The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 06, 1911, Image 5

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    June, the Bride's Own Month
JggggLggg X a
Silver and Cut Glass
the Bride's Favored Gift
Cut Glass is pre-eminently a wedding- gift
article, It combines beauty and utility, There
are manifold uses for it in the new home and it is
always acceptable.
Let us show you the 'new Primrose, Daisy or
Tris cutting they are incomparable with the ordi
nary cuttings.
Table Silver is one of the Prime -Necessities
of Housekeeping
and we are displaying many new and pretty pat
terns, among which are the Mount Vernon and
Montecello. They make useful gifts.
DIXON, The, Jeweler
Union Pacific Watch Inspector.
Graduate Dentist.
J Ofllco over the McDonald
State Bank.
Miss Daisy McMicheal left this morn
ing for points In California.
The Girls' Friendly Society will irieet
nt the Guild house this evening.
Miis Alice Sullivan left Sunday for a
visit with relatives and friends in Denver.
Mrs. Gratten Foley, 'of Gothenburg,
la the guest of Mrs. Dr. Lucas this
Wanted Girl for general house work
Inquire of Mrs. C. S. Clinton, 204 West
Fourth street.
The Rebekah. Kensington will meet
with Mrs. Sam VanDoran, Friday,
Judo 9th.
The Club Nevita will hold a hap
hazzard party at the home of Mrs.
Lewis tomorrow afternoon..
Miss Maymo Pizer, a student at
Wolfe Hall, Denver, arrived homo Fri
day to spend the summer vacation.
Gothenburg business men havo sub
Ecribed2,000 for their Fourth of July
celebration. Pretty liberal, don't you
, The members of the Christian aid
Fociety will meet with Mrs. J. C.
Richardson, 1020 west Fourth street
Thursday afternoon.
New Departure Tonguoless and Busy
Bee Cultivators at Horshey's, Cor. 5th
'& Locust Sts.
Mrs. A. F. Streitz ancftdaughtor
Ruth will return from Omaha tomorrow
MHi tr nr III Ka anAnmnnntul r Mtaa
x Trill us ftv.VrV!ii'tiiiit.4 Jj u.iaa
Collins, ateachor of Brownell Hall. -
Mrs. Miranda Doolittle, who has been
spending the past year with her son
Milton and family at Long Beach, Cnl.,
will arrive here June 16th for a visit
her Bon T. E. Doolittle.
For Sale Household furniture includ
itur leather parlor set. bed room suit.
cupboard, store, etc.
Mrs. Miller, Elk Lodging House.
Roy Louden, who drives a medicine
wugon and visits tho neighboring
ounties, was stricken with small-pox
Sunday and is quarantined at the home
of his grandfather in the south part of
tho city.
If you wercbuying a now hat, and
the dealer would lay out .several dif
ferent kinds before you and tell you
they were all tho same price. What
would you do? You would compare
them carefully, and try to pick the
bast. Whyrnot fo the same in buying
insurance? Tho prices are all the same
so why not get tho best policy. See
Temple before you renew, and ho will
show you the best.
Tho Platte Valley school, Dist. No. 8
will vote bonds to erect a modern
rural school building to cost between
five and six thousand dollars and it is
e aid will be the finest rural schooj
building in the county. The district is
now advertising for bids for the con
struction of the building, the contract
will be let at an early date, and it is
planned to have tho school ready ' for
occupancy by the time the fall term
opens. Buffalo county now has the
distinction of the finest rural school,
t itunted in District No. 11, and cost
For Rent.
Houses, nice unfurnished rooms, store
handing, storage mm aid safe deposit
bflxeH Bit ATT & GoodmAn.
Mr. and Mrs. John Singloton returned
Saturday night from a visit in Omaha.
Miss Alma Waltemath, who had been
attending school at Washington, D. C,
arrived home Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. E. Plumer leave this
Week for n visit with friends in' York.
They will be absent a week pr ten days.
Tho Nat Reiss carnival company,
which gave n show here last season,
will bo here the week of July 2d to tho
Detnot Vaper Stoves at Hershey's
Cor. 5th & Locust Sts.
