The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 09, 1911, Image 1

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NO 89
FARMERS Should, protect themselves against loss of
crops by carrying
HAIL INSURANCE and all other property including live Stock by carrying
Fire, Lightning, Tornado, Cyclone and Wind Storm Insurance, in the
Xheir reputation of representing strong companies and making prompt and satisfactory settlements has been proven.
DONT TAKE CHANCES with strangers or inexperienced agents to write your business.
-v '.if"rf"r-,x'r
knAw j
The Junior Normal no.w has an en
rollment of 89.
Th Methodist Sunday School children
arc being drilled forChildren's Day
'Mrs. Bertha underwent an operation
at the P. & S. hospital Wednesday and
la getting along nicely.
Snm Moore, Goorge Heateiy and Will
Galvin,' of Dickens, were 1ra tho city
estcrday on business nt the court
Misses Harriet Beyerle, Maude
Loudon, G. Lena Baskins and Alice
Langford aro contetantsfor the World
Herald cash award and European trip,
S. G. Kceney, of Indianola, la., a
v brother-in-law of E. S. Davis, visited
ttio latter yesterday while enroUte east.
Mrs. Keeney Wll be hero In a few days
to visit her brother.,
Maurico Fowler sold his span of coach
horses Tuesday to John Murphy," of
Syracuso, N. Y., for $380, anil were
shipped east that night. They wore a
line span q dark brow.ns and well worth
the money. '
. To tho frinds and neighbors who
with their loving kindness and sympathy
helped us bear our loss, wo wish To
publicly express our sincere gratitude.
Sena B. Kelly
0. N. Kelly and family.
Alonzo McMichael left yesterday
' morning for a two weeks visit with
relatives and friends at Hastings and
Franklin, Neb. He stated that his
son George, who is engaged in the
real estate business at Missoula, Mon
tana, will bo married in Wisconsin the
latter part of this month and expects
to make a visit here about July 4Mi.
Judging from the number of persona
who arc examining the plans and
specifications for tho now school build
ings, there will bo n good many bidders.
( Geo. Hubert, representing the So.
Omaha Horse mid Mule Co., was. hero
yesterday on his way to Gandy to pur
chase a bunch of horses from tho Smith
ranch. - 1
The new Hlnman building on Locust
street, recently completed, is occupied
by G. M. Smith's pool hall, and will
make nn excellent stand for that line,
asHho commodious room affords ample
light and ventilation.
Legal permission to wed was granted
Tuesday evening to Harry W. Bean, of
Kcwanee, III., anil Lucy Pearl Heskett,
of Sutherland. The latter is a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrsl T. E. Heskett,
well known residents of the Sutherland
A score or more boys and girls were
tho guests of Kenneth Whelan from
five to seven" o'clock Tuesday evening
on the occasion of hia eight birthday.
The youngsters bad a Jlvely, noisy and
nappy lime, anu wcru rigm ui iiome
when tho refreshments were served.
Kenneth received numerous remem
brances of tho occasion.
.i For Sale Two short horn bulls one
3 year old, registered, and one yearling
eligible lor registery.
C. H. Bostvick,
North Platte, Neb.
District Supt. Chamberlain depar
ted yesterday forLodga Po'e, and from
there will make his regular territory
by auto to hold quarterly conference.
Rev. Porter, pastor of tho M. E. church
accompanied him for a week's pleasuro
and recreation, and will visit his sister
at Scotts BlufTe, Neb. Mr. Fred
Warren will substitute for Rev. Potter
Sunday, and occupy the pulpit mprn
ing nnd evening.
The Fairmont Co. of Grand Island will,
establish a cream station here and will
bo operated by J. P" Fillion at nla
stand on East Fifth Street.
Ex. State Supt. Fowler, now" editor
of tho Nebraskn Teacher, mndo an ox,-
yestoraay morning nt cnapci pcrioa
A party of ladles, members of the
Royal "Neighbors, were entertained
.pleasantly Wednesday afternoon at the
Congdon-Park Wedding,
In tho prcsenco of n brilliant assem
blage of guests, Including many pro
minent Chlcogonns, Miss Evelyn Viola
Park nnd Guy Joseph Congdon were
limited in' marriage Tuesday evening at
the homo of tho brido's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Park, 5039 Michigan
nvenue, Chicago. The rooms of the
Park homo wero elaborately decorated
in nink roses and peonies nnd to Mendel-
country homo ol! Mrs. Weil, seven miles Laohnn's wedding march tho bridal pro
Your daily problem
' of what to eat is
very easily solved
pass it oh to us. It is not what you eat that has alone
to be considered it is the QUALITY of what you cat.s
It is easy to say "Let's have some special dish Jor
dinner," but the mere buying of the'materials for that
dish does not make your d nner a success. You must
have tlfe best of everything- to get the fullest enjoy-"
ment from the meal.
