The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 26, 1911, Image 1

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    fee Jiortli
v tWenty-sith year.
No. 43.
Mrs. Moss AfaFarland returned yes
tcrday from a visit In Dcnvor.
Mrs. Julius Hahlor is spending this
Week with friends at Schuyler.
Mrs. Thou. Orton and children wont
to Kearney tills morning where thoy
win visit a lew (lays.
, The 0. E. S. will tender Mr. nnd Mrs
Arthur Boyd a reception at Masonic
tomorrow evening.
The Presbyterian ladies' will serve a
supper In tlidhurch parlors this even
ing, tho proceeds to go to the organ
Miss Mavmo O'Rourko returned tn
Brady Friday&fter n two weeks visit
with her grandmother, Mrs. M. J.
Miss Ruth Patterson, n tcncHor In
tho Omaha schools, arrived the latter
part of last week and will spend tho
summer vacation hero.
Johrf Livingston,, a boomer, was ar
rested Sunday night for dmnkencss,
but was nltowod to go his wuyupon the
promise to kiavo town,orthwith.
John Shaner, of Maxwell, was in
town laat evening 6hr6uto to Greeley,
CoK, to visit hla daughter Mrs. Kate
Horn, who recently submitted to an
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Klein returned
Saturday from a two weeks' visit with
their daughter Mrs. Lena Teel, who
lives in the South part of Frontier
Is your Idje mon&y earning 7 per cent
to 8 pcf cent febmj-annual interest in
safe first mortgage loans on good in
come property? If not, Bee
I Bratt & Goodman.
Grading outfits are distributed at sev
eral points along the Callaway-Gandy
extension of the Union Pacific, and the(
people of that section are happy over
' the assurance of rap communication
with the outer world.
In company with Mr. W. W. Scott
we organized a Sunday school about SO
miles northea'sttovri known as tho
Sleepy Hollow Sunday school with Mr.
Scese as superintendent.
Mr. C. I. Turner,
Missionary American S. S. Union.
Good Styles
Shirt Waists
27 x 54.
Axmmister Rugs
Master Leslie Bare is spending this
week at tho Hoy ranch in Garfield pre
Freight radio on the Union Pacific is
picking up, the'increaso being quite
noticeable during the past, ten days.
Hugh Brogan of Pnxton, and well
known here, was one of tho - graduates
of Spnulding college last week atSpauld
ing, Neb.
The .building and loan association
held their regular meeting Saturday
night and passed on $7,000 lonns to be
used in constructing new buildings In
the city.
Why not profit by our experience in
plumbing. Lot us give you an estimate
on the changes you are nbout to make
in your plumbing or heating. Platto
Plumbing & Heating Co.
Mrs. A. Witty and son arrived from
Chicago Monday and will join Mr.
Witty who is in charge of the American
Telegraph and Telephone Co. here, and
will in tho future make this city thch;
Tho C. F.Iddings Co., sent n member
of teams of lumber nnd other matorial
to Gandy Monday, where they will
open a branch lumber ana coal yard,
thus getting in on the ground floor in n
hustling comunity.
A nocturnal ramble attempted togaini
an entrance into tho Episcopal rectory
Sunday night butwas frightened nwny
by the appearence of Ilev. Chapman,
who heard tho would-be burglar work
ing at an outside door.
A half dozen or more motorcyclists
made a ruu to Hcrshoy Sunday. Eh route
home tho storm over took them at
Rlrdwood and thoy wore compelled to
abandon their wheels. They wired to
town for an automobile and were
brought home b that means.
Trainmen from tho oust Monday re
port an accident at Wood River .Sunday
night, when a string of freight cars on
the siding was backed into an auto. The
auto was completely demolished and a
lady and two men seriously injnred.
I hereby nnnounce myself as a, can
didate for the republican nomination for
county superintendent, Subject to the
decision of tho 'voters at tho primary
election August 15th. Your support is
respectfully solicited.
, Wn, Ebright.
