outdoor eating in tho summer timo is disagree able unless these can bo eliminated. Tho paper sack lunch guarantees a clean meal. All of the ladies' societies of the different churches havo been offered tho samo concession for other evenings and some of thorn will un doubtedly accept ' Tho Keith theatre was packed to the doors JPrlday night by an Interested audience to listen to the concert by the North Platte band. Previous to olcn! Ing tho doors of tho halt the band ren dered several pieces In front of the theatre which drew a big crowd. Tho band, by frequent and earnest practico of late has mado great improvement and tho concert was fully enjoyed by ovoryone. The proceeds from tho bene fit amounted to almost $100, fifty por cent of which wont to tho band. About $175 has been raised by subscription Which will go a 'oiff ways toward buy ing necessary music, paying for uni forms, etc. Tho band boys expect to piay at mo state i? air tm s year and perhaps will go to Omahtfor tho Aksarben festivities. Wins Fight for Life. It was a long and bloody battle for life that was Waged by James J). Mershon. of Newark. N. J., of which ho Writes: "I had lost much blood from lung hemorrhages, and was very weak and run down. For eicht months I Was Unable to Work. Death seemed close on my heels, when I began, threo weeks' ago, to use Dr. King s New Discovery. But it has helped me greatly. It Is doing, all that you claim." For weak, sore lungs, obstinate coughs, Btubborn colds, hoarseness, In grippe, asthma, hay-fever or any throat or lung trouble its trunreme. 60 cents and $1.00. Trial -bbtjtle free. Guaranted by Stone Drug Co.1 "SO DAINTY" "SWELL" "EXQUISITE" Are some of the striking expressions of apprecia tion heard every day in our store adva'rtced'by the many ladies who come to see the demonstration of beautiful creations in China and. Queensware. And not only the ladies admire that dainty Ran som Haviland China ands the Decorative ware, the Versailes Haviland, but the array of pretty novel tie's attract the eye of the men too and they carry home many articles to decorate' and make their homes attractive. ' On a large display coun ter is a beautiful showing of decorative Ware that should demand a lot more than we ask for it. Carry away any article you want in this lot for io cents. And just to remind you of the excellence of the groceries we handle we want to again call your attention to the eel ebrated "KAMO GOODS " THE TRAMP GROCERY 112 East Front Street I Tremendous Earthquake Will Occur. A genuine shaking up on prices on our entire line of Brandagec Kinkaid Suits from ' June 19th to July 4th If you arc proud of your ability to select a suit nf ex ceptionally smart styleif you know exceedingly good values--we want to see you. Each and every suit is strictly liand tailored. Every style and pattern the latest. In models we have them for all shapes. We will give you a fit that is a fit. We don't ask ynu to believe us until you have made an investigation. Yours for business, THE HUB CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. TriE First National Bank, of North Plalte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus $140,000. DIRECTORS: E. r. SEEIERGER, President, N. KEITH NEVILLE. Vice-President. F. L. MOOfjiEY. Cashier. ARTHUR McN&MARA, J. J. 1IALLIGAN. A Modern Institution For tho treatment of medical nid surreal cases. Open to tho medical profession. Special accomodations for' confinement cases. Training school for ndrses in connection. Address all commu cations to the superintendent Pkrae 642 Cor. Eighth and Locust Summer Tourist Round-Trip Fares to the Pacific Goast. ' 'K : From North Platte tok California $60.00 to Norlh Pacific coast points $5$. 10 , - to California one way via i North Pacific coast points $7,3. 29 Tickets on Sale June 1, to Sept 30 inclusive. Final return lhriit October 31, ton. In addition to above the following-low fares will be in effect: From North Platte to California $50.00 to North Pacific-coast points $50,60. v ( ..to California one vayv via ' North Pacific coast points $65.00 Tickets on' sale June 10 to 22, inclusive, and June 27 tpJufy 5, inclusive. Final return limit September 1.5th. Also August to 11 inclusive, arid 14 to -17 inclusive. Final return limit October 13, 19 11. " UNION PAOIPIG STANDARD ROAD OF THE WEST. uw and Direct Itouto to Vollowstonu National Park. - Protected by Electric Block Signals. Excellent Dinieg Cars on all Trains. For ull additional Information, and Illustrated California and I'aclflo Nortliwcti book, call on or adUrosa F. E. BTJXiliARI), Aoiqnt, . Vv North Platte, Nebraska.