Our reputation js built on the selling the best of groceries. We
have studied the "what to eat" problem for our sake as well as
yours. Come in. and let it over.
from town.
Operu chairs have-boen placed in tho
Crystal theatre, thus adding to the
comfort nf tho patrons.' Manager.
Westfall has in contempintioyother
improvements. V
Work 'on the new Wm. Ritnor cement
block building, underconstruction'on
West Sixth street enst of tho M. E.
church, is progressing nicely. Tho
building is t'- bo 82 x 32.
Divorce proceedings have been in
stituted in the district court by Mrs.
Lauro Weekly against herspouse Rev.,
Wro' Weekly? Jillegmg rion-supp'or't. De,
fendnt liver at Atlanta, Neb.
J. G Bceler, and C. F. Tomplo will
next month mOvo from their present
location to the rear part of tho room to
be occupied by the Platte Valley State
Batik. They expect to have it nicely
Leonard'Dlck built nn important ad
dition to his house thi3 week, 72x68
inches. All up nnd plastered and moved
into in three days. It is n bath .room, an
almost indispenslble accessory to any
well regulated household this kind of
Miss Ada Allen, of North Platte,
was in Kearney visiting for a few
hours Wednesday and loft on the Bur
Ilngtoa for Wilsonville, Nebr., where
nhe intends to remain for- tho rest of
week. She will also visit nt Gibbon
for a fqw days. Kearney Hub.
Mrs. Frank Armstrong entertained
ho Swnstiknclub Wednesday afternoon
nnd n most enjoyable time was enjoyed,
the occasion being in the nature of a
farewell, as the hostess will leavo for
her now hom, in Oregon shortly. The
next meeting will bo with Mrs. Roy
Strcetcr, two weeks lrnce.
The Club Nevita -was entertained in
a happy way Wednesday "afternoon by
Mrs. Will Lewis. As previously an
nounced, it wna a hap-haznrd ndair nnd
all enjoyed thamsolvcs to the utmost.
Mrs. IIuxoll carried away tho first
honors in tho card games, and Mrs. E
Burke got the consolation prize,
Webster defines chnracter as the
peculiar quality or sum of quali
ties by which a1 person or thing is
distinguished from others. It is more
than reputation; it Is internnl, reputa
tion is external. Character ia the
settled, fixed quality of a thing from
which it cannot depart when once fixed.
Ultimately it will make itself known.
There-fstho biggest kind of nn advan
tage in uaing "Best XXXX Flour,"
which has character, Wo want you to
realize this advantage and get soma of
tho benefits Of it.
' North Platte Mill & Guain Co.
Loivis & Clark's "King of tho Cow
Punchers" compuhy arrived In the city
on scheduled time yesterday, nnd their
arrival Waa heralded by tho band which
gave an excellent street concert. It
waa the best band that has visited here
or a long time and every one enjoyed
tho music. A novel invocation from
ordinary street concerts was the song
number, "My Bronco Nell", by advance
agent Ed. F. Davis. Ho was heartily
t "i 1 a
appiauueu anu reappeared and sung
tho chorus. "Montana Slim" did some
Kood stuntB at rone lucrcrlinc nnd
amused the crowd for flvo minutes that
brought forth well merited applause.
cession entered a bower of pink nnd
white peonies.
-Tho brido's costumo was of whits
chantilly lace over white satin with
court train, long embroidered tulle veil
tind wreath of llllles of the valley and
carried a shower bouquet of wliite
Killnrney roses and lilltea of tho valley
Miss Myra Park, maid of honor, wore
White ladquisetto over yellow satin em
broidered in pearls nnd carried pink
roses. Mrs. Park's gown was white
silk crepo draped in block chantilly, and
Mrs. Concdon wore embroidered vellow
4-ltin, ' .
The" groom was attended by Carl
ShaelTer of this city.
The interest of North Piatto people
attaches to the wedding of theso young
people because bpth wero born here and
spent tho early part of their lives in
this city. Mrs. Congdon is tho eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Park and is a
most charming and accomplished young
vomnn, and one who during her resi
dence here and during her frequent
visits' here mndo many friendd who will
wish her and tho man of her choice un
bounded prosperity and happiness. With
tho exception of a fow years spent in
the" west, Mr. Congdon had always
lived in North Piatto. A couplo of
months ago ho went to Chicago to as
sume the secretaryship of one of the
largest IcomanufacturingplnntB in that
city. Ho is an energetic ' young man
nnd enjoys a good and osteons of all
Meyers Takes French Leave.
Frank Moyors, who was sent to the
penitentiary from this county n couplo
of months ago for horse atenllng, tool:
French leave of tho prison authorities
at Lincoln Monday, Ho and a fellow
convict wore working in a cornfield on'
tho penitentiary grounds; tho sun was
hot and hoeing was not to their liking
and the gunrd was not in sight, honco
their flight to tho woods.
Railroad Orders Memorial Day.
