Children's Hats Foil a girl somowhoro ubovo eight years the first hat la appropri ate. As hats go, It Is quito a simple affair with a broad, round crown and drooping: brim which turns up la front It Is of chip or straw braid In a natural color. A big bow of ribbon spreads over the back with two hanging ends, and there Is a full wreath of apple Dloasoms (those old-time favorites of childhood) about the crows. One of the most successful of chil dren's hats, which might with oqual propriety be classed as a bonnet, Is shown In the second plcturo. It Is NEW STYLE FOR FOULARD A good many contrasts of coloring and actual pattern, too, aro notable in the new foulards; an absolutely dl verse design being often Interwoven In the one length of material, whllo boy oral tnodel gowns combine spotted foulard and plain twill silk or fine fnco cloth. So one has quite sufficient and Parisianprecedent for bringing together 'the Plain and spotted bluo foulards, and, for further Introducing In tho ' manner suggested by tho sketch graduated bands nnd flntly folded roHOtfou of black satin, n col lar of the flneBt lawn, and n little frilled band to match, being other accessories of tho corsage. Surah Twill Silk, , Surah twill silk In noliikcolor h a material which Is clalmiug much t& vorable attontlotv says a .fashion o change. This is being used by tho best model houses In Parte for making tailored suits and three-piece cos turnee, This new surah has a high luster surface and Is unotl In exactly tho same in mi nor as satins havo been so freely employed recently. Sarah Is especially well adapted for wumiaor use In America. It Is durablo, mtHcleutly dressy for a handsome suit, light weight, and therefore com' fortable for summer use In many parts of the united states. More than this omestle silk milk? are equipped to proauM surah silks, mndo of a thin silk to which Iac braid Is nppllod. Tho crown Is a pull of tho silk. Tho brim Is mndo of throe ruffles of tho sldo-plalted' silk ovor a stnglo box-plaited ruffle edged with lace. Ribbon Is laid In small loops about tho crown and In a rosetto of loops, finished with hanging ends, at the left side. Little clusters of June roses are placed about the brim and In the center of tho rosette. This Is a soft and charming ploce of milli nory art which may bo mado in any light color, to suit the Individual JULIA BOTTOMLEY. HAIR MUST SUIT TOILETTE , Notable Is the Revival of the "Bang,", a Fashion Which Is Not Received With Joy. Nowadays It Is found convenient tcf change the style of hair dressing In or der that It may agreo with this ha,t or that dress. There are some toilettes that would be bereft of their effect, and even bo mado to look absurd, If the hair wore not arranged, In keep ing Tho curled fringe, called tho "bang," has been revived, Ono reason for the Justifiable revival of tho light-curled lovelocks, that stray about the fordhead 1b tho Immense popularity of tho short center parting, which Is Just a llttlo trying without tholr softening lnfluonco; and anothor is tho reinstatement of thohoavy plait or tho twisted, drapery of hair which 1b used to frame tho chignon. Whon the plait weights tho hair ovor tho forehead tho counteracting effoct of a fow gosBamor-llko' tendrils of hair bo- low is requtslto for tho eako of olo gance. Qno of tho coiffures of tho moment Illustrates the conical dressing that la becoming to tho girl with nmall faco and mlgnon foaturos. It Is built up by moans of a twisted drapory of hair wljlch rosombles n plait, nnd bo- low it Is n thick coll hold In placo by tortoleo-shell prongs. Tho hnlr Is caro lossly ondula bonoath, so that tho oars aro hlddott, and thoro aro a, fow stray lovelocks on tho forehead, In another tho jilalt Is used no n coronal merely, and nil fho rost of tho hfflr Is curly oxcoptytho chlldlsh-look-lug straight fringe. - Tho Volatile WaUt Line. Though the waist lino Is loss ver satile than It usod to be, nnd Is raoro and morn inclined to nssumo tho con vontional position, tho Emplro offoct Is still to bo aeon. For reception nnd dancing gowns It Is very graceful, and tho soft outllno it gives to the figure 1h delightfully picturesque But for tho stroot nil this is out of place: it gives tho woarer n silhouette that In untidy, and suggostB a loosonoss that Is nltogothor objoctlonnblo. In regard also to evening gowns tho snmo fault may