Albort Haspel expects his father and
mother to arrive from Germany about
the middle of July, and will make their
future homo with him.
Mrs. J. L. Murphy roturnad Saturday
night from a visit with Rev. and Mioo
Cnrroll at Wisnr, Neb. She was ac
companied homo by Misg Carroll.
D. J. Redmond, commercial pilgrim
for the Funk candy company of La
Crosse, Wis., stopped off Saturday to
visit his mother, Mrs. Anna Redmond.
Albert Haspel, the dairy man is
somewhat of a poultry man on the Bide,
having at tho present time something
ovor 800 youngsters, many of them at
the ago of toothsome frys.
Champion Hay Sweeps at Hershey's,
Cor. 5th & Locust Sts.
Florence Iddings and Elizabeth Hin
man were thrown out of a buggy and
somewhat bruised by a horse owned by
Dr. McCabe, which has been in several
episodes of this nature recently. Tho
girls were gnthering up a camping
outfit yesterday morning and tho horse
became scared at an automobile.
For Sale Two short horn bulls one
3 year old, registered, und one yearling
oligiblo.for registery.
C. H. Bostwick,
North Plnttc, Neb.
Mrs. A. M. Dill was guest of honor
at aparty given Saturday evening nt
the Alex Fenwick home, tho attendants
being tho more intimate friends and
neighbors of Mrs. Dill. Tho honor guest
was presented with a remembrance of
the occasion, and as a token of the
good will those present held for her.
McCormick & Deering mowers, bin
ders, Btackers, sweeps, and rakes
nt Hershey's, Cor. 5th & Locust Sts.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mecomber re
turned Saturday from Jacksonville, Fla
where Mr. Mecomber represented the
local lodcro of the Order of Rnll
Conductors at the biennial session of
the grand lodge. A. B. Garrotson was
re-elected to the head of the order at
an increase of salary, which makes his
salary $10,000.00 per year and the
highest salaried ofllcornt the head of a
labor organization in the world. This in
crease or salary was given in recogni
tion of Mr. Garretson's efforts in tho
Jast years which has resulted in all con
uctors in the United States receiving
substantial raise3 in pay and nil work
ing for standard pay. Mr. Mecomber is
not very well impressed with Florida as
an abiding place. f
Why not own a farm in Utah?
The State Board of Land Commission
ers will furnish you the money to buy
an irrigated farm. Then it will allow
you to pay back the money in install
ments from tho crops.
The Land Commissioners of the State
of Utah has just opened up 7000 acres
of farm land under a now state ditch,
called the Hatchtown Project, being
located about 200 miles south of Salt
Lake City. This land Is to be sold out
with water rights in tracts'not to exceed
160 acres to one purchaser, and $30.00
to $35.00 per aero on the following
$5.00 per acre cash, balance divided
into ten equal annual payments, inter
est 5 percent.
You understand this is being done by
the state of Utah for tho purpose of
promoting settlement, and is not being
sold out by a set of men for, profit.
Bee or wrlto, C. F. Tdrrtple
Local AgOht, North Platte, Nebr.
Tom McGovern, employed in the
Rock Island boiler shop at Falrbury,
is homo for a week's visit.
Sid Kccler, chiof rk In Asst. Supt.
H. J. Roth's office aTOhoyennc, was a
business caller in town Saturday.
Dispatcher Bntcman has been con
fined to his room for several days suf
fering from an affection of the eyes
The train schedule on tho North
River branch was changed last week,
the arrival of tho afternoon train being
one hour earlier.
Tho terminal improvements for tho
North River branch at Goring will be a
round house, coal chutt and a depot
24 x 72 foot
Track laying on the extension of the
North River branch from Northport to
Goring will begin this week. Tho grade
has been completed to a point whoro
tho road crosses tho river.
W. T. Prlco, claim adjuster from
Union Pacific headquarters nt Omaha,
was in tho city Saturday and Sunday
checking up the damage from tho
wreck west of town.
