Jlk JMr ttoisfoTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NE13. JUNE 20, 19 ji. No. 42. 'Tb get the best out of the human machine you must have the best groceries food that is not only pure and absolutely wholesome but which gives zest to nidaia by Its goodness. Groceries like we enrry not only give your body all the necessary energy for your daily work but make , eating 611 that it should be perfect enjoyment If, after your coming meal, you find anything wrong, niake a resolution to try us next time. One trial is all we ask. Hush Mercantile Co. 1 4 m g TOWN AND COUNTY: NEWS Tlio Methodist aicj society will meet; with Mrs. Robert jqean Thursday after noon. ' 1 C. Martini ia expected home from Denver Thurstlay, where he has attendee scho6Vrat 'the Socrod Heart convent .o.v. jfiie furnishings .for the new Platte Vailey- State Bank are expected to arrive withiif ten days or two weeks, and as soon as placed, the bank will open for business. ' Additional political announcements in today's issue are Clio R. Chappell, can didate for county superintendent' and Judge Grant for county judge. Refer ence to these candidates will be made later. x Wo have all widths of ribbon to re place the worn out fob ribbon. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Supt Ebright "returned ycHterday from Somerset wHerd hp went to com plete tho work begun last summer in the. division of the school district He stated that oats and wheat have, suf fered greatly out that way but corn is looking good. The county commissioners convened in session yesterday as aboard of equal ization. The assessor's books were not, however, ready and they adjourned to meet as commissioners. The bookswill bo rcadyjn a day or two and the equali zation of assessments will then be made, Automobile tourists enrouto to Den ver,Sak Lake and ether western points wre-passing through the city daily. Nearly all reach here in the evening ami spend the night, thus leaving eastern dollars with us. If we secure that-maha-Denvor good road, the number of these itourists will largely increarc. C. F. Sivits of Circlo Hill was in tho city yesterday for a load of material for the new homo he is building, Wei man Stearns and Perry Campbell, h'oth living north of the river, made final proof 8 on their homesteads .today. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will hold a twenty-five cent supper at tho church parlors on next Tuesday ovening, June 27th. . R;pbc!$,MonrDer.of $ofy. Yprkity' arrived yesterday arid wilC visit his father" and sister for a couple of weeks. "Jack" is df course much" pleased to have this visit "with thoJboy." tPlaco your firt ligh'thfng, hail, cy clone arid tornado insurance with the leading insurance agents. ;' Bratt & Goodman. ti A party of tourisfa f ronx. Maryland, driving a Packard car, and enrouto to the coast, arrived in town last evening. They had traveled 1531 miles in reach ing this city. Weather forecast; Fair tonight and Wednesday. Maximum temperature yesterday 86; one year ago 95. Mini mum temperaturo this morning 50; one year ago 61. Promoter Lem Bailey announces a wrestling match nt tho Keith theatre this evening between Logan Champ, of Hastings, and Jimmy Dixon, of this city. Dixon has appeared on the mat several times in this city. W. B. Howard of Omaha, who has been spending a few days on his ranch northwest of town, with his brother C. P., slopped in tho city long enough yes terday to buy tho .material for a large barn 64x86 ft, which he will Boon build. Buy Real Estate Now. We have best bargains in-nico homes, vacant lots, improved farms and farm lands ever offered. It will pay you to call and see our .list Bratt & Goodman. Why Rent? WHEN YOU GUN BUY A HOME AT SUCH BARGAIN PRICES I have' two properties on thet north side. Both four room Jiouses, one sit uate on E, Ninth St. and the other on W. Eleventh St,. rJhe latter just one block frouAhe Lincoln School House. These properties I wish to turn at once aud .willmake very .attractive prices on easy terms. Phwie-or ste C. F. TEMPLE. Market Day. The members of tho Catholic Girl's Club will have "Market Day" Satur day, June 24th, in tho north room of tho Elk building and will hnvo on sale all kinds of green vegetables, cakes, plop, bread, rolls salads, etc. Gno. Hill. Mm Gnnilv mirelmnt WM hero yesterday. N tfji u. ti. uaxcr returned last nigtu irom n business trip to Omuha and Intorml dinto towns. Mrs. Coevil and Mrs. Lambert, twl prominent ladios of Overton, nroguos of Mrs. Boardmnn. Mr. nhd Mrs. John States returned j vukviuiM sii iium vvih-ai ia. Mrs. Walter States in Denver. Supt Prat, of tho NcbraSKaTjulC: phone Co., camo up from Omaha las nvinfni nnil Is Rnontlitif tnflntf In tnwnJ . -. 