bo found. So long as a tollotto Is to bo worn chlolly whllo walking or standing, tho short waist Is permis sible oven desirable but for a din nor, concert or theater It is uo longor bo. The bust, unconfinod, falls out of shape, and it Ib the realization of this fact that hes led to so many of tho newest oYontng bodlcoB being mndo with swathed draporloa nnd oloso fit ting linos. The Season's Colors. Navy bluos promlso to predominate to a' very groat extent for outdoor wear. , In tho matorlals wovon of two colors navy la often combined with deep plum, black br a brighter dark bluo. Trimmings of red and whlto are vouchsafed to navy serges, Oreona aro very far from holding as bJgh a place m tuo preparations for tno opon Ing season as thoy havo done thia win' tor, but combinations of bluo and green are fancied, whllo mustard and resedas figure promlnontlly with all shades of'deop yellow in tho harmon lea carried put In chiffon and satin. mm KB young women of today are to ba the builders of tho home of tho future; tho corner stones upon which shall rest their beauty and strength. "Tho men of tho earth build houses, halls and chambers, root and domes,. Hut tho women of the world. God knows, tho women build tho homes." WAYS OF SERVINQ CR ABM EAT, For thoso of us who llvo far from tho natural source of crabs, wo find the canned varloty most satisfactory. . After visiting ono of tho canning factories all scruples as to their cleanly preparation aro set at rest. They aro brought nllvo to the can nory, nnd unless thoy aro In prlmo condition, that Is very much nllve, they aro rojoctod. Thoy aro washod immediately and steamed. Then thoy are taken to tho picking rooms whoro women in white tako out tho meat with metal picks. Thoy nro then canned, sealed nnd packed without a touch of tho hnnd to tho food. Tho nmount of canned crabs, that aro crowded Into a small can is as tonishing. f Crabs In Peppers. Add to a can of crab meat mayonnnlse dressing and finely shredded cabbage garnish with strips of red popper and servo it In green peppor cups. Crab Meat Terrapin Style. -Cook two tableapoonfuls of butter with half a small onion sliced. When tho onion is yellow romovo It, nnd add a cup of crab meat and two tablospoonfuls of orange Julco. Cook throo minutes, add a third of a cup of heavy cream and the yolks of two eggs. Season with salt and cayonno. Crabs With Cheese. Add to a cup of rich cream sauce one can of crab meat.' Put It In a butterod baking dish with a layer of grated choose, a layer of breadcrumbs and' another layer of cheese, Dako In a modernto ovon. Crabs With Mushrooms. Mush rooms aro now In season, and they, with crab meat, mako a royal entroo for a luncheon or a chafing dish sup per. Mnko a rich whlto sauce and add a can of crab meat and a pint of fresh mushrooms shredded and sauted in a tablespoonful of butter boforo adding to the crab meat. Sea son with mushroom catsup nnd servo, In rnmokins. AKIS no complaint what'er thy puln: Others have borna far worse than thine. llrave struggle only victory sain. And know the rest Which Is dlvlno. In haaven and on earth Is peace; In thine heart, too, lot trouble cease. WHEN ONE 13 ENTERTAIN INQ. A dainty, lnoxpenslvo company salad Is mado by cutting cold boiled potatoes with a French scoop into balls, marlnato with ollvo oil nnd vlnogar, salt and popper for an hour; then hoap on head lettuce; oprlnklo with choppod parsley aud servo it with a boiled dressing or a mayon naise Lettuce Salad With Cheese Balls. Horo la a salad which' is so unusual that it will bo wolcomo to tho enter tainer. Take a oronra cheese and work into It sufficient cream to make it easy to mold into balls. Dlvtdo Into four portions; color ono greon with chopped chlvos or parsley, anothor may bo colored rod by ubIuk tho sweet red popper pounded, a third may bo colored yojlow with tho olks of hard cookod oggs, and a fourth may bo mado brown by adding chopped nuts. Mold Into small balls and arrango In lettuce loavos. Two or more colors may bo served together. ' Strawberry Sponge. Sonk n box of golatlno in throo tablospoonfuls of water until soft. Add an equal amount of hot water, is added to a cup of sugar and cooked until tho sugar Is dissolved, whon the golatlno la added, tho tnixturo 1b etralnod and n tablo spoonful of lomonjulco and n cupful of strawberry Julco Is adddod. Ao it thickens