While nt work Saturday evening
about a boiler, a scalo of rust, uncom
fortably hot. struck Pnt Roddy in tho
eye causing him no little pain until it
was extracted. Engineer Tom Guthcr
lcss had a similar experience the same
evening with a cinuer. Both men re
turned to work and suffered no serious
At Grand Island Thursday ovenlng
L. W. Rollins, tho oldest living Union
Pacific engineer, was presented with an
honorary badgo. This badge is an em
blem of tho Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers and entitles him to nn hon
orary seat in the grand international
division, and is the first of the kind
ever presented in this atato. In the
party who called on Mr. Rollins and
made tho presentation wore members
of tho Omaha and North Platte divis
ions of tho B. of L. E., and tho presen
tation speech was made by J. H. Fonda
of this city.
Parochial School Commencement.
The 'ommencement exercises at St.
Patrick's school ware held Friday after
noon in the school building, and were u
source of much interest and gratifica
tion alike to the parents and the faculty.
The graduating class who have finished
their work ns far as the 8th grade con
dated of fivo members, Katherino
Horrod, Frances O'Ncil, Marie Schatz,
Leo Tigho and John Boyle, .and their
work reflcccts much credit on the
Dominican Slaters who havo charge of
the school. The work pf the pupils of
the different grades in penmanship,
map drawing, book-keeping, painting,
embroidering nnd in fact all studies,
have been on exhibition tho past two
days and are truly n credit to nny school.
Tho Palmar syetem of penmanship la
the one taught at this school, nnd many
of tho papers show a moat remarkable
improvement for six months study. It
hoped that Sister Imolda and her
oflflclent staff of assistants, who leave
shortly for tho summer vocation in
will be returned hore at tho
opening of the next term in September.
Eight Grade Exercises.
County Supt. Ebrightsnys that they
were kept so busy Friday with tho
Eight Grade examination that checking
was not completed so that the ox net
number in attendance could not bo
stated, but that moro than 200 were
there, all of whom have declared inten
tions for ninth grade work next year.
A splendid program was rendered und
with exception of a sang by tho eight
gradors of North Platto was carried out
as planned. The assembly ro'm at tho
high school wa3 crowded to tho doors
and evoryono fulhA enjoyed tho fine
Tho eight grade exercises aro some
thing entirely new in this county nnd
has proven so good and so successful
that it will bo followed up with
similar exercises in tho future. The de
bate between three of the eight grades
and one from tho rural school deserves
special mention. The participants were:
Archie Calllgan, Dist, ?D, rural school;
Bert Hunter, central school; Mario
Bowen, Lincoln school and Arthur Mc
Cabe of Washington school, Everyone
who heard the debate said thoy did ad
mirably. Mrs. Wm. Maloney, Sr., was called
to Boone, Iown, Sunday ovening by
the death of her brother.
Tho pupils of Misses Anna and Josie
O'Haro will give a recital at tho Keith
theatre June 22nd. Further particulars
will bo announced later.
For Rent- House
Phono 219.
on West Seventh
If your idle surplus money Is noT
eorning 7 to 8 per cent semi-annual in
terest, it will pay you to boo Bratt &
For Sale.
420 acres improved farm only four
miles from city. This is a snap.
2 sections unimproved farm land. Can
sell one or both, Only $5.75 per acre.
Eay terms. If looking for n good In
ves tment this is it.
320 acres. 80 acres broken. 120 acres
additional that can be broken, balance
hoy and grazing. $16.00 per acre.
Easy payments,
160 acres unimproved land only eight
Wiles frorr North Platte. Part auitrfbU
oc.ttnuvntion rr tho icnr of
600.00. BnArr & GOonmAN,
Postal Saviiws Bask In Oam-iim.