The four railroad ordereof this city
tho B. of L. E., tho B. of L, F. and E.,
tho 0. R. C. and tho-B. of R. T.-wlll
unite in a memorial day sorvlco on Sun
day, Juno 18th. Tho" aervico will bo
-held nt tho Presbytarlan church at
thrco o'clock in tho afternoon and the
sermon will be delivered by Biehop
Beecher, of Koarnoy. Citizens othor
than membors of tho ordors will bo In
vited to this service
Fails to Locate Cause.
The corondr's jury empaneled to in
quire into tho cnuscrof the locomotive
explosion on Friday of last week, ad
journed Tuesday afternoon after bolng
in session two days, All possible evi
dence, including tiro testimony of two
boilor, exports, was secured, but the
jury could not, with the evidanco heard,
locate the fault, and brought in n ver
dict that the explosion occurred from
causes unknown. The Union Pacific
boiler inspector testified that the boilor
had been heated, while tho' Denver
expert snid tho oxplosion might have,,
or did, occur from three ernsea: a
heated boiler, defective material or foul
0. Wi Wills and John Korto. of
Buchannn, Were in town Tuesday and
made The Trlbuno a businpss call. They
came to town as witnesses for W. if.
Bailoy, who proved up on hia home
stoad. (
Champion Hay Swoops at ltershey's,
Cor. Gth & Locust Sts.
New Traia Service.
In a latter to the Koarney Commer
cial Club, Edson Rich, head of the
legal department of the Unloi Paclfle
"On June 18 our folks expect to re
atoro the local leaving herein the morn-
ing nd running through1 to North
Piatto, andTn addition to restore old
No. 13 which left; North Platte about
midnight for Denver, and the corres
ponding train from Denver, leaving
Hint point in tho morning. I under
stand that such a service would be per
fectly satisfactory to tho Kearney
pooplo, and the passcligor department
informs me that the negotiations for a
Borvice will bo restored about June 18.
It ia also possible that the time of No.
5 now leaving Omaha at 4 o'clock, will
bo changed bo' that tho train will leave
hero lato nt night and between this
train, making all the important stops,
amhthe Colorado train you would get an
excellent sorvlce at Kearney, oven
better .than you had lust summer under
the old arrangement. ' .
V The Time To Buy Real Estate. ,
Now is certainly tho timo to buy a
homo, It is true there is little 'prop
erty moving nt the present time and
for this reason soma people are putting
very low prices on their places in order
to sell. This is certainly your 'chance,
buy now and save from $300 to $500.
I have soma choico property at bar
gains prices. 0. F. Temple.
In making a note of the candidacy of
E. W. Crano for county judgo, The
Trlbuno stated that ho, had beeri a popu
list and later a, democrat. This was a
mis-statement. From tho time lie at
tained hia majority until populism
sprang into existence, he wai a re
publican. He remained a populist until
that party was absorbed by tho demo
crats, when he again became a republi
can, nnd for several years has supported
tho republican ticket.
Band Concert Program.
The following program will bo' ren
dered in the court house park at eight
o'clock this evening by tho ' North
Piatto band:
March "President Emeritus",...
, Boehnlein
Overture "Philomel" Hyde
SpanisDance ','Sorollu" . . Borel-Clorc
M arch ' ' Motor King" . Fran tzen
Medley "Remicka Hits"'. Lampo
March "Loretto" .Gardner
These concerts will be continued
the aummer, if aufilciont financial sup
port is given. The bnnil members can
not be expected to play free concert!
nnd pay for tho music used out of their
own packets. So if any one who on
joys this class of amusement will con
tribute their share, tho cost per person
of maintaining these concerts will bo
very small indeed. Anyone wishing to
contribute who has not been reached
by tho subscription paper, may leavo
their money with Clark Buchanan the
treasurer of the band in Buchanan &
Patterson's office or may hand it to
the director of the band any time dur
ing uio concert. Remember every
little bit helps.
Young People's Rally,
Next Tuesday evening all the young
people of the city nro invited to attend
a rally at tho Baptist church. Dr. E.
A. Read, field secretary of tho Baptist
Young People's Union of America,
spending thq month of June in Nebras
ka, will be In this city and conduct a
worker's conference in the afternoon,
nnd deliyer ah address at night. Dele
gates will bo hero from nenr by towns,
and a good time is anticipated. All
are welcome. Tha night might be of
great profit to nil young people.
Coprtlf bt 1909. If C, I!, Zimmerman Co.No,
You are always glad to have your men called (hat, are
you not? Andyou can make them stay at. home if you fit
your library, living room or parlor with furniture that is
comfortable and that you don't need. to be afraid to hurt by
sitting in. it. That's what gdpd furniture is intended for,
and that's the reason we sell good fqrniture furniture which
fulfills its purpose. If yob have that kind your men folks
will be glad to lounge around and stay at home. They will
enjoy the use of our furniture and you will enjoy seeing
them do so.