the whites of three octrn nro boa'ton until stiff and ono nnd a lialf cuptuls of thick cream aro added. Mix lightly, not to loso tho lightness of tho eggs and' cream. Turn Into a mold, decorated with wholo straw- borrlos, and sol away to chill. QHEAT part of the happiness of Ufa consists not In fight- ins battles, but In avoiding them. A masterly retreat Is Itself a victory. LonBfollow. COLD DE8SERTS. Anything that Is called cold sounds refreshing during tho hot summer days. Tho following aro lnoxpenslvo and easily mado, two qualifications In thoso days of high prices and scarcity of help. Coffee Custard, Scald two cuptuls of milk with two tablcspoontuls of ground coffee, br use cold coffeo loft from breakfast. Strain it and add M JrsL thrco eggs beaten slightly, a quartet of a cup of sugar, two cups of milk, a pinch of tail and ft toaspoonful of vanilla. Strain Into Individual molds that have .boon rinsed with cold water, and sot In a pan of hot water in the oven to bnko. Test them with a knlfo. When It comos out clean the custard Is done. Set away to chill. Servo cold. Snow Balls. Sift togother several times a half cup of flour, two teaspoon tuls of baking powder, and nn olghth of a toaspoonful of salt Dcat the yolks of two oggs, add a half cup of powdered sugar, one and a half tablo spoonfuls of water. Add to the flour, nnd whon well mixed cut and fold in the whites, beaten stiff. Steam In buttered cups for twenty minutes. Roll in powdorcd sugar. Servo with fruit sauce or whipped cream. Rebecca Pudding. Mix halt a cup of cornstarch, a fourth of a cup of sugar, a fourth of a toaspoonful of salt and a half cup of cold milk. Add to three and n half cupfuls of scald ing milk, and cook fifteen minutes. Add flavoring and tho whites of three eggs beaton to a stiff froth. Mold and chill. Sorvo with a sauce mado of tho throo yolks, a cup of powdorcd sugar and a toaspoonful of vanilla. Orange sauco is very nlco served with this pudding. Use tho whitos ot throo eggs, the Julco and rind of two oranges, the Juice of a lemon and a cup ot sugar. If blood oranges aro obtainable, tho sauco is unusually protty. T IS, not so much what a man has 'that makes him happy, as It Is what he does not want." Vmi miiat MtnAfnhAi- If tnn't rtnlv lnvlnfl hold of a rope you must go on pulling. ueorge n.uoiu WAYS OF SERVINQ VEGETABLES. Tho following aro 6everal Gorman methods of serving the common vege tables, which aro both stmplo and. appetizing: Sour Pickled Beans. Put two ta blospoonfuls of nico sweet lard Into a saucepan, stir Into It a' small onion, cut flno, nnd a largo tablespoonful of flour; let it brovyn and add enough wator to mako a thickened gravy. Tako tho pickled beans, well dralnod, cut them onco nnd add to the brown gravy or sauco. Soason with salt and poppor, and If not sour enough add a llttlo of tho plcklo vinegar. Cook fifteen minutes. String beans aro very nlco cooked foi a long whllo with n small pleco ot salt pork. Salt and pepper aro added Just boforo serving, and a tablespoonful of vinegar. Seasoned Beets. Slice six cold boiled boots, add ono cup ot vlnc'gnr, oho cup ot wator, two tablospoonfuls ot butter, ono halt bay loaf, four cloves, four allsplco, an onion chopped arid ono tablespoonful of sugar. Let simmer and add a teaspoonful ot flour to thicken. Try serving lima beans nftor they havo 'boon cooked until tender, and' then' fried a golden brown In butter. Hot 8law. Cut flno two or three apples nnd a firm head .of cabbago; cook a small onion in a tablespoonful of butter, tout do not brown. Add the cabbago and applo and salt to taste. About twenty mlnutec boforo sorvlng, add ono cup of vinegar, a little sugar, Bprlnklo with whlto peppor and sim mer without a cover. Chopped greon peppers cookod In tho grnvy nftor boefsteak has booh pan broiled, is a change to sorvo with tho beefsteak. Cook carrots until tender, then mash and season with buttor, poppor 'and salt " Escalloped Parsnips. Mash a pint of boiled parsnips, season Villi butter, peppor, salt and two tablcspoontuls of milk. Mix tho Ingredients and turn Into a buttered dish to bake. Junket With Puree of Bananas. Faro and slice two bananas, put through a rlcor, ndd a tablospoonful of lemon Juice, two ot sugar and one ot orango Julco. Dissolve a teaspoonful of gelatin In a tablespoonful ot cold wator; stir until dissolved, and pout tho mixture into sherbet cups. When the fruit has hardened fill tho cupa with Junkot and sot away to hnrdoa. Servo with whipped cream.