0 " i - o . For Sale My P-room house and coiled Bhed in 400 block on west 11th St Will sell cheap if tnkenbeforo July 10th. J, D. Cox, Mrs. Wm. Salisbury, daughter Ida' Mnv nnd Miss Ruth Davidson, went t Poxton Saturday to visit at tho homM of Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead. V Thirty boy scouts met at tho Epis-, copal parish house yesterday afternoon nnd under tho guidanco of Bcoutmastor tRov. Chapman made a scout on' Iho island In tho south river. Mrs. H. J. Roth, of Cheyenne, is tho guest of her aunt Mrs. Farrmgton nnd willv remain until Thursday, when she will go to Kansas to visit her daughter Jlolen. Mr. and Mrs. Crutcn. of Newport, wore In town yesterday visiting friends on their way to Norfolk, where Mr. Crutcn has been transferred as com pany timekeeper. Dickey Bros, say their wholesale ice cream trade bIiows an increase of thirty per cent over last year. With tho excep tion of Brulerthoy ship their cream to every Btation between hero and Sidney. Wr S. Ross, of Myrtle is in town ta day closing a deal for a quartor of sec. . . . - '.H tion of land , which, he purchased oJQ poriry-acoborlhjs'rnnkes Mr. llosj to'o.wnefda2res of land In a body. ?''.''. Just received a very fine line of Bilver deposit gpods. They nre tho new thing for-wedding gifts " DIXON, Tho Jeweler. C. F. Temple has interested quite a number of land Beckers of this section in tho Hatchtown, Utah, project, and expects to conduct an excursion there shortly. Land can be had there cheap and on reasonable terms and many will take advantage of it. Carl Edmiston, the real cstnto vender, is said to have tho finest GO acres of wheat In this section. It" utnnds up to your waist now and will make wheat without moro rain. This field is on tho old Bowen place on the Jack Morrow flats and is tho udmiration of everyone that passes that way. A good port of the time of Police Judge Warren was tnk6n up yesterday morning with tho enso ngainsti the woman caught in tho police drag not last Friday night Tho evidenco against hor was not very strong, and she wus permitted to go. J. Mothersaid ap peared ,as, proscuting nttornoy nnd James-P. Keefo for tho defense. The latter is said to have made a regular Irish stump oration und cleared his prisoner easily. Seo our new pearl goods. They aro gems of their kind. Dix'on, The Jeweler. Tho recital to bo given nt tho Keith theatre by the pupils of tho Misses O'Hare Thursday ovening promises to be exceptionally fine; in fnct any effort by those young ladies is nlwnys inter esting and pleasing. While this is primarily a recital, tho program will bo varied with drills, dances and other specialties, tho whole forming an en tertainment that will be varied und not monotonous. The Tribune feels assured that all who attend this recitul will bo moro than pleased. An interesting game of ball is re porteq from Nortnport, in which sev eral of tho North Platte railroad boys took part The game was between the "Lizards" and tho "Cranes" Sunday afternoon, the latter being defeated by a score of 18 to 14 The gamo was featured throughout by tho fast base running of Breternitz and tho fielding of Eshleman and Laughlin. Jcssup pitching for tho Lizards, let tho Cranes down with 10 hits, striking outD.men. Batteries: Northport, Jessup andNorris; Bridgeport, Hngerty ond Jones. Um pire," Sawyer of Norport mi t CLEARANCE SALE. Wc don't wait until the season is ovqr but offer you the goods regardless of cost or values just when they are needed. Men's Clothing Here k where our wbetoafe buaiiMM MY9& you dollars at a clip. Some small sizw in men's suU at $2j$ $3.98 and $4.98, worth three time as much. $9.98 buys a suit strictly up-to-date in worsteds you would haves difficulty to duplicate elsewhere at $18.00. All wool $25.00 worsted at $11.85, swell., stylish handsome garments, perfect flitiniand the very newest tailor made, worth $25. Come 3 and get them at $11.85. Men's H.its. An elegant line of straw and other drew hats all go at one-half pfT regular price. I 1 i !.. . I 1 I ) 1 . 1 I ' 1 1. .1 Men's Furnishings Men's black hose that sell everywhere for 15c go' at . .... 