Every Department of this Store
is brightened and
is unapproachable
completeness of its
nature of its
We wish to announce that the remaining days of this sale will witness the giv
ing of values even greater than .those of the opening days. Thousands of values are
here for you at remarkable savings. Come today you will pYobably want some. '
Wilcox Dep't. Store
Assistant oxpres9 agent McLean has
been on Uic sick list tho past week, due
principally to the extreme hent of tho
past few days. i
Hurry! Hurry 1 If you wnnt somo of
that decorated ware at Tramps grocery
on Front atore. After visiting tho at
traction's nt tho carnival grounds como
in and sco tho handsome showing.
More or less rain fell Sundaynjght
in nil portions of tho state. In tho
eastern portion of tho state tho rain
was accompanied by n heavy wind
which blew bo c'ura ofT tho track,
lovcled trees and razed telcphono HnC
At tho Keith theatre noxt Thursday
evening George Gion will wresttd
Clarence Thompson, of Quincy, 111.
The event Is under tho promotion of
L'em Bailey, which Is n guarantee that
it will bo on the square Gion has ap-
penred hem soveral times and-ls known
as it good man on tho mat, Thompson
comes with a long string of victories.
Tho grasshoppers which wore pre
dicted would come this year have made
their appearance at Edward Arnoid'n
south of tho river, nnd it is stated, nro
going right after his alfalfa and oven
catingyoung trees. The sugar beet men
say that it looks pretty sickening to
sec them at work on this thrifty far
mers place. Maxwell Telepost. .
John Mellon, traveling freight ngenf.
for tho Northwestern, was a business
caller in tho city Saturday,
County Assessor Bacon and his de?
puty Miss Kate Clark completed footing
the returns of the assessors Saturday
and yesterday the board of equalization
began its work. Tho board will re
main in session for several days, and if
you have a kick coming on the assess
ment of your personal property you had
better make it this week or forever
hold your peace.
For Rent House at C14 West Fifth
St See Mrsj Jessie Hughes, C21 West
Fifth St
The Club Nevitn was dclighfully en
tertained on Wednesday afternoon by
Mrs. Florin Muchlinski. Two contests
were introduced for 'the main enter
tainment and prizes wero won by Mrs.
Tom-Austlrand Mrs. Andrew Yost At
fivosthirty. a very dainty lunch was
sqrved after which a short business
meeting was held. Tho club will meet
in two weeks with Mrs. Andrew Yost.
revivified with, new goods for pur new goods sale, a sale that
in the extent ofits stocks in the newness of its goods 'in the
trading facilities and opportunities and in. the money saving
; 1
Wdrd from Mrs. Geo. H. French,
who .is taking treatment in Chicago, is
not encouraging-For twd 'weeks pnijt
she has been bedfast and her condition.
is critical.
The attraction in tho China nnd
QuconBwaro department of Trampvs
store is drawing tho crowd this week.
Keep in mind Uio number. Front
street nnd follow tho'crowd.
The interest in the land seekers ex
cursion being planned by C. F. Tcmplo,
continues to increase, and there will be
quite a number go from hero to Utah.
Tho Hatchtown projects holds oat in
ducements to Uio man with meagre
means that no other section does. The
climate there is Uio best and it is an
ideal spot to make a homo.
Raymond F. Burgner was arrested
Sunday night for exceeding tho speed,
limit on his pop-pop wagon. This ia tho
second offenco within two wocks and
it is likely if proven guilty that tho
the fine limit will bo given him. Ho
was fined ono dollar and costs for Uio
first offense but later Judge Warren
suspended fino upon his promise to bo
careful in tho future. Raymond will
have a hearing tills mornjng.
Seo our new pearl goods. They aro
gems of their kind.
DlXOtt, Tho Jeweler.
Airs. u. t. iciu was hostess at a
very pleasant affair Friday nftarnoon
when she entertained for Miss West
her house guest Tho beautiful and
.well appointed houso was decorated
with .ferns and fjowbrs for the occasion.