- Tho Real Mystery. A Fox was onco soon to tako s bunch ot moss In hts mouth and swim qut into tho river, whoro, attor sink ing himself to tho vory point of his noso In tho water, he lot go of the moss and camo ashore. "No doubt," remarked a woll-road bystander, "you did that to rid your self ot fleas, which wero driven by tho water to Book retugo In tho moss." Tho Fox glanced furtively nnd Bllnklngly about and around. "Hlstl" ho whispered, with a slj wink. "I did It to mako somo people tlllnk that was what 1 did It for!" Moral; There Is no greater mystery than motive, take It up oue sldo and down tho other. Puck. JL J jjtlk UYsrGl Health sl Pkmae f PPfl Come follow the arrow 'til y6u Jo!n HUnOu,. I DsmSj the merry throngof palate pleatedmen S.HiElaW$vk 1 HreM and women who have quit seeking for ARJlHLHjn I H the one best beverage because they've w8VHslHiflt I i SsHTI M Kcal satisfaction in every glass snap and sparkle vim MB wk and go. Que&ches the thirst cools like a breeie. m DIiclew Refretkaf WkflMe M ThsTtatl) t Arte tUk Abort Cets-CeU" fcfc, BSSSSsTIr Coca-Cola mm 1 EXCUSE FOR HIS BLUNDERING Ideal Walter, True to tho End, Had Been Working Under Pretty Heavy Handicap. He was an immaculate servant To watch him serve a salad was to watch an artist at work. To hear his aub dued accents was a lesson In tho art of voice-production. Ho never slipped, ho never smiled, and his mutton-chop whiskers marked him as ono of the old and faithful stock. But one even ing, to tho surprise ot his master, ho showed unaccountablo signs of nervousness-. Whon the chicken camo on, he confused it with the pheasant. He served everything In tho wrong or der, made blunder aftor blunder, arid put a final touch to his shame by up setting the salt over the only super stitious member of the party. Then, at last, when tho ladles had rotlred to the drawing room, he touched his mas ter on the shoulder. "I beg your par don, sir,' ho said In a respectful un dertone "but could you manago to spare me now? My house Is on lire." Publicity Law Badly Needed. Connecticut, District of Columbia, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Yqrk, Rhode Island and Vermont, have laws which provide specifically for the re porting of tuberculosis and which make provision for tho proper regis tration of living cases of this disease. In fourteen other states, laws or reg ulations of the stale boards ot health require that tuberculosis bo reported simply as ono of a list of Infectious diseases. Tho following 28 states and territories havo no provision what ever for tho roportlng or registration of tuberculosis cases: Arizona, Alas ka, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illi nois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, N,ow Hampshire, Now Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Phlllpplno Islands, Porto Rico, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming. Kissing Breach of Peace. The better half ot a respected citi zen of New Jersey recently had the temerity to halo her lord and master before the court on a charge ot having kissed her against her will. For this heinous offenso this shameless Jersey benedict was bonded over In $100 ball to keep the peace, and, moreover, was warned by tho Judgo never again to kiss his wife without first obtaining her consent In due form. If he is any kind ot a man, probably ho will never want to kiss her again. Washington Herald. An Unlaureled Hero. Here la a niche In tho Hall ot Fame for Sethi A. Eaton, a rural mall car rier from tho Mlddleboro poBtofiice, who, surrounded by woodland firekls horse lying on tho ground stifled with smoke, hla own hair singed, hie hat burned and ono Bide of his faco and hands blistered, was -still mindful ot duty and 'saved tho mall ho was carry ing by burying it In tho sand, beforo ho fought through the line of fire to snfoty. Not nil the heroos tread tho battlofloldB. Fall Rlvor Herald. How can a man expect his wlfo to be Interested In business when halt tho tlmo ho doesn't know the color of her last new dross? COMES A TIME When Coffee Shows What It Has Been Doing. "Of late years coffee has disagreed' with mo," writes a matron from Rome, N. Y. "Its lightest punishment; being to mako mo 'logy' and dizzy, and It soom ed to thicken up my blood. 