The postal savings department of the
local postoffico waB put Into optratlan
last 'inurdfty, and that It ia meeting
with public approval and encourago
mnt is proven bv tho fact that on th
! first day of its establishment the de
posits amounted to $138. To date, the
fourth da of tho new dtpertur the
deposits havo reached tho gratifying
sum or sj-15, Quito a number of then
dopoilt8 were made by children, some
ot wnom are unuor eleven years of age
Besides tho deposits many cards de
signed especially for tho ene&urare.
merit of small savings, have Imm mMN
uy tne local office. Thes card reei
ble somowhat a p03t card bearing a
ten cent stamp and are checked with
nine other snuares for stamna. The
cards are sold for ten cents and whea
a card has been fitted with the ten
Stamps of same denomination thev am
returned to the postofflce, cancelled,
and an account established for SI. no.
the amount required or specified by the
Postmaster Davis stated that he is
particularly desirious and anxious that
many moro of these cards bo taken as
tho whole object and intention of the
system ia to inculcate in the children a
habit of saving and thrift which habit
once formed is a sure foundation of sue
'l no progress bo far established Is a
better rtcord thnn bv anv nontal aav
inRR bank in the state for a like period
anu wo nope that every boy or girl In
North Platto will "got tho habit" and
begin to lay tho foundation for nn In-
dependent life by converting their
pennies into these atnmps and place
them where they can't cot away from
Ono young lad not yet eleven years
of age, mado application at the local
ofllco for somo U. S. government bonds,
niju other youngBtera-should follow his
splendid example. Theso bonds are
issued in denominations of $20, $40,
$00, $80 nnd $100. beniing2J per cent
interest and aro not Bubjoct to taxa
tion. Application forthesu bonds must
be made before July 1st.
At York. Neb.. Juno 13tb. 14th and
Julh, the postmasters of tho state Will
hold a convention, nnd tho postmasters
who had somo cxpeiicnco with tho
postal snvings banks will tell their
brother Nasbies all about haw it works.
. . ,
nnd thoy expect to havo un interesting
anu instructive meet down there. Post
master Davis is going nnd he will be
prepared to givo his brothers some
facts and figures that will awnkon now
interest inho system.
Notice. -All
persons interested in securing a
good ruad rond from North Platto to
Maxwell aro invited to attend tho
public meeting to bo held in the Court
Houso Mondny evening, Juno 12, 1910,
at 8 o'clock p.m. Plans nnd arrange
ments will bo made for tho construc
tion of this road and It is proposed to
get stato old to the extent of one-half
tho cost of tho bridgo over tho North
Platte River. Tho proposed road will
shorten tho dlstnnco to North Platto
about 8 miles und will be of great ad
vantage to farmers nnd all persons
driving to North Platto from tho cast.
JB. P. 0. E. Attention.
Tho third danco of series No. 1 will
bo hold In the Elk hall Fridav ovenlnnr.
June 9th, following tho band concert.
Entertainment Committee.
Col. Cody Here August 19th.
Colonel Cody hna written W. H. Mc
Donald that August 19th has Jieen se
lected as tho (lntf for tlin Wild Wmf
show in North Platte. It is none two
early to begin planning for mnklng tho
event n red-letter duy for NorthPlatto.
The Time to Buy. Real Estate
Now ia certainly tho tlmo to buv
home. It is true, there is littfc prop
erty moving at tho present time and
for this reason aomo people are putting
very low prices on their places In order
to sell, mis ia certainly your chance.
buy now and save from $300 to $500.
I havo some choice proporty at bar
gains prices. C. F, Temple.
Card of Thanks,
To our many friends who wora so
kind ond true during tho long illness
and after the death of our dear wife
and mother wo desire to express our
sincere thanks nnd (Bppreciarton. Yoil
will ever be remembered.
C. F. TitAcy,
Mlt3. OltttA T. DeFohp.
For Sale.
Tho Paul Goss Residence on West
Third street. Good two story dwelling
and corner lot at a very low price and
easy terms.
Buchanan & Patterson.
An order was issued last night from
the ofllco of the county judge in be
half of tho friends of the late Warren
Kelly, restraining tho Union Pacific
Co. from removing the boiloc of the.
wrecked engine on car In tho com
pany's yards, unll examined by an ex
pert boiler inspector.
A. S. Coatea, company watchman,
returned to town Sunday afternoon
from the scene of the wreck where ho
had been on duty a good part of tho
tlmo since Friday morning.
For Exchange.
Quarter section Improved farm for
Income propetty, Equity $1700,00.
I as First National Bank.