74c Men's 25c hoae black, tan and und fancy . colors 12c 15c work socks 7o - $1.00 overalls 50c . Fine drees shirts worth $1.25 go at 5C 15c 3-ply linen collars, 4 for 25o' . $1.80 unjon suits 79c $1.50 un on suits $1.00 Shoesl Shoes Shots! Weatkl.hajVe seVral;hundredrpftir of shoes. fmnith;Enrtll.Trteok'jrdftifttWmlut''- at less' than factory, cost No one can meet.-, our prices on theee goods, quality considered. Ladies' Furnishings. 40c hoee black and tan, very, fine silk'lisle 19c Ladies' plain black hose 20c values I2ic Ladies' $8 and $10 skirts $4.98 Ladies' $1 union suits t G5c Ladies' vests 5c, 74c, 10c, 124c, 19c LadtiA and men's fabric gloves at less than hsfrprice. All the latest things in ladies' collars about one-linlf price. , Ladies' Summer; Suits. Strictly up-to-date and worth up to $15.00," all go in one grund slaughter lot at $2.98. Children's Dresses. Age 0 to 14, $1.25 valuta at 48c. Neat nicely madegormentd. Ladies' Hats It is our policy to noyer carry over a hat. Hence we offer choice of any of our hats at exactly half price. Ladies' yaists Ladies' finest waists at' about one-half price Petticoats $1.75 black petticoats 98c $15.00 hand embroidered silk petticonU $7,SJ8:' Everything in the Store at Bargain Prices. Johnson's Cash Store. North Platte, Nebraska. Selling everything to wear. For Rent. Houses, store building, nice unfur nished rooms, storage room nnd safe deposit boxes. BltATT & GOODMAN. New IJarriEaani Trains Fast. Tho now Centennial Stato Limited train of tho Uniori Pacific and North, western lines is 0110 of the fastest trains in tho world, from Omaha west, It makes nearly as fasto tfifno ns tho famous Twentieth Century limited of tho Now York Central between Now York and Albany and tho Pennsylvania special of tho Pennsylvania railroad be tween Chicago and Fort Wayno. Both of these eastorn llnds aro bp a wator lovel grade, while tho Union Pacific line ri8cs7G4 feet in going the samd distance as these lines. Tho time records of these thrco trains Bho'w what speed they travel for long distances. From New York to Albany M2 miles on tho Twentieth Century limited, takes 171 minutes, and from Fort-Wayno to Chicago on the Pennsyl vania, a distanco of 148 miles, takes 170 minutes: while, tho Union Pacific from Omaha to Chapman, Nob., 142 mllos, takes a timo of 175 minutes. Omaha Bee. I " " Moaey toLoH. Privato or Building and Loan money to heln you improve build or buy. Seo ub first Bratt & Goodman. In tho United, States district court at Chicago yesterday Judge Carpenter denied a motion of J, Ogden Armour nnd nine other Chicago packers for a rehearing of thejr motion to quash In dictments charging violation of the Sherman anti-trust act Thfs moans the packers must stand trial. TVIarrlago licenses were issued on Fri? day to Arthur Boyd of this city and Florence M, Young of Leeds, England. Aloft B. Swanson of the city and Miss Ida II. Bostwlck of Hershey. On Satur day Char. Hibberd and Miss Catherine Moron of this city, were granted a license, Miss Mabel Stafford went to Oshkosh this morning to visit her parents for a month. President Taft arid Mrs. Taft cele brated their silver wedding anpivcr saryyesterday. .Vhon married tho presi dent was a youna attorney nnd Mrs. Taft a school teacher. Tho celebration yesterday was an elabornto affair. Don't foriret that Saturdnv. .Tunn 24th, is "Market Day" and all kinds of good tilings to eat will boon sale. Found--On the streets yestordny & pair of bow spectacles. Owner can hnvo samo by calling at this ofilco and pay Ing for this notice. Savo your corn crop by insuranco against hU. Tho best and cheapest hail insuraned written by Bratt & Goodman. BELL TELEPHONE SERVICE Has reached its present high state of development because its policy has always been based upon the conviction that 'Success consists p gaining and deserving tho confidence nnd support of Intelligent people." Statistics Show 1000 Bell Telephones-installed every minute. 1000 miles of wire strung every day, 0,000,000 connections made every year. ' 5,000,000 Telephones in use In 40,000 cities.. " 120,000 Telephones in 500 Nebraska towns.' Our Policy Has always T)een to deal fruriklyand fairly with the public and to give the best possible service at the lowest "cost consistent with high efficiency and with fair profits on an honest investment. Nebraska Telephone Company Bell System BEAVER, Special Agent J, C.