1 '"Tho heaviest wna when It upset my stomach completely, destroying my ap petite nnd making me norvous nnd lr ritnblo, and sent me to my bed. After ono of theso attacks, In which I nearly lost my llfo, I concluded to quit the coffee and try Postum. "It went right to tho spot! I found It not only a most palatable and re freshing beverage, but a fQod as well. "All my ailments, tho 'loglncss' and dizziness, the unsatisfactory condition of ray blood, my nervousness and lrrl tablllty disappeared in short order apd my Boroly afflicted stomach began quickly to recover. I began to rebuild and havo steadily continued until now. Havo a good appetlto and nm rejoicing In sound health which I owe to tho use of Postum." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Road tho llttlo Book "The Rpad to Wollvllle," in pkgs. "There's n reason," Erer read (he above letter? A nrn one nppcnra from time to time. Tlicy nre areamlue, true, nad full of fcntuaa HIS VIEW OF IT. Smart Do you think the college! turn out the best men7 Wise Sure. I was turned out la my sophomore year. DOCTOR PRESCRIBES CUTICURA REMEDIES '1 wish to let you know of a couple of recent cures which I have made by the use of the Cutlcura Romedles. Last August, Mr. of this city came to my office, troubled with a severe skin eruption. It wan dermntltls In lta worst form. It started with a slight eruption and would affoct most porta of his body, thighs, elbows, chest, back and abdomen and would terminato In llttlo pustules. Tho Itch ing and burning was dreadful and he would almost tear his skin apart, try ing to got rollof. I recommended all the various treatments I could think of and ho Bpent about fifteen dollar? on prescriptions, but nothing seemed to help him. "In tho meantime my wlfo who was continually suffering with a Blight skin trouble and who , had been try ing different prescriptions and moth ods with my assistance, toldlme she was going to got somo bf the CutlcUrn Remedies nnd give them a fair trial. But as I did not kqow much about Cuticura at that tlmo I was doubtful, whether it would holp her. Hor skin would thicken, break and blood, e pociauy on tno fingers, wrists and arms. I could do nothing to relieve hor permanently. When she first an- plied tho warm baths of Cutlcura Soap and applications of Cuticura, Ointment oho saw a decided Improve ment and In a few days sho was com pletely cured. "I lost no tlmo In recommending the Cutlcura Remedies to Mr. ,' and this was two months ago. I tola him to wash with warm baths of the VUUliUlH UUUII ailU LU UUULJ LlltS 1 . 11 Ll- CU HI Ointment gonerously. Believe rao, from the vory first day's uso ot tho Cutlcura Remedies he was greatly relieved and today ho Is completely cured through tholr uso. I have great faith In tho Cutlcura Romedles and shall always have a good word for them now that I nm convinced of,, tholr wonderful merits." (Signed) B.' L. Whitehead, M. D,, 108 Dartmouth St., Boston, Mass., July 22, 1010. You can't reform a' man by bub gestlng that ho ought to bo as good ej you aro. JIJSSiiE3 fill A IH Jilf i No Athlete can do himself Justice If hla feet hurt. Many thousands are using dally, abroad and in this country, Allen's, Foot Ease, the antiseptic powder to bo shaken into tho shoes. All tho prominent Golfers and Tennis Players at Aupista, Pinehurst and Palm Beach not rauoh satisfaction from its use this Spripg. It gives a rest fulness and a springy feelinjt that makei you forget you have feet. Allen's Foot Kase is the greatest comfort discovery oi the age and bo easy to use. It prevents soreness, blisters or puffing and gives rest from tired, tender or swollen feet. Seven teen years before tho public, over 30,000 testimonials. Don't ro on your vacation Without a package of Allen's Foot-Ease, Sold everywhere, 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Sample sent FREE. Address, Alien S Olmsted. La Roy, N. Y. Your Liver Is Clogged Up That'a Why You're Tired Out of Sort Mavo Wo Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE, LIVER PILLS will put you right in a icw days. They do. their duty.. Cure Con- Kllaiilnn Biliousnessjndlgcstion and Sick Headacht SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE Genuine must bear Signature .SBBBBWy'lv iSSBBBBBBBBSr 1 4LHIM BARTERS atsBBBBBBBB I IVPD SSSflsR PILLS. I BSr jCJ- I