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital and Surpluc $140,000.
t ' ; C, F, SEEBER0ER, Prsk(Ml, t .
: : M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vlc-Presliisnf. j
F. L. NOONEY, Caskltr, 'V
jiff .fcr
A Modern Institution
For tho treatment of : medical and surreal cases. Open to th
medical rofession. Special accotn on for confinement cao ses
Trainingpsc hoolfor nurses in connection. Address all communi
cations to tho superintendent
Phoae S42 Cm. ftoliL nJ i
HHcklnvllur mi flin
began this morning.
For Snln ltonunlinl.1
qulro at 7o; west Fifth street.
Mr. mid Mm Alfl
Grand Island aro tlio intoats of Mr
and Mrs. W. T. Aldon.
Tim vnimir Imlvtvlmtiflll I
. ' ""p. l "UWAMIIU iillU
undo or Arthur Hnvri.nurl
from EnmaiHl. In nnn- rincutmr Mk
ocean, and wlllarrlvo in a fow days.
Wenthnr fnrppnnfr. Uve "KtwWx ii.(t.
1 .... .. . . '''-' 1 It.Ul'U
and vlelnlt.v! iftiir innliriit-. ntwi w..t.
Iiosdav. llfirlinst. in
day 81, a year ago 7(1; lowest last night
48, a year ago 62.
It is worse than useless to take any
medicine Internally for muscular or
chronic rheumatism. All that is needed
Is a free addllcutlon of Chamberlain's
Liniment. For Bale by all dealers.
For Sale.
Sevn npilltrrnoil Plf Unit rTln
I C. ww. - " " IGUlQIfl,
IOUr WPAkR r.lrl. fnnnlcn nt IA,. Mnn
at Carson & Landgrnf 'a barber shop. '
"Bertha's Missien."
'The Golden Rule."
Milano & Alvin Coinedv
Sketch Singing and Talking.
10 and 15 Cents.
Nptlco Is hereby given that tho City
Council of tho City of North Platto.
Lincoln Cmintv. Nulitvitilrn win uif. ..!
a J3oard of Equalization beginning at
ino nour or 7;;w o'cioclc p. in., of tho
520th flay of Juno, 1011, at tho Council
Chamber In tho Court Ilotiso Hi the
City of North Platto, Lincoln County,
uuitiaitii, lur win p u r ih wo oi levying
on tho real estato lying anil being
within "Sowor District G-l" taxes for
tho purposo of paying tho costs of the
construction or a lateral sowor In said
oowor uiHincc u-i" anu tnaL said
ljLYI'H will lift hivlnil nnitli .i...l
of real estato according to tho oxtont
of bonollts to such property bv reason
or the construction of said lateral
sowor. and If tho said Council shall
llnd such bcneiltH to ho equal and uni
form such levy of taxes will ho ac
cording to tho front foot of tho lots
of real estato within said "Sowor Dis
trict G-4" or according to such other
rulo as tho City Council sitting as
such Board of Equalization may adopt
for the distribution or adjustment of
such costs.
All persons interested will Illu their
objections, if any thoy havo, to tho
assessing or taxes against their pro
perty on or before tho 20th day of
Juno, 1911, at 7:30 o'clock p, m (con
tral tlmo) with tho City Clerk,
JJy order of tho Mayor and City
Council made tho 31st day of May,
CHAS. F. TEMPLE, City Clork.
Notice Is hereby given that tho
City Council will receive" bids for tho
construction of cement cross-walks
and approaches - and sidewalks to bo
laid by the city for tho Hscal year
of 1011.
Bids must bo based upon tho spec
lilcatlons of tho city engineer, which
is on lilo in thoolllcoof tho cltr clork.
All bids must ho In by 5 o'clock, n.
m., (contral time) on tho 20th day of
Juno, 1011.
Tho Council reserves tho right to
reject any or all, bids.
ahAS. F. tfEMPLR, City Clerk-
(latent iuTt
otlco Is horoby given that tho
pity Council of tho City of North
Platto. Lincoln County, Nebraska,
will sit as a Board of Equalization
beginning at tho hour of 7:30 nV.lnei?