Tho entertaining fcaturo 600, wrm
thoroughly enjoyed by Uio twenty-four
young lndios. Tho fact that so many
were just homo from tho different col
leges mado Uio afternoon one to bo re
membered and in Uio nature of a re
union added to tho enjoyment of those
present In cutUng for tho prize, Miss
Alice Birgo was successful in winning a
brass jowol case while tho consolation
prizo, a cut glass salvo box, went to
Miss Nell Bratt At the closo of the
games delicious refreshment wero!
served. Mrs. Field was assisted by,
Mcsdamcs Dpuglaa and Woodhurst
, ucauijuaiicia u viiui"a .
Special piano bargains for tho next
thirty days. Call and investigate. Wo
will move your piano.,
of Bargains.
on West SevenUi
street Phono 229.
W. T. Green of Uio Platto Plumbing
Miss Elisabeth Snicglcr of Grand
Island, is visiting friends hero this
Co.', went to Lisco this morning to install
a large hot water plant
- Aro you insured against hall? If
not sco Bratt & Goodman nnd got n
policy in Uio reliable St Paul.
Weather forecast for North Platto nnd
vicinity: Fair tonight nnd Wednesday,
Maximum temperature yesterday 81;
one year ago 8-1. Minimum temperature
this morning 49; ono year ago 67.
L. B. Wilson, district manager of
the Nebraska Telephone Co., came up
from Grand Island yesterday to assist
in tho preliminary work on Uie new
system to bo installed hero.
Tliis mornings Omaha papert contains
nn item concerning Uio 4yenr-old son
of W. J. Potter of North Platte, who
died tn that city yesterday, caused
from a kcrnnl of corn lodging in tho
child's throat Tho family is not known
to residents of Uio city, nor could any
information bo learned frofn resident
physicians regarding the accident
Announcements wero received here
this weok of tho marriage of George A,
McMichaol to Miss Florence Ethel
Smith nt Dotrlot Wisconsin, Juno 23,
Thoy will arrive horo about' July 4th,
nnd after a brief visit with relatives
and friends, go to Missoula, Montana, to
mako their home. George has hosts of
friends who will joinTho Tribuno in wish
ing them every joy and happiness.
There is no section of tho country
that is Attracting tho attention and in
terest of land seekers liko that of tho
Hatchtown project of" Utah, and It Is
expected that tho first excursion there
from this point will include many from
North Platto and adjacent towns. Mr.
C. F. Templo, who is conducting tho
excursion to that great irrigated sec
tion, savs ho. is receiving constant in
quiries rqm people at n distance, as
well as here, and is planning to start
sometime the early part of.July.
Money te Loan On Real Estate.
Can supply Building & Loan" monoy
payablo monthly or In' oho to'.fivo years
straight loan. Sco Qrntt & Goodman. '
For RentHouse
', Nstfce to the PaMk,
North Platto, Ncbr., Juno 27, 1911.
Xro hereby notified' that tho board
of .idolization will bo in session at the
Coa-fity Commissioners' office aVNorth
Plattfy 'Ncbr., from July 5 to 8 Inclusive,
tdhar complaints with reference to
tho Equalization of personal property.
F. R. Eixiott, County 'Clerk.
Whrfopine couch is not tknsrerous
wherfyho cough is kept loos and ex
peculation easy by feivinr Chamber
lam's Cough Remedy. It has been
usea,lti many opidemlcs of Otis diseaw.
For1 tl by all dealore.
1 :
Bvatv bargains in houses, farnM mm
unimproved land. x
A h6uso In Grand Island to exchange
for (and or North Platto property.
What' have y$u? J
Bratt & Goodman.
Tho womnn of today who' haa good
health, good temper, good sense, bright
eyes and a lovoly comploxlon, Uio re
'"viS correct living and good
digestion, wins Uio admiration of
tho world. If your digestion is faulty
Chamberlain's stomach Rnd liver tablet
will correct it For salo by all dealers.
T!b-N ig hi
"Alitor the Love of a Udy."
v "Man's Diplomacy." .
The 1 two bobolinks, Washing.
ion, oc Jones, colore enter
tainers in high class colored
singing ariel 'whistling! imita tion.
10 and 15 Cent.
; 1
- 1
( Fancy Silks . 1
69c I
I .; I
!" T
l x
Dress Skirts