P.M., of ,tlw 20th day of Juno. 1011,
at tho council chamber in tho courb
houso In tho city of North Platto,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, for tho
purpose of levying on tho real estato'
lying and boing within "Sowor Dis
trict P" taxes for tho purposo of pay
ing tho casts or tho construction of' a
lateral sowor In said "Sowor District
P" and that said taxes will bo lovlcd
upon each parod of real ostato ac
cording to tho oxtont of bonollta
to such proporty by reason df tho
construction of said lateral sewor, and
If theBald council shall And such ben
dllts to bo oqual and uniform such
levy of taxes will bb according to tho
front foot of tho lots of real estate
within said "Sowor District P or
according to such othor rulo as ho
as tho City CounolljSlttliig as a board'
of equalization, may adopt for the
UIh trlbutlon or adjustment of such
All norfimiH lnfrflhil wlinn.i t..ii-
objections, if any thoy havo, to tho
assosslng of taxes against tholr prop
erty on or boforo tho 20th day of
Juno, 1011, at. 7:30 o'clock p. m., (cen
tral tlmo) with tho city clork.
By ordor of tho Mayorvand City
Council madotholllstdavof May. 1011
CHAS. F. TEMPLE, City Clork.
"No tiro In hnrnlii irlvnn Hint-
City, Council of tho City of North
rjatto, Lincoln county, Nebraska,
will sit as a Board of Equalization
beginning at the hour of 7:30 o'clock.
p. m., or tho 20th day of Juno, lOllf
at tho council chamber in tho court
houso In tho city of North Platte.
Lincoln county, Nebraska, for tho
purposo of lovying on tho real estato -Jy
ng and bdlnir within "Sowor Dis
trict F" taxes Tor tho purpose of pay
ing tho costs of tho construction of a
lateral sowor in said "Sowor District
F" and that said taxes will bo lovlcd
cording to tho extent of bonollts to
such nronortv bv rnnKim nf tii
structlon of said lateral sower, and If
tho said council shall llnd such bono
llts to bo equal and uniform nnch levy
of taxes will bo according to tho front
foot of tho lots of real ostato within
said "Sewor District It1" or according
to such othor rnloaa tho city council
sitting ns such Board of Equalization
may adopt for the distribution or ad
justment of such costs.
All persons Interested will Hie tholr
objections, If any thoy have, to tho"
assessing or taxes against their
property on or beforo tlio 20th (lay ot
Juno liill, at 7:30 o'cioclc, p. m.r
(central time), with the city clerk.
By prdor or the Mayor and. City
Council mado the 31st dav orMav Bill.
CIIAS. F. TUMPLE, City Clerk.
Notice Is hereby given that tho City
Council of tho City or North Platte,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, will sit
as a Board or Equalization beginning
at the hour of 7:30 p. m., of tho 20th
day of June, 1011, at tho council
chamber In the court house in tho
city or North Platte, Lincoln county.
Nebraska, for tho purposo of levying
on the real estato lying and being
within "Sower District G-3,! taxes for
tho purposo of paying tho costs or tho
construction of a lateral sewer In said
"Sower District G-3" and that said
taxes will bo levied upon each parcel
of real estate according to tlio oxtont
of bonollts to Mfch proporty by reason
pf the construction of said lateral
sewer, ami ir tho said Council shall
Unit Ullflll IwitKlfllu i t lwi twmnl
unlrorm such levy of taxes will be
according to the Trout foot of the lots
of real estato within said "Sower
District G-3" or according to such
other rule astho City Council sitting
as such Board of Equalization may
adopt for tho distribution or adjust
ment of such costs.
All persons Interested will Hie their
objections, If any, thoy havo, to the
assessing of taxes against their
property on or beforo the 20th dav of
Juno, 1011, at 7:30o'clock, p. m., (cen
tral time) with tho city clerk;
By order of th Mayor and City
Counull jaarte th lUsUrf V uOtay, 1011.
GHA2S. F, TRMPLc, CltfUlerk.
lllllt 11 II V 1 I IS Y 1 lull LO V.